Thursday, July 25, 2013

Laser Hair Removal Vs Electrolysis - Permanent Hair Removal Methods

These days with the metrosexual male both sexes are looking for ways to have a sleek and hairless body. So if you consider laser hair removal versus electrolysis, the two main methods, which one is better? Well the short answer is that it depends on your skin and hair type as well as your tolerance for pain.

While there are many different methods of removing hair, electrolysis and laser hair removal are really the only methods of permanent hair removal. Here are the pros and cons of both-


This involves inserting a probe into the hair follicle and discharging a small electric charge to destroy the hair follicle. While this method is effective it can be very time consuming and painful as you must go hair by hair. If you are a female that doesn't have too many unwanted hairs then it shouldn't be a problem. However if you are a man who gets mistaken as a gorilla every time you remove your shirt at the beach then you could be in for some serious pain. It can also cause infection and scarring if done improperly. There is no question that this method does work however and it has been around for many decades now.

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal has become very popular since its introduction in the mid 90's and is probably the most popular permanent hair removal method today. It works by using a laser, that emits pulses of light directed at the hair follicles. This destroys the root and prevents future growth.

There are advantages and disadvantages to both methods. These are some things to consider below-


- Electrolysis can be used on all hair and skin types.

- Electrolysis has been around for decades and is a proven method for permanent hair removal.

- Electrolysis treatment is painful and you should consider this if you have a lot of hair.

- It can be time consuming and require several treatments.


- It is effective, quick, efficient, and a lot less painful than electroylsis.

- There can be side-effects such as redness, hyper-pigmentation, splotchy skin, swelling, and infection.

- It is more expensive than electrolysis on a per session basis.

- It's not suitable for all skin or hair types. Generally it's good for people who have light skin and dark hair.

Although it's not permanent another effective method of hair removal is using a body cream. They are pain free, work fast, and these will reduce the amount of hair that grows over time. It is also relatively cheap compared to electrolysis or lasers. Get Rid Of Unwanted Hair Easily and Pain-Free FREE Health and Beauty Tips

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