Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Fast and Scar Less Laser Mole Removal

Laser therapy mole removal is one of the best techniques out there in the market today. Laser removal can deliver fast with scar less result and greater accuracy. A removal such as this takes the Erbium or CO2 laser technology as one of the most modern procedures in the industry. A dermatologist must conduct an examination first in order to determine the best laser therapy removal treatment for the patient.

Usually, there are two common types of moles and only one is being considered for laser therapy removal. The first are inborn moles and moles resulting from sun exposures. The others are growing moles with varying colors. The first type is suitable for laser removal because they are small and flat like with no deeper roots. This laser therapy removal usually takes three sessions and considered the best technique for flat and pigmented moles.

A patient that undergoes a laser therapy mole removal is usually given a local anesthetic. It still depends though upon the doctor's discretion for mole laser removal can only hurt a patient similar to being hit by a rubber band. The mild intensity of a handheld laser is sufficient enough to create scabbing. The laser therapy mole removal lets the skin heal without any stitches or scarring, thus a good mole wart removal of modern days.

Laser therapy mole removal procedures includes minimal invasive and no scar approaches. Though there are other laser removal techniques, most of the treatments are done in an office setting without the need to visit hospitals. Mole wart removal is sometimes covered by Insurance whether the mole is cancerous or not. Check you local insurance provider if laser therapy mole removal is included in your policy.

There are many advantages of mole laser removal. First, it offers no stitches. The mole will be burned and will peel off later on. Second, it has a high rate of success. Expect a 90% effective of eliminating flat pigmented moles. Third it is pain less, it means it has pain but in a lesser degree. A laser mole wart removal removes thin layers of dead cells with precision, sparing the live cells to be hurt.

Another advantage of laser removal is it controls bleeding. The light serves as a blocker that stops bleeding. The laser as a mole wart removal scars less because it does not cause deep scars unlike surgeries.

Though apart of its numerous advantages, it also has its own disadvantages. For one, mole laser removal is effective on flat inborn moles or on those moles that caused by too much exposure to sun. Second, it is expensive. A mole wart removal such as these is sometimes not covered by Insurance and if compared to natural remedies, it is quite high. Third it is a lengthy process that can take three or more sessions.

A laser removal usually costs an average of $50 a mole per treatment. It also depends on the affected area and the number of pulses to be used. A laser mole wart removal is a proven technology that has a 99% chance of scar risk free treatment. A laser therapy mole removal such as these took only 20 minutes per session of treatment. Quite fast and scar less!

Mohd Rozaidi is a mole/wart removal expert.Learn and find more great information on laser therapy mole removal, visit

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