Saturday, September 14, 2013

How to Make Your Skin Look Young Again

In this article today I would like to share a few tips, tricks, and techniques that you can use to quickly and easily make your skin look young again no matter how old you are.

As a society we spend billions of dollars every year buying every imaginable form of cosmetic product to help make us look young and healthy. Are we spending our money wisely? In this article today I'm going to discuss several things you can do to help your skin look young again.

First I'd like to discuss how to repair minor sun damage. The fact of the matter is that years and years of exposure to the sun can leave your skin looking wrinkled and full of lines. The best thing you can do for minor sun damage is to use a prescription called tretinoin or Retin-A. It can often take several months to have any sort of noticeable effect, but it does help reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Amazingly enough it also promotes the growth of new tissues.

The downside is that it can sometimes cause certain types of skin irritation which may require you to use it less often.

Next I would like to discuss more severe sun damage. If you do have more severe skin damage a skin peel may be necessary. What this involves is basically not all that complicated. What you do is apply acid to burn off the damaged outer layer of skin. Of course this is not something you would do yourself but rather it is something that your dermatologist will do at their office in a medical environment.

Of course there are some drawbacks when it comes to this sort of technique. The most obvious is the pain. An acid peel can be incredibly painful and they can leave your skin raw and red for many days. Most people tend to hide out after they've had the procedure done until their skin gets back to normal.

If acid peels aren't your cup of tea then you might try another technique. When you get right down to it, the most effective way to remove wrinkles and severe sun damage is something that's known as laser resurfacing. With laser resurfacing a doctor actually uses a laser to vaporize the outer layer of your skin. It sounds very high-tech and I guess it is at that. It will a remove wrinkles as well as brown spots and even precancerous cells sometimes. The downside is that it involves almost 2 weeks of recovery time.

Of course the best thing is to avoid skin problems to begin with by leading a life away from the sun as much is possible. Of course hindsight is 2020 and most of us no longer have this option but if you're starting at a young age it may be well worth it to consciously avoid the sun as much as possible.

So there you have several tips tricks and techniques that you can use to make your skin look young again.

J.P. Morton runs a commercial glass doors web site where he also reviews the best front entry door for your home or office. He has been an article writer online for well over 10 years and also enjoys rock climbing and white water rafting.

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