Sunday, September 8, 2013

Laser Skin Resurfacing Helps You Get Flawless Skin

Have you ever wished you could have clearer, smoother skin? Laser skin resurfacing can be an excellent way of getting the skin you have always desired. It can provide help with diminishing the look of acne scars as well as softening the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes and mouth.

Want to know if you are a good candidate for this procedure? Here's what you need to know:

What is Laser Skin Resurfacing?

This cosmetic procedure uses lasers to remove layers, especially those around wrinkles and blemishes. The laser sends short, powerful pulses of light directly at the targeted part. It is very effective, quick, and safe.

There are a few cases though, where this procedure may not be the best option. It is not recommended for getting rid of stretch marks and neither is it advised when a person has a lot of ongoing acne. Also, those with dark complexion may not see much improvement in uneven tones or other problems with laser skin resurfacing.

Are There Different Types?

The two most common types are done with either a carbon dioxide (CO2) laser or with an erbium laser. The CO2 process is best for reducing scars, birthmarks, skin cancer, and large nose oil glands. Erbium ones are better at targeting deep wrinkles on the face, neck, and chest, as well as treating issues for those with dark tones. The healing time is shorter with erbium-around one week as opposed to two weeks with the CO2 ones.

How is it Performed?

The resurfacing procedure is down in an outpatient facility with the patient receiving only local anesthesia accompanied by some kind of sedative. The areas to be treated will be pulsated with the beams, until all the required layers are removed. The entire process will take 2 hours or less.

What is the Recovery Like?

You will be sent home after this procedure with the treated areas covered in sterile bandages. These will be removed in a few days and thereafter you will be required to wash the areas between two and five times a day with either a water saline or a vinegar solution, and apply an ointment cream to ward off the formation of scabs.

There will be some redness in the treated areas, especially if a large region was targeted. This will fade over time but may not totally subside until six months post-procedure. The red seems to fade faster for those with darker skin tone over those with fair tones. Makeup can be worn during that time to help hide the redness.

Are There Any Risks Involved?

There are a few complications that are possible with laser skin resurfacing. One of the biggest risks is hyper-and hypo-pigmentation, meaning a heightening or loss of color in the treated regions.

This is more common in those with dark complexion. Often it can be treated and will fade, but there is still a slight risk that the change could be permanent.

There are also minimal risks of infection at the treatment sight as well as unsightly scarring. Make sure you fully discuss all the risks involved with your doctor before deciding if this procedure is right for you.

In Reading, laser skin resurfacing improves your natural features and also provides a more proportionate body contour. Enhance your image and bolster your emotional well-being. To schedule a consultation, visit

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