Friday, March 8, 2013

Making a Change With the Latest Laser Treatments

When it comes to the world of medicine and technology, advances in one are only leading to better methods in the other! In terms of cosmetic and medical procedures, the truth is that lasers have provided great inroads into different techniques that can be used. And for those who are concerned about something that might leave a permanent mark, the chance to work with lasers means less concern with whether or not the method itself will leave more noticeable scarring or physical evidence afterward. Because of the precision of a medical laser beam, the work being done can be fine-tuned and targeted, which is worlds better and cosmetically superior to older methods that aren't as precise.

For those who are looking into everything from reduction of acne scars to eradication of stretch marks, laser treatment is the best bet to a big change with minimal time or pain. From New York to San Diego, laser care is becoming the most en vogue method that celebrated plastic surgeons utilize to keep clients happy and get them back on their feet in no time. So instead of considering other procedures or simply going with the world of make-up to cover unsightly marks, looking into lasers makes far more sense.

As far as making a change is concerned, laser treatments allow for major improvements in a variety of different categories. Those who are concerned about scarring that might have resulted from acne can experience four different lasers, depending on the depth and severity, which are used to target specific areas without doing a bit of damage to any other millimeter of skin. Because the various lasers, from the CO3 to the CoolTouch 2, can be fine-tuned so effectively, even the most sensitive parts of the body can be improved in no time at all. And the procedure, unlike others, is completely outpatient, meaning that recovery is both quick and easy.

Plenty of San Diego residents have spent a lot of time working on tans, and while having bronzed skin might be great for photographing well, it is sometimes not the best move when it comes to preserving one's skin. In addition to the concerns about skin cancer, too much time spent in the sun can also lead to skin damage. Fortunately, the latest laser treatments like Intense Pulse Light and Photodynamic Therapy can be used to transform sun damaged skin into something far healthier in appearance. This in turn can boost confidence and leave patients feeling considerably happier. Just remember to apply sunscreen, lest patients spend time getting damage taken care of again in a few year's time.

Another popular use of lasers in various cosmetic treatment facilities is in the reduction of wrinkles and other fine facial lines. With the right use of a combination of lasers, from the Photorejuvenation to the CO3 and CoolTouch 2, it's possible to reduce the amount of visible aging apparent in one's face and provide a younger, healthier appearance. The same lasers can be used to accomplish non-intrusive reduction of stretch marks and white scars, as well as the reduction of liver spots. Really, there isn't anything cosmetic on the surface of the skin that a laser is not now a superior alternative for treating. San Diego Laser treatments at our world-renowned San Diego Dermatology Center where we combine the major cosmetic breakthroughs of science and medicine are done with art, vision, creativity, and skill. Visit our luxurious location in the UTC area of La Jolla, CA to experience the finest dermatology experience available.

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