Thursday, September 12, 2013

Remove Skin Moles

Moles are basically harmless growths on the skin that come in various sizes, colors and shapes. Practically everyone has 10-50 moles on any parts of their bodies at birth. Some of them however will not be visible at birth, but tend to darken with age.

As moles are generally harmless, most people don't even think to remove skin moles. However there are some people who have them in awkward places that may be uncomfortable or look unattractive to them, and thus want to remove them.

There are however some cases where skin moles can become cancerous, so as a precautionary measure, these people too want to remove skin moles. While surgery is the most effective method to remove skin moles in patients with cancerous moles, those who want to remove their moles for cosmetic reasons can also think of laser and natural removal besides surgery.

Surgical options

Regarding surgery to remove moles, your doctor may consider using one of three methods for surgical removal. These options are shave excision, excisional surgery and punch biopsy.

1. In case of shave excision, it is used to remove skin that are raised above the skin. The doctor here applies local anesthetic to the area surrounding the mole, and using a small but sharp scalpel, reduces the surface of the mole by shaving. This leaves it flush with surrounding skin.

2. Excisional surgery is used to remove skin moles that are flat or malignant where the surgeon cuts the mole out, and uses stitches to close the wound.

3. Punch biopsy is a surgical techniques used to remove small skin moles. It is carried out using a special device that punches out cylinder shape skin around them.

Laser treatment
Laser skin mole removal is best for removing moles that are flat and brown or black in color. A physician or dermatologist requires about one or three sessions to remove moles with laser surgery. Laser treatment is used to remove the mole tissue after applying local anesthetic on it. However laser mole removal is not suggested for removing large ones or ones that stick out of the skin.

If you are looking for natural mole removal, it can be done using one of the many natural mole removal creams and pastes found in the market. The process of using these products for removal varies depending on the product you buy.

However in case of most of the products, you just have to apply the cream to the mole, and cover with a bandage for a few weeks' time after which the mole disappears. Though this mole removal option takes time, it is quite effective and seldom leaves scars.

However as not much is known about the effects of natural mole removal products in removing malignant skin moles, it shouldn't be used to treat potentially cancerous moles. Any moles that look suspicious to be cancerous should be consulted with the dermatologist for a biopsy and its surgical removal.

Darlene L Johnson attends the University of Seattle pursuing a degree in alternative medicine. She is an entrepreneur working as a freelance writer for alternative skin care product lines, specializing in mole removal.

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