Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Four Common Ways Of Removing Skin Tags

Many people have skin tags, and they are looking for good ways of removing skin tags. However, it is usually the case that they do not even know what a skin tag is.

A skin tag is a small growth that protrudes from your skin. It is generally not painful, and is extremely moveable. A skin tag is usually the same color as the surrounding skin, but can also be a bit darker. Skin tags are not dangerous and are not cancerous, but they may be uncomfortable or embarrassing if found on the face or where clothing rubs.

There are some home treatments for removing skin tags, but you may need to consult a doctor before trying them. If you are uncomfortable with removing these on your own, you may want to visit a dermatologist, and have him remove it for you. There are several methods to removing skin tags that your doctor will discuss with you. Since this procedure is considered cosmetic, it is rarely covered by medical insurance.

Many home remedies can be very successful in the removal of skin tags. If you decide that you would rather have a professional remove them for you, there are several options to choose from. You may choose any of the following methods:

Cutting: The doctor may decide to use a sharp knife or scalpel to remove the skin tag. All he does is cut the skin tag away from the skin. It may cause a small scar, so if your skin tag is on your face or neck, the cutting method may not be for you.

Cauterizing: To cauterize a skin tag the doctor will burn the skin tag off of your skin. This may also leave a scar, and may be a bit painful if nothing is given to numb the area.

Freezing: The doctor may decide to use Liquid Nitrogen to freeze the skin tag. It is the same as the freezing procedure to remove a wart. It may cause a slight stinging, but is relatively painless.

Laser Surgery: Laser surgery is the more expensive method to remove a skin tag, but it has minimal scarring. A small laser is used to remove the skin tag. It may cause swelling and burning but antibiotic ointment may be used to ease this.

It is important that you consult a doctor before trying any home remedies on your skin tag. The doctor will advise you of the best way of removing skin tags from your body.

If you are still having trouble with your skin tags there is a natural, safe and skintagwarts.hintstipsanswers.com painless way of removing your skin tags in only 3 days. Get your FREE report skintagwarts.hintstipsanswers.com "The Five Big Myths Of Removing Moles, Warts, and Skin Tags" now!

skintagwarts.hintstipsanswers.com How To Safely and Painlessly Remove Skin Tags

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