Sunday, October 20, 2013

Acne Scar Laser Treatment - What it is, How it is Done and Its Pros and Cons

What is laser treatment?

According to Wikipedia, the word laser was originally written in upper case as LASER. It was an acronym that stood for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Laser treatment involves emitting low-divergence radiation or beam through "stimulated emission". The beam is controlled through the use of special lenses.

How it is done

Two types of laser beams are used. One is the erbium YAG laser, which was used earlier and is now being replaced by the modern type called carbon dioxide laser.

The laser beam burns the skin cells that appear as scars and kills the bacteria that cause acne. It also retards the operation of sebaceous glands that produce sebum, the oily substance that produces acne.

Dermatologists use cooling sprays during the laser treatment to relieve the burning sensation caused by the strong laser beam. Each session takes about 15-20 minutes.

You may have to attend 8-15 sessions. But the number of sessions required is determined by the severity of the acne scars and the nature of the patient's skin. The laser beam specialists claim that that fresh skin appears after the scarred skin is burnt off.

Pros of laser treatment

Laser treatment is considered quite efficacious for removing acne scars. It does away with the need to take medicines and apply ointments. The treatment must, however, be done by a specially trained and experienced dermatologist because the laser beams are very intense and strong. Doctors, therefore, use anaesthesia during the treatment.


Again, according to Wikipedia, since lasers are produced by "intense pulse light sources" they can cause "thermal damage to the skin" and may induce "hyperpigmented macules (spots) or cause long-term dryness of the skin."

Whatever the claims of the dermatologists, quite a large number of people suffering from acne have not found laser treatment of acne quite satisfactory.

According to some patients, this treatment is not suitable for the faint-hearted people. It causes a lot of mess in form of blood effusion and takes several days to heal.

As the skin peels off it becomes raw and red and causes pain for a few days. In some cases, it may also cause changes in the pigmentation of the skin. The acne scars are some times so stubborn that they refuse to go, the laser burning notwithstanding. The treatment, moreover, is quite costly.

There are easier, cheaper, more natural and effective ways to treat acne scars than the laser treatment. And what if you are offered money back guarantee for a successful remove of acne scars? For more information, Click Here!

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