Sunday, January 13, 2013

Stop Picking Your Skin!

Do you catch yourself unconsciously picking your pimples? Well stop it! Picking causes acne scars. There is a name for this common condition: Excoria. Having the condition of acne is bad enough without the extra self-inflicted embarrassment of scabby sores that take forever to heal and the scars that picking leaves behind. Acne pits and pocks are both caused from excoria. Use a healing cream with arnica and/or horsetail extracts or similar soothing ingredients to calm and heal acneic skin.

When you catch yourself picking it is a good idea to give yourself positive reinforcement. Say to yourself, "Ah, good. I've caught myself. Now I can catch myself even sooner next time until I no longer pick at all." Self-forgiveness works wonders in changing any behavior.

Acne should always be treated as a sensitivity of the skin, not something that needs to be dried up and withered away like so many harsh products on the market will do. Very often these products make the skin feel dry and itchy, which leads to the natural response of picking and itching! Temporarily having acne hurts self-esteem. Permanent acne scars can lead to diminished confidence for one's entire life. Garner all your strength and don't pick! Pevonia Problematic Skin Care Cream is my favorite acne treatment cream. It works as a great break-out cream to, for folks with only occasional issues.

If you have scars from acne, there are treatments available. Laser skin-resurfacing, microdermabrasion, chemical peels and the like can all be beneficial in smoothing out the skin.

Marie Black has been an Esthetician since 1996. She has helped thousands of people with various skin conditions ranging from acne to hyperpigmentation. The products she offers on her website are all natural and organic and contain no artificial fragrance or color. Email help is available through the website if you have particular questions about the best treatment for your skin. More Info Here

1 comment:

  1. You are right! Stop breaking your skin for aesthetic reasons. There are many natural treatments as well as Non Surgical procedures available to enhance the features of skin. Try those first.
