Thursday, January 30, 2014

Laser Hair Removal Do's and Don'ts

Laser hair removal has quickly become a popular choice for women and men looking for more comfortable methods of removing unwanted hair. Laser hair removal is just what it sounds like: the use of a specific kind of laser to remove unwanted body hair. Best of all, it is permanent. It works by targeting the dark pigment of the hair, destroying the hair follicle with heat, while leaving the surrounding skin unharmed.

Because laser hair removal has grown so quickly in popularity, many new patients are unaware of their options and what to look for in a medical spa or treatment center.

Here are some tips:


Do get a free consultation before signing up for laser hair removal procedures. Like all medical procedures, laser hair removal isn't for everyone.

Do meet the staff and view the exam rooms. How do you feel about the staff? What is your first impression about the spa? Is it clean? Do you have a good feeling about the levels of skill and professionalism at the facility? If something doesn't feel right, trust your instinct and keep looking.

Do ask about prices and the number of visits. How often you have to return for follow up treatments and how long the hair removal lasts will vary from patient to patient. But be sure to ask about prices and what you should expect in terms of treatment visits.


Don't get a tan prior to treatment. Tanning prior to the procedure will necessitate turning the laser power down, thereby reducing the effectiveness of the treatment. Furthermore, a tan will make your skin more susceptible to an adverse side effect.

Don't eat large amounts of foods rich in Beta Carotene for several weeks leading up to your treatments. Beta Carotene, found in carrots, squash, and vitamin A supplements can change the pigment of your skin, making it difficult to effectively target the hair follicles.

Don't hesitate to ask about the types of equipment used. Any reputable medical spa or laser hair removal provider should be open to answer questions about the kind of lasers used, the age of the equipment, maintenance procedures, and the technology behind the lasers.

Don't hesitate to speak up if your treatments are uncomfortable. There are many ways that a laser technician can adjust the settings to make your visits enjoyable.

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