Saturday, August 10, 2013

Laser Acne Scar Treatment - Skin Laser Treatment For Acne Scar Removal

Many people suffer from the after effects of acne scars and seek out laser acne scar treatment in order to reverse that damage that has been done. Thankfully with the advancements in dermatological therapy and the use of laser resurfacing, medicine has made it completely optional when it comes to living with scarring due to acne.

Laser Acne Scar Removal

There are two forms of lasers that are of use in acne scar removal treatment. These consist of non-ablative laser and resurfacing or ablative lasers. The way in which ablative lasers work is by removing the outer layers of the skin by burning away the scar tissue promoting the tightening of collagen. The combination of these significantly reduces the visibility of scars.

Since the skin is purposely damaged, a great deal of care must go into preventing infection after this procedure is undergone. The skin may also remain red for as long as a year following a procedure this aggressive as well. Non-ablative laser acne scar treatment serves to promote changes in the skin without having to damage it.

Skin Resurfacing Laser

The newest form of this laser that has been approved by the FDA is called Smoothbeam. The Smoothbeam laser focuses on the sebaceous gland which is responsible for the production of sebum which directly contributes to acne. When the collagen in the skin is heated, it helps to tighten the skin and therefore reduce the visibility of scarring as well.

Reducing Facial Skin Redness

There is also what is referred to as the yellow pulse dye laser. This laser can also significantly reduce the appearance of keloidal scars by reducing redness, itching and flattening their raised appearance. Before this laser is put into action, a topical anesthetic is applied to the affected area and the skin surface is cooled to prevent damage 60 minutes before undergoing the procedure. The patient will be aware of both hot and cool sensations as they are undergoing the treatment, but with the anesthetic, this will be more tolerable.

Only taking an hour at a time, this procedure is typically performed in three sessions about 30 days apart. If you are suffering from the lingering and persistent signs of acne, laser treatment for acne scars is a safe and effective option available to you when deciding on how to return your skin to its healthy, clear appearance.

Speak with your dermatologist regarding these laser acne scar treatments and determine which one is right for you and your skin's needs.

Want to learn more about laser for acne scars treatment? My friend, if you are seriously interested in acne facial scar removal, I urge you to visit our website before you make any decisions. To learn more about acne scar laser treatment visit

Do You Need Skin Laser Surgery?

Have you ever considered taking a skin laser treatment? Because you are reading this, I imagine you did. It doesn't matter if you are trying to get rid of wrinkles, dark spots or scars; the idea is always the same. You need to learn more about the process and figure out if you need skin laser surgery or not.

Laser was first used for these procedures only a few years ago. It can offer perfect results in some cases, but there are some things that you should know about it before taking the decision.

This type of surgery is recommended by professionals only in a few situations. For example, some scars can't be removed without lasers. This is a good reason for thinking about a good surgeon. However, some people are considering this option for minor wrinkles or dark spots. Obviously, there is a simpler way.

Because scars can't be removed any other way, the process is expensive. In fact, no matter what you are trying to remove, the price needs to be taken into consideration. If you can afford it, you need to ask yourself if you actually need it. Skin care products can sometimes be more efficient than you can imagine. With the recent breakthroughs, most problems can be easily solved with a simple, natural cream. There is no point in enduring long recovery periods and sedatives if you can solve your issue the easy way.

Ingredients like Coenzyme Q10 can have rapid and permanent results in only a few days. These natural products will change the way your body works and make it produce the proteins that are lacking from your skin. Collagen and elastin are usually everything you need in your body for perfect skin. The good part about skin care products is that they don't only change your skin on the outside; they actually solve the main problem.

While some products are full of chemicals, natural ingredients have been proven to work. You should take a look on the internet and see exactly what type of cream delivers results.

After that, start thinking seriously if you actually need skin laser treatment or if you can solve your problems with the right skin care cream. In the end, you will surely make the right decision. Click Here to Discover the Results of my Research on the Most Effective Skin Care health products. If you have unwanted wrinkles, fine lines, and damaged skin visit to discover the shocking truth that now one else wants to expose.

Laser Hair Removal: Helpful Hints Before You Get This Type Of Treatment

If you are considering laser hair removal, you should know that it is often a great alternative to shaving or waxing regularly, but there are still some risks. Before you make the decision to get this procedure done, you should consider a few facts about it. This can help you learn what to expect as well as how to prepare.

While some people have great success with laser hair removal, you should know that it will not necessarily get rid of the root for good. You will probably not have to shave or wax for several months, but you are likely to have to get this procedure done again at some point in order to keep the results. The amount of time this treatment keeps the root at bay depends on the individual; so do not go into this expecting to never have to shave again. This way, if the hair stays away for a particularly long time, you will be pleasantly surprised.

You should also know that this procedure does not work well for some people. In general, it is best for those with light skin, since it can cause hypopigmentation in those with dark skin. This results in random light spots on the skin, and it is typically irreversible. On the other hand, hyperpigmentation, which involves dark spots on light skin, is usually temporary, so it is not as big a risk to get this treatment done for light- skinned patients. Of course, anyone is susceptible to the burns, scars, or blisters that laser hair removal can cause, but the good news is that these risks are rare.

As long as you choose an experienced professional for this procedure, you will probably be fine. The risks are increased when you use a local treatment center that you know nothing about. This is because you do not know whether the staff is trained to properly perform the treatment, and unfortunately many people do not take this seriously, so it is rather common to have inexperienced staff members performing treatments like this.

Taking a little time getting to know the risks involved with laser hair removal can help you know what to expect. It may also ensure that you get the best results, especially when you check out the qualifications of the staff at the center you are considering. Spending the few minutes researching these details can allow you to get the best outcome possible. Tallahassee laser hair removal should be preformed by specialists with ample experience. To know more, visit:

What We Should Know About Laser Technology

Nowadays, most industries use laser machines for a wide range of their applications. The laser technology is used mostly due to its efficiency, precision and speed. For example, CO2 laser marking methods are very popular these days because most manufacturers consider they have more advantages than the traditional marking practices. This type of markings has several advantages which are very appreciated: there is no character distortion; it has high-quality and contamination-free markings; it is faster and low cost. All these have turned the laser technology into a very popular one. When we are speaking about the heavy industries, we can say that laser marking technologies are mainly used for removing surface coatings and for engraving different patterns, numbers or letters, on the surface of different objects. Most manufacturers use laser technologies for decorating and cutting several materials, such as wood, stone, textiles, leather, glass, pottery, plastic and paper. There are also many designers which use the laser machines for the clothing industry: they use it for shoes, clothing or bags.

We live in a world where everything moves fast and this is why we have to be really fast as well. Laser technologies are the answer for most problems, as they help us do our job in a faster and more precise manner. These laser marking systems are not as simple to comprehend as we might think. There are some other elements which are very important, such as the software these machines use. The software is the brain of the entire system and this is why, for good results, we need a good software. Before purchasing a software, one should consider certain factors: which are the materials he wants to engrave, decorate or cut, which are applications for which he needs it. After defining these terms, one should also consider the editing tools that it has, because most laser marking software have specific editing tools which allow you to adjust the settings for photos, logos or other objects.

Laser technology is however not used only in these industries. It is also used in the medical field, for improving people's appearance. CO2 laser resurfacing is a very popular method which has been increasingly used in the past few years for treating certain skin problems, such as scars, wrinkles, birthmarks, enlarged oil glands, warts, skin cancer and many others.

So, as a conclusion, we can say that the laser technology has a very active role in our every day life, enabling us to create astounding things, such as beautifully engraved objects, beautiful clothes and a better appearance, in a shorter period of time.

Adrian is the editor of this article. He also writes for This is a website where you can find out more about laser marking technologies.

DC Hair Laser Removal Washington

Laser hair removal services are provided by various specialists in professional centers in the Washington DC area. dc hair laser removal washington is a safe and effective treatment to remove unwanted hair from your upper lip, chin, legs, underarms, bikini area, chest, neck,... in fact from most anywhere.

The laser beam that is used in the laser hair removal device is directed at the hair follicles. The dark pigments in the follicle absorb the laser light energy. As the follicle absorbs more and more energy the follicle dies and can no longer grow hair. This is the mechanism on which dc hair laser removal washington works. Whatever be your skin complexion you can expect to have a good result thanks to advanced technology and professional expertise. Although it may hurt a bit both men and women are trying it out and that too successfully.

Find out your skin type and choose the laser center that is most suited for you. Try to get suggestions from those who have been through dc hair laser removal washington. Then you can surely leave all your worries behind.

Laser hair removal can also treat your problem of ingrown hair. Often men have to deal with ingrown hair in their beard area and neck. Women face problem with it mainly in the bikini area. Since laser hair removal targets hair at the follicle it's the most remarkable ingrown hair treatment. It actually removes the root of the problem. After several sessions, you yourself will notice your hair shedding and the dark spots and bumps from folliculitis disappearing.

The cost of dc hair laser removal washington varies from one specialist to another. Each case is unique and the cost of treatment is dependent on this individuality factor also.

So if you have unwanted facial and body hair I can tell you for sure that dc hair laser removal washington is the perfect treatment for you. You can check out Sona MedSpa, a laser hair removal office in the Washington DC area. Whether you are a male or a female through expert and professional care you will get yourself a new look at quite reasonable prices.

Dermatological Surgery - Update on Lasers

Lasers have been used for the treatment of cutaneous disorders for over 30 years. Technological advances have led to the availability of a wide range of devices that are powerful, versatile and cost-effective, enabling an increasing range of conditions to be treated safely and effectively. Lasers emit high intensity light of a single (monochromatic) wavelength, which is absorbed by target structures in the skin and converted to heat energy. This key principle underlies the interaction between light and biological tissues and is known as the theory of selective photothermolysis. The main targets (chromophores) in the skin are oxyhaemoglobin, contained in blood, and melanin, contained in hair follicles and pigmented lesions. Other targets include tissue water and tattoo pigments. Selective heating of target structures produces clinically appreciable effects, while heating of non-target structure leads to unwanted side effects.

Intense pulsed light (IPL) devices are, like lasers, sources of high-energy light. However, IPLs are polychromatic and emit multiple wavelengths with each pulse. Filters with different cut off values tailor the wavelength range that is emitted to the cutaneous target of interest.

Q Switching of lasers produces extremely high powered beams in nanosecond pulses which produce photoacoustic damage to tattoo particles and melanosomes.

Significant advances in the use of lasers for skin disorders will be discussed. New generation pulsed dye lasers and dual wavelength lasers have optimized the treatment of vascular lesions such as port wine stains. The improved safety of lasers for hair removal has enabled treatment to be carried out on dark skinned individuals. Pneumatic suction devices may improve comfort and efficacy of treatment and are available as an attachment for existing lasers or integrated into handpieces. Fractional resurfacing technology has bridged the gap between ablative resurfacing lasers and non-ablative lasers and is currently the most exciting new development in this field.


1: Lanigan S. Reduction of pain in the treatment of vascular lesions with a pulsed dye laser and pneumatic skin flattening. Lasers Med Sci. 2009: 24(4):617-20.

2: Lanigan SW, Taibjee SM. Recent advances in laser treatment of port-wine stains. Br J Dermatol. 2004;151(3):527-33.

3: Manstein D, Herron GS, Sink RK, Tanner H, Anderson RR. Fractional photothermolysis: a new concept for cutaneous remodeling using microscopic patterns of thermal injury. Lasers Surg Med. 2004;34(5):426-38.

Sean W Lanigan MD, FRCP, DCH - sk:n was established in 1990 and is the UK's leading provider of skincare conditions treatment and products including: botox, anti wrinkle treatment and laser treatments such as hair removal and laser tattoo removal.

For interviews, images or comments contact:
Gill Grozier
Marketing Manager

Friday, August 9, 2013

Dermatologists Recommended Machine For IPL Laser Treatment

Intense Pulsed Light IPL Laser Treatment and its Lumenis 1 machine that erases brown spots, red spots, sun spots, aging spots, acne and rosacea. Dermatologists recommended latest photo rejuvenation IPL machine that only takes 20 minutes to diminish freckles, fine lines, wrinkles on the face, neck, hands, chest and arms.

The Machine and a Clinic that uses it:

Hundreds and thousands of patients worldwide need IPL Laser Treatment due to the appearance of tiny red vessels, flushing or dark spots that make you look older than you are and older than you feel.

Practices like Miami Beach Skin Center offer a 4th Generation system for IPL Laser Treatments. The machine used in the system is called Lumenis One that uses photo rejuvenation.

The process:

It's a process that successfully diminishes the sun damage, age spots, freckles, facial veins and other cosmetic imperfections including rosacea which is a chronic skin disease with symptoms such as redness and swelling usually on the face but can also appear on the neck, ears, back, chest and scalp. Photo rejuvenation is an excellent process for damaged skin. As we age we get sun damage to our skin that appears as brown or red spots. Patients go to clinics to seek pigmentation treatment and its easy to ripple those using photo rejuvenation.

How many treatments:

The Lumenis One works on any pigmented lesion and on any vascular region. Patients will have significant improvement just after 2 to 3 treatments to last for 6 to 12 months. With Lumenis One and IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) the photo rejuvenation process can treat the entire face, neck chest, hands or any other area of cosmetic concern.

How it works:

IPL works by shining a broadband of wavelengths of light into the skin. Customize of these wavelengths can be done to selectively target different structures in the skin, for instance a non wanted blood vessel or the pigment in the freckle or age spot, and with the multiple filters and a wide selection of parameters available with the system we can tailor treatment to each individual patients skin type and cosmetic concerns and the beauty of this treatment is that there's virtually no down time. IPL Laser treatment is usually pain free, some patients compare the sensation to a snap of a rubber band, anesthetic is rarely required. The Lumenis One procedure typically takes about 20 min. During treatment a thin layer of cool gel will be applied to the skin. The smooth chill sapphire crystal of the Lumenis One hand piece will then be touched lightly to your skin as pulses of light are delivered. Occasionally evidence such as redness may last for an hour or two but most patients return to their normal routine immediately after treatment.

Patients that have used other photo rejuvenation machines:

Patients that have used other photo rejuvenation machines in the past find it to be very quick so they feel that they're in and out and their back to where they need be, they also feel that there's no discomfort where as in the past with other photo rejuvenation machine they've complain of significance amount of pain, swelling and irritation after they had the treatment.

The procedure doesn't disrupt your day, it was wonderful, not painful, just very minimal discomfort.

Most patients find that their skin can look its best with four or five treatments based about one month apart, The Lumenis One is currently the best IPL Laser Treatment machine in the world, it is able to remove almost all brown spots due to the sun as well as red spots with remarkable results.

Does your face or body make you look and feel old? Learn how you can erase those unwanted spots or other cosmetic imperfections with IPL Laser Treatment. Find out how to get rid of rosacea, acne by visiting and for further information on this article.

Grading Your Skin Type And Choosing Your Machine

Specialists agree that before you opt for laser hair removal, you must know what grade your skin color falls into. The following chart provides a rough idea of the parameters that determine skin grading.

1 - White skin color: burns but never tans. (Found in Scandinavian countries)

2 - White skin color: burns but tans minimally. (Most common in Europe and America)

3 - White skin color: tans and minimally burns. (Most common in Europe and America)

4 - Light brown skin color: tans and minimally burns. (Usually found in Asian countries)

5 - Brown skin color: tans and a rarely burns. (Usually found in Asian countries)

6 - Dark brown or black skin color: tans. (In Africa; typical examples are Caucasians and Negroes).

Out of all the skin types mentioned above, skin types 4, 5, 6 are more prone to suffer from scarring and Pigmentation after laser hair removal therapy. The reason for this is that increased melanin in the skin tends to make the patient respond more severely to the process of thermolysis. Type 4, 5 or 6, you should be aware that your skin is more likely to absorb the laser rays. You should therefore be especially careful to see a PHYSICIAN experienced in using the specific technology that you require. Extreme caution, including possibly treating a few test areas, will minimize the chance of your obtaining a side effect such as lighten or darkening of your skin, or scarring.

Laser and pulse light technology for the treatment of unwanted hair. Here a brief comparison of the five types of laser hair removal techniques currently available and grades them according to their respective pro's and con's.

The most commonly used is the Pulsed Light or Ultimate Light which receives an overall rating of A grade.The main advantage of this laser is that it can be used for all skin types, is least painful (which is why no anesthetics are needed) and to top it all, has the best success rates so far. Side effects are very rare (in less than 1% of patients) and usually involve a temporary change of skin color (lighten or darkening) that last for no longer than several weeks or months. At the time of treatment, all patients should be at their lightest skin color which is why patients are advised to begin using sun block a few weeks prior to the treatment. Ingrown hairs and their associated pimples and darkening produce the most dramatic treatment results for patients.

The Diode laser,which has recently become very popular in the East, only receives a B grade the use of this laser is limited to skin types 1, 2, and 3 only. Other disadvantages of this method are that it is somewhat painful and little long-term success data about this laser is available so far.

The Nd: Yag-Laser merits a deplorable C despite the fact that it can be used for all skin types. The reason for this low-grade lies in the fact that it is very painful and that again, little long-term success data on this laser is currently available.

The Alexandrite Laser is also a C because though it is less painful than

The Nd: Yag-Laser, it can only be used on skin types 1, 2 and 3.

The Ruby Laser is more or less identical to Alexandrite Laser in the sense that it too causes moderate pain and can only be used on the above mentioned skin types. However, both the Alexandrite Laser and the Ruby Laser frequently produce side effects such as pigment changes (lighten or darkening of the skin) or worse, for patients of dark skin. When opting for this treatment it is advisable to ask your doctor which machine he uses. And before making your decision, acquaint yourself with the risks associated with the laser treatment modality you are opting for. Look around to see if a better and safer option is available.

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Stretch Marks Removal With Laser

The most common treatment for stretch marks is using lotions and creams. They are thought to be largely ineffective, but the fact is that usually the lotions are bought without consulting a dermatologist. Only he can determine which kind of treatment works best for you, because every case is different and the effectiveness depends on the age and the degree of scarring. Making an appointment gives you knowledge about your condition and prevents you from wasting money on over-the-counter products that do not work.

In case of older and more well-developed scars, laser treatment might be used. Despite it sounding somewhat similar to a surgery, laser technology is actually a quick and safe procedure. The dermatologist uses a high-energy ultraviolet laser light to disintegrate the molecules in the affected areas. The laser basically removes thin layers of skin. After the procedure, the skin might feel red and tender, but this will pass in a few days as new skin is being grown. It is possible to remove even very severe stretch marks completely when attending these kinds of appointments regularly.

To conclude, it is possible to get rid of stretch marks. This article was only an introduction into the wide variety of techniques. You should consult a dermatologist first and then choose the best treatment for yourself. Also, you should research this topic regularly as there are new developments and discoveries made every day. The main thing is not to lose hope - your looks can be restored and this will give you the extra confidence and optimism you need to succeed in all areas of life. Stretch Marks Removal HQ brings you all the information about stretch marks what causes them. On our website you can find out the typical symptoms, as well as cures and treatment options out there for this medical condition.

Why Choose Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is one of the most effective methods of permanent removal of hair. Unlike shaving or waxing, it actually destroys the hair follicle which prevents re-growth. This type of hair removal may seem expensive at first but when you consider the savings you are making from avoiding years worth of salon treatments, not to mention the convenience of never having to shave or wax again, it is an investment well worth making

So why choose laser removal over other methods? Shaving is probably the most common method but needs to be done every day if you are going to maintain a smooth appearance. People with sensitive skin are also susceptible to nasty rashes from shaving which can be uncomfortable and unsightly. Waxing is another option which can leave you hair free for several weeks but it is relatively painful and can be expensive, especially if you are having it done professionally at a salon. The third most popular method of removing hair is using a cream that dissolves the hair shaft and causes it to fall out. This is a good option for home hair removal but again can be expensive as regular treatments are needed. The creams also contain harsh chemicals which can be irritating to sensitive skins.

So what exactly is laser removal of hair? The process involves using a focused laser directed at each individual hair which kills the root, making the hair removal permanent. It is most effective on people with pale skin and dark hair and certain areas of the body may be more resistant to the treatment than others. Usually a course of several treatments is needed to eliminate the hair entirely. The process is not pain free but involves much less pain than methods like waxing and epilation.

Most laser hair clinics charge either per body part or per fifteen minute or half hour session. You will usually have a consultation with the laser hair removal technician before beginning treatment so that you are aware of the likely effectiveness of the treatment and how much you should expect to pay.

Find out more about the costs of laser hair removal and male hair removal

Facial Hair Removal Made Convenient Through Rio Laser Hair Removal System

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Female Hair Removal - Laser Treatment

For so many women, the thought of hair removal can be a rather daunting one. There are those that shave, those that wax, those that use electrolysis, those that epilate and now it would appear that there are even those that use pads and sugar solutions to get rid of that unwanted hair. It can be hard work being a woman and when you think of the time that it takes the average woman to get rid of the hair on her body every time, you appreciate how much of her life is lost doing the most mundane task in the world.

For those that are looking for an easy way to remove unwanted hair, laser removal must be looked into. It is said that this hair removal method is a simple one, an easy one and the quickest way to get permanent results to get rid of that hair for good. The only drawback for this is that it is perhaps only better for those with slightly darker hair as the results on, for example, a person that tans easily and has very fine blonde hair, have been less than impressive if the many reports can be believed. One of the important factors for laser hair removal is that the hair is considered to be darker than the skin around it so for fine blonde haired people, this might not be the best option.

For those that are lucky enough to be able to reap the benefits of laser removal, the hair can be removed from almost every area of the body. If you have a slightly hairy top lip - laser removal can fix it. If you want to permanently remove the hair on your legs, armpits or bikini line, laser hair removal is the option. In fact, the only place that this type of hair removal method is not advised for is the area surrounding the eye as the delicate skin; dangerous placement and potential complications make it a rather difficult place to treat.

If you are looking into the idea of laser hair removal, it is wise to look and research as much as possible to ensure that you not only know everything that there is to know but also to make sure that this is the right option for you. specializes in hair removal Melbourne

Thursday, August 8, 2013

A Guide to Laser Hair Removal

If you are tired of using a razor or depilatories to get rid of undesirable hair on your body then it is time for you to consider a permanent method for eliminating hair. Laser hair removal is such a method. This method uses a laser that emits light energy. The light energy goes to work on the follicles of the hair.

Laser hair removal can treat as well as remove both large and small areas where unwanted hair is present. The best results are seen in those individuals who have light skin but hair that is dark. This hair elimination method also works best on those individuals who have coarse hair. It is not as effective on those with fine hair. The reason for this is because the laser absorbs much deeper and more intensely by those who have darker pigmentation in their skin.

When a person comes in for a session of laser hair removal the first thing that will occur is that the area to be worked on will be cleaned and shaved. After that a special anaesthetic cream will be applied to the skin. The trained professional will then begin to use the laser on your skin. The laser will produce pulsed beams of light that is highly concentrated in nature. This light is absorbed by the pigment that is found in the follicles of the hair. What this does is it damages the surrounding follicles and therefore makes it impossible for the hair to grow.

Laser hair removal can be uncomfortable but it is rarely described as downright painful. The length of the session can range anywhere from 10 to 15 minutes up to 30 minutes, 60 minutes, or in some cases longer. It all depends upon the area of the skin that is being worked upon. Some patients of laser hair removal experience redness and swelling at the site where the laser was used. This typically only lasts a brief duration of time. However in general this permanent hair removal method is tolerated well by most individuals.

What is also worth knowing is that there is no down time or recovery time required when this procedure is done. A person who has a session can return to their regular daily activities without needing to take any time off from school or work to heal.

Laser hair removal is considered to be a safe procedure when it is performed by an experienced and qualified professional. It has also been proven to be an effective procedure to permanently get rid of unwanted hair. Approximately 90 percent of those who try the procedure experience hair loss on a permanent basis.

The are few risks associated with the use of a laser to remove unwanted hair. Some of the possible complications that a person may encounter include burning or blistering of the skin (which is very rare) and lightening or darkening of the skin area that was treated. Due to the fact that darker skin tends to be more prone to changes taking place in the pigment you should not lie out in the sun or visit a tanning salon before you have this procedure done.

In New Orleans, laser hair removal can be done by a trained and experienced specialist. Find the right location for you. For more information,visit

Do You Need Red Vein Laser Treatment?

If you're concerned about the appearance of red veins, or blood spots on your legs or face, then perhaps you've already thought about having red vein laser treatment, and know what's involved and what the results are likely to be. If you're not sure what's involved then here's what you need to know.

1. Red vein laser treatment will help to reduce or eliminate appearance of red veins and associated condition. This can help to increase your confidence, and allow you to wear clothes that might you might have previously not thought you'd be able to wear.

2. This treatment helps to reduce or remove spider veins, thread veins, cherry angniomas also known as blood spots, and broken capillaries, on the face and legs.

3. The laser treatment targets the blood in the cells by pulsing laser light in to the skin. This causes the cells to break, and then the body's healing process disposes of these broken cells.

4. For many people as just 2 or 3 sessions are required, although in some cases only require 1 session is needed to achieve a dramatic result.

5. Before you begin your treatment, you'll need to complete a medical questionnaire, so that your medical history can be ascertained, and to make sure that you are a suitable candidate for this treatment

6. You'll receive a full explanation before the procedure, so that you what to expect, and how it will work. You'll be able to ask any questions, and have things explained in more detail if needed.

7. A patch test is likely to be carried out so that the effectiveness of the treatment can be seen on a small inconspicuous area o the skin. If this goes well, then you can begin to have the treatment on the areas that are most affected.

8. You'll find that your skin is left noticeably clearer, and so will help to increase your confidence and you might find that a big weight has been lifted from you.

9. This red vein laser treatment procedure is unlikely to have any negative side affects, and there's very little chance that you'll be allergic to the procedure, so this treatment is suitable for the vast majority of people with this complaint.

10. As there are no ill affects, and no having to wait for the skin to heal, it's a very quick recovery process. This means that you don't need to take time off work, and won't feel under the weather for a while. You'll also be able to see the results very quickly.

Now you know more about the process, and what's involved, perhaps now is the time for you to think more about how red vein laser treatment could improve your life.

Find out more about Red Vein Treatment and how you can become more confident by getting rid of unsightly red veins, at a leading Laser Clinic Wilmslow. Find out more, and book your appointment at today.

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow With Home Laser Hair Removal

Did you know that laser hair removal is amongst the most popular cosmetic procedure performed in the United States? If you are included in the 1.4 million procedures done every year then you are also aware of the cost and time consumption involved. Home Laser Hair Removal is quickly growing in popularity and for very good reason. Though not inexpensive to purchase the availability to perform hair removal when and if you need it in the privacy of your own home is a luxury worth the investment.

There are a variety of removal products that have been marketed for home use but not all of them use laser, some actually use light or electrical based sources. For this reason it is important to be aware of the different products, so that if it is home laser system you want to buy you are not getting a substitute. Laser hair removal has only been offered in dermatologists' offices since 1996, but when the popularity of the procedure caught on so quickly; manufacturers went to work on creating a home based model.

One of the biggest benefits to the removal of unwanted hair by laser is that the results are long lasting. The process by which the home version is used is slower but still effective. As with any procedure that involves the body it is a good idea to speak with a physician before making the investment for a home hair removal product. If there is little or no risk involved the approximately $800 investment is an inexpensive one over time.

This Home Laser Hair Removal unit was the brain child of an effort between laser product manufacturers with that of consumer marketing manufacturers. It is designed to remove hair from the bikini area, legs, feet, underarms the back and the chest. It may at times require more than one procedure to get a large amount of hair removed. As with any laser hair removal process it tends to work best on people with dark hair and light skin. It is not effective for white, blond, very light brown or light red hair. Though most home hair removal units are competent and include elaborate instructions to make sure it is used correctly, you need to be aware that not all systems are FDA approved. It is important to make sure you do not purchase one that is not FDA approved and be careful of any possible scamming.

The knowledge of what to look for in a Home Laser Hair Removal product will be the best tool you have in making this important decision. With technology constantly increasing there can be little if any doubt that these products will continue to be updated and around for a long time.

David is currently involved in research related to home laser hair removal []. He is also a writer who enjoys learning and writing about subjects that interest him and his readers. He has researched and written many articles about how to find a laser hair removal specialist for many different blogs and websites. He is also well known for his research on laser hair removal [] methods and devices.

7 Things You Should Know About Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is quickly becoming a very popular option for those looking for permanent hair removal. However, laser hair removal is not for everyone. To find out if laser hair removal is right for you, take a look at some of the following tips.

1. Realize that laser hair removal works best on dark hair with light skin. Of course, this doesn't mean that you have to be the perfect candidate to have success. It's best to visit a clinic to find out whether or not laser hair removal will be beneficial for you.

Some have also found an alternative option to work well. This includes artificially darkening light hairs in order for the laser to properly target them.

2. Make sure you get a consultation! You'll want to meet the technician and have him or her perform a test pulse before you commit to anything. You'll want to find a clinic that is dedicated to your needs. Every laser hair removal treatment is different depending on the person's skin and hair type. Find a clinic with a friendly and informative staff that is committed to your results. Don't be afraid to shop around.

3. Avoid tweezing and waxing for at least 6 weeks before your treatment. The key is to avoid removing hair by the roots during this time.

4. During the treatment, expect some pain. I'm certainly not going to lie to you and tell you that this is a painless process. However, it is certainly bearable. It is often described as a rubber band slapping your skin or tweezing multiple hairs at once.

Provide your technician with some feedback regarding your pain. This will allow them to supply you with the proper coolants or numbing creams. They may also decide to adjust the intensity of the laser.

Take a look at the next 3 hair removal facts [] atrn[]rn

Sensitive Skin and Facials - Do They Mix?

Despite popular thinking, there's no reason not to enjoy facials even if your skin is sensitive. The trick is in how the facial is done and also how you treat your skin after the fact. With the right combination, you can enjoy facials without irritating your skin at all.

Gentle Products

It's very important to use the right products for your skin type when having a facial done. Talk to the beautician ahead of time if you are having a professional one, or take the time to look at your options if you are doing it at home. When doing your own facial, you can even test the products you plan to use on your wrist or neck, to see if they will irritate.

There are literally hundreds of products out there developed specifically for sensitive skin. This doesn't mean that all of them will be suited to your particular skin, but you can certainly count on them being far gentler than regular skin care products. These are the best ones to start with if you aren't sure.

Keep It Simple

A facial doesn't have to be a huge process using a dozen different products. In fact, the more products that you use, the more likely you are to have a bad reaction. So keep it to the basics, an astringent for oily skin, a soothing facial mask and a moisturizing lotion. You can use a warm cloth or steam to help open the pores of the face and expel impurities, but take it easy since heat can also irritate sensitive skin.

Water is your best friend. Not only should you be drinking plenty to keep your skin clear and glowing, you'll also want to make sure that you wash your face frequently with it. Rinse off any excess product completely before applying another and you will keep the skin problems to a minimum.

Using natural ingredients such as cucumbers on your eyes and avocado or honey as a facial mask can really help your skin, too, even if you can't tolerate most skin care products. Avoid anything that has acid in it, like pineapple, since this can cause irritations.

After the Facial

Whether you opt for a professional facial or one at home, keep in mind that you don't need to apply a bunch of products afterwards. In fact, you'll be far better off just washing with plain water and some specially formulated soap. Adding more skin care products to the mix tends to cause rashes and irritations, which can be very easily avoided by simply sticking to water for a few days after the facial.

Daily Skin Care for Sensitive Skin

You will want to take good care of your skin both before and after having a facial. Sensitive skin is rarely better off left alone, so look for simple products that will enhance your natural beauty without causing problems. One thing to keep in mind is the number of ingredients. A huge list of ingredients probably means you'll have problems, whereas a skin care product with just two or three ingredients is going to be far easier on the skin in most cases.

Treat your skin with care, wash it every day and make sure that you don't overtax it when you have a facial. Let it rest for a couple of days before and after the fact to ensure the best results.

Just because you have sensitive skin doesn't mean you can't enjoy having a good facial treatments every now and then. You may not be able to do them too often, but once in a while, with the right products, should be just fine.

The dedicated staff at The Facial Place provide acne treatment, laser hair removal, facial laser skin treatment and many other Spa products and services. Established in 1988, Spa clinic offers professional care for your well-being.

Laser Treatment to Have Flawless Skin

Laser treatments are all the rage these days and they can help you achieve flawless skin. Here's a review of a laser treatment called Pixel Skin Resurfacing.

Dr Z first examines Carol's face to assess her skin condition. Noting that she has some skin pigmentation and very light scars, he says that he will give her a mild laser treatment suitable for her skin type. She is then taken to a room where a numbing cream is applied and left on for 20 minutes to minimise discomfort during the treatment process.

After cleansing the numbing cream off Carol's face, Dr Z starts his laser treatment, slowly going over each section of her face with the laser. There is a spark when the laser beam hits the face and a slight burning smell. A fan is directed to cool as well as blow the smell away from Carol. There is not much pain except for some heat generated by the laser beam.

Pixel skin resurfacing aims to improve skin texture and tone, smoothen wrinkles and diminish pigmentation, all without much pain and very little downtime. This laser treatment is based on the principle of micro-thermal treatment zones. The laser pulses treats small zones of the skin, leaving surrounding tissues untouched and intact, so these large unaffected areas act as a reservoir for more effective and rapid tissue healing and collagen production. "The skin is a living organ and generates new skin cells every two to three weeks. If you don't clean and resurface with lasers or microdermabrasion, the old cells on top will make the skin look dull. Just like a window which will look murky if you don't clean regularly," explains Dr Z on how laser treatments work. Pretty interesting analogy!

Iced compresses are placed on Carol's face after the treatment to soothe the skin. She is also given sunblock to apply on her face. Dr Z tells her that there will be some redness and her pigmented spots may turn dark and peel off. After about three days, Carol should expect to see a smoother complexion with smaller pores and a nice glow.

According to Carol, her skin felt sore and raw on the day itself when she cleansed her face. It felt better the next day and started to peel. The dots on her face where the laser beams penetrated also became more obvious. After three days, the little brown dots fell off and Carol's face looks radiant and flawless. Her pores look diminished and even her pigmentation looks lighter!

How you can get your dream body and face - read the latest reviews in Laser Treatments, anti aging treatments and aesthetic doctors at

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Acne Laser Surgery - Painless Solution To Acne Problems Acne laser surgery is becoming popular today as an effective way of removing acne and acne scars. It involves the use of laser beams to dig the very core of acne in order to clear the clogged pores. It can effectively wash away bacteria and the specific glands that secrete excessive sebum, the oily substance that is responsible in making the skin oily.

Acne surgery is an outpatient procedure which means that it does not require patients to stay overnight following procedures. It starts with giving the patients a general or local anesthetic in addition to the soothing agents to avoid feeling any unnecessary pain during the surgery. Then, the doctor will use laser or light therapy if possible to target areas that are affected by acne or acne scarring. The laser treatment works by damaging the outer layers of the skin. Patients undergoing acne laser surgery describe the amount of pain they feel like "a snap of a rubber band". Patients can expect the laser session to last at about 30 to 90 minutes.

Acne can be problematic even after they are gone because they often leave behind ugly scars, which is actually a part of the natural healing process of the body. Laser treatment is considered one of the most efficient ways to make the acne scars disappear, mostly because this type of treatment is accurate and precise. There are two types of laser treatment that can be used, ablative and non ablative.

Ablative laser treatment or resurfacing removes the outer layer of skin to make the scar area smooth, unwrinkled, and even. Plus it does not only remove the layer of the skin, but the heat produced in the process also helps in tightening the inner layers of the skin as it stimulates collagen production. Since this method involves removing the outer layers of the skin and burning away of scar tissues, it is accounted as an ablative method.

The non-ablative laser treatment is a milder approach of laser treatment. This method relies on triggering changes within the dermis by heating the collagen. Thus, tightening the skin and making the scars less visible. This process does not cause any injury to the outer layer of the skin unlike the ablative laser treatment.

There are few side effects from acne laser treatment and they are usually painless. This is the reason why it became popular to many people, young individuals and adults who suffer from acne. Too many prescription medications might leave person with some serious side effects to content and may sometimes cause nausea and even depression. Acne laser surgery is highly effective in solving the problem in acne and acne scars. People concerned with their self esteem should try going for a laser surgery to remove acne and reduce the possibilities of permanent scars.

For more info about Acne Scar Laser Surgery visit us at

Laser Tattoo Removal

Laser tattoo removal is now available to remove unwanted tattoos. Many claim that tattoo removal is somewhat painful and uncomfortable, similar go getting a tattoo. Laser removal uses the light of the lasers to remove tattoos. The laser targets the colors within the tattoo to break apart the ink. Once this happens, the coloring begins to fade and disappear. All colors are not created equal, and black fades much quicker than other colors such as red, purple, or green. This is due to the fact that black can absorb the laser's heat easier than colored ink.

Unfortunately, it does take several visits to diminish the tattoo entirely. There are a lot of factors when determining how many sessions it will take to remove a tattoo. Size, how far into the skin the ink is, and the various colors of the ink all matter. In addition, some people can only sit through a session so long before it becomes painful. So pain threshold will also determine the amount of sessions. Some people can sit for several hours, and some can only sit for twenty minutes.

Many doctors will even recommend taking a pain reliever such as Tylenol before coming in for the procedure to help the pain. Once the session is done for that day, the doctor will cover the area with an antibiotic cream, place dressing and bandages on the area so there is no infection. There may be a slight discoloration of the skin in the area that was treated. This will go away is completely normal.

Laser tattoo removal is a huge expense and oftentimes costs more than getting a tattoo itself. It can cost anywhere between a couple hundred dollars to several thousand dollars to have it removed. The first factor is the size, as an entire back tattoo will be more costly than a small rose on someone's neck. Do research on different doctors and their credentials before scheduling an appointment. It is also recommended to have a consultation first to know how much money will most likely be spent when all is said and done. It is not suggested to get one halfway done due to monetary issues, as that may look worse than the original tattoo itself. If the tattoo is a result of a gang affiliation, many places will remove the tattoo for free. Yet with any tattoo, make sure it is something that is wanted forever, as it is costly to remove it forever.

Lucy likes to write about many different topics including laser tattoo removal. If you like her writing, you should check out another related article she wrote about wrinkle treatment.

What Makes a Good Candidate for Laser Skin Resurfacing?

With the variety of skin resurfacing techniques available today, it is important for patients to have an understanding of what each procedure offers, and the risks that are involved with each type. One popular technique is called laser skin resurfacing. Patients considering undergoing this treatment should have a good understanding of the procedure before committing to this process.

What is Laser Skin Resurfacing?

It involves the use of the laser to essentially burn away at the top layers of skin on the patient. This elimination of the top layers of skin allows new skin to grow into the area; this new skin generally grows in to look smoother and more supple than the skin it replaced. This operation can be done with several different types of lasers; the type used will depend on the type of resurfacing performed.

Who is a Candidate for Laser Skin Resurfacing?

Any healthy person who wants to get rid of wrinkles, minor or medium acne scars or other scarring may consider the procedure. It is also done for individuals who have pigment variances they wish to correct or lesions or birthmarks they wish to have removed. The procedure may also be done to remove tattoos and unwanted hair. Depending on the type of resurfacing, a patient may need to go into his or her doctor's office for several treatments before it is complete.

Individuals who have lighter skin who avoid sun exposure are generally the best candidates for laser skin resurfacing. Individuals with darker skin tones are more likely to see pigment changes as a result of the treatment. These changes can either be darker spots or lighter spots. However, laser skin resurfacing that does not go too deep may be suitable for most individuals, regardless of skin tone.

What can a Patient Expect?

A patient can expect either have local anesthetic along with anti-anxiety medication, or if the area to be treated is large (such as an entire face), the patient may receive general anesthetic. Although there is generally little or no bleeding involved with the procedure, the patient should expect his or her skin to be swollen and red for a least a few days after the surgery. The amount of time it will take to heal will depend on how extensive the surgery was.

After the surgery is complete, the patient must wash his or her face (without soap) several times a day with cool water to keep the face from developing a crusty layer and help prevent infection. The patient must also avoid exposure to the sun for a long time after the laser skin resurfacing. There will also be an ointment prescribed by the patient's doctor, which the patient will need to apply regularly.

Although like most cosmetic procedures there are risks involved with laser skin resurfacing. Yet, this is generally accepted as a safe cosmetic surgery. It is also less painful than other cosmetic procedures. Check out for more information on this procedure and others such as laser hair removal.

Tips to Get Perfect Skin With the Help of Experts

Those with a tendency to have hirsute problems, particularly ladies, will want to find a way to cure the problem once and for all. With this in mind, laser hair removal Philadelphia experts have all the skills to get rid of this unsightly problem permanently. Skin care Philadelphia experts can also tighten or peel the face so that it gives a much pinker and younger looking appearance.

Of course, there are several ways of going about trying to look younger or peeling the face so that fine lines all but disappear. Some of them may look a little drastic but the treatments used are safe and the results can last up to ten years or more.

One of the most popular treatments for this kind of work is the laser, but even these have different advantages depending on which one is chosen. The carbon dioxide laser was probably the first to be discovered way back in the nineteen sixties. Although this is still popular today, many people do not like the fact that it makes the person stay out of the spotlight for about fourteen days while they heal. This makes it difficult for anyone who works to get the work done unless they take up some valuable vacation time.

To counteract this problem a new laser was developed (non ablative) which means that it does not take off complete layers of the dermis. Rather, it takes out tiny pieces that allow the surface to heal much faster than normal.

With the carbon dioxide method, the dermis is vaporized which means that fine and intermediate lines can be wiped out very quickly. It also tightens the dermis and leaves it looking pinkish for some time but the overall effect is that this makes it look like the face has been lifted but without the necessary surgery. Many people will look about ten years younger after undergoing this procedure unless there was very severe sagging to begin with.

The problem with many of these treatments is the down time in relation to the social or work life of the patient. Although some would say that this is a small price to pay for looking younger, some cannot stand the thought that people will guess that they have had some kind of treatment to begin with.

The newer technology that is common today also has a downside in that it is not as efficient as the original carbon dioxide treatments and often needs up to eight treatments before any difference is apparent. With the high cost of each treatment, a lot of people will be put off after the first three or four when they cannot see the results that they were hoping for.

The average treatment cost is anything up to around four thousand dollars which could be out of reach of many. However, for those who want to carry on looking as young as possible for as long as possible, this is probably the only treatment that is open to them as opposed to surgery.

Connor R. Sullivan has worked closely with an laser hair removal Philadelphia office preparing to write an article on the subject of skin needs. His wife made an appointment with a skin care Philadelphia office for a treatment.

Importance of Laser Skin Care

Laser skin care treatment is gaining a lot of popularity in the present age as this is a surgical procedure that is painless and gives immediate results. This treatment is called microdermabrasion and it involves removal of a layer of dead skin cells in the skin and returning back its original glow. The dermatologists now do not even use anesthesia as this is quite a painless therapy. This not only leaves a glow on the skin but also stimulates the production of collagen and elastin because of the new skin cells that are created.

This kind of treatment has the lowest treatment time and recovery time ensuring that you do not have to spend a lot of time in the surgical room. This helps in curing a wide variety of skin disorders like acne, wrinkles etc in a painless manner. There are many laser skin care treatments such as the Fraxel laser treatment and the Titan laser skin improvement system.

The Fraxel laser skin care treatment is also known as the fractional method which works only on the areas of the skin that has damage and disorders in them restoring back the original skin and glow. This treats each area individually and makes sure that the treatment is given particularly to that area bringing a very perfect healing process.

The Titan method of laser skin care is very important as it not only improves your look by discarding all your blemishes but it also helps in increasing the amount of collagen that is produced. This is very helpful as your skin will continue to look young and healthy because of the continued production of collagen in your body. You need to ensure that you choose the right dermatologist and make sure that all the process used are safe for your skin.

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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Laser Hair Removal - The Advantages of Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal, short for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation, is a common way to remove unwanted hair. The technique involves using a set of medical instruments that produce a beam of light. The heat that is emitted from the light is used in very close range to the area where the unwanted hair is to be removed from. The hair follicles in the area are also destroyed so new hair doesn't grow back in that area.

The modern types are very effective and people like the fact that the hair doesn't grow back like it does with other types of hair removal products. It is also faster and less painful than other options including shaving, waxing, and electrolysis. Most laser treatments are very safe but they aren't a good match for everyone. Those with lighter colored skin seem to get the most benefits. In some in instances those with very dark skin suffer from skin damage as their bodies absorb too much of the laser energy.

Even with the value of laser hair removal as being the top way to remove hair, electrolysis is still getting plenty of business. This is because laser hair removal is very expensive. The equipment professionals need to complete the process costs them a bundle and they recoup it by passing the cost on to those they serve.

Another reason for this is that laser hair removal is only a good idea for particular areas of the body. It works well on the chest, back, and the legs. However it is not an effective treatment option for hair that is along the bikini line, upper lip, or appears on the underarms.

More and more people are fixated on looking their very best so laser hair removal is a common method used by those who can afford it. Even though it has only been in place since 1995 it continues to have a huge following. Advances in technology mean that the procedure for laser hair removal is as effective as ever. Some people due end up with some hair growth again though after the procedure.

It is important that you only have laser hair removal done by a professional. This way you reduce the risks of it not being done properly. There have been reports of people being burned or their skin being permanently discolored due to improper laser hair removal techniques.

If you found this information on Laser Hair Removal useful, you'll also want to read about Laser Hair Removal NYC.

Laser Toenail Fungus Treatment - Should You Consider It?

Considered to be the most revolutionary discovery in the podiatry industry in the last 40 years, toenail fungus laser treatment is the newest and most exciting treatment option available today. Initially there was a lot of skepticism concerning it's effectiveness, but it has proven to be quite effective.

Here's a list of the kind of questions most people are asking in regards to the laser toenail fungus treatment:

- How much does it cost?

- How painful is the procedure?

- How safe is the procedure?

- How long does the procedure take?

- How effective is it?

- Is it covered by insurance?

- Who makes the laser treatment system?

How much does it cost?

It was quite expensive during early adoption of the treatment probably costing around $1500 to $2500, but today the cost has dropped substantially and it's much more attainable by the mainstream public. As of this article the cost ranged from $500 to $1200, so it may even be lower by the time you read this.

How painful is the procedure?

With no local anesthetic required during the treatment it's essentially painless. At most some patients will feel a slight pricking sensation during the laser toe nail treatment.

How safe is the procedure?

The laser toenail treatment is a very safe procedure with no health or age restrictions. It uses a special type of laser that passes light through the toenail surface without damaging the skin or nail, while killing the toenail fungus on contact.

How long does the procedure take?

It's an out patient procedure that only takes around 10 minutes per toe. It typically takes only one visit and there are no side effects, prescriptions, or long term visits required.

How effective is it?

At about a 90% effective rate, the laser treatment has a very good success rate compared to other toe nail fungus treatments. Prescription medications like Lamisil are only about 50% effective and home remedies like Vicks Vaporub are only about a 10% effective.

Is it covered by insurance?

The laser treatment for toenail fungus is still considered a cosmetic procedure, so insurance companies haven't recognized it as a form of treatment. In the future insurance companies might regard it as a possible treatment for mild to severe toenail fungus cases, but time will only tell.

Who makes the laser treatment system?

The toenail laser treatment is performed with the PinPointe Foot Laser System by PathLase, Inc. The PinPointe laser treatment is widely available in the United States and other countries like Australia, Germany, United Kingdom and others.

If you're like me then the toenail fungus laser treatment is probably out of your price range, but if it's not then you should definitely get additional information from my web site.

I'm hoping this article answered a lot of your questions about using the laser toenail fungus treatment as a treatment option.

For more information on other less expensive treatment options including detailed research on the Top 3 toenail fungus treatments just go to to read it now.

Laser Tattoo Removal Guide - What You Must Know

Body art is always in style. Some are true works of art and others are not very attractive or flattering. The victims of bad ink usually regret their actions. Thankfully, people can have their permanent inked designs removed. Reliable removing specialists typically use light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation techniques to remove body art. Laser tattoo removal is a fairly new procedure that may raise some concerns with individuals who are not familiar with the process. If you're one of them, the following information will put your mind at ease.

What Are The Benefits Of Laser Tattoo Removal?

The equipment will permanently remove the ink from your body. The equipment uses short, high energy pulses to remove unwanted ink in an effective manner. The gear was specifically designed to remove permanent ink from the body. This procedure can be done with no damage to the surrounding tissue. Due to the fact that dark color absorbs all beam wavelengths, it is easier to remove them. Light colors selectively absorb the light and this makes it hard to eliminate them. However, some beams were designed to target light color ink, so make sure you choose a clinic that has proper equipment to perform the procedure.

Is The Procedure Safe?

Any kind of medical procedure involves risks. Generally speaking, serious complications are very rare. The possible risks may include burning, skin discoloration, scarring, incomplete removal, and infections. Fortunately, you can minimize the side effects and enhance your results by choosing an experienced and certified medical professional to remove your body art.

Is The Process Painful?

The process is a little painful, but if getting the body art did not bother you much, you will not have a problem tolerating the process. Discomfort levels vary and they depend on the area that's being treated. Many laser tattoo removal specialists use anesthetics and numbing cream before performing the procedure. This makes the patient more comfortable. Patients can also opt for an anesthetic injection before the procedure.

How Many Treatments Do Patients Need?

Patients will need multiple treatments to remove the ink completely. How many treatments they need depends on a variety of factors including the size of the area being treated and the skill of the operator or doctor. Please remember that you need to wait 3 to 4 weeks between treatments. That way, the area will be healed before your next treatment.

When Will The Treated Areas Heal?

Your skin may feel sensitive and sunburned for several days after treatment. Your specialist or doctor can tell you what the best ways are to prevent infections, scarring, and to manage discomfort. Most people experience great results when they follow their doctors' after care instructions.

How Much Does The Procedure Cost?

Laser tattoo removal is not covered by health insurance, so you will be responsible for the cost of the procedure. The cost will depend on the color of the work and the size of the art. The cost will also depend on the number of treatments that you need. Prices range between several hundred dollars to thousands. If the cost is more than you can afford, you can always apply for financing or a small loan.

Laser tattoo removal is a low risk procedure. It's safe and very effective. It is more effective than creams and, in the long run, it costs a lot less than using creams, so find a reliable clinic today if you want to get rid of unwanted body art.

When seeking a specialist in laser tattoo removal NCY residents should be sure to do research in order to find a well-trained doctor. For more information, visit

Laser Stretch Mark Removal - Is it Worth the Cost?

Begin treatment early. Once your stretch marks have passed the initial stage when they are red, purple, pink, or brown, and become white or silver with an indentation, it's far more difficult to repair the damage.

Massage the area three or four times a day with a good moisturizer. Find one that uses cocoa butter as the main ingredient. This helps hydrate your skin, making it more elastic. Once again, this is most effective during the initial stages.

Apply a self-tanner. This is a temporary bandaid for stretch marks. The idea here is just to reduce the appearance by darkening your skin tone. Exfoliate beforehand for best results.

Research for yourself, and learn all you can about topical treatments. Many products advertised to "repair" damaged skin, but only a handful have shown to live up to the impressive results in which they advertise.

Below is a list of common ingredients found in stretch mark removal creams.

* Wheat germ oil - This is an old remedy, and may help slow down the appearance of stretch marks.

* Glycolic acid - Increases the collagen reproduction in your skin. This can only be administered by a dermatologist. The cost is approx 100us dollars per treatment. 3-4 treatments are suggested before expecting visible results.

* Vitamin C - For best results combine a 500mg vitamin C supplement with the Glycolic Acid treatment.

* Peptide- This is merely a gimmic. This ingredient has never been proven to help restore damages skin.

* Retinoids - This can be effective in increasing collagen production, but once again should be combined with glycolic acid for optimum results. Retinoids should be avoided if you're pregnant or nursing.

* Topical tretinoin can restore the pigment in white marks. It's not effective against older stretch marks.

* Laser treatment is used to treat both red and white stretch marks. Not unlike the stretch mark creams, it works by promoting the growth of new collagen in your skin. Laser treatment can be expensive, and results can not be guaranteed.

* Fractionated laser - This treatment is used for minimizing older and deeper stretch marks. This process uses a blending effect, and is effective on many types of skin blemishes. The cost of fractioned laser treatment is approx $1000 USD per session. Rumor has it a 30% improvement can be had after 4 sessions, but of course there is no guarantee.

* Pulsed dye laser therapy - This process triggers the growth of collagen and elastin beneath your skin. This laser collapses your blood vessels, causing them to change color, from red to a light pink. Unfortunately it doesn't effect texture. Five treatments are recommended to get the optimum effect, however they come with a heft $500 dollar price tag per visit. This process should not be used on pregnant women.

* Excimer laser - Instead of collagen, this laser promotes growth in melanin. It helps to restore pigment. This is most effective on older stretch marks. 10 treatments is suggested to reach optimum results. Cost is approx $200 per visit.

* Microdermabrasion works by gently sanding your skins surface smooth. Attached to the instrument is a vacuum similar to a dentists, that removes the excess skin after sanding. The effect is that once the old skin cells are removed, new cells grow in their place. This is most effective against older stretch marks that are not still developing.

If you found this interesting you can visit my website for more helpful tips on how to treat stretch marks.

It is never too late to start taking care of your skin.

Laser Fat Removal - Zerona Laser

There are hundreds of thousands of people out there that consistently follow a strict diet and exercise regime only to get good results but not great. If you're going to work that hard for yourself, you deserve great results. For some, our genetic makeup just will not allow us to burn off particular areas of fat so we unfortunately and unwillingly store it here and there. Since laser fat removal has hit the market, consumers who have no gotten the response their looking for have turned to it for almost immediate results.

One of the newest laser fat removal systems is the Zerona system. During studies performed in 2007 before it received its FDA approval, results proved that this system does get rid of body fat, helps shape and tone the areas of treatment with little side effects if any. This low level laser works by emitting cold laser energy directly into the skins tissues. Body fat then absorbs this energy and in doing so the fat is broken down and almost liquefied so it can be channeled out of the body.

This procedure provided on average a loss of about 5 to 7 inches from waistlines, hips and thighs in just a matter of weeks. In addition, this procedure does not require any incisions or knives, you will continue to notice ongoing fat loss for days and even weeks after treatments and there is no need to where any special garment during treatment. In fact there have been no reported side effects so it seems there is nothing to worry about. With any surgery, you always want to talk to a doctor or specialist to get all the facts.

Though this procedure sounds perfect, there are so drawbacks. No bruising or swelling or anything like that but since this is such a new procedure, there are no long term studies to support effectiveness over a long period of time. Also, since there are no incisions and no fat being removed on the spot, there is no guarantee that you will lose inches though that is what the laser works for. The one factor that would most weigh in is that there is a need for multiple treatments to continually stimulate fat loss. Some have reported as many as 6 to 7 sessions in two-week period.

As a whole, the Zerona laser for fat removal is not for the obese, rather for those who want to lose those last few vanity pounds. It can be performed on an outpatient basis with your local specialist or at similar spas. The Zerona Laser system is only one of a number of laser fat removal methods available. If it does not seem like this is the treatment for you then look into some of the other available laser fat removal treatments.

Click Laser Fat Removal to learn about the latest laser fat removal techniques. Body fat does not stand a chance against Laser Fat Technology.

Be Informed - What Are the Laser Hair Removal Side Effects?

If you are considering laser treatment for hair removal it is essential to be well informed before you begin any form of treatment. Although safe and convenient, there are some laser hair removal side effects ranging from mild to severe. The most common reactions tend to be mild but it is also important to know what the rare and more severe side effects are.

Most common Laser Hair Removal Side Effects

The most common side effects are temporary and will disappear in a few days or weeks. Redness and swelling around the hair follicles are typical and tend to fade within 3 days of treatment. Other temporary side effects include pain and/or tingling at the site of treatment.

Although rare, it is also important to know about the more serious reactions. It does not mean that these will happen to you! The incident rate of these side effects is very low although it can vary based on the experience of your practitioner.

Rare but Serious Side Effects

A temporary change in pigmentation is a possible reaction - either hyperpigmenation (darker patches) or hypopigmentation (lighter patches). The risk of this is increased if you have a laser treatment while you have a tan so it is recommended that you wait for your tan to fade and use sun block prior to having a treatment. Another possible risk is scab formation - if this happens, it should immediately be reported to your doctor.

Burning and scarring caused by the laser are also possible if the correct treatment is not chosen to suit your skin type. Different lasers are recommended for light hair vs. dark hair or light skin vs. dark skin and you need to discuss this with your specialist and it is advisable to take a patch test before a full treatment.

There is a risk of infection if the skin is damaged during treatment. If this is the case, you will be given a topical antibiotic to use for several days after the treatment. If you have a history of herpes simplex or cold sores, there is a risk of an outbreak following treatment but this can be minimized by taking appropriate antiviral medication before laser hair removal treatment.

You can reduce the risk of laser hair removal side effects by choosing a licensed practitioner that has several years of experience and a good track record with patients. Some medicines can increase the risk of adverse reactions so discuss any medications your are taking with your laser hair removal specialist beforehand and you may be required to stop taking certain medications for several weeks prior to treatment.

Did you know the average women shaves about 7000 times in her lifetime? You can remove unwanted and unsightly hair permanently with laser treatment for hair removal and never have to shave or wax again! For more information about the benefits and side effects of laser hair removal, visit Laser Treatment for Hair Removal.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Laser Acne Scar Removal

Laser acne scar removal is a new form of treatments that has a few years in practice, and getting popular over other traditional forms of acne treatments. The ineffectiveness of antibiotic due to its overuse has increased further reliance on this treatment. Therefore, more and more people are opting for this new technique.

During laser resurfacing, a specific name given to the treatment, doctor points a laser-emitting pen just above the acne or acne scar tissue and waves the concentrated beam of laser light back and forth. This technique vaporizes only the unwanted tissues and creates a new surface for skin cell growth.

Due to recent development in laser for acne scars, there are training and application issues that require you to make sure where your doctor has sufficient training and experience in using the laser equipment. You may get that by inquiring about the identical cases handled for the same treatment you look at. A most satisfactory way to ascertain previous successful history of the treatments done by seeing before-treatment and after-treatment pictures of the latest cases that doctor handled. It would also help you show how many different types of lasers the doctor owns and how often each piece of equipment is used.

Laser treatment is much more invasive. It removes acne scars by erosion, melting, evaporation, or vaporization. Ablative lasers are not recommendable for use on darker skin colors.

To treat a full-face laser treatment may coast around $2,500; in other cases, it may cost you $1,000 for scar and acne removal. You should take care you have got sufficient knowledge and information about the doctor, equipments in use, and have consulted with an experienced dermatologist / laser surgeon to determine what is best for you.

Learn How To Cure Acne For Good Achieve lasting acne freedom Simple proven science of clear skin! Click Here To Check Acne Treatments Review. Click Here To Check Acne Home Remedies. Read More about How I Cured My Acne Life-long Sufferer Discovers Powerful Secret To Acne Free Skin.

Affirm Laser Treatments - A Leading Facelift Alternative

Affirm laser treatments have been used to successfully reverse the signs of aging through the careful application of laser technology. Light energy pulses are used to penetrate into the lower layers of skin to "stimulate collagen production". The goal is to achieve tighter skin with fewer wrinkles, lines and other blemishes.

Several skin conditions and cosmetic flaws have been treated using this procedure including surgical and acne scars, wrinkles, lesions, stretch marks, keloids and others. Sun damaged skin has been treated with this procedure, as well as skin discoloration problems. Those interested in Affirm laser treatments are encouraged to discuss its uses with a medical professional at a reputable clinic in their area.

Patients may require several treatments before they reach optimal results. In some cases, 4 to 6 sessions may be required spaced over a 1 to 2 month period. Some patients do not respond to this treatment and experience no results, so speaking with a medical professional prior to treatment is important in determining the likelihood of success.

Exposure to the sun and the effects of aging will eventually cause the skin to regress to its condition prior to treatment. Affirm laser treatments are only temporary solutions and subsequent treatments may be required to maintain its effects.

Patients may experience mild to moderate pain during this procedure. Some claim the procedure is pain free, but patients who have undergone treatment have reported otherwise. Some also argue that no anesthetic is required, but patients who cannot tolerate the discomfort associated with this procedure (described as a rubber band snapping on the skin) may receive a local anesthetic prior to treatment. Before receiving treatment, patients are advised to discuss the procedure with a cosmetic dermatologist to have their questions answered and concerns addressed.

Justin recommends visiting a Laser Skin Treatment clinic for Affirm laser treatment procedures, a consultation and questions for Dr. Navarro on skin rejuvenation in Florida

TRIA Laser Hair Removal System

Have you seen reports in the news about the newly developed devices for laser hair removal at home? TRIA Beauty now distribute a revolutionary new home laser hair removal system, providing users with an easy alternative to outpatient and clinical treatments. With a personal TRIA hair remover, you can experience what it is like to have silky smooth skin without the tedious shaving or waxing. You can imagine how much time you will save after you eliminate the need for shaving and waxing, which waste hundreds of hours per year.

Using a TRIA Laser Hair Remover Couldn't Be Easier

A TRIA laser hair removal system is not much larger than an average blow-dryer. In order to effectively remove the hair, all you need to do is point the device at a small area of unwanted body hair, which will allow the laser light to get underneath your skin and in to your follicles. The appliance couldn't be any easier to use: it will deliver a beep when you have successfully performed the treatment and lets out a buzz if you need to repeat the process. The laser's light is then converted into heat when it is absorbed by the dark pigments in your hair. The heat then tells the follicle to release the hair and it will not grow back for up to a year.

User pain is generally not an issue when it comes to using a TRIA laser hair removal system. Most users report feeling absolutely nothing at all, while other users report a mild stinging that goes away quickly. Your skin may redden or become swollen, but this effect is temporary and should disappear in less than one day.

Can Everyone Use the TRIA hair remover?

This device is a great way to achieve home laser hair removal in a variety of areas, such as your back, arms, legs, chest, or bikini line. You can use it anywhere you want unsightly or unwanted hairs removed from your body. However, it's important to note that the skin on the face and head is very sensitive and can be damaged easily. If you are looking to get hair removed from these areas, it would be wise to consult a professional, or pay attention to the latest developments.

Due to the way this technology works, it's just not effective to certain people. As of right now, a TRIA laser hair remover only effectively works on individuals with dark hair and light skin. There are too few pigments in light hair to absorb the laser's energy, and dark skin can absorb too much of the heat that is intended for the hair and can burn. The TRIA laser hair removal system features a sensor to determine whether or not you will be putting yourself at risk when you use the device.

TRIA Systems Are Loaded With Benefits

There are many potential perks when it comes to using one of these systems, including:

Cost - These systems cost about $795, which is substantially less than the $1800-$4000 you could easily spend on hiring a professional to do the treatment for you.

Convenience - If you use laser hair removal at home, you eliminate the need to make appointments and take lengthy commutes to clinics and offices.

Effective Results - You can experience reduced hair growth in the target region for at least one year. Often times, hair growth is eliminated for longer than this.

Reinforce your Initial Treatment - There's no need to panic if you see a few stray hairs and have to schedule an appointment. Simply use the device on the selected area again.

It may seem like these devices are hard to find, but that's just not true if you know where to look. Simply visit the manufacturer's website for a comprehensive list of retailers and doctor's offices that sell TRIA laser hair removal systems in your area.

Learn more about TRIA laser hair removal and discover more of the benefits of this amazing hair removal technology with the TRIA laser hair remover.

Laser Hair Removal - Answers To Frequently Asked Questions

How does laser hair removal work?

Laser hair removal systems emit a gentle beam of light that passes through the skin to the hair follicle. The hair absorbs it, the energy from the laser is transformed into heat and the hair follicle is disabled.

How does laser hair removal compare with electrolysis?

Electrolysis can be a tedious, painful process destroying each hair follicle one at a time. This can sometimes require treatment over years at regular intervals.

Laser hair removal on the other hand can treat hundreds of hair follicles simultaneously so the process is much quicker.

Is laser hair removal for anyone?

Coolglide Technology

With CoolGlide's unique design, there is now the flexibility to treat all skin types with laser hair removal. Before CoolGlide, tanned patients and persons with darker skin could not expect good results from laser hair removal treatment.

A CoolGlide device has a longer wavelength which allows it to treat all skin tones. While patients with fair skin still respond the best, medical studies indicated that patients with tanned or dark skin can now achieve hair reduction equal to fair skinned patients without undesireable side effects.

Other Laser Hair Removal Devices

With some laser hair removal equipment, an absolute requirement is that the hair must be darker than the surrounding skin.

White skin with dark hair responds best. Persons with dark, coarse hair are the easiest to treat as dark hair contains melanin, a dark pigment which attracts the laser light so more laser energy is absorbed. Fewer sessions are needed.

Light colored hair is more difficult to treat and blonde and red hair are very difficult to treat requiring multiple laser hair removal sessions with varied results.

Anyone on a diet high in beta-carotene will need to change eating habits if they want best results from laser hair removal. Beta-carotene, found in vitamin A, carrots, squash and other vegetables produces a yellow or orange color in the skin which absorbs the laser energy and interferes with it reaching the hair follicle.

As beta-carotene can remain in the body for months, an adjustment in diet may be needed well in advance of laser hair removal treatment for optimum results.

Persons with light skin are the easiest to treat, requiring less laser hair removal sessions as the results are faster.

Persons with dark skin or sun tanned skin take longer to get results because melanin, the dark pigment in hair, is also present in skin. Melanin absorbs some of the laser light.

There is the danger of dark skin being burned in these instances so a laser beam with a lower energy level is used. For this reason also a higher level of expertise is required on the part of the laser hair removal clinic.

How long does laser hair removal treatment take?

The time involved with laser hair removal treatment varies from person to person with skin, hair coloring and coarseness of hair all affecting the time.

Here are some estimates which can give an approximate guide.

Back 1½ -3 hours
Shoulders 10-20 minutes
Underarms 1-2 minutes
Bikini Line 8-10 minutes
Upper lip less than 1 minute
Chin 2-3 minutes
Legs 1½ -3 hours

At least 2 or 3 treatments are necessary, and hair that has been waxed or removed with tweezers could need from 5 to 8 treatments.

Why are repeated laser hair removal sessions necessary?

Hair goes through cycles. Anagen refers to the growth stage of hair. Laser hair removal treatment works best on hair that is in the anagen stage.

While one laser hair removal treatment may have long lasting effects, repeated treatments are necessary for best results to catch all the hairs as they enter the anagen stage.

Is laser hair removal safe?

Yes. The laser uses a wavelength of light which passes through the skin. Unlike x-rays, there is no residual left in the body.

Skin may appear pink or red after treatment. This disappears - in some cases after some minutes, in other cases after a few hours, or in still other cases, a few days. Use of cold packs will speed up the recovery time.

Is laser hair removal painful?

This varies from person to person depending on their sensitivity. Some have described the sensation of laser hair removal to a slight sting on the skin. Others say it feels like a pinch on the skin.

When can I expect to see results from laser hair removal?

After the first treatment hair will gradually fall out over the next two months. Repeated laser hair removal treatments are necessary to catch all the hairs in their various stages of growth.

How much does laser hair removal cost?

This depends on the size of the area needing laser hair removal treatment. A consumer guide on laser hair removal treatment gives $500 per treatment session as a reasonable average with 3 to 4 sessions often necessary.

The whole area on the back or the legs can cost considerably more while smaller areas such as the upper lip can cost less. Individual consultations are necessary to establish accurate laser hair removal pricing.

Is Photo-Epilation the same as laser laser hair removal treatment?

Photo-Epilation or pulsed light devices use the same principle as lasers but they are not lasers. An intense pulsed light is used to disable hair follicles with minimal side effects.

It can be effective in hair removal but requires a higher level of skill in operating as it is more difficult to adjust than lasers.

Due to it's larger spot size, large areas of the body such as the back or legs can be treated rapidly. One study showed a 50 to 60 percent clearance of hair in 12 weeks.

Can results be guaranteed with laser hair removal?

No. Due to the variables involved it is impossible to predict exactly what the results will be for any individual with laser hair removal. Many reputable laser hair removal clinics avoid giving guarantees for this reason.

Laser Hair Removal Research Library

Laser hair removal prices and guidelines:

Plastic Surgery Research Library: