Monday, July 8, 2013

Laser Hair Removal: Questions About Safety

There are always questions regarding the safety of any popular medical procedure and laser hair removal is no exception. As a potential consumer and patient, you have the right to know whether or not a procedure is safe and you need to get this information from an unbiased source.

You might imagine a doctor to be that source, but if it's the same one trying to sell you the procedure, is there not a potential conflict of interest? In any case, that's one of the great things about the internet. Information is free and it is readily accessible.

Laser hair removal has been around for a couple of decades now, although it was only in the last few years that its popularity began to explode. The procedure itself involves using a laser to burn the hair follicles one by one, causing them to stop working.

Though these procedures are usually referred to as permanent, they are not. Eventually, the follicles will spring back to life and you will be back to the world of shaving. This could be several years down the road, however, and there's no question that a successful series of treatments will make an enormous difference. The procedure did not rise to its current level of popularity by not working.

Are there risks involved with laser hair removal? Yes, but they are typically very minor. For instance, because follicles are nearly microscopic in size, a technician can easily miss and hit the flesh beside the follicle. This can sting a bit and cause some very small skin damage. It will heal right up in a few days, however, and may not even be noticeable to the naked eye. Other than that, the treatment is remarkably safe as long as it is done in a controlled environment with sterile conditions and competent technicians.

It is important to note that not everyone is a good candidate for laser hair removal. Individuals with dark skin, kinky hair, and certain other traits may not be good candidates for the procedure and may not benefit from it in any way.

A good doctor will tell you right away if you are a poor candidate and may recommend alternatives such as waxing. If you do think you would be a good candidate and you're interested in the procedure, take your time and research the facilities and offices in your area so you can be sure you are putting your money and time into competent and professional technicians.

Find a New Orleans laser hair removal location that can give you satisfied results. For more information, visit

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