Thursday, May 9, 2013

Skin Care Post Laser Treatment

Vascular lesion laser therapy

Purpuria accompanied by hyperemia is the immediate effect after the application of a 585-nm pulsed dye laser to treat vascular lesions. Intermittent wave (CW) lasers for instance copper vapor, krypton, KTP and argon-driven dye lasers, result in reddening of the skin with widening of the tiny blood vessels near its surface and extra fluid accumulation in tissue cells.

Restorative measures typically include:

o Safeguard skin from the sun.

o Use a topical antibiotic ointment 7 to 10 days after the laser application.

o Use only gentle, soothing soap e.g. Catrix Correction Cream Wash, BiOz azulene cleanser, Cetaphil or Aquanil, twice daily on the healing spots.

Pigmented lesion and tatoo laser treatment

The pigment or tattoo becomes ash-white or purpuric after the laser therapy.

Restorative measures typically include:

o Rinse the corrected spots with gentle soap and water twice daily, 1 to 2 weeks after the laser application.

o Use antibiotic ointment after each wash and continue this regimen till the spot is restored.

o Use sunscreens and bandages to safeguard the treated areas from the sun.

Laser treatment for vascular lesions, lentigines, tattoos, hypertrophic scars, or keloids

Here the corrected skin is highly sensitive and requires great care 7 to 10 days after the therapy. The post treatment blemishes take weeks to fade out.

Restorative measures typically include:

o Use bacitracin, polysporin, or Bactroban ointment and apply a protective Telfa pad with adhesive. This should be done once to twice daily for 7 to 10 days. Avoid Neosporin on corrected spots.

o Take short showers but avoid longs baths. After a bath, gently pat dry the corrected areas with a soft cloth. Never wipe hard with a towel.

o Apply acetaminophen (Tylenol) when there is any kind of short-term irritation. In case of long-term irritation, consult the physician.

o Do not take aspirin or aspirin-based drugs during the restorative period, which is generally 1 to 2 weeks after therapy.

o Use an ice pack for 10 to 15 minutes every hour (for 4 hours) on corrected area to soothe swelling.

o Use a sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 15 to prevent sunburn during and after therapy.

o Do not swim and undertake any contact sports during the healing time.

o Never prick the blisters or scabs that may occur.

Cutaneous laser resurfacing

The skin turns light pink and slightly inflamed right after the therapy. After a day or two there is intense reddening, fluid buildup, accompanied by inflammation, oozing and crusting of the corrected spots. Take rest and avoid socializing in the first 7 to 10 days after therapy.

John Sam is doing research on Laser clinic information for quite some time. He has written a number of articles on Post laser treatment skin care and has shared her findings through TV talks.

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