Saturday, January 19, 2013

Laser Treatment on Black Skin - What Are the Side Effects?

Laser treatment on black skin needs tremendous care. A little carelessness during the surgery may result in an array of side effects. So, if you have darker tones of skin and are considering going for it, make sure that your doctor is well specialized in this field otherwise the procedure can be a bit of a problem for you. It is very important for you to understand that the color of the skin matters a lot here. Different laser procedures are used for different skin colors. Following are some of the aftereffects that you may experience after the surgery if the surgeon is not highly specialized.

Discoloration Of Skin

Laser treatment on black skin may sometimes result in discoloration of your skin around the treated areas. This condition may remain for the next several months after the surgery is performed. However, the condition does not need any farther treatment. Things will automatically be alright within a year. People with darker skin pigmentation are strongly recommended to ask the doctor about it. In some cases, the doctor may inform you beforehand that your skin is very much likely to react this way if you go for the laser therapy.


You may also experience a certain amount of burning because of the Laser treatment on black skin. However, this will mainly depend upon the concentration of melanin present in your skin. Laser emits light and higher concentration of melanin may absorb the same, which may eventually result in burning.


Just like burning, blistering can also be a possible side effect. It is also related to the concentration of melanin in your skin. The absorption of light because of the higher concentration of melanin can also prompt blistering on the treated areas.

The Risk Of Infection

Skin infection is another possible side effect of laser treatment on black skin. However, it is not applicable only to the people with black skin. Any one who is going for this therapy is at risk of inviting some skin infection. After the laser procedure is performed, skin tends to become tender and thus becomes more susceptible to germs. When germs find their way into your skin, infection is an obvious outcome. That is the reason why it is so important monitor your condition thoroughly after the surgery. You must visit your doctor regularly in order to make sure that things are alright. If your doctor finds something wrong, he/she may offer you some remedy for the same before things go worse.


Laser treatment on black skin may also have several other side effects, such as scarring. You may develop scars on the areas treated by laser. However, scars occur only if the surgeon is an inexperienced one who damages your skin unreasonably in the name of the treatment.

As we can see, most of the side effects are avoidable if you choose the right surgeon for you. If you be a little careful, the laser treatment on black skin can prove to be very effective.

Mr Albertina has been a hobbyist writer writes his free time and specialize in many sectors. He contributes through these informative articles various topics on health like laser treatment, laser spine treatments and eye laser treatment. For more information on laser treatment on black skin and the questions that people considering surgery frequently ask visit today.

Laser Hair Removal - Risks and Benefits

Excessive hair growth in certain areas can be a problem to remove. There are an array of methods that have been used for this purpose, including tweezing, waxing, bleaching, shaving and electrolysis. One of the most popular ways to eliminate this excess growth is with laser hair removal. As with any medical procedure, there are risks and benefits.

In the initial consultation with the dermatologist or physician, the patient will be asked about their history to sun exposure as well as the prescription medications they take. Their skin and hair color will be examined as well. All of these items can have an effect on the success of the procedure.

Benefits may include:

- Long lasting results: One of the positive aspects of this method is how long it lasts. Many of the other treatments are extremely temporary. The laser method may keep the region hair free for several months or even up to several years.

- Up to 80% of the area will remain free and clear of the unwanted growth after only six to eight treatments. It is often recommended to space the treatments six to eight weeks apart for optimum results and to allow healing in between time.

- Some of the newer lasers offer more comfort as well as faster results. Wider beams are also available which allow larger regions of the body to be addressed at one time.

- Different lasers are available for different skin tones and types. The doctor's office will be able to recommend the one that is most effective for each patient's individual needs.

Risks may include:

- Blistering and scarring may occur. Skin texture changes may alter the surface of the region. Scabs and a crusty appearance may also result initially.

- The hair may grow back in a finer and lighter color than the surrounding area.

- A darkened or lightened patch of skin may result after treatment. Darkened is referred to as Hyperpigmentation; lightened is referred to as Hypopigmentation.

A laser removal treatment may take from fifteen minutes to four hours, depending on the denseness of growth and the region which is being addressed. It is an outpatient procedure which means that the patient will go home on the same day.

Anesthesia is not usually required but a numbing cream and sedation may be an option for in order to provide comfort. It is often necessary to come back periodically for maintenance and upkeep of the area in order to keep it hair free.

With laser hair removal, San Antonio based expert helps you get rid of unwanted hair from your body to give you refreshed and rejuvenated skin. To know more about the procedure, visit

Can I Have Laser Skin Resurfacing With a Face Lift?

When it comes to face lifts and the removal of fine wrinkles, what one must keep in mind is that a face lift only tightens the skin, much like a blanket that has been wrinkled, even after pulling it tight, the wrinkles may still be visible. That is where the laser resurfacing of the face comes into play.

In many cases, one should go in to have the laser resurfacing dine prior to the face lift due to the irritation done to the nerves during a face lift. This however does not have to be the case as they both can be done at the same time.

Since laser resurfacing helps to smooth out the fine wrinkles and imperfections of the skin and the face lift helps with the loose skin as well as pulling the structural parts of the skin back into place over the structure that it was made to cover, they go hand in hand. Regardless as to whether you choose to have the laser resurfacing done prior or during the face lift procedure is entirely up to you. A general consensus is that they should be completed together so they can also heal together reducing the stress and pain associated with both.

Since laser resurfacing requires that you do not expose your skin to the sun for a period of time, having the laser resurfacing done with the facelift also helps to ensure that this is done since you do not want to go out until the face lift heals sufficiently to do so.

Together they make perfect harmony when it comes to giving yourself a more youthful and beautiful look. Why not have them done at the same time since it is not an issue to have laser resurfacing done at the same time as a face lift.

Make sure to ask questions during your consultation to ensure that you are eligible to have both procedures done simultaneously as their may be issues related to your own personal medical history in which having them done at the same time may not be in you best interest. Remember that being well informed about any type of procedure whether invasive or non invasive can help you to make a well informed decision should you be required to do so. Laser Skin Resurfacing Chemical peel Face lift

The above resources will help you in your quest for vital information regarding face lifts and non cosmetic procedures. Visit the above resources now!

Back Hair Laser Removal - Does it Really Work? And Will it Send Me to the Poor House?

Does back hair laser removal really work?

Well that depends on whether or not you fit the type. The best candidates are people with fair skin and dark hair. The salons now however have very advanced systems that are able to detect hair on darker skin types and or light hair.

Hair laser removal works by detecting melanin (the dark pigment in the hair), once found, it sends intense heat to the area, killing the follicle of the hair, thus preventing it from growing back.

Some people have very coarse hair and while hair laser removal will help to thin it out, it might be necessary to go through the electrolysis procedure if you want a full hairless look.

Some men notice a great, but not complete, reduction of their back hair and are very happy with that. I have a very hairy bottom, will the back hair laser removal emphasize it even more? Most men are concerned about buttocks area. Once the hair on the back has been permanently removed it creates a strong contrast between the back and the bottom.

Many men are very embarrassed to ask their specialist to remove the hair in that area. The truth is that most aestheticians are so used to performing this type of treatment that it becomes second nature to them. In fact it is very rare that they won't offer it themselves.

If you are still too embarrassed to ask you aesthetician for the bottom treatment but in a desperate need of hair removal, you can either wax or shave or try a home hair laser removal system. There are a few systems out there. Silk'n and Tria are both FDA approved home use devices, which is great since you will have privacy

Silk'n helps to shed the hair right away, but the results are not permanent.

Tria has not been out long enough for consumers to verify the longevity of the results. The company however claims that their machine offers long lasting results. It is worth a try, since it is a lot less expensive then the salon and is more private.

How much would back hair laser removal cost? Everything depends on the amount of work that needs to be done. Prices run for around $100.00 a session. More than one session will be required to treat the whole back. Also due to the different hair growth cycle it is necessary to treat the same area about 5-8 times to stop the hair from growing back.

On average to have a professional perform back hair laser removal it will cost around $6000.00. That includes the follow up treatments as well. Since the back hair laser removal costs a lot of money for most people, more and more consumers are turning to home use devices. Some units are as cheap as $200.00 while others run as high as $800.00.

All of these systems offer great results, but very few actually do. Tria and Silk'n are the only FDA approved systems and both work very good. They are very user friendly, but only work on people with fair skin and very dark hair. The consumers that use Silk'n loved how fast the hair came off, but the only problem was that the hair ends up growing back after some time.

Tria on the other hand promises great long lasting results. People that have used it love it, but they haven't been using it long enough to see how long the hair really does stay off. Still there is a huge buzz going on about Tria, since it's the first unit ever to come out which simulates the professional one.

To find out more on back hair laser removal you can visit

In Defense of Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal obviously provides the most positive results in removing unwanted body hair. However, many people remain unconvinced with its many benefits that refuting their arguments seems a good opportunity to highlight the best features of the procedure.

For the impatient client, the multiple sessions needed for laser hair removal seems too much. Some people love instant results and they expect that laser technology will immediately burn their body hair from their roots until they are gone. This is simply a sci-fi myth about laser technology. Do you really believe a short blast from a laser gun can burn down objects no matter their size?

Sci-fi films tend to misrepresent how laser burns down a plant, a human being or a tiny hair follicle. In reality, they do not disintegrate. The hair removal technician had to be very careful in applying the right intensity of laser light at a right depth to prevent injury to underlying tissue.

Aside from preventing unnecessary injury, medical spa technicians had to perform the procedure gradually to give your skin time to heal. Burning the hair at its dermal roots is not a task easily done in a day. If you want perfection, then you had to endure.

Factors such as your age, gender, skin tone, and body area affect how the technician will pace the sessions for laser hair removal. For a typical Los Angeles Medical Spa, you will find that three to five sessions is the norm. However, if your cosmetic dermatologist thinks you should have more than five sessions, then you should ask why and whether the additional session will affect the total price of the procedure or not. It does not hurt to ask, and knowing beforehand the why and wherefores of any cosmetic procedure is a wise move on your part.

Since the subject of money came up, it is natural to weigh in the costs of laser hair removal compared to costs of other hair removal options, such as waxing. These traditional procedures may cost less, but because hair grows back soon enough, the need for regular visits to the spa is inevitable. Each visit has a price, which when summed up will probably equal the total number of sessions for laser hair removal.

Medical spas and cosmetic doctors do not claim their procedures are perfect and often warn clients that these methods may produce unexpected results. Compared to other cosmetic procedures, however, laser hair removal is a slightly non-invasive procedure and produces no major risks to your health.

It can cause slight discomfort because the laser burns the hair follicle at its roots under the skin. However, the discomfort or pain goes away soon after and your skin heals quickly. Numbing creams and soothing gels are used to relieve the redness and the discomfort.

We see things differently because we are individuals with different perspectives and different experiences. However, concerns for the time needed, the cost of the procedure and the imagined health risks should not stop you from taking into account the benefits of laser hair removal over traditional methods. Weigh in the pros and cons first before making your decision.

Sambo Betts writes health and beauty articles on laser hair removal, botox, teeth whitening and other cosmetic procedure for a Los Angeles medical spa. Cosmetic Rejuvenation Medical Center offers the newest and finest technology in Los Angeles Laser Hair Removal, Los Angeles Botox, and Beverly Hills Teeth Whitening.

Review - The Cutera Coolglide Laser

Laser hair removal is one of the best ways to get rid of unwanted hair from all parts of the body. The new age laser equipment has made sure that there is minimum skin damage when the laser procedure is implemented. The Cutera Coolglide hair removal laser system ensures that the surface of your skin and pores remain unaffected while the hair follicles are completely neutralised. The Coolglide is touted by many as the best available on the market.

The Cutera Coolglide produces a small concentrated pulse of laser energy that acts with pin point accuracy and destroys the hair follicle completely. The laser beam is channelled through a cooled hand piece so that the skin does not come in to contact with the hot high energy pulse. The duration of the pulse can be precisely calculated so that there are minimal side effect using this treatment.

After treatment some of the hair will remain on the surface of the skin, however this can be wiped off immediately. The Cutera Coolglide ensures that all the unwanted stray strands of hair get removed within 2 to 3 weeks of the commencement of the treatment.

The Cutera Coolglide makes sure that the surface of the skin remains unharmed by the high-intensity laser pulse. This is accomplished using the built-in cooling system. The cooling system soothes and softens the skin surface during the course of the hair removal therapy.

But just what sets the Cutera Coolglide apart from all the other hair removal laser equipment? This system uses a wide beam of laser ray to remove hair from follicles; this means that with each pulse dozens of hair follicles can be treated, so wide patches of unwanted hair can be removed conveniently and quickly. Older equipment models used to remove each hair separately and individually, which you can imagine is a painstaking and laborious process.

The Cutera Coolglide causes minimal discomfort to the person having the treatment and thus prolonged sessions are possible. Even if the patient wants to get rid of a large patch of hair, it can be done in a single session. The unique user-friendly design of this laser makes it very easy to use, so it can be properly utilised to remove hairs from any part of the body without the need for anesthesia.

Previously, intense pulse light (IPL) treatments did not produce laser beams, but simply stunned the hair follicle, which means that there was an ample chance of hair re-growth in the treated areas. On the contrary, the Cutera Coolglide ensures a future foolproof solution to all unwanted patches of hair on the body.

The programmable Cutera Coolglide can bet set to match your skin colour so that there is no additional skin pigmentation after the treatment is over. Cutera Coolglide has revolutionized the entire hair removal laser procedure and turned it into a completely safe treatment, with the absolute minimum of side effects. The Hair Facts: Laser
All you need to know about hair removal treatments.

Laser Hair Removal For Everyone

The basic rule of thumb is that your hair must be darker than your skin to be a candidate for laser hair removal. This very common misconception may deter brunettes and redheads from seeking laser hair removal for them, but the modern equipment and techniques available at many laser hair removal centers such as American Laser Centers have truly made that misconception a myth of the past.

Brunette, Blonde or Redhead - How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

First and foremost, laser hair removal works regardless of hair color despite urban myths to the contrary. To better understand the benefits of laser hair removal, it's important to understand how laser hair removal works. A beam of laser light is sent towards a group of hair follicles in order to disable and destroy the root of the hair, but it's controlled in order to prevent damage to the surrounding skin.

Laser hair removal is not electrolysis. Electrolysis uses needles to insert into the skin near the hair shaft and to send electric current down into the skin. The electricity will hopefully destroy the root and then it can be tweezed out. Electrolysis is a time consuming process that can be very expensive and very painful. Electrolysis can also cause skin discoloration through hyper or hypo pigmentation.

Laser hair removal has changed all of that. The laser removal process removes unwanted hair for a lot less money and a lot less pain. Through continual research, laser hair removal is highly effective in removing hair from unwanted areas such as the face, the underarms, bikini, back, legs and more. Modern techniques also help reduce any painful sensations associated with laser treatments.

Men & Women Both Reap the Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

Unwanted body hair is more than just a cosmetic concern for men and women. While many find body hair under their arms to be a nuisance, others may find back hair or facial hair to be nightmarish and uncomfortable. Women don't want to facial hair. Men don't want back hair. Removing unwanted hair can be uncomfortable, inconvenient and frustrating.

There are many hair removal methods including shaving, but shaving is only a temporary fix. When you are looking for a permanent fix that is not prohibitively expensive and very painful - laser hair removal is the way to go. Exploring laser hair removal should be first on your list of options if you're struggling with unwanted body hair.

The location of unwanted body hair varies from person to person and gender to gender. Excessive body hair can affect anyone at anytime and it can become more problematic as a person ages. Hair removal techniques such as waxing, shaving, creams, and electrolysis are all temporary methods and are so painful that people may prefer to cope with the unwanted hair. The benefit of laser hair removal is that it's far less painful, longer lasting and more cost effective with modern innovations. American Laser Hair Removal provides professional laser hair removal services performed by specially trained staff for a painless, long lasting hair removal solution.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Skin Acne Treatments - Treatments That Clear Acne and Heal the Skin

Regular skin care involves the best treatment of skin after the acne is healing. Acne usually forms on the face and back and is caused by the blockage of pores.

It is not recommend that patients ignore their acne. If you decide to pop, thoroughly find a needle to lance. Make sure to sterilize the needle with alcohol. Pierce the acne and gently squeeze until it runs clear. Wash with water again. Most dermatologist do not suggest popping your pimple because it may lead to scaring.

There are many acne treatments available for acne that is aimed to stopping the abnormal clumping of cells and also stopping access oil production reducing and inflammation.

Some medicines available for the acne treatment are Benzoyl Peroxide & Sulfur. Benzoyl Peroxide kills the bacteria, breaks down blackheads and also cuts down the shedding of cells in follicles. Sulfur breaks down blackheads very quickly also.

Over the counter acne treatments come in the form of gels or in lotions. They may cause irritation to the skin if overused. If you experience redness or irritation after a prolonged use of this treatment you may need to cut back on how much you are applying.

The laser treatment is a process that is used to clear up your acne. It also clears scars left by previous acne. There are many variations of this acne treatment and the kind you receive it depend the type of acne. Many dermatologists advise as to the best treatment options.

This type of treatment categorized in different types. Carbon dioxide lasers, non-ablative lasers, and erbium. The high demand type of acne laser treatment is to use carbon dioxide. Skin that has scars is peeled away by the short pulses of laser. They also remove the scars under the skin.

As you can see, there are many ways to get rid of acne. There are countless acne products, treatments and remedies to try. However, in my case nothing seemed to work for me. After suffering from acne for so long and trying many different remedies and products I finally found the best way to cure my acne in the fastest time. You can find out more information about it at

Laser Hair Removal Explained

Laser hair removal is a method of removing unwanted body hair through the use of laser technology. A high intensity beam of light which gives off a lot of heat energy is directed at hair follicles to damage and stunt re-growth of the hair. It is a fairly painless procedure and a huge improvement in near-permanent hair removal methodology compared to painful electrolysis.

The laser beam is safe to skin surrounding the hair follicles but there are some parts of the body that may be at risk of the high intensity light ray. In the case of facial hair removal, goggles are definitely required since the eyes are a very sensitive organ. Different parts of the body will experience different sensations depending on the sensitivity of the skin.

Overall it is a painless procedure and some patients report having a warm sensation on the area being treated. The sensation can range from a mild stinging in the skin or slight tingle. In comparison to shaving nicks in the skin or waxing, the level of pain generated by laser hair removal is well worth the money. Not to mention the difference between temporary solutions and long-term removal.

As far as treatment goes, a single session can last anywhere from fifteen minutes to forty-five minutes depending on the size of the area. And in many cases, multiple sessions are required as follow-up. The hair in the area treated will re-grow thinner with each session until virtually all the hair follicles have been destroyed. Repeat sessions, depending on many variables of course, are usually once a month for a period of two to eight months.

The cost of such a procedure depends on a variety of factors. The key factors include the part of the body from which the hair is to be removed, the number of sessions required, and the doctor's charge for his or her service. Clinics use a wide variety of methods to price the treatment and it is up to you to ask how the bill will be determined, and to get a quote for the procedure. In the long-run, many patients find the money is well worth the benefits of never having to shave or wax the same area ever again.

Visit our website to learn more about laser facial-hair removal both as a treatment at the clinic as well as facial-hair laser removal at-home systems.

Permanently Reduce Unwanted Hair With Laser Hair Removal

There can be no disputing the fact that laser hair removal has become a very important option for people who would like to reduce or to get rid of unwanted hair on most parts of the body. The beauty of this method is that it offers the user permanent laser hair removal and the procedure is backed up by medical science into the bargain. For this reason most people who want to get rid of unwanted hair have learnt to embrace the laser option.

For the purpose of clarity, it has to be stated that this method works by the use of laser energy. The heat from the laser light is used to target hair follicles. By applying the laser directly to the targeted areas, the hair is reduced and gradually eliminated entirely. Basically, this is what laser hair removal is all about. The process is very convenient for facial hair removal. It is also very convenient for removing small patches of hair on different parts of the body.

Unfortunately, this option is not perfect and may not be convenient for everybody. This is because targeting the hair shaft without damaging the pigment of the skin can be quite a tricky process. There is also the fact that using this procedure effectively means that the laser light has to be on just long enough to heat the hair. If the light stays on too long, it may spread to surrounding areas of the skin and cause skin damage. For this reason, it makes a lot of sense to have the laser procedure carried out by competent, experienced and qualified professionals. This is because if things are not done the right way, permanent damage may result and this will not be in the interest of the patient.

It has to be pointed out as well that there are instances where medical IPL laser hair removal methods are used to get rid of unwanted hair. The point here is that experts are supposed to use laser lights for best results. Using intense pulsed lights (IPL) may not do as much good as the real thing. It has to be stated as well that the cost of this treatment and the duration of the procedure will depend on the skin type of the person involved and the thickness of the hair being treated.

All considered though, laser hair removal is very effective. It can also offer a permanent solution to the problem of unwanted hair on most parts of the body. For best results, it makes sense to deal with competent specialists who have proven experience in laser hair removal.

The writer is Joe Murphy with extensive experience in a variety of industries through significant transitions. For more information on Laser Hair Removal or have a look at interesting blog Understanding Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Laser Treatment For Facial Hair

Facial hair is a common problem for women but one that isn't easy to solve. Laser hair removal of facial hair can be very effective at removing facial hair and in some cases for good although there are other methods such as electrolysis which also have their place.

Laser hair removal can be an effective process but there are some problems with it. In this article I'll be going through some of the pros and cons to getting laser hair removal so that you can start to think about whether it is right for you. However it's important to remember that only your doctor or other healthcare professional will be able to give you the right advice for your specific condition.

The benefits of laser hair therapy are that if performed correctly and on the right patient it can stop hair growth permanently for some people while being completely safe. While it won't work for everyone - sometimes even seemingly perfect cases don't get any benefit from it - many people will see a noticeable improvement in the amount of facial hair they have.

The downsides are that it costs a lot of money and there are some potential side effects. For example if the laser treatment is not performed correctly you could end up with problems including burning of the skin and temporary skin discolouration. This is why it's important to not just go for the cheapest option but to spend time researching the best laser clinic near you.

You should never believe people if they try to tell you that laser treatment is 100% effective at reducing the amount of visible facial hair because there is no evidence to show this. However in some cases it can work and provide permanent relief from hair on the face.

If you would like more information about facial hair removal then please visit laser hair removal face guide. You can also find out more about the cost at hair removal cost.

Laser Skin Care Treatment Alternatives - 3 Affordable, Effective Procedures

As you may know, laser skin resurfacing involves using intense light beams to remove the surface layer of the skin, revealing younger looking skin with fewer wrinkles and discoloration. What you may not know is that with laser treatments, the downtime and healing process can be extensive. For those with olive, tanned, or dark skin; it may take six to nine months for normal skin pigmentation to return. In addition, the considerable time it may take for complete recovery makes it uncomfortable for some to resume work and other social schedules. For this reason, many prefer an alternative such as superficial chemical peels. Below are three affordable, effective laser skin care treatment alternatives:

TCA Blended Peels

Tricholoracetic acid (TCA) peels combined with other acids, such as Salicylic or Alpha Hydroxy Acid create moderate depth peels that are very effective in eliminating fine wrinkles and reducing discoloration. The beauty of these peels is that the controlled application gives skin a new healthy glow without dermal damage or demarcation. Therefore, superficial peeling with a master aesthetician will have skin looking younger with minimal recovery. With this kind of light peel, the skin undergoes brisk peeling within three or four days that is similar to sunburn peel with very little down time.

For even better results, make sure the skin is prepped properly beforehand by applying retinol, glycolic acid and bleaching agents as directed prior to the procedure. Preparing the skin before the peel will result in faster recovery and lower risk of discoloration. Retinols will also shed the dead, superficial layers of skin while stimulating the skin to help regenerate and heal more quickly.

Apple Wine Peels

Dermal resurfacing followed by microdermabrasion and an apple wine peel formulate an easy, three-step alternative for skin conditioning and renewal. When done by an astute professional, this process (which removes the dead, outermost layer of skin using tiny crystals) is not painful and can leave the skin rejuvenated and smooth after just one week (please note: after the apple wine peel, slight peeling may be observed within three or four days). This three-part process is an excellent option for those with sun damage, crow's feet around the eyes, vertical lines around the lips, blotchy skin or acne scars.

Kojic Acid and Clay-based TCA Peels

Kojic acid and clay-based TCA peels are good for those with hyperpigmentation or dark blotches on the face. These peels blend natural, oceanic ingredients (for additional skin building support) that soften the skin and even its tone while also breaking down cellular buildup, thereby detoxifying the skin safely and quickly.

These alternatives to laser skin care offer many benefits, including reduced cost and shorter healing times. In fact, after a series of these types of peels, women find they look many years younger with fewer wrinkles, smaller pores, reduction in fine lines, more even skin tone and a more refreshed appearance (don't forget that using a good, broad spectrum sunscreen with a high sun protection factor against both UVA and UVB rays is critical, as it will not only protect the new skin exposed by the peels, but will also prevent further sun damage).

For more information on these alternatives to laser skin care or to get a FREE downloadable brochure, visit:

Is There an Easier Alternative to Skin Laser Treatment?

Did you know that there are alternatives to skin laser treatment? Yes, you don't have to spend thousands of dollars and endure pain just to have beautiful, youthful skin. Read on to find out more.

This surgery entails a laser beam used to vaporize the upper layers of the skin. This removes aging signs like wrinkles and fine lines. Once the upper layers are removed new skin which is youthful and without blemishes, will form again. Wrinkles in the lip, chin and eye areas can be removed with skin laser treatment.

However, this treatment is expensive and also painful. The process has to be done in an operating room in which you will be anesthetized. After the treatment you have to carefully use antibiotic creams to heal your skin. It will also take a couple of months to see the full results of taking this treatment. And of course, the results are temporary.

Is there an easier alternative to skin laser surgery? Yes there is!

The alternative is using highly effective skin care products that are packed with a good concentration of powerful natural ingredients. Using such a product regularly will give definite relief from skin conditions and can show a complete reversal of aging signs. You will find them to be definitely a whole lot better to use than undergoing laser surgery.

Here is a look at the many benefits of using a top-notch product:

* They keep your skin complexion fresh and clean.

* They provide a rich supply of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to your skin. This protects and enriches your skin. Even the best skin laser treatment does not offer this.

* They reverse aging skin signs like wrinkles, fine lines and age spots, by stimulating the production of youthful skin cells in a natural way.

* They have ingredients that tighten sagging skin. This is a far better solution for reducing sagging skin problems than skin laser surgery as it shows long-lasting effects.

* They moisturize your skin. This prevents your skin from becoming dry. Dry skin is more susceptible to wrinkles. You cannot find such benefits in skin laser treatment.

* They reduce skin problems like acne skin, skin inflammation, and oily skin. Laser surgery really does not look into such issues.

* The effect of using such products is long-lasting. This cannot be said about the results of skin laser surgery.

Now, that you are aware of the benefits of using high quality skin care products what you also need to know is how to find them. In order to do this, you need to check the products ingredients. Look out for products with a high concentration of ingredients such as Vitamin E, Shea, minerals oils, herbal extracts and other powerful natural components.

These ingredients have shown proven results in treating aging signs the right way. They do not cause any side effects and they are able to treat different kinds of skin conditions such dry skin, acne skin or sensitive skin very effectively.

Using a product with a combination of such ingredients will give you clear skin that really radiates with health. The process of skin treatment is this manner is definitely better than costly skin laser treatment. The effects last long and you get your skin healthy back.

Susan Kessler is an expert in skincare and has helped hundreds of men and women improve the appearance of their skin. Visit Skin Cream Guide to learn more about how to find the very best skin care products on the market. You too can look and feel years younger!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Selecting the Best Laser Specialist, New Fractional CO2 Laser Resurfacing Facts

There are so many lasers out there now and everyone claims to have the best and most innovative technique to help your skin.

What is the Truth?

Well, according to most physicians and industry experts, there has yet to be a laser that has emerged as the leader in the fractional co2 laser resurfacing arena. The hottest and most popular CO2 devices are the: SmartXide Dot Co2 laser, Ellipse Juvia Fractional Co2 Laser, Reliant Fraxel Re:pair Co2 Laser, and the Lumenis Active FX Fractional Co2 laser. Each of these lasers differ slightly from the others but they all can provide great results. Physicians continue to argue and debate over the efficacy of their device but few of them will admit that much of the difference lies in their hands. The outcome of any device is largely dependent upon how skilled the physician is with their device.

It is so important that patients see Fractional specialists who have a proven track record of great results with the latest technology. Odds are, if your physician is well versed in the other laser technologies such as Fraxel or Traditional Co2 resurfacing, then they should be able to perform the fractional laser without any issues. You still have to do your homework and have realistic expectations of the results you can expect to see. You should do your research on the laser he or she will be using and more importantly do your research on the person who will be doing the procedure.

How many of these procedures have you done?
Do you have before and post op pictures from this device?
How long have you been using this device?
Why did you select this device over the others available?
How long have you been performing laser procedures?
Have you written any papers on laser resurfacing or the different laser devices?
What is the difference between Fraxel and Fractional Co2 Laser?

If you do not know the answer these questions, you should visit to learn the answers to these questions and much more. You can also watch video demonstrations of the various laser procedures available, view before and after photos, and read articles by top Dermatologists and Plastic Surgeons about this new procedure. You can also visit to learn about the numerous fractional co2 lasers currently on the market.

These are just some initial questions that you can ask to gain a comfort level with the prospective provider. You want to make sure that you have a good comfort level with the practitioner and do not feel like he/she is just trying to sell you something. Remember that there is no BEST LASER but there are the best settings for the results you are after. Many of the laser devices can provide the same outcome but they MUST be in qualified hands to do so.

Andrew Eriksen - Patient Advocate

Laser Liposuction - Not All Machines Are Equal For Laser Liposculpture and Body Contouring

You are very lucky if you have waited until now to consider having liposuction, or liposculpture body contouring. The new laser liposuction techniques are a vast improvement over traditional methods. The new laser technology melts fat and tightens skin resulting in a much gentler liposculpture procedure and minimal loose hanging skin after liposuction.

Whether you have a double chin, tummy fat after childbirth, saddle bags, spare tire, or just little problem areas around the hips or thighs, the new laser assisted liposculpture and laser body contouring techniques may be what you are looking for.

Not all of the machines in use are the same. Some laser wavelengths, such as the 924nm and 924/975nm work much better than others. You need to understand which technology is best if you are considering laser liposuction.

Liposuction is the most commonly performed plastic surgery operation.

Problems Associated with Traditional Liposuction
-Traditional liposuction is done by inserting a metal tube called a cannula beneath the skin into fat containing areas of the body. High pressure suction is applied and fat is suctioned out from under the skin. While the procedure works well, it is traumatic as the suction pulls out not only fat but also some of the connective tissue which holds the skin tight to the body. There are several problems which can occur after liposuction:

o Loose Skin After Liposuction

o Contour Deformities-Skin Irregularities

o Prolonged Bruising

o Difficult and Painful Recovery

How Laser Liposuction Works-During laser assisted liposuction, a very small laser fiber is inserted beneath the skin. Heat from the laser melts the fat into a thin liquid. The liquid fat is then more easily removed with very small cannulas usually only2-3 millimeters in diameter. The heat from the laser also tightens the skin, and closes many blood vessels, thus less bleeding.

Advantages of Laser Liposuction

o Skin Tightening!!!!!!!

o Liquefaction of Fat = Fewer Contour Deformities

o Uniform Skin Appearance after Liposuction

o Smaller Cannulae = Tiny Incision

o Much Less Traumatic

o Can Contour Visible Areas in Thinner Patients

o Excellent for Touch Ups after standard Liposuction

Which Laser is best for Liposuction?

There are several different machines available using several different laser wavelengths-the 924nm, combined 924/975nm, the 1064nm, and the 1308nm are the most popular.

I prefer the 924nm and combination 924/975nm laser because the 924nm is very selectively absorbed by fat tissue. The 924nm liquefies 3 times as much fat as some of the other wavelengths and is also more strongly absorbed by blood vessels, which helps reduce bleeding and bruising.

Are You A Candidate for Laser Liposuction?

If you are healthy, do not smoke, and have extra fat beneath your chin, around your tummy, on your hips, thighs, arms or knees, and are relatively fit and not obese, then you are likely an excellent candidate for laser liposuction. The younger you are the better your skin tightening will be after laser liposuction. I have, however, seen good skin tightening after laser liposuction in a 70 year old person.

If you are obese and significantly over weight, you should lose weight first before liposuction.

If you are considering laser liposuction you really need to know the facts and understand the technology. Once you do the advantages of the new 924nm and 924/975nm based laser liposuction technology are obvious-there is nothing else like it on the market. See pictures of SlimLipo? laser liposuction and laser body contouring results. Read my free newsletter on the newest aesthetic, non-surgical rejuvenation and plastic surgery techniques.

The Permanent Risks of Laser Hair Removal Laser removal centers may focus on permanent hair removal that their procedure may achieve. Some might never point out sufficient info regarding the long term dangers of hair laser removal.

Laser practice sessions are usually 6-8 procedures which are 8-12 weeks separate to be able to deal with all of the hair growing cycle. There tend to be various kinds of lasers every different by their benefits as well as long-run hazards.

There are usually 2 main laser hair removal skin discolorations that may happen: Whilst people usually worry does laser hair removal cause skin cancer, or worry from painful risks, epidermis discoloration isn't painful nevertheless it may be end up getting an extremely serious mental dissatisfaction.

Hypo pigmentation:

This describes the whitening of epidermis layers which may happen since the epidermis receives large amount of light in the treatment, and the melanin is then heated up and destroyed.

Similar to hyper pigmentation, (darkening) hypo pigmentation (whiting) occurs more regularly with people having darker pigment. One of the most effective methods to prevent these laser permanent hazards will be answering:

1. Are you the proper applicant to undergo a laser procedure? Do you have sufficient tone contrast between epidermis pigmentation and hair pigmentation?

2. Re you doing what ever possible keeping clear of the sun's rays, sun tanning, applying bronze lotions? To put it short, keep your skin as white as possible.

Alexandrite laser can cause discoloration, it is recommended usually as laser hair removal system for people who have completely white skin. The Alexandrite might cause the darker skin tones on which it is applied to form white or dark spots on the skin.

Nd: Yag lasers are known to deal with virtually any skin shades, they include hardly any long-run risks, and may deal with darker tinted skins, however the Yag lasers outcomes tend to be customer frustrating: limited-term hair reduction in addition to significant hair re-growth within a couple of months.

Hypo-pigmentation (whiting of the skin or white spots) is not reversible; you might be at risk of long run skin problem leading to lasting whitening of the epidermis around the treated location.

Hyper pigmentation:

This on the other side describes any darkening of epidermis. Sun rays are regarded as the most common of hyper pigmentation cause. Direct sunlight will undoubtedly darken previously hyper pigmented places. Hyper pigmentation may happen following the hair laser removal procedure once the laser beam leads to a more frequent production of melanin. Hyper-pigmentation is normally not necessarily a permanent risk and could get treated using pharmacy products.

Those pair of risks may be prevented, if you are going to a specialized technician who has the correct laser equipment. Expertise plus practical experience are counted only when have been applied on your unique type of skin.


You will find no proper certification requirements for laser specialists, so in order to reduce ones hazards with laser removal risks, make sure of the following tips.

Ensure your medical center utilizes a wide variety of laser types. Attempt to discover any information about their expertise with your type of skin color, how long do they use their laser devices, the number of people they've done hair removal treatments with each system.

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Laser Skin Treatment Risks

Laser skin treatment is very safe, but like all medical procedures, there are some risks you are taking when deciding to undergo the procedure. Before committing to laser treatment, it is very important that you discuss the possible outcomes with your doctor. Though these complications rarely occur, you must be prepared for all possible results of your treatment.

There are a few routine side effects with this procedure, including redness in the treated area. In some cases, this pigmentation change may last for months after the procedure. This more commonly occurs in patients with darker complexions because more laser energy is absorbed by their skin. The area may become darker, lighter, or pinker than the surrounded skin. This should fade over time. However, if you undergo multiple treatments using lasers that penetrate deep into the skin, it could become permanent. Still, even if pigmentation complications develop, within a year the skin should be back to its normal tone.

To avoid hyper-pigmentation or hypo-pigmentation, reduce sun exposure and always wear sunscreen while your skin is healing from laser procedures. The treated area is very sensitive to the sun while it is healing, and it may not tan normally for at least a year.

In rare cases, the treated skin may develop an infection. Crusting or blistering may also appear. To avoid this complication, use an antibacterial ointment on the treated skin. Your doctor may provide a medicated lotion for the area. If your doctor believes that you may have an increased risk for skin infections, an antibiotic medication may also be prescribed for the days immediately before and after your laser procedure. If you have a history of herpes or cold sores, the laser treatment may cause this virus to flare up.

After laser skin treatment, there is a possibility of scarring. If you have a history of severe scarring following medical procedures, be sure to discuss this specific risk with your doctor, as you may be ineligible for laser skin treatments. Scarring may also occur more frequently after laser procedures that deeply penetrate the skin; shallower laser procedures may be the safer choice, especially if you are worried about scarring. In most cases, scarring is not a common complication after laser skin treatment. To reduce your risks, avoid scrubbing, scratching, or picking it the treated area until it has fully healed.

To reduce the risk of complications following laser skin treatment, choose a fully licensed and certified doctor who has been trained to use the specific laser type that will be used on your face.

Sara Parkinson is the author of the Laser Skin Treatment Guide, an essential resource for those considering laser skin treatments. Discover more about how to avoid the risks of laser skin treatment and ensure your treatment goes smoothly.

Is Cellulite Treatment by Laser One of the Best Ways?

Cellulite is one of the most embarrassing cosmetic conditions for many women. Cellulite is actually lumpy deposits of fat just beneath the surface of the skin. They give the skin a dimply appearance and may resemble the texture of cottage cheese to some. While many obese individuals suffer from cellulite, others do not. Moreover, many individuals with cellulite have slim figures and are not overweight. Unfortunately, fat deposits associated with cellulite are not easily treated by exercising or dieting. Instead, other methods of treatment may be recommended.

Liposuction and other procedures requiring an incision and sutures may be used in some cases to remove the fat deposits causing cellulite. These procedures may be invasive or minimally invasive, but often deliver results. For those looking to avoid the more invasive treatments, other procedures are also available, many of which use heat, radio-frequency energy and suction to relieve this condition.

With laser treatment, light energy is concentrated below the skin where fat deposits are located. The procedure targets fat that causes cellulite in the buttocks and thigh regions. Laser treatment for cellulite is often considered pain free and thus a more attractive option to those seeking non-invasive therapies for removing cellulite.

The underlying cause of cellulite may be a number of things. A local obstruction or damage to cellular membranes, abnormal body fat cell enlargement and poor blood supply and waste removal are possible underlying causes of this condition. With laser treatment, the skin may feel warm underneath, but should remain cool on the surface.

Gentle massaging moves the cellulite cell membrane and helps to get rid of the dimply appearance in the area. Over a three to four month period, patients who choose laser treatment may undergo about 10 sessions of treatment to reach optimal results. There is no downtime afterwards, making this an attractive treatment option for those who do not want to rearrange their life to fit their treatment.

Suction treatments and those using radio frequency energy are also available and may prove successful for those wishing to remove cellulite. Some treatments combine laser light, radio frequency energy and/or massage or suction therapy to achieve results. These methods have each proven effective in combating cellulite.

Cellulite treatments are not a permanent fix for the condition. Patients must keep the fat cells off, otherwise cellulite may return. Leading a healthy lifestyle, exercising regularly and eating right are good ways to keep cellulite from returning.

Justin recommends visiting a aesthetic skin care clinic for laser cellulite treatment procedures, a consultation and questions for Dr. Navarro on skin rejuvenation in Florida.

Laser Hair Removal Prices - Guidelines

Laser hair removal prices can vary greatly depending on the geographic area.

A candidate's physical features also affect laser hair removal prices. According to one authority, an absolute requirement is that the hair must be darker than the surrounding skin.

The whole area on the back or the legs can cost considerably more while smaller areas such as the upper lip obviously cost less.

Individual consultations are necessary to establish accurate laser hair removal prices.

Note: Due to the variables involved it is impossible to predict exactly what the results will be for any individual. Many reputable clinics avoid giving guarantees for this reason.

A consumer guide on laser hair removal gives $500 per treatment session as a reasonable average with 3 to 4 sessions often necessary.

Another survey on laser hair removal prices in the U.S.A. gives these averages according to area:

Average Cost for 1 treatment:

Midwest - $497
East - $458
South - $307
West - $469

When checking laser hair removal prices in your area, ask for special offers.

Suggestions For Obtaining Discounts

Offer to pay for all treatments upfront in exchange for a discount.

Additionally, you could try and get a discount by giving a referral if you have a friend who also wishes to receive laser hair removal treatment.

Some practitioners offer a 6 treatment package which includes 1 free if you pay for 5. Others may even offer a 50% discount on the regular laser hair removal prices if you need more than 6 treatments.

In other cases, laser hair removal prices can be reduced by seeking discounts on additional areas to be treated. Some for example, offer a 10% reduction in cost for each additional area.

A final tip: To clarify the laser hair removal prices you are given, be sure to find out whether the quote is for both arms, underarms, or legs or just one.

Conclusion: Laser hair removal prices can vary greatly. Do your research, use the guidelines above in trying to get discount prices and go with the clinic that offers you a professional service for a reasonable price.

Note: For peace of mind you could decide only to go to a Board Certified Dermatologist. Additionally, you may ask to see before and after pictures of the practitioner's own results.

Laser Hair Removal Research Library

How to find a laser hair removal practitioner near you:

Plastic Surgery Research Library:

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Laser Hair Removal Vs Electrolysis - Which is the One For You?

Recent studies have shown that laser hair removal is more effective against removing dark hair. It has an effect on melanin, the amino acid that makes hair or skin dark. For this reason, it's been found to be less effective against blonde skin or "peach fuzz."

It's risky if you have dark skin. Because it zaps melanin, it can cause pigmentation problems for those with darker skin, leaving light patches. A good plastic surgeon can minimize this risk, but it's generally recommended to use electrolysis instead for those with light hair or dark skin.

Although laser removal can get you striking results, they are only temporary. The other one is still the only permanent removal solution in the world. With the former, you need to get repeated treatments. But, electrolysis zaps it once and for all.

You can get a laser job done during your lunch break, and it'll get your face smooth as a baby's bottom. Treatments take just 15 minutes or so per facial zone, and you need a few treatments over the course of a month to get the job done.

Electrolysis treatments take longer and must be stretched over a longer period of time. You can expect about 30 minutes on each part of the face. It takes usually around 20, but sometimes as many as 30, treatments to get the results you want. The whole procedure can take as long as 10 months.

Electrolysis is more painful than laser removal. Most folks who get the former treatment done say it feels a little tingly, or that they experience pin-pricks, but nothing serious. It can be pretty painful, because the doctor has to insert a tiny apparatus into the follicles. This device releases an electronic charge, actually zapping the follicle.

Cost varies so much from one country to another, and even one clinic to another, that's it's a little irrelevant. Usually, laser removal costs more in the long term, because you'll have to have repeated treatments. Electrolysis costs more for one treatment, but after that one treatment, you're finished forever.

To sum up, removing hair by passing an electric current through the root is a more serious option that's permanent. But it's only for folks who are serious about getting rid of the growth. It's time consuming, a little painful and longer, but it's permanent. This means you only have to undergo one treatment, and then you're set for life. While the other method, is a quick and easy fix for unwanted growth. Talk to your doctor about which solution is best for you, and say goodbye to those unwanted hairs!

In Tallahassee laser hair removal specialists are using the most advanced systems available for laser hair removal, the Cutera Xeo system, which is FDA approved for permanent reduction of most unwanted hair for all skin tones. To know more, visit

Laser Hair Removal - Know the Basics Before You Go in For Treatment

If you are tired of shaving or waxing to stay smooth, you might be interested in laser hair removal. This procedure is great for people who want to save the time and trouble of getting rid of stubble every day, or even occasionally going to the beauty salon to wax. Before you opt for this treatment, find out the basics.

Not surprisingly, this procedure uses a beam of light to damage the hair follicle, which can impede its growth in the future. However, just going once to have this done does not guarantee that you will stay smooth for years. You will have to have it done in a few sessions if you want long-term results, but it is often worth it, especially since each session does not take long.

The best candidates for laser hair removal are those with light skin and darker hair. If your pigmentation is darker, you can still consider it, but know that the process might leave uneven spots on the surface since it affects the melatonin. You should ask your doctor before attempting this procedure, especially since new treatments are being worked on for those with different coloring.

Though laser hair removal is generally safe, there are some risks involved, just like with any other procedure. Your epidermis may be irritated afterward, and some scabbing or overall sensitivity is possible. You might also notice that your skin is temporarily darker or lighter than usual in the treated area, but that issue should go away soon afterward.

Like any other type of treatment, you will first consult with a doctor or medical staff to make sure you are a good candidate for this process. You can expect to go over your medical history first, including what medications you are taking currently since these can interfere with results. You will then find out more about the procedure, such as how it works and how to prepare before the big day. Before and after photos might also be taken.

Many people who want to get rid of fuzz in various areas have probably considered going this route, but you should be aware that it is not a guarantee that you will never have to shave again.

Managing your expectations is much easier when you consult with your doctor before the process begins. This way, you can possibly avoid negative side effects that come with not being a good candidate, and find out how to heal as fast as possible.

In Pittsburgh laser hair removal is performed by highly skilled plastic surgeons who also offer carefully chosen, exclusive at-home medical skin care lines containing pharmaceutical grade active ingredients that expedite your results. To know more, visit

Reduce Excessive Hair Growth With Laser Hair Removal

Hair removal with laser treatments is done with a laser beam that emits light energy to reduce excessive hair growth and with the aim of eventually eliminating it completely. The laser's single-spectrum light produces heat in the melanin pigment in the hair shaft. Melanin is the substance that gives your hair and skin their color. The heat travels through the melanin to the hair follicle, a tiny sac inside the skin that grows hair. As the follicle inflames from the laser, it goes dormant and stops hair growth. Laser hair removal can last months or it can last years, as long as a series of treatments are performed.

Lasers are considered medical devices and should only be operated by a doctor or a nurse with special training. Lasers produce a single-color beam of focused light energy that can be trained on a precise target, such as a single hair. The lasers used for hair removal are hand-held devices. There are also laser-like devices used in hair removal, such as intense pulsed light (IPL) systems. These instruments use light from more than one color along the color spectrum and direct it at their target in brief bursts. The choice of whether to use laser or IPL therapy for hair removal is best made by the treating physician.

Laser hair removal is a medical procedure because extensive training and experience is required to operate the laser device properly without harming the patient. The laser beam needs to be precisely controlled and directed at the target for just the right amount of time to keep from causing skin damage. Many laser hair removal instruments have built-in cooling devices to make sure all the light energy goes straight to the hair shaft and without harming the skin. Choosing an experienced medical provider is a must if you're having this procedure.

Laser hair removal is rumored to be painful. The truth is that, while the procedure isn't painless, the discomfort depends on many factors. These may include:

- The area of the body targeted for laser treatment. The more sensitive the skin, the higher the risk of some pain.

- The hair's color and texture. Thicker, darker hair can transfer heat to the surround skin area.

- Whether the treatment is the patient's first, or a later treatment in the process. The first treatment is almost always the most difficult.

- Whether the patient is sensitive to pain. Most patients opt to continue treatment despite any discomfort they experience.

At least three treatments are recommended for laser hair removal patients. A typical series of treatments consists of four to seven sessions, one every month to two months, to produce 80 percent elimination of hair from the treatment area. These figures may vary with individual patients, and once in a while an unlucky individual may find that he or she simply can't get lasting results from the therapy.

Follow-up appointments for maintenance are the norm if you want the hair reduction to last. These may take place once or twice a year, although the frequency varies depending on the patient's individual characteristics. If hirsutism or a medical condition is an issue, maintenance may be needed more frequently.

Patients with darker skin are more challenging to treat than those with light skin. This is because both the skin and hair get their color from a pigment called melanin. Laser hair removal works by heating the melanin in the hair shaft without heating the melanin in the skin, so if the skin is darker than the hair, it will heat up more quickly. Patients with darker skin may still be candidates for laser treatment, and as the technology progresses, these patients will become easier to treat. Selection of an experienced treatment professional is especially important in these cases.

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons lists a price of $429 as the cost of one hair treatment with laser when averaged on a national basis. This price will vary greatly depending on where you live, which clinic you go to, and which area of the body you wish to treat. Clinics are aware of the lack of insurance coverage for this procedure and will work with you to draw up a treatment and payment plan.

Lorrie Cass is a researcher and writer specializing in cosmetic beauty treatment issues. Learn more about body waxing and Laser Hair Removal and Electrolysis Guide.

Laser Treatment For Acne - Hassle Free Way of Solving Acne Problems

Do you have severe acne? Have topical creams and treatments failed to cure your acne and you're now looking into more serious treatments that can kick the problem to the curb? If you're serious about laser treatment for acne then you more than likely have some questions about the procedure -- questions about what acne laser treatment costs, how much time it takes, how well the procedure works, as well as what the procedure actually entails works. Well, read on to learn the answers to your questions.

The procedure of laser treatment for acne is relatively simple. The treatment works by pulsing a yellow light on the surface of the skin that kills the bacteria that promote acne outbreaks and clogged pores. This treatment is painless but the results vary.

For some people the results aren't what they expected. For others they can realize excellent results with a smoother, clearer and cleaner skin. This procedure can also assist in preventing scarring or future acne. It's always a good idea to take preventative measures after you get rid of your acne to keep it from coming back.

Depending on the level of severity of your acne, laser treatment for acne pricing ranges dramatically. For people with terrible acne that has deep and wide coverage of the skin surface, the price can cost more and might require several treatments. For less intrusive acne the prices are much lower. For a "figure" based estimate, expect a bill anywhere between $300 and a whopping $3000 or more.

The option of acne laser treatment should not be approached lightly, as it is a very serious procedure that can be quite costly for you. Take some time and consider your options CAREFULLY before making the final plunge.

For more detailed information about laser treatment for acne as well as to discover the best home treatments for dealing with acne problems fast & inexpensively, try visiting, one of the most popular & informative acne treatment websites on the web.

Laser Hair Restoration is the Painless Way to New Hair

Laser hair restoration includes a range of treatments that all use laser light to stimulate the existing hair follicles to become productive again after going into their dormant phase. The Laser Luce LDS 100 is one example of this type of treatment that has shown some good results in customer trials. Some of these trials have been done on a scientific basis using controls involving comparisons with placebo treatments. Most trials use a 6 month baseline to judge their effectiveness. The LDS trials have results of treatments extending up to 1 year.

Laser hair restoration treatments all use low level power lasers at specific frequencies of light. It is the frequency that gives the characteristics of each method. LCD 100 uses laser light in the Infra red range of light frequencies. The power is important in terms of the laser light as well. Higher power lasers are used in industry to cut materials such as steel sheets. It is important to realize that the laser light in such hair treatment apparatus is of such a low power that it won't even burn the skin let alone cut into it.


The laser light in the Laser Luce procedure works by stimulating the skin cells in the scalp and in particular those that make up the hair follicles. At the cellular level it has been shown that respiration is stimulated making the cells more active. Cell membranes become more active in the movement of mineral ions across them. The production of proteins is stimulated at the genetic level and metabolic activity is promoted. The increased movement across membranes tends to allow these conditions to be spread from one cell to another. At the tissue level all this new activity promotes the spread of the blood capillary networks connecting the scalp cells. The net result of all this increased activity is that the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles is greatly increased. It is thought that this can cause hair follicles, which have started to wither away, to reawaken and start to produce healthy hair once again. Hair production is therefore stimulated and there should be an increase in the amount of hair and the general thickness. Continued treatment should maintain the hair growth that has been established.


For the patient the treatment couldn't be simpler. It involves sitting under a device shaped like a dome. The inside of the dome is covered in special diodes that produce the laser light. These diodes flash repeatedly illuminating the scalp with the laser light. The scalp absorbs the light, which activates the hair follicles. During the treatment there is no pain and the patient can read a magazine to pass the time. At the end of the session the patient doesn't have to recover and can return home straight away.


Clinical trials have to establish if new hair has been produced and that the treatment being tested is responsible for the results seen. The use of people taking a placebo treatment is the method used to make sure that the laser procedure is the causative agent. These people follow the same treatment but no laser light is actually used. Hair counts, before and after photographs and patient self assessment are methods used to establish the extent of hair regrowth. Results from recent trials have shown that LDS 100 hair counts increased over a 6 month period and that these results were maintained over the next 6 month period. In contrast, those using the placebo confirmed the natural loss of hair that one would expect. The results of photographic records show that the peak of hair restoration is achieved between 6 and 12 months of treatment.


Laser hair restoration using the Laser Luce procedure offers a painless way for men and women to regain hair that has been lost. The results of trials have shown that the laser light not only promotes new hair but then goes on to maintain it by providing the optimum conditions for the hair follicles to survive.

There are a number of laser hair restoration treatments that claim to regrow hair. Only with all of the facts at hand can people be expected to weigh up the advantages and disadvantages without having to just accept sales hype. Further information on the alternatives for people looking into hair replacement and hair treatment can be found on T J Vincent's web site Laser Hair Restoration

Laser Surgery For Acne - What You Need To Know

Laser surgery is just one of the many surgical methods used to treat acne. It is also one of the older methods utilized by professionals to reduce acne. Laser surgery can be an effective treatment for many kinds of acne including the more severe forms.

What is laser surgery?

Laser surgery is a procedure that uses high energy pulses of carbon dioxide that are directed on the affected areas of the skin. The laser burns away the topmost layer of the skin called the dermis and reveals a new layer of skin cells, one that results to a smoother, even toned skin.

This procedure may seem like the stuff found in sci-fi movies, but it has been around for sometime. It is also used using a controlled procedure of burning superficial skin layers. After the procedure, doctors usually prescribe certain medications and topical creams to help promote healing. In the hands of a licensed professional, laser can be one of the most effective and safest methods to control and treat acne.

How does it work for acne?

The key contribution of laser surgery for the treatment of acne is two fold. One is that it helps peel off the dermis, exposing younger, smoother skin. Secondly, it helps encourage the production of collagen, which is a fibrous protein found in the connective tissues of the skin. It is also very effective in reducing inflammation.

When the laser is applied to the skin surface, it burns the topmost layer of the skin, destroying sebum and dead skin cells. Since these waste materials are removed, the pores are unclogged and a new layer of skin emerges. The skin also becomes exposed to oxygen, effectively killing the bacteria that cause the infection. This lessens the inflammation.

Using laser surgery on acne scars

Patients with moderate to severe acne scarring often undergo laser surgery to help reduce the appearance of the scars. The topmost layer of the skin is burned away so that new skin is revealed. This procedure reduces the height of the acne scar, making the skin look even and smooth. Since laser also helps the skin produce collagen, the skin also begins to rebuild itself right after the procedure.

How long before results are seen?

The reason why laser surgery is a favorite form of treatment for acne is because it can show some good results after just one treatment. Furthermore, results have a tendency to be permanent so if you are the type who expects instant results, the procedure may not be right for you.

What are the risks associated with laser surgery?

As a treatment for acne, laser surgery does have its risks. By its very nature, laser surgery can cause burns if not properly administered. If the application of the laser is not consistent, it could also result to an uneven skin tone. Because its topmost layer had been burned, the skin tends to exhibit redness that could last for a few months.

Not everyone who suffers from acne is a prime candidate for laser surgery. People who have sensitive skin or have allergic reactions to medications and treatments given after the procedure may not want to use laser surgery.

Cost and recovery

Laser surgery can be a very expensive form of treatment for acne, costing about $2,000 and upwards to $4,000. The cost depends on the size of the area to be treated and sometimes on the experience of the doctor who will be performing the procedure. Compared to other forms of treatments for acne, laser surgery takes a while to result to a complete recovery, taking anywhere from 4 to 7 weeks.

Finding the right laser surgeon

If you are considering laser surgery for acne, remember that laser is just a tool in the hands of a surgeon and that anybody who knows how to operate the machine can wield it. What you must look for is a surgeon who is qualified and has enough experience to ensure there is little or no risk. Ask for certifications and proof of educational background, along with licenses. You can also ask for referrals or check with medical and cosmetic clubs, associations and societies.

Flor Serquina is a writer and also a wife and a mother who has a great interest in maintaining the healthy skin of the members of her large family. For more information visit her website, where she discusses various subjects such as laser surgery for acne and acne scar healing and finding an effective acne scar product

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Acne Laser Treatment

Despite so much of efforts acne scars turned out to be extremely difficult to treat. In the past dermatologists have used several methods such as excision, punch grafts, and chemical peels as treatments. But we all know that the results of these therapies have not turned out to be fruitful and theses therapies have always given room to additional scarring to occur. Over the past several years, dermatologists have been working with acne laser treatment which the results now show is turning to be extremely beneficial and giving excellent results.

A variety of ways have been used to do acne laser treatment but the two major methods that have been proposed are:

Direct absorption of visible light energy by porphyrins. In this acne laser treatment light energy is absorbed by bacterium triggering production of toxic singlet oxygen which damages or destroys the bacteria. Almost any visible light source can be used, including narrow-band light sources such as the ClearLight and Blu-U, assorted IPL devices (broadband light) copper vapor lasers, pulse dye lasers and various orange/red light lasers or light sources. One very important factor is that these lights have absorption peak of porphyrins so the laser waves have the advantage of penetrating deeper in to the skin, but do not activate porphyrin as well.

Many researches have proven that to get good results of acne laser treatment combining the use of the pulsed dye technology with carbon dioxide laser vaporization can turn out to be an efficient way in treating scars. Atrophic acne scars where there is a breakdown of the skin have been found to respond most favorably to carbon dioxide laser resurfacing. The number of treatments necessary depends on the type of lesion and each individual's collagen and wound healing response. Usually two or more treatments are needed for cystic acne scars. But one think that one needs to be clear about in this acne laser treatment is that the pulsed dye laser procedure is typically performed without general anesthesia. Local anesthesia is usually administered with a topical anesthetic cream, intralesional injections or nerve blocks. The immediate result may produce a purplish coloring. The treated scars are then evaluated 6-8 weeks later, where another treatment, at the same or slightly higher strength may be necessary.

The main reason for the increasing demand of acne laser treatment is its safety factor because acne laser treatment eliminates the risks of prolonged antibiotic use and retinoid therapy can be avoided, as well as the expense and inconvenience of prolonged topical treatments, acne medications, creams, gels, etc. Whether or not acne laser treatments should be used as first-line treatment for acne, or even for prevention of acne, remains unclear at this time.

Find out more about Acne Laser Treatment [] as well as other Health issues by visiting and []

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Laser Surgery - Best Bet For Your Pet

If you have taken your pet to the Vet lately, you have no doubt noticed that many treatments that were once only available for humans are now routinely practiced at your local Veterinary Clinic. As a matter of fact, you have probably also noticed that taking your pet to the vet is generally more expensive than taking yourself to the doctor. The good news is that this technology, now allows your veterinarian to help your beloved pet in ways once reserved only for humans. Laser Surgery for pets has arrived and has many of the same benefits for your pet as it does for you.

The Benefits of Laser Pet Surgery are:

Less tissue trauma & pain during and after surgery
Less bleeding during and after surgery
Surgical time is reduced
Less swelling afterwards
A more precise & accurate surgical tool.
Quicker healing and recovery
Less risk of infection

How Does It Work?

The most commonly used intense light veterinary surgical tool is a CO2 or carbon dioxide laser. This specialized piece of equipment produces an invisible beam of light that vaporizes the water found in skin and other soft tissue. This instrument is very precise and can remove thin layers of tissue while leaving surrounding tissue completely unaffected. Ask your Veterinarian if they have this technology available and if it is right for your pets next surgical procedure.

Most Common Veterinary Laser Surgical Procedures:

Removal of:

Infected, damaged or dead tissue

Also helpful with:

Various internal surgeries
Spays & Neuters
Oral surgery
Lick Granulomas
Ear surgeries
Eye and eyelid surgeries
Lump or tumor removals

How To Find A Qualified Veterinarian:

As with any medical procedure, choosing the right professional with the right experience & equipment is critical. To find a veterinarian utilizing the latest technology in you local area, visit, an online directory for cosmetic and surgical laser procedures including veterinary laser surgery, laser hair removal, cosmetic laser surgery, cold laser therapy, and many more laser procedures. The site provides lists and locations of top surgical veterinary specialists nationwide as well as a growing library of expert articles. Many listings also include before and after photos as well as streaming video.

W. Narod is Founder and President of The Web's Largest Laser Treatment Directory where the cosmetic or surgical laser professional can advertise their business and consumers can search, research, and learn about Veterinary Laser Surgery, LASIK, Laser Hair Removal, Laser Skin Resurfacing, Laser Tattoo Removal, Laser Vein Reduction, Laser Surgery, and many other cosmetic laser procedures. You may contact Mr. Narod at

Laser Hair Removal: Ruby Laser Hair Removal

The Ruby laser is an infrared laser and was the first laser hair removal system on the market. As such, it has a longer track record than other laser hair removal options but is also an older technology.

Ruby lasers tend to be ideal for people who have light-colored skin and dark hair.

A Ruby laser works by emitting a pulse of light from a handheld device that is held up against the area of skin to be treated. Once the pulse has been delivered, the practitioner moves to the next area of skin and the process is repeated until the entire area has been covered.

Since it's an older laser technology, there are other newer laser hair removal options that are becoming more readily available than the Ruby laser and that might be more effective, too.

Plus, there are also light-based hair removal systems on the market also based on newer technology that instead of using laser, use a pulsed light to get rid of unwanted hair that many people are turning to and that are widely available.

Still, the Ruby laser has a long track record that generally shows that it can offer long-term hair reduction when operated by a skilled and trained professional. The amount of pain felt by the patient tends to vary on a case by case basis.

Long term success and possible side effects of the hair removal will also vary by patient.

Temporary and permanent hair removal technology is evolving constantly and is relevant to both men and women who want to remove unwanted hair.

For more information on hair removal options, visit

Laser Stretch Mark Removal - Learning More About the Before, During and After Phases

Anyone who has dealt with stretch marks over the years can attest to this insecure sight. If you're trying to stay positive you can always consider them "badges of honor" since they develop because of pregnancy, weight loss, or even physical growth (usually in teenagers). However they came to be, chances are you want to get rid of them. One of your best options to consider is laser stretch mark removal.

Hold Your Horses!

Okay, before you open up your phone book or search online for the nearest laser stretch mark removal professional, you need to do some research. Taking this route will keep you from dealing with the worst of side effects that can happen with laser surgery. Whether its skin blisters, redness, irritations or anything else, most of them are temporary in nature. It's also important to get prepared for that financial cost as well. This is one of the most expensive options out there for removing it. Why? Well, it is not covered by medical insurance.

Some professionals will instruct you to take some sort of OTC painkiller before the procedure. Yes, they will most likely tell you the pain is moderate (3 out of 10), but it's possible you don't want to deal with any pain.

During the Zaps

The way this works is through beams of light that are emitted by a handheld laser device. Your professional surgeon will direct this to the affected area you are trying to remove. When high-energy ultraviolet light hits the skin tissue, the molecular bonds are disrupted and the tissue will disintegrate. The medical term for this is; ablation.

Basically thin layers of skin are removed that surrounds the stretch marks. When each layer is peeled away, new layers form and you develop smoother skin as well as a lacking evidence that you ever had them.

Keep in mind this is not a "one and done" deal. Most patients continue to come back for more treatments before results begin to take place. How many you need depends on the size, location, age, and appearance of the stretch marks. During the procedure you will feel as though a rubber band is being slapped against your skin during each pulse. However, if you take the painkiller beforehand it won't be as bad.

After the Zaps

Once surgery is complete your skin is going to be red and tender. It's nothing new, and the reason for it is because the old layers of skin were removed to make room for the new layers. You may see blistering skin as well. These can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, so be prepared. Your recovery time will depend on the knowledge of your doctor, how your body handles the laser, and how large the area was that the surgery was performed.

While there is enough physical pain and financial backing to shy away from this avenue, once it's done you will enjoy the benefits of laser stretch mark removal treatments. In the end, this is the safest and most effective way to remove stretch marks. Soon your self-confidence will be soaring again and you will be ready to shed those summer clothes for a bikini in the sun.

For more information on Laser Stretch Mark Removal, visit as well prevention tips and the best stretch marks creams and lotions reviewed.

? Copyright 2010. Feel free to reprint this article on your site as long as the article is not modified in any way and the resource information (about the author) is listed as above.

How to Take Advantage of Laser For Face Lift Treatments

Cosmetic surgery is fast being superseded by laser technology as a means of eradicating skin irregularities, especially on the face. These may be age spots, sun spots, natural or premature skin aging with causes including poor health and protracted sun exposure, facial hair, blood vessels and acne scarring. Applications of the laser for face lifts and restoration are cheap and not as risky or traumatic as conventional surgical approaches, can be administered within 20 to 30 minutes per session as out-patient services across most clinics, and have a healing period of as short as just over a week.

Procedures are a choice of ablative and non-ablative when using laser for face treatments. The ablative means kills the top layer of skin, known as the epidermis, to leave the next layer of skin, known as the dermis, vulnerable and pressured to develop collagen, which is the main protein occurring in tissue and skin. The non-ablative means spares all layers of skin but utilizes a certain amount of heat to accelerate the growth of new skin, which in turn is younger and softer, and fades minor acne marks and age lines out. The basic methodology entails shooting light-based or laser energy onto skin, which uses heat to devastate it to positive effect.

Presently in demand is laser facial rejuvenation, a mildly invasive method of smoothing out the epidermis and stimulating the collagen-growing dermis all at once. As a result, freckles, swollen pores, inconsistent skin pigmentation, superficial wrinkles and pimple scars become less and less discernible. Because laser devices are highly accurate, they can treat specific spots without harming surrounding skin and tissue. Target areas may be dark lesions, spider veins, or wrinkles around the mouth, nose or eyes in particular.

Just as prevalent is laser facial resurfacing, which is a non-surgical instant face lift that does not call for incisions and ensuing scars, nor the use of a general anesthetic. Using laser for face tightening, this method makes surface skin smoother, coloration more uniform, acne scars and age lines less visible. It also curbs some kinds of skin cancer from advancing any further. Unfortunately, deep veins, wrinkles and scars may still require cosmetic surgery.

Dimitrie Meran is an observer of Laser For Face. Please visit her site at for more information.

New Advances in Laser Dermatology Techniques

Dermatology has come a long way and just as the advances in other medicines have seen huge improvements, so has dermatologists. Today, they have many laser techniques to treat skin conditions that they once treated with surgery or medications. For instance, if you burned yourself as a child, you may still have some scarring that has always bothered you, today dermatologists have lasers they can use to lessen the appearance of old scars.

Moreover, if you have several moles on your body, rather than being cut out as it was in the past, today, dermatologists use lasers to remove them because it is safer, there is no blood, and it is much faster for both the doctor and the patient. This makes the entire procedure much more comfortable for the patient especially if he or she has several moles to be removed. Dermatology now offers a way to gain healthier skin without the need for cutting, which is a huge benefit for patients. Many of the procedures are done in the doctor's office depending on the size of the facility.

Many people who are fair complected have facial veins that are quite noticeable and are bothersome to some. Laser treatments can actually lessen the appearance of these facial veins with little discomfort and it typically just takes a couple of treatments depending on how many veins are visible through the skin. In the past, before lasers, those with visible facial veins just had to deal with it and women often wore darker makeup to help disguise the veins, but this is no longer necessary.

Furthermore, many people have spider veins in their legs and as a result refuse to where shorts because they are embarrassed. However, just as laser treatments can help with visible facial veins, it can also lessen the appearance of spider veins in the legs. Often spider veins can bunch up in areas such as behind the knees, and look so blue that it looks as though the person has a very large bruise.

Many women have facial hair that can become more prominent as they head into menopause, but why wax it off or worse, shave it when there is laser hair removal products available? When heading to a doctor of dermatology, they can remove that unwanted facial hair, bikini hair, neck hair, stomach, and back. Many men undergo laser hair removal if they have excessive body hair, which can be very uncomfortable and make them self-conscious to wear shorts or going topless.

Finally, today, you do not have to live with unwanted hair, spider veins, or facial veins thanks to the improvements in dermatology with the laser treatments. Find the best dermatologist August ga by looking up some recent reviews online to see if other patients recommend the doctor and has been happy with the treatments.

Our top of the line Dermatologist Augusta ga center provides professional treatment for a variety of skin conditions. If you are looking for an Dermatologist Augusta ga you know you can trust, then look no further. We strive to give our clients the best of treatment available. Please visit our website for more information on how we can help you.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal can be a great advantage for some, and an unfortunate disadvantage for others. However, before throwing in the towel, why not find out if you are one of the lucky ones that can benefit from laser hair removal.

Firstly, let's take a look at how the laser hair removal treatment works, as well as what benefits this hair removal treatment offers if you are the right candidate.

Removing hair with a laser is actually a simple and painless routine. Quite simply put; a Laser is activated on the skin surface where the candidate wishes to have their hair removed. Each laser burst lasts for about a fraction of a second. It is in this time period that the energy of the laser passes through the hair follicle and damages it, thus preventing the hair from growing there again.

With some people, one treatment can stop the hair from growing again. For others, more than one treatment is needed. Imagine having never to shave or wax that area ever again or at least for much longer periods of time in between treatments.

So what makes you the right candidate in order to forego a successful laser hair removal treatment? Generally people with light colored hair and dark skin are not the right candidates for laser hair removal. However, to really find out if this type of hair removal treatment can work for you, your best bet would be to visit a fully qualified laser hair removal practitioner so that they can give you their professional opinion.

It is important to understand that not everyone experiences permanent hair removal through laser treatment. Some will and others won't. There is never a guarantee. If a practitioner ever tells you otherwise, you would be wise to think twice about using his or her service.

Interested in learning more about laser hair removal? Feel free to visit