Saturday, November 23, 2013

Home Laser Hair Removal

Home laser hair removal at home is the #1 easiest method to permanently remove your unwanted hair on your face, body, bikini line, and other body parts.

So how does it work? Is home hair removal by laser really as effective as the professional sessions you could previous do at the salons? Are the results permanent and long lasting? This free guide is going to answer all your questions.

How Does Home Laser Hair Removal Work?

You know how just a few years go, you had to go to a professional salon every month to have a stranger touch your body parts and remove the hair using the big laser machine? Well, the good news is, now you can achieve the same smooth and hair-free results at the comfort of your own home. How does it sound? Using easy to use home laser machines, now you can have permanent hair removal from your face or body. It is fast and you will save thousands of dollars that otherwise you had to spend at the salon. That is exactly the reason many men and women try the new home laser hair removal machines at home. This new trend first started from Europe (mostly UK and France) and now is spreading more and more throughout the world.

Best Laser IPL Machines for Home Use?

I have personally done a lot of research to find out which brand and model are truly the most effective and easiest to use. And here you are going to discover the results. After days of research and reading the reviews in various online forums, groups, and websites, here are the top models you can choose from... and also after buying two different models of these home laser IPL machines and testing them myself, here is the best models I'd recommend for you...

Remington i-Light
Philips Lumea
Epila Home Laser System

These 3 models are currently the top rated home laser machines for removing your facial or body hair permanently.

You can find out more reviews and tips about which of them offers the best hair removal results for you.

Looking for easy Home Laser Hair Removal methods to easily remove your face or body hair at the comfort of your home? Then check out this free easy guide.

Do you know the Laser Side Effects of hair removal? You can discover these 3 important things you want to be aware of.

Everything You Needed to Know About Fraxel Laser Treatment

In the world of beauty, Fraxel is a relatively new name. This name however marks a revolutionary change to laser treatment and has the potential to change lives wherever it touches. If you want to look younger, get rid of those unsightly acne scars or just yearn for the perfect skin then Fraxel should be the next thing that you look into next time you are browsing the web.

One of the best things that can be said about this new type of laser treatment is that it is not used to treat the entire facial surface of the skin at once. Instead, much smaller sections are worked on at a time which means that although your treatments will take longer and therefore potentially cost more, there is less of a chance of something going wrong and also less of that redness that so many people that try laser treatment tend to experience. This also means that Fraxel is perfect for people that just have smaller areas that they want to treat to ensure skin perfection and the news just gets better - this type of laser treatment can be used practically anywhere on the body giving those people that didn't think they could get perfect skin all over a chance to achieve just that.

For those that are wondering how Fraxel works, we are about to tell you. This type of laser treatment works in small areas of the skin with lasers that stimulate collagen regeneration enough to sort out those problem areas. This means that those with acne scarring can benefit from this kind of laser treatment as well as those that have suffered from skin damage caused by the sun and even those that just have a few unsightly blemishes or imperfections that are driving them to distraction. Either way, this new laser treatment could mean the end for mounds of cover up makeup!

The average person can expect a number of sessions of Fraxel, usually between around two and five of them and these are generally spaced out so that there are one to two weeks between each session. Of course these figures very much depend on the problems that the patient has and the extent of these problems. Obviously a consultation with a fully trained Fraxel professional will be able to tell you more about what you need to get your desired effect and of course whether or not your desired affect is achievable.

One thing must be said about Fraxel laser treatment and that is that although you might want to see instant results from this clever skin regeneration treatment, it is likely that it can take up to four or six months to get the complete look. Despite this, many people that have already undergone this laser treatment have reported that visible results are seen in just a few sessions.

Jeune specializes in Fraxel treatments for men and women.

Is Laser Hair Removal The Answer To Unwanted Hair?

There are many reasons that my patients consider laser hair removal. Whether it's a woman who doesn't want to shave her legs anymore to a man who is tired of the painful tweezing of that unattractive hair between his eyebrows. Regardless these grooming chores raise many questions with my patients.

It used to be that if you wanted to permanently remove hair, electrolysis was your only option. In the electrolysis procedure, an electric current is used to damage hair follicles so they no longer grow. Many people find it to be very painful. It provides a less painful option to get rid of unwanted hair.

In laser hair removal, a laser light is used to damage the follicles much like in electrolysis. The hair either stops growing permanently or it grows slowly and is lighter in color and texture. For most people, laser hair removal isn't painful, but it can cause some discomfort.

Determining if Laser Hair Removal is Right for You

While this is generally a safe and effective way to reduce unwanted hair, there are some drawbacks to consider.

First, laser hair removal doesn't work equally well for everyone. The laser light is calibrated to react to darker colors. People with fair skin attempting to remove dark, coarse hair tend to have the best results.

This doesn't mean that if you have darker skin, you can't take advantage of it, but you may need more treatments to get the results you want. You should discuss the possible outcomes with your dermatologist before making a decision.

Second, you cannot do laser hair removal if you have a tan. The pigmentation in your skin when you have a tan can interfere with the laser light. It can also result in dark patches appearing on your skin. So, you have to wait for the tan to fade before scheduling your treatment.

Third, no matter your skin type multiple treatments are almost always required to achieve permanent hair removal. This does add to the expense.

Finally, there is the possibility that you will experience adverse side effects from laser hair treatment. The lasers may change the pigmentation of your skin in the treated area, making it appear lighter or darker than the surrounding areas. You may also experience burning, blistering or scarring. Minor swelling after the procedure is normal.

All that being said, laser hair removal is generally safe and effective, albeit expensive. If you decide to receive a laser hair treatment make sure you find an experienced technician who works closely with a license dermatologist. This will dramatically reduce your chances of experiencing adverse effects.

Jay Brachfeld, M.D.

Laser Acne Treatment - Advantages of Over Natural Acne Remedies

Treatment for acne includes many procedures and convenient methods which are followed according to an individual's interest. But it is noticed in a few cases where tablets, ointments and natural remedy left no improvement over the suffering of acne.

Although treatment which is successful for one can not be followed for the other as intensity of disease differ among individuals. Those who left with no results by using ointments and pills along with natural remedy are suggested to go for laser acne treatment. Laser Acne treatment:

Though laser treatment has been in existence for quite some time, it is only recently with advances in new acne laser technology that people show more interest over the treatment process.

Results of laser treatment are very high when compared to medical prescription results. In laser acne treatment, the dermatologist passes a beam of laser rays over the affected skin to remove the dead cells of skin which results in resurfacing of skin by allowing development of new skin cells.

Laser also helps in reducing secretion of sebum from sebaceous gland as well as removes the scars and mars caused due to blemishes.

Side effects:

Individuals undergoing laser treatment experience no pain in the treatment process but after that, they may be 10 days of skin redness around the affected area. Some patients may also experienced swelling of the skin.

Patients with darker skin tone are not showing any desirable results as this alters their pigmentation. An experienced dermatologist practicing laser treatments for many years knows how to handle these side effects for effective treatment of individuals.

Cost of laser acne treatment

Cost of treatment differs depending on the severity and the type of laser treatment you choose. On rough estimate we can suggest $2000-$3000 of spending towards treatment is necessary.

Number of sessions for treatment is varied with severity of disease in individuals where results of treatment also varies form each individual to the other based on their intensity of suffering.

Discover where to find cheap laser acne treatments online. Learn how to get rid of old acne scars at my acne site.

Get Rid of Acne Scars With Laser Treatment

For those of us with acne scars, the idea of smooth skin is something we dream about, whether in sleep or day dreaming. We put aside money for that future product or dermatological series of work on acne scars like some people save for holidays.

We react to people the way we think they are reacting to our acne. Acne scars may be prevalent but it doesn't make them any easier to accept, especially facial acne. Our face is the first thing people see and the first thing we look at every morning in the mirror.   Finding that procedure we can afford or product and acne surgery combined is one or our lifelong pursuits. Figuring out the options is necessary.

For some patients, the ability to have financing and payment options make the future idea of smooth skin a closer reality. Expensive treatments: laser surgery is just that. Skin surgeons remove scar tissue resulting in smoother clearer skin. There is very low probability of future skin scars from acne. The pain involved is quite tolerable from low to medium for most patients. Males tends to have a lower pain threshold then females - which is why females are probably able to imagine going through childbirth more than once even after the experience.

Fractional resurfacing is a laser treatment that results in about 60 percent improvement of acne scars after two or three treatments. There are minimal side effects with this type and is safe to use on other areas of your skin including neck, chest, hands. It is recommended that the treatments be repeated over intervals of three to five weeks, and to also repeat the procedure from 3 to 5 times. Every four weeks for four treatments total seems to be the norm.   The results: acne scars are wonderfully improved. A bonus if you are going for the works, is you can have wrinkles smoothed out as well, and have brown spots removed if you are dealing with those also.   The cost: fractional lasering can cost from 1500.00 per treatment to 2500.00 per treatment. They can also discuss with you non-ablative laser which costs from about 300.00 to 1300.00 per treatment.  

Is it worth it? Well, make an appointment, look at before and after photos, discuss the pros and cons and decide for yourself. I believe you will do whatever you can to be rid of acne scars after you have had your first discussion with a dermatologist.   By the way, if you have been using a certain  popular acne skin treatment, a dermatologist will likely not use laser surgery for at least six months until you have stopped using that skin treatment, so let them know what you have been applying topically or call ahead to inquire about what skin care products to stop using for months prior to surgery. It will help speed up that first treatment.

Does the thought of living with those acne problems all your life make you shudder? Reading what has worked for other people suffering similar ailments is worthwhile. Some options are unorthodox and not well known if you are just consulting with a dermatologist. Other successful options will only be administered by one. Mary Boline is trying out a highly rated skin care product and will keep you updated once she has given it a chance.

Risks of Laser Tattoo Removal

If you have a tattoo and are considering having it removed, you're probably familiar with laser tattoo removal therapy. This is undoubtedly the most well known method but there are some things that you should probably know about it before you make an appointment to have it done. Although this method is considered relatively safe, there are certain risks associated with laser tattoo removal. Let's have an in depth look at the risks associated with it.

The first thing that isn't exactly a risk but it is something you should be concerned about if you're considering this option. The cost of laser tattoo removal can be quite high. If you are on a tight budget, this option may be out of your reach. It can cost between $300 and $600 per session to have this procedure done. All tattoos require several treatments to fully remove with this method. Therefore, it may end up costing youth several thousand dollars to have this procedure done.
The first real risk associated with this method is pain. Some people cope with the pain better than others but one thing is for sure, there is a certain amount of pain involved. Some people claim that it hurts much more than getting the tattoo applied in the first place. Others report that it hurts less. Everyone has their own threshold of for pain tolerance. The doctor performing the therapy can minimize the pain that you will have to endure by employing a topical numbing agent prior to the treatment. This may make the procedure easier to endure. Keep in mind that when the numbing agent wears off, the pain will return. You should prepare yourself for a certain amount of pain during the procedure and during the healing process.
The next risk that is associated with laser tattoo removal is scarring. Depending upon the tattoo and your skin type, there may be some permanent scarring at the treatment site. Scarring can be minimized by proper aftercare but there is no guarantee that it will not occur. The next risk associated with this method is that your skin may end up being lighter or darker at the treatment site after you have fully healed. This is called hyper-pigmentation or hypo-pigmentation.
There is also a risk of infection if the treatment site isn't cared for properly.
Another risk is blistering. This depends on your skin type and the type of laser used to remove the tattoo.

Although this method is considered to be relatively safe, there are some risks associated with it. It's best to be fully educated about these risks and if you are considering undergoing laser tattoo removal, you should discuss the above mentioned risks with your doctor.

Patty Hahne

The author enjoys writing about various subjects including tattoo removal cream and other tattoo removal methods.

Warning: You should never use any tattoo removal products on yourself without your personal doctor first telling you that it is safe for you do so. Always seek qualified medical advice before using products sold for the purpose of removing a tattoo.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Laser Hair Removal: Impact of Skin Colour

For hordes of people around the world looking for a permanent hair removal solution, Laser hair removal has become nothing less than a boon from the heavens. Laser hair removal is capable of augmenting one's attractiveness and personality through enhancing skin tone and clarity. Unwanted hair is not a new problem in itself, but the solutions to removing unwanted hair are changing everyday. And of all technologies available today, laser hair removal sure carries a lot of promise for being an effective permanent hair removal solution.

In reading this article, we assume that you are not a complete stranger to laser hair removal and have a brief idea of what the procedure entails. At that point, you will need to evaluate if hair removal by laser is something that you are suited for. One criterion that needs to be evaluated is the color of your skin and hair and how it can impact the laser hair removal treatment. Light skin color is best suited for this treatment as it makes the entry of the laser at the skin surface easier and can react more positively. This enhanced productivity of laser treatment for hair removal on light skin implies that the number of treatment sessions and the related cost-thereof is lower than otherwise. For darker skin however, the treatment takes proportionally longer more in time of a single session as well as the total number of sessions required. The laser treatment itself is a little more delicate operation than usual and hence will require sufficient skill and equipment capability for darker skin.

We strongly advise you therefore, that you customize the laser hair removal treatment for you by consulting your clinic specialist based on the kind of skin that you have of which the color is one important ingredient. A preliminary assessment of past skin reactions, allergies, current medication (especially for pregnant women) is mandatory before one can choose to use this wonderful treatment. Better to be safe than sure!

Read More At Laser Hair Removal Tips. Visit our articles section at Laser Hair Removal Articles for more such practical advice and tips.

? 2005, Sam Natarajan. This article is courtesy of Laser Hair Removal For You!

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What Is the Polaris Laser Wrinkle Treatment?

The Polaris Laser Wrinkle Treatment utilizes Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) in combination with radio frequencies to be able to sculpt the facial skin and muscles into a tighter fit. This group of energies can be manipulated to target a particular area, which makes it easier to smooth out wrinkles.

When the laser equipment is turned on, the light goes through the skin layer to reach the tissue below it. The heated tissue then contracts. Additionally, due to the heat, more wrinkle-reducing collagen is produced by the tissues. The amount of energy used during the procedure is calibrated via computer.

Polaris as Compared to Botox

Botox is a very popular method to get rid of age indicators from the face. The injection may cause several side effects that can be quite unsafe for the body. There is a muscle paralyzing component contained in the Botox injection. There is a risk of the neurotoxins going beyond the intended area, which can be the reason for difficulties in breathing and other bodily processes.

On the other hand, the Polaris Laser Wrinkle Treatment does not make use of neurotoxins. As said earlier, the procedure is less aggressive. No incisions or injections have to be made on the facial area for the treatment.

Energy Combination vs. Singular Energy: Polaris and Thermage

Thermage is another example of a laser wrinkle treatment. Radiofrequency waves are filtered into the face in order to contour it better. This type of treatment can produce results quickly due to the deep penetration of the radio waves. However, this can also cause further damage to the skin.

The Polaris laser contains three different kinds of energy which are used in a moderate manner. Polaris treatments must be done one after the other in order to make up for the short penetration depth of the laser. The mild frequency laser used in the Polaris procedure is said to be safer than more intense lasers used in other treatments.

The Pros and Cons of Polaris

The Polaris treatment is more convenient than other types of wrinkle removal methods because it is non-invasive. It is also generally safer than wrinkle treatment processes that involve incisions and injections. Bleeding and scarring, which are common cosmetic procedure side effects, are greatly reduced and even eliminated with the Polaris treatment. Even if the patient feels flaming sensations under the face, the procedure is still less painful than other wrinkle removal methods.

However, the results of the Polaris treatment would fade after a while. In addition, more serious wrinkle problems would have to be addressed with methods other than the Polaris treatment. The skin constantly displays signs of aging whether one gets the Polaris treatment or not. For this reason, patients have to get Polaris treatments several times in order to maintain the youthful appearance of the face.

As with any medical treatment, make sure you're being serviced by a qualified and reputable doctor.

All your cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery needs. You can all find it at

Acne Skin Laser Treatment - Your Hope For an Acne-Free Face For Good

Acne is a stubborn problem for most teenagers and adults, as well. It is a skin condition caused by hormonal changes, occurring during the stage of puberty, where self-image and confidence is of utmost important. Oftentimes, proper hygiene and over-the-counter treatments are not enough to free your face from acne. Fortunately, after a few years research by the experts they had discovered the best cure for acne called acne skin laser treatment.

If you got yourself moderate to severe acne, or persistent occurrence of acne, then this treatment might work best for you. If you are wondering how this works, then given here are some answers to your frequently asked questions:

1. What is Acne Skin Laser Treatment?

Acne skin laser is a therapy used to kill the bacteria present in the pores of the skin, destroy the sebaceous glands producing excess oil and helps repair the damaged skin and heavy scarring due to persistent occurrence of acne. It sloughs of the top layer of the skin where almost all scar tissues and acne resides. Thus, it leaves the face with the fresh layer of undamaged skin underneath free from scars and acne.

2. How does this treatment works?

This treatment uses a laser device to produce a strong beam of light and treat the acne problem. Only expert dermatologist should do this procedure, with proper care give. The dermatologist will focus the laser beam to the affected areas. A pulsating heat is produced under the skin of the person which causes a decrease in size of the sebaceous glands. Also, the light absorbs the reddish discoloration of the skin, diminishes the scars and tightens the skin. The laser also kills the bacteria underneath the skin. It combines with a certain substance to produce oxygen which ruins the bacteria-causing acne.

3. How much does this laser cost?

Acne skin laser may cost about $300-$500 depending on the severity of the condition. Sometimes it requires several sessions that last for 15-30 minutes. Although you might think that this treatment is expensive, it is a lot affordable to fit your budget, as opposed to buying chemical peels that cost hundred dollars per item. Cumulatively, you spend thousands of dollars in a year's span.

4. What are the benefits of using Acne skin laser?

The most distinguished contribution that this laser offers you is that it will treat your acne for good. Yes, no more red spots occurring over and over again on your facial skin. You do not have to worry how awful your face looks with all the acne and previous acne scars rooted on your skin. You will forever be beautiful.

Acne skin laser is certainly a teen and adult's hope for having an acne-free face once again!

No more acne for good. Try Acne Skin Laser Treatment to get rid of that scars and persistent acne, also read more about these Acne Solutions to find other ways of removing acne forever.

Reversing Sun Damaged Skin - Is it Possible?

Is the sun really bad for our body? Let see. The rays from the sun works with our bodies to produce Vitamin D which is vital to keep heart and bone disease at bay. Our eyes also need around 20 minutes of indirect sunlight daily for the hormones to maintain our health. Sunlight exposure, in moderate amount, can cure skin diseases such as psoriasis and seborrhea.

Even though the sun has all the favorable effects on our health, it also has its share of harmful effects on our body especially on our skin. Sun exposure generates free radicals on our skin. Free radicals are atoms or molecules that have missing electrons and to regain those electrons, they will snatch electrons from neighboring atoms or molecules. Such an act would damage the chemical bonding of the concerned atoms or molecules.

When this process occurs on the surface of the skin, it means that collagen and elastin are destroyed which leads to premature aging, wrinkles and at its worst, skin cancer. Since melanin production is also affected, uneven color blotches start to appear on the skin surface. Coupled with a slower rate of skin cells regeneration, the sun-damaged skin makes us look way older than our actual age as the skin is replenished with dried up old skin cells.

With all the damages done to the skin, you would think that it is not possible to reverse its effects. The fact is we can indeed reverse some of the harmful effects of the sun to our damaged skin. Consuming more vegetables and fruits plus eating food with spices and herbs can reverse our sun damaged skin. Constant application of antioxidant cream to our skin results in collagen and elastin restoring and makes us look younger.

Vitamins A, C and E are also very good in restoring the skin elasticity and flexibility. Not only can you directly apply them on the skin, you can also take them orally. Applying them externally as well as internal intake further enhance the restoration of your skin to its radiant state.

Another way to rebuild collagen and elastin is to go for microdermabrasion or laser skin resurfacing. Couple with a face lift which removes skin sagging, you will enjoy a more youthful look.

Make sure your skin is hydrated all the time as dehydrated skin causes one to look beyond his actual age. There are many topical creams and lotions in the market that you can apply to enable your skin is moist.

Believe me, after a few months of application, you would notice that you are in possession of a healthy complexion skin.

Leo Choo is a health enthusiast who loves to write. You can check out his cure nail fungus [] website where you can find nail infection remedy information such as toenail fungus remedy [].

Laser Hair Removal - The Different Methods

There are many types of follicle treatment methods offered today. There are manual razors, electric shavers, waxing, hair removal creams and laser hair removal. Normally waxing and laser hair removal will not be done at home. Also the price of waxing and laser hair removal must be on the pricey side. Of course this changes on the component of the body the hair is being removed from.

Permanent hair removal uses a light beam that is passed over the skin and the light from the beam trains on the hair follicles. The hair follicles are removed during this treatment. Follicles are the root of the hair. Laser treatments are not a one time surgery. The starting procedure will allow the hair to grow back at a slower pace. With each treatment, the returning hair decreases until the need for procedure is eventually removed. Lighter hair shades usually are simpler to lighten than darker shades. Also, it is necessary to factor in the thickness of the hair being treated.

Permanent removal is not pain free. There is a experience when the light from the laser goes across the skin. Some persons have acute pain and others just experience a mild tingling feeling. On occasion, a cream will be administered to the component of the body having the treatment. This helps to dampen the effects of the laser on the skin.

When looking for a laser hair removal business, be decided to check out the credentials of the location. Also, it is ideal to do a little research and make certain that the place one decides on is clean and well kept. It is best to contact a physician for permanent follicle removal.

Rina is considering a Los Angeles dermatology for laser hair removal. She will probably pick Celibre medical for her needs.

Acne Laser Skin Treatment - The Answer to the Scar Problem?

Acne laser skin treatment has become quite common. With the technology available to us, treating pimples and other disorders has gone beyond kitchen concoctions and herbal mixtures. Laser therapy has been known to be effective in treating various ailments, including those that afflict the skin.

Acne laser skin treatment is used more for alleviating scarring. For people who have scars caused by severe acne, the procedure is often a highly recommended one. The onset of laser therapy and other technologically advanced treatments has eased the problems of most people who have suffered from these unsightly skin marks.

Laser surgery, although more commonly used to remove the scar caused by acne, has also been used to treat the skin condition. Laser works by burning away the follicle sac and the sebaceous glands that produce oil. It also serves as a tool that kills the acne-causing bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes by inducing oxygen that can get rid of it.

However, using laser to treat acne is still not as widely used as using laser therapy to remove scarring. The intense light emitted by lasers has been known to cause thermal damage and can cause discoloration, particularly to people with darker skin. Caution is still exercised by experts when it comes to recommending laser for treating pimples.

Removal of scars using laser is in two forms. First is the laser-based therapy which entails the use of a hand piece to remove the damaged cells. Fresh cells will then replace the burned off ones to create a smooth surface. The main advantage of this procedure is that the doctor or surgeon can pinpoint the affected parts and the rest of the skin will not be touched by the intense light.

The second form is the nonablative treatment. In contrast to the laser-based type, it does not burn off the damaged surface of the skin but works underneath it to stimulate the production of collagen and cause skin tissues to tighten. However, this form of treatment is not effective on all forms of scarring and must be discussed first with an expert or a surgeon.

Doctors who use laser to treat acne-related scarring use either YAG lasers or a carbon dioxide laser. YAG or ebium laser has precise wavelengths that target only the affected part of the skin. It penetrates the tissue and the skin then absorbs it. The carbon-dioxide laser, on the other hand, produces short bursts of high energy. It works by vaporizing the damaged skin one layer at a time. The removed skin will then be replaced and after a few days, a smoother surface will be evident.

Acne laser skin treatment has been known to be effective in removing scars and in preventing future scarring. However, patients should first talk with their doctors thoroughly about the treatment before going through with it. Revealing your medical history to the doctor, from allergies to medications being taken, will ensure that any potential side effects will be avoided.

Read more about effective Acne Blemish Laser Treatment at =>

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Selecting Your Laser Scar Removal Clinic

Like any other medical procedure, with laser scar removal, you must carefully select the right clinic if you want excellent results. Although cost is a factor for most people, do not just go with the lowest bidder. Otherwise you may end up with a clinic that is more interested in your payment than in your health or the results of the treatment. Understandably, cost will be a consideration when choosing, but consider quality as well as cost when choosing a clinic with whom you will entrust your skin. Do not choose your clinic lightly or base it solely on the cost quoted for the procedure. Once you find a clinic, ask about payment plans, and also offer discounts for purchasing multiple treatments at once, which can save you money without compromising on quality.

Consider only board certified dermatologists with a staff of fully trained nurses or technicians. Although some spas or salons offer laser procedures, these are often performed by non-medical personnel, and should be avoided in favor of a laser clinic with extensive training in the lasers they will be using on your skin. Laser beams are very powerful, so trust your skin to the professionals when undergoing laser scar removal. To avoid the risk of complications, choose a trained professional who can explain your risks and how to avoid them.

Before making your final selection, schedule a consultation appointment with several doctors who offer laser scar removal. Each doctor will evaluate your skin and the scar you want removed. Then, they will recommend a specific course of treatment, using a specific laser system. Your doctor should be able to explain in detail the various types of lasers offered for laser scar removal in their office. There are several different types, and they are not all the same. Make sure your doctor is fully trained on the specific type of laser he is recommending for your treatment.

Avoid any doctor who tries to pressure you into signing up right away. Reputable doctors understand that you'll need some time to think about the procedure, and will not try to get you to commit without fully explaining the procedure and its risks. Unfortunately, because laser scar removal can be expensive, a few clinics are more interested in the money than in ensuring you have a good experience.

Like any other medical treatment, there is a risk of complications. However, you can greatly reduce your risks if you choose a quality clinic with an experienced doctor for your laser scar removal procedure.

Margaret Richards is the author of the Laser Scar Removal Guide. Discover more advice about information about the benefits of this effective scar removal solution, how to choose the best laser scar removal clinic, and find out the potential risks and side-effects of laser scar removal.

Discover How to Get Rid of Skin Wrinkles and Look Younger

As we grow older there are some changes in our body including our skin. The changes in the skin are the most obvious sign of aging. The appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in the face can be very disturbing especially to those who are very conscious with their physical appearance. There are ways to get rid of skin wrinkles and maintain a healthy young looking skin.

Aside from the fact that skin change with age, there are many factors affecting the appearance of wrinkles like the environment, exposure to sunlight or ultraviolet light, stress and bad habits like smoking. As much as possible most people want to be ageless and want to avoid the signs of aging like wrinkles. Fortunately, there are ways to get rid of skin wrinkles and look younger. Here are some tips:

Healthy lifestyle. Healthy habits and healthy lifestyle is the key to a young looking skin. You can delay the signs of aging and look younger despite your age if you are living a healthy lifestyle. Eating a healthy diet rich in protein and other nutrients is important for a healthy skin. Vegetables and fruits with antioxidant properties prevent skin aging. Taking vitamins and nutritional supplements can make the skin healthy. Avoid smoking and exercise regularly. You can get rid of skin wrinkles with healthy living habits.

Cosmetic procedure. For those who trust modern technology and science for looking great, there are cosmetic procedures to get rid of skin wrinkles. Cosmetic procedures are not covered by most insurance companies so you have to be prepared to pay for the procedure. Cosmetic procedures to get rid of skin wrinkles include botox treatment, chemical peels, laser skin resurfacing, laser skin tightening and microdermabrasion. Surgery or facelift is also another way to get rid of skin wrinkles but of course surgery should be the last option because any surgery is accompanied by risks and possible side effects.

Natural anti-aging products. With the growing number of people who want to stay young looking and beautiful as they grow older, a lot of anti-aging products have been developed. Modern science discovered the natural ingredients that can repair skin damage and get rid of skin wrinkles naturally. It is important to choose an anti-aging product made from natural ingredients and the product maker discloses everything about the ingredients.

A healthy lifestyle coupled with daily anti-aging regimen using natural anti-aging products is a good combination in keeping a youthful looking skin. You do not have to grow old looking miserable and unhealthy because you can look younger with proper skin care.

Reduce the signs of aging using natural anti-aging treatment. Get rid of skin wrinkles using natural method, visit SecretstoYoungerLookingSkin.

To know more about health and beauty remedies visit Health and Beauty Link.

Gerry Restrivera writes informative articles on various subjects including Discover How to Get Rid of Skin Wrinkles and Look Younger. You are allowed to publish this article in its entirety provided that author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and included with every reproduction.

Laser Hair Removal - Is It Right For You?

For many of us, unwanted hair can become an aggravating issue to deal with on a daily basis. Tweezing, plucking, waxing and obsessive shaving are all methods that are still commonly used however becoming less popular as our technology continues to advance and medical laser technology becomes more prominent.

Lasers have certainly become a standard tool for achieving many things we would have never thought possible even 10 short years ago. From military use and eye surgery to medical procedures and hair removal. Lasers have become a standard tool for many cutting edge procedures.

The Laser Removal process is the removal or elimination of the food supply to the hair follicle. This is done by a laser beam light created by the machine. The machine is a complex batch of components that consists of water, mirrors, stones and fibers to produce the beam. Almost sounds like a magician's bag of tricks but the results are no less than astonishing. After several treatments your skin will have a silky appearance and to the touch it will be butter soft and smooth for years to come.

While Laser Hair Removal is not for everyone, we recommend you consult your doctor to see if Laser Hair Removal is right for you. Many Laser clinics offer free consultations however do your homework when contacting individual clinics and make sure they are supervised by a doctor. While it is a law in most US cities there are still many clinics that are currently open for business that are operating illegally.

Written by Tim Freteluco for Amore Laser of Austin.

Amore Laser in Austin Texas is a full service Laser Hair Removal salon in Austin Texas that specialized in not only affordable Laser Hair Removal but also in Skin Tightening, Spider Vein Removal, Microdermabrasion, Photo Rejuvenation, Scar Treatments and Chemical Peels.

Laser Hair Removal: Am I a Good Candidate? What Do I Need to Know?

How Laser Hair Removal works

A laser emits an invisible beam that penetrates the skin around the hair. Because of the dark pigments in the hair, the energy from the laser is absorbed into the hair. The energy from the laser converts into heat, damaging the function of the hair, and the ability for the follicle to grow hair.

Why Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is a fast and effective way to remove hair. It can treat large areas rapidly. Over a period of time all the targeted hair becomes deteriorated and the hair ceases to grow.

How often do I have to get the laser hair removal procedure done?

An (indicative) number of sessions

Intervals in between each session


6 sessions

2-3 months

Upper lip

6 sessions

1,5-2,5 months


5 sessions

2 months


4 sessions

2-3 months


4 sessions

2-4 months


4 sessions

2-3 months


6 sessions

2-3 months


4 sessions

2-2,5 months


4 sessions

2-4 months


4 sessions

2-3 months

Am I a good candidate for laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal, while safe when done correctly can cause the skin to burn. The energy from the laser is targeted by color. Darker colors attract more of the laser's energy. This becomes a problem for people who's skin color is close to the color of their hair. The laser energy is no longer just absorbed into the hair follicle, but is absorbed into the skin as well, which can cause burning, scarring and damage.

The larger the difference or contrast between the color and your skin, the better a candidate you are for laser hair removal.

What areas can I treat with Laser Hair Removal?

Any area on the body is treatable, except for close to the eye area. The most common area are the face, upper lip, chest, periareolar, underarms, back, chest, abdomen, bikini area, and legs.

The difference between Laser hair removal and pulsed light treatment

Pulsed light treatment is not actually a form of laser. Using intense high energy light it produces the same effect as laser hair removal. These devices are harder to adjust to each patient's skin and hair type and therefore require larger expertise to use than laser hair removal.

Adverse reactions to laser hair removal

The worst case scenario with laser hair removal is damage to the surrounding skin. This can result in pigment changes in the skin. Skin may become lighter or darker. Change in skin color is usually temporary and fades after a few months. The darker one's skin is the more susceptible they are to adverse reactions when undergoing laser hair removal.

Provided by

About The Laser Hair Removal Method

Hair removal goes on all the time and the chances are that as you read this there literally thousands of people at this precise moment who are removing some hair from some part of their bodies - and a percentage of these are doing so by means of a laser. So how does it work? Why laser hair removal? and What side effects are there?

How does it work?

Hair removal laser shoots a beam through skin onto the follicle, targeting the melanin that provides color to the hair. It is therefore a focused beam that affects the area directly by heating it and thus destroying the hair by the roots. What makes it work is that light is absorbed by dark objects. This is why it works best on people with light skin and dark hair otherwise there will be a conflict focusing the beam. However there are ways of providing the same service to the other types of skin and hair combination.

A simple explanation of what a session entails (whether home lasering or in a clinic) is that the laser beam is sent by means of a hand-held instrument. As a safety precaution the person undergoing the session should always wear safety eye wear.

Depending on the individual there can be mild discomfort or more, which is why a mild anesthetic is administered in many cases. Obviously the length of the session will vary depending on the size of the area that is being lasered and this could go from a few minutes (for example a specific facial hair treatment) to longer.

It is quite common for the skin to turn slightly red and irritated, but this wears of in a short while. It is important to avoid direct sunlight and the use of lotions (definitely no chemical or depilatory creams) for a few days.

All your hairs have a growth cycle, but not all are in the same stage of regrowth and this means that more than one session will be needed. The actual number of sessions will depend on the areas and the individual but the average is three to six sessions. There has to be an interval of time between sessions and this is usually between six and eight weeks, again depending on the size of the area, the location and the individual.

Why Laser Hair Removal?

It is a long-lasting treatment. The only other option for permanent hair removal is electrolysis but from the point of view of the individual the main difference is that this method targets individual hairs and is therefore a costly and long drawn out method. When using a laser the process is much faster and safer.

What Side Effects Are There?

There could be a mild stinging discomfort and slight reddening of the skin. With regards to the stinging everyone has different pain thresholds but with local anesthetic or pain killers this is overcome. For after skin care it is a question of avoiding sunlight and chemical based creams, applying cold cream and following the after session instructions.

Here you will find information on Home Laser Hair Removal. You can also visit Hair Removal For Women, a website that specializes in providing advice, tips and resources on hair removal for women and hair removal products.

Laser Labiaplasty For the Re-Designing of Woman

Labiaplasty is a specialized surgical procedure to correct labial appearance and aesthetically enhance the female genitalia. This has been a surgery traditionally done with conventional methods, but now, due to the wonders of technology, it can be done with Laser for a quicker and safer surgery through a qualified plastic surgeon.

A Laser Labiaplasty involves reducing the outer folds of labial minora and the tissue surrounding the vulva of the vagina. This operation can be done for aesthetic or medical purposes or both. This is a procedure that you may be interested in to enhance the appearance of your genitalia. It can also be helpful if the extra tissue of your labia is interfering with sexual activity.

Many women are unbelievably shy or embarrassed about the appearance of their genitalia because of large labia or enlarged vaginal lips, many to the point of disengaging from intimate activities. Many others try to hide their condition by "leaving the lights off" or refusing to be seen entirely nude.

If you are feeling unattractive because of the excessive size of your labial or vaginal lips or it is affecting your sexual activities, this may be a good surgery choice for you. Once you improve the look of your genitalia, it can make you feel sexier and contribute to a better sex life. A Laser Labiaplasty can also be helpful if your oversized labia are causing problems when wearing small bikini bottoms, thongs, or other underwear that make you feel uncomfortable because of your large labia.

The surgery can also help reduce the clitoral hood, which can make stimulation easier and improve your sexual gratification. By removing some of the skin from a clitoral hood you can also improve your self-esteem and make you feel more comfortable when your partner is looking at you. You may also have problems with a hanging or protruding labia, which can cause discomfort when wearing tight clothing.

If the excess skin is causing you pain or discomfort, then this would be an excellent option for you for more than just aesthetic reasons. For instance, are the size of your labia affecting your ability to be physically active? Are there sports or recreation you would love to participate in but can't due to labial pain or chafing?

This plastic surgery is done under general anesthesia and the labia minora is reduced by trimming away excess tissue improving the look of your genitalia. When the surgeon removes the excess tissue from your labia minora, it gives it a less large appearance as well as a more youthful look.

A Laser Labiaplasty surgery offers tremendous advantages over the conventional Labiaplasty surgery. It is much less invasive, self cauterizing thereby reducing the risk of infection, can be done much more quickly and recovery times are greatly improved.

Make sure to get all your questions answered from your plastic surgeon before setting your surgery date. Once you have had the surgery, be sure to follow all of your surgeon's advice on how to take care of yourself over the next couple of months. Although you can return to work within a few days, it is not advised that you do any heavy physical activity or resume sexual intercourse until your surgeon tells you it is all right to resume these activities.

Dr. Kim-Chi Vu is plastic and reconstructive surgeon board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Additionally she is an associate of the Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation Institute Of America and specializes in the latest laser surgery techniques for correcting issues associated with the female genitalia. A Laser Labiaplasty is just one of the many different female laser procedures available with laser. Find out if Designer Laser Vaginoplasty procedures might be right for you. You can also meet Dr. Vu and learn more about these procedures by visiting her on YouTube on her Vaginal Laser Surgery channel.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Smartlipo - Laser Liposuction - The Changing Face of Liposuction

In traditional liposuction, a 4-6mm tube is inserted into the areas of fat deposits, which have been targeted for removal. This tube is then used to remove the fat, often resulting in tissue trauma in the surrounding areas. Following a traditional liposuction procedure, an individual was generally required to take approximately one week off work to recover from their surgery. All of this has changed with the introduction of Smartlipo or laser liposuction surgery.

Today, the increasing use of Smartlipo (laser liposuction surgery) offers a less invasive alternative to traditional liposuction surgery, and as it requires only a local rather than a general anaesthetic, is widely considered to be a safer alternative. An increasing number of cosmetic surgery clinics in the UK and throughout Europe are now offering Smartlipo (laser liposuction surgery) as one of their standard cosmetic procedures.

What Is Smartlipo?

During your Smartlipo (laser liposuction surgery) procedure, a 1mm flexible optic fibre is inserted under the skin, and into the area of fatty deposit to be removed. This laser is then used to target only the fat cells in the region, leaving all the healthy cells in tact. Once the fat cells have been destroyed, the waste is then passed through the patient's body in the usual manner.

Smartlipo (laser liposuction surgery) can also be used to target fat deposits that have proven more difficult to remove through the traditional methods such as diet and exercise. Laser liposuction surgery is also far more effective in areas, which were more difficult to remove through traditional liposuction such as the inner thighs and the backs of the arms. Laser liposuction surgery is also able to treat areas that are more delicate e.g. the face, the neck etc. that previously were untreatable through liposuction. Smartlipo treatment usually lasts around one hour per region treatment, and as the process is minimally invasive, it is performed under a local anaesthetic.

Does Smartlipo Hurt?

Smartlipo (laser liposuction surgery) is virtually painless, although some patients may experience a minor discomfort during the procedure. In the majority of instances, patients are able to leave the clinic approximately one hour after their laser liposuction surgery procedure.

How much does Smartlipo cost?

Although prices for Smartlipo (laser liposuction surgery) will vary depending on the clinic, and the size of the area to be treated, you can usually expect to pay approximately £1,700.00 to £2,200.00 per area. The majority of cosmetic clinics will offer a reduced rate if more than one area is requiring treatment. Laser liposuction surgery is now offered at various cosmetic surgery

clinics in UK. UK is popular as a hub of cosmetic surgeries for many years. The reason is the wide range of top class surgeons, multi lingual staff, and high standard service. The prominent places in UK popular for Cosmetic Surgery are Spain and Prague.

The article has been written by Mark Burns for increasing general awarenss over laser liposuction surgery over traditional liposuction surgery []. Mark is the business development manager of, a sister concern of Ucompare, providing all information on cosmetic surgery procedures, costs etc and cosmetic surgery clinics.

Considering Laser Tattoo Removal?

If you want to remove an unwanted tattoo and you are considering laser tattoo removal, it is extremely important to research the reputation of several doctors and medical practices before electing to have laser treatments.

Keep in mind, anyone can buy paint and a brush, but this does not necessarily make the person an artist. Similar, it may be legal for a doctor to perform laser tattoo removal, but this does not necessarily mean he or she is qualified with extensive training, hands on patient experience, or has a proven track record of successful results.

The following recommendations will help you select a qualified doctor to perform laser removal on you.

1. Beyond Reputation look for Personality and Location: You will be frequenting the practice often for numerous treatments so it is important not only to select a doctor with a good reputation, but also one you are comfortable speaking with and asking questions. With the multiple treatments you will also want to find a physician that is conveniently located in reasonable proximity to work or home.

2. Now that your search has been narrowed to a select few, you will want to schedule a consultation with each potential doctor you are considering.

3. Before your appointment, right down a list of concerns and questions to you will bring to your consults to review with each doctor. Also remember to bring a pen to jot down notes and talking points from your visit.

4. Include the following questions/items on your list:

· How many years has he or she been performing laser tattoo removal?

· Did they receive extensive training and certification?

· How many patients has he or she completed laser tattoo removal on?

· Can you review Before and After photos of his or her patients? Note: if they are the doctor's patient pictures or stock photos from laser company

· Discuss realistic expectations and outcome of procedure

· Are you (your tattoo) a good candidate based on the size and location of your tattoo, and your skin type?

· Are there unique issues or risks to be aware of?

· Since no one laser removes all tattoo colors, ask the doctor to write down the name of each laser, what type of laser it is, and the color it removes regarding your tattoo.

· Who will be administering the laser treatments? (If the doctor is not administering the treatments, then ask to meet the person who will be, and ask for their title, training and qualifications.

· Ask for a copy of a quote outlining the price/treatment and the estimated number of treatments expected to reach the desired outcome you discussed earlier.

· Lastly, ask the doctor for 1 or 2 patient referrals that he or she has completed laser treatments on that you speak with.

5. Take your list of questions and pen out while you are waiting to see the doctor.

6. Select the doctor that you feel is most competent and most comfortable conversing with. And remember, removing a tattoo with laser [] is not as easy as getting a tattoo. It will take time and patience. Good luck.


Tattoo Removal Reality promoting good tattoos and helping to remove ugly ink. Because good people with bad tattoos don't have to live with tattoo regret.

Laser Acne Treatment - New Method For Treating Acne

People in the past who suffered from scars had limited ways to get rid of these acne scars. Now With the technology advances it is possible to treat your acne scars using laser method. Even scars can't be completely treated as in the most complicated cases, they can be greatly diminished. Acne laser treatments come in two types, non-ablative and ablative. Non-ablative stimulates production of collagen in the layers under the skin. It doesn't cause any damage to the outer skin layers. Ablative works by the skin resurfacing, burning or vaporizing away the older thin layers of damaged tissue of skin, and it also stimulate production of collagen.

The CO2 Laser and Yag Erbium Laser and are the most spread forms of ablative laser type. These give greater results on deeper pitted scars, which need fewer treatments. It takes about 15 days for the skin tissue to heal and the skin redness may last anywhere from 15 days to several months but often quite noticeable result.

Pulse dyes Lasers are the most common non-ablative form of laser treatment and used to treat mild and moderate stages of acne scares. It works well for different types of skin tones. Because it is less aggressive, and it needs many treatments to see noticeable results. note: any laser treatment is not recommended for those currently undergoing other types of acne treatment.

The cost of acne laser treatment varies from a few hundred dollars to many thousand. It depends on the degree of your acne and number of treatment methods. Acne treatment is a medical site for Treatment for acne and best acne skin scar remedies

What Is Laser Hair Removal? Is It an Option for You?

Laser hair removal involves utilising the power of various different lasers to target hair follicles which rest underneath the skin and destroy at the root and at a stage where they are growing. Laser hair reduction can be used as a treatment for nearly any body area including the legs, back, chest, arms, underarms and genital area, however the larger the area is the more expensive the treatment is likely to be. Many people pursue the option of laser hair reduction simply because it is more cost-effective in the long run than other temporary forms of hair removal such as waxing or shaving, and the results last for a far longer time than either of these methods.

Laser hair removal is growing in popularity in the United States of America, so much so that is was the third most popular cosmetic treatment in 2009, with over 1.28 million people undergoing some form of treatment for a particular area of their body. One of the main benefits to laser hair reduction over other options such as depilatory creams, shaving, waxing or even electrolysis, is that the pain is typically minimal. All you should expect is a slight tingling sensation, and most people find the treatment tolerable.

The main drawback to hair reduction using a laser is that it can be prohibitively expensive - treatments for larger areas of the body can cost upwards of $600 and this price can vary further based on a wide range of factors including the length of hair, the amount of hair coverage, the colour of the patient's skin and also the colour of the patient's hair. Many people find that they are currently excluded this treatment because they have darker skin or lighter hair - as laser hair reduction targets pigmentation in the hair, this can make it very difficult for people with lighter hair or darker skin to find an approved practitioner capable of performing the necessary treatment on their chosen area of the body.

Mark Jang is a renowned author on hair removal. Are you looking for more information on hair removal? Visit Hair Sure for all the information you need on electrolysis and laser hair removal.

Possible Risks Involved With Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is quickly becoming the leading alternative in long-term hair removal of unwanted hair. Laser skin treatments, depending on your pain threshold, can be virtually pain free, and only requires a numbing cream applied to the treatment area, and the procedure also has zero downtime and most patients return to work within the hour after treatment. Regardless of how painless the procedure is or that it has zero downtime, it is still a medical procedure and risks should be disclosed with patients before they undertake this treatment.

There were two fatal accidents involving laser hair treatments, and in both cases they involved toxic shock from applying excess numbing cream. Two ladies with pre-existing heart conditions purchased a laser hair removal in-home treatment device and numbing cream and proceeded to give themselves an in-home treatment. In both of cases, these two individuals applied more than the recommended dosage of numbing cream and as a result went into toxic shock and had complete heart failures as a result. Those tragedies could have been easily avoided if they went to professionals at a reputable laser hair removal center.

Some of the other, less serious risks, involved with laser hair removal, are associated with the actual laser from the device rather than the numbing cream. Some of these risks are hypopigmentation, or hyperpigmentation, which is the lightening or darkening of the skin. People with darker complexions, at the hands of the inexperienced, could receive laser treatments at with device at wrong settings and could run the risk of having temporary, or worst case scenario permanent, lightening of the treated area. The exact opposite is the case with lighter skinned individuals, especially those with blonde hair, who run the risk of skin darkening.

In very rare cases, during treatment, light bleeding has occurred, the general rule of thumb is if it feels uncomfortable or painful you should tell the nurse practitioners or skin treatment professional about the pain before proceeding any further. Most clients experience a light snapping, like an elastic band being shot at their skin.

Skin texture changes, although rare, are one of the risks to consider. Most of the time this is a change for the better because the laser will actually smooth the skin, which in most cases is a favorable result.

In rare cases some patients have experienced blisters following the skin treatment procedure. Skin type really is the biggest factor that comes into play with scarring, darker skinned individuals have a tendency to scar after laser treatments. To avoid scarring an individual may series of less intensive treatments, and instead of 6 treatments 7-8 treatments at lower levels may be required. Every individual's skin, and hair type are unique so please consult a professional before you consider these types of skin and hair treatments.

Infections do persist if the patient experiences blistering, so it's important to be very cognizant of treated areas and call the appropriate organization, practitioners or nurse if there are any signs of blistering or infection.

All these occurrences are very rare, and can be avoided by the patient researching, finding a reputable laser hair removal center and receiving a proper consultation prior to their laser hair removal.

Mark Bakr is an expert in laser hair removal and owns laser hair removal Los Angeles practice.

Laser Hair Removal Vs Electrolysis

Nowadays, it's not just women seeking a skin smooth, hairless body. In recent years, men have started to display a preference for hair free body parts as well. As a result, many people have been turning to permanent hair removal solutions to achieve this.

Regardless of whether you are a woman trying to rid yourself of unsightly facial hair or a man trying to remove "gorilla" type back hair, permanent hair removal should be thoroughly investigated first, before you decide go ahead with any treatment.

There are essentially two types of permanent hair removal.


This hair removal technique was first discovered almost a century ago, and has been used cosmetically ever since. The process involves inserting a probe into the hair follicle itself and delivering a small electric charge to kill the hair at its root.

Whilst this was a very popular in the past when availability alternative treatments was limited, compared with today's more modern approaches the technique can be quite tedious and time consuming.

Laser Hair Removal

This is currently the most popular method of permanent hair removal. The process works by using a special laser, which emits pulses of light directed at the hair follicles themselves. This causes destruction of the hair and discourages future growth.

Electrolysis vs. Laser Hair Removal

Before you decide to rush out and book an appointment for either of these treatments, read through this list of qualifying statements.

· Not all types of skin are suitable for laser hair removal, generally speaking dark hair responds best to treatment. (Always contact a qualified practitioner for advice).

· Electrolysis is generally suitable for all hair and skin types.

· Electrolysis is the only method of hair removal which has been scientifically proven to result in permanent hair removal.

· Electrolysis treatment can be very painful, and this factor should not be underestimated particularly if you are having planning on having a large area treated.

· The cost per session for laser hair removal is far in excess of that for electrolysis. However, because laser treatment produces much faster results, the overall cost is much lower.

Peter Craske writes for

To learn more about armpit hair removal or best tips for waxing hair please visit his website.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

How To Help Your Skin With Food

Anti ageing is the hot topic right now. Ageing people (especially women) have always wanted to look younger than they actually are and the skin care market plays an important role in helping achieve this. Skin care is not the only factor which should be considered when creating a good anti ageing regimen. What you put into your body will come out of it, the old adage, You are what you eat, is actually very true. By putting the correct foods in your body, your skin displays health which is naturally considered to look younger.

You can still grow old gracefully, just at a slower rate of speed. Keep in mind that attitude also has an affect on how old you appear to others. Proper nutrition, combined with regular intake of the following foods will help you look and feel better, which generally predisposes a more positive outlook on life. Stress also affects your appearance and, like attitude, can be helped through your diet.

If you have already begun ageing, this anti ageing food and nutrition plan may make you look better to an extent, but it will not reverse the ageing that has already occurred. It will, however, give you a glow that is seen as younger skin and it will slow further ageing processes. In conjunction with your healthy eating habits, the following anti ageing foods will help your disposition and the health of your skin. Both of these contribute highly to helping you appear younger. Keep the following foods (which actually slow the ageing process) in mind when planning your daily food plan:

One such combination is a combination laser resurfacing and face lift. Side effects are minimal when these two treatments are done in the same treatment and the procedures are well known for combating the effects of sun damage combined with the natural aging process. Both sun damage (also called photo aging) and the natural aging process often result in excessive skin and loose jowls, giving the appearance of a sagging face.

The process which counters these effects in one treatment is actually not an invasive treatment, ablative laser surgery. Side effects of this treatment are very similar to the side effects of treatment by laser, which are minimal when compared to side effects from invasive surgery. The one side effect that may bother people and happens in about one in five cases is a discoloration that lasts for as long as four months.

Organic Apples: these fruits are full of anti oxidants and pectin. Anti oxidants help rid the body (including skin) of toxins and free radicals; pectin lowers cholesterol levels which helps circulation among other things. Removal of the toxins, elimination of free radicals, and lowering the cholesterol levels all have a significant impact on the total body and give the skin a wonderful glow, making your look and feel younger.

Naturally occurring Vitamin C: this nutrient can be found in a variety of foods including berries and citrus fruits among others. Not only is collagen is built by way of this vitamin but it helps keep thread veins from forming in later years.

Brazil Nuts: Selenium is a major offering through these delicious, protein rich snacks. Selenium is not only a terrific anti oxidant but it is a necessary ingredient for glowing skin, which appears to others as having aged less.

Garlic: garlic is a natural detoxifying agent for the body organs, the largest of these is your skin. Garlic also helps lower blood pressure and the resultant blotchy, red skin associated with high blood pressure. It is also believed that Italian high garlic consumption shows that garlic is associated with adding years to your life.

Red Wine: this exhilarating beverage, when taken in moderation, may help keep both cancer and heart disease at bay. The beautiful red liquid definitely improves circulation to your skin which helps in both toxin removal and a healthy glow. Remember that this is only when wine is taken in moderation, too much alcohol increases the size of blood vessels in the face which makes you look older instead of younger.

Water: Of all the things you can do for both your body and your skin, drinking water is of the utmost importance. Because your body is made up of 60% water, it is extremely important to give it a constant supply of this fluid to replenish and replace the old. Anti ageing is very much affected by intake of proper amounts of water.

If you remember that what you take into your body has to come out, hopefully you will put good things in your body. These good things begin to affect the system and the resulting good things come out your skin shows it. The one of the easiest ways to get an idea about another persons health is to look at their face. Generally, sallow skin indicates either poor health or an aging body (which finds it harder to remove toxins). Eat your food (healthy and balanced), keep the above foods in mind as you plan your meals, and drink lots of water and your skin will glow!

Keep YOURSELF looking and feeling great with these great Skin Care Secrets from In seconds you can access 36 beauty topics that will keep you looking younger and more radiant. You can now get the very latest on a range of organic Beauty Products at Natural Elements

Why Go Hairless? Will Laser Hair Removal Work For You?

There has always been pressure on women to be free of body hair, but with the recent metro sexual trend men are now facing pressure to be hair free from the neck down. For both men and women this goes beyond grooming. Hair removal is a trend, and many people perceive a hairless body as sexy and attractive. Go to any bookstore and glance at the magazine rack and you will not see man with a hairy chest or back, and while Burt Reynolds may have popularized the rugged hairy chested look back in the 70's it's clearly not the case anymore.

For women the removal of pubic hair becoming the norm. They endure great pain to achieve this look, and for many women to not be clean shaven would be a source of embarrassment.

The most common ways to remove hair:

Depilation which only removes the hair above the skins surface. The most common form of depilation is shaving, and the use of chemical creams, which work by breaking down the protein in the hair, making the hair disintegrate.

Epilation removes the entire hair root and all. This can be accomplished through waxing, epilation devices, plucking, sugaring, and the use of lasers.

While there are products on the market that claim to permanently stop the growth of hair the only true way to accomplish this is with laser hair removal. For most people laser hair removal is a long process, and the effects from person to person can vary greatly. Skin tone and hair color are the greatest factures that will determine your success with laser hair removal. The best possible combination is light skin with dark hair, the worst dark skin with light hair.

Being hair free is a trend that is not going to go away for quite some time, and while the plain old razor will still do job it can be very time consuming and the results typically will not last for more then a day. Waxing is painful and expensive, and will last 1 to 2 weeks. If your looking for permanent hair removal laser treatments are the only option currently available.

It's best to seek out a qualified laser technician who specializes in these types of procedures to go over your hair removal options.

Laser hair removal [] is the latest thing for both men and women. The only permant way to remove unsightly body hair is with a laser. For more visit []

Laser Hair Removal - How Does it Really Work & What's Different About It?

Laser hair removal is an advanced method for getting rid of excessive hair growth on your body. Previously the standard method for hair removal was electrolysis, which could only treat one hair at a time. One of the greatest breakthroughs of laser hair removal is that it can treat multiple hairs at the same time.

This alone was a huge step forward as it greatly sped up the hair removal process. What used to take hundreds of hours can now be done in a fraction of the time and with greater effectiveness.

You may wonder, though, what precisely is the process that the laser uses on hair? A laser is merely a beam of light, its strength rooted in the narrow band of wavelengths it generates. Years of research and scientific studies discovered the wavelengths that, when concentrated on hair, destroyed the hair shaft(s). The lasers were then developed to not only perform the removal of hair, but also do it safely and with a minimum of discomfort.


The wavelengths used by the laser in treatments are absorbed by the melanin, or pigment, in the hair itself. The precise targeting on those certain wavelengths eliminates the hair, leaving your skin unaffected. All the energy is focused on the hair shaft.

The laser's wavelength focus is made even more precise by the fact that the laser can be adjusted for your individual case and treatment. Your body and your hairs have unique characteristics. Therefore they respond best to a certain subset of those wavelengths that eliminate hair. The plastic surgeon or his staff will adjust the laser to fit your specific case and get you the best results possible from your sessions.

Although there is heat generated by the laser, there are cooling attachments, which counter it during the session. They also negate any heat that is produced within the hair shafts as they are treated. This is yet another advancement in cosmetic technology that has made laser hair removal very popular and easy to undergo.

Article written by J Cook, courtesy of Asia Pacific Plastic Surgery, offering Hawaii Hair Removal. Any reprint or use of article must contain the above link and credit.

How To Reduce The Pain Of Laser Hair Removal

For the sake of beauty, women all over the world have been more than willing to bear the pain during the process of hair removal. There are many methods of hair removal, ranging from the painful procedure of waxing and electrolysis to the less painful procedure such as shaving. The latest trend in hair removal is, of course, laser hair removal. Laser hair removal is touted as an excellent alternative to electrolysis as it is painless and yet it can remove hair permanently.

Is laser hair removal painless?

There are several factors that contribute to the pain factor in the laser hair removal process. First of all, this depends on the person who is going to go through the process. If her pain threshold is low, laser hair removal will be a painful process. This is also her skin sensitivity. Certain areas of the skin like those near the pubic area is definitely very sensitive and very much susceptible to pain. Skin areas like the legs will be less painful. Some ladies found the pain to be comparable to waxing whereas some may even shed a tear or two during the painful process.

Another important factor is the type of laser equipment being used. The laser equipment for hair removal is constantly being researched and improved upon and hence the latest machine is usually less painful compared to the older models.

Finally, if the laser hair removal process is not done properly, more pain may be felt. Hence it is always good to go for certified doctors to perform the procedure.

Ways to reduce the possible pain

If pain and discomfort may be unbearable during the process, there ways to reduce or eliminate the pain during and after the procedure. One of the ways is to use topical anesthetics which in most cases can remove most of the pain. This is usually in a gel form that you apply to the skin to reduce the pain. Another way is to take medication to control the pain. These over-the-counter medicines are inexpensive and easy way to control the pain. But do seek your doctor's advice before using them.

Other ways to reduce the pain is to go for the procedure in a relax manner. Try to get enough sleep the day before and remain calm. Choose to wear comfortable clothes for the procedure. During the procedure, if pain is felt, try not to focus on the pain but instead think and focus on other things. Think of happy times or any calming scenery. Take deep breaths to further help in the relaxation.

The skin area may be slightly sore and red after the procedure. Hence, it is recommended that after the laser hair removal procedure, remember to keep the treated skin area out of the sun. You can also buy calming skin lotion or gel that contains aloe vera to help remove the soreness.

Did you find this article useful? Lesley Chew writes useful articles on several topics about health and women issues. Find out more about laser hair removal procedure and whether you are suitable for the procedure at

Find Treatments for Sensitive Skin

If you have sensitive skin, you're likely aware how hard it can be to find treatments that don't cause negative reactions. And if you have sensitive skin in conjunction with acne, the problem is compounded even further.

If your acne has caused scarring, you should be well informed of what treatments are available and the ingredients therein. Be sure to thoroughly read product labels, as all treatments may not be conducive to your skin type.

Below you will find pertinent information to help support your sensitive skin and combat acne. Treatment for Acne Scars

Sensitive face skin or not, the most basic rule of thumb is purification, toning, and moisturizing. Many products offer these benefits, and do so while being free of fragrances and alcohol, which can lead to inflammation and dryness.

Liquid cream cleansers are preferable to foamy ones, which aid in dead skin cell removal as well as sebum (the cause of oily skin), while maintaining moisture. Before fully using a new product, be sure to test a small portion on an inconspicuous area, making sure no allergic reactions occur.

Uncontrolled severe acne is very likely to cause scarring. However, even picking at the occasional pimple is a poor habit to start, as this results in localized scarring as well. This means the primary step in preventing acne scars is to prevent acne in the first place.

Should total prevention fail, keep in mind the treatment you choose should be customized to your sensitive skin. Many different approaches are available to help heal acne scarring such as microdermabrasion, laser therapy (Cold Laser Therapy/Low Level Laser Therapy), and specialized creams.

Though laser therapy has proven to be very effective in diminishing scarring, it has also proven to be irritable to those with sensitive skin. Microdermabrasion, as the name connotes, is based on a process of mechanical abrasion, and those with sensitive skin should likely steer clear to avoid inflammation and further injury to their skin.

A popular choice among those with sensitive skin is scar cream, which can both assist in scar dissolution and maintain moisture in one fell swoop. And those creams which are most effective typically incorporate the Helix Aspersa M?ller extract.

This naturally occurring compound includes beneficial enzymes and nutrients that simultaneously nurture skin, reduces scarred tissue, and moisturizes. Your sensitive skin, and its associated problems, can be a thing of the past with a little assistance from Mother Nature.

R. Jacquez Has been writing articles for three years now. His Newest interest is in Flea control, so make sure you visit his newest website where he gives you all the information you need to get rid of those pesky fleas.

Skin Mole Removal - 3 Shocking Facts About Skin Mole Removal You Must Know

Go For Skin Mole Removal Or Not... ?

That is the question that you are having at the back of your mind. No matter, having a skin mole removal done is one of just many questions right now and you need real facts to support your decision.

If you have been fighting with this for years or even months then listen up. Its time to get serious and not procrastinate anymore so a little due diligence is in place. After all its all about having self confidence and exposing your true skin right?

Fact #1: Beauty Comes With A Price

Whether you want to have a skin removal done for cosmetic purposes or otherwise it all comes with a price. By that it sure will cost you financially so your choices on the various methods available will vary greatly.

Also, the thing is it really is considered an investment since you will be able to feel much more confident towards others. Even if this will help you improve your marriage life or better glances at the beach then it is worth the risk.

Fact #2: The Risk Of Becoming Cancerous

Commonly known to most dermatologists is the possibility that any mole can well be a sign of pre-cancer development. What you will need to do is a simple self inspection to determine signs of cancer.

Whether your mole looks a little brownish or that it is raised and has facial hair growing out then all these are just signs. You eventually learn to inspect better if you had a professional guide teaching you how to do this.

Fact #3: It Means You Go Artificial

What artificial skin mole removal means is that you will have your mole removed by way of various common treatments available today. You do not do it yourself and certain tools are used for this.

Sure, you can have it removed either by way or cutting it off, laser procedure or even freezing but your after effects need to be taken into account. Reconsider if you want to know whether a scar after any procedure is your main concern.

One More Thing You Must Know

Thank goodness that even though you have choices to have skin mole removal artificial methods you can also choose to go for some natural and safe methods. You can even do it from home and see results within days.

Learn More About Skin Mole Removal, at a reliable website resource on Everything Mole Removal today.

Michael Benedict Is An Avid Health And Skin Care Practitioneer for over 10 years.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Skin Care - Doctors Fast Fixes

I call the following treatments "doctors' fast fixes" because they use lasers or needles, which push them into the realm of medical treatments. However, the procedures are every bit as fast as the lunchtime treatments mentioned earlier and, in some ways, they are faster. Unlike the lunchtime services, which offer cumulative results and should be repeated at regular, short intervals, the fix-ups outlined below generally offer instant rejuvenation in a single appointment.

Collagen injections

In the late 1980s, collagen got a reputation as a lip-plumper thanks to Barbara Hershey's enhanced pout in the movie Beaches. Today, collagen is still popular, but it's more likely to fill indented scars and those deep lines that run between the nose and mouth, and the mouth and chin.

Collagen lasts longer when injected into those areas of the face where there isn't a lot of muscle movement.

Vegetarians should keep in mind that collagen comes from cow cadavers, although there is a version called Dermalogen that is extracted from human cadavers. If this gruesome information doesn't dim your desire to try collagen, visit your dermatologist. He or she will administer an allergy test; usually, this is a small injection of the material in the forearm. If after 2 weeks no redness or rash develops, you can return to have collagen injected into your face's dermis. While collagen is extremely natural-looking, its effects are short-lived, lasting anywhere from 2 to 6 months.

Laser vein removal

If you suffer from broken or dilated capillaries, you know how hard these scarlet squiggles are to hide with makeup. Fortunately, these unsightly marks are easily treated in a 15-minute appointment with a laser-wielding dermatologist.

When aimed at the offending capillaries, the laser emits a wavelength of light that heats the blood inside the small vein. When the heat reaches a certain level, the blood vessels' walls collapse and dissolve. You'll feel a small zap as the laser light does its work. If you are like most people, you'll need two to four treatments - spaced 1 or 2 months apart - to get the results you want.

After laser vein treatment, you may notice redness around the affected area, but nothing severe.

If you read beauty magazines, you probably know about botox. This muscle-paralyzing substance is injected into muscles - usually in the upper third of the face - and it is particularly effective for eliminating or preventing crow's feet, between brow furrows, and horizontal creases on the forehead. It smoothes the skin and prevents wrinkles by interrupting the nerve's signal to the injected muscle - when the brain sends a signal down along the nerve passageway, the message doesn't reach the muscle, the muscle doesn't move, and the area remains still and smooth.

"Botox" stands for bacterium clostridium botulinum toxin, the same illness-producing toxin found in spoiled canned goods. Before you get alarmed, however, you should know the form of botulism toxin used by dermatologists is not only purified and extremely diluted, but has been used safely for 20 years to treat medical conditions such eye spasms, central nervous system disorders, facial paralysis, and excessive muscle contractions.

Always consider possible side effects before going ahead with a treatment.

While side effects are rare, botox can cause temporary eyelid droop in a small number of cases. This usually appears 1 to 2 weeks after the injection and can be countered with special eye drops. To reduce your risk of eyelid droop, go to a dermatologist or plastic surgeon who uses botox on a regular basis. Botox results last from 3 to 6 months.

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Skin Microdermabrasion, Does Microdermabrasion Really Work?

Skin microdermabrasion treatments are safe and effective options that can give you the youthful, vibrant complexion you have been dreaming about. These skin care treatments are safe, effective and affordable; and the techniques that are used can provide you with real results in your complexion that everyone will notice.

In the past most people who wanted to improve their facial skin have had to resort to expensive and painful sessions that involved lasers or chemical skin peels. Now you can restore that youthful radiance and silky smooth skin to your face with microdermabrasion treatments.

What Complexion Problems Respond to Skin Microdermabrasion Treatments?

Almost any type of skin related problems will respond positively to microdermabrasion therapy. Stretch marks, age spots, oily skin, acne, blackheads and even those troublesome fine lines and hyper-pigmented areas on your face can be treated with this painless and simple skin treatment.

Benefits and Advantages

With skin microdermabrasion is fast and easy, and there is some discomfort involved. Most people only feel a little tingling in their skin as the operator sweeps a tiny wand across their face and this sensation disappears as soon as the treatment is done. In some cases there may be a small amount of facial redness or tenderness immediately after one of these skin care sessions. However these symptoms resolve very quickly and usually require no special after-care.

Skin microdermabrasion treatments have little risk for clients, require no anaesthesia and there are no harmful chemicals being used on your delicate facial skin. When you compare this skin care treatment to facial peels that use lasers or chemical agents it is apparent that this technique is much safer.

Why You Need Facial Microdermabrasion

Your skin contains many layers of skin cells and over time these cells are going to age and become damaged from exposure to pollutants or other environmental factors. As damage and aging takes place within the skin cells the results become quite visible.

The skin loses its normal firm, smooth texture. Lines and wrinkles begin to appear. Skin disturbances such as bumps; oily areas; enlarged pores or rough, dry skin begin to emerge.

Understanding Skin Microdermabrasion

With skin microdermabrasion the techniques and hand held equipment that are used allow the skin care professional to release a precise flow of abrasive crystalline particles from a small wand. The flow of these microscopically tiny crystals is directed against your face and neck.

This procedure is quite painless and takes only a matter of moments to complete. As the crystalline substances gently, but firmly, slough away the top layers of dead skin cells those younger, firmer skin cells are being brought to the surface.

Another benefit from microdermabrasion is that the deeper layers of skin cells are going to be stimulated by these actions. As a result your body will boost collagen production which means that your skin will be better able to resist the normal aging effects.

Time Involved

One of these skin microdermabrasion sessions for your face will take about 20-40 minutes from start to finish. Most sessions are completed in 30 minutes or less and there is no preparation for you to worry over and no recovery time is involved.

After Care

Your skin may be slightly tender immediately after this skin care treatment has been performed. Most people will have some amount of redness that is noted, but this will resolve quickly. The biggest thing to remember is that your skin should be protected with a sunscreen after any skin microdermabrasion treatment has taken place. Your dermatologist or beauty therapist will advise you about any specific after care instructions that may pertain to you on an individual basis.

Number of Treatment Sessions Needed

The exact number of skin microdermabrasion treatments that you require can be discussed when you arrive for your initial consultation. Depending on the results that you want, your skin's overall condition, the issues that are present and your response to the first treatment a plan of care can be structured. Most people are very pleased with the initial results of their first treatment session, but it may take several sessions to address all of the problems and issues with your complexion. It is generally advised to follow up with regular maintenance treatments every 3-4 months.

Having a skin to be proud of is a mixture of good adequate skin care, using skin care treatments to improve your skin's appearance, a balanced diet, the appropriate intake of water, pumping your heart with exercise and the right skin care products for your skin type. Click here to discover other skin care treatments including Skin Microdermabrasion Want to know what else can you do to keep your skin looking perfect? Find out here with the latest Anti Aging Skin Care news.

Get Clear Skin by Using Acne Blemish Laser Treatment

Gone are the days when you had to live with scars left behind by an outbreak of acne. There was a time when noting seemed to work against these scars. They were akin to an incurable disease. Not any more. Acne blemish laser treatment is now available to get rid of the marks on your body. You no longer have to make special attempts to get them covered or even are afraid in stepping out with your friends. Schedule an appointment with a clinic today if you want your skin to look as natural as was before the outbreak.

It is indeed a pity that you did not bother to exercise care at the very beginning of the outbreak. There are enough medications available in the market, which can be used to minimize or even put a stop to any blemishes developing at the onset of acne. Now that the matter has gone out of hand and you have the blemishes, there is just the option of acne blemish laser treatment available to you. Do not be afraid to use it as it does not involve hospitalization or a high downtime. You will be required to attend some sessions at the clinic depending upon the severity of your condition. Any session attended will last for about 30 minutes after, which you will be free to return home or go back to what you had been doing.

If you think acne laser treatment will be painful, you can rest your mind at ease right away. The maximum discomfort you will ever face will be close to a burning sensation, which will soon subside. You will be left with redness in the area affected for about a day, which is anytime better than having the blemishes for life.

The only thing you will ever have to bother about is about the charges you will have to pay to the clinic. Acne blemish laser treatment does not come cheap and set you back by a few dollars. Therefore arrange to have the money in your account before you step out to receive the treatment. Ensure that you visit a clinic, which is well known for the treatment it provides. Lasers can be dangerous in the hands of an inexperienced person. You would not want to try and remove one acne blemish and get burned, would you? Make a few inquiries if you do not know the right place for the treatment. Your personal physician should be able to help you in this regard.

The author has spent a lot of time learning about home skin laser and other related topics. Read more about laser hair transplant at Mel Davey's website.