Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A Brief Introduction to Laser Treatment For Stretch Marks

Laser treatment for stretch marks is the new thing in the market in previous years. It is said to be painless and non-invasive, and can be done in a few sessions, depending on each individual's case. But before you jump into the procedure, let's take a look at what this method is all about.

How It Works

Laser treatment for stretch marks functions by reconstructing the collagen layer under the thin layer of skin. What it basically does is reduce the appearance of the 'distended' look of the skin. It is said that this treatment works by stimulating the skin into producing more elastin and collagen. But let's assess the treatment more.

Since stretch marks characterize a permanent change in the deeper layer of the skin, resurfacing techniques such as that of the said procedure cannot actually get rid of the scars. Lasers are considered effective on immature stretch marks. However, it is often recommended to pair it with natural, topical treatments to encourage proper healing.


The procedure may be painless but it still does carry a considerable amount of risk. For instance, individuals with darker skin types are prone to hyperpigmentation after the treatment procedure. Other side effects include swelling, permanent scarring and nausea.


Let's not forget the costs of laser treatment for stretch marks. This treatment is actually very expensive compared to natural remedies such as herbal creams and massages. If your doctor advises that you do need to undergo the procedure, discuss alternatives or ask if you can use topical applications to help the healing process.

Get rid of stretch mark without having to spend your life savings on stretchmarktreatment.org/laser-treatment-for-stretch-marks.html laser treatment for stretch marks. Start your stretchmarktreatment.org stretch mark treatment with the most-trusted, best-selling anti-stretch mark cream in the market today.

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