Saturday, November 30, 2013

Treating Acne Scars - The Super Effectiveness of Applying Hormonal Therapy and Laser Treatment

There are several types of acne, but one thing that is common about them all is the scarring. Be it acne rosacea, or chloracne, or acne vulgaris, or cystic or nodular acne, they all have the tendency to leave ugly scars behind that can make your face look hideous even though you are not suffering from the condition itself anymore.

You are about to learn about these scars, and to know what to do to deal with the scars once and for all.

One way to prevent scarring from acne due to treatment is to use hormonal therapy to cure the disease. Here, you want to reduce your androgenic hormone levels by taking an anti-testosterone medication known as Cyproterone, in combination with estrogen from perhaps Diane 35. The reason why this is so potent, especially in women, is that after the acnes are gone, there are less chances of scarring than most other methods because it provides some bleaching of your skin.

Another acne scar cure that you definitely want to consider is laser treatment. Because laser light has the ability to burn away the damaged sebaceous glands that cause the disease, it has become ideal for effective acne scar removal. Added to that, the acne scar laser treatment also induces the formation of oxygen, which kills off acne-forming bacteria, and it burns the damaged follicle sacs from which your hairs grow and that are often left behind after treatment.

The two methods of treating acne scars discussed above are very effective. However, a word with your dermatologist can save you from complications that may arise as side effects of any of the treatment options.

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Laser Acne Treatments - The Real Truth

Many of us have suffered with acne and lately many of us have also looked at Laser Acne Treatments for curing stubborn acne. But is this a new and great advance that will help you get rid of acne or is it just another gimmick. I had to research a bit to find out.

History of Laser Acne Treatments

Lasers have been around since 1958 and have been used for many things besides treating acne. Lasers are being used for increasing blood flow and destroying stray cartilage in joints as well as eye surgery like Lasik. The first devices and studies for acne treatment with lasers occurred around 2002 or 2003 so this is a relatively new use of the technology.

What is Laser Acne Treatment

First of all there are two ways that you can use a laser to help acne prone skin, first there is the killing and getting rid of acne Using a single beam of light has two effects on your skin. It has a dual action where acne is concerned. First it kills the bacteria that are responsible for the outbreaks of acne. Next it also causes the sebaceous glands to shrink. The sebaceous glands are oil glands, which secrete oil to nourish the skin. This oil blocks the hair follicles and causes acne. Shrinking the oil glands causes decreased sebum production and decrease in acne outbreaks.

Also lasers can be sued to burn out or bleach discolorations in your skin. This is known as Laser acne scar treatment and is really a completely different cosmetic application of using lasers.

Does Laser Acne Treatment Work?

Some say yes and some say no. I have found a clinical study from 2003 at the University of Michigan that says no, it does not seem to work but in another study from Saratov State University just a year later 80% of the people that took part had a significant reduction in acne. Still another study at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine said that laser treatment was very effective for acne.

If you are serious about trying laser acne treatment it would probably be best to talk to your dermatologist. Remember There are many different treatments for acne and some work better than others depending on the type of acne that you have.

But of course do you know there is much more that you can do to get rid of your acne? I have written many articles as well as a review about Acne free in 3 days and comparisons to the Acne no more holistic acne treatment.

Your Mole and Laser Removal

The four different techniques that are used to remove a mole are: excision, natural mole removal remedies, cryotherapy and laser therapy. In this article I am going to discuss the option of laser mole removal, firstly because it's the fastest removal method and secondly because it produces the least amount of scarring especially when the moles in question have not responded to any other form of mole removal therapy.

Due to the fact laser mole removal does not penetrate deep into the skin, large moles generally can not be removed with this method because they protrude too deeply within the dermis and usually in these cases excision is required. Moles that are small and flat will often respond more appropriately to laser therapy, these are the types of moles that a person was either born with or has recently developed i.e. through excess sun exposure.

Before laser removal can be attempted, the specialist must determine how deep the mole penetrates the skin in order to accurately burn off all of the nevus tissue to prevent the mole from ever growing back. In many cases, when a patient undergoes laser treatment they may not even require any anaesthetic because the pain felt from laser removal is very minimal. The sensation has often been described as being snapped with a rubber band or may simply produce a tingling sensation. Either way most people can handle it for the sake of a 15 to 30 minute procedure!

As the laser penetrates the mole it works by sealing off the blood vessels to the mole and evaporating the tissue. This allows the mole to be removed without the need to cut or stitch the area which in turn produces little to absolutely no scarring.

After the procedure has been completed a scab will begin to form over the area where your mole once was. This normally takes around two weeks to fall off on its own. The only indication there was ever a mole there will be in the form of some slight redness where the scab has fallen off; this too will disappear after a period of time.

Nicola Milne is a mole and wart removal expert. For more information on mole laser removal, visit

Large Pores - New Laser Treatment For Enlarged Pores

Large pores or enlarged pores on the face are a very frustrating problem for many people. Large pores are prone to forming blackheads and acne. Large pores also often stand out and are more noticeable when makeup is applied.

Treatment of large pores in the past has been primarily directed towards drying agents to reduce oil production in the skin. These treatments do help, but they are temporary measures and do not change the skin structure in a way to reduce pore size permanently.

What Causes Large Pores?

The pores on your face are small holes in the skin which are the openings of the oil glands on the face. These glands, called the sebaceous glands, form a small sack beneath the skin which produces normal skin oils called sebum. There are two basic causes of large pores, which is enlargement of the opening of the oil gland onto the skin:

o Excess Skin Oil Production- People with oily skin have more oil producing cells in their sebaceous glands, the oil producing glands beneath the skin. As more sebum or skin oil is produced, the oil gland enlarges and becomes distended. As the gland and oil sack become enlarged the opening of the oil gland onto the skin, the pore, becomes stretched and appears on the skin as a large or enlarged pore.

Large pores in young facial skin are most common in the areas of the face where the greatest number of oil glands occurs-the nose, forehead and chin. This is often called the T zone, and if you check you will find these areas have more skin oils that the cheeks and eyelids.

o Aging of the Skin- As our face skin ages many very significant changes occur. The most striking aging change is loss of collagen. Collagen is a very important supporting structure in the skin. The oil glands and pores are surrounded and supported by collagen. When collagen is lost with aging, the oil glands and pores loose support and become lax and the pores become larger.

Interestingly, enlarged pores in aged facial skin also occur on the cheeks, an area which has fewer enlarged oil glands in younger people with oily skin. The pores are there in younger people but oil production is less and the pores are not large. However when the supporting collagen is lost with aging, the pores can show up in all face areas.

New Laser Treatment

The new laser treatment works because new collagen is produced which supports the oil glands and actually squeezes or constricts the pore itself by compressing the opening of the pore onto the skin. This laser treatment is called combined laser therapy and is a two step process:

o Non-ablative 1540 or 1440 Laser Treatments-We use a 1540 or 1440 Fractional Erbium Laser to treat the facial skin. There is no down time-your face will have some added color immediately after the treatment for about a day or two. These lasers go deep into the skin and stimulate your skin to make new collagen to compress the pores.

You will need 3 treatments scheduled about 3-4 weeks apart. Treatments take about 30 minutes and are done by our medical aesthetician.

o 2940 Ablative Fractional Laser Resurfacing-At your last non-ablative treatment the doctor will do an additional treatment called a Fractional Ablative Laser Resurfacing. This treatment is an actual laser skin peel. However the new fractional laser is much gentler than the old fashioned CO2 laser resurfacing. Your skin will peel and your skin will be red for 5-7 days.

We do use a topical anesthetic for your comfort.

Our results with this new combined laser approach have been very impressive. Older CO2 laser resurfacing actually made pores larger.

The new approach using fractional laser technology is much better at building new collagen to compress the pores. We have seen surprisingly good results in even older aged skin.

Other Supportive Measures

Traditional methods include skin oil reduction with Brevoxyl skin washes, microdermabrasion, and oil reducing medications such as Retin A, Differin, and Acccutane. These treatments must be discontinued during the combined laser therapy. However after your skin recovered, you will be re-evaluated for the need for these traditional supportive therapies.

This new combined fractional laser treatment is a remarkable and truly revolutionary new therapy. The results, especially in aging skin are truly excellent. If you are troubled by enlarged pores on your face learn more about this exciting new treatment which may be what you are looking for. Learn more about the new fractional laser therapy. Read our free newsletter to learn about the latest new discoveries in aesthetics, lasers, and plastic surgery.

Is Laser Hair Removal Dangerous?

As with all cosmetic procedures that are completed, it is important to determine the side effects of the treatments before they are pursued. There are two common types of problems that can occur from laser hair removal, temporary and permanent side effects.

Some of the possible temporary side effects that can occur include discomfort and pain through the procedure. This discomfort and pain can occur through the area where the surgery has taken place on the surface and directly below the skin where the lasers were applied.

Another temporary issue is redness around the area where the lasers have been administered. Redness through the area can be cumbersome, especially if the laser hair removal has been completed through the facial area. Redness does not often last for more than twenty-four hours and can often be soothed with cool compresses through the facial area.

Less common issues that can occur as a side effect of laser hair removal but important to consider are the chances of skin discoloration through the area, and scarring that can occur. Although uncommon, these side effects can leave lasting effects through the layers of the skin.

It is important to ensure that the person administering the services is extensively trained, as inexperienced professionals can cause scarring and burning, as well as discoloration through the skin that can leave lasting damage. Researching the clinic or professional that is administering the treatment is the most effective way to protect you through the laser hair removal process.

By knowing all the problems that may be caused by proceeding with this type of surgery, you can compare them to the benefits and make an educated decision on whether or not this procedure is best for you in both the short and the long term.

Fiona writes about beauty treatments including hair laser surgery and cosmetics for both women and men in Ireland. She specializes in writing about leg hair removal and lip hair removal.

Friday, November 29, 2013

What is Laser Back Surgery?

Spine or back is an extremely sensitive organ in the human body that requires good care and attention so as to remain healthy. Or else, one might need to face the risk of going under the surgeon's knife. For years, surgeons have practiced back surgery as a lengthy and painful procedure that requires large incisions to be made on the back. As a result of this invasive treatment, patients had to remain hospitalized for weeks. Many times, patients also had to undergo an extensive and painful rehabilitation program so as to recuperate from the effects of surgery. Modern medical science has come a long way since then. With the evolution and use of Arthroscopic or Laser backs surgery, treating spinal disorders is no more a laborious process both for the doctor as well as the patient.

Arthroscopic or laser therapy was first used in the 1970s while operating on knees and shoulders. This treatment involves use of arthroscope, a tiny tube that is inserted into the body through a small incision made around the area that needs to be treated. Over this small tube, a series of large tubes are sequentially placed. The last tube that enters the hole is of the size of a pencil. The entire objective of this procedure is to dilate the skin and the internal muscle tissues rather than tearing them away. Once the last tube is inserted, all the other tubes are removed. Through the final translucent working tube are inserted fiber optic cameras, lasers, suction and other microscopic instruments using which the entire operation is performed by the surgeon. All these instruments can be electronically operated and are connected to a robotic arm.

At present, there are four different arthroscopic or laser back surgery procedures being practiced around the world. These include:


Used for treating conditions such as nerve root compressions, foraminal stenosis, pinched nerves, herniated discs, scar tissue formation, spinal arthritis and sciatica.


This procedure is used for removing neural compression and other conditions that can lead to spinal stenosis. This procedure is also used for herniated discs, bone spurs (osteophytes) herniated discs, scar tissue formation and spinal arthritis.

Percutaneous Arthroscopic Disectomy:

In this procedure, pressure that develops on the spinal cord and nerve roots is removed surgically using a laser.

Facet Thermal Ablation:

This procedure is used in the treatment of facet disease. Also, conditions such as facet joint syndrome, facet hypertrophy, facet arthritis, and degenerated facet joints can be treated using this procedure. In this surgery, a surgeon uses a laser beam for destroying a spinal nerve that causes pain in the joints.

Laser back surgery is primarily an endoscopic procedure that is advantageous in many ways. Most importantly, this procedure neither involves any large incisions on the skin nor requires the administration of general anesthesia. The entire surgery is performed through a small hole and gets completed within one hour under the influence of localized anesthesia. In this procedure, there is minimal amount of muscle and other soft tissue damage. Other benefits include less bleeding during surgery, minimal amount of blood loss at the time of surgery, less scar tissue formation and quick recovery. Even the risks or complications are very low with laser back surgery. Also, the patient is not required to spend days and weeks in the hospital and undergo the postoperative discomfort.

Nelson Todd is the owner of His site provides detailed information about the pros and cons of laser back surgery, and exercises that will help speed up your recovery after your laser back surgery.

The Risks of Laser Hair Removal

Although laser hair removal is considered safe and is licensed as a permanent hair reduction method as with any medical treatment there are a number of potential risks associated with it.

Potential side effects can be divided into two categories. Short term side effects; those that are temporary and go away after a short period of time, and long term side effects; those that remain long after treatment is completed and perhaps even permanently.

The pain of the treatment itself is one short term side effect, although patients more usually describe this side effect as discomfort rather than pain. Any discomfort or pain can be minimised by the use of anaesthetic creams and painkillers taken prior to treatment. Temporary reddening and swelling of the skin is another commonly experienced side effect which can be minimised through the application of ice to affected areas.

Longer term side effects include burns, blistering and changes in the pigmentation of the skin.

Burns occur when the energy of the laser is absorbed by the skin around the hair rather than the hair itself. Most burns are not serious and quickly heal, but there is the potential for long term scarring of the skin. The chance of this type of burning can be reduced by making sure that the correct type of laser for your skin is used.

Changes in pigmentation occur when the laser affects the melanin production within the skin.

All of these longer term problems are more prevalent amongst those with darker skin colours as measured on the The Fitzpatrick Chart.

There are a number of medical conditions that render patients unsuitable for laser hair treatment. These include lupus, diabetes, active herpes infection amongst others. It is important to check with your doctor before commencing laser treatment if you have a long term health problem.

Although these risks sound alarming the chance of a patient experiencing such problems can be greatly reduced by ensuring that treatment is done by the most experienced provider possible. As a bare minimum treatment should be done at a licensed clinic run by an experienced doctor and all treatments should be performed by medically trained staff. It is also important to choose a clinic that has the most up to date machines available. Laser machines are constantly developing and newer ones are significantly more effective than older models. This is particularly important for patients with darker skin or lighter hair as using more modern equipment can have a significant impact on both the outcome and risks associated with laser hair removal.

Rachel North is an internationally published health and beauty writer. Please click the following links for more information about laser hair removal risks or for a laser hair removal cost guide

What Are The Laser Hair Removal Side Effects?

Getting rid of unwanted body hair is not nearly as difficult as it used to be. With the increasing popularity of laser hair removal, getting rid of body hair you don't want isn't really that much of a hassle. And as the technology of the lasers improves, so does the quality and effectiveness of the treatment. There are a lot of "horror stories" around laser hair removal. But they are nothing more than that, just stories. So what are the laser hair removal side effects anyways?

An old horror story used to be scaring. People with darker or tanned skin were said to get laser scars. While a few scattered reports of this were true in the past, the problem no longer exists now thanks to the quality of the lasers. The lasers now are designed with the tolerance of skin in mind.

Another problem were skin blisters, resulting from the skin absorbing too much heat. Again, lasers are being designed now with this in mind. Also, gel is applied to the sin during treatment to keep the skin cool and to prevent any kind of skin irritation.

Skin can sometimes develop hypo or hyper pigmentation. Basically what this is the darkening, with hyper, and lightening, with hypo, of the skin pigmentation. People with dark or tanned skin are more prone to these problems, but they are few and far between. Neither of these side effects last long, and the person performing the procedure will be able to inform you of any kind of treatment you may require.

Finally, some people have reported what is called crusting. Areas that have been treated more than once are where the problems can occur. Those that have been exposed to long pulses of ruby and alexandrite lasers are particularly prone to this. If this problem does occur, simply visit a dermatologist as soon as possible to clear it up.

These are the majority of the reported problems that exist with laser hair removal. Most of these problems where reported quite a few years back when the technology of the lasers wasn't as far along as it is today. Such side effects now are rarely, if ever, reported. Redness of the skin for a day or two after is the most anyone will experience and it's normal and nothing to be worried about.

For more information on a permanent hair removal system that is right for you visit

Tightening Lax Skin Without Surgery

Sagging skin is widely considered a sign of aging but many women often end up with a tummy that won't "snap" back after a pregnancy while sagging under the arms, thighs and especially under the chin after weight loss is also very common. If any of you are like me, you've "yoyo'd" with weight then found it to be a cruel joke to finally get skinny but end up with saggy skin! Whatever the case may be, now is like no other time in the history of skin care to consider an effective, non-surgical approach to finally getting, not only the "snap" back in your skin, but to also maintain and promote collagen remodeling.

Why do I say it's a time like no other? It's a time like no other because we live during a time when everybody is feeling the pressure to maintain healthy skin. Every day we are constantly bombarded with images from today's media filled with perfect faces and perfect bodies. Plus, it's the worst economic time that most of us can remember. These two issues make Titan, the infrared, non-surgical laser treatment, the best option available. Titan allows us to spend significantly less money than the cost of surgery, it allows peace of mind due to the fact that there is virtually no risk involved, and it works.

I always say, 'an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of correction.' With that being said, the best thing any of us can do is to have Titan done from time to time before the sagging begins, or at the very least, at the first sign of skin laxity. I'll tell you the same thing I tell my skin care clients... compare your skin to a house. Then imagine that Titan is a tool which ensures that the foundations will never crack thus giving you the peace of mind that you won't see cracks in the walls or experience other structural support problems for a very long time. We can take the hand of the clock and make sure it doesn't move forward very much or at all. I have witnessed this with my clients who are proactive age preventers. They look better than they did when we started many years ago. However, I do also have many clients who haven't been quite as proactive and now, of course, need correction. Titan can help tighten lax skin in varying degrees for everyone.

I am asked almost every day how much tightening one will get and how long it will last. The answer to both of those questions depends a great deal on your age and your lifestyle. There's no "life" to Titan as there is with fillers like Juvaderm or Botox. Titan will work better and last longer for those who avoid smoke, sun exposure, excessive alcohol and stress. The second question I'm always asked is if the treatment hurts. The answer is no.With all of that being said, there's no time like now to get started looking as good as the women we see on those magazines every time we're standing in the grocery store checkout lines. It's a Hollywood secret available to anyone at a very affordable price!

Kimberly Hutchinson began her skin care career at a leading aesthetic school, Christine Valmy in New York City. Upon graduation, Kimberly relocated to Los Angeles, California to be a part of the cutting edge of skin care. She continues her post graduate education at the International Dermal Institute where she stays informed on the latest skin care education and certifications. Kimberly has received a significant amount of training in laser technology and several other medical aesthetic treatments including certification from National Laser Institute and The Aesthetic Procedure Institute. After more than 10 years of extensive laser and medical aesthetics experience, Kimberly co-owns SkinFusion where she treats clients and provides laser training to new hires. Kimberly is a well-rounded, aesthetic practitioner who believes in providing effective and safe tightening skin treatments with an ethical and caring nature.

When is Laser Acne Removal a Good Choice?

Pimples are something that most everyone has to deal with at some point in their lives. In fact, even babies have a tendency to get pimples if the are being breastfed, because they end up getting some of the hormones of the mother in their milk. Pimples most prevalently happen during the teenage years, but they can also occur in adulthood.

Since no one likes to have pimples, there are various cosmetic procedures that have been designed, such as laser acne removal, to treat pimples effectively. In order to understand how a procedure such as laser acne removal works, it is important to first understand the main causes of acne itself.

Acne is caused when the pores in the skin become clogged by dirt and oil. The dirt itself can come from actual environmental factors that the skin comes in contact with on a regular basis, but the oil can be caused by excretions caused by the sebaceous glands. What results is a mild skin infection, which causes the acne, and this is where laser acne removal can be of help.

So, how does laser acne removal actually work? Using a special laser device, the dermatologist will direct laser pulsations into the affected area. The heat of the laser will attack the skin infection and eradicate the damaged skin cells, while the light of the laser will stimulate growth of new skin tissue. In order for the skin to properly heal, the removal process will need to be done gradually, over several sessions.

More information on acne treatment in New York NY and a New York NY med spa in your area is just a click away.

Home Laser Hair Removal Options

The countless hours and money spent in laser hair removal clinics can never be retrieved. If only one could get laser hair removal done at home. The consumer wants it and the industry creates it! But does it make the grade when compared to what can be done in a dermatologist's office? Because laser hair treatments are costly and inconvenient, at home treatments should ideally be cheaper and easier. But are they?

What Do "Cheaper and Easier" Mean Exactly?

The Tria home hair removal system costs 995 dollars and is the only home laser hair removal gadget approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Some can rationalize the price by calculating the thousands of dollars spent becoming hair-free in clinics and dermatologist's offices in the past.

Making laser hair removal an at home activity appeals to many people. The one time cost is a plus, and the bashful and inhibited can clean up their own bikini line avoiding a doctor inspecting their most personal areas at close range.

Creating a laser clinic quality piece of equipment that the typical human being can use without creating a lawsuit is a tricky task. The machines in clinics are enormous and cost way too much, which is not realistic for a home unit. The training and certifications required to use the big machines in clinics would not be possible for every buyer of a home system.

A home unit must guarantee that the average intellect will not disfigure him or herself beyond recognition, costing the company millions in medical and legal fees. Scars and blisters take away the joy of smooth, hairless skin and are not the desired results.

While some people claim to use a laser hair removal gadget while watching television, this seems a bit unusual. Hair tends to sprout in places that are not easily accessible. The positions one must get into to reach some of these places would not permit an excellent view of the television. The chiropractic bills for adjustments after the yoga poses needed to get into some crevices could prove costly.

Special lasers are used for various skin tones. Darker skin, because of the amount of melanin, is at higher risk of burning and scarring. To insure safety of consumers and potential lawsuits, the Tria uses one kind of laser and as a result only works for lighter skin tones. The device will not activate if the sensor senses a darker skin tone.

Maintenance Home Laser Hair Removal

Home devices have been recommended for maintenance work after the initial investment in professional hair removal. Using a home laser device on thick hair patches has not been as successful as professional hair removal.

While laser removal claims to be lasting, the only lasting aspect of laser hair removal is the maintenance time to keep the area free of the sporadic hairs that pop up. After spending thousands to be baby soft, one can then spend another thousand to preserve that hairless skin and do yoga simultaneously!

Pamella Neely writes about how to lose weight in a week and has put together an easy 800 calorie diet.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Anti Aging Skin Laser Treatments

Anti aging and skin laser treatments are used more widely nowadays. With the effects from air pollution individuals are finding that they are ageing quicker and due to this fact many people search for medical care to repair the signs of age. Laser cures care for any tough areas of the epidermis, and make it smoother, thus reversing indicators of ageing.

Cosmetic surgery and skin laser treatments can tighten your flesh, removing wrinkles and other blemishes. Tightening the epidermis can make you look younger because as you age, pores and skin becomes too saggy. Face lifts are often hunted for removing superficial wrinkles, but these days there is a higher remedy referred to as pores and skin laser treatment. Although not everyone would love this sort of treatment there are a lot of those who do.

The procedure works by targeting pigmentation and balancing it out. This helps any age spots and other areas of the dermis that need correcting. The procedure restores a pure youthful trying pores and skin that you may be proud of. Throughout instances of stress and worry, many individuals get pimples that may trigger scarring of the facial area. Scars may be unpleasant and a technique of treating this is via laser. The remedy is not solely used to assist the pores and skin look younger, but additionally it is used in some early stages of pores and skin cancer.

In order to get skin laser treatment consultations take place with the marketing consultant and client earlier than the day of the operation. This provides you with the prospect to ask questions and talk about any fears that you simply have. The advisor has to know whether you can have normal anesthesia or just a sedative with ache relief and keep awake.

The process of skin laser treatment takes place over a day where you can be operated on. If you are a smoker or drinker then you will be requested to stop in preparation for the procedure. Laser therapies can happen in a clinic or working room of a hospital relying on whether that is private or funded treatment. Most funded remedy will take place in hospital though this is not all the time the case.

Except the skin laser treatments there are other effective anti aging treatments and remedies as well. Please visit for analytical overview on anti aging treatments.

The Quest for the Best Acne Laser Treatment

There are some people who have a gift of having a very beautiful skin; however, most of us acquire acne during our lifetime. Finding the best solution is a big quest. People nowadays are now considering laser treatment to treat and heal stubborn acne and skin blemishes. With the right treatment, acne can keep under control. Considering the many types of treatment that is available, what is the best acne laser treatment?

The best acne laser treatments nowadays are OmniLux Blue, Carbon Dioxide Lasers, and Cool Touch. These lasers works differently and side effects also vary. One thing is common though, these lasers treat pimples by reducing the size of the oil glands. These glands are sometimes overactive that usually the main cause of stubborn pimples. Another is the blue light therapy but must be reserved to patient who does not respond to traditional medications. Most laser therapy dig deep into the skin and kills bacteria and other glands making it to produce less oil without harming the surface area. Finding the best acne treatment usually differs per person depending on the type of skin, so the different kinds of treatment are based on the skin type of each individual. The best acne treatment is one that is specifically designed to your type of skin. Consult your dermatologist for the type of skin you have and what laser treatment is recommended. But keep in mind that laser surgery is still in its primary stage and must not be the first option in treatment of acne.

Reading popular reviews of the best acne laser treatment available in the market and testimonials from those who have experienced treatment are recommended. You can pick up ideas to decide which treatment works for you. It is still not evident who would gain good results from laser therapies, its effectiveness and long-term risks. Although the results from these treatments vary in different individuals, if the reviews for this particular treatment are all good then there might be a possibility that this is the best acne laser treatment for you. Moreover, laser therapy can cost you significantly and may not be covered by your insurance company.

Want to know more about Best Acne Laser Treatment? Visit Michael Harrah's site at

Skin Tightening - The Complete Review

Skin tightening is a unique option for facial and body rejuvenation that produces dramatic results. Skin tightening effectively reduces the appearance of loose skin or fine and intermediate wrinkles for a smoother and more youthful appearance. Sometimes, surgical correction (face lift, tummy tuck etc) is the only option. However, most of the time, laxity of the skin is mild or moderate, and a less invasive treatment can achieve the desire results.

Who can benefit from skin tightening?

People who start noticing loose skin in their cheeks, neck, chest, abdomen, buttocks, legs, and arms as a result of aging or weight loss could consider skin tightening treatment. Laser skin tightening is appropriate for men and women of all skin types and skin tones who wish to achieve dramatic results without painful surgery and lengthy recovery.

Skin tightening expected results

Skin type, body area, and downtime play a role in the outcome. Also, various laser technologies provide different degrees of skin tightening. In general, the more aggressive the treatment the more noticeable the results are.

CO2 laser treatment is the most aggressive approach and is usually used when skin tightening and skin rejuvenation are desired. It delivers the most drastic results. It is effective for the treatment of the face, and neck in fair and Asian skin.

A newer technology that is based on the CO2 laser is fractionated CO2 laser (DeepFX). It delivers similar results for skin tightening with greatly reduced downtime. In addition, it treats effectively other body areas such as the chest and the lax abdomen after pregnancy.

Titan laser can treat all body parts. In comparison to CO2 laser treatments, the downtime is much shorter but it requires multiple treatments to achieve substantial results. Results can last up to 2 years and additional treatment can follow to maintain the desired look.

Nd:YAG, Thermage(TM) ( radiofrequency), ReFirme(TM) are also used for tightening lose skin. These products use lower energy levels to deliver reduced patient discomfort. Consequently, multiple treatments are required to achieve significant results.

Skin tightening down time

If the 7-14 day-downtime of the conventional CO2 laser is unacceptable, fractionated CO2 with a downtime of 3-6 days may be used with minimal sacrifice of results.

Nd:YAG, Titan, Thermage(TM) do not harm the surface of the skin. Therefore, those treatments do not involve downtime. However, allocating time for multiple treatments should be considered.

Skin tightening pricing

Skin tightening cost depends on the desired results (number of treatments) and the size of the treated area and can vary between $500 to $7000.

CO2 laser or fractionated CO2 laser resurfacing require usually a single treatment with an average cost of $3000.

Thermage(TM) and Titan treatment cost structure is similar. A single session usually costs around $1500. As two to three treatments are usually needed, a patient should expect an average cost of around $4000.

DR. Franziska Ringpfeil MD. is the medical director of Ringpfeil Advanced Dermatology of Philadelphia, which provides premium general dermatology, cosmetic dermatology, dermatological surgery, and laser surgery to the Philadelphia, Main Line, and the Delaware Valley area.

Click here for more about Skin tightening

How Laser Wrinkle Removal Works, is it For Me?

In our society looking beautiful has become a must for most people and aging becomes the enemy of our beauty. We want to get rid of fine lines, scars, age spots, wrinkles and recover our youthful look.

The huge demand for anti aging solutions that opened the door for new technology advances that can treat our facial imperfections quickly, one of the most popular treatments is laser wrinkle removal.

Laser resurfacing is used to get rid of wrinkles, to treat sun damaged skin, acne scarring, scars, etc. Laser resurfacing has replaced chemical peels and dermabrasion, lasers are very precise, they can remove tissue without blood and they can tighten collagen fibers.

However there can be some problems that depends on the depth of the resurface and post operative care like redness, infection and maybe undesirable results due to the lack of experience of the physician.

In its simplest form laser resurfacing uses high intensity light pulses to remove the top layer of the skin. This promotes a healthier growth of the skin by exposing the new layer of the skin.

Laser wrinkle removal if done by an experienced physician can be a great solution for a person that suffers from scarring, wrinkles and other facial imperfections by it has its risks.

On the other hand if you want to naturally get rid of wrinkles there are a few organic anti wrinkle creams that uses breakthrough ingredients from New Zealand. For example Cynergy Tk stimulates the regrowth of elastin and collagen.

Discover the benefits of the best skin care line that is made of breakthrough natural ingredients and the dramatic results you can get. To get rid of wrinkles, fine lines and damaged skin visit:

Fraxel Laser Treats Skin Problems Effectively

For most people, wrinkles are the bane of human existence. While young, your face has that natural smoothness and glow. You might even say your face is very 'low maintenance' because it takes very little to maintain that fresh look. And then you get in your 40s and 50s and wrinkles begin to show. How do you combat the signs of aging and restore the healthy skin of your youth? Try Fraxel laser treatment.

Lasers are advancements in cosmetic medicine that have made it possible to treat skin imperfections with faster and fabulous results but less downtime. Now, Fraxel takes these benefits even several notches higher because the laser beam works in a pixelated pattern. It works gradually but results are better because only the targeted skin area gets exposed to the Fraxel laser beam, while the rest stay protected.

Fraxel laser is actually a short term for "fraction" because that's precisely how it works --- only a fraction of the skin gets treated each session. It results in minimal redness than traditional laser procedures. In a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the worst "prickle" you could experience from a laser treatment, Fraxel laser is 4. The depth of penetration, however, is not compromised; in fact, it's even enhanced, although the goal is achieved in smaller steps than big, risky ones.

The skin may feel hot and look red after the Fraxel laser treatment, but much of this will disappear within an hour. Even if some redness remains, this can easily be camouflaged by makeup.

Fraxel treatment restores collagen, a major structural protein responsible for keeping the skin's resilience and elasticity. You lose your skin's natural elasticity as you get older, which is the reason why you get those annoying and unsightly lines and wrinkles.

The best part about Fraxel treatment is that it doesn't only result in a wrinkle free skin; it also targets discolouration as a result of sun damage. What's more, Fraxel laser is also a great treatment for leftover scarring as a result of acne. So if you happen to have wrinkles, acne scars and ugly spots on your face, you are a perfect candidate for Fraxel laser treatment.

Another bonus with Fraxel laser treatment is that, it continues to work wonders to you skin months after the actual procedure was performed. This is because the cells that produce new collagen have been stimulated, continuously reducing the signs of aging. The result is radiant, supple, fabulous looking skin.

Cosmetic Surgery For Women is based in Melbourne, Victoria giving their clients a comforting experience with friendly staff. A range of procedures are offered for all your needs for more information visit Anti Ageing Treatment Melbourne

3 Simple Steps to Choosing a Laser Skin Resurfacing Doctor

Are you considering undergoing laser skin resurfacing procedure? If so, you have to start thinking about how you will be able to get more information about this procedure before subjecting yourself to it.

1. If you decide favorably for the procedure, you have to first decide on the doctor. There are many specialists out there. You might get confused as to whom you should trust. Try to know your possible doctor on a more personal level. Only then you will be able to decide which one is best. Rapport is very important. It has to be built between you and your doctor. You might also want to hear the things you can expect out of the procedure straight from the expert. It is best that the right expectations are set so that you won't anticipate something that is not going to happen. Know for sure if the doctor you are considering is a real expert in the field and not someone who just assumes that he is.

2. Look for certain characteristics when choosing a doctor. Know his training achievements and if possible, his entire professional background. You may also want to know how long he had been performing laser resurfacing. If he's trained in other medical procedures, that's going to help a lot as well. Try to get references from another doctor in another field that you have known for a long time. You can also ask former patients about their doctors and how good they are. Anything you discover should help you greatly with your choice.

3. After choosing the right specialist, you should be ready to setup a meeting or a consultation with him or her. While there, ask everything you need to ask about the procedure. It is necessary that you ask even the most stupid questions in your mind. Only then you will be able to fully decide whether you should proceed or not. Let your doctor know what you want to happen. And he should be able to answer whether what you want is possible or far-fetched.

It is also your responsibility to tell your doctor about your previous medical issues as well. He should be able to decide for you right there if laser skin resurfacing will be good for you or not. Keep in mind that you have to be very confident with this procedure. Unless you have rested all your doubts, you should not go through procedure. You have to wait until you're fully sure.

Sal is an expert on laser skin resurfacing by writing articles about laser facial resurfacing and other topics.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Laser Hair Removal For Back Hair- Counting The Cost

Laser hair removal for back hair provides a permanent solution for what many men find an embarrassing problem.

Considering the other options of shaving, waxing or sugaring, laser hair removal obviously has one main advantage. Once the procedure has completed after a few months, the problem is solved once and for all. The one disadvantage is the cost.

Compared with electrolysis, the other permanent hair removal method, laser hair removal for back hair can be considerably cheaper however.

Laser Versus Electrolysis

Electrolysis treats each hair follicle individually whereas laser hair removal treats a whole area at a time covering hundreds of hair follicles. Depending on the density and volume of hair, laser hair removal for back hair can be completed in 1 to 3 hours.

Whereas electrolysis may cost in the region of $5,000 to $12,000 (around 100 hours of treatment at rates ranging from $50 - $120 per hour depending on state and practitioner), laser hair removal for back hair can cost between $2,500 - $4,000 (between 5 to 8 treatments may be necessary at rates in the region of $500 per treatment).

A qualified practitioner will take careful note of how a patient responds to the treatment and whether there are serious adverse skin reactions. Each treatment of pulsed light will destroy hairs in the growth stage.

After a period of four to six weeks another treatment will be necessary to catch the next batch of hairs in the growth stage known as the anagen stage. Finally, no more hair will grow, apart from perhaps a few stray hairs which may need attention at a future date.

Qualified Practitioners

While laser hair removal is a very common cosmetic procedure nowadays, it pays to do thorough homework before deciding on a practitioner.

The American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS) has a list of members for each state who can be checked on their web site at Additionally, you can check for board certified physicians on

Make sure you have a thorough consultation before agreeing to a course of treatment. You will want to ask questions regarding the qualifications of the physician who will carry out the procedure and his staff of technicians.

Pain or discomfort will of course vary from person to person. For some it may feel like a sting on the skin, for others a stronger sensation like a pinch of the skin. A qualified practitioner should discuss with you potential health risks such as blistering or scarring. While these are rare occurrences you will feel a lot more confident if the practitioner discusses his methods for handling any complications.

Many laser hair removal clinics offer to test an area first to see how responsive a candidate may be before proceeding with a full treatment.

In Conclusion

So if you are concerned about excessive back hair and find shaving, waxing, and sugaring tiresome and laborious, you may wish to consider laser hair removal for back hair and obtain a permanent solution.

Once you calculate how much the other hair removal methods are costing you in time, money, and inconvenience spread over many years, the relatively high cost of laser hair removal for back hair may not seem so prohibitive after all!

Get answers to all your laser hair removal questions at this free research library:

Make hair removal such much easier with a hair growth inhibitor:

Hair Removal Body Areas Chart:

Try Out Different Types of Laser Hair Removal Treatments

Certified professionals have been employing lasers to remove patients' unwanted body hair for roughly 40 years. Laser hair removal is a very safe procedure and is can effectively act on a large area in just one treatment.

And while it can cost anywhere from $150 to $650 for removal treatments, patients report great satisfaction from the results. If you are considering this procedure for your legs, underarms, bikini line, back or elsewhere, you should learn about the different types of lasers available and which one will be best for you. It is always better to opt for the treatment that suits you and works best on you.

There are different types used, but the oldest and most tried lone is the Ruby Laser. It is best for those with light to medium-toned skin. But, its popularity has waned in the past decade however, as other types can work more effectively in one sitting and treat multiple skin types.

Perhaps the most commonly used lasers today is the Alexandrite. It is able to treat a large area and is also very effective on light complexions all the way to those with olive skin tones.

For those with dark complexion one of the best laser hair removal techniques using the Diode lasers. It is very fast and can act on a large area, although it is not helpful in removing fine hair.

There are also other types with pulsed light. These include the long pulse Nd:Yag and the Intense Pulsed Light Devices. The first is good for all skin tones, is quick, and can cover a large area. Its major drawback is that it produces more discomfort for patients during the treatment than other lasers.

The second type is not actually a laser but uses the same concept. Also called simple IPL devices, these can work on large areas in one setting, but require more skill on the part of the technician for best results.

Whatever method is best for you, you can rest assured that when you choose a certified and competent professional to perform your laser hair removal you can expect immediate initial results with little or no pain. There is no down-time and you can be back to your usually activities as soon as the technician is finished. Several treatments will be needed to get the final result that you want. But, the end result is smooth skin that never needs to be shaved or hidden again.

If you want control the excess hair growth on your body through laser hair removal Temecula based cosmetic surgery center can give you the best service. Make use of the advanced cosmetic and aesthetic treatments. Feel more confident about yourself. For details, visit

A Plastic Surgeon Can Perform Laser Hair Removal on All Skin Types

Every man and woman is able to make unwanted facial hair a thing of the past and forget about painful razors, waxing, and electrolysis. There are laser hair removal systems that are non-invasive and are specifically designed to remove undesired hair from the majority of the body. These systems generate intense long-pulsed light through an actively-cooled hand piece to effectively disable any unwanted pigment from hair follicles. To most effectively treat hair removal, you must have the hair treated during the growth cycle. These will be in approximately six week intervals.

Many people wonder just how many treatments will be required for hair reduction. The answer is that the number of treatments is affected by the density of the hair, the area, and the cycle of hair growth. There are additional factors such as weight, ethnicity, age, some medications, metabolism, and hormone fluctuation. The experiences of many cosmetic surgeons suggests four to eight treatments spaced four to twelve weeks apart.

Some people wonder if darker skin types can be safely treated with laser hair removal and the answer is with a proper skin assessment and typing made by an experienced technician. He or she will incorporate the use of longer pulse widths. Also preliminary testing will be done on test areas. This will allow for darker skin types to be treated.

The laser itself works by selectively targeting melanin inside hair follicles. Heat is generated at the root of the hair which destroys the hair without causing damage. This procedure will be painful for some and painless for others. Some areas that are treated are much more sensitive than others. Most patients will only feel a mild stinging sensation, and typically this will occur at locations with dense hair growth. The procedure is very safe under the supervision of a physician. The best physician will be properly trained in laser technique and safety.

The length of a laser hair removal treatment will be determined by the size of the area being treated as well as the density of the hair growth. A small area may require only fifteen minutes while a larger area may take up to an hour or longer. The price of treatment will vary depending on the site that will be treated as well as the estimated length that the treatment will take.

After the procedure, one may feel a mild swelling or see slight redness. This can last from a few minutes up to two days. The length of that will be decided by the coarseness of the hair. Typically, a patient will return to their regular routine immediately. The use of an adequate sunblock of SPF 30 or higher is required for proper care.

Nick Piepenbrok writes about cosmetic surgery in El Paso, Texas and plastic surgery procedures including el paso laser hair removal, rhinoplasty, facelift, forehead lift, chin augmentation, and cheek implants.

The Skinny on Laser Hair Removal - Leaves Electrolysis and Waxing for Dust

The removal of hair by a laser beam is a fairly new process and one which, if performed correctly on the correct skin type, can really make a difference to problem areas for those with unwanted or excessive hair.

Laser hair removal is available to both men and women, so don't feel daft about enquiring on treatment if you're a guy with a bushy back or neck as this is a common request. The most common treatment on women is the bikini line, followed by facial and upper lip hair.

Laser hair removal is actually a straightforward procedure, whereby a harmless laser beam at a specific frequency is directed onto the hair follicles to neutralize the pigment in them and to eventually disable them altogether.

It is a clever process and one that has worked really well for thousands of satisfied customers. However, it doesn't work for everyone and can be pretty expensive if many courses are needed to remove the offending hair fully.

The ideal candidates for laser hair removal are those with light-colored skin and dark hair. Hair laser removal on dark-skinned people is not as effective, as the laser has a layer of dark-pigmented skin to pass through first before reaching the hair follicle, thus reducing the overall effectiveness of the laser beam.

Traditional hair removal methods, such as waxing and electrolysis, while effective for a short time, never really seem to fix the problem and in the end cost you more time. Laser hair removal is fast and effective and can eventually leave you with smooth, hair-free skin.

While this may sound like a sales pitch, it's not meant to be; it's simply an opinion -- a comparison of one method of hair removal to all the rest. Yes, laser hair removal is expensive, but if it will remove your unwanted hair for good, then surely that's better than having to forever pluck, shave, or wax till kingdom come.

As with any other treatment type, you should choose your laser hair removal clinic wisely as results can differ wildly, where people have ended up with first degree burns from the misuse of laser equipment. Before committing to a particular clinic, see if they are online and check out customer reviews, or, better still, try and speak with someone who has already been through a treatment course with the clinic.

David R is senior editor of the site, a user friendly website offering information and advice on laser hair removal, permanent hair transplants, and specific hair conditions.

What Is Acne Laser Treatment? Acne laser treatment is a method that has helped millions to get rid of acne. Each year, individuals find out that the over the counter medications that they get at their local drug store just do not provide enough help to them. They have likely tried several products and can not find method to get rid of acne. Acne laser treatment can actually help to stop acne once and for all for many individuals.

How Does It Work? Acne laser treatment is just what it sounds like. The technician will use a very powerful and small laser to effectively trigger the acne. Usually, the procedure will be done because the acne is being caused, at least in part, by over producing oils in the skin. The laser will get to these glands that are under the skin and causing the oils and destroy them. While this seems harsh, laser acne treatment is virtually painless. There are no ramifications to having these glands destroyed either. Once the glands stop producing oils, the bacteria that cause acne will not have an optimal place to grow. This in turn effectively stops acne.

It is important to know that in most causes acne treatments will not necessary cure the acne that is already on your face or body. This will usually be done with antibiotics. Once the oils slow or stop though, there will be fewer outbreaks of acne on the face or body once these heal.

Scar Treatment

Another option for the use of acne laser treatment is that in which the acne scars can be removed. This very powerful laser can actually remove the top layers of your skin near and on the scar. When new skin grows back, it will be healthy and scars are either gone or they are not as visible. Acne scar laser treatment is fast becoming a way to get rid of acne scars that have been on a person's body for years.

In either treatment, laser acne treatment can be quite effective. In some cases, there will be the need for several treatments to be done, though. The only bad part of acne laser treatment is that it is not necessarily cheap. With the several treatments that may be necessary, it may be quite expensive. Yet, even with that said, the results for laser treatments are amazing for many.

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Laser Acne Treatments Do What Creams and Chemicals Cannot

There are many myths that exist about what causes acne. Many people think chocolate or French fries cause pimples, as well as stress. However, in reality these factors have little effect on our skin.

Acne is most commonly caused by changing hormones, environmental factors such as pollution and humidity, and irritation such as picking at blemishes and hard scrubbing or friction on the skin. Other factors such as heredity, certain drugs, and oily cosmetics can also cause pimples. Any number of these factors can clog the sebaceous glands leading to outbreaks.

Unfortunately, this condition is all too common, affecting nearly 85% of people aged 12 to 24. This had lead to a multi-million dollar industry, plying people both young and old with expensive and time consuming daily treatments that may only reduce the pimples marginally.

Fortunately, modern science has come to rescue, freeing people from the scourge of acne and the hassle of expensive creams and chemicals. Laser treatment is one method that has been found to be extremely effective for pimples, in fact more effective in reducing breakouts than over the counter and prescription drugs.

Not only can laser treatment treat current acne, it is also highly effective at preventing future breakouts. So how does it work? A device emitting a smooth laser beam is focused on the affected areas. The laser emits a pulsating heat beneath the skin's surface which shrinks the size of the sebaceous glands.

Numbing cream is applied to the skin making the process nearly painless. Laser treatment generally is most effective when completed over a series of sessions. However, doctors have reported that even one laser treatment can reduce severity of breakouts by more than half.

The three commonly used types of lasers used for acne treatment are Nonablative lasers, Erbium (ER) lasers, and Carbon dioxide (CO2) lasers. Nonablative devices work by stimulating collagen growth and tightening underlying skin, leading to better skin tone and a reduction in fine lines.

Erbium lasers work by transmitting heat to the water molecules in the skin. This type of device is effective with treating acne, as well as an effective treatment for mild to moderate wrinkling as well as acne scarring.

CO2 lasers work by emitting bursts of high energy light to the skin. This reduces layers of damaged skin which stimulates the regeneration of healthy skin underneath. CO2 lasers are also the best for deeper facial lines and wrinkles.

Though laser treatment is extremely effective, it does come at a price. However, many patients comment that, because the results are permanent, that treatment is less expensive in the long run than years of expensive creams and medications. Although cost of laser treatment can vary, the average cost of a session is approximately $500 for a 15-20 minute session.

After examining the risks and costs associated with laser acne treatment, you may decide it best for you. Hopefully after the procedure, you will be able to control your appearance and how people see you. After all, the focus should be on you, and not your pimples.

Are your zits and breakouts making you want to scream? Laser treatment for acne in Temecula CA does not involve the use of needles and you do not have to take any time off work after you receive a treatment. Visit for a free consultation.

How You Can Use Home Lasers to Improve Red Acne Marks

Laser treatments are usually associated with dermatologists or spas, but did you know that you can use home lasers to improve red acne marks as well? It is a surprise to most that suffer from redness and acne that there is even such a thing as a home laser for skin treatment. After all, lasers can be very powerful, and for the highest-powered treatments, you must consult with a dermatologist. However, home lasers are usually lower-powered and more similar to those used in a spa...they can still be quite effective, though, and are convenient for home use.

Popular Brands

Some of the most popular choices for home lasers are the DermaWand Laser, OxyLight, and Personal Use Soft Laser. The preference of a consumer towards one product or the other is usually just that - a matter of preference. These home lasers generally work in the same way and have the same features.

How Does It Work

How do home lasers work to help improve your skin quality? Well, they send a gentle stream of microcurrent impulses (along with a thermal effect to smooth out lines or wrinkles) that help bring oxygen to the surface of your skin. The effect not only helps to smoothen your skin, but also to make it healthier and less prone to acne, of course. There is an exfoliating effect that can help with acne scars that are more on the surface. Deeper scars may not see the same benefits, as exfoliation may only make them appear more noticeable before they eventually look better, though.

Collagen production is increased by the tiny little zaps that are emitted from the home laser, as well. Afterwards, your skin may have a "rosy" appearance for a short while, but that's a normal effect of using a laser (even a low-powered one) on your skin. Of course, it won't be nearly as long-lasting of a side effect as it would with a high-powered laser like those used in a dermatologist's office.

Cost and where to buy

For starting at around $100, you can usually pick up home lasers to improve red acne marks. It's a great deal for a person who wants healthier skin all-around, and to reduce the appearances of blemishes such as acne marks and wrinkles. Most home lasers can be found on the internet, if not in local stores or other locations.

There's no reason you should sit there and be embarrassed about your acne scars any longer when there are at home treatments such using home lasers to improve red acne marks that can be helpful in reducing those bothersome scars. And for more tips and advice to get rid of your scars fast... Visit: and be sure to download your FREE copy of my "Ultimate Acne Scar Guide."

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Acne Home Remedy Scar Treatment or Acne Laser Surgery

Many people today are considering acne home remedy scar treatment because of the cost of surgery. Acne laser surgery is one of today's most expensive alternatives for treating acne with some costing as much as $300 for each treatment. One should consider an acne natural remedy before getting laser treatments.

Laser surgery works generating a concentrated beam of light that travels in one single path to eliminate acne. It's important to remember that acne laser surgery is not an instant cure for acne. You should consider acne home remedy scar treatment as well for a solution on how to get rid of acne without leaving severe scars.

Although it is a very powerful way for getting rid of acne, the acne laser surgery does not completely get rid of acne, but it can significantly enhance the overall appearance of your skin without severe scars. It can takes months and even years for the laser surgery to show effects of improvement. This is why people should consider acne home remedy scar treatment before doing surgery. You should also consider an acne natural remedy to get rid of blackheads and whiteheads. Acne laser surgery is now a common way for treating the scars caused by acne. There are two major forms of lasers that are used that you should take note of.

1. One is known as the resurfacing lasers, also known as ablative lasers. These types of lasers being used works to heat and eliminate the top skin tissue, which is usually done by burning away the scar tissue on the skin.

2. The other type of laser used in an acne laser surgery is the non-ablative laser or non-wounding laser.

There are different forms of surgery used for acne. These are known as the Smoothbeam and Clearlight. They are both FDA approved and treat acne to a certain degree. Many severe acne patients have now considering acne laser surgery for their skin condition. Acne laser treatment is used for reducing and eliminate scarring developed from severe acne and to generally treat the active acne. However, remember to research acne home remedy scar treatment as an alternative.

Acne home remedy scar treatment has gained popularity as well as the laser type of acne treatment. It can be a tough decision for many people. For teenagers the acne laser treatment tends to be applied for those who are resistant to other forms of treatments. For adults the laser treatments are most likely to be used as a first line of treatment.

As mentioned earlier in this article, acne laser treatments can simply be used in one of two ways. To knock down the acne causing bacteria or to destroy the oil producing glands in your skin to help eliminate pimples.

The idea used in the acne laser treatment lies in the concept of using a laser to deliver a yellow light that will destroy the acne causing bacteria on your skin.

After many studies that have been done to see the potency of this type of treatment, many experts have said that the treatment to some degree are localized, very secure, and have no side effects observed. However, this may not always be the case and one should still consider acne home remedy scar treatment before any type of surgery.

Today, there is more promising evidence for lasers to be applied in treating acne scarring, although they have also shown a promising point for active acne to apply this type of treatment.

Now you have all the information you need to make a well informed decision on typical easy acne home remedy scar treatment or acne laser treatment with surgery.

Grab Hundreds Of Secrets To Clearing Your Skin Absolutely Free! Subscribe to our newsletter and Receive a Free 5-part email report. Acne Home Remedy Scar Treatment Click Here!

An Introduction to Laser Hair Removal Group Members - Liverpool

The Laser Hair Removal Group was conceived and created to bring together the very best laser hair removal experts from all over the United Kingdom, in order that customers can seek, compare and evaluate specialist clinics in there area.

All of the laser Hair Removal Groups member clinics offer pain free laser hair removal using the very latest, revolutionary technology, the new Soprano XL.

What is the Soprano XL laser and what makes it special?

The Soprano XL is the first system to offer laser hair removal painlessly and in total comfort, the sensation has even been compared to a hot stone massage. Not only this but the Soprano XL is the first system that is able to safely and effectively be used on all skin colours from black to white and everything in between.

The Soprano XL Combines the 'Gold Standard' laser for hair removal, the 810 Diode laser, with brand new, revolutionary high fluence, rapid pulse, IN-Motion technology. Not only does the new IN-Motion delivery technique ensure safe and effect laser hair removal but it also eliminates the problem of missed spots or uneven coverage that is quite common among other laser systems.

How does it work?

The Soprano XL uses what is widely recognised as the bench mark in laser hair removal technology, the 810 diode laser. Where the Soprano XL differs from other laser systems is in how it delivers its energy to the treatment area.

Traditional lasers concentrate single pulses of high intensity light energy on to small areas of skin, typically 1cm squared, to heat the hair follicle enough to damage it and prevent re-growth; unfortunately this energy is also absorbed by the surrounding tissue and can cause adverse side effects such as burning and in some cases even scarring.

However, the Soprano XL delivers continuous rapid pulses of light energy and is applied in a sweeping, paint brush like, motion meaning that the energy is spread over a much larger area giving a more even and gentle distribution of energy and greatly reducing the chance of such side effects.

In fact, while any heat, light or high energy treatment poses risks and where side effects have been a problem with traditional lasers, the Soprano XL reduces the chance of adverse side effects to virtually zero, even on darker skin which has been previously untreatable due to the fact that dark skin absorbs heat/light energy far more easily than light coloured skin.

All in all thanks to the new technology used in the Soprano XL, this system has proven time and time again to be among the most effective laser hair removal treatments available while also being the among the safest and most comfortable.

Liverpool Epilight New Skin Clinic

Epilight New Skin has been one of the first clinics in the country to offer the new light/laser treatment for PERMANENT HAIR REDUCTION, the Soprano XL.

Experts in their field and with training and equipment to rival world industry leaders, they have always at the cutting edge of technology in what is one of the most fast moving industries in the world.

Epilight New Skin Clinic has over 15 years experience in using laser and other high technology treatments including Pixel laser skin resurfacing, Photo-rejuvenation, wrinkle and scarring treatments, laser tattoo Removal, Accent Radio Frequency, Acne Treatment, leg vein removal and skin tightening using near infrared technology, as well as a whole range of other non laser related skin and beauty treatments.

With thousands of satisfied customers you can be sure that you are in the safest of hands and that you will receive only the very best. Epilight New Skin Clinic Liverpool is regulated by the Care Quality Commission.

For more information regarding laser hair removal in Liverpool or to find your nearest specialist Soprano Laser Hair Removal clinic please visit

Laser Face Lift

The desire to stay young looking spans across the world. It seems almost everywhere you turn, you can find some sort of advertisement for anti-aging creams, vitamins, spa treatments, and more. Most of these anti aging options are quite costly, and you have to continue using them in order to keep up their benefits.

Then there is the face lift surgery route, but this involves many risks and is very expensive. You may want to consider a newer option called the laser face lift.

This innovative technique can change the appearance of your skin. It will resurface the outer layers of the dermis, significantly reducing lines and wrinkles, as well as firming the collagen in the skin. The firmer the collagen, the firmer the face.

There are several other benefits of this procedure, as well. No incisions, no scars, no blood loss, no general anesthetic, and little recovery time. It is much easier than the standard surgery.

As with any medical procedures, there are risks, but again, much less than with a standard procedure. There can be some irritation and discoloration of the skin. This usually fades within the first week or so after the procedure.

It is very important to use any prescribed medications or creams after the procedure as directed.This will lead to a faster, easier recovery.

How do you know if you are a good candidate for a laser face lift?

In some cases this technique will not give the desired results. It does not work on certain types of skin issues. Though it does help smooth the skin, it does not pull up the skin like a traditional face lift. Certain skin tones do better with the procedure than others. In general a light complexion and healthy skin makes for the best candidate. You should consult a board certified physician to make sure the procedure is right for you and that your expectations are realistic.

The average cost of a laser lift for the face is two thousand dollars. This will vary based on where you live. All considered, a very reasonable cost for this procedure that will leave you looking refreshed and rejuvenated.

Want to try a face lift at home before undergoing a Laser Face Lift? Get easy to do tips and techniques you can try in the privacy of your home and learn about different methods. Click here to find out how you can get a Face Lift Without Surgery.

Laser Treatment For Cellulite

People who remain fat always think of reducing the same and they want to get it done immediately. Their stomach will be over bulging and their neck will have an ugly appearance. Eating correct food and a concentration on your diet with regular exercise will help you. This is suitable for fat around neck, thighs and buttocks. In the developed economy people want everything to be done as they think about them. Elimination of fat has also come handy with laser treatment. Let us discuss this in this article:

Laser treatment for Cellulite:

Cellulite is a women problem and occurs in thighs, stomach, buttocks and hip. It occurs due to excess fat concentration in the tissues inside the skin. Unlike massages and other cellulite treatment, Laser rays remove the fat in a minute`s time. This is why people prefer this the most. You can apply creams and in take pills that are natural products. But these products give the result very late.

Procedure for Cellulite treatment:

This is boon for those who had long been fighting to remove excess fat from the organs of their body. This procedure is more beneficial than natural products. Natural products remove pain and scar. Laser treatment also gives the benefit and more than this it comes in a very short time. The portion where your fat is removed is applied with medicine for getting numbness. Any organ be it thigh or neck can be treated and this treatment is widely prevalent in European countries. There are no side effects and even the swells and pain with liposuction do not even have a mention here. The laser treatment also increases the collagen protein in your body thus making the skin more firmer. You could notice the fat-free skin becoming more smooth and tough.

This treatment n cellulite removes the excess fat particles on the areas where the radiation of light passes. The laser emitting device is held close to the infected area to pass on the radiation. This radiation of light reaches the fat cells by passing through the skin and breaks these cells. Thus these rays pierce through your skin to release the fat. These broken cells get transformed ad liquid, which are then drained as lymphatic drainage. A suction massager used in the cellulite treatment helps in draining the liquid.

Cost of laser treatment:

The amount of fat deposit determines the number of sessions each person has to spend in getting treated completely. Normally on an average it takes 5 - 7 sessions per person and the cost totally comes to $ 2000/-. Time involved per session would be approximately 40 minutes. More important to note is that the person having the laser treatment should not be exposed to skin / liver problems and diabetes.

Apart from being treated as above the person should continue to do regular exercise and have a healthy diet to reduce future occurrence. Be more active and maintain your weight to enjoy a cellulite free body.

Click here to learn more about Cellulite Treatment and Find out the best Get Cellulite Out

Epila Laser Hair Remover

If you've heard of laser hair removal, you may have thought it was one of those cosmetic procedures you get done at a clinic. Up until fairly recently that was true - you would have had to go to a medical clinic for laser sessions.  Now you can purchase a small handy device, such as an Epila laser hair remover, and achieve smooth, hairless skin at home.

This Simple Gadget Has Many Features

The Epila laser hair removal gadget is rectangular, can be held in your hand, and looks similar to some electric razors.  It has many features, some of which are listed below:

Diode laser technology - the technology used in professional clinics has been adapted for home use.
Clinically tested - The Epila was tested in clinical trials at universities and has CE certification.
Costs less than $200 - An Epila is a bargain when you consider the thousands of dollars you can pay for treatments at an aesthetic medical clinic.
Home laser hair removal is a major time saver - you don't have to go to appointments or do weekly shaving at home.
Long-lasting results - Once you've completed a series of sessions, your work will be done and any touchups will be only occasional.

Using an Epila is Easy

Using this device is straightforward.  After shaving and spreading a gel on your skin, you carefully go over a targeted area, directing light pulses at your skin.  The light is absorbed by the pigment in hair follicles, but does not penetrate light-colored skin.

When the follicles heat up, their ability to cause hair growth is reduced significantly.  Over time, fewer and fewer hairs grow back - eventually you can achieve a 90% reduction lasting a long time - at least a year and sometimes longer.

Does this Technique Have Any Limitations?

The only hairs you can't treat at home are those near your eyes - otherwise, you can remove hair on your underarms, upper lip, face, legs, arms, bikini lines, chest, abdomen, and back.

If you have lighter hair or dark skin, laser technology has some limitations that apply to you.  First, laser hair removal won't work on white, blonde, or gray hair because there is very little pigment that can absorb the laser beam.  When you have dark brown or black skin, this technique can be tricky, even in a clinic, simply because pigmented skin tends to absorb the light and as a result, can be burned.

How to Find Your Epila

Where do you find Epila laser hair removal devices?  They are available online from the manufacturer - it's best to ensure that you are buying from the manufacturer so you get the authentic, tested product.  They offer you a trial period, so if you have any hesitation, you know that you'll be able to send it back if for any reason it doesn't feel right for you.

Louise Bently writes for Home Laser Hair Removal Systems, an essential resource if you are considering personal laser hair removal at home. Discover more in depth about the Epila laser hair remover benefits, features, how it works and suitability.

Cosmetic Laser Treatment For a Mini Face Lift

Many people are scared off by invasive face lifts. They feel that taking such a major step is very drastic and risky, yet more effective and long lasting than noninvasive lifts. There is an option, however, that offers you the best of both worlds. Cosmetic laser treatments are considered non invasive, yet the effects are long lasting and beautiful.

Before even considering a laser lift, speak to your doctor to ensure that the surgery will be suitable for your skin tone and complexion. Some skin tones will not do well with cosmetic laser treatment, as the treatment may appear to discolor the skin in some areas.

The procedure is done by making two small incisions on either side of the face. The laser works with the skin to make your face look younger and more beautiful. It stimulates a natural reaction to cause the skin to tighten, to make you appear naturally younger. If you want to remove a simple birthmark from your face, the laser treatment is highly effective. If also effectively gets rid of wrinkles and signs of aging. A complete laser face lift proves to be long lasting and natural. However, be aware that the healing process for a laser face lift can be lengthy and painful.

For suitable candidates, a laser face lift is a great idea that will make your face look naturally youthful and healthy. Be sure to go to a competent doctor who is experienced in this field so the outcome will be as nice as possible.

Every woman should always feel that she looks her best, so it's important to make the right choice about which kind of mini face lift option to choose. For more information about cosmetic laser treatment and how to know if it's right for you, visit

Monday, November 25, 2013

Learn How Several Acne Treatment Skin Care Methods Can Help Get Rid of Acne Scars

People who suffer from acne are not only tortured by their current skin condition but also by the concern of having acne scars after curing their acne. In most cases, acne scars eventually fade after several months or years. However, some stubborn acne scars will linger for longer periods of time. This can cause a very low self confidence in one person especially if the acne scars are present on the facial skin.

There are two types of acne scars. The first one is the hypertrophic or keloid scars and the second one is the unsightly crevices and craters on the skin surface. Some people can easily get rid of their acne scars by applying vegetable or fruit facial packs, rubbing potato slices on the scarred areas, and using acne treatment skin care with exfoliating ingredients.

Not all people can get rid of their acne scars by using natural or commercially prepared products in the market. But thanks to advancements in technology and science, they can now enjoy a scar free life forever through the acne treatment skin care procedures done by professionals. These procedures are a bit pricey but the results are simply amazing.

The first procedure is called laser treatment which is performed by trained and licensed dermatologists. The scarred skin is removed layer by layer using lasers in the dermatologist's clinic. The upper layer of the skin that exhibits the acne scars is replaced by new skin underneath. If your acne scars run deep below the skin surface, you will have to undergo several laser treatments before you can see any improvement on your skin.

Another acne treatment skin care method is called dermabrasion or microdermabrasion. Just like the laser treatment, this method aims to bring out the fresher skin underneath. This procedure uses fine aluminum crystals and a rotating instrument to "power peel" your acne scarred skin. The greatest thing about this method is that it also brings back the luster to your skin thus giving you a healthy glowing skin. In some cases, you may need several treatments before any results could be noticeable.

Acne scars can also be treated with chemical peels. However, if you have very sensitive skin, you cannot undergo this method. The chemicals used might burn your skin surface and might even bring back acne outbreaks on your skin. It is also important to consider undergoing chemical peels from a dermatologist rather than having one in the salon.

The last result of treating your acne scar is by going under the knife. Plastic surgeries have been done in several patients who suffered from severe acne. This is the most expensive acne treatment skin care procedure among the four methods mentioned. However, if your scars really run deep that no skin resurfacing methods can help, then this is your only option.

Having acne scars can really hurt one's feelings when they're out in the public but it's a good thing that technology and science came up with the aforementioned methods to help people who suffered from acne. You must remember though that all of these methods should only be performed when you are no longer suffering from acne.

Julia Elorriaga -

For more information about Acne Treatments visit Acne Treatments -

Laser Comb For Hair Loss: Learn The Theory Behind This Low Level Laser Therapy Technology

A laser comb for hair loss makes use of an electric comb that uses laser technology to prevent or restore hair loss. By emitting a low-level laser light, the laser comb's photo therapy helps to develop stronger and healthier hairs. This laser technology is applied on affected areas of the scalp on a prescribed frequency of application and use. The end result would be hair loss stoppage and new growth by continued use.

There are many brands of laser combs out there in the market designed to treat androgenic alopecia. Some of these brands are Nutreve 1700, Spencer Forrest X5, Sunetics Laser Brush, Erchonia THL-1 and Hair Rejuvenator Laser Comb 7, HairMax, etc. These products are perceived to have passed the laser product standards required by the Food and Drug Administration.

Most laser combs or brush have similar operations. You need to be guided by the instruction manual and follow it meticulously. Each session usually takes about 15-20 minutes. Make sure that the scalp is thoroughly cleansed. Normal session is held regularly about three times a week right in your home. There is no known side effect from low level laser therapy. In fact, what you can expect is a cleaner and normal scalp, free from scalp irritation and dandruff.

One popular laser comb is the HairMax which has been clinically proven to transform a weakened hair follicle to one that is healthy and capable of producing beautiful, thick and healthy hair. The product is patented and manufactured in the United States. Customer satisfaction has been reported to be greater than 90%. The company is an ISO Quality Assured entity and a member in good standing of the Better Business Bureau.

The theory behind HairMax Laser Comb lies in their patented combination of vascularization and cellular metabolism stimulation by low level laser therapy. By improving and increasing blood flow and circulation in the scalp, the hair follicles receive the needed nutrients and expel or blocks off DHT. The energized hair follicle is now revived and is restored to its function of producing new hair. Price is around $ 500.

Another product is the Sunetics Laser Hair Brush with its patented Model "G" Clinical Laser. The Laser brush is manufactured under strict quality assurance guidelines. It is designed using the laser hair therapy technology to achieve thicker, fuller, shinier and healthier looking hair. The Sunetics Laser Hair Brush has a device embedded in the hairbrush containing laser diodes that provide a precision pattern of laser light. The bristles are constructed to focus the laser light at a focal place that coincides with a user's skin or scalp when the brush is used. Price is $399.


The advantage of using a hand-held laser comb is you don't need to go to a salon or clinic to have a hair restoration assistant apply the treatment. By just carefully following the simple instructions in the operating manual, you can perform the laser therapy right in the privacy of your own home or office. It is very convenient for people who need privacy and confidentiality about self-management of their hair loss treatment. Another advantage is its portability and simplicity of use. No matter how busy you are or wherever you are, you can bring the laser comb and perform the procedure for 20 minutes and that's it. Not only that, you can share your laser comb for hair loss device with any other person close to you who is also in a similar situation.

My name is Fem Mascenon and I thoroughly research and write about vitamins for hair. Please visit my site at to prevent hair loss and baldness.

Best Tips For Laser Hair Removal

Those who are sick of waxing, shaving, tweezing or using depilatory creams may be interested in laser hair removal to permanently solve their unwanted hair problems. Before choosing the procedure and center to perform the treatment, a person may want to research the laser removal results of the treatment. While these results may not be seen after one session, the results are usually present after several sessions. There are many types of lasers and hair removal solutions offered at different laser removal centers. Before choosing a procedure, a consumer should first consider a free consultation with a few different centers in order to choose the one that he or she is most comfortable with.

Laser hair removal is when a laser light is exposed to the skin in order to stop the process of hair growth. When the laser light beam is passed through the skin, it targets the dark melanin in the skin to prevent the hair from growing dark in color. The laser light hitting the skin also destroys the hair follicle and prevents it from growing back. One session of a treatment can stunt the growth of the hair, but an extended hair-free period cannot be achieved until after several sessions of the removal procedure.

While treating hair on almost every part of the body is possible, it is important for a client to know the exact body parts he or she will be removing hair from before choosing a procedure. There are many types of lasers used in the process and some of these lasers may not be safe on sensitive facial or pubic areas of the body. The Nd Yag Laser treatment is one type of laser that has become popular with many laser hair removal centers. It has become a well-known procedure because it can be used on almost every skin type and any part of the body. It is a strong laser and is able to give laser hair removal results in several sessions. However, it is weak enough that it is safe for use on even the most sensitive skin on the body. While the Yag laser is great for sensitive facial areas, it is best known for being able to cover large surface areas of skin. The procedure is suitable for those who are looking to remove hair from their back, legs or arms. Since it is only effective on coarse, dark hair, it cannot be used on areas of the body that only grow light or thin hair.

There are many treatments and procedures that can produce laser hair removal results for clients. The type of laser a professional will use depends on the area of the body where the hair is being removed and the type of hair that is growing in that area of the body. The Yag laser can be a great way to remove hair from a large surface area. There are many other lasers that are great for facial areas or other small, sensitive areas. While one session may not produce noticeable results, after several sessions, most clients see a change in the amount of hair and the amount of time it takes for the hair to grow back.

Read more about laser hair removal results. Visit

Male Breast Reduction With Laser Liposuction

Breast enlargement to some degree is a much more common condition than many men realize. While it is manifest as the chest mound gets larger, it is also accompanied by changes in the nipple and its position on the chest mound. The quality of the chest skin and where the nipples is positioned prior to surgery determines how good the gynecomastia correction will look afterwards.

For gynecomastia that consists mainly of fat or breast tissue deposits, liposuction would be the appropriate treatment. Because of the density and increased fibrous tissue of male breast tissue, traditional liposuction is effective but not ideal. It can take a far amount of trauma to maximally loosen up the tissue to be aspirated. At the least, this results in significant bruising and well as the risk of not removing enough breast tissue.

Dense fat is or glandular tissue is best removed with a method liposuction that relies on other mechanisms to break up the tissue than just mechanical trauma alone. Such a technology is Smartlipo. Using directed heat and the concept of heating tissue zones to a set temperature, more breast tissue can be removed in a less traumatic fashion. There may also be some heating benefit on the skin resulting in some shrinkage and tightening, although never enough to be a substitute for chest skin tightening through skin removal.

In those men that have breasts which contain a combination of fat and glandular tissue which is particularly firm under the nipple, liposuction alone is not an adequate treatment. The use of open incisions around the nipple is often used to remove this glandular tissue, often causing unsightly scarring or inversion of the edge of the nipple from scar contracture.

Having worked with Smartlipo in my Indianapolis plastic surgery practice for a while now, I have found that open excision of subareolar glandular tissue can be avoided with its use in some cases. Some have dubbed this scarless male breast reduction.

By using Smartlipo only, it is possible to now break up hard glandular tissue and remove it through the suction cannula used to perform liposuction. This procedure takes about an hour or so to do. Depending upon the patient, their age, and transportation issues, it can be done with either a local,twilight anesthesia or general anesthesia on an outpatient basis. Most scarless male breast reduction patients can return to a sit down job within days or a more strenuous one in several weeks. There certainly will be some discomfort but the heat from the laser makes it less than what I have seen with traditional liposuction. There is no question in my experience that the pain and bruising is definitely less.

The concept of scarless male breast reduction refers to avoiding any incisions around the areola. There does have to be some small entrance sites for the laser probe but these are at the sides of the chest wall. These incisions are left open to drain after surgery which is different than traditional liposuction. They will drain for 24 to 48 hours and consists of liquified fat (oil) and some blood. This drainage is actually a good (but potentially messy) thing as otherwise it would have to be absorbed by the body which would prolong swelling and bruising. Under the applied chest wrap at the end of the surgery are absorbent pads to catch this drainage. These small scars close down quickly and actually heal the same later as if they has been sutured,

Dr Barry Eppley is a board-certified premiere plastic surgeon in Indianapolis, Indiana where he practices at his Ology Spa locations at Clarian North Medical Center in Carmel Indiana and at Clarian West Medical Center in Avon Indiana.( He writes a daily blog on plastic surgery, spa therapies, and medical skin care at Dr. Eppley can be heard weekly on his radio show, Doc Chat, on WXNT 1430 AM every Saturday afternoon.