Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Ten Instructions After Your Facial Laser Resurfacing Procedure

Resurfacing of damaged and wrinkled skin by the laser is a very effective procedure for creating smoother skin with a better texture. Because laser resurfacing is really a big burn and it is on your face, the after care is both significant and a little laborious. Not to mention somewhat psychologically disturbing as you see your face during the first week after treatment. The degree of care needed is dependent on the depth of the laser resurfacing. In general, if the procedure was done in the operating room under some form of anesthesia then it is likely is was DEEP laser resurfacing and the following list of instructions apply. In office-based laser resurfacing, this is either light or medium depth levels and the healing is much faster without the need for extensive after care.

1) Keep all treated areas covered with Aquaphor ointment constantly. Clean the facial wounds gently with Cetaphil soap and cool water every 6 hours or so the first two days and then twice a day thereafter.

2)Aquaphor ointment should be applied liberally to keep the treated areas moist. T he formation of scabs is not desired. If they appear, it is because either not enough ointment is being applied or it is not being applied frequently enough. If scabs do appear, do not scrub, pick, or rub off any of them.

3) The more fluids you drink, the better your skin will heal. Try to drink 8 - 10 ounces of fluid every 2 to 3 hours during the first week after surgery.

4) You should continue oral antibiotics (e.g., Kelfex) for 7 days after surgery.

5) If the area around the mouth was treated, you should continue antiviral medication (e.g., acyvlovir) for 5 days after surgery.

6) Take your pain pills (e.g., Vicodin) as prescribed.

7) You may experience mild itching 3 to 7 days after surgery. Ice packs gently applied on top of the treated areas during the first day or two after surgery will alleviate most itching. For more severe itching, you may try over-the-counter Benadryl 30mg every 6 hours. (this will make you sleepy so no driving)

8) Once the skin is healed (7 - 8 days), apply your regular moisturizer to the the treated areas liberally for the next few weeks to keep it from getting dry.

9) NO make-up until 7 - 10 days after surgery. A mineral-base foundation is is recommened to both conceal the redness and sensitivity of the skin in the first month.

10) Avoid direct sunlight during the first month after surgery. The skin is very sensitive during this early healing phase. After the first week after surgery, wear sunprotection (SPF 30 or higher) for the next 3 months when going to be exposed to the sunlight.

Dr Barry Eppley is a board-certified plastic surgeon in private practice in Indianapolis, Indiana at Clarian Health Systems. (eppleyplasticsurgery.com eppleyplasticsurgery.com) He writes a daily blog on plastic surgery, spa therapies, and medical skin care at exploreplasticsurgery.com exploreplasticsurgery.com

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