Saturday, March 23, 2013

Anti-Aging Skin Care - Modern Non-Surgical Methods to Rejuvenate Your Face - Part 1

Why Our Face Begins to Look Older

Early facial skin aging changes begin in our late twenties and early thirties. The first changes are around the eyes, skin wrinkles and crow's feet start to show. Later our skin begins to lose elasticity and skin sag begins in the cheeks and around the mouth.

Later, laxity appears along the jaw line and the neck. In our fifties and sixties we see mouth to nose lines called the nasal labial fold, a deep line running from the corner of the eye to the cheek, called the tear trough deformity, and jowls, excess skin along the jaw line. Loose neck skin can also sag and create a double chin often referred to as the turkey wattle.

Why Our Faces Age

About 80% of aging is genetic and programmed by our DNA. The other 20% is environmental-how we live. This 20% can have a huge impact on how we look. We have all seen heavy smoking sun worshippers who are 30 years old and look like they are 50 years old.

Wearing sun block, eating a healthy diet, exercising, avoiding tobacco and excessive alcohol, and stress management are the best preventative measures we can take to control the 20% environmental aging component.

What Are the Effective Anti-aging Facial Skin Care Methods?

- Prescription Topical Skin Creams-Retin A, a prescription cream is the only skin cream approved by the FDA to reverse skin aging changes. After over 30 years of research, Retin A is the only topical cream that has been proven in clinical studies. Why would you use anything else?

- Photo facial-Intense Pulsed Light-IPL-These technologies use a flash of visible light of a specific color that will remove pigment and or small facial blood vessels. Photo facial or IPL works on brown age spots and red blood vessels on the facial skin, neck, hands and décolletage. No anesthetic is required and there is no down time. You may be pink for a few hours after treatment. IPL or photo facial does not remove wrinkles.

- Ablative Fractional Laser Therapy-New lasers using fractional (one laser beam broken up into many) erbium and CO2 lasers can deeply exfoliate the facial skin to improve wrinkles and remove pigment. The skin looks fresher and younger after treatment. A topical anesthetic is required and you will be red for 5-7 days-about a third of the down time of traditional laser skin resurfacing of the past.

- Non-ablative Fractional Laser Therapy
-Non-ablative fractional erbium lasers do not break the skin, thus down time is minimal if at all. Four treatments about four weeks apart are required. The non-ablative fractional lasers are good for pigment removal and plumping the skin and acne scars. They are less effective than ablative fractional lasers for wrinkle removal.

- Skin Tightening Technology
-New skin tightening machines are available which can tighten skin, but best results are only 20-30%. They are used on the cheeks, jaw line and neck. They are not powerful enough to tighten severely sagging skin, but can be helpful in younger people with good skin who are just starting to see facial laxity.

Botox-Botox relaxes the muscles that cause frown lines, worry lines, lip lines and crow's feet. Small amounts can also be used to lessen jowls and neck bands. Botox" is an excellent method to prevent permanent lines in the above areas.

- Soft Tissue Fillers-Soft tissue fillers are biodegradable semi-solid agents that are injected into deep lines and depressions in the face. They are most commonly used to improve the nasal labial fold, mouth lines, and to plump the lips. Recently soft tissue fillers have been used in the mid face to plump and lift the cheek in a procedure called the liquid face lift.

Start Now

The earlier you start your anti-aging facial skin care program the better. Start with a healthy lifestyle.

Read more about the procedures listed above-they are the most effective available today. There are many brands and many outrageous claims on the net and TV.

Be informed and make the best choice. Always consult 2 board certified plastic surgeons or dermatologists who specializes in anti-aging facial skin care before you start your program. See pictures and learn about photo facial, laser, skin tightening, soft tissue filler and Botox" treatments.

Read Save Your Face and learn how to prevent and delay facial aging.

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