Saturday, September 14, 2013

How Much is Laser Hair Removal? Don't Let Them Overcharge You!

There is a common question that many people are always asking - how much is laser hair removal? In fact, the laser technology is a very specialized permanent hair removing technique, and most of the doctors will charge you at different pricing.

How much is laser hair removal cost? Is there any standard price for all the hair laser operation?

In fact, You hardly can find a standard pricing to a laser operation. Almost every clinic charge the cost differently. How much they will charge will depend on many factors such as the amount area of unwanted hair you would like to get rid of, how qualify and how experience is the specialist, how new is the laser hair removing equipment, etc.

Is there any estimated price on how much is laser hair removal? Yes! Based on the report from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, most people will pay a rough estimated price of $429. In general, the average amount for one session will cost you between $400 - $500.

The pricing above is just an estimated amount. The cost also really depended on the specific area of your body that you are going to operate on. In fact, the pricing varies a lot on different part of your body.

How much is laser hair removal on specific area of our body? You will need to give around $350 to $600 for a laser removal operation on your arms and chest area. You can be charged a cheaper cost of between $250 to $350 to remove unwanted hair on your under arms. Indeed, there are different price range for facial hair removal for your unwanted facial hair, bikini hair removal, etc.

How much will you pay also depend on the number of session you are going. On average, most people will need to attend at least 3 to 5 sessions of laser treatment in order to see a better result. Thus, you should also need to add up the total cost of the operations. Most clinics have custom laser hair remove packages that will be cheaper (example: a standard price for 4 sessions).

One more point to take note here - You should visit a few clinics to enquiry on how much is laser hair removal. This is important because some clinics have better equipments while others are using the older laser machine. Since they are using a different technology, they will charge at different price too!

A certified doctor at a med spa will usually charge highly in comparison to a trained technician for the same operation, operating the laser hair removing machine.

Lastly, before you ask on how much you are going to pay the operation, it is also advisable to ask the specialist to check your skin type, just to ensure that you are suitable for the laser hair removal surgery.

See More Price guide & Tips Here: Laser Hair Removal.

Alvin Fuchs Provides Many Excellent Articles & Advises on Effective Hair Removal Techniques. See More Secret Methods Here: Hair Removal Permanent System.

Everything You Need To Know About Laser Genesis Rejuvenation

Time is inevitable, and we all must face the signs of aging at some point in our lives. In the past, we have all tried creams, lotions, and other over-the-counter solutions hoping to find that magic combination that will take away our wrinkles and fine lines. When that does not work the way we wish, most of us will turn to cosmetic procedures to make our skin look younger. But, not all of us will wish to deal with the healing time afterwards, which can take days or weeks after the procedure is done. The time has come for a new way of rejuvenating our skin, with no harsh side effects, and virtually no down time: Laser Genesis.

What is Laser Genesis?

Just like other types photofacial cosmetic treatments, this revolutionary procedure uses a laser to rejuvenate the skin, giving an overall more youthful appearance. What makes it different from all the other types of skin rejuvenation or laser treatment procedures is how it uses that laser to achieve the results it professes to give.

In the past, most photofacial procedures were one of two types: ablative, and non-ablative. In an ablative laser treatment, it only affects the surface of the skin, often using a vapor in combination with the laser at high temperatures to achieve the desired result, with a fairly long healing period. Non-ablative laser treatments do not affect the surface of the skin, but concentrate instead on the tissues underneath it. These have minimal healing times, but it takes several treatments to achieve the desired effect. With this new laser treatment, it uses fractional lasers to gently warm the lower layers of the skin, stimulating the natural production of collagen within it. The end result is a more even skin tone, tighter pores, smoother textures and no reddening of the skin, with no lengthy healing time needed.

How Does it Work, and What Can it Fix?

The fractional laser employed in this laser treatment penetrates deeply into the skin, while barely warming the outer layer. The laser will stimulate reserves of collagen already present in the dermis, setting them to work at creating new, healthier skin, without the laser affecting the upper layers of skin at all. The treatment causes the dermis to warm and accelerate the production of collagen, and it will keep on producing more long after the treatment is over. It avoids reddening the skin by targeting the tiny blood vessels beneath the surface of the skin, so that any reddening is diffused throughout the whole skin as it works to repair the surface.

This means that it can be used to correct and reduce the appearance of any scars, uneven facial texture, wrinkles, enlarged pores, rosacea and even the most raised or ragged acne scars, with no side effects, and minimum healing time. After care following this treatment includes using sunscreen while outdoors, wearing protective clothing in the sun, and monitoring your water consumption. The gentleness of this breakthrough treatment also means that it can be used in conjunction with any other cosmetic procedure, even a chemical peel.

Results and Final Tips

Unfortunately, technology has not advanced laser treatments to the point as yet where they can be a one-time-only treatment. The exact number of treatments that you will require will be up to your doctor, of course, and should be monitored to be sure that you are receiving its maximum effects. The average number of treatments most patients undergo with this therapy is generally four to six, spaced out at least three weeks apart. Remember, this treatment less invasive and more gentle to your skin, so your doctor can combine it with other procedures to maximize the overall effect in less time.

The results of Laser Genesis treatments actually continue to increase after each consecutive treatment. Once your doctor has determined that the maximum results have been achieved, you can see those effects lasting up to six months after the last session. Continuing a regimen of skin maintenance, including sunscreen and a healthy lifestyle will extend those results for some time.

Want to know more about Laser Genesis treatments, and what they might be able to do for you? Contact the caring professionals at True MD, and schedule an informative appointment today. Also check out our new page on Laser Genesis.

How to Make Your Skin Look Young Again

In this article today I would like to share a few tips, tricks, and techniques that you can use to quickly and easily make your skin look young again no matter how old you are.

As a society we spend billions of dollars every year buying every imaginable form of cosmetic product to help make us look young and healthy. Are we spending our money wisely? In this article today I'm going to discuss several things you can do to help your skin look young again.

First I'd like to discuss how to repair minor sun damage. The fact of the matter is that years and years of exposure to the sun can leave your skin looking wrinkled and full of lines. The best thing you can do for minor sun damage is to use a prescription called tretinoin or Retin-A. It can often take several months to have any sort of noticeable effect, but it does help reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Amazingly enough it also promotes the growth of new tissues.

The downside is that it can sometimes cause certain types of skin irritation which may require you to use it less often.

Next I would like to discuss more severe sun damage. If you do have more severe skin damage a skin peel may be necessary. What this involves is basically not all that complicated. What you do is apply acid to burn off the damaged outer layer of skin. Of course this is not something you would do yourself but rather it is something that your dermatologist will do at their office in a medical environment.

Of course there are some drawbacks when it comes to this sort of technique. The most obvious is the pain. An acid peel can be incredibly painful and they can leave your skin raw and red for many days. Most people tend to hide out after they've had the procedure done until their skin gets back to normal.

If acid peels aren't your cup of tea then you might try another technique. When you get right down to it, the most effective way to remove wrinkles and severe sun damage is something that's known as laser resurfacing. With laser resurfacing a doctor actually uses a laser to vaporize the outer layer of your skin. It sounds very high-tech and I guess it is at that. It will a remove wrinkles as well as brown spots and even precancerous cells sometimes. The downside is that it involves almost 2 weeks of recovery time.

Of course the best thing is to avoid skin problems to begin with by leading a life away from the sun as much is possible. Of course hindsight is 2020 and most of us no longer have this option but if you're starting at a young age it may be well worth it to consciously avoid the sun as much as possible.

So there you have several tips tricks and techniques that you can use to make your skin look young again.

J.P. Morton runs a commercial glass doors web site where he also reviews the best front entry door for your home or office. He has been an article writer online for well over 10 years and also enjoys rock climbing and white water rafting.

Achieve Even Skin Tone

My business is not just good skin, its beautiful skin. I want all my clients to know that, at the end of our journey together, they will need very little to no makeup. It's attainable and I do see this happen all the time. Oftentimes I am pleasantly surprised when someone says "Hey Kim, guess what? I only have on sun block and blush today!" All of my hard work is especially worthwhile on those days. Our correction work being done; maintenance from there on out will be fairly easy and painless!

What does "correction" mean when we talk about flawless skin? One huge component of it consists of correcting discoloration. I always say, 'Think of a baby's skin. It's luminous, right?' It's luminous because there's no shadowing caused by hyperpigmentation. So, to all the people out there who think that getting rid of wrinkles is the way to stay looking young, I say there's more to it than that. In my opinion, even-colored, luminous skin will carry you a lot further on the aging trail than botox and fillers. The bonus here is that when you work on discoloration, chances are you will also be helping to prevent the collagen and elastin from aging as quickly as it would without such treatments.

There are many ways to help correct hyperpigmentation and / or sun damaged skin. I chuckle a little bit when people refer to their spots as age spots and freckles. IT'S SUN DAMAGE people! So the first step in this correction process is making sure everyone understands the importance of wearing a good sun block. All sun block is not created the same. I like my clients to wear the one with the highest zinc percentage as possible. The great news is there are many companies that offer the higher percentage without making you look like you're wearing a white masque. The other common problem with sun block is that people don't understand what the SPF number means. The easiest way to understand it is to know that the SPF number isn't a measure of strength; it's a measure of time. So, do pick a high SPF to avoid many re-applications but pick the high zinc for the strength part (the best coverage).

The next step is getting rid of the existing ugly spots. There are many ways to do that but the fastest and most effective way (for me) has been using Limelight (IPL/photo facial.) Of course, this isn't appropriate for all skin tones but for fair to medium tones it's the way to go for fast, incredible correction. For darker skin tones and for melasma, I generally recommend Obagi Nuderm and laser genesis together.

For all my clients, a good home care regimen is my recommendation. I am a big fan of retin A for overall healthy skin, and a topical antioxidant along with a daily application of sun block. Don't forget the chest, hands, arms, etc. Otherwise, eventually you too will be in to see me getting those areas corrected.

Let your skin be the liar for you about your age. Let's face it, past the age of 25 we don't really want to look our age. Be the epitome of a graceful little white lie with luminous skin. I will be your guide at SkinFusion!

Kimberly Hutchinson began her skin care career at a leading aesthetic school, Christine Valmy in New York City. Upon graduation, Kimberly relocated to Los Angeles, California to be a part of the cutting edge of skin care. She continues her post graduate education at the International Dermal Institute where she stays informed on the latest skin care education and certifications. Kimberly has received a significant amount of training in laser technology and several other medical aesthetic treatments including certification from National Laser Institute and The Aesthetic Procedure Institute. After more than 10 years of extensive laser and medical aesthetics experience, Kimberly co-owns SkinFusion where she treats clients and provides laser training to new hires. Kimberly is a well-rounded, aesthetic practitioner who believes in providing her clients with even skin tone effectively, safely and with an ethical and caring nature.

How to Remove Your Ingrown Hair Via Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Ingrown hair may cause by many factors, including excessively dry skin, stiff, coarse curly hairs, and improper shaving technique. During shaving, as the razor is pulled across the skin, it causes the hair to be pulled. When the stiff, coarse hair is released from under the razor, it recoils and curls inward; the presence of excess dead dry skin cells worsens the problem by blocking the hair, causing inflammation.

Some of the ingrown hair treatments are keeping skin moisturized and exfoliated, while making sure hair is softened before shaving is important. Shave in the same direction as hair growth rather than against it. Using a razor with fewer blades (no more than a double-edge razor) is advisable.

Laser hair removal is one of the most popular methods for ingrown hair removal. In removal of hair by laser, special lasers attack the follicle under your skin and disable it to stop any more re-growth from that follicle of hair by laser goes straight to the root of your problem.

This particular hair removal method not only has a permanent impact but also can be employed to speedily treat significant expanses of your body rather than the one shaft at a time that normally characterizes electrolysis treatments.

If you have ingrown hair problem, now is the time to find out more about the advanced technological breakthroughs that have been made in laser hair removal, and discover how you could take advantage of hair removal by laser to solve your Ingrown hair problems - once and for all!

For more information about laser hair removal at home and laser hair equipments, visit

Cosmetic Laser Surgery - How Does It Work And Is It Right For You?

If having cosmetic surgery is something that you have been considering, but are not particularly overwhelmed with the thought of incisions and blood, then you are certainly in luck. Due to the great advances in modern medicine, cosmetic laser surgery is becoming common practice in the medical world.

Lasers have become useful in an assortment of different surgical procedures since their invention in the late 1950s. Doctors began to use lasers in cosmetic surgery in order to treat acne scars and other blemishes. It was during these procedures that wrinkles surrounding the affected areas were also reduced.

It is common practice for doctors to undertake laser surgery for a variety of procedures. One of these particular procedures is a non surgical face lift. During this procedure, the doctor uses a laser the burn away the skins outer layer, which exposes the new skin cells that lie underneath. By using a laser, the doctor has several advantages that he does not have during regular surgery. A greater control of the depth in which is being treated is provided. It is also possible for the doctor to pinpoint collagen matrixes (groups) and use the laser to strengthen those groups and make them firmer.

The removal of unsightly body hair is another type of cosmetic surgery. When undertaking this procedure, the doctor will either apply a cold gel to the area that is affected by this problem, or use a laser device that contains a built-in cold applicator. The laser beam is then used to target the melanin that is contained in the hair. The hair follicle is then destroyed because of the extreme heat that is produced by the laser. It may be necessary to undergo several treatments to completely eradicate the growth of hair, as it may continue to grow in the ruined follicle.

There are of course many different types of cosmetic laser surgery as well as the above two mentioned procedures. However, both of the above procedures are more successful when they are used on people who have complexions of a lighter and fairer tone. These procedures may not always be successful of those individuals with darker complexions.

Nick Hurd writes about aging and baby boomer generation and how to not only cope with the changes, but live a very healthy and active life. Information for baby boomers and beyond. More information about skin care and wrinkles is available at aging skin care.

You'll also find other health related information like Fitness for Seniors and the Over 50 crowd [].

copyright 2008 Nicholas Hurd all rights reserved

Friday, September 13, 2013

A Skin Rejuvenation Treatment That Works?

A skin rejuvenation treatment can be used to give your skin a clearer and more youthful appearance by removing damaged skin and leaving behind the layers of skin that are fresh and youthful. It can also encourage new skin cell growth so that your skin retains this youthful look. Chemical peels and laser therapy is often used for skin rejuvenation, but there are some products on the market that can provide the same youthful appearance without these drastic measures.

Chemical peels and laser therapies can be a difficult procedure and they should be used as a last resort. Instead, it is in your interests to check out some of the products that have been found to be a helpful skin rejuvenation treatment. A little bit of research will uncover some ingredients that have been found to be particularly helpful to restore the skin to a younger look.

The Internet is a good place to start your research and you can find a number of sites that will provide you with high quality information and research that you can use to make a decision about the products that you will use. There has been some good research in this area over the past several years and you will find that there are natural ingredients that can be used on the skin that are very effective.

It is much simpler to work on rejuvenating your skin in your own home than it is to go through the difficulty of a chemical peel or laser treatment. You will see results over a longer period of time, but there will be results from your treatments. Make sure that you are following the instructions completely with your skin rejuvenation treatment if you are expecting results. Many people try a new product and do not give it the chance to work because they are not following the instructions carefully. A treatment will never work if it is sitting on the shelf instead of on your skin.

A good diet is also important to your overall skin treatment. Make sure that you are eating a well balanced diet that includes antioxidants for an overall effect on the signs of aging in your body. Your skin will respond very well to a good diet that also includes plenty of water as well. Your skin needs hydration and drinking the proper amount of water every day will ensure that your body and your skin are getting what it needs. Some people don't realize the effect of a good diet on their skin, but once you begin to eat healthy, you will notice a nice youthful glow about your skin.

The skin is an organ of your body and will respond to good nutrition and exercise. Plenty of rest is also important to the overall health of your skin. Just as you should exercise everyday, so should you exercise everyday. A good skin rejuvenation treatment will include all of these factors as well as a skin care product. The best results will come when you use all of these methods for skin rejuvenation.

Valerie Rosenbaum has spent years researching anti-wrinkle skin firming creams. She recommends all natural products that include ingredients such as Cynergy TK, Phytessence Wakame and Functional Keratin.

She recommends a line of holistic skin care products that instantly reduce fine lines and wrinkles while nourishing the skin's natural ability to heal. To learn more visit her website

Anti Aging Treatments For Your Skin

Just because the years are sneaking up doesn't mean you need to look your age. There are all kind of anti aging treatments for your skin that can have you looking 10 years, even 20 years younger. What are some of those treatments? Glad you asked.


Botox will reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Botox trade name is botulinum toxin A. Botulism is a type of food poisoning with the most serious side effect being paralysis. When Botox is injected, that's exactly what happens to the muscle so the muscle doesn't contract and the fine lines and wrinkles seem to disappear. Laser Skin Resurfacing Laser Skin Resurfacing is a common treatment that is excellent for treating fine lines and wrinkles, rejuvenating the skin, and other issues associated with aging skin. It will immediately improve the skin and the results are long lasting. Although there is some discomfort, most feel its well worth it.

Wrinkle Creams

These are the cheapest, less invasive of all the treatments. However, there is also the highest failure rate here. You'll want to do your research and look for wrinkle cream products that have great reviews. You should never have to wait thirty days or more to see results. While long-term benefits can take that long, you should at least see some improvements almost immediately.

Wrinkle creams work differently. One type of wrinkle cream actually causes reflections on the skin such as Lifecell cream or Deception cream, which makes the wrinkles seem to disappear. Other types of anti wrinkle cream serums will hydrate the skin, which fills it out and makes wrinkles disappear such as Athena 7 Minute Lift serum. While still others have antioxidants that kill free radicals, which damage the skin causing wrinkles.


Microdermabrasion exfoliates and removes dead skin cells. It smooths and improves the texture of the skin and even the color, while improving the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It promotes the growth of new cell, which means you'll look years younger.

Chemical Peels

This technique gently removes the surface layer of skin, which is actually dead. There are various chemical peels ranging from light to medium. These peels work well on skin that is sun damaged and they do a great job of removing fine lines and wrinkles.

While all of these have been around for years, there are some new anti aging skin care treatments that have arrived. So let's have a look at some of them.

Thread Lift

This face-lift technique is considered cutting-edge. There are not actual cuts. Rather tiny strings are used like pulleys. They are inserted under the skin and then the strings are stretched pulling the skin into a taught. It's an excellent option for anyone that's not quite ready for a face-lift.

Fat Transfer

If your face is sinking with age, a fat transfer can plump it up again. The fat is removed from a place on your body and then injected where needed on the face.


If thinner lips and feather wrinkles a result of aging are problems for you this procedure will give you fullness that will make you look years younger.

There you have it - anti aging treatments from your skin to lift the skin and to reverse the appearance of wrinkles. With so many choices, you won't have any problem finding one that's right for you.

Is Athena 7 minute lift a cream that's the miracle face lift in a jar? Find out in the latest review where Athena 7 Minute Lift is tested in real life at Marcus Ryan's review site. Does the Athena 7 Minute Lift work as an anti aging treatment to have you look years younger? Find out here in this review.

Laser Combs - Do Laser Combs Really Help Stop Hair Loss & Make Hair Grow Thicker?

There was a huge rumble in the "stop hair loss" products industry in January 2007 when the FDA approved the HairMax Laser Comb® for promotion of hair growth in males with androgenetic alopecia (Norwood IIA to V with Fitzpatrick skin types I to IV). The FDA has only approved two other products as solutions to help stop hair loss, so this was indeed a major breakthrough. Why does the FDA believe this laser comb promotes hair growth?

The HairMax and other similar devices (there are many on the market), are successful in helping thinning, limp, and lack-luster hair with the use of Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) applied to the scalp and hair through a handheld comb (brush, or device depending on the product). Understanding how LLLT works is the key to understanding how these combs or brushes help prevent hair loss and make hair thicker.

Low Lever Laser Therapy (LLLT) has been in use since the 1960's and was developed by Endre Mester to improve the healing of wounds. Since that time, the use of LLLT for medical treatments has expanded for many other therapeutic uses including clinically proven prevention of hair loss.

The Science behind low-level laser light comes from the compressed light from the cold red part of the light spectrum. This light is completely different from natural light. This light's color is precise and exists on a single wavelength. Because it is on one wavelength, it travels in a perfectly straight and defined point.

Low-level laser light can penetrate the skin surface without damaging the skin; it does not give off heat and has no known side effects. This penetrating light's energy stimulates the body's cells and in the specific use of the laser comb, promotes healthy rejuvenation of hair.

The HairMax Laser Comb and other similar devices have made low-level light therapy for hair loss prevention available to the public. A laser comb is usually a handheld hairbrush device that contains the low-level laser on its underside. While the individual combs and/or brushes their hair and scalp, the device emits the low-level laser light. This allows the light to penetrate the skin and stimulate the scalp cells, which increases the health of the hair. It is recommended to use the laser comb 15 minutes, three times a week. An individual should see results in as little as 6-8 weeks of continuous use.

Lexington International, LLC, the company that makes the HairMax, claims that greater than 90% of users of this laser comb report satisfaction. The process behind the laser comb seems sound and logical. With the FDA approval backing it, clinical trials proving it, low light level therapy used through a handheld brush/comb device should help stop and/or prevent hair loss, increase thickness of hair and make hair vibrant and healthy.

For more information and reviews regarding the Hair Laser Comb please see

By Michelle Dixon, Copyright 2007.

Types of Laser Hair Removal Equipment - Do You Know What They Are?

Men and women nowadays are really fortunate. If they've got unwelcome bodily or facial hair, they can get rid of it permanently with laser hair removal equipment. The process sounds scary, but its really quite straightforward and simple. This article will take a look at the different kinds of lasers used in laser hair removal.

A laser beam is directed at the area you want to remove hair from, and the melanin in your hair soaks up the beam. Because melanin is darkly pigmented, laser hair removal obviously works best on dark hair. Its also helpful to have light skin that contrasts deeply with the hair. The best laser beam measures 8 to 18 mm in diameter, which is about the size of your finger. Larger laser beams yield quicker and better results.

Hair removal clinics employ different types of lasers in the process. It really depends on the clinic, so do your homework before you make an appointment. Learn about the various lasers used and become familiar with their pros and cons. Call your clinic and ask what types they use and why.

Now they are not in use, but an early laser used for hair removal was the argon laser beam. Currently, the most widely used laser is the alexandrite laser. It is hailed as a quick, safe way to get results. It works best on fair skin with dark hair. The medical community considers alexandrite lasers the best laser equipment on the market today.

For dark and olive skin tones, different equipment is needed. The ruby laser beam was first introduced for both light- and dark-skinned individuals. It is now not recommended and not widely used because it carries a higher risk of unpleasant side effects than other lasers, but still has some merit because it is fairly effective at treating dark skin. The best option for the dark-skinned individual is the Yag laser. It is currently the most popular laser for dark skin. Whenever you want to laser dark skin, proceed with caution and discuss all options with your physician or hair removal specialist.

The above lasers are not commercially available to the public. They are only for licensed practitioners in a clinic setting. However, if you want to try laser hair removal at home there is another type of laser equipment for you. Most home laser kits use the diode laser, which is safer because it is less powerful than other lasers. Some people complain that diode lasers are not as effective as professional-grade ones.

If you are considering laser hair removal, you need to learn about the different types of laser hair removal equipment available. There are many lasers that could be used to remove your hair and you need to understand the benefits and disadvantages of each one so you can make the best decision for you. is fully devoted to giving you the very best on the latest with laser hair removal. If you would like more on laser hair removal equipment or you would simply like to know the cost with laser hair removal, it's all here!

Laser Hair Removal Can Give You Back Time and Convenience

When you think of cosmetic procedures you probably don't think of laser hair removal. You should though because permanent laser hair removal is the fastest growing and most popular cosmetic procedure in use today. It's not really surprising when you consider how much time is spent on removing hair on a daily basis. For women it is a time consuming and never ending process-face, legs, under arms, bikini area, lip, and brow-all require perpetual maintenance in order to keep them smooth and hair free. For men, such as waxing can be extremely painful and time consuming. When you undergo for treatment you will be able to say good bye to daily and weekly hair loss. Your unwanted hair will be gone forever.

It is the process of using intense light to destroy hair follicles. The surrounding skin is undamaged. Laser hair removal is not necessarily instantaneous. It often takes more than one treatment to make the it permanent. Its treatments are normally most effective for people with light skin and dark hair. Of course laser hair treatment can also be effective for people with darker skin, but more treatments may be necessary than for light skinned individuals.

Hair removal laser leapt to the forefront in the mid-90s. Since that time it has become increasingly popular. Advances continue to be made and technology continues to improve. Today, IPL laser hair exclusion is considered to be state-of-the-art. IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) laser hair removal uses a full spectrum of light wavelengths. It is sometimes combined with radio waves as well.. While these are not perfected for all parts of the body they are on the way.

Laser hair removal is a medical treatment so there are some side effects that you should be aware of. Luckily these are rare and very limited. The most common side effect is incomplete re-growth. It is not uncommon to find a few stubborn hairs that require repeat treatment. Hyperpigmentation (darkening of the skin) and hypopigmentation (lightening of the skin) have also been reported but these conditions are usually temporary. Very rarely patients report blistering, scarring, changes in skin texture, or scabbing. You will want to discuss these possible side effects with your technician prior to undergoing treatment.

Chances are there are many qualified laser treatment clinics located in your area. You need to keep in mind that these clinics are performing a medical procedure. As such you should do some due diligence to make sure that your laser hair removal clinic is qualified and experienced. Visit the clinic and consult with their professionals. Ask questions regarding the technology they use and how it is expected with your skin type and coloring. Be certain they are certified by the agency in your area that is responsible for this industry.

With a little homework you can find its clinic that is a perfect match for you. With just a few visits you will be on your way to saying good bye to the daily chore hair removal.

Martha is a Laser consultant more info on laser hair removal costs and all things laser hair removal at Results Laser.

The Best Laser Surgery for Stretch Marks

They cannot be avoided and even the wealthiest and most beautiful celebrities are victims to their presence. Stretch marks are a condition that plagues most women around the world, and women are particularly susceptible when they are pregnant or at other times when there is a drastic change of weight.

But the picture is not as bleak as all that. There are several remedies for stretch marks that can be tried and each is effective to varying degrees. One technique that is guaranteed to give us the results we want is laser surgery for stretch marks. The problem of finding the right kind of medical facility that will guarantee good results with regard to laser surgery for stretch marks remains. There are many facilities that offer this service, but deciding on a reliable one is a tough choice.

One of the Best Bets: A Hospital in Ohio

The Loftus Plastic Surgery Center in Cincinnati, Ohio offers some of the best known laser surgery for stretch marks. The condition is a harmless one but happens almost assuredly with everyone. At times when the body suddenly acquires a lot of weight, the skin has to expand. And while the skin can stretch to accommodate this gain, there are times when the weight gain is too rapid for the skin tissue to keep up, like during puberty and pregnancy.

During these times, the deeper layer of the skin, the dermis, tears because of the stress to its cells. The top layer of the skin then appears thin and lined, though it remains intact during this process. This is what is known as a stretch mark. Though they do fade over time, few creams and lotions are of help once stretch marks do occur. They never completely disappear.

However, laser surgery for stretch marks is a good way to ensure that these marks are visibly minimized. The Loftus Plastic Surgery Center in Cincinnati Ohio offers hope to women who have severe cases of stretch marks, or others who just want to get rid of these unpleasant reminders. Keep in mind that this type of procedure is not for everyone, it is highly effective but it is also very expensive. On top of that i would only recommend laser surgery for severe cases of stretch marks, otherwise i would strongly suggest to use lotions to diminish your stretch marks. Getting rid of stretch marks doesn't have to be expensive or hard. We can help you learn how to get rid of stretch marks and what are the best products to do it.

For more information visit my website at, you will find honest reviews (based on feedback) about the most effective products available on the market.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Does Hair Removal by Laser Work?

Are you tired of shaving, plucking or waxing your unwanted hair? If so, then I'm sure you have come across laser hair removal in your quest to get rid of your excessive hair. You may have wondered if it really works.

Like its predecessor, electrolysis, both procedures have been around for over 10 years. Laser surgery is not limited to removal of hair. There are various procedures that use the laser like optical, dental, and dermatological surgeries.

Laser hair removal is the process of using a laser beam to get at the hair follicle to help stop it from growing. What makes laser hair removal so great is the fact that it can be very precise. It does not poke through your skin either in order to get the job done.

The laser light hits the hair follicle until it stops growing hair. It is usually most effective on those who have lighter skin and darker more coarse hair. These days, however, new technologies are being created to help those without lighter skin and darker hair.

Some will say it doesn't work and others will say it does. However, it greatly depends on the melanin in your skin, the technology of the center you go to and the doctor that does the procedure. It is always a good idea to speak to the clinic to get all of your questions answered first.

Another great idea is to speak to someone who has actually had the procedure. They will be able to give specific answers to your questions. If you do not know anyone personally you could go to an online forum where they are discussing laser hair removal. Getting the right information from the right sources will help you decide if it is the right option for you.

Learn more about laser hair removal by visiting our website today. Kel also writes on how to find the perfect porcelain tea sets. Check out her latest website today.

Useful Tips on Laser Hair Removal For 2010

Considering having Laser Hair removal in the New Year If so, this article will hopefully provide you with useful information on the procedure.

It is a cosmetic surgery procedure that is performed to remove hair from certain areas of the body which daily shaving or monthly waxing is struggling to achieve. It is commonly performed on Legs and thighs but can also be used to on other regions including the under arms, face and back.

If you are considering having Hair removal in UK, there are many experienced qualified therapists in London's Harley Street whom you can contact for a consultation to discuss your personal requirements. A good therapist should be able to understand your personal goals and advise you accordingly so that you can make an informed decision as to whether having it would be right for you. A good therapist should help you obtain a realistic expectation of what it is likely to achieve and do a thorough medical assessment to ensure your health is compatible with having the procedure.

There are a variety of different techniques used to perform it, The laser hair removal device is pressed on the skin, along with a cooling device keeping the health of the rest of the skin. The laser emits an invisible light penetrating the skin without causing damage.

The length of the treatment period depends on how extensive a patients hair growth cycle is as the laser can only disable actively growing hairs. As only a certain amount of hair follicles are at a cycle at a time.

The number of laser hair removal treatments required for optimal long-term benefits depends on the area you wish treated, the hair density and your hair's growth cycle are factors that will influence its results.

Any good London Harley street clinic will have a good care plan in place to ensure you are happy with the results. Laser Hair removal is safe provided your general health is good, it is performed in a well equipped clinic and your therapist is qualified and has good experience.

LMA Clinic is one of the leading centre and specialists in Laser Hair Removal, Smart Lipo London, Cosmetic Surgery etc.

Effectiveness of Laser Liposuction

There is no doubting the effectiveness of laser liposuction. It is by far the best procedure available for the removal of excess fat from the body and thus attaining a tight, firm figure. Almost all parts of the body can be treated such as abdomen, face, neck, inner thighs, flanks, buttocks, knees, back and arms. In specific cases, men who are suffering from gynecomastia (male breasts) and women with saddlebags stand to benefit from this procedure. AccuSculpt is one the laser liposuction devices most favored by plastic surgeons.

The reason for the effectiveness and success of AccuSculpt laser liposuction is that it makes use of its revolutionary, patented 1444 nm wavelength technology which allows the liquefaction of fat but minimizes trauma to the skin. It has brought about desirable body contouring results without side effects where other devices have failed.

When compared to traditional liposuction and even minimally invasive liposuction devices, AccuSculpt is capable of more effectively breaking down cellulite deposits. Patients have noted appreciable skin tightening after undergoing this treatment. This is largely because of the device's capability to stimulate the collagen. Local anesthesia replaces general anesthesia, which has consequently minimized the downtime. Patients are able to return to work in a few days without any discomfort resulting from the procedure. Sutures are not needed, which makes the procedure all the less complicated.

Apart from all these aspects, the most striking feature which proves the effectiveness of laser-liposuction is its capability to help plastic surgeons bring about customized, realistic results during or after which the patient experiences hardly any pain or discomfort. Laser liposuction is a fairly quick procedure and therefore popular among plastic surgeons as well as patients. When it comes to safe and precision based treatment, laser liposuction is one of the best body contouring procedures available. Laser Liposuction - Liposuction is one of the safest and most popular body contouring surgeries in the world. OKC Lipo is a Cosmetic Surgery group, providing a whole range of liposuction procedures.

Remove Skin Moles

Moles are basically harmless growths on the skin that come in various sizes, colors and shapes. Practically everyone has 10-50 moles on any parts of their bodies at birth. Some of them however will not be visible at birth, but tend to darken with age.

As moles are generally harmless, most people don't even think to remove skin moles. However there are some people who have them in awkward places that may be uncomfortable or look unattractive to them, and thus want to remove them.

There are however some cases where skin moles can become cancerous, so as a precautionary measure, these people too want to remove skin moles. While surgery is the most effective method to remove skin moles in patients with cancerous moles, those who want to remove their moles for cosmetic reasons can also think of laser and natural removal besides surgery.

Surgical options

Regarding surgery to remove moles, your doctor may consider using one of three methods for surgical removal. These options are shave excision, excisional surgery and punch biopsy.

1. In case of shave excision, it is used to remove skin that are raised above the skin. The doctor here applies local anesthetic to the area surrounding the mole, and using a small but sharp scalpel, reduces the surface of the mole by shaving. This leaves it flush with surrounding skin.

2. Excisional surgery is used to remove skin moles that are flat or malignant where the surgeon cuts the mole out, and uses stitches to close the wound.

3. Punch biopsy is a surgical techniques used to remove small skin moles. It is carried out using a special device that punches out cylinder shape skin around them.

Laser treatment
Laser skin mole removal is best for removing moles that are flat and brown or black in color. A physician or dermatologist requires about one or three sessions to remove moles with laser surgery. Laser treatment is used to remove the mole tissue after applying local anesthetic on it. However laser mole removal is not suggested for removing large ones or ones that stick out of the skin.

If you are looking for natural mole removal, it can be done using one of the many natural mole removal creams and pastes found in the market. The process of using these products for removal varies depending on the product you buy.

However in case of most of the products, you just have to apply the cream to the mole, and cover with a bandage for a few weeks' time after which the mole disappears. Though this mole removal option takes time, it is quite effective and seldom leaves scars.

However as not much is known about the effects of natural mole removal products in removing malignant skin moles, it shouldn't be used to treat potentially cancerous moles. Any moles that look suspicious to be cancerous should be consulted with the dermatologist for a biopsy and its surgical removal.

Darlene L Johnson attends the University of Seattle pursuing a degree in alternative medicine. She is an entrepreneur working as a freelance writer for alternative skin care product lines, specializing in mole removal.

The Many Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

Sick of having to pluck unwanted hair or resort to harsh chemical to remove them only to grow them back in 3 days? Tired of the pain and time consuming process of waxing and hate to have in-grown hair afterward? Well you are not alone. Find out why over 6 million people has chosen to undergo laser hair removal worldwide:

In the real world, prices will only soar and are unlikely to do down, but the opposite is true for laser hair removal. Fifteen years ago, you will be paying double of what you pay today to have unwanted removed using laser. Fierce competition has been driving the price down and this has greatly benefited some 6 million consumers ever since.

The FDA has approved this treatment to be safe enough to be used on any part of the body including the face and private parts as long as not near the eyes.There are no known side effects with laser hair removal. Most patients will experience redness and some tingling sensation that will gradually dissipate. To avoid post treatment irritation, you will be provided with topical cream to use as and when necessary.

Before laser hair removal was largely used, electrolysis is used as a permanent solution to rid unwanted hair using low level of electricity. In this process, small probes have to be inserted to each hair follicles to kill them. Since this is a labor-intensive procedure, only a small area can be targeted at one time. On the other hand, in laser hair removal larger areas such as the back can be treated at the same time.

With electrolysis, your skin is hair free but you'll also experience bumps and skin inflammation afterward. So far, no other hair removal service can match the result produced using laser. Patients can expect up to 100% reduction in hair and the dead follicles will not likely to produce new hair growth in the future, making laser hair removal the permanent solution to rid unwanted hair.

It only take less than 10 minutes to treat both armpits or about 60 minutes to treat both legs with laser hair removal. This is why it's been dubbed the 'lunch time' treatment.

No one can tell if you've had laser hair removal. That's because you can resume working right away, experience no pain, require no bandage and there's no recovery time frame. This quick treatment can be done in the physician office or spa under the supervision of a qualified therapist.

The people who went through electrolysis will tell you that it is painful. Laser hair removal on the other hand, are mostly absorbed by the hair melanin which then convert the light to heat and self destruct. That is to say, the amount of heat endured by the surrounding skin is minimal. You will feel some heat and pinching sensation but it will be reduced by the cool tip of the laser.

Visit [] for more tips and information on laser hair removal. Find out how to select a good laser hair removal facility as well as what common mistakes to avoid and lots more.

Removal of Acne Scars Through Laser Treatment

The usage of laser treatment for the removal of acne scars on the surface of the skin is slowly gaining a lot of popularity. The results can be seen very quickly when this method of laser acne scar removal treatment has been adopted and sometimes the results can also be mind blowing.

But a lot of skin experts and dermatologists are advising people not to adopt this manner of laser removal of acne scars on the surface of the skin. They say that this should be the last resort, which should be put into action only when other methods of treatment to remove acne scars have failed. But there are many valid reasons as to why this method of treatment should not be adopted in order to remove acne scars.

Laser acne scar removal treatment on the surface of the skin is very costly. The amount, which you will have to spend on this form of treatment in order to remove acne scars, may not put in a financially comfortable position.

You should also check with your medical insurance company regarding how much coverage you will gain when you decide to go in for a laser acne scar removal. There are some medical insurance policies, which provide coverage for this kind of treatment while some companies do not provide coverage for this kind of treatment.

There are many insurance companies, which will only provide coverage for this kind of treatment when it is being done for purposes other than simply reconstruction of the face. You should ensure that your insurance company would provide coverage for this form of treatment for removing acne scars. This laser acne scar removal could prove to a very big financial commitment for you.

The treatment of laser acne scar removal is a technique and procedure, which has to be performed with a lot of skill and finesse. Every surgical procedure can only be known as surgery and this cannot be known in any other name. There are many experts in the field of laser treatment who feel that it is safe to consider laser treatment. But they should always remember that this form of treatment has a lot of risks attached to it and there is always a possibility that something can go terribly wrong while the treatment is being administered.

You should make sure that you find a very skilled and experienced doctor with a very good reputation who can perform the laser acne scar removal. You should not compromise on the doctor, which you choose only because his treatment is cheaper. It is important to get the best quality treatment when it comes to using laser treatment in order to remove the acne scars on your skin.

But laser acne scar removal is not a treatment that treats acne. It removes the traces of acne, which are visible to the naked eye on the surface of the skin in the form of scars. This laser treatment helps in removing the acne scars, which are present on the surface of the skin. But once the scars have been removed after laser surgery, you are susceptible to acne once again.

Acne scars are not a lot of fun. Stop wasting your time being fooled by false information. Visit the Get rid of scars blog and you can find out helpful tips about Acne Scar Removal.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Permanent Hair Removal And Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a new cosmetic technique aimed to remove unwanted body or facial hair permanently using light energy. It is a new and improved alternative to shaving, tweezing, waxing and using all sorts of chemicals to remove hair. Laser hair removal is also a less time consuming procedure than other techniques, such as electrolysis. It can remove hair from several areas at the same time. Permanent hair removal can be used on legs, chest or back, as well as some facial areas, such as eyebrows or lips.

Laser Hair Removal Candidates

The best candidates for permanent hair removal are individuals with fair skin and dark hair. Laser hair removal is less effective on red or blond hair and has better effects on coarse rather than fine hair. Several treatments are required and patients have to be willing to spend a lot of time on this procedure. Treatments are performed within a period of several months. The number of treatments required for facial hair removal varies from one patient to another. The best candidates have to be both mentally and physically healthy and share realistic expectations on the probable results of laser hair removal.

Permanent Laser Hair Removal Procedure

Doctors use one of several laser types for a permanent hair removal procedure, including the diode laser and the Q-switched Nd: Yag. For patients who have dark-colored skin, they often apply a bleaching cream to increase the chances of high effectiveness. An anesthetic cream is applied to the skin surface after it is shaved and cleaned. Then pulses of laser light send energy into the pigment of the hair shaft, thus damaging the surrounding follicle. Some surgeons use a carbon lotion, which responds to the laser wavelength and helps with stopping the hair from growing.

The Risks of Laser Hair Removal

Even though permanent hair removal is usually safe, there are some side effects that might occur in some cases. Among these side effects there is the darkening or lightening of the skin surface that has been treated. Darker skin is associated with a higher risk of changing its pigment, so tanning before the laser treatment should be avoided. Another possible side effect is burning and blistering. The risk of these side effects can be decreased by following carefully the cosmetic surgeon's advices and instructions.

Length of Permanent Hair Removal Treatment

Your hairs are probably not all in the same growth stage at a given time. Generally, two-thirds of all hairs are growing, while the others are in a resting phase. Therefore, several laser hair removal treatments are required in order to get the desired effects. On average, three sessions are needed in order to remove all the hair from one area. Treatment sessions are usually scheduled at least one month apart to ensure the remaining hair will be back in the growth phase and can be removed during the next procedure. The length of one session depends on whether it is performed for body or facial hair removal and the size of the area that will be treated. The necessary amount of time for one session ranges between five minutes and one hour.

Permanent laser hair removal is a revolutionary cosmetic procedure that provides a lot of benefits and releases you from worrying about unaesthetic body hair and depilation. However, in order to reduce the probability of unwanted side effects, you have to make sure you choose a high-qualified cosmetic surgeon to perform the procedure.

Sue Taylor is the webmaster of several sites dedicated to removing unwanted hair permanently. Refer to [] and []

Which Works Better - Stretch Marks Laser Removal or Stretch Mark Creams?

Everyone - man or woman - who experiences stretch marks has asked the question, can this be removed? And the fact is, most of the time the answer is no. But you can prevent these scars (striae) by keeping your weight stable and your skin supple. There is a debate between those in the medical community who feel that stretch marks laser treatment is more effective than using creams, and vice versa. Ultimately this is something that you, the medical consumer, will have to determine for yourself.

Stretch marks laser treatment is moderately effective on marks that are relatively new; older lines that have turned to a silver or white appearance and are somewhat deep and do not respond as well to laser treatments. The laser treatments basically work to blur the lines rather than actually remove them. Of course, weight loss and exercise are probably the most effective means of reducing them, but in cases where they are unsightly, then certainly laser treatment should be considered.

The use of skin lotions and creams to reduce or eliminate the scars has not been conclusively proven to be one hundred per cent effective, but it certainly does not hurt. At the very least, use of lotions and creams can help to keep the skin supple and prevent them from getting any worse. Some preparations have demonstrated modest success in shrinking them, such as retinols, but these must be used carefully and never on pregnant women as they have been shown to cause birth defects. Probably the best lotions or creams to use are those with the following ingredients: cocoa butter, Vitamin E oil or shea butter. All of these substances have been shown to keep skin supple and well moisturized. The use of creams and lotions, while not effective in removing the marks, has been shown to at least slow or reduce them to a certain degree. However, when compared to stretch marks laser treatments, the creams and lotions are probably not as effective in the long run. Ultimately, however, the most effective treatment is the prevention of their occurrence.

Finally, if you feel that your stretch marks are unsightly, then by all means go ahead and have stretch marks laser treatments to at least reduce them to a less visible degree. If this kind of treatment is not an option for you or if you would prefer to naturally reduce these lines try a good cream. Many women today and they can be quite effective.

Learn more about a good pregnancy stretch marks cream at Remember, the sooner you treat them the better off you will be.

Laser Stretch Marks Removal of Unsightly Stretch Marks

Laser stretch marks removal is a type of a procedure that uses laser to treat this common skin condition. It has low incidence of side effects, which are just minor and temporary, and is considered to be a safe procedure. A series of treatments may be required to completely remove the appearance of marks in the skin.

The Procedure

A beam of light is used during the procedure to remove thin skin layers around the affected skin. High-energy ultraviolet laser lights are also used to disrupt the skin tissue's molecular bonds, a process known as ablation. The marks will not disappear in only one procedure. Multiple procedures are needed depending on the severity of the damaged skin.

The Recovery Period

Right after the procedure, the treated area will appear tender and red. It will take a few days to heal. During the healing process, layers of new skin will form. Another post procedural side effect may include occasional blistering similar to that of a burn but is just temporary. Healing can take a few days to a few weeks depending on how fast the skin's healing process works.

The Results

Laser surgery is highly effective in most cases. It is known to remove both old and new marks and even those that have reached the deeper skin tissues, though this case requires multiple sessions until the appearance is reduced.

If you are planning to use laser stretch marks removal, consult a certified cosmetic surgeon or dermatologist who is highly skilled.

For more information on laser stretch marks removal visit as well prevention tips and the best stretch marks creams and lotions reviewed.

? Copyright 2009. Feel free to reprint this article on your site as long as the article is not modified in any way and the resource information (about the author) is listed as above.

Two Interesting Facts About Laser Dermabrasion

If you are considering laser dermabrasion, then you'll want to read this article. We'll talk about the risks and limitations of laser surgery. After reading this article, you should know the risks and limitations of laser treatment.

It is a known fact that dermabrasion is very effective in treating any skin problem. Many people are very happy with the results of this treatment because it is so fast that you can see improvements within ten days. Also, dermabrasion is a less painful process. Nevertheless, people should know that this type of treatment is not applicable to everyone. Laser treatment has some risks and limitations.

Having hyper pigmentation is one of the greatest risks to a patient who will undergo laser treatment. Exposure to the sun following operation could be very harmful to the patient. Another risk is serious infection that can develop if laser treatment is performed on a person having a severe acne problem. The treatment should only be done when the acne is less severe. Also, laser surgery is not advisable for dark skin people because it will darken areas on the body. Patients that are taking some medications should be screen also because some medicines like Accutaine will cause unusual scars. It is advisable that during consultation, you should tell the physician any health related problems to avoid any complications.

Now that you have finished reading this article, you should know some basic risks and limitations of laser treatment. If you think laser surgery is not for you then don't do it. You don't want to risk further damage to your skin.

Learn more about Laser Dermabrasion and facts about Laser Dermabrasion.

Laser Hair, Tattoo, and Vein Removal

Medi spa treatments are gaining popularity amongst people interested in minimally invasive cosmetic treatments. They offer many services that can help transform your appearance, boost your confidence, and even improve your overall health and well-being without the high price and commitment that major surgery requires.

Some of the most popular and effective procedures available at medi spas are laser treatments. Lasers can correct a variety of problems, both superficial and complications that are a health concern. Commonly requested and performed treatments are laser hair, tattoo and vein removal.

Laser hair removal is ideal for people interested in permanently ridding their body of unwanted hair. For some this is abnormal hair growth, such as women with facial hair. For others, it can simply be a desire to never have to fuss with razors or waxing again. The process involves using light pulses to target the hair follicles below the skin's surface. The light damages the follicles, preventing them from producing hair.

Although new equipment and techniques make laser hair removal available to almost all skin and hair types, the best results occur when performed on a combination of light skin and dark, coarse hair. It can take 3 to 8 treatments to achieve optimal results and in a few rare cases, certain individuals have no reaction to this procedure. Potential risks are burns, pigment discoloration, and temporary acne.

Tattoos often seem like a good idea the time, but times change. That butterfly on your lower back may have looked cute when you were younger, but now it may have become discolored, unsightly, or just inappropriate for you in your later years. Fortunately, there are techniques that can help minimize, and in some cases, almost completely remove tattoos.

There are many factors that will determine the effectiveness of laser tattoo removal including size, location, shape, ink, skill level of the tattooist, and your own body's reaction. A skilled technician can help establish whether or not you will see results and to what extent.

During the procedure, a laser zaps intense light into the tattoo pigment, causing it to break up and absorb into the body, removing it from the skin's surface. Treatments can be painful and you will need to make multiple visits in order to achieve maximum results; however there are few risks involved.

As we age, the appearance of veins becomes a beauty and health concern. Superficially, spider veins can appear on the face, legs, and chest. These can range in size and can be either blue or red in color. They resemble spider webs and are located near the surface of the skin. Although not dangerous, they can be rather unsightly.

Another common vein problem is varicose veins. These are rather large, generally appearing on the legs. They range in color from deep purple and blue to flesh, and are thick and swollen, rising above the normal surface of the skin. If left untreated, varicose veins can cause blood clots, infections, skin ulcers, and painful rashes and sores.

Both kinds of veins can successfully be treated with lasers, although varicose vein laser treatment involves additional surgical incisions and use of small catheters to help improve symptoms. If you're considering any one of these treatments, research local medi spas with a skilled staff and laser technicians.

There are many factors that will determine the effectiveness of laser tattoo removal permanent make up. New Jersey technicians at the Beaura Spa offer state-of-the-art treatments with safety and professionalism. Visit them at

Would Lasers Be Beneficial For Acne?

If you have acne that is mild then you can simply control it by cleaning it frequently and by treating it with current products that contain benzoyl peroxide. On the other hand, if your acne is more persistent and severe than that then you can really experience trouble when trying to treat it with these types of methods. These techniques will not be as effective for more severe acne. You would have to pursue some more serious treatments to subjugate the problem. A dermatologist can examine your skin disorder and specify the most probable solutions for it. They may conclude the best treatment for your acne is either laser technology or surgery.

It is important to have some points clarified in your mind before deciding on laser therapy or surgery for acne treatment. You should fully comprehend the pros and cons of laser treatment. You must be able to understand the costs involved. You ought to know all about the potential side effects, if any, of acne treatment with lasers. If you are completely confident in your findings that laser treatment is for you, only then should you opt for that sort of procedure. Acne laser treatment is performed by using different laser rays targeted at the affected areas. These wavelengths pulsate against the skin and eliminate the large sebaceous glands and acne lesions. Acne treatment with lasers entails the removal of damaged outer skin layers which stimulates new skin cells. This procedure tends to reduce inflammation and redness of the affected area. The condition of your acne will determine the intensity of the laser waves being applied. A majority of patients believe acne laser treatments are extremely effective and they also find it is the number one option for serious acne problems.

When we consider the defects of acne treatment with laser it turns out that experts are separated in their views. One group advocates for acne treatment with laser while the other group believes it is not beneficial on the fact that it is deleterious to the skin. For the most part you would discover laser acne treatment working effectively just after one appointment. Although, there are several people claiming they have encountered red and burned skin which sometimes lasts for weeks. In some cases this may be due to an inexperienced technician. They might also apply the laser inconsistently, leaving your skin slightly uneven after the acne treatment with laser. One final thing to consider is that acne treatment with laser can be a problem for someone with dark skin; it might sometimes result in the discoloration of the skin after the application process.

Overall the acne treatment with lasers can be considered better than all the other alternatives for severe acne problems mainly because it is one of the easiest techniques. In addition, it is not very painful and the arduous task of messing with creams, lotions and antibiotic pills is completely expunged.

Therefore, if your acne is growing on you and becoming a serious problem, and you're considering an effective form of treatment, then acne treatment with lasers may be just what you're looking for.

Paul Heitman is the owner of [] The website that contains information and resources on acne cures. Sign up for the free 7 part mini-course while you’re there.

Laser Hair Removal Explained

Laser hair removal is a method of removing unwanted body hair through the use of laser technology. A high intensity beam of light which gives off a lot of heat energy is directed at hair follicles to damage and stunt re-growth of the hair. It is a fairly painless procedure and a huge improvement in near-permanent hair removal methodology compared to painful electrolysis.

The laser beam is safe to skin surrounding the hair follicles but there are some parts of the body that may be at risk of the high intensity light ray. In the case of facial hair removal, goggles are definitely required since the eyes are a very sensitive organ. Different parts of the body will experience different sensations depending on the sensitivity of the skin.

Overall it is a painless procedure and some patients report having a warm sensation on the area being treated. The sensation can range from a mild stinging in the skin or slight tingle. In comparison to shaving nicks in the skin or waxing, the level of pain generated by laser hair removal is well worth the money. Not to mention the difference between temporary solutions and long-term removal.

As far as treatment goes, a single session can last anywhere from fifteen minutes to forty-five minutes depending on the size of the area. And in many cases, multiple sessions are required as follow-up. The hair in the area treated will re-grow thinner with each session until virtually all the hair follicles have been destroyed. Repeat sessions, depending on many variables of course, are usually once a month for a period of two to eight months.

The cost of such a procedure depends on a variety of factors. The key factors include the part of the body from which the hair is to be removed, the number of sessions required, and the doctor's charge for his or her service. Clinics use a wide variety of methods to price the treatment and it is up to you to ask how the bill will be determined, and to get a quote for the procedure. In the long-run, many patients find the money is well worth the benefits of never having to shave or wax the same area ever again.

Visit our website to learn more about laser facial-hair removal both as a treatment at the clinic as well as facial-hair laser removal at-home systems.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Home Laser Hair Removal - Useful Tips

Are you considering buying home laser hair removal? Then the following tips should feel handy.

1. Firstly, stay away from using a laser hair removal product/device for treating facial hair. In most of the cases, home laser devices aren't approved by the FDA for using on that kind of sensitive area. Rather, you should consult a veteran dermatologist for knowing what would suit you best on that regard.

2. Most devices require that you begin with freshly shaven, fully clean, and dry body, legs, or bikini line. A typical device comes with a useful skin sensor which happens to be a totally separate component of that device.

3. Laser devices come with 3 (or 4 settings) at times. The most common settings are - low, medium and high. But one word of caution here is to set the level to the right setting. Despite the fact that professional clinic based hair removals are more painful than your home device, it might actually cause burns on your skin. So get started with the lowest settings to be on the safe side.

4. Apply your laser onto the particular areas of your skin you're willing to treat. Many devices create squawking beeping sound to indicate it has finished delivering a pulse for killing a pesky follicle. On the other hand, buzzing noises usually indicates a failure - so you need to retreat that area. Reposition your laser machine onto the following area of your skin to ensure it just overlaps the last part treated.

Nuno Ricardo
To find more about Hair Removal, visit

Tria Beauty - At Home Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a safe, cost-effective way to remove unwanted hair. Until recently, you would had to have a professional do laser hair removal. The FDA has now approved a few home hair laser removers. A laser beam is targeted on the surface of the body from where you want the hair removed. The beam will then penetrates the surface and turns into high energy heat, this heat will destroy the hair follicle stopping the growth of hair. Hair exhibits different phases of growth, therefore you will need to use more than one time, usually several times for 6-8 months for the average person. A home laser kit will come with a sensor and a charger. The sensor will determine the tone of your skin. Laser hair removal is not recommended for dark skinned people because their skin is rich in melanin and can cause blisters. You may want to do a test patch first to see if this will work for you.

One product on the market now is the Tria laser hair removal. It has been approved by the FDA. It can be used by men and women and has won many awards ranging from Allure's beauty breakthrough award to the Prestige skin care breakthrough award that is given annually by Women's Wear Daily. Since people handle pain differently, there are 5 intensity levels ranging from 1-5. For more sensitive areas, like your armpits or bikini lines, you may want to start out at a one. This usually feels like a rubber band snap. The higher the intensity level, the less likely the hair will grow back.

There are 3 simple steps to use the Tria laser removal, first you will want to cleanse, shave, and towel dry the skin, second you will set the highest setting that will suit your personal comfort level, and finally, apply the laser to the skin and listen for the beep. Underarms and bikini lines usually take about 5-10 minutes to treat, while legs may take 20-30 minutes each. If you're not sure if you are a good candidate to use the Tria laser hair removal, you don't have to guess and risk skin damage, the skin sensor is included in the kit that will warn you if your skin is not the right type. The price of this varies, depending on where you buy it but you can expect to pay anywhere from $500 or more, this is a lot less expensive than going to the clinic or spa.

Visit Tria Home Laser Hair Removal for buying options and users reviews.

Pain Therapy - New Pain Therapies - Laser Therapy Treatments

New Treatments for Chronic Treatments - Laser Pain Therapeutic Techniques

For some the agony of daily pain ruins the quality of their lives leading to reduced productivity at work, unemployment, immobility, and depression. The pain itself can actually lead to further health related problems since pain sufferers can't get the exercise they need or participate in social activities. Kids and grandkids, and even friends rarely are able to understand what chronic pain does to their parents, grandparents, or friends lives and disposition. The daily anguish creates an insidious process where they spiral downward emotionally and physically.

Pain sufferers often lose their ability to deal with the pain because it clouds the mind. They naturally become more obsessed with their pain perhaps thinking they can do something about it. All too often, there is little they can do about it on their own. Even by keeping still and not using the joint, inflammation can go on for days or weeks without abatement. Turning to pain killers is the first response to pain, but for chronic sufferers the pain killers can cause kidney, liver and other bodily organs to suffer.

One noted pain doctor in Canada is quoted, "Most people suffering from muscle pain have been living with the pain for a long time, but they may be unaware of their options to accelerate healing. Many take drugs daily to manage the pain and inflammation, but their problem may continue to get worse. They may have poor health habits and their body structures may be declining. They may avoid activities for both work and fun, and have a poor quality of life. It may be difficult for them to get a good night's sleep. As a result, they may feel discouraged and frustrated."

Ending Pain Suffering - Acupuncture

Depending on the affliction, there are a variety of therapeutic treatments from physiotherapy to chiropractics to acupuncture to ease pain suffering. A combination of these treatment modalities can deliver relief for pain sufferers. A new form of treatment is actually an improvement in acupuncture. Acupuncture is an old therapy extending back thousands of years when acupuncturists would insert sharp bamboo shoots in a pain sufferer's skin. The needle would be inserted into specific locations on the body. Through centuries of empirical research and observation, the Chinese discovered that certain parts of the skin were connected with other parts of the body. They theorized the existence of a bodily energy network extending throughout the body just below the surface of the skin. This network includes all the interior organs. This energy works in harmony with the body's circulatory, nervous, muscular, and digestive systems.

When the needles are applied to the ear, knee, back and hands, the human body's response is to release endorphins, natural chemicals which served to make the person feel better and experience less pain. Some people decline the use of acupuncture because they heard it may not work, but laser therapy brings it to a new level.

Laser Pain Therapy

Low Level or Cold Laser Therapy has been used for about 30 years in Europe and Asia. The treatment is relatively safe and uses low output levels, short treatment times, and low energy levels. Treatment success rates have been as good or better than other pain therapies.

Using a low level verilase laser, a qualified therapist can apply an even more precise and improved stimulation of endorphins. Low level lasers send cold light through skin layers to soft tissue cells and result in enhanced blood flow and cell metabolism. The laser light generates the bioenergy in the body's cells at a specific location. The cells transform the energy into endorphins which promotes natural healing of tissues and of course, pain relief. Laser therapy can work well on its own, but it may be best to use it in combination with other pain treatments including physiotherapy regimens, ice, massage, ultrasound, and stretching.

Although muscles and joints are separate matters, they actually conspire together to create a chronic affliction. It is not enough to mask the pain with medications. Your pain condition needs to be assessed by a qualified pain doctor.

It doesn't take much time to make an appointment at a laser therapy pain clinic but it could be one of the smartest things you can do. Why not get some expert examination of your pain issue so you can isolate exactly what's wrong? Don't continue on with your chronic back pain, foot pain, knee pain or hand pain.

There are laser pain therapy clinics [] across the greater Toronto area and are growing at a fast rate. The aging babyboom generation, seniors suffering from arthritis and younger generation active in Xtreme sports are building demand for top flight pain therapy [] services. The Accelerated Healing Program: Life Without Limits is a comprehensive approach to pain management offered by the Canadian Pain and Laser Therapy service in Toronto Canada. They have pain clinics in Toronto, Mississauga, Burlington, Hamilton, Richmond Hill, and Vancouver BC. Learn more about the benefits of low level laser pain therapy and other treatment options and improve the quality of your life.

Acne Removal Using Laser

Acne if left unattended can play havoc with one's skin. The scars left once the acne has healed can pock mark your face for life.

In order to negate these after effects of acne it is absolutely imperative to get acne treated medically at the earliest.

There are several topical creams and drugs in the market. The problem with these is that although they can be pretty effective in treating acne per se, but they further damage the skin due to the chemicals present in them.

Considering this, it is little wonder that laser resurfacing which has minimal side effects is now emerging as a most preferred way of fighting acne. As the name suggests laser resurfacing consists of vaporizing the damaged skin tissue and leaving the surface open for fresh skin to appear. The process involves a minor surgery kind of setup wherein the doctor focuses a laser pen onto the scarred tissue till the time it completely vaporizes.

There are some post procedural bruises and swelling which take around 10-15 days to go down. No make up should be applied during this period.

The laser treatment is very effective in treating acne and acne scarring on light skin. Its effectiveness on dark skin is not yet confirmed. There are quite a few doctors who believe that the effect of laser resurfacing on the dark skin is very unpredictable and can be very dramatic on darker skinned people.

There is no federal law stating who all can do laser surgery. Absolutely anybody and everybody can. Considering this it is very important for you to check the credentials of he person who would perform laser resurfacing on you. Only dermatologists and plastic surgeons should be considered for this process.

Before finalizing on a doctor, thorough research should be done verify and cross verify his credentials. Insist on seeing the before and after photos of his previous patients. This research is very important in getting your acne treated the right way.

Should you spend a lot of money buying Acne Products? I'll show you in my Best Acne Products Blog what is the best acne products and treatments for your type of skin.

New Study Reveals Surprising Reason Most Women Don't Get Laser Hair Removal

Recently, Celibre Medical Corporation conducted a study in the greater Los Angeles area about women's beliefs on the topic of personal grooming - especially the touchy subject of unwanted body hair. The results of the study showed that women have a flawed perception of the cost of removing body hair.

Even though the majority of the women in the study said laser hair removal is their option of choice, only a small proportion of them picked it as their "go-to" method for dealing with the problem of unwanted facial and body hair.

68% of the women in the research study preferred laser methods as their own method of dealing with undesired hair. The other choices included shaving (24%), waxing (6%), and electrolysis (2%). An alternative was likewise offered for women who tend not to engage in any kind of technique of individual grooming, but that option was not preferred by any participants of the study.

The evident rationale for this difference between individual preference and thus action taken is most likely because of to the fact that the participants look at laser hair removal is too costly. One question was asked which required the survey takers to list each method, in respect to perceived selling price. The results were astonishing, as the bulk of responders felt laser hair removal to be the priciest (52%), followed by Electrolysis (31%), and waxing (13%). Only 4% of respondents correctly attributed the highest cost to ordinary shaving.

The fact is that laser hair removal price is the most affordable and most beneficial long-term treatment for undesirable body hair. Upon completing a course of treatment, an individual is permanently rid of unwanted hair on the targeted region of the body. Moreover, with the continuous advancement of laser engineering in the field of health sciences, the creation of highly effective (and FDA approved) lasers, capable of completely getting rid of different kinds of hair on a range of skin types is at an all time high, as is consumer satisfaction that is subsequent to laser hair eradication treatment.

97% of the women who have admitted to removing unwanted hair via lasers performed in the past were pleased with the results. This is considerably greater than client satisfaction with electrolysis (70%) or waxing (55%).

Whenever comparing the cost of laser treatments to the cost linked with electrolysis, the numbers are normally similar. Each of the techniques require several visits to complete the course, however, lasers tend to be more versatile compared to to various skin types, they cause somewhat less pain throughout treatment, and the results are long-lasting.

Julie Canionero makes it easy to look your best by helping you get rid of unwanted body and facial hair painlessly and permanently. Does electrolysis work? Come visit to get the facts on how to look your best.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Is Affordable Laser Hair Removal A Reality

Affordable laser hair removal is not as difficult to find as you may suspect. If you want to get rid of unwanted hair but always thought that going to a professional would be too expensive you will be happy to know that just about anyone can afford a quality group of sessions that will get rid of the

unwanted hair for less than you ever thought. There are some things to consider before choosing laser hair removal as your approach. First of all, your skin tone is one factor to consider before taking this route. No matter how affordable laser hair removal has become over time it does no good if your skin does not take well to the process.

Ways to figure out if using lasers to remove unwanted hair is right for you hinges on whether or not you are an ideal candidate for the procedure. Basically, the lighter your skin tone, the less likely that you will be a good candidate for even the most affordable laser hair removal system. There is no point in going through the process if it leaves your skin blemished and irritated. This can be as unattractive as unwanted hair.

If you have a darker skin tone you are more likely to be a good candidate for this procedure. You can expect to have more than one visit to the clinic that offers affordable laser hair removal services but if the price is right, you have little worry other than your personal time. Many find themselves a little disappointed to discover that affordable laser hair removal is not a one stop procedure that can be accomplished in a single visit. However, many are thrilled with the results after a couple visits to the clinic. The benefit of long term or even permanent hair removal is well worth the time and the money that you invest in the process.

Even if you find that you are not the ideal candidate for this kind of treatment you may still want to discuss your options with a professional. You may discover that affordable laser hair removal is really for you even though you have fair skin. The only way to know for sure is to talk to

someone who is in the business. No one likes unsightly extra hair. The idea of getting rid of the unwanted growth permanently is really appealing to many of us. Finding affordable laser hair removal providers is a great start.

Liz Sun runs her own mail order business as well as running several health and beauty based websites. Visit her website which is full of Laser Hair Removal [] Articles


Laser Hair Replacement - I Don't Get What All the Fuss is About With This Hair Restoration Procedure

Laser hair transplant is the rather new-ish hair restoration procedure that has been sparking debate between the hair loss surgeons, patients and potential patients! Why...Because of its use of lasers on the scalp. In typical surgical hair restoration procedures, incisions are made in the scalp using "cold steel" to create a hair transplant site to insert the grafts. Now, with laser hair restoration, these incisions are instead created using a high beam laser.

Laser hair restoration procedures uses lasers that are so powerful that they pretty much vaporize the tissue, causing an incision in a second. Because the laser penetrates the scalp so quickly, there is no risk or damage or heat transfer caused to the surrounding scalp tissue. Traditionally, incisions are made using a slit or punch graft, but with the laser, you effectively get the best of both worlds. A slit is created that looks so much more natural, and still able to host the same amount of hair follicles.

Like all best hair transplant surgeries, this procedure has been hailed as a relatively pain free procedure...but do not be disillusioned. It is pain free because you are dosed up on local anesthetic, which - trust me - you need! The amount of heat generated from the laser beam is extremely dangerous, and like with any sort of heat that is too hot for our skin, it can cause scarring.

In this case, the scarring could be detrimental to the successful growth of the implanted hair grafts. The lasers can decrease the elasticity of the surrounding skin, destroying dermal collagen and elastic fibers. As a result, hair grafts have been known to fall out, therefore forcing you to the question success rate of those that mange to stay intact.

A laser hair transplant is a relatively bloodless surgery. One may look at this as a positive advantage, but a critical eye may view this as another negative. You can argue that a bloodless procedure reduces a good supply of oxygenated blood needed for the implanted follicles to survive. Shouldn't you be trying to maximize the blood flow to the follicles instead of minimizing it?

I am on the fence here folks. There are many more studies that need to be carried out before I am convinced that this is a surgery worth considering. So far it seems that every advantage can be counter-argued, but I am hopeful that as laser technology improves, this procedure could undoubtedly become "cutting-edge".

What do you think? Let me hear your thoughts or comments if you have had or know someone who has undergone laser hair restoration. Visit my website to keep up to date on the latest hair restoration procedures as well as the best hair restoration products available for men and women suffering from hair loss.

Luminous Skin in a Flash! Is IPL For You?

For many people, the thought of laser procedures for skin rejuvenation may sound daunting. But fear not! A good alternative that has promising results may be IPL treatments, or Intense Pulsed Light. IPL treats conditions that a laser may treat, but isn't exactly a laser.

What is IPL and What is it for?

IPL works by emission of high intensity pulses of light towards the deep layers of the skin. As the light is emitted, specific targets in the skin absorb the light at specific wavelengths. The targets that specifically absorb the light are melanin, water, and hemoglobin. This is important because the heat that's formed when the light is absorbed leads to correction of various skin problems. For example, if a person complaining of uneven skin tone resulting from sun damage, freckles, or an old acne mark, has the problem of hyperpigmentation. Hyperpigmentation simply means that the skin in a particular area has produced too much melanin. Melanin is produced by skin cells, and it is what determines a person's skin color.Therefore, the "target" here is melanin. When melanin absorbs the light from an IPL treatment, the cells that contain melanin are heated and destroyed, which helps to rid of unwanted uneveness in skin color.

What else can IPL treatments help with? Because IPL targets redness caused by hemoglobin differences, it can also help to minimize rosacea (facial flushing), telangiectasia (facial capillaries and "spider veins"), hemiangiomas/cherry angiomas (red sac-like blood vessels), and port-wine stains (usually a red-like vascular birthmark). Pigment, such as melanin was mentioned as a target, which means IPL can also treat sun damage, facial discolorations (such as post-acne marks, melasma, freckles), and flat birth marks. IPL can even be used for hair and tattoo removal. Patients who have had IPL treatments also reported reduced pore size, diminished fine lines, and a smoother texture.

Are YOU a good candidate for IPL?

Those who have age spots, broken capillaries, and the aforementioned conditions may be good candidates for IPL. Howver, if a person may need to seek additional medical opinion if he/she is prone to keloids or hyperpigmentation, dark-skinned or dark-tanned, or someone who is extremely sensitive to heat (easily burns or is on photosensitizing medications). Insulin-dependent persons and those with blood disorders (ie, problems with clotting) cannot be treated because they have poor wound-healing response.

Although rare, IPL has a few risks people need to be aware of before deciding to start treatment. An effect known as "striping" may occur if the operator has poor technique or is inexperienced with how to overlap each shot. "Striping" occurs from uneveness in treatment overlaps, resulting in alternating patches of light and dark skin tone (much like zebra stripes). If a treatment is too aggressive, it is possible to get blistering from too much heat. Blisters may result in scarring if not careful to properly protect the injured skin. Pigmentation problems may also occur in forms of hyper- (skin darkening) or hypopigmentation (lack of color). It may take anywhere from 3-12 months to completely return to baseline skin tone if pigmentation problems happen.

Always research for a respectable skincare practice before committing to treatments. IPL machines are VERY user-dependent, and if the user is not that proficient at using the machines your risks of skin injury increases. Honestly discuss all health and medication history during the consultation, including your current skincare regimen. Some topical creams or lotions may need to be held a few days or discontinued prior to treatment because they may make the skin photosensitive. Like many procedures in aesthetics, multiple IPL treatments are required to get the best results, so discuss the best package option that would get the most bang for your buck.

Before the start of the first treatment, make sure to do a test shot in another area (like the hand if you're doing a face treatment), to gauge your sensitivity as well as get a good baseline setting. At the start of the treatment, your eyes will be protected by safety shields or goggles, and a cold gel will be layered on the area. The head of the IPL machine is a glass prism, and will be placed directly on the skin. When the user begins treatment you will notice an intense pulse of light that flashes throughout the duration of the treatment. Initial treatment settings are usually not aggressive (settings depend on the user), so you may feel a slight warmth. I like to compare it to a light rubber band flick against the skin- but again, this should be a tolerable level. Be honest with the practitioner about your level of (dis)comfort, and if at all you feel too much heat, never hesitate to let them know, so as not to damage the skin and cause blistering.

After the light pulses, a calming mask may be applied to soothe any redness or irritation. There is really no downtime after an IPL treatment, but expect the skin to be slightly pink like a soft blush, and mildly swollen (swollen as in a fuller appearance, not bee-stung or hive-like!). These are completely normal and subside from 2 hours to 2 days, depending on the individual. Patients may also be instructed to hold off on topical lotions, like retinols, for a few days to avoid sensitivities. A few days after a treatment, people may notice darker spot s to be slightly darker and a little flaky. These are expected and desired results since it is a sign of the treatment working to replace the top layer of skin. SPF application must be religiously applied (and re-applied!) daily to protect the skin.

So bye-bye to blah skin, and hello gorgeous! Contact a skincare professional to determine if IPL is right for you, and get luminous skin in a flash!