Thursday, July 11, 2013

Are Blue Light Laser Acne Treatments Effective?

Acne vulgaris, or more popularly referred to as acne, is a very common skin disorder these days. This disorder is characterized by multiple nodules or pustules which show up in areas such as the face, back and the upper part of the chest. The acne lesions are also called different names, from blemishes, spots, pimples, zits or just acne. There are a number of innovative and potent treatment methods available today, which include clue light laser acne treatment.

Acne Is Prevalent Among Teenagers

Acne is known to affect as much as 96 percent of teenagers today. This skin ailment also continues into adulthood, and is often linked to an increase in male hormones during adolescence. For most individuals, acne however tends to wane off over time; however, it sometimes appears without warning, and there's exactly no way to predict how long it will take for them to disappear.

Blue Light Laser Acne Treatment Basics

Today, one of the best available acne treatments involves using acne blue light therapy. This therapy is often recommended by dermatologists when topical creams and other methods have failed. A therapy session is usually performed at the doctors office, or patients can opt to have the treatment done at home, because a wide array of home-based therapy kits are easily available. The blue light laser treatment methods has also been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

How The Procedure Is Performed

In a blue light treatment therapy, the first step requires the application of a sensitizing substance called Levulan, to the affected areas. Once the sensitizer is absorbed by the skin after 30 minutes, the light is then shone into the area. The sensitizer works by drawing the light, which in turn eradicates the acne-causing bacteria, and stops the sebacious glands from over-producing sebum or skin oil. Although this acne treatment therapy has been known to be effective for many individuals, it doesn't have a 100% success rate. And although some studies have indicated that the blue light therapy creates the least possible side effects on users, it's still not free from other negative effects.

Cons Of Using Blue Light Therapy

The blue light therapy may be very effective in most cases, however, it still is not without its negative risks. The sensitizer Levulan, which only reacts to blue light, remains in the skin for days, and once the affected skin is exposed to light, a burning or itching sensation may occur. The costs of the treatment are also quite high. Each blue light treatment costs around $200, and the 4-hour treatment session is spread over a few weeks. Sometimes, the total costs may reach as high as $800 or more.

According to reviews made by the American Academy of Dermatology, blue light laser acne treatments are quite effective, however the academy notes that the therapy only works best for surface acne, and not for acne cysts.

Stan Morse is a skin care expert and author, with a 21 year old son and a 15 year old daughter, both with that dreaded Teenage Acne problem. His website, Acne Faqs, provides more detailed information on Blue Light Laser Acne Treatments. The Acne report titled "The Natural Way To Get Rid Of Your Acne" and a complete 15-part email course are available, free of charge, at - the course covers not only treatments, but also several other unique tips & tricks for skin care.

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