Friday, November 1, 2013

Skin Mole Removal - Some Facts

A mole, otherwise known as a melanocytic naevus, is an abnormal collection of pigment cells present within the skin. These cells are known as melanocytes, they are responsible for producing brown pigment. It is these cells which give you a sun tan. Some moles may be present at your birth they are called congenital melanocytic naevi. Most moles appear doing your first 20 years of life however they can develop into your 30s or 40s.

Almost every one has a mole somewhere. Although moles and skin tags can appear any where on the body, they very commonly appear on the face which many men and women find acutely embarrassing even to the point of causing depression They may also cause you problems with your make-up or shaving routines.

Though usually brownish in colour moles may be skin coloured, they are normally circular or oval in shape and they may be flat or raised in appearance. They can be smooth or rough in texture and some may have hair growing from them

They can change in the way they look over time responding sometimes to hormonal changes during periods of change in your life such as adolescence, pregnancy or the menopause. It's even known for them to sometimes disappear or fall off, you may not even notice.

If you're bothered by the appearance of you're mole or moles and it's affecting your confidence you probably want to remove them. There are various methods of removal such as surgical procedures involving sharp scalpels or similar instruments. Another option is cryosurgery which uses liquid nitrogen to freeze and destroy the cells of the mole. Laser surgery is also used these days to fire pulses of laser light at the mole and destroy it.

All these methods usually result in some scarring though the effect is normally lessened when cryosurgery or laser surgery are used. Of course these methods also need visits to hospital or the doctor's office and can be prohibitively expensive.

Fortunately there are natural methods of skin mole removal which can also be used to remove warts and skin tags. And which can be done in the privacy of your own home and at greatly reduced cost. Learn more by visiting

All these methods usually result in some scarring though the effect is normally lessened when cryosurgery or laser surgery are used. Of course these methods also need visits to hospital or the doctor's office and can be prohibitively expensive.

Fortunately there are natural methods of skin mole removal which can also be used to remove warts and skin tags. And which can be done in the privacy of your own home and at greatly reduced cost. Learn more by visiting Wart And Mole []

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