Saturday, April 13, 2013

Laser Treatment of Acne Scars - 2 Permanent Methods Used For Acne Scar Removal

For those wanting permanent removal of acne scars, keep in mind that there are many laser treatments that you might want to consider. The majority of scars will fade over time so if the scarring isn't causing you any psychological problems maybe time is the best course of action.

There are a variety of different options one can consider for the fast removal of acne scars. One option is by collagen injection which is a normal substance created by the body and injected under the skin to fill or stretch out certain types of scars.

These offer a smoother complexion as well as instant results however the procedure is often repeated every three to six months and can end up being quite costly.

Another similar and equally beneficial method is when fat is taken from the patient's body and injected into the skin, like collagen. This treatment usually lasts a lot longer, normally anywhere from six to eighteen months, depending on how quickly the body re-absorbs its own fat.

Other treatments that one can use for a more permanent look is through Microdermabrasion, laser treatment, skin surgery and also skin grafting.

Here are two permanent methods used for acne scar removal:-

Fractional Laser Therapy: - This therapy used a laser to penetrate deep into the layers of the skin without damaging the top layer. This treatment is used for those whose scar is protruding or bumpy in nature. Burning away the underlying skin layers (including inflammation) helps smooth the scarred area, making the skin more even.

Laser resurfacing: - When this procedure is performed, its main aim is in burning off the top layers of the skin on the scarred areas. By removing the top layers of skin, it encourages the lower layers to immediately start cell and collagen reproduction to replace the missing skin. This creates healthier new skin replacing the previous scar tissue.

Acne isn't fun, whatever your age! Take control of your acne today, visit Acne Facts for more information, tips & resources now! Learn about acne benzoyl peroxide, celebrity skin care treatment and much more...

Retrieving the Lost Youth Through Laser Skin Rejuvenation

Who doesn't want to remain young and fresh forever? But the fact is getting old is something we cannot escape from and with our age our skin starts to grow old as well and that is when we start to feel worried because we don't want to look old no matter what our age is.

For this reason, there are millions of people around the world who are spending a huge amount of money on skin treatments. Laser skin rejuvenation is one of those methods that is gradually getting more popular.

With the growing demand for skin care and skin rejuvenation treatments the companies are launching their products one after another claiming to be the best ones in the market. But when I look at the statistics and all those reviews I see a different story.

That is, most of these products are failing to serve the purpose. The main reason behind this is the usage of artificial ingredients. It is found that most of the big name companies are using chemicals to produce their skin care products which are not effective and can cause negative reaction to the skin like allergy, irritation, redness, rash etc.

But laser skin rejuvenation is something which has been proven to be quite effective in healing skin from aging. This is a process by which the damaged upper layer of the skin is removed so that the fresh new skin can take the place.

So far most of the people who went through this procedure have expressed their satisfaction about it and its affectivity is proven.

However this method of skin rejuvenation is relatively much more expensive so not reachable for everybody. Also it requires some recovery time and the skin may suffer from negative consequences if after treatment precautions are not followed properly. This precaution includes using sun screen and moisturizer to keep the skin texture safe from external damages.

Though laser skin rejuvenation treatment is getting more attention these days and they do work, still I would say this should be the last option for you after anti aging skin creams. There are some amazing natural skin creams available nowadays which can help you to get rid of aging signs as well and they are free from side effects and not that expensive. So it is a wise thing to take some time to make the right choice in order to get the best outcome without hassle and risk. Click Here to Discover the Results of my Research on the Most Effective Skin Care health products. If you have unwanted wrinkles, fine lines, and damaged skin visit to discover the shocking truth that now one else wants to expose.

Acne Laser Skin Treatment Offered at Medical Spas

Acne is a skin problem that has plagued teenagers and adults for many years. It can be mild or quite severe, causing scarring and much embarrassment for those moving through adolescence or for full grown adults who still must contend with it.

Many things can trigger acne. Stress, hormonal imbalance or fluctuations, or it may just be in a person's genetic makeup. It is actually an inflammatory disease involving the sebaceous glands. Pimples, nodules and cysts can show up on the face, the chest and the back.

Over the years, many remedies have been attempted in order to clear up the complexion. Topical ointments, drying agents, special soaps, change of diet and prescription medications. Each of these has worked to a varied degree depending on the individual case's severity and how their body responds to these treatments. Some of the prescription medications have had side effects that are fairly severe, such as depression, insomnia, menstrual irregularities, and birth defects if taken while the patient is pregnant.

Facials and chemical peels may help, along with laser resurfacing. Facials include cleansing agents specially chosen for a person's skin type.

A facial also includes massage, astringents and steaming away debris that is trapped in the pores. Chemical peels use an acidic substance to peel away the top layer of dermis, leaving a fresh palette as the new skin grows in during healing. Laser resurfacing also removes the upper layer of it by means of laser, which is actually pulsed light.

Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) is a method in which a blue light is applied to the area in order to kill the bacteria causing the acne as well as drying up excess oil in the region. PDT does its job and leaves the surrounding skin healthy, fresh and intact.

Another option to help eradicate acne is microdermabrasion. This is similar to dermabrasion but with a slightly milder abrasive agent. It works by removing the upper dermis by means of either a rotary tool or crystals. This is also referred to as re-planning or resurfacing. Another way to think of it is that it is similar to dermatological sandpaper.

If one is interested in laser or any other technique to get rid of their complexion problems, it is wise to consult a dermatologist or to find a spa in your area that has a medical division in which a specially trained skin expert will help to professionally take care of your issues.

If you are looking for an acne laser treatment new jersey promises you the procedure which would have you thrilled. You can finally have the clear, radiant skin free of blemishes, brown spots and sun damage, something you have always wanted. To know more visit,

Acne Treatment With Skin Suction And Light

A new approach to treat acne is being tried by Girish S. Munavalli, MD, medical director, Dermatology, Laser, and Vein Specialists of the Carolinas, Charlotte, N.C.; instructor, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. This approach combines usage of suction with a vacuum device and light. According to Munavalli the initial trials are promising. A study that was conducted on 15 patients with severe acne it was found that significant improvement was seen after two to three weeks of treatment.

Photo pneumatic Therapy-

In this therapy light treatment is combined with skin suction. Skin suction is done using a vacuum device and is expected to help opening the clogged pores. Suction may also help by bringing the oil glands closer to the skin and make light more effective. Light and laser therapy is being tried by many dermatologists to treat acne. In Photo pneumatic Therapy suction is an addition. Basically both are physical treatments to treat acne.

Let us talk about light therapy that is used for last few years. Blue Light, Green-Yellow Light and Heat Energy and Diode Laser are being used to treat acne. Some of these lights kill the bacteria P. acnes and reduce the infection while others destroy the sebaceous glands and stop the sebum production.

1. Blue light destroys the infection causing bacteria P.acnes and reduces inflammation. Blue light is free of ultra violet and therefore safe to use.

2. Pulses of light and heat are also used to treat acne. This is called LHE. LHE destroys the infecting bacteria-P.acnes and, shrinks the sebaceous glands.

3. Diode Laser is used to destroy the sebaceous glands. It does not harm the outer layer of the skin.

All these treatments scan cause temporary side effects such as redness, swelling etc. The procedures are conducted at doctor's office at set intervals of days. Suction is now being tried along with light to clean clogged pores and adds to the cartel of therapies available to treat acne.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

To know more about the types of products available for acne treatment click- acne treatments.

To find more information, articles and tips about acne, skin care, STDs, skin diseases and conditions, skin treatments, procedures, skin care products, etc visit the comprehensive website on skin care.

Picture Yourself With Refirmed Skin

Photo albums can bring a tear to your eye and family videos can stir up deep emotions - yes, because you may be remembering the good times of the past but also because you may be "mourning" the difference in your appearance today compared to when you were in your prime. Who among us hasn't looked at a picture taken just five or six years previously and wondered how and why we have changed so noticeably?

More often than a receding hairline or a small change in weight, we're subconsciously noticing changes in our skin. As we age, we may begin to experience sagging skin around the neck and jaw line, new wrinkles on our faces, and even unwelcome excess skin from working to get back into shape and dropping some weight. This increasing inelasticity in our skin is a natural part of aging, but it's not necessarily a change we need to live with forever.

Over the years, men and women have tried to combat these kinds of skin issues with injections of paralyzing substances like Botox or with potentially dangerous surgical facelifts. The results typically have been less than satisfying, because these invasive procedures can leave an unnatural appearance and obvious signs of facial work.

More recently, however, laser technology has been developed to tighten our skin safely and effectively, without pain, without cutting into the skin and without the need to take time off to recover. These lasers, like those used by major aesthetic treatment centers, combine infrared heat with radiofrequency waves to reshape the collagen in your skin. It's the collagen that holds the shape of your skin contours, and the skillful application of laser energy can stimulate healthy collagen remodeling inside your skin. With this tool, a clinician can tighten sagging skin and fill in wrinkles with your own natural substances around your eyes, mouth and cheeks; along your jaw; and at the brow line.

The skin tightening treatment employs a special high-technology head on the laser device that enables the energy to safely penetrate your skin, heating the collagen to allow it to take on more defined shape over a period of time. At the same time, the deep heating generated by the treatment tightens the skin tissue.

The special head actively cools the surface of your skin while it heats the area beneath the skin, so it minimizes or entirely eliminates any discomfort that might otherwise result from the heating process. The clinician even can adjust the amount of cooling to correspond with each individual patient's sensitivity to heat. The result is a comfortable treatment that starts restoring a more youthful appearance by increasing the elasticity and firmness of the collagen in your skin. With the collagen free to remodel itself, it naturally fills in wrinkles and begins to return sagging skin back toward its original contours.

The best news about laser skin tightening is that it allows you to avoid injections and plastic surgery. It's completely non-invasive - your skin is never punctured or cut. Therefore, the risk of infection that is always present with surgery is avoided with laser treatments. And, again, unlike surgery, laser skin tightening does not require a recovery period.

Every patient responds a bit differently to laser-refirming treatments, but clinics with skin-tightening specialists, like those at major aesthetic treatment centers, spend time identifying your individual needs and any concerns that may exist prior to the treatment. The goal is to ensure your safety and comfort throughout the process, and the treatments are virtually painless.

Depending on the extent of work required and your particular skin structure, laser tightening usually entails three to five treatments, scheduled three to four weeks apart. You may begin noticing the difference after the very first treatment, and by the time the regimen is completed, you are likely to experience lifting of sagging skin; reduction of fine wrinkles; and skin that in many cases is smoother, more luminous and toned. Most patients return twice a year for supporting and maintenance treatments. At home, you can help ensure long-lasting results by applying special skin-care products, like Vita-Pure Infusion Serum.

After your skin tightening treatments, consider beginning a new photo album - one with the most recent photos of your younger, still-natural face. You'll feel like you're starting over in life. is the largest and most successful laser hair removal, skin rejuvenation and cellulite reduction therapy company, with more than 220 locations in the United States. For more information, please visit

Latest Technology - Laser Therapy For Hair Growth

Most people lose about 50 to 100 hairs a day as part of a natural growth and resting cycle. Such a small loss is hardly noticeable, maybe a few strands on a brush or comb. Sometimes, however, more hair sheds than grows back, and thinning or baldness results.

While gradual thinning is a natural part of the aging process, there are other causes of hair loss. Heredity, some medications, and certain medical conditions can contribute to balding, as can poor nutrition, stress, hormonal imbalances, chemical hair treatments, scalp infections, chemotherapy, and radiation. There is no cure for baldness, but laser therapy and other treatments can help promote new growth.

Laser therapy for hair growth is one of the more exciting new treatment options for balding and thinning hair. Laser therapy delivers laser light to the scalp, which improves circulation and increases the growth of cells. With quality laser therapy, wounds heal rapidly without inflammation. These cold lasers penetrate the scalp without damaging the skin.

General health affects the growth of healthy hair. That is why restoring the hair and scalp is part of the overall process of laser therapy. The first step is to avoid the harsh chemicals of most commercial hair products by switching to natural shampoos and conditioners. These non-toxic hair products help keep follicles clean and healthy and improve blood circulation in the scalp and follicles. Scalp massage also helps remove toxins and improve circulation. Vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids remedy overly oil or dry skin and balance the body's hormones. Exercise reduces overall stress and improves blood circulation to the scalp and follicles. All of these self-care options play an important role in hair growth.

There are several different types of laser hair loss treatments. Consultation with a hair loss specialist can help determine which type will be most effective for each individual. All more or less involve stimulating blood circulation in the scalp and hair follicles with the appropriate wavelength of light. This process restores cells and allows more nutrients to reach the scalp and hair follicles. Physicians can also provide helpful advice about laser hair therapy.

Many consumers report that their hair growth starts to improve after only two or three months of laser treatments and application of healing and nutrient-rich topical products. However, because treatment techniques and plans differ and causes of hair loss and baldness vary, laser hair therapy is not a one-size-fits all guarantee of hair growth and restoration. That's why it is import that consumers understand the causes of their hair loss and the effectiveness of the various laser therapies before they decide to undergo the treatments. Hair loss and growth is not just a cosmetic issue, it is also a medical issue that calls for careful decision-making and expert advice.

For many people balding and thinning hair is a source of embarrassment and low self-esteem. Laser hair therapy can help people improve their appearance and their feelings of self worth.

Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web.
Learn more about Laser Hair Growth.

Friday, April 12, 2013

What is Laser Hair Removal and How Does it Work?

At its simplest, laser hair removal is the process of using a laser - a high-intensity ray of light - to target hair roots, causing the hair to be lost and in time preventing regrowth.

The pigment in the hair follicle is the target of the laser used, and for this reason this procedure is less effective when white, gray or extremely blonde. However, there are modern treatments that can be used for nearly all hair and skin combinations.

Active hair follicles are the most susceptible to the lasers used in the therapy. These are the follicles that are actively growing new hairs at the time you have your treatment, and this is why you will need to have a number of sessions, so that follicles that were dormant during early sessions get caught on the second or third treatments.

This is why the time span of the treatments are so important - most people will need at least three sessions, and you should ensure that you follow your doctor or beauty therapists schedule closely to get the best results.

Laser hair removal treatment are probably the most effective way of eradicating or at least managing undesirable growth, but it is important to realize that no removal process is perfect. The method is unlikely to remove all your hair in the treatment area permanently - most people have some regrowth within a year - but the good news is that hairs that do grow back are likely to be paler and less robust, and will also respond more quickly and effectively to repeat the removal treatments.

Are there any dangers associated with laser removal?

Laser hair removal can be safely used on all body parts, including legs, back, stomach and even the delicate skin of the bikini line and the face.

Lasers are highly powerful rays of light and they can hurt tissue - however, the lasers used in removal are specially designed to pass safely through the skin, targeting the pigmented cells at the roots of the hairs, underneath the surface, without damaging the surrounding tissue and the skin.

There are a few contra-indications, or circumstances in which a medical specialist or a qualified beautician will advise you to wait before commencing hair removal by laser. These include rashes in the body parts you wish to have removal performed on, and if you have recently had certain acne treatments.

Is laser hair removal appropriate for me? Laser removal is suitable for the vast majority of people and most are highly satisfied with the end results.

If you want a safe, effective treatment that can leave you with smooth skin and significantly reduce hair regrowth, then you certainly should consider laser hair removal.

Ingrid Preube Laser Hair Removal Hair Removal Blog

The Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair therapy - also known as laser hair removal and laser hair treatment - can be extremely beneficial.

Unfortunately, not a lot of people really understand the procedure and thus assume that it is risky and dangerous. This is not really true at all, especially considering all the technological advances which have been done in the field of laser removal in general.

When you also stop to consider the relative painlessness of laser hair removal as compared to waxing, tweezing, and even shaving, then you might just find yourself wondering why you have never considered this safe and convenient alternative before now.

A lot of people have a lot of hair in places where they would rather not have it. To be sure, the embarrassment factor of excessive hair is generally worse for women that it is for men. For that matter, however, many, many women have this problem. Dark hair grows on their cheeks, chins, upper lip, and in any number of other places. It can without question be embarrassing, which is why so many women also spend money every week getting their faces and other body parts waxed.

There is also no denying the fact that waxing hurts - a lot. Tweezing is, if anything, even works, because you are left plucking out individual hairs - one at a time, which can be so painful it makes your eyes water. It can literally make you cry.

Threading is practically no better - have you ever seen someone getting their eyebrows or hairline threaded in the middle of the mall? It even looks painful, a person would have to be crazy - or masochistic - to even want to watch it.

So, what are the alternatives to hair laser treatment? We have already talked about waxing and tweezing. Both of these can cause significant irritation and, more often than not, the hair you just got rid of comes back even coarser, thicker, and darker. The same is generally true for shaving.

What, then, about hair removal and depilatory creams? Well, how do you feel about red, irritated skin and rashes? Because that is what you have to look forward to with those abrasive creams. Conversely, laser hair therapy is completely safe. In addition, laser hair treatment is all but completely pain free.

If you are worried about going out and having laser hair removal done elsewhere, there are also quite a few methods specializing in home laser hair removal. Just as the name implies, home laser hair removal can take place right at home, which is hugely convenient.

If you think laser hair removal might be the right option for you, then go talk to a dermatologist. He or she will be able to offer you a number of different options, including the execution of laser hair therapy right in his or her office. There is no reason you have to put up with excessive hair growth. There is also no reason to continuously deal with shaving, waxing, threading, or abrasive hair removal creams that leave you with rashes and irritation.

Bernice Eker is an expert on laser hair removal and wants to help people by sharing her expertise.

For more information on laser hair removal visit:

Is Bikini Laser Hair Removal Worth the Cost?

If you need to have hair removed, and are looking for options other than shaving, plucking, or waxing, especially for your sensitive areas, then bikini laser hair removal may be the right choice for you. Most people don't consider this option because they think that laser treatments are too expensive.

There are many clinics that are now offering bikini laser hair removal which means that it is becoming a more competitive market all of the time. What does this mean? It's good news for you, because it means that you will likely get a better price on your treatments, or some other sort of a discount.

Since most clinics that offer bikini laser hair removal know that you will require multiple treatments, they may have a payment plan to offer to you. If you are on a fairly tight budget, you can attend at the clinic for a consultation so that they can examine the area and let you know how many treatments you will require, as well as how much time will be required for hair removal.

Of course, there is no way to know how bikini laser hair removal will work for you until you undergo a session. Once you have received your first treatment, you will then be able to determine how your skin reacts to treatment, if there are any unwanted side effects and how long it takes for your hair to regrow. It is not always easy to determine what cycle of growth the hair is in when it is removed, and not all hairs grow at the same pace at the same time.

If a hair is removed at a certain point in the hair growth cycle, it may regrow much more quickly than if it is at the end of that same growth cycle. This is yet another reason why certain hairs will regrow while others will not reappear for a much longer period of time. This is another reason why you will have to undergo several treatments to ensure that all of the hair is removed.

Laser hair removal for the bikini area works best if you have fair or light skin and darker hair. If you regularly go to tanning booths or are exposed to the sun on a regular basis, you may wish to wait until the winter time, when your tan fades or your skin is a much lighter color. People who have dark skin and dark hair do not find as much success with this hair removal method. This is because the lasers used work on certain wavelengths which respond best when the hair is much darker than the skin it is being removed from.

An experienced hair removal clinic will have an option for any skin type/color and hair type if they have been in business for many years. Your best bet when considering bikini laser hair removal is to book a consultation, go over the treatment plan, and allow your treating practitioner to examine the area that will be treated so that they can give you their professional opinion as to what the best course of treatment will be in your particular case.

My name is Bethany Jordin and I'm an Information Technology professional as well as an aspiring writer. I write on a number of subjects focusing mainly on natural remedies and women's issues. While I have never had this procedure my research and this article were prompted by my niece's interest who has since had the procedure and is very happy with it. I have another article with more detail on bikini laser hair removal published at

The Side Effects of Laser Treatment For Acne Scars

After getting rid of acne many ex-acne sufferers have to deal with the problem of scarring. These scars many times are permanent and they may remind you of the bad days when you had acne. So removing the acne scars is another crucial step in order to completely get rid of the acne from your life.

There are many scar treatments available from procedures like dermabrasion to laser treatments. Nowadays laser treatments are very popular because they allow the patient to get rid of his scars without any pain. There is mainly one version of laser treatment for scars. The laser burns the surface of the affected skin in order to allow fresh skin cells to replace the burned-off.

Although laser treatment is known for its effectiveness, the acne-scars sufferer must be aware of the side effects of that treatment.

Except the fact that laser treatments are very expensive and many patients can't afford them and they are also ineffective against the deep scars they may cause some of the following side effects:

1. The main side effect of a laser treatment is that it will cause redness and swelling of the skin. This condition may last up to a few weeks. During that period you have to avoid exposure at sun and use of makeup products.

2. Another possible side effect is getting more acne. If you do a laser surgery while you still have acne, the treatment may lead to even more breakouts. That's why it's not advisable to start an acne scar laser treatment while you still have acne.

3. Other side effects which may affect people with very sensitive skin are changes in the skin colour, eczema and milia.

Most of these side effects are not very common but every patient who wants to follow a laser treatment must be aware of them. Before starting the laser surgery there are many things which can be done in order to minimize the risks. Many dermatologists suggest timing the laser surgery so as not to conflict with any important appearance for you and also stop the use of peeling products for your skin 15 days before the surgery. Your doctor will help you do the treatment when your skin is ready so as to avoid any of the above. After the treatment it is important to follow doctor's guidelines so as to avoid any unwanted situations. Remember that if you see anything going wrong you must immediately consult your doctor.

Do you want to get rid of acne? Then keep reading... My name is Chris Sokraz and I had severe type of acne for many years.... Find out how to get a totally acne-free skin like I did

Laser Mole Removal - Amazing Technique For Removing Small Skin Moles

There are several ways to get rid of moles on your skin and a technique that is used quite widely is the laser mole removal technique. Advancement in electronics and laser technology has made the process simple and painless. However there are limitations with this method also.

Laser mole removal is most suitable to remove flat and small moles. If the mole protrudes out a bit or if it is large in size then it may not be easy to remove them using laser technology. This is because laser technology removes the top layer of the affected skin. The power of laser technology may not easily penetrate large and deep moles.

When you use laser mole removal technique the skin around the mole may turn red or dark in appearance. This is a side effect of burning the skin with laser beam. However over the next few weeks this dark skin will fall off. Laser technique does not mean you will not have any scars. So be ready to treat scars after this treatment.

For large sized moles it is better to go with other techniques like surgery and natural methods. Surgery may leave a scar on your skin. However natural techniques may give you a blemish less skin. However natural techniques will not give any instant results.

If you opt for the laser mole removal technique it is important to follow some precautions after you get the moles removed. You will have to protect the skin from ultra violet rays from the sun. If required wear a big hat that gives good protection. You will also have to prevent any kind of infection to the skin while the skin is healing.

If you want to get rid of moles permanently there is a proven natural technique that will produce results in just 3 days. This may seem impossible, but is 100% true. If you are serious about getting rid of this problem, don't miss trying this product - click here

Laser Hair Removal Side Effects

Lasers are the latest in hair removal technology. Even though the cost is high, people have grown to accept the treatment. In fact, lasers are seen as the best mode of hair removal today. However, the treatment does come with a fair share of side effects, at times with fatal consequences. In January 2005, a woman from North Carolina lost her life when she put received and excessive amount anesthetic cream before the laser treatment.

Edema (swelling of any organ die to excessive fluid) and erythema (redness of skin) are common occurrences post laser treatment. Some blisters may appear, mainly in darker-skinned patients, who could experience changes such as darkening or lightening of the skin that could last weeks or sometimes months. There is little risk of scarring or infection. However, if the blister is irritated there could be scarring. Clients may suffer loss of freckles, darkening or lightening of tattoo color and discoloration of moles in the areas of treatment. With the use the Ruby laser, there is a very minute possibility that a fever blister outbreak may take place, mainly when bikini areas have been treated.

It is imperative that people with certain medical conditions consult a physician before undergoing laser hair removal treatment. That category includes clients who have recovered slowly after having undergone previous treatments; clients with white/grey hair; patients susceptible to discoloration of the skin and pregnant women (even if there is no direct evidence to suggest that laser used for hair removal treatment can damage fetus). Laser hair removal can cause fever blisters, particularly on the upper portion of the lip. It is best to go under antiviral medication before the procedure. Tanned clients should wait for the tan to lighten for best results. Those under prescription of photosynthesizing medicine like Accutane, should stop the medication months before the laser treatment, Clients using Retin-A, Accutane or tetracycline should discontinue the medication several weeks prior to the treatment. Laser Hair Removal provides detailed information on Laser Hair Removal, Affordable Laser Hair Removal, Laser Hair Removal Costs, Laser Hair Removal Machines and more. Laser Hair Removal is affiliated with Permanent Hair Removal.

Acne Laser Treatment - What is It? Acne laser treatment has been been receiving a lot of fan-fare recently, as the effects of laser on collagen production have become well documented. The laser targets both correcting excessive production of acne-causing oil at the skin pore level, while also treating the deformed skin cells that cause acne scars from severe breakouts. Acne laser treatment will kill the pore-clogging bacteria present on your skin, while shrinking the oil glands that produce oils that lead to bacteria, to prevent future breakouts. Secondly, any scar tissue that is present is vaporized and collagen production is promoted to eliminate scars.

Below you can find some basic facts everyone should know before undergoing acne laser treatment.

Cost Considerations

The cost for most procedures will vary slightly for each treatment center. Costs usually range from a few hundred, to upwards of a thousand dollars. The most important thing to consider, with relation to cost is that you do indeed get what you pay for. While most specialists that offer the procedure will be quite competent -- due to the fact that they're accountable for your welfare: It's best to ask around and find a center that has a high rate of success and even guarantees results.

After Your Procedure

Some patients experience mild swelling of the treated area. This is very normal and a direct result of the healing process. The swelling that occurs is the body's way of increasing blood flow to the area, to give your treated skin the nutrients it needs to heal.

The doctor, or specialist that performs the acne laser treatment will also have you use a UVA treatment to protect your skin against the sun, as your skin will be more sensitive for some days following the procedure since the laser will remove the damaged skin on the surface.

Most patients will notice results a few days following the treatment, as your skin starts to heal. In some cases two treatments may be necessary, depending on how much acne/scarring you have.

Learn more about acne laser treatment and read other related articles at our health and beauty website.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Laser Treatment For Cellulite - Worth the Money and Efforts

As long as people are young, their skin remains elastic, soft and fresh. But as they grow old, their skin tends to lose its freshness and youth and there comes the need to take measures when they notice the first signs of cellulite in their body. Building up of cellulite under the skin of a woman is an ugly phenomenon, but is not quite life threatening.

Although it can be easily and simply written off as a mere cosmetic problem, it signifies that there is an imbalance in the natural system of the body and that the body mechanism is not able to dissolve the fats into the blood stream. The fact that how people live their lives, how they eat and how often or how little they exercise are the major contributory factors for building up of chemicals, fats and toxins in the body that help in the formation of cellulite. Many of the experts have pointed out that leading a healthier way of living can reduce the levels of unhealthy and unsightly burden, and can prove to be a barrier for a pleasing aesthetic body.

What so ever, cellulite is something that nobody likes or wants. As years pass on, people play with the different methods to find out which one is the best solution to get rid of it. One of the most popular ways to get rid of the unwanted cellulite is laser treatment for cellulite. The process of the treatment is quite simple and relatively painless, producing remarkable results. During this treatment, some tiny incisions in the skin are made round the affected area, tiny laser cyber optics probes are then gently inserted into the incisions. Then they get operated for breaking up the large pouches of fats, toxins and chemicals that are the part of the cellulite. The tiny cellulite particles then flow with the digestive system of the body and get out of it. In comparison to other mechanical ways of breaking up cellulite, laser treatment for cellulite has proved to be more swift and efficient method of doing so.

Laser is already a reputable and trustworthy solution for successfully treating stretch marks, eye circles, plus acne as well as fine wrinkles. Body massage, exercise and diet can also be successfully combined with laser treatment for cellulite. After this treatment, the skin becomes smooth, no matter which part of the body it is. The biggest advantage of cellulite laser treatment is its effectiveness. A majority of persons who have gone through this procedure have noticed 95% reduction of cellulite, signifying that even if a little of cellulite is left over after the treatment, it is barely noticeable. In addition to that, it is a very quick method, and typically, only one session is required to achieve the desired results.

People who are really seriously about breaking up the cellulite in their body must consider about going with laser treatment for cellulite. But at the same time, it should not be forgotten that it is an expensive procedure, and as it is a cosmetic course of action, it is not likely to be covered by the insurance company.

Catherine Tyler is the professional freelance writer and also the webmaster of [] - where you can find Diet Plans and Weight Loss Programs [], and also which diet is right for you.

Facial Laser Hair Removal - Get Rid Of That Facial Hair Now!

Facial hair, for a woman, has to be the worse dealing in her life. This is why facial laser hair removal has been the single most amazing process for those women who suffer with facial hair and have suffered for years.

When a woman has facial hair on their chin, upper lip and cheeks, it affects her self image terribly. It causes low self esteem, self-confidence issues and the woman has feelings of sexual inadequacy. Even though many times there is a good reason that they have hair on their face, that doesn't help them at all.

Of course, the first method of eliminating the facial hair is to go to a doctor and check if it's hormonal. If it is, then the M.D. can treat it and hopefully it soon will be a distant memory.

If that does not work, at least you know that facial laser hair removal does work and is often completely permanent after the required number of treatments. And it is true, that some people have better results than others. If you have lighter skin and darker hair, then you can pretty much go to anyone and get good results.

If you are dark-skinner, or if your skin is darker than your hair, then you need to go to someone with a lot of experience and you will get very good results also. For someone with naturally white or light blonde hair, laser hair removal is not that effective.

Before you make any decision regarding facial laser hair removal, you should get several consultations which are normally totally free of charge. Besides determining if you will get good results with this method of hair removal, there are other questions such as:

o Price and if they have payment options

o How long has the technician been doing this

o Do they have only one type of laser - this isn't a problem is you have lighter skin and darker hair - but very important to know

o How many people have gotten treatment and can you call any of them for a referral

o How many treatments would you need for facial laser hair removal

Overall, for women with facial hair, this is the way to go. Nearly 80% of all women have gotten amazing permanent results after three treatments. You can get rid of that facial hair, now!

Just make sure that you get referrals or go to an online site to find treatment centers near you.

Want to get rid of that facial hair forever? Laser Hair Removal - Don't wait any longer.

Why wait. Find out how you can get affordable Facial Laser Hair Removal! Laser Hair Removal Treatment can be done easily, quickly and painlessly!

Laser Liposuction Risks

Much of the marketing for laser liposuction, liposculpture and body sculpting give the impression that the new procedure is a safe, risk free, painless and quick procedure. I have read and heard claims that you can have your procedure done under local anesthesia, lose your fat, tighten your skin, and go on with your life, even back to work, the same day. If it sounds too good to be true it usually is-we all know that.

The perception that laser liposuction is easy to do has also encouraged some professionals without surgical training or no formal training in aesthetic surgery to offer this this new procedure to patients in their practice or Spa.

While I enthusiastically support laser liposuction as a revolutionary new advance in plastic surgery, it is still a surgical procedure. All surgical procedures have risks and the potential for complications.

Many of the risks of laser liposuction are those associated with any traditional suction procedure. However, the introduction of heat by the laser during liposuction poses some newer potential complications. If the fiber is placed too close to the skin for too long, or one area is treated to aggressively, there is risk of thermal injury, a burn can occur.

Risks of Laser Liposuction

o Skin Burns
-Laser liposuction utilizes laser energy to heat fat and liquefy fat. This makes fat removal easier. In my experience with laser liposuction skin burns are very rare and are easily avoided by proper technique.

o Skin Loss-Too aggressive use of the laser too near the skin can create a burn and the overlying skin can be damaged and lost. Again, technique and experience are key to avoiding this complication.

o Bleeding-In my experience bleeding is less with new laser liposuction procedure than with standard liposuction. But bleeding can occur as with any surgical procedure.

o Infection
-Infection can occur with any invasive procedure. Since the laser fiber is inserted underneath the skin, sterile operating room precautions and antibiotic coverage are necessary.

o Anesthetic Risks-Several well publicized deaths after liposculpture and suction body contouring were caused by overdose of lidocaine, the anesthetic used to control pain during the procedure. Training and experience are keys to avoiding this.

o Contour Deformities
-Wavy lines, depressions and lumps or bumps in the skin occur in 20% of standard liposuction patients. These contour deformities are caused by irregular fat removal and fat removal too close to the surface of the skin. In my experience contour deformities are much less common with new laser assisted procedure. I believe this is because fat is dissolved by the laser and fat removal is less traumatic.

o Loose Skin-Loose skin after liposculpture or body contouring and fat removal has always been the major drawback to high volume fat removal in older patients with poor skin elasticity. The major advance with the new laser assisted procedure is that the heat from the laser tightens the skin. In my experience loose skin is very uncommon with the new procedure. However, technique and experience are important to avoid loose skin after fat removal.

o Inexperienced or untrained Doctor
-Specialized surgical training, technical skill, aesthetic knowledge and judgment, and experience are necessary to achieve a good result in any type of surgery. This is especially true in an aesthetic procedure like liposculpture where results are visible and the surgery is purely elective. Only a medical license is required to perform cosmetic surgery in this country. If you are considering liposculpture or body contouring surgery, do your homework and check out the credentials of your surgeon.

Major Benefits

I do enthusiastically endorse the new laser assisted technique as a revolutionary advance in technology. The laser technique is the only one I now use in my practice. The advantages are very clear in my anecdotal experience and are:

o Skin Tightening

o Smoother skin

o Less bleeding

o Less trauma

o Quicker recovery

I predict that this new technique will set the standard for liposculpture and body contouring results in the future.

How to Choose a Surgeon

I admit up front that I am prejudiced in my opinion because I am a board certified plastic surgeon. Liposculpture with or without the laser is a surgical procedure and as with heart surgery, brain surgery or any other type of surgery, if I am having surgery I am going to do my homework and find the best board certified surgeon I can find to perform my operation.

Board certified plastic surgeons spend many years in training and have to have several years of experience and have to demonstrate their knowledge, experience and skill to pass their board examinations. Surgery is a technical, manual as well as intellectual task, and most doctors that possess these fine motor qualities are drawn to surgical training and specialty.

There are also doctors who are not board certified plastic surgeons that are skilled and experienced at this technique, most commonly board certified dermatologists trained in dermatologic surgery. Just do your homework and make certain your doctor is trained and experienced.

I always recommend that patients do the following when considering plastic surgery:

o Consult 2 board certified surgeons

o Ask the doctor how experienced he/she is at the procedure you are considering

o Ask to see photos of their surgical results

o Ask to speak to one of their patients who have had the surgery

o Go online and check the doctors credentials

o Ask your family doctor about the reputation and skill of the doctor you are considering

o Ask your friends about the reputation of the doctor

o Read about the procedure you are considering-an excellent resource is The American Society of Plastic Surgeons

Plastic surgery can create very beautiful results when the proper procedure is done on a properly selected appropriate patient. If you are considering any type of plastic surgery do your homework. Read more about the procedure you are interested in. Study the bio and credentials of the board certified plastic surgeons in your area. Be an informed consumer.

An educated patient has the best chance of obtaining a happy and satisfying result. The websites of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) and the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) have excellent, honest information. By visiting these websites you can learn about the various procedures and find board certified plastic surgeons in your area. See photos of laser liposuction results. Learn more about result oriented plastic surgery.

A Guide to Laser Stretch Mark Removal

If you have stretch marks on your skin, chances are good that you really would prefer to do away with them. They can be unsightly and unattractive. Rather than attempting to cover them up and conceal them, though, why not have them entirely removed? With laser stretch mark removal, you may be able to do exactly that.

Laser stretch mark removal acts in a distinctive and fascinating manner. A beam of light is concentrated on the affected area in order to get rid of the layers of skin surrounding the marks. This laser is particularly well suited for this function. As opposed to other lasers that cauterize or cut the affected skin region, this method employs a high-powered UV laser light which actually breaks up the molecular adhesions in the skin tissue. This stimulates the tissue to fall apart in a procedure known as ablation. Following the operation, the treated region is fast to mend as fresh layers of healthy skin form rapidly. The scars are destroyed, and the affected region is regenerated and back to normal.

Many individuals are concerned that they're going to spend a great deal of money on laser treatment and have the outcome be marginal at best. Yet, in the majority of instances this treatment is extremely effective. Much like any other similar procedure, success hinges on the pervasiveness and age of the marks. Older and thicker scars could be a great deal more difficult to eradicate. For certain deep and longtime marks, it may take up to 10 treatments to totally get rid of them. And in the most severe instances, even a complete series of laser stretch mark removal treatments may only minimize the visibility of the marks and not get rid of them completely.

No surgical procedure or medical routine is without potential dangers, and the same is true for laser stretch mark removal. A mismanaged laser can easily produce surface tissue damage. Blisters and other adverse reactions to the laser are also conceivable, so make certain to speak to your physician if you have a history of allergic reactions, particularly related to your skin.

Even so, there are no serious consequences that have been known to arise from this surgery. Just make certain to find a skilled professional to do your operation so that you don't have to worry about surface burns or scarring from the procedure. And keep in mind that every situation is going to be different. Speak to a physician who you can rely on to advise you about what to expect prior to the procedure.

Stretch marks can show up on your body for any number of reasons, including rapid weight loss or gain or the changes to your body that take place during puberty. Visit our site if you're interested in how to prevent pregnancy stretch marks or what the options are in stretch mark surgery.

State of the Art Laser Equipment For Hair Removal

If you're going to be paying big bucks for laser hair removal then make sure that the clinic you use has the very best equipment available as early laser machines were not so effective as the latest models on the market today. We could look at all the different types of laser machines but by the time you read this it is likely that things have progressed on further so let's look at general principles to make sure you get the best treatment.

1. Ask the Right Questions

Simply ask the consultant at your initial appointment when they bought their laser equipment and the type of technology it uses. Ask them how many machines they have and why they are using that particular machine on you. It's all a matter of building  up a picture to find out if you getting the best treatment you can for your money.

2. Research

Once you know the type of laser they plan to use you can research it on the internet and find out a bit more if you feel you don't have enough information from the clinic.

3. IPL or Laser?

If you hear that a clinic is using IPL (Intense Pulse Light) technology you don't need to be concerned that you are not getting true laser treatment. Intense pulsed light treatment is very similar to laser technology. IPL simply uses more wavelengths of light which come out of the machine hand unit in bursts (or pulses). The machines use filters to ensure that the hair is targeted and the skin is protected as much as possible. In fact the way the pulses work means you can be treated more quickly than with a true laser.

4. Assess

The machines used in clinics cost many thousands of dollars in investment. That is partly why laser hair removal treatment is so expensive. And of course such systems can not be operated by untrained personnel. However if a clinic is hanging onto its machines and not reinvesting in the latest and best you want to go elsewhere.

The cost of laser hair removal is the reason that more people do not opt for this treatment over other ways of removing hair so if you choose this method make sure your chosen clinic has the very best laser hair removal equipment. For more information about laser hair removal and intense pulsed light treatment see

Does Hair Laser Offer Permanent Removal?

Chances are you have heard about hair laser being a permanent

removal but is it true! The interesting thing is that laser

treatments are sometimes very misunderstood. Typically, people

thing this type of procedure does provide permanent results. In

other words, a woman could see a board certified doctor who

provides hair laser treatment thinking that after one session,

the hair on her leg will never grow back.

With this, there are two misconceptions. The first is that hair

laser for permanent removal is a myth. Second, in the majority

of cases one treatment is not adequate. With laser hair

removal, what you get is permanent hair "reduction". The

problem is that data as to the duration for this reduction and

the amount of hair reduction achieved is not recorded. Another

challenge is that information on how often someone experiences

permanent hair reduction occurs is also unknown.

For hair removal to work, a laser light set at a specific

wavelength is delivered into the skin. Targeting the

pigmentation in hair, it causes thermal damage to the hair

follicle but without damaging any of the surrounding tissue.

When performed by a professional, people do see amazing results

but even with this, they are not permanent. Instead, people

experience long-lasting hair removal or a permanent reduction of

hair growth, not actually permanent hair removal.

Depending on the type of laser used, the kind of hair targeted,

and the area of the body being worked on, regrowth will return

but in most cases, it grows in lighter and the texture is not

nearly as course. This means that hair does grow back but it

takes longer and then is not as obvious as it originally was,

making laser hair removal such a popular choice. Then, since

hair removal can be performed on men and women and on various

parts of the body, it becomes an even more attractive


When considering hair laser for permanent removal, keep in mind

that people with blonde, red, and gray hair usually have poorer

results over those with dark hair. In addition, individuals

with dark skin need to see a professional who specializes in

hair laser removal for dark skin in that the process is much

more challenging. Unfortunately, the word "permanent" when

associated with laser hair removal has been misused and

sometimes, misrepresented.

Therefore, if you see an advertisement for a clinic or spa that

offers services for hair removal and permanent removal, move on.

Unfortunately, some unsuspecting consumers will become drawn

into words such as "100% permanent" or even "permanent",

spending good money to have a number of treatments performed,

and then only to discover the hair grows back. The bottom line

is these people have been duped with one simple word - permanent.

Any promise of no hair regrowth is nothing more than a lie. In

fact, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has cracked down on

certain terms. Because of this, they have established

regulations by which clinics and spas must use the word

"reduction" in the advertisement. Yes, as mentioned people do

experience permanent reduction. In other words, if a woman had

thick hair on her legs and had to shave every day, using laser

removal might means the hair growing in lighter as far as color

but also texture. Therefore, she might be able to shave every

third day. This alone is a huge advantage and worth the

investment but be careful when choosing who will perform your

hair laser removal procedures.

Dion Semeniuk has taken the time and research to learn what is all involved in laser hair removal. To learn more, visit the Laser Hair Permanent Removal website.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Laser Hair Removal Cost: 5 Main Factors

Laser Hair Removal is one of the newest technologies for eliminating that unwanted body hair. It is quick, easy and relatively painless. So, what's it going to cost? Well, how laser hair removal is priced depends on a couple of factors:

1. Geographic Location. Of course, there are always going to be pricing variations due to geographic location. That's the case with just about any product or service. You will find that laser hair removal cost differ from state to state as well as from country to country.

2. Number of laser hair removal treatment sessions. This means, the number of laser hair removal treatments you are going to need to complete your desired hairless effect. The total number of laser hair removal treatment sessions can be affected by your hair color, your skin pigmentation (light or dark) and the thickness of your hair.

Light skin makes laser hair removal easier to perform. Fewer treatments are required, and better, faster results are obtained. People with darker skin can be treated, but results are slower, more sessions are required, and greater expertise is required on the part of the laser center.

Some parts of the body are more difficult than others to remove hair. Each person varies somewhat in her or his hair regeneration speed as well.

Prior to your first laser hair removal treatment - in fact, prior to your deciding to undergo laser hair removal at all - you'll meet with the dermatologist or medical specialist responsible for the laser hair removal. Generally, the more sessions you require, the more it is going to cost you.

3. Size of the area treated. Treatment cost varies with the size of the area treated. Large areas, such as the entire back, or the entire legs, cost considerably more than this. Small areas, such as the upper lip, can be less.

4. Type of laser hair removal equipment used. There are different types of laser hair removal equipment in the market. Also, do not confuse laser hair removal with intense pulsed light treatments. The latter can also produce effective hair removal. Although the devices used are not lasers, they are "laser equivalents". Both utilize the same principle of selective photothermolysis to achieve hair removal. Intense pulsed light devices are in fact more difficult to adjust than lasers and require great expertise for their proper use. Individual consultation with the laser center is necessary to obtain exact pricing.

5. Pricing packaging. Not only does the laser hair removal cost vary by area and by physician, but it can also vary in its pricing structure. Some, for example, bundle the laser hair removal treatment with other cosmetic procedures. For instance, some may include the application of a hair retardation product to the treatment area to speed up desired results. Some require you to pay a total package fee and yet others may charge you for each visit separately.

Experienced laser centers, which have developed expertise in laser hair removal, costs an average of about $500 per treatment session. They usually recommend a basic four treatment sessions to start off with.

As treatment costs can get really expensive, you should ensure that you can well budget for it. However, please be advised to go to an established medical center with good reputation. You may pay more but it may be worth the quality of service and care that you receive.

Kathlene Capelle is a writer for beauty tips and advice. She believes in harnessing one’s inner and outer beauty for self confidence and achievement to the fullest potential. For more articles, tips and resources, please visit her site at [].

IPL FotoFacial - Skin Care Advancements

For those seeking relief from various types of skin care challenges, there are a number of options. Scars, freckling, excessive pigmentation, redness, wrinkles, sun spots, enlarged pores and more are just some of the skin care challenges that a number of people face throughout life. Modern technology offers some very impressive treatment options.

One treatment option that is growing in popularity is the ipl fotofacial, or intense pulsed light. This treatment uses intense broadband light to reach the dermis, or a deeper layer of skin, leaving the epidermis untouched. This treatment is obviously growing in popularity as there is less damage done to the epidermis requiring less healing time and less cosmetic concern. Since the epidermis is not affected however, repeat treatments may be necessary to see the kind of results wanted. The ipl fotofacial is fast becoming the treatment of choice even past lasers since it is pain free and spares the epidermis from damage and pain.

It is important to remember that the costs of this procedure are not covered by insurance since it is considered elective and cosmetic treatment. Each session can cost anywhere from $350-$600 depending on the area treated and the patient, etc. Each treatment session is unique. A specific number of treatments can be worked out with a professionally but may vary over time. Furthermore, it is important to remember that every cosmetic skin care treatment has its own unique benefits and risks. By asking your dermatologist about the risks you can remain better informed of what each treatment may do to the skin.

After each treatment, you should be able to return to your regular daily activities right away. Since there is no epidermis damage, the skin may appear a bit red or irritated but there will be no damage that is often associated with skin treatments with a laser. Due to its popularity, ipl fotofacial is growing in use and newer treatment effects may develop as time goes on. This is why it important to speak to a professional dermatologist who is familiar with the procedure and the potentially damaging effects that it can have on the skin or body. However, as it stands, ipl fotofacial appears to be one of the least invasive treatments with a high success rate. It has even been seen to help eliminate visible veins under the skin.

What you can do if you are considering ipl fotofacial treatments is research its use, its effects, and find out whether it is right for you by visiting a dermatologist in your area. Furthermore, treatments do not guarantee that the skin will remain mark free forever. It is very important to practice skin safety by avoiding prolonged exposure to the sun, by wearing sunscreen, and hats or protective clothing when necessary. Since the sun's damage to skin over time is one of the most prevalent complaints throughout the skin care industry, it is vital to heed the warnings. It would be a shame to develop repeat symptoms on the skin after spending time and money on skin care treatments to eradicate them. Keeping a positive and realistic approach to skin care is the best way to make sure that your skin is healthy and that you are satisfied with whatever treatment option you choose to use.

More information on ipl fotofacial , laser tattoo removal and a tattoo removal clinic in your area is just a click away.

The Best Available Technologies For Laser Hair Removal

Have you looked at yourself in the shower, or in the mirror lately and noticed unsightly hair on any part of your body, or do you find yourself constantly having to shave away unwanted hair on a regular basis? Maybe you should consider laser hair removal to permanently remove hair from any part of your body that you want hair-free. Now although laser hair removal isn't for everyone you should definitely consult your doctor. Laser hair removal is a new and innovative way to eliminate unwanted hair safely, effectively and most importantly permanently. There are various laser systems advertised for permanent hair removal. The most effective laser for hair removal is the Lightsheer and the Coolglide. The Lightsheer and the Coolglide have been clinically proven to eliminate unwanted hair permanently for all skin types. The Coolglide is especially safe for darker skin types. These FDA approved technologies have a built in cooling system for added treatment comfort.

The Best Laser For Darker Skin

The Coolglide is considered the "Gold Standard" for laser hair removal of darker skin types. All laser's work on the principle of attracting pigment which is why the laser is not attracted to white or blond hair. Assuming there is a contrast between the skin and the hair, the laser's energy will attract the root of the hair which is the area with the most pigment. The Coolglide has a wavelength of 1064nm which is especially important in treating those with darker skin. This penetrates deeper into the skin, in turn, bypassing the colour in the skin all together. Since the laser's energy is concentrated at the root of the hair, the surrounding skin is protected for a safe and effective treatment for all skin types, especially darker skin types. Laser Hair Removal

Laser Acne Treatment - How Can This Amazing Breakthrough Technology Help You?

If you have been thinking about a more permanent way to treat your acne, then chances are you have heard of laser acne treatment. Laser acne treatment is a procedure that works for numerous individuals who battle with breakouts, but how do you know if it's right for you?

If you are curious about serious skin care and want to learn how this type of skincare can work for you, read on to discover more about laser acne treatment, how to tell if it's best for you, and what you can do to keep your skin looking great when your treatment is done.

Advanced Treatment Laser acne treatment is a procedure that is made up of a small laser being placed directly on the skin, particularly in places on the face, chest, neck, or back that are prone to breakouts. Your dermatologist will in all likelihood prep the skin with a gentle gel or cream before you undergo the procedure, so that your skin will not be damaged by the laser treatment.

The treatment itself is used to get rid of acne scars as well as blemishes, particularly when you have been applying other skin care cream(s) that have not been working. After your first treatment, you will need to make certain that you use a mild cleanser and toner for your face so that you will not dry your skin out or create more breakouts.

The acne laser treatment will commonly be done in a series, so after about a week or so, you will have to go back to the dermatologist for more treatments. Facial skin care is also a big part of taking care of the skin--acquiring a facial from the dermatologist or your local spa is very helpful, but you can also give yourself facial skin care by utilizing a cucumber mask or spreading smashed strawberries across the face for immediate cell turnover.

Supportive Remedies

In addition to these treatments, there are great deal of things that you can do in order to make certain that you have healthy skin. For example, there are several all natural skin care products that you can find at your health food store or local grocery store that are great for the skin--masks with avocado, that can hydrate the skin, oatmeal can be used for a similar purpose, and lavender and tea tree oils can be utilized with a gentle cleanser to eliminate blemishes on the skin.

Natural skin care cleansers might also be best for you if you are getting laser acne treatment, since you will want to use a cleanser that is not entirely harsh on the skin--this will slow the effects of your treatments, and might interfere with other acne treatments that you might be thinking about using, such as microdermabrasion or glycolic peels. For more information on serious skin care procedures and which one(s) might work for you, go to your local dermatologist for more information on your skin type and how you can be on your way to totally healthy skin.

Listen to Korbin Newlyn as he shares his insights as an expert author and an avid writer in the field of skin care. If you would like to learn more go to Acne Skin Care advice and at Acne Scar Removal [] tips.

Bikini Line Laser Hair Removal - Is it Your Best Hair Removal Option?

The bikini line has always been an area of concern for bikini wearers. No one wants to have stray hairs popping out of their bikinis and now there is no reason for apprehension. Laser hair removal has become more commonplace since its inception a few years ago and has all but replaced waxing and shaving, both rather painful ways of removing unwanted hair in this sensitive area.

Depilatory creams are not recommended for this part of the anatomy and has never been a popular choice as a result. Laser hair removal offers a close to permanent resolution to the problem of unwanted hair for individuals who want a worry-free day at the beach or the pool.

It is important to report that although the treated areas are free of hair for long periods, it is not completely true that it is permanent as it is impossible to guarantee that the hair removal is eternal. However, it is true that some of the hair will be removed permanently. Everyone's body is different and responses vary by individual body types.

Among the questions you may want to ask is,

One of the first questions you might want answered is. "How much is this going to cost me"? And the answer is that it is fairly expensive with a bikini line treatment costing in the neighborhood of$400. There is another type called the Brazilian removal. This involves laser treatments to your entire pubic area which eliminates nearly all the hair below the waist. The cost for this is about $1,000.

This is expensive for most people but you may be able to get a discount if you research the various centers where this work is done. You may find one that charges less or offers discounts if you get more than one service. Look online under "laser hair removal" in your vicinity and you will probably find several centers. Before you commit to the procedure, get the cost up front. It is possible you could save money by doing your homework ahead of time. And, if you prefer one center over another you may be able to get them to agree to a lower price by quoting the price of another laser center.

Other questions you may ask are:

"Will my unwanted hair ever grow back?" Many laser treatment centers say that the hair does not regrow.

"After I pay this much money, are there any guarantees that it will work for me?" People who have naturally light hair or dark skin may not have success with the treatments.

If you would like to know more about bikini laser hair removal, or would like to know more about laser hair removal in general, visit our no nonsense laser hair removal guide:

Easy Ways of Skin Rejuvenation Treatment - Rejuvenate Your Skin to Look Brighter Day by Day

Do you wish you had a young and soft skin?

However you don't want the hassles or the expenses of a cosmetic surgery? Yes it is possible to have that dream skin without having to go through a surgery or spending a whooping sum of money. The three apt Skin Rejuvenation treatment options now available include laser skin resurfacing, microdermabrasion and facials.

Laser skin resurfacing is a fine method to erase sagging skin, laugh lines and crow's feet thereby making your skin look younger. With the help of carbon dioxide laser, the surface layers of the skin that is the oldest skin are removed. The removal of these layers allows the fresh new skin to surface over the area and inherent production of collagen is boosted. This restores the facial elasticity making it look healthy and soft.

This Skin Rejuvenation treatment option is performed under local anesthesia. There is no ache later and the inflammation and soreness subsides in a fortnight. The redness goes in three months. Thereafter one can enjoy its full effect. However this process involves the risk of having scars, contagions and cold sores. Those with light skin tones benefit tremendously. The expense can be anything from $1000 to $3000.

Another Skin Rejuvenation treatment option is microdermabrasion. This method is normally used to eliminate pimple or stretch marks and wrinkles or pigmentation. In this process your face will be exposed to a gush of tiny particles of aluminum oxide, zinc oxide, corundum, sodium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, and magnesium oxide.

They abrase the dead cells from the surface of the skin and exposes the fresh and new layers from below. There maybe several such sittings depending on the extent of facial deterioration. When the skin dries up in a few days the skin looks fresh and young. There is no risk factor here and the cost ranges from $75 to $200.

The final option is the normal facials. They are inexpensive but they must be done once every one or one and half months. Here there is no complication or risk involved. The esthetician who will clean your facial skin will first study your skin in a bright, magnifying lamp. Then she will peel the top layers of the skin by vapor steam. Then the face will be massaged, a mud pack applied and finally treated with moisturizers. The cost is between $30 and $75.

There are many Skin Rejuvenation treatment options that are now on the offer. It is better to find out about them before deciding on a surgery or any other complicated treatment. It might save you from both physical and financial discomfiture. When it doubt find out or else leave out!

Do you really want to have Beautiful Healthy Skin?

Discover how to have Beautiful Healthy Skin with must-know skin rejuvenation treatment by following Tawanfa Farikan's ongoing research.

Keep up with the latest information about maintaining and protecting your bodies largest organ, the Skin, and other Health-Related concerns by heading to for more details.

Acne Treatments - Don't Settle For Dry Skin

Acne is a common skin condition that often flares up during puberty. Hormonal changes, Vitamin A deficiencies, bacteria and other factors can cause this irritating problem.

Two of the biggest issues with acne are the overproduction of sebum (the oily substance that blocks the pores and leaves the skin feeling greasy) and the bacteria known as Propionibacterium acnes. This bacterium causes inflammation and produces enzymes that break down the sebum into an irritating substance. The result is red, swollen skin and ugly pimples.

By targeting the main components of acne breakouts you can drastically improve the look and feel of your skin. However, while there are a number of treatments aimed at disinfecting and clearing your skin, many of them also leave your skin feeling dry and flaky. That is why it is important to choose your acne treatment carefully.

The Problem With Acne Treatments

Many acne treatments are designed to dry up the excess oil (sebum) on your face and kill the bacteria that cause the inflammation. While this sounds good, the treatments often only target the top layer of skin, leaving it feeling dry and uncomfortable. On an already irritated face this has the potential to cause other problems. A better choice is to treat the issues using products that will leave the skin feeling moisturized without clogging the pores or adding excess oil.

Skin Care Routine

The best thing you can do for your skin if you suffer from acne is to develop an ongoing skin care routine. Two products that will help with this are: Tea Tree Oil and Aloe Vera Gel.

- Wash your face with a 5% Tea Tree Oil solution (5ml Tea Tree Oil in 95 ml of water) to kill those nasty bacteria and to dry up any excess sebum (oil).

Gently pat your skin dry and then apply an Aloe Vera Gel designed for use on the face. The Aloe Vera will sooth and moisturize the skin without clogging pores. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and will aid in healing acne scars.

Do this twice daily. Once in the morning and once before bed.

- Invest in regular acne facials. Proper acne facials will help clear clogged pores and add much needed moisture back to your face. They also have the added side effect of reducing stress and promoting relaxation.

What Is An Acne Facial?

Acne facials are a step-by-step procedure that can be done at home or by an experienced esthetician in a spa or treatment facility. You can buy acne facial kits through health stores and online.

Acne facials usually involve a three-stage process:

- First: The skin is thoroughly cleansed.

- Second: A steam massage loosens the blackheads and whiteheads and softens the skin to prepare for the removal of toxins.

- Third: A soothing facial mask is applied to draw out any remaining dead skin and pore clogging materials. This step also moisturizes leaving your skin feeling clean and fresh.

In a spa environment the esthetician will work on your skin during the process and may perform extractions (manually unblocking pores and clearing impactions) and use a fingertip facial massage to relax and release stress. Stress is known to be a major contributor to acne outbreaks and so reducing your stress level can reduce your acne.

By using these natural remedies in an ongoing skin care routine, you can effectively treat the two main causes of acne without settling for dry, flaky skin. If you suffer from moderate to severe acne always talk to your dermatologist before starting new skin care regiments. Whitby spa, established in 1988, offers quality, professional skin care such as laser hair removal, acne treatment, skin tightening and Botox.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

What Are the Side Effects of Laser Hair Removal?

Quite often times, laser hair removal procedures are touted to be one of the most effective manners to remove body hair. The biggest advantage associated with the procedure is the swiftness - instead of waiting hours, the entire ordeal can be completed within minutes. The wavelength of laser beams is adjusted so that they act on the roots of the hair follicles. Unlike the other hair removal procedures, the hair growth does not resume after a certain preset time. In other words, this is one of the permanent methods of hair removal.

Now, allow me to state some disadvantages of the same procedure.

a) Localized Pain - Although the procedure is advertised to be free of pain inducing elements, localized pain can materialize on the body part within days of completion. Well, this is an extremely rare situation but these days it is found in at least two out of ten people who opt for the same. If you experience mild pains, it is better to invest on some pain relieving skin creams. Alternatively, you can try cooling the affected region with ice packs for temporary relief.

b) Localized Swelling - At times, you might realize that the treated portion of the body swells for some days. In fact, this is often experienced along with the earlier mentioned pain. Improper wavelength of the laser beam is the primary cause of these problems. We cannot blame the beautician because they work according to certain guidelines provided with the unit - they do not realize that the texture and chemical composition of the skin can vary slightly among people. Only someone who is skilled at recognizing the various skin types will be able to operate the unit effectively.

c) Change in the skin color - Well, this is another side effect that is often noticed once the procedure is completed successfully. Usually people are known to experience reddening of the skin along with the formation of blisters (which will induce even more pain into the skin). If you see blister formation on the skin surface, it is wiser to contact a skin specialist and seek the appropriate treatment options. Else, you will have to face a tough time combating the situation. It is better to remain indoors until the blisters have healed - the outside atmospheric agents will act as catalysts that will highly augment your pain and suffering in the coming days.

d) Burning of the skin - Do not believe the words stated in the advertisements. Unless properly conducted, you will be left with burns all over the treated part. This is one of the reasons, why the procedure is often not recommended to people with darker shades of skin. The laser beam is programmed to act specifically on the roots of the hair. The melanin pigment present on the hair roots will be particularly affected (read burned). Melanin is present in abundance on the skin (of dark complexioned people) too. Instead of acting on the hair follicles, the beam will act on the skin and hence will induce burns!

Praveen Pious is a freelance web content writer who specializes in developing content for websites. He is proficient enough and is willing to attempt any topic, according to the guidelines listed by the clients. You may see more sample articles at

Laser Hair Removal Information - Tips to Keep in Mind

If you have plans to undergo hair removal treatment with the use of laser technology, it is important to know basic yet vital laser hair removal information that will safeguard your health. Having yourself equipped with the appropriate information will allow you to make sensible decisions and be more comfortable while the treatment is ongoing.

Laser treatment for hair removal lasts for a long time and is applicable on body or facial hairs that covers the arms, back, chest, and legs as well as in the bikini area. An ideal candidate for such treatment is a person with dark hair and light skin. Along with the newest technology there is no doubt that anyone cannot eliminate unwanted hairs in the body.

One important laser hair removal information that you have to remember is the fact that pregnant women are not advised to undergo this kind of treatment and same reason goes for those people who have sensitive skin. This kind of treatment includes several level of uneasiness however the pain may differ from one person to the other. To most individuals, it is like experiencing mild sunburn.

It is vital to do some research and be aware with the updated information about the procedure prior to treatment. Another crucial factor to keep in mind is to search for eligible practitioners and if possible opt for one with expertise. Know the practitioner well before undergoing treatment because it is wise to familiarize someone who will conduct the procedure.

Another important concern is to acquire the same machine for such hair removal in order for you to do the procedure at home. This is appropriate for people who have dark hair and light skin. Most of the machines that can be used at home include similar technology like those used in clinics.

Regardless of your decision, it is important to know any related information about the treatment. The nuts and bolts will include the need to explore the various kinds of machines for the said treatment as well as their benefits before making decision on whether to purchase one or simply opt to have the treatment done in a clinic.

===>>Learn more about Laser Hair Removal [], prices, safety and more at the Best Hair Removal in Manhattan site: []

Alase Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal has been known to only work for clients with dark hair color and lighter skin complexion but that principle has been proven wrong by Alase hair removal treatment. Alase uses a technology that makes laser treatment applicable to all types and colors of the skin.

The only situation where it does not work is for those who have white, gray and red hair colors. The reason behind is that these colors of hair do not contain enough melanin for the laser to target, thus it cannot disable the hair follicles. Melanin is the dark pigment that the laser light is specifically aiming to reach.

With Alase, the laser device is specifically programmed to match the skin type and color in contrast to the hair to get the best result possible. It has to be noted that proper care should be observed for the treatment. Avoid exposure to sunlight before and after the treatment to avoid side effects. Redness after the treatment is normal and will disappear after few hours; there is no need to panic if this happens.

For those who wanted to free themselves from the burden of plucking and shaving, getting Alase laser hair removal could be the best solution for people who have dark skin. Check with your local clinic for more details. The prices of laser hair removal have gone down over the years.

In some cases they may even give you a discount if you ask for it. Also, if the business is new, they may even allow you to make payments for your treatments. All you have to do is get up the courage to ask them for a good deal. The Alase laser removal treatment is an innovation for people with dark hair and skin colors. The best thing to do is find out if it will work for you.

Sallie Pinkerton is an expert on many subjects and likes to publish articles on different topics, including bikini trimmer and laser hair removal system.

Why Laser Hair Removal Is Worth Preferring Over Other Techniques

Growth of hair on face, chest, legs and arms can be daunting for people due to many reasons. Not only women, but men too wish to get rid of these undesired hairs to have an expressive and beautiful skin. Laser hair removal is a relatively newer process of removing hair from different body parts. A skilled specialist can help one obtain following benefits of removing hair with laser application.

Higher Efficacy

Hair removal through laser treatment has been accepted as a more effective technique than electrolysis, waxing and many such techniques. One can obtain better results with laser treatment to obtain skin that can be showcased to achieve acclaim and some flattering compliments.

Work for Different Body Parts

Laser hairs removal works for removal of hair from different body parts. While facial removal is quite popular with laser treatment, one can get it performed for sensitive body parts, including breasts, armpits and so on.

Less Hair Removal Pain

A serious drawback of conventional processes has been the pain associated with them. Laser Hair Removal is one technique which doesn't cause pain even while removing hair from the most sensitive body parts. This is one of the top reasons for people to get attracted towards this technique.

Suitable for All

Laser Hairs Removal for Women is popular and at the same time, laser hair removal for men is also gaining popularity for the ease and great results associated with the treatment. Men, not only from the world of glamour but the common men too are interested in removing hair from their chests, backs, legs and other body parts these days. Laser treatment is a wonderful solution for both the genders.

Fast Procedure per Session

Though, laser removal may require one to undergo 3 to 4 sessions, but time required per session is short. Moreover, one doesn't need to relax after getting treated using laser and can move to any place immediately after the session is over. As a result, it is a time-effective approach for people leading a busy life.

Permanent Results

With the advancement of technology, it is possible to obtain permanent results with laser removal. Even if the hairs re-grow after some time, the texture of new hairs is soft and can be easily removed once again.

In order to remove all these benefits of laser hair removal, you must obtain it from an authorized laser treatment clinic with specialized teams. Make sure you learn about things like number of sessions required and suitability of the treatment for your skin type before undergoing the treatment.

Anushka Sharma is a professional writer, presently writing for physiotherapy Clinic in Delhi.

A Good Neck Wrinkle Treatment Is The Ultimate Solution To Firmer Neck Skin

As your skin ages, it will ultimately lost elasticity and tone which will cause your neck to look wrinkled and saggy. This will in turn make you look much older than you are and can be very frustrating trying to cover your neck whenever you go out. Luckily there are many neck wrinkle treatments available to tighten and firm your neck skin.

Exercises for your Neck

Exercising your neck can aid in building lost muscle tone. The results can be quite noticeable if done consistently. There are many different neck exercises that you can do daily which will only take about 6 minutes each day. Try to target the exact location you want to firm and you will be amazed at the result you will see in a matter of a few weeks.

Laser Treatment

Laser toning is a much newer procedure that uses the latest technology to resurface and tone the outer layers of the skin and rebuild the muscle tone. This treatment should be performed by a licensed doctor to ensure you are getting the best possible outcome.

Downside of laser toning is the cost. It can run into several thousands of dollars and because it is temporary you will have to bet follow-up treatment occasionally to keep your neck looking firm and toned.

It can also have a few side effects such as redness, swelling; however these symptoms do not last more than a couple of days.

Neck Lift

You can choose to opt for minor neck lift which is an invasive procedure. This must be done by a licensed cosmetic surgeon. Since this procedure is invasive it is important you do adequate research before thinking of having it done. It can make quite a dramatic change in the appearance of your neck; however it is expensive and require recovery time.

The Use of A Natural Firming Lotion

A firming lotion can also be very effective as a neck wrinkle treatment. However not just the regular firming lotion sold on the market. You must know what to look for if you want to get optimum result.

You first need a lotion with the ability to stimulate your body to produce a higher level of collagen and elastin in your body as this is one of the main reasons you are experiencing sagging neck.

Finding a neck firming lotion with a substance known as Cynergy TK will give you amazing result without going through painful and expensive procedures.

Cynergy TK has been scientifically proven to induce your body to produce more collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid which will result in the reduction of lines and wrinkles, toning and firming of sagging skin and a faster regeneration of new skin cells.

It all depends on your personal situation on the neck wrinkle treatment you decide to use. However safety, effectiveness and long-lasting results are what you should be looking for.

Say Goodbye to wrinkles and sagging neck skin with these neck wrinkle treatment. Unlock the Hidden Keys to the "Fountain of Youth" and enjoy the ultimate discoveries of natural ingredients that heal the skin from the inside out. Visit my website where I reveal everything.

Laser Sight

There are many scientific, military, medical and commercial laser applications which have been created since the invention of the laser in 1958. It has a variety of properties that make it greatly applicable in many industries. These include its coherency, high monochromaticity, and ability to reach extremely high powers.

Military uses of lasers include target designation and ranging, defensive countermeasures, communications and directed energy weapons. Directed energy weapons like Boeing's Airborne Laser which can be erected inside a 747 jet can actually burn the skin off enemy missiles.

Northrop Grumman declare that its engineers in Redondo Beach had successfully built and tested an electric laser with the capacity to produce a 100-kilowatt ray of light, powerful enough to nullify cruise missiles, artillery, rockets and mortar rounds. An electric laser is in theory able to be mounted in an aircraft, ship, or vehicle because it has a much smaller space requirement for its associated equipment than a chemical laser according to Brian Strickland, manager for the United States Army's Joint High Power Solid State Laser program.

Many firearms applications use the power of the laser as a tool to better the targeting of other weapon systems. For example, a laser sight is a tiny typically visible-light laser erected on a handgun or a rifle and aligned to send out a beam that runs parallel to the barrel. Essentially the laser sight is visible lasers light that enables the shooter to see where the bullet is directed. It is generally found above the body of the small arm at an exact angle facing down, so that the laser will point directly at the spot where the bullet will enter. However, the laser is not entirely accurate and may be off by a slight amount, yet this is normally inconsequential to the overall ability to guarantee a near perfect hit.

The laser beam has low divergence meaning the laser light will appear as a small spot even at extended distances. The user will place the spot on the chosen target and the barrel of the gun is aligned to shoot that target. However, the laser cannot account for bullet drop, windage and target movement while the bullet travels.

Most laser sights come equipped with a red laser diode. Others sometimes use an infrared diode to create a dot that is invisible to the naked human eye but discernible with night vision devices. The firearms adaptive target acquisition module LLM01 laser light module incorporates visible and infrared laser diodes. Later in the 1990s, green diode pumped solid state laser (DPSS) laser sights (532 nm) were put on the market. More Current laser sights are tiny and light enough for attachment to the firearms.

In 2007, LaserMax, a company that specializes in manufacturing lasers for military and police firearms, established the first mass-production green laser available for use in smaller arms. This laser is mounted on the underside of a handgun or long arm on the accessory rail. The green laser is generally agreed to be more visible than the red laser under bright lighting conditions because at the same wattage green light appears brighter than red light.

Please visit this link for more information on Laser Sight: and this link for more information on Night Sights: