Thursday, May 23, 2013

All About Laser Treatment For Stretch Marks

Most people have heard about laser treatment for stretch marks, but the available information leaves one with more questions than answers. To understand the system of its treatment, we need to understand how these patches occur in the first place. Our skin is the most stressed part of our body during the latter half of the pregnancy. It is on a stretching spree to accommodate the growing fetus. In such circumstances, the collagen tissue breaks down at places and causes spots. More the weight gained during pregnancy, more the pregnancy spots. In fact, it is one of the most permanent pregnancy problems.

The Laser Solution

Women, anxious to get back into their original bodies post-pregnancy, often consider laser treatment. However, it remains an untraditional and radical option.

The Advantages Of Laser Surgery

It is the only option available for permanent removal of stretch marks, besides conventional cosmetic surgery.

This treatment is said to stimulate growth of broken down collagen and fill the patches, to make them completely disappear.

The laser surgery enthusiasts proclaim that it can induce collagen production in the damaged skin.

The laser surgery does not entail the risk of infection and blood loss, as compared to the traditional radical cosmetic surgery.

The Disadvantages Of Laser Surgery

While there are many advantages of laser surgery, there are some disadvantages as well. These are:

IT is an expensive option, which is out of reach for many women.

This treatment is more effective on newer patches, as compared to older stretch marks.

Any surgical intervention is eventually a bothersome proposition and should be best avoided.

Just one surgical procedure is not enough for a satisfactory result. A number of surgeries are required to be performed. Each surgical procedure entails a lot of time and money commitment.

Like any other surgical procedure, the side effects cannot be completely ruled out. Some of these side effects are red and swollen skin, burning sensation in the skin, brown discoloration that may become permanent, a flare up of cold sores etc.

Some physicians maintain that, this treatment is useful only in breaking down the tissue and not really in repairing it.

A laser treatment generally fades these spots and does not make them completely disappear.

The laser surgery works well only for darker skin tones or during the early stage, when the marks are reddish or brownish. Once the it become flesh colored, the laser rays cannot detect them. A new-pulsed dye laser is said to have overcome this handicap of traditional laser. However, it is not in much use as yet.

The fact remains that, there are some professionals who swear by laser treatment for stretch marks, while some others pooh-pooh it.

The biggest thing that bothers most of the women after pregnancy is stretch marks. One can consider various stretch marks removal options like laser treatment for stretch marks. Home made remedies, lotions etc. However one should not forget to consider the doctor's advice before sticking with any treatment. Read more on pregnancy stretch marks by visiting the pregnancy period.

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