Thursday, November 21, 2013

About The Laser Hair Removal Method

Hair removal goes on all the time and the chances are that as you read this there literally thousands of people at this precise moment who are removing some hair from some part of their bodies - and a percentage of these are doing so by means of a laser. So how does it work? Why laser hair removal? and What side effects are there?

How does it work?

Hair removal laser shoots a beam through skin onto the follicle, targeting the melanin that provides color to the hair. It is therefore a focused beam that affects the area directly by heating it and thus destroying the hair by the roots. What makes it work is that light is absorbed by dark objects. This is why it works best on people with light skin and dark hair otherwise there will be a conflict focusing the beam. However there are ways of providing the same service to the other types of skin and hair combination.

A simple explanation of what a session entails (whether home lasering or in a clinic) is that the laser beam is sent by means of a hand-held instrument. As a safety precaution the person undergoing the session should always wear safety eye wear.

Depending on the individual there can be mild discomfort or more, which is why a mild anesthetic is administered in many cases. Obviously the length of the session will vary depending on the size of the area that is being lasered and this could go from a few minutes (for example a specific facial hair treatment) to longer.

It is quite common for the skin to turn slightly red and irritated, but this wears of in a short while. It is important to avoid direct sunlight and the use of lotions (definitely no chemical or depilatory creams) for a few days.

All your hairs have a growth cycle, but not all are in the same stage of regrowth and this means that more than one session will be needed. The actual number of sessions will depend on the areas and the individual but the average is three to six sessions. There has to be an interval of time between sessions and this is usually between six and eight weeks, again depending on the size of the area, the location and the individual.

Why Laser Hair Removal?

It is a long-lasting treatment. The only other option for permanent hair removal is electrolysis but from the point of view of the individual the main difference is that this method targets individual hairs and is therefore a costly and long drawn out method. When using a laser the process is much faster and safer.

What Side Effects Are There?

There could be a mild stinging discomfort and slight reddening of the skin. With regards to the stinging everyone has different pain thresholds but with local anesthetic or pain killers this is overcome. For after skin care it is a question of avoiding sunlight and chemical based creams, applying cold cream and following the after session instructions.

Here you will find information on Home Laser Hair Removal. You can also visit Hair Removal For Women, a website that specializes in providing advice, tips and resources on hair removal for women and hair removal products.

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