Sunday, March 24, 2013

Laser Treatment - Why Is It So Popular?

We live in a world where we are busy, time poor, need to make best use of our money and regrettably, are often judged on our appearance. All of these factors help to explain why laser hair removal is such a popular alternative. Vast improvements in laser hair removal technology and the subsequent quality of machines, such as those in the ranges of Candela and Palomar, has resulted in lasers being widely and successfully used to reduce unwanted body hair.

Traditionally, people have turned to processes of depilation and epilation to remove unwanted body hair.

? Depilation methods involve removal of part of the hair (the part that is above the surface of the skin) being removed. Shaving and trimming are the most common forms of depilation, but some chemical methods also exist.

? Waxing, epilating devices, lasers, threading, plucking and electrolysis are well-known forms of epilating. These approaches are shared in their ability to temporarily remove unwanted hair.

However, for more permanent or longer lasting results, laser treatment is necessary. There are many benefits to laser treatment, which help to explain its ever-increasing popularity:

? The laser removal technique is appropriate and used on many, many areas of the body. Commonly treated areas include: back, arms, legs, chin and upper lip.

? Some estimates suggest that approximately 60-95% of specifically targeted hair can be removed or reduced within a six month time frame.

? Sometimes people connect laser treatment with incredible expense. This is actually quite false, as the money spent on temporary hair removal methods will, over time, be more expensive than the money outlaid on a more permanent solution to an unwanted hair problem.

? Laser hair reduction is recognised as a safe and efficient approach to treatment. It has been shown to be effective in treating in-grown hair and is safe on the skin. Skin irritation, including redness and red bumps are rarely seen and not permanent.

? Laser treatments require less time than a range of other treatments, including electrolysis.

? Companies such as Candela and Palomar develop specialised and highly sophisticated machines and devices for use by professionals. Machines are developed to suit particular types of treatments and are configured to produce optimal results. Such technological advances have really progressed laser hair removal treatment options and rates of success.

? Most people consider laser hair removal treatments quite painless. Known to be safe on the skin, very few people exhibit or report discomfort or pain as a result of laser treatment.

While there is debate about the accuracy of calling laser treatments a 'permanent' solution to hair removal, it cannot be denied that the approach using lasers offers a longer lasting and convenient solution. More short term methods are frustrating, time consuming and messy in comparison.

In the long run, laser hair removal can save time and money and will reduce the stress of needing to get rid of inconvenient and certainly unwanted body hair.

While there exists no perfect and complete solution for permanent hair removal, laser treatment is a great alternative that an ever-increasing number of people are taking up and reporting significant benefit.

By the way, do you want to learn more about Health and Fitness? If so, I suggest you check Candela and Palomar.

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