Saturday, March 9, 2013

Acne Treatments That Work - Three Types of Laser Acne Treatment

In this article we will examine three different types of laser acne treatment. Each has different properties that focus on different causes, but all three are acne treatments that work:

1. Heat Energy/Pulsed Light - This therapy is believed to kill P acnes, the bacteria that actually causes acne redness and inflammation. It also shrinks the sebaceous glands which produce skin oil, thereby reducing the production of this oil - a leading cause of acne. Heat energy and pulsed light works well against mild to moderate acne.

2. Blue Light Therapy - This low intensity blue light treatment kills P. acnes. Out of the many acne treatments that work, this application may require numerous treatments. This is due to the fact that P acnes can multiply rapidly.

3. Diode Laser Therapy - This type of laser acne treatment focuses on the sebaceous glands. This laser beam attacks the oil producing sebaceous glands in the dermis or middle layer of the skin without harming the outer skin layer.

All three of these treatments may produce mild redness as a side effect. This is not acne redness, but a mild reaction to the laser light.

A major advantage of all three of these acne treatments is that there is no medication taken orally which can cause complications. Certain acne sufferers may be allergic to some medications, and of course since acne and pregnancy commonly appear together, there are no concerns about medications harming the fetus.

See your dermatologist for laser acne information and treatment. Unfortunately, depending on the severity of your acne condition, laser acne treatment can be quite expensive, costing $500 to $4,000 usually not reimbursed by medical insurance. If your acne condition is severe or resistant to more conventional treatment, however, then laser acne treatment may be worth the price for you.


If acne is a persistent problem for you, it can seem like the entire world is your enemy. You may have been rejected, isolated, or made the butt of jokes. Your self-confidence and self-perception may be devastated. You may think you have tried every remedy known to humanity and failed.

Well - now you can put that behind you. Learn how you can finally get rid of your acne IN 3 DAYS - Just click on: ACNE REDNESS CURE [] or go to:

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