Saturday, November 2, 2013

Fraxel Laser the Gentle Way to Better Skin

The use of lasers in cosmetic medicine, especially in laser-assisted dermabrassion isn't new. They've quickly gained recognition for their effectiveness but until 2004 were also known for being quite painful and requiring a long recovery. The introduction of Fraxel laser, the first fractional laser, in 2004 changed that, as Fraxel laser - the gentlest cosmetic laser to date - addressed the question how to get blemish-free skin with NO downtime.

All skin resurfacing treatments work on the same principle: they inflict controlled damage to the skin which stimulates its natural healing mechanism and causes it to re-grow healthy and unblemished.

Older lasers utilized one solid laser beam which caused planned but nevertheless severe skin damage. Fraxel laser pioneered the use of many microscopic laser beams instead of a single, solid one. In lay terms: the solid beam laser gave the patient a feeling of being hit by a truck while a fractional laser is like being stung by a few bees. (Obviously the impact on the patient's body is very different and so is the recovery time). The revelation is that the results produced by a solid laser and a fractional laser are compatible; the main difference being less pain for the patient, faster recovery and in the case of Fraxel laser, in particular: NO downtime at all.

Fraxel laser is non-ablative but after several treatments produces benefits equal to those of ablative lasers without the risks, pain, and recovery time.

Here is what you need to know to appreciate the difference: full ablative lasers vaporize the top layer of skin - basically, destroy it - to stimulate the production of new, healthy skin.

The resulting injury is extensive and the recovery from it is painful and long. Non-ablative lasers - such as Fraxel laser - bypass the top layer of the skin and super-heat its deeper layers which stimulates the skin to increase its collagen and elastin production. There is no massive injury, as a matter fact most of the skin tissue remains undamaged after the treatment, and is therefore able to support the injured skin in faster and much less painful healing. After the treatment the skin's texture and tone improves and the skin becomes smoother and tauter.

What conditions can be addressed with Fraxel laser? Fraxel laser effectively corrects such problems as port-wine stains, sun damage, wrinkles, brown spots, surgical or chicken pox scars, melasma, stretch marks, and loss of skin's elasticity due to aging.

What areas can be treated by Fraxel laser? Since this particular laser is very precise it can be used on the face as well as neck, chest, dcolletage and hands.

How soon to expect improvement? The change in the skin's softness and texture is apparent almost immediately and results improve with time.

How many treatments are necessary for optimal results? Since Fraxel laser is gentler than other types of cosmetic laser, the treatment needs to be repeated 4-6 times (usually few weeks apart) to achieve the best possible outcome.

How does Fraxel laser work? By super-heating deeper layers of the skin it stimulates collagen and elastin production which regenerates the skin and restores its smoothness and elasticity. Unlike ablative lasers which improve the outer layer of the skin only, Fraxel which is non-ablative improves the texture and quality of the skin on a deeper level which produces powerful re-texturing and rejuvenating effect, not limited to the surface of the skin.

If your concern is getting rid of blemishes or scars, by working from the inside out Fraxel laser increases the rate of the skin's renewal: the blemished skin will gradually peel off and be replaced by a new and blemish-free skin.

If your focus is on rejuvenation: the body's natural production of collagen and elastin decreases with age causing skin to sag. That's why eliminating signs of aging isn't merely a matter of removing wrinkles but ensuring that the skin tissue beneath the skin's surface is rich in collagen and elastin which give the face youthful fullness and prevent skin from sagging. Fraxel laser is uniquely suited for rejuvenation because by penetrating into deeper levels of skin tissue it stimulates the body's natural production of collagen and elastin which re-texturize the skin from the inside out.

The usual length of a single treatment ranges from 30 to 40 minutes depending on the area being treated.

What to expect after the procedure? Usually, 3-4 days of slight swelling and 1 day of redness followed by a minor skin peeling: if you need to return to work immediately these can be easily camouflaged by makeup.

What are the potential risks of the procedure? When the treatment is performed by an experienced physician the risk of scarring or infection is extremely rare.

Fraxel laser isn't new; it already has an established track record which proves that Fraxel is as effective as other cosmetic lasers used in skin resurfacing procedures but while consistently achieving desired results, it is safer than many other laser technologies on the market today and by far the gentlest. It presents an excellent option for patients afraid of pain and those who can't afford to take weeks off from their busy lives to recuperate. In other words, Fraxel Laser is the Gentle Way to Better Skin; it the gentlest cosmetic laser.

Dr. Pejman Bahari is an osteopathic physician and surgeon who practices cosmetic medicine with emphasis on holistic patient care. Dr. Bahari is a member of the American Osteopathic Association, the American Board of Family Medicine and the American Board of Osteopathic Family Physicians.
Dr. Bahari's Affinity Cosmetic & Laser Center has been established in 2005. Affinity Cosmetic & Laser Center is located at 20829 Ventura Blvd. in Woodland Hills, CA; Phone: (818)887-2787.

Choosing Laser Hair Care Services

When it comes to taking care of your hair,  there are a few important issues to discuss, one of the most prominent one is laser hair care. The most regular use for it is to assist with hair loss, as many people would like their hair to be removed off some parts of their body such as the legs, back, and chest. Laser hair removal is known to be very efficient because different from shaving where it only removes the hair temporarily, while laser hair removal provides results longer or permanently.

How Effective Are These Services

The New Hair Institute has been around since 1992, though there are some great laser hair care services available out there these days, they are still truly a world leader in innovating hair transplantation techniques, performing clinical research, and in teaching these many different techniques to the hair transplantation community.

The TLC Dermal Laser Clinic is another great company which is truly dedicated to providing a long term cosmetics skin care answer to unwanted and excess body hair. The company realizes that laser hair removal is a very personal judgment and because of this they make sure that client's privacy is respected and also offers tailored service in a confidential setting at all of their centers.

The Best Time To Consult a Doctor

It would be best, if anyone who chooses to go for any sort of laser hair care procedure to speak to their doctor first. We don't deny that there will be qualified professionals assisting at the laser hair center as well, but if you speak to your own doctor first this is still the best idea. After all, there may be some risks or dangers to the particular procedure involved which the person may not aware of.

The doctor will be able to work along with their client and assist them in deciding whether or not it is the best option for them, and usually he will also discuss any possible side effects or other dangers that might crop up with them. This will have to be brought to attention because there are some medications that are not safe to use when having the treatment.

You would be able to find many other laser hair care available as well which do not involve lasers, and you should make sure that you are aware of all of these before making any decisions. Most of us would like to have the healthiest and most beautiful hair therefore making the right decisions is important. You will be able to choose the products because there are many great products available that can help you achieve the hair you want if it doesn't appeal to you.

Before you buy any hair care products online, make sure you check this excellent free report on how-to-take-care-of-hair []

European Facial To Help Rejuvenate Skin

A facial cleans exfoliates and nourishes the skin to promote clear well-hydrated skin. It is a procedure involving a variety of skin treatments, including: cleanse, steam, exfoliation, extraction, lotions, massages, facial masks and creams etc. European facial is the most popular type; it begins with a thorough cleansing and a product chosen for your skin type (normal, dry, oily, combination, sensitive, mature). And follows with such steps:

Skin analysis: the esthetician covers your eyes and looks at your skin through a brightly lit magnifying lamp that reveals various skin conditions.

Exfoliation: the use of mechanical or a chemical exfoliant. Mechanical exfoliation has a gritty texture and usually happens while a seam vapor is directed at your face.

Extraction: of blackheads or whiteheads if you want it and need it. People have different pain tolerance for extractions. They can be uncomfortable, especially on thin or sensitive skin. Facial massage: using classic strokes to both relax you and stimulate your skin and facial muscles.

Facial mask: targeted to your type to calm or nourish your skin.

Application of toners and protective creams: the final step of a typical European facial.

There are other treatments such as photo rejuvenate treatment or microdermabrasion that can be added to your regular European facial routine or performed alone. etc...

Many people can't tolerate the downtime or may otherwise not be good candidates for laser skin resurfacing. In these cases, intense pulsed light (IPL) may be a good option. This skin treatment goes by many other names, including light laser, photo rejuvenate treatment and various brand names. It uses broad-spectrum light that filters out unwanted wavelengths as means of treating a host of skin conditions, it can diminish or remove: age spots, liver spots, fine lines and wrinkles, redness, broken capillaries, freckles, large pores etc.

If your skin has lost its youthful glow by mild acne, sun damage, large pores, uneven texture or even fine lines and wrinkles, microdermabrasion may be an option worth considering. A non-invasive skin-refreshing technique, it uses mild abrasives to removes the top layer of your skin, including surface dead skin cells. The result is invigorated smooth looking skin. A device sprays tiny crystals across your face to lightly abrade the surface while suction is performed to remove the dead skin cells and remaining crystals.

While there are many more type of facial treatments available it's best to discuss your needs with a cosmetologist. Skin creams by companies such as Shiseido (a major Japanese cosmetics producer which is the oldest cosmetics company in the world and the fourth largest cosmetics company in the world), GM Collins (G.M. Collin was founded in France in 1957 by a dermatologist who pioneered the use of collagen pellicles and a renowned experienced aesthetician.), and Qiora, the History of Whoo are often used.

For more information on where to go to obtain your facial in Monmouth County please go to and for more info on how to improve your self esteem go to

8 Successful Cosmetic Treatments With Lasers

For cosmetic treatments lasers can be used for various different problems to do with the skin. The laser itself is a single wavelength of high energy light that is focused on the area. The light produces heat in the area targeted which destroys what is in the problem area. To do this the light beam must be in sync with the colour of the problem area, whether it be red broken capillaries or brown spots. The development of Candela units has attributed to the success of these treatments. There are different types of lasers and this has to do with the wavelengths they emit. Different laser wavelengths are for different problems so a specialist dealing with a variety of problems will need several types of lasers.

Cosmetic Lasers are used for the following:

Fine lines and Wrinkles

A fairly aggressive laser is used to treat fine lines and wrinkles as it is a combination of skin tightening and skin resurfacing. This type of laser is also used for the removal of skin tags and warts and also used in laser assisted surgery where the laser actually cuts the skin.

Skin Tightening

By causing a controlled injury to the skin laser procedures can increase the level of collagen production, which provides a level a skin tightening. The skin is reconditioned as the heat targeted by the laser improves its condition. With the increase of collagen production the end result is the skin will look a lot healthier.

Pigmented Lesions

Lasers are commonly used for treating sun and age spots. This photo-rejuvenation is also successful with the treatment of freckles, spider veins, wrinkles, enlarged pores, rosacea and even the removal of dark circles under the eyes.

Precancerous Lesions

A scalpel is the best tool for removing cancerous lesions as it can assure complete removal, but it is now common practice to treat precancerous lesions as a preventative measure with lasers.

Vascular Lesions

These can include broken blood vessels and veins and even certain types of birth marks, such as port wine stains.


For those now regretting their tattoos, removal by laser is possible. The heat of the laser actually melts the ink within the skin and the body is then able to remove it. A person may require several treatments as tattoo inks are long lasting and different colours may need separate treatments.

Hair Removal

Depending on the hair and skin colour laser hair removal can be a successful permanent hair removal option. The laser is targeted on each hair to destroy the hair growth. It is more successful on people with dark course hair and fair skin, as the laser does not affect the fair skin and is attracted only to the dark hair.

Acne and Acne Scars

Different levels of lasers are used for acne, depending on the severity of it. For the deeper acne scars a stronger laser is needed. Lasers can repair the scarring and even active acne can be treated as the laser will clean the skin and remove blockages in the pores.

By the way, do you want to learn more about Health and Fitness? If so, I suggest you check Candela and Palomar.

Laser Hair Removal - The Pain Free Way to Eliminate Unwanted Body Hair

Tired of shaving, waxing and/or plucking every few days or every time you have to go out? Laser hair removal is an effective long term solution.

Since 1997, the FDA has approved hair removal lasers and clinics have provided millions of women with a permanent way to deal with unwanted body hair on arms, legs, armpits, shoulders, back and wherever else they might need.

Although this procedure has been around for more than a decade, today's lasers (like the gold standard Soprano XL diode laser) are much more powerful, successful and satisfying.

In addition, modern lasers offer relatively painless procedures and treatment no longer restricted by the colour of skin or hair. (In the past these types of lasers were not recommended or considered ineffective for dark skinned or light haired women.)

How does laser hair removal work?

The treatment area is shaved to prevent the risk of burning and to ensure greater efficiency in targeting hair follicles.
A cooling gel is applied to protect your skin and provide a shield against the strong light. The technician and the patient also wear sunglasses.
The laser moves over your arm, leg or other treatment area using pulses of infrared diode laser energy to gradually heat the hair follicles in sub dermal layer of the skin. This disables several follicles at a time to eliminate hair re-growth.
The duration of each session depends on the area being treated. Laser hair removal can treat smaller areas on the face in only a few minutes, underarms or basic bikini line in approximately fifteen minutes, while the back or legs require more time.
Once the laser hair removal session is complete, the area exposed to the laser is cleansed and you are can return to your normal routine.
For the procedure to be completely successful you might be required to have 6 to 8 sessions every 6 to 8 weeks.

However, you should be aware of a few precautions you should take. Even though laser hair removal is considered a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure and modern equipment lowers your risk of burns and scaring, you should ensure you also do the following:

Check the credentials of the doctor, beautician or technician performing the treatment.
Make sure they have sufficient experience and ask for references if necessary.
Also ensure they are using an approved hair removal laser.

The Mint Laser Clinic at Bloor West, Toronto uses the FDA approved, painless Soprano XL. This high performance laser doesn't miss a spot and offers more comfortable procedures. Plus the technicians are well-trained and highly experienced to ensure the safety of our clients.

Read more about laser hair removal
by Liana Ling

Things You Did Not Know About Laser Resurfacing

Every women dreams of having blemish-free clear skin. But, the dreams are never fulfilled due to regular exposures to harmful sun rays, pollution, harsh environment, and other factors that often harm the delicate skin of the face and problems like pigmentation, wrinkles, scars or discoloration occur. But, you just can't afford to let your skin remain in such a pathetic condition. The only thing you can do when the damage is already done is to go in for a laser resurfacing. The International SPA Association in its reports in the year 2009 has revealed that there were about 160 million spa visits in the same year alone! So, you can guess the popularity of spa treatments for skin rejuvenation.

Are you the right person for it?

Any person who is not suffering from any serious health ailments can undergo the laser resurfacing treatment. Are you disturbed about an ugly scar or are losing confidence because of unwanted hair and tattoos? Then you are the right person to approach a medical spa for the treatment and removal of the problems. However, you should remember that depending on the extent of the problem and the type of it, the treatment may take different durations to show actual results; the results might also vary from person to person.

What are the types of lasers used?

A reputed medical spa uses various types of lasers for treating various skin problems. The factors that determine the type of laser to be used for your skin include the type skin you have and the extent of the problem. N-Lite laser resurfacing is a wonderful treatment that neither has any severe side-effects nor causes any damage to the skin. It requires less recovery time and the doctor might use N-Lite laser without anesthesia. Erbium is another type of laser that is effective against discoloration of skin and moderate to mild wrinkles. So, if your skin is showing the first signs of aging, you might get an Erbium laser resurfacing. However, if your skin is already saggy and extensively wrinkled, you might be suggested a CO2 laser treatment. It is an invasive procedure that is effective against extensive lines, wrinkles and discoloration. In this case the upper damaged layers of the skin are removed to reveal young looking fresh inner layers.

But, only an experienced cosmetologist would be able to tell you the right type of laser resurfacing that your skin requires. One reputed skin rejuvenation center that you might visit is The Bloom Medical Spa. Here you could get every type of solution to even the "toughest-to-get-rid-of" skin problems!

Fractional laser resurfacing Dallas performed at The Bloom Medical Spa results in tighter skin, less pigment, and a visible improvement of your skin's appearance.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Are Laser Hair Removal Clinics A Good Option?

Removing excess hair from your arms, legs, chest and other part of the body need not be an unpleasant addition to your daily routine. With the emergence of clinics who offer affordable removal treatments anywhere, you need not go far and spend a fortune to get smoother and younger looking skin minus the unwanted hair.

You can consult any plastic surgeon from Harley Street or London clinics to put an end to your daily struggle with unwanted hair. You can also avail of laser hair removal treatments in some beauty salons but if you want to be assured that you are in good hands, go to laser hair removal clinics for a laser hair removal surgery.

Visit any cosmetic surgery clinics and see a plastic surgeon who can answer your questions about the procedure. Ask if there is anything that you did not understand, and furnish your plastic surgeon with your medical history. The doctor may conduct a laser liposuction patch test on your ear or leg to check if the procedure works for you.

You can book an appointment, or check similar services at London or Harley street clinics as an option. Removal surgery has been found to work best on fair-skinned and dark-haired individuals. Six to eight treatments may be needed to destroy the hair during the growth phase, depending on your hair and skin type, hormonal balance, ethnic background and other factors.

It can be applied on external parts of your face and your body. The doctor will apply a cool gel on the area that needs treatment and then a handheld laser will be placed on the skin. The intense light from the laser will get into the hair and in some cases, even wipe off all the hair. But for some, you may need up to two weeks before all the hairs will fall out.

If you need several treatment sessions, it may be advisable if you buy the discounted packages to save some amount. Ask if there are discounts offered for maintenance. You may have to shell out money for the treatment, but you cannot put value on what you will get in exchange for your money. No more unwanted hairs, no more burden of shaving and pulling.

LMA Clinic is one of the leading centre and specialists in Laser Hair Removal, Smart Lipo London, Cosmetic Surgery etc.

Acne Laser Treatment Compared to Microdermabrasion Acne Treatment

If you are suffering with facial acne, it is important to know and understand that there is great new technology that can be of great help to clear up your breakouts. Two of the most common new acne treatments are: Acne laser treatment and microdermabrasion therapy. Both treatments have been very successful in helping long-term acne sufferers clear severe bouts of facial acne and improve the overall complexion of their skin. Acne laser treatment has been widely regarded by dermatologists as one of the most effective acne treatments and removal methods. Most people that do not find acne medication to be effective need an alternative form of treatment. Acne facial cream does not always work as that alternative. When nothing else seems to do the trick for acne removal, methods like acne laser treatment and microdermabrasion come into play.

During acne laser treatment, a dermatologist or other skin care professional usually works with a type of laser pen that projects pinpoints of light onto existing facial acne. When this powerful pinpoint of light becomes focused on acne spots or patches, it literally lasers it away without causing any damage to one's skin. When the dermatologist is finished with the lasering away of all facial acne, one's face may feel small amounts of temporary soreness. The soreness can last for up to roughly two weeks, but most people report a speedy recovery.

If nothing else is working for your acne treatment, I encourage you to give laser treatment a try. The only downfall of getting laser therapy is the price tag that comes along with it. Prices for acne laser therapy usually range from approximately $2,000 dollars to $12,000 dollars. In addition to the price, most individuals end up getting more than one laser treatment done, costing them thousands more each removal session. It has been reported that to ensure a full facial recovery from acne, it takes the average person around three sessions of treatment. One great thing about acne laser therapy, though, is the fact that it can remove both acne and acne-scarring and keep acne from coming back for longer than most other treatments.

With that said, there's another highly-popularized form of an alternative acne treatment to also keep in mind called microdermabrasion. Like laser therapy, microdermabrasion acne treatment is able to remove both acne and acne scars. Though it is not as expensive as laser therapy, most people who get microdermabrasion treatment end up being very satisfied with their results.

The fundamental purpose of microdermabrasion is to remove or peel off the outer layer of one's skin. It is a pressurized form of acne treatment that yields immediate and noticeable results. Microdermabrasion is generally considered a low-risk form of treatment and has been scientifically proven to increase the thickness of your skin and create a smoother skin tone; most like this idea. Microdermabrasion has been considered a top therapy for removing acne because it is one of both the quickest and easiest methods of acne removal. In addition to being quick and easy, people recover from this treatment quicker than nearly every other form of acne treatment.

Upon comparison of microdermabrasion to laser-removal methods of acne, it is known that the two treatments produce relatively similar results. Most professionals argue that laser therapy is more effective than microdermabrasion. With that said, microdermabrasion is still very effective at clearing acne. Both treatments are able to remove severe patches of facial acne and are able to clear acne scarring. Laser therapy, which costs thousands of dollars, is more expensive than microdermabrasion therapy (which typically costs around $500 dollars), but may also be more effective and have a greater long-term impact.

When deciding between acne laser treatment and microdermabrasion acne treatment, it is important to first meet with a dermatologist or skin care specialist to consider which form of treatment they believe will work out best for your acne scenario. They are skin experts and stay up to date on the latest acne removal techniques. Though not everyone has the budget for laser and microdermabrasion treatments, they are two phenomenal acne treatments to consider if you cannot find relief with any other form of treatment.

Hampton teaches people about acne laser treatment and microdermabrasion acne treatment to help with the treatment of acne.

Why Consider Laser Hair Removal? - 9 Things to Know

1. Laser Hair Removal -- Most common areas to treat are:

a. Bikini area

b. Facial Hair

c. Underarms

d. Back Hair

e. Legs

f. Chest and Abdominal Hair Arms

2. Unwanted hair is a common problem. Shaving, waxing, and tweezing are not the answer because they are only temporary solutions. For many, electrolysis is too painstaking and it only treats one hair follicle at a time. Oral medications may not be appropriate for everyone. LHR typically requires fewer treatment sessions, less time at each session, and minimal discomfort.

3. Those with light skin and dark hair have best results. The more coarser hair, the better.

4. Usually not painful but may be uncomfortable, however.

5. Most return to normal activity right after the procedure.

6. LHR removal is safe if performed by an experienced person.

7. Possible complications include: darkening or lightening of the treated skin; burning / blistering of the treated skin.

8. 4-6 sessions are required for permanent hair removal in one area. The procedure can be repeated monthly.

9. The results of the laser can last for weeks before hair is even slightly visible.

a. Results in the upper-body last from seven to 11 weeks.

b. Mid-body results last from ten to 16 weeks.

c. Leg treatments last from 11 to 17 weeks.

This is a wonderful procedure. It helps so many people with their self-esteem and is literally life changing. If you are embarrassed by unwanted hair, try to learn more. I don't think you will ever regret you did.

I live in Pittsburgh and did a search on laser hair Pittsburgh and came across Cosmetic Laser Centers. I learned they also have an offices in Warrendale, Wexford, Cranberry, and Robinson, PA. Here's their site: if you'd like to learn more about laser hair removal.

Jenn Stevens

Skin Mole Removal - Some Facts

A mole, otherwise known as a melanocytic naevus, is an abnormal collection of pigment cells present within the skin. These cells are known as melanocytes, they are responsible for producing brown pigment. It is these cells which give you a sun tan. Some moles may be present at your birth they are called congenital melanocytic naevi. Most moles appear doing your first 20 years of life however they can develop into your 30s or 40s.

Almost every one has a mole somewhere. Although moles and skin tags can appear any where on the body, they very commonly appear on the face which many men and women find acutely embarrassing even to the point of causing depression They may also cause you problems with your make-up or shaving routines.

Though usually brownish in colour moles may be skin coloured, they are normally circular or oval in shape and they may be flat or raised in appearance. They can be smooth or rough in texture and some may have hair growing from them

They can change in the way they look over time responding sometimes to hormonal changes during periods of change in your life such as adolescence, pregnancy or the menopause. It's even known for them to sometimes disappear or fall off, you may not even notice.

If you're bothered by the appearance of you're mole or moles and it's affecting your confidence you probably want to remove them. There are various methods of removal such as surgical procedures involving sharp scalpels or similar instruments. Another option is cryosurgery which uses liquid nitrogen to freeze and destroy the cells of the mole. Laser surgery is also used these days to fire pulses of laser light at the mole and destroy it.

All these methods usually result in some scarring though the effect is normally lessened when cryosurgery or laser surgery are used. Of course these methods also need visits to hospital or the doctor's office and can be prohibitively expensive.

Fortunately there are natural methods of skin mole removal which can also be used to remove warts and skin tags. And which can be done in the privacy of your own home and at greatly reduced cost. Learn more by visiting

All these methods usually result in some scarring though the effect is normally lessened when cryosurgery or laser surgery are used. Of course these methods also need visits to hospital or the doctor's office and can be prohibitively expensive.

Fortunately there are natural methods of skin mole removal which can also be used to remove warts and skin tags. And which can be done in the privacy of your own home and at greatly reduced cost. Learn more by visiting Wart And Mole []

We Discuss Why a Healthy Skin Rejuvenator is Used

A healthy and flawless skin is a dream for every woman. You would look beautiful with a healthy looking skin. You need a little determination to acquire a healthy skin however. Once you put in a little effort, it will be worth it. Your skin would show a marvelous effect and would make your personality look good. With proper diet intake, your skin would glow. It is also necessary to avoid certain things like cigarettes, alcohol, soft drinks, sweets and other junk food. These things not only harm your skin but also destruct the working of your inner body.

Apart from diet, another method to make your skin look fresh and young is rejuvenation. Skin rejuvenation means the refreshment of your skin and giving it a youthful look all over again. In other words, it is a new life to your skin. Just imagine your skin being replaced by a new smooth and younger looking skin. Doesn't it feel good?

You need to be determined and a little patient when going for skin rejuvenation. Many skin rejuvenators are available that would provide your skin with freshness and youthfulness. The best way for getting a younger looking skin is a natural treatment. Herbal treatments do take longer to produce the desired results but they are also very safe to use.

Today in this progressive world, skin rejuvenation is carried out by laser and surgery treatments. Laser treatment is most extensively used but the after effects of this treatment are far more than its benefits. It would initially produce fabulous results but with the passage of time, your skin would feel stressed out. Similarly, undergoing a surgery for skin rejuvenation would surely mean immense pain.

The safest way is to use herbs and oils for skin rejuvenation. These herbs and oils prove to be excellent healthy skin rejuvenators. For example, vitamin C from oranges and lemons are very effective skin rejuvenators for freckles and brown spots. With the regular use of vitamin C, the freckles would disappear. Similarly, for a wrinkle free skin, eggs are used as a face pack as a skin rejuvenator. For all these natural herbal treatments, one has to be very patient for getting the desired output. It would not work in minutes but days and in some cases even months so patience is the key here.

Some special ingredients have been recently been made available, one of which is Cynergy Tk - A scientific break through in the skincare industry. You can learn more about this and other skin care ingredients below.

Skin rejuvenators for a healthy look would give the skin a new and refreshed look. You would feel as if your skin problem never existed. So it is best to be determined and patient for achieving a dramatic look.

Discover the benefits of the best skin care line that are made from breakthrough natural ingredients. Learn about the dramatic results you can get and how to get rid of wrinkles, fine lines and damaged skin by checking out:

Laser Hair Removal For Graduation and Summer

Summer months bring the heat, which means you're wearing shorts and showing a little skin. After enduring the entire winter, a sunny exchange from the cloudy covering is more than welcome. Everyone can appreciate the hotter temperatures, but for students, summer comes with freedom. Graduation usually falls near the beginning of the season, leaving the next couple of months with no strings attached. Road trips, drive-ins, and days spent outside lounging are a pretty hefty agenda for a recent grad. Laser hair removal will have you looking and feeling great for the best time of your life-the best graduation gift anyone could give.

The last few weeks of the semester are a scattered frenzy. Parties, outfits, learning how to make your gown work for you-there is a lot to do. Whether it's high school or college, this is a day you'll want to make an impression. If you're wearing a skirt or dress, your legs need to look the part. Maybe you're getting one last senior prank in, they can't expel you for streaking anymore. You'll definitely need your skin in shape for that. Instead of spending time shaving and making sure you've taken care of everything, laser hair removal would permanently reduce any chance of embarrassment.

After the big event, you've got parties. Swimming and outdoor cookouts are now your top priority. Instead of having to run home and make sure your skin is stubble free, take care of it beforehand. Hair removal lets you live your life without having to worry about accommodating time and effort to your skin. You'll always be prepared, and always be looking your best. Stay out until the wee hours of the morning, and wake up ready to do it all over again.

Your newly acquired freedom could not come at a better time. Theme parks, outdoor festivals, and mandatory relaxation in the sun are all over your agenda. No one wants to be going down a water slide and then notice a patch of hair on your shoulder resembling a park map. You'll be feeling self-conscious, to say the least. Don't let that happen to you-make sure your skin is smooth.

Whether you're preparing for the most memorable graduation experience ever, or planning for the days coming soon after, laser hair removal is there for you to stay looking your best. It will be your most liberating summer yet-no more being strapped to your skin products and the next chapter of your life.

For complete Laser Hair Removal Information, please read Susan's news archive on Skin Care.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Laser Liposuction - Newer Body, Less Pain

Liposuction is a common surgical procedure that removes fat from particular areas of the body in order to improve contour and overall appearance. Some common areas that are operated on are the abdomen, thighs, arms, chin, neck, calves, back and hips although there are other areas as well. Traditional liposuction involves tubes being inserted underneath the skin to vacuum the fat cells out of the body. There are now new procedures that have made liposuction safer and have made recovery time much shorter.

One of the new techniques involves the use of laser technology. This technique dissolves the fat underneath the skin with less trauma to the skin and surrounding tissues. This leads to less swelling, bruising and overall discomfort. One benefit of this procedure is that it is ideal for treating fibrous fats found in the chin, ankles or man's chest. Those hard to treat areas have been the cause of low confidence for many and now there is a way to treat them.

In terms of recovery, most patients who undergo laser liposuction can resume normal activities within a few days as opposed to a recovery of several weeks with the traditional procedure. A common complaint with liposuction is that there are severe bruises on the body for quite some time after surgery. However, with laser liposuction this is not the case. This is because the laser used coagulates the blood vessels instead of disrupting the body with manual prodding. Swelling is minimal as well because the laser uses thermal heat. Thermal heat targets fat alone, rather than fat and the surrounding tissues.

Another advantage to this technique is that results are seen relatively quickly. The norm is about two to four weeks with the older version of liposuction. With the laser you can expect to see results in about one week. In addition to shorter recovery, many plastic surgeons believe that this procedure also promotes collagen growth. Collagen is a main protein that is in the skin that helps the skin to appear supple.

However, just as with other means of liposuction this is not meant as a way to lose weight. Liposuction is not recommended for overweight patients as it only removes fat without doing anything for remaining skin. If you are overweight you should get yourself to an ideal weight, under doctor's supervision, before seeking treatment. Another thing to consider with any form of liposuction is that if you gain weight, you will gain it differently than before the procedure. One rare risk involved with laser liposuction is that of the skin burning or blistering. The best way to protect yourself from this is to make sure you have a licensed and experienced physician. He or she will know how to control the level of heat so that the skin does not get damaged.

Laser liposuction is a new procedure that will supply relief and confidence to many who are fearful or wary of traditional surgical procedures. With a doctor who knows what he or she is doing, you can be on the way to enjoying a newly contoured body.

San Diego Anti-Aging and Cosmetic Surgery is committed to maintaining our reputation as the experts in the Cosmetic surgery, Anti-aging and Weight Loss Fields. We intend to be the first to introduce innovative aesthetic therapies as they are developed. But what we're most proud of is the quality of our person-to-person service. We specialize in San Diego Cosmetic Surgery and Liposuction in San Diego. Our mission is to deliver the greatest a great value!

Note: Please feel free to reproduce this article elsewhere if you wish, as long as all links remain intact.

Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

Now that summer's here, many people are asking, "Does laser hair removal work?" First, let's briefly explore exactly how laser hair removal works. The procedure is usually performed by a medical doctor, often a plastic surgeon, who applies the laser to the area to be treated. The laser, which is a brief pulsating light beam, releases controlled energy pulses, each lasting less than a second. These pulses are aimed at the hair follicles beneath the skin, specifically the melanin, or dark pigment, of the hair.

The energy from the pulse heats the entire hair follicle, down to the root, and destroys the hair follicle. The surrounding skin is not damaged. All hairs have certain dormant periods are not growing all the time; the laser only affects hairs that are in their active growth phase. Subsequent treatments will target hair follicles that were not destroyed in the previous session or sessions. Usually between three and six treatments are needed to complete an area, depending on the heaviness of the hair growth.

The easiest areas to treat are those where hair growth is fairly light, like the upper lip. Persons with fairly light hair growth in the underarm areas, legs and bikini areas can also expect fairly quick results after only a few treatments. Persons with heavier hair growth or large areas like the back usually require more treatments. With only a few treatments, most growth is inhibited for at least several months. Repeated treatments can prevent hair regrowth for several years, or in some cases, forever.

If you would like to know more about laser hair removal at home, or would like to know more about laser hair removal in general, visit our no nonsense laser hair removal guide:

Laser Wart Removal Procedures and Information

Of all the different methods used for wart removal, laser wart removal is considered to be one of the most effective methods. In addition to being very effective, laser removal can be very quick as well. The type of skin protrusions you have will help the dermatologist decided if laser removal is right for you.

If you're considering having laser wart removal performed on yourself, it's quite possible that you may have explored other methods of removal already. However, for those of you who are just now seeking information on all the different methods of removal available I will briefly touch on a few of the more effective removal methods.

The use of lasers to remove any type of skin growth is usually one of the last options your Dr. will choose. Usually as a rule for most warts a topical over-the-counter wart removal medication will be tried first. The two most common types of over-the-counter medications are those that contain salicylic acid as the active ingredient, and those that cryogenically, or freeze the wart off. The cryogenic solutions typically involve a little more pain than other methods.

Effective home remedies that many people have used range from the process of tape occlusion, to the application of various substances. Tape occlusion is the process of placing a piece of waterproof adhesive tape over the wart for a period of 6 to 7 days, and removing the tape for a period of 12 hours than replacing the tape for another 6 to 7 days. This process is repeated numerous times until the wart goes away.

Some of these substances that have been effectively worked for wart removal are, Castor oil and baking soda, garlic, tea tree oil and other various substances. Since warts will go away completely on their own in many cases the effectiveness of these substances remains in question. However, if you're not in a big hurry to remove the growth, trying some of these less-expensive methods might be an option for you.

If you've tried many or most of these other methods without success, then laser wart removal might be one of the next options your dermatologist will recommend. There are basically two different types of lasers used for wart removal. These two are, the carbon dioxide laser, and the pulse dye laser. The carbon dioxide laser will almost always cause damage to the skin surrounding the growth and therefore has a much higher likelihood of causing scarring. The pulse dye laser can be safely used on any part of the body with little or no risk of scarring. That makes it the preferred laser to use for laser wart removal.

Due to the fact that a pulse dye laser causes little or no scarring, this is the preferred laser to use in the removal of warts on face. Even though scarring is not a problem visibly on the soles of your feet, scars can be slightly painful in that area. For that reason pulse dye lasers are also a good choice for plantar wart removal.

Your dermatologist or laser therapist may or may not use aesthetics. For most people the procedures involves very little pain, and is described as being similar to having hot bacon grease spattered on your skin. While this is slightly painful, most people are capable of dealing with this level of pain without


During treatment the laser therapist will apply the energy of the laser light directly at the tissue on and around the area of the wart. This energy will be directed onto the small blood vessels that feed the wart. The duration of this process typically takes between 10 minutes to a half an hour for each session.

However larger warts or clusters of warts might take a little longer.

Considering the fact that most home methods of removal take many weeks or even months to completely eliminate the growth, laser wart removal can be a very good option for those seeking quick elimination and removal of their warts.

Ryan Davis is a mole and wart removal expert. For more information about laser wart removal visit,

Laser Skin Resurfacing Safety Concerns

Laser resurfacing is a new method of getting rid of acne scars, skin tone issues, wrinkles, and creases. It is a procedure that allows patients to have an entirely new face with lesser imperfections and blemishes. The process includes the use of lasers. These lasers are the main things tasked to treat the skin. Its job is to remove the skin's upper layers to bring forth a deeper layer that is free from creases and flaws.

Right now, the types of lasers used are the erbium laser and the carbon dioxide laser. Erbium lasers are relatively new and they are used for the most common skin resurfacing procedures. Patients are usually sedated prior to the procedure. They are also required to come back for follow up checkups and further skin evaluation. Physicians are also concerned about the side effects of the procedure so they want to check whether there are health issues coming about in the future.

However, there are little or no side effects noted in most cases of laser skin resurfacing. If they do arise, the usual cases are minor scarring, burning, or uneven skin color. It is very uncommon for pathogens and viruses to find their way to the skin right after the procedure. Skin resurfacing may restore the skin's lost beauty. But then again, it doesn't eliminate new wrinkles, minor imperfections, or discolorations that could have emerged later on in life.

Another safety concern would be the extrusions called milia. These may come about after the treatment stage. This is another minor issue that can easily be treated with gradual cleansing. Diminished pigmentation may follow this. And those instances can be addressed with the use of decolorizing ointments.

In another rare instance, cold sores may form in and around the region of the mouth. If this happen to you, just use an antiviral medicine under the guidance of your doctor. If it still isn't treated, you can take certain antibiotics to accelerate the healing process. Puffiness is also expected. For this, all you have to do is to sleep with more pillows during the night so that no further swelling would occur. You can also take steroids to address the problem. An ice bag would also help. Scarring is rare with laser resurfacing. So you shouldn't be concerned with this.

With all these safety issues, patients are encouraged to choose their physicians wisely. Only by doing so they can be assured that there won't be any troubles or difficulties up ahead. Let the laser resurfacing techniques take away all the lines, creases, and scars in your face.

Sal provides expert information about laser skin resurfacing by writing articles about the risks of laser resurfacing and other topics.

Six Reasons Why Candela Lasers Are Best For Hair Care Removal

As someone who has worked for 5 major aesthetic laser equipment manufacturers, when it comes to the comparison of aesthetic laser equipment, I believe the technology being offered by Candela is the best for laser hair removal on all skin types.

The following are the top six reasons I recommend Candela lasers to health care professionals.

Quality Technology - Candela has been a name synonymous with the elite in laser hair removal equipment for many years. They first introduced the GentleYag technology in the 90's and continue to use that same technology in the new laser equipment they sell today.

Safe and Effective - The 1064nm wavelength of the Candela is known by all health professionals to be the most effective in treating hair removal for all skin types. This wavelength reaches the precise depth a physician wants to kill the hair follicle under the skin, and is safe for even the dark skins.

More Comfortable Procedures - When hair removal first became available, it could be a fairly uncomfortable procedure. Candela again rose to the challenge and created the Dynamic Cooling Device (DCD). DCD uses a coolant called Cyrogen that releases cold air onto the skin before and after the laser is applied to the patient. Candela no doubt helped increase the popularity of this procedure by taking away the stigma of pain that was once associated with hair removal procedures.

Range of Spot Sizes - Candela GentleYag also offers several different spot sizes, which allows for treatments in different areas. The spots sizes available are 1mm, 3mm, 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 15mm, and 18mm.

This wide range to spots sizes allows a physician to treat large areas, such as back or legs, to small areas, such as neck and bikini areas.

Reliability of Systems - In recent years, Candela GentleYag systems have started to be the top sellers in the pre-owned market. One reason for this trend is the reliability of these systems. The GentleYag is known to run with as many as 10 million of shots used with minimal upkeep.

Easier Serviceability - Another reason for their popularity in the pre-owned market is the ease of out sourcing service. Candela does not have any proprietary parts in their medical laser equipment, making the parts very accessible to outside service technicians, and in many cases more affordable when purchased from someone other than Candela.

Candela continues to be the gold standard for hair removal. The desired wavelength, DCD technology, options of spot sizes, reliability, as well as the ease of out sourcing service make them a must have for any physician performing hair removal treatments.

About Maxim Laser

Maxim Laser is a recognized name in the sales of new and used Aesthetic Lasers, pre-owned Cosmetic Lasers, and used Medical Equipment. Maxim Laser carries a wide range of Aesthetic Lasers and Cosmetic Lasers including Candela, Iridex, Cutera, Hoya Conbio, Cynosure, Luminas, Reliant, Alma, Syneron, Palomar, Sciton and more.

Contact Info:
2201 Midway Road, Suite 312
Carrollton, TX 75006
1-877-532-1064 (US Toll-Free)
001-214-217-9919 (International)

How Is Skin Tightening Effective?

Our unhealthy lifestyle, hectic schedules and worries and mental disturbances shows in our skin in the later years of our lives. Today, as people reach their forties, they tend to get lose and sagging skin with pigmentation marks and dark circles. These problems are even found in people in their thirties too! The crow's feet are difficult to get rid of. Even if your skin is showing all signs of aging and is making you look older than your age, the skin tightening treatments could rejuvenate it and make you look younger - sans any cuts, surgeries, stitches or pain!

Laser skin tightening

One of the most popular and effective ways to treat wrinkles is laser skin tightening treatments. You just need to follow certain preparatory steps before undergoing the actual process. A few days prior to the treatment you should avoid exposure to direct sunlight. If that seems almost impossible, the best alternative for you is to use a good quality sunscreen lotion (preferably SPF 30). Moreover, you should also stop using any creams or lotions that you were using lately. Now let us take a glance at the procedures that a cosmetologist takes up -

The dermatologist first cleans traces of makeup or adhering oil and dirt. You would then be fitted a protective eye gear to safeguard your eyes from the laser beams or accidental spill of any chemicals used. Even if the procedure is less painful, sometimes a doctor uses a topical anesthetic to completely relieve you from even the slightest sensations that might occur during the treatment. The surgeon then glides a laser machine over the wrinkled areas of your skin. The equipment emits high intensity light beam and cool air simultaneously. The heat of the laser beam helps to rejuvenate and revitalize the collagen fibers present in the deeper layers of the skin layers; the cool air that accompanies prevents the epidermis from burning.

Benefits and side effects

It is good news for all those who would like to go for a skin tightening treatment that the chances of adverse side-effects in case of a non-surgical skin tightening treatment are almost nil! On the contrary, you could get rejuvenated skin instantly after the procedure. Do not fret if you notice a slight reddening of the skin or a warm sensation, as it is temporary and will vanish after a couple of hours or so.

Are you in search for a medical spa where you could get all types of skin rejuvenation and resurfacing treatments? Contact The Bloom Medical Spa where you can get solutions to all cosmetic problems - be it hair or skin.

The Bloom Medical Spa specializes in a broad range of skin care and anti aging treatments including skin tightening Dallas, microdermabrasion, facial rejuvenation, laser resurfacing and hair removal and more.

What Makes Laser Hair Removal Treatment So Popular?

Beauty consciousness is on the rise both among men and women. One of the main hurdles that come in the path of people who try to look good is unwanted hair. Besides making you feel conscious, it also lowers down your self confidence levels. The only solution to this problem is hair removal. Hair removal is typically a practice followed by people to get rid of their unwanted body hair.

Traditionally and scientifically people has been adopting different techniques to get rid of this unwanted hair. Most commonly used methods are depilation and epilating. Depilation is a method by which part of the hair located above the surface of the skin is removed. Shaving and trimming are the most common forms of depilation adopted by people. Chemical depilation is another method that is available. This method works by breaking the disulphide bonds which link protein chains binding hair together.

Epilating is process of removing entire hair from its roots beneath. Waxing, sugaring, epilating devices, lasers, threading, plucking and electrology are the common methods of epilating. All these methods give you temporary relief from unwanted hair. But in case you are looking for permanent hair methods, you need to undergo laser treatment.

Laser hair removal is one of the latest and most popular methods of hair removal. The technology used in this technique is so efficient that laser has become one of the most sought after services. People looking to get rid of unwanted hair on their body including back, arms, legs, chin and almost any other part of the body adopt laser removal technique.

Some of the benefits of laser removal services have been mentioned below:

? Laser hair removal can get you rid of unwanted hair in almost any part of your body. Time and again it has been proved that nearly 60-95% of targeted hair can be got rid of within a span of 6 months.

? Most of us feel that we would be incurring a lot of money by undergoing laser removal treatment. This is purely a misnomer as in most of the cases we end up spending loads of money on getting temporary relief. If you compare the time and money you spend on these temporary treatments you would realize that you are actually spending many more times that what you would otherwise spend on laser treatment.

? Laser hair removal treatment has proved to be safe and most efficient for treating ingrown hair. Since this is safe on the skin, you need not worry about skin irritation or red bumps.

? Period of time duration for undergoing Laser treatment is much shorter than most other methods like electrolysis.

? This treatment is painless and safe on the skin. Generally it has been observed that few customers face discomfort and pain when they take medication or undergo other methods of removal. But this is not the case with laser hair removal treatment.

Before concluding we would once again like to reiterate that laser hair removal treatment has more benefits and is lot more viable option for all those people who are looking forward to get rid of their hair permanently.

Phillip McGlade is the author of this article on Permanent hair removal.
Find more information about Hair removal Cork here.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A Comprehensive Guide to Laser Skin Resurfacing

Before you consider laser skin resurfacing, it is advisable that you educate yourself first as to how the actual procedure will be performed. Laser resurfacing will give you the basic understanding of this treatment strategy. This article is created to provide you with all the relevant information that you may need as far as the different types of lasers used for skin resurfacing are concerned. The kind of laser to be used on you depends upon the type of procedure you are considering.

There are two particular lasers that are used at laser skin resurfacing centers today. These are the carbon dioxide laser or the CO2 and the Erbium laser or the Er:Yag. The carbon dioxide laser is the method of choice for simple skin resurfacing procedures. The Erbium, on the other hand, belongs to the class of relatively new lasers used for skin resurfacing. If you want extensive resurfacing, the practitioner may decide to go for the Er:Yag laser.

Carbon dioxide laser resurfacing is normally used for removing the deep lines and wrinkles that have resulted from aging. It can also be used on certain layers of the skin to address acne problems, scars, fine lines, and other skin imperfections. The result of this laser procedure is very much like dermabrasion or skin peeling. The only difference is that carbon dioxide lasers work by vaporizing the skin layers. It does not use sanding products or chemicals to achieve the same effect. After using this type of laser, your skin will feel very tight. This is actually good for the eye region as it can decrease wrinkles and crow's feet on your face with little or no complications at all. However, the risk of scarring and infection is still there so extra care has to be observed.

The newer laser is the Erbium laser. While it works in the same way as the carbon dioxide laser, this one tends to vaporize lesser than the latter. If you are young and don't have too much problem on your skin, this is the type perfect for you. Patients with darker skin tone would also benefit from this laser. It works best for sun damage and acne scars. It is better than CO2 lasers in a way that it can be controlled easily by surgeons. As a result, better accuracy is achieved.

Laser skin resurfacing can provide you lasting and dramatic results all the time. While it cannot totally eliminate wrinkles, it can definitely improve the look of your face. Ask your surgeon as to how you can benefit from these procedures.

Sal provides expert information about laser skin resurfacing by writing articles about erbium laser resurfacing and other topics.

4 Reasons Why You Should Not Get Laser Treatment For Stretch Marks

Laser treatment for stretch marks is becoming popular nowadays. Many women and even men undergo this kind of surgical procedure in hopes that it will be able to remove their unwanted scars. Some might even say that it is the best way to treat stretch marks. Read on and find out if you should really consider this kind of stretch mark treatment.

1. It takes time.

Laser treatment is time consuming. The number of sessions that you will need to undergo depends on the severity of your scars.

2. It is expensive.

On the average you could spend about $700 per session for the traditional kind of laser treatment. If you have scars that are difficult to treat, you will be spending thousands of dollars before you can see satisfactory results.

3. It works best on fresh marks.

If your stretch marks are new (reddish) then the success rate of laser treatment is higher. For old scars (whitish), it is not really an effective kind of treatment. Sometimes, it may only be able to lighten the scars and not remove them at all.

4. Side Effects

Laser treatment for stretch marks also has a number of common side effects that you have to consider. The area of treatment could turn red and you may feel a burning sensation on that same area too. Sometimes swelling may even occur after a session. There are even some that experienced a discoloration of the skin (brown) after undergoing the procedure.

If you are still confident that laser treatment for stretch marks is the only way for you to get rid of your scars, it is best that you consult a doctor who will be able to discuss with you the necessary issues involved.

Should you go for laser treatment for stretch marks or is a topical anti stretch mark cream more suitable for your skin? Find the best stretch mark treatment options online.

Is Laser Treatment at Home a Safe Alternative?

Lots of people have heard about the craze of laser treatment. This is that laser hair removal can now be done at home! This treatment has been accepted by the FDA which shows that they believe it is safe for untrained people in the specialist area to perform at the comfort in their home. Even though this treatment can be bought easily in the supermarket, is it worth the risk?

Most of us aren't doctors or people that are specialized in this particular area. We don't know a lot about laser surgery and how in particular laser energy is transmitted from a beam of light. Should we trust ourselves that we'll do a good job of laser hair removal at home and not hurt ourselves? Do we not require supervision from an expert in the field? As the prices of these treatments are very cheap, they are enticing for many people. Let us take a quick look at what is done with these pieces of equipments and what risks there are.

If you wish to do laser hair removal at home, then you need to understand the basics of the laser energy. Due to the fact that these types of hair removal products are far different from a usual routine of removing unwanted hair (like waxing or shaving), you shall need to take more attention whilst undergoing the treatment. So make sure to read all of the guidebooks carefully.

The main dangers which come with the treatment is that people don't use the equipment properly and in turn, they damage their skin. Things like shining the laser for far too long on the certain area or having the laser energy at a too strong level means that people hurt themselves.

That is why it isn't always recommended for all people to have this treatment, and paying the premium price may well be better off to not cause damage.

Jake Jones has searched up whether Laser Hair Removal At Home is safe and the pros and cons of having Laser Treatment For Hair Removal in detail.

Finally a Natural Age Spot Remover to Heal Sun Damaged Skin

Age spots are very unsightly and you do not want to see them becoming more prevalent on your skin especially on your face. You are searching to see if there is an alternative, safer yet effective Age spot remover rather than those harsh chemical procedures you see being advertised. Most popular procedures that have been available to get rid of these spots are:

Microdermabrasion: This is where a spray of tiny crystals are used to remove the top layer of your skin exposing more delicate underlying skin. You must be careful and make sure you are a good candidate for this procedure. It can be expensive, require some amount of recovery and must be done by a qualified physician in a proper facility.

Chemical Peel: This treatment entails an acid solution is used to get rid the damaged top layer of your skin. You have to be very careful when selecting this procedure as it uses chemical. It can cost anywhere for $600-$900 plus additional expense. It must be done by a licensed practitioner and in a medical facility.

Laser Resurfacing: This is where short, concentrated beams that are pulsated are directed at the affected area of the skin. It removes the skin by layers removing the damaged skin leaving room for new skin to grow. Darker skin people are not good candidates for laser resurfacing or chemical peels. There are several different types of laser resurfacing available. Check with your health care provider to discuss this procedure. It is also expensive and may require follow up treatment.

Natural Age Spot Remover: If you do not desire to use any of the above mentioned procedure there are alternative methods available. A natural substance known as Extrapone Nutgrass has been developed and being used in a top quality skin whitening cream. This cream contains a high concentration of Extrapone Nutgrass. What it does is it inhibits melanin activity in your skin preventing age spots from being formed and also helping to remove those that are already on your skin. It should also be able to heal and repair other areas of your skin and get rid of the wrinkles and fine lines. In addition to Extrapone Nutgrass you need antioxidants to help fight against free radical activities that also damage skin cells making your skin unhealthy looking.

For skin to maintain good health you should feed it with vital nutrients such as minerals, enzymes and vitamins as these will ensure that you skin stay firm smooth and supple. Getting rid of age spots is just one of the issues your skin have to deal with, especially as you age, therefore you want to take care of it from the inside out.

Finding the most safe and effective age spot remover will help get rid of the damage done to your skin by the sun and aging process and have you looking vibrant and glowing once more.

Ingrid Palmer has been using and researching natural skin care products for many years. Visit her website for information on the best anti aging and age spot removal products she has researched and recommends.

Information on Laser Treatment for Acne

Out of many different treatments that are available for acne today, one that is highly recommended and has been proven to be very effective, is the laser treatment for acne. This treatment basically involves removing the top layers of skin off the patient, the objective is to remove the scarring caused by acne, it tightens and makes the skin smooth as well.

Laser treatment for acne is a very quick and painless procedure, it is performed on an outpatient basis and only take about half an hour. This makes it very convenient, considering most people are very busy nowadays.

The procedure for acne laser treatment uses a combination of laser carbon dioxide and a YAG laser. The process is very quick but it is important to be informed that you will not be able to notice any real results until about a year and a half later. If you have tried many other methods with no avail, laser treatment for acne is worth considering.

NOTE: YAG lasers are optically pumped using a flashlamp or laser diodes. They are one of the most common types of laser, and are used to treat the skin.

Is Laser Treatment For Acne Suitable for Everyone?

Generally, most people are able to go through the laser treatment procedure, but there are some who are not. For instance if you have extremely sensitive skin, the doctor will suggest you not to use laser treatment because your skin may be marred by the laser.

Regardless of whether you are able to have the laser treatment for acne procedure or not, the most important things you must try to adopt is a healthy lifestyle. Having a healthy lifestyle is without a doubt the ultimate long-term and permanent solution for your acne problem.

To start adopting a healthy lifestyle, the first thing you should do is to quit the unhealthy habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol. Start eating healthy foods, drinking plenty of water, exercising regularly and getting enough rest. This will definitely keep your acne problem at bay in no time.

For more tips on acne treatment and health related information, pls visit: Health Buzz Zone

Leon is an Infopreneur dedicated to sharing his online discoveries across the net. You can visit his blogs at Leon's Self-Development Blog and Online Business Journey.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Cost of Laser Hair Removal

The cost of laser hair removal can be very high depending on the area you want treated. The use of laser to remove unwanted hair is one of the best and efficient methods available. There are different kinds of lasers and they continue to be upgraded and improved. They can work on a very large area of the body compared to other methods. Laser removal is also very fast and unlike electrolysis, you can get the job done quickly. Many laser procedures have been successful and this means that they manage to eliminate hair for a very long time. The method has been called permanent compared to other laser procedures. The cost will depend on several factors and they include the geographical location you are at.

If you come from a more affluent society, there will be higher prices because the people are willing to spend more for a quality service. The other factor that will influence the cost of laser hair removal is the kind of laser being used. If it is a more modern and effective laser, you will have to pay more for its services. The cost of laser hair removal will be determined by the number of sessions you undertake for the procedure. There are packages that come comprising the total amount per session usually at a discounted price. You can also choose to pay each session at a time which will be a much higher price depending on the laser hair removal clinic you visit.

Many people do not mind a high cost of hair removal when they are getting a quality service. It is therefore very vital to know which specialist you are visiting for the procedure. The need to have the experience that is necessary for them to be totally confident in the job. Clinics which are eager to put unrealistically low prices on the laser hair removal might be offering a mediocre service. The best way to know good clinics is through friends who have gone through the experience of hair removal by laser. A good laser clinic will have a fair cost of laser hair removal together with quality service. Make sure you discuss the cost before you embark on any procedure.

If you have thicker and darker hair, you might find that the cost of laser hair removal is a bit high for you because more laser energy is required to remove the hair. Therefore, do not be disappointed to find that others might be paying less. All in all agree with the clinic on the best price for you. Once you go for the procedure, you will experience a slight sensation on your skin. Some people have said that the procedure is painful but these claims have been dismissed as incorrect. The laser procedure might have totally different effects to different people. Let the practitioner shed some more light in this so that you can have an idea of what exactly to expect. If you are willing to proceed, you will surely get the results that will please you.

Peter Gitundu Creates Interesting And Thought Provoking Content on Hair Removal. For More Information, Read More Of His Articles Here HAIR REMOVAL If You Enjoyed Reading This Article, Make Sure You SUBSCRIBE TO MY RSS FEED! To Receive My Most Recent Posts & Updates.

Laser Hair Removal Cost - 9 Things That Will Affect The Cost Of Your Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Some years ago, both men and women would consider the removal of unwanted hair as time-consuming, costly and inconvenient. Fortunately, modern technology has provided us with a safe, fast, and easy way to remove unwanted hair. The question remainss however: how much does laser hair removal cost?

Things To Consider Before Going Under the... Laser

Compared to electrolysis, laser hair removal is relatively cheaper. However, it will still involve some considerable portion of your savings. Mostly, the cost will be based on the extent of your unwanted hair problems. Another thing to consider is your skin condition. The removal of hair by laser is not advisable for some people due to safety concerns; people with hair darker than their skin can not be admitted for treatment because their skin may have the tendency to take in more laser rays than what is normally considered as safe. A visit to your physician or dermatologist is therefore recommended before making an appointment at your local laser hair removal clinic. It's better to be hairy but safe than hairless but sorry or burnt.

A Breakdown of the Laser Hair Removal Cost

Consultation Fee - Some clinics charge clients for inquiries and consultation regarding the laser treatment. This is one area of the treatment cost that is regularly forgotten.

Skin Area Covered - The area and parts of your body that you want to submit for laser hair removal would also be considered for the cost of the treatment. If the area or body part that you want covered for the treatment is larger than what the clinic usually offers like arms and thighs, you will, of course, have to be charged a higher price than the usual. However, the cost for laser treatment of areas of your face is usually reasonably priced and can, therefore be afforded by anyone. The most common body parts subjected to laser treatment usually include the upper lip, arms, underarms, the back and thighs.

Professional Fee - Another laser hair removal cost to be taken into account is the professional fees that most clinics charge for the treatment. Professional fees charged by specialist doctors in the field of dermatology, high-end spas and hospitals are usually higher than your average skin clinic or beauty spa. Clinics that also specialize in laser hair removal or those that have already established a name for themselves in thism form of hair removal treatment may also have higher or more costly professional fees.

Number of Laser Sessions - Laser hair removal treatments are different from other treatments used in the removal of unwanted hair in the sense that they require several subsequent visits to the skin clinic. Naturally, the more sessions you need, the more expensive the treatment would cost. Therefore, it is wise to consult the dermatologist and ask about the estimated number of sessions it would take to have hair successfully removed, as well as determining how much each session of laser hair removal costs?

Pattern of Hair Growth - The finer the hair, the lesser the cost in the same manner as the thicker the area for hair removal, the higher the cost of the treatment. Also, the growth pattern of your hair such as how it grows as well as its density will also have an effect on the amount of your laser hair removal cost.

Package Discounts or Flat Fees - If you happen upon a package or a promo at the clinic, you'll be able to, more likely, save on the cost of your treatment. If you are a regular client or a patron for some other service, the clinic may also possibly give you a discount on their laser hair removal treatment service.

After-Care Products - It is possible that your dermatologist will give you a prescription for several hair removal after-care products for your treatment to have a more lasting effect. Usually, these after-care products are lotions, creams, and soaps and is yet another factor to be considered towards your laser hair removal cost.

Time - There are some clinics that, to arrive at a certain lcost, use the time spent on each treatment as a basis for the total cost of treatment. This may prove to be disadvantageous for the client as they would have no idea as to whether the dermatologist is simply prolonging the process in order to extract more money from the client or not.

Pulse-Based Fees - It is possible that the clinic will simply charge you based on the per-pulse rate. Some clinics may charge $50 for the first 100 pulses and then one dollar for each subsequent pulse. Again, be wary that a clinic is not going to subject you to too many pulses as a simple means to push up the laser hair removal cost.

For more information on laser hair removal cost visit, a website that specializes in providing advice, tips and resources on hair removal that you can use to help create a new and confident YOU.

Questions About Laser Hair Removal

This article answers a few of the most common questions about laser hair removal, including who it is suitable for, how much it will cost, which areas of the body it is most suitable for, and how permanent the results are.

Who is laser hair removal suitable for?

It is not suitable for everyone. The general rule is that the hair in question must be a darker color than the skin surrounding it. If the skin is a very dark pigmentation, it you may absorb too much of the laser energy, and so the treatment is not advisable. Those who are tanned with light hair are also unsuitable. Those who are tanned with dark hair should not have the treatment until their tan has faded.

Generally speaking, it is easier to perform the treatment on someone with light hair, as opposed to someone with dark hair.

How much does it cost?

The average session costs in the region of $500. Four or more sessions are usually recommended. Large areas (such as the back) will obviously result in a larger bill, and smaller areas (such as the upper lip) won't cost as much. Private consultations are recommended to assess the cost, as the number of sessions needed varies from person to person.

What areas of the body can hair be removed from using laser hair treatment?

Anywhere where there is excess hair. The only real exception is around the eyes. The most common areas are legs, back, bikini line and underarms.

Is it permanent?

Unlike shaving and waxing, laser hair removal is considered to be a more permanent form of hair removal, but the results differ according to the patient in question. As with all beauty treatments, do not choose the practice which offers the lowest price, as the treatment may not be of the best quality.

Written by Kelly Jensen for, an extensive information site regarding laser hair removal [], cosmetic procedures, and skin beauty tips. For answers to other general questions you may want to review this Laser Hair Treatmet [] article.

Skin Laser Treatment - Blessing of Modern Science

When I was a little boy once I slipped on the wet floor and fell on my head and had a bad wound. Though I recovered from that but the incident left me a sign which always reminds me of it. And that is a scar on my forehead. That time I would never believe it could be removed some how.

But many years later recently when I had some research on skin care and surgery I was amazed to learn what modern science have achieved these days! Skin laser treatment has that ability to remove scars, aging signs, acne etc from the skin with maximum efficiency.

So if you are one of those many people who are worried about the spots on their skin or about skin aging or a scar then this is something that worth giving a shot.

Of course this is much expensive than the skin care creams and also have some risks after the procedure is done but mostly people who went through it has expressed their great satisfaction on the method and are enjoying a young and acne free skin.

There are two types of Skin laser treatment available. The first one is CO2 laser treatment where Carbon-Die-oxide laser is used for skin healing. It is more effective but involves more complications as well. The other laser resurfacing is known as Erbium laser which is a safer treatment but comparing with CO2 it is less effective.

In the laser healing system, the laser is used to remove the top most layer of the skin which is damaged. After the top layer is removed the fresh inner skin layer takes its place.

The Q-switched laser is used to remove tattoos. Through this process the colors of the tattoo are removed without harming the skin surface.

It is always recommended to go for laser resurfacing as a last option after other non surgical skin care procedures like using a skin care cream. It is also necessary to get the skin laser treatment by licensed professionals.

You need to inform the surgeon about what you need to get done first since laser treatment is not the same for all kind of skin problems. But above all you need to learn more about this kind of healing before going for it. This will help you not only to know whether you really need this type of treatment or not but also will help you to follow the after therapy precautions in order to keep your skin safe from any negative effects. Click Here to Discover the Results of my Research on the Most Effective Skin Care health products. If you have unwanted wrinkles, fine lines, and damaged skin visit to discover the shocking truth that now one else wants to expose.

Laser Wrinkle Treatments For Youthful Looks

Aging of a human body is a natural process and cannot be reversed. But that shouldn't stop you from retaining the youthful essence of your face, which has its advantages. In a society where how your present yourself is almost as important as your capabilities, your face can be your fortune.

But most importantly it gives you the confidence when you face the mirror every day and gear yourself up to take on the world. If your wrinkles are coming in your way to conquering the world, Wrinkle Treatments are what you should be looking at.

Wrinkles usually cause undesirable effects like frown lines, forehead lines and crow's feet around your eyes. But they can be easily done away with.

Besides the natural cause of aging, wrinkles are often caused by:

Damage due to exposure to UV radiations from the Sunlight.
Smoking: It dries out your skin and breaks down collagen that helps firm up your face.
Other lifestyle related factors like stress, drinking habbits etc.

It's not always possible to make drastic changes to your lifestyle, and even if you do there is still natural aging that can cause wrinkles.

But different kinds of Wrinkle Treatments listed below can help you.

Anti wrinkle creams and gels are easily available and practical to apply at home. But their effects are known to be less visible and constant use of these products is needed.
Chemical peels remove the outer damaged layer of the skin and give you a fresh look. They are beneficial in reducing wrinkles, but not getting rid of them entirely.
Laser Treatments have become widely popular today. They are very useful in cases of mild scarring and getting rid of wrinkles. In laser facial resurfacing, a beam of light is used to remove the worn out layer of your skin. The treatment also helps in formation of collagen so that when new skin is formed it is softer and feels youthful. This treatment also costs much lesser than other cosmetic methods used.
Botulinum toxin injections are used to reduce lines and wrinkles in affected areas of your face. The treatment uses a protein that relaxes muscles in specific parts and reduces wrinkles but doesn't work in case of deep wrinkles. Effects of this treatment last for 3-4 months after which the procedure has to be repeated.
Dermal filler injections are used to make your skin look fresher and livelier. However effects of such injections are also temporary, lasting up to 9 months. The process has to be repeated to retain results.
Some people resort to Cosmetic Surgeries for longer lasting effects and an escape from wrinkles for long duration. But these surgeries like facelifts are significantly expensive and it's a criteria often considered.

You can visit a reputed Skin Clinic in your area and get advice from qualified professionals to choose the right treatment for your problem. But remember, getting your youthful exuberance back is within your reach.

For more information on laser treatments, check out the info available online; these will help you learn to find the wrinkle treatment!

Technology Advancement - Laser Surgery for Scars

Wounds and acne tend to leave scars on our body. People, especially women, dislike scars because it disfigures the body and it is an unpleasant thing to see.

You need not worry because in this modern age of technology, getting rid of scars is pretty easy. There are contraindications to getting laser surgery; one is if you have severe skin disorders. It is possible that your skin condition may worsen instead. This procedure can remove any kind of scars from wound scars to burns on the leg. Here is a list of why it is beneficial for you.???? ?

People want their faces free from scars and unwanted marks but if ever you do have them, do not fret; your face can be cleared with laser surgery. With the use of laser, the skin is coagulated to prevent unnecessary bleeding. Doctors uses resurfacing techniques that help in producing new cells and make you look younger.

People who have gashes on their legs is also recommended to undergo this treatment. Still with the use of resurfacing techniques these unwanted marks can be removed in no time. Even areas that are discolored can be treated. To help give your leg a reformed look injections are also applied. If you have deep scars then it is natural that you undergo this operation many times.

Acne has been a problem for almost every teenager in this planet. Acne when pricked produce scars. By exposing the scar tissues to laser beams the sebaceous glands are constricted therefore reducing the production of oil and accumulation of dirt and the chances of you having acne breakout would be minimal.

Laser surgery has been a great breakthrough in the field of beauty and cosmetics. You won't be having any more problems about that scar that has been bothering you for years. You can just have it treated and that scar is as good as gone. This is not a perfect remedy though; you still have to consult a doctor if you plan on having laser surgeries so you could discuss its advantage and disadvantages.

Amy Chan is an avid eBay user and has been buying and selling professionally on eBay for the last 3 years. She is also a regular author on several online blog sites. You can view her recent articles on the mini fridge freezer and portable mini fridge here.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Laser Hair Removal Technology

You may be in deep trouble due to black hair problems over the years. Now it is the time to wash out such problems as there are several treatments available in the market. You have to choose one of them. Among the all, laser hair removal is the best. This treatment is scientific and you need not to worry too much before using this technology. Recently technology has grown up so much that laser can be used on human body without any problem.

Laser hair removal technology is mainly based on focusing laser beams to hair follicles. When laser beams stuck on hair follicle it generates heat and removes the hair from the root. It is very much straight forward on action. The efficiency is based on tuning of laser beam. A fine tuned laser beam uproots the hair without even touching the skin surrounding the hair. Even more laser fails to penetrate on the second layer of our skin. Thus there is no such possibility of getting our internal organs damaged. You can use this technology for any of your body parts.

Laser hair removal technology is quite safe and effective too. If you are familiar with waxing and shaving you must have experienced itching, irritation and red bumps. Infections take place very often and again. Here in laser hair removal technology you do not need to cope up with such nasty problems. Black or ingrown hairs are uprooted successfully without touching your skin. This technology is so good that it kills bacteria from the root of the hair and removes the hair too. So you are getting double benefit from single treatment.

You may use laser to remove hair from any part of your body. Some sensitive areas can be cleaned with this technology with ease. Hairs from large areas like arm, hand or legs can also be smoothed with laser. The suitable time for this treatment is winter when most of our body parts are covered with garments. The body is less exposed to sun and the treatment becomes more useful. So it is better to avoid summer or direct sun light.

Laser hair removal technology can be used for long-term purpose and it works splendidly well in most of the cases. But huge amount of cost may keep you away from this superb treatment. Before you decide you take help of this technology make a proper market research. Another drawback of this technology may be efficiency. If you have chosen a popular, reliable clinic you can expect good outcome of laser hair removal technology. Otherwise you may fall in trouble. So before you rush to any clinic just go through its track record and testimonials. I am sure you will be benefited.

For further beneficial information on Laser hair removal as well as helpful discussions of the visitors, please visit Laser Hair Removal Ct and if possible you too take part in the discussions. Thanks and regards

What Is Laser Lipolysis?

There are many ways of removing fat from the body. Liposuction used to be the most popular way of getting rid of extra flab, but it involved many risks. Laser lipolysis is a revolutionary new procedure of removing small localized deposits; it removes "saddlebags", "love handles" and "double chins" among other things.

Through this method, one can easily be free of the excess fat that could not be removed by diet or exercise, and most importantly, it does not have the risks associated with traditional procedures. The procedure involves a cannula being inserted into the body. It has a laser that liquefies the fat which is drained from the body through very tiny incisions that are 1-2mm in size. While this may sound simple, it is not open to everyone.

Candidates generally should be no more than thirty pounds over their ideal weight and should be in good health. Also, the candidate should have maintained a stable weight over the past few years and should have good skin elasticity in the area that will be treated. If you decide that you want to do this, you should note that it is still a surgery and has a few risks of its own. You will definitely get scarring because the skin is cut open, but there may be other complications such as bruising, infection and shock.

However, chances of those risks are small, and you will recover very quickly from the surgery. You can return to work in under 24 hours.

While laser lipolysis may be an easier way of removing fat, it is also quite expensive at $2000-4000 per treated area.

Bradley P. White has been a practicing pharmacist in Ohio for 14 years. He focuses his practice on healthy living and wellness. He educates people on how to correct nutritional deficiencies to avoid illness and disease, lose weight, and have more energy.

To learn more Healthy Living Tips visit

Copyright BPW Solutions LLC 2010

What You Need To Know Before Decide To Get Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Today, there is no one knows about laser hair removal treatment, especially patients who have problem of exceed unwanted hair on some part of the body. As we all know that laser hair removal is one of the advanced treatment that many patients today would want to get in order to have very effective and permanent results. However, there are some other information that you need to know before you decide to get this kind of treatment such as type of skins that suitable and can be cured by laser, type of laser beam that currently popular for patients or any kind of side effects that may occur after the treatment.

The following article presents the very latest information on laser hair removal, which could give you some useful idea about laser hair removal treatment before you actually go to the clinic or hospital.. If you have a particular interest in laser hair removal by using laser treatment, then this informative article is required reading. The information about laser hair removal presented here will do one of two things: either it will reinforce what you know about laser hair removal or it will teach you something new. Both are good outcomes.

One of the fact that many people interested in and always ask before they decide to get laser hair removal treatment is which part of the body that can be cured by laser treatment. This question always been asked by patients. In fact, it can be said that laser hair removal is a treatment, which permanently eliminates unwanted hair permanently and it can be used with any part of the body which we can see the external physical condition of the skin. However, there might be some different part of the body between men and women patients who want to take laser hair removal treatment. For example, women patients want to have their underarms, legs, abdomen and genitals for laser treatment, while men patients prefer to have their back, shoulders and chest cured by laser. However, we can see that the common part of the body that found in both men and women patients are leg and abdomen.

However, in recent years, there is one another part of the body that has become very popular among these patients, facial area. Since the facial area is very sensitive and we found in rare case in the past that patient want to get rid of hair on facial area according to the reason mentioned above. But today as the laser technology provide special type of laser which can get rid of hair on facial area without pain, so there are many of patients want to have facial laser hair removal treatment, which is quite a sensitive area.

However, there are other topics that you may need to know before get laser hair removal treatment, as mentioned earlier, please keep yourself reading all other information after reading this article and you will be ensured that you will get the most benefit of it. It never hurts to be well-informed with the latest on laser hair removal. Compare what you've learned here to future articles so that you can stay alert to changes in this area.

Ratta Nasarn:For article about hair loss prevention tips [], please visit [], a popular site providing great insights about health and fitness.