Monday, March 4, 2013

Laser Liposuction For Double Chin

A Better Contoured Chin and a Rejuvenated Face

Laser liposuction for your double chin, with SmartLipo, is the way to achieve a rejuvenated, more contoured appearance. Approved by the FDA in the latter half of 2006, SmartLipo is a speedy, minimally invasive and safe liposuction procedure that can be used on the face and areas of the body such as the neck, upper arms, male breasts, back, abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, knees, and bra strap. With respect to a double chin, it is definitely a worthwhile option as weight watching and exercise may not be effective in getting rid of the surplus fat.

Laser Liposuction for Double Chin - No Loose Skin, Minimal Scarring

SmartLipo offers a permanent solution for the anomaly whatever be the cause - age, an increase in weight, or heredity. The excess fat is liquefied by the heat of laser energy, and drains away. Simultaneous tightening of the skin of the chin and neck provides for a pleasing under chin contour. So there need be no qualms about loose skin remaining after the surgery. As the incisions for the surgery are small, scarring would mostly be insignificant. The results from SmartLipo would be the best possible if minimally invasive fat aspiration is done with it. This of course might not hold true if the surgeon is a novice or incompetent. So, do sufficient research on a particular SmartLipo plastic surgeon before fixing an appointment.

Minimal Trauma with the SmartLipo MPX

The SmartLipo MPX workstation helps to make laser liposuction for a double chin as minimally traumatic as possible. It regulates heating, shaping, and treatment duration. It has several wonderful features such as dual wavelength, SmartSense and Thermister.

No one wants to look old or chubby. When youthful looking results can easily be achieved with SmartLipo laser liposuction for double chin, there's no need any more to do a more messy, more painful face lift.

Laser Liposuction for Double Chin - Park Avenue Smart Lipo is a plastic surgery group in New York City providing SmartLipo or laser liposuction treatment.

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