Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Tattoo Laser Treatment - How Well Does it Work?

It is estimated that more than 10 million Americans have at least one tattoo and about 50 percent will later regret them. Tattoos are meant to be permanent, so removing them is difficult. However, there are several methods which are said to be effective. Tattoo laser treatment is one of them. But just how well does it work? Let's find out.

How It Works

Purportedly the most common method used today, laser tattoo removal is carried out by employing short bursts of lasers, creating intense pulses of light. These pulses of highly concentrated light target the ink and break them into tiny fragments, which are then cleared away by the immune system.

How Well It Works

Tattoo laser treatment is said to be quite effective. However, it can produce inconsistent results due to a number of factors. This includes the size, location and age of the tattoo, how it was applied (amateur or professional) and the individual's ability to heal. The rate of success is color dependent, to a fairly exact degree when it comes to certain colors. The most commonly used lasers are:

Q-switched ruby - Not surprisingly, the light from this laser is red in color. Light is reflected by it's same color and absorbed by it's opposite color, therefor this laser removes most ink colors well, except for red.
Q-switched alexandrite - This laser emits a purple/red light and works best on blue/black and green ink.
Q-switched Nd:YAG - This laser removes orange and red ink the best.

It should be noted that yellow tends to be the most difficult pigment to remove and may not respond well to any wavelength. White is impossible to remove and will turn black.

The Drawbacks

Individual results will vary with this technique and there is no guaranty the tattoo can be completely removed. In some cases, the ink pigment is deeper than the laser is able to absorb. While the superficial portion will be removed, the deeper portion can remain visible as a faint blurry hue, resembling a bruise. Also, this procedure will not remove the entire tattoo in one go. Because the pigments break up at different intensities, several sessions may be required to completely remove the ink. This can be very costly. Anywhere from 1 to 10 treatments may be needed, ranging from $200 to $850 per session. In the end, it could end up costing between $3000 to $10000 for a $500 tattoo. Furthermore, multiple treatments have the potential to damage the skin, causing painful blisters and scabs that can eventually lead to permanent scarring.

Although efficient, having a tattoo laser treatment can add up to quite a bit of money. Before pursuing this technique, it is always best to explore your options. In some instances, other methods can work just as well, and what's more, they are not as costly.

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