Tuesday, December 25, 2012

What is Non-Surgical Skin Tightening?

Everyone ages. Some people age more gracefully than others. People who are in the limelight or otherwise conscious about their appearance often resort to painful plastic surgery to maintain that youthful appearance. Others seek out creams or non-surgical procedures to reduce the signs of aging.

Thermage is often referred to as a non-surgical face lift. Although it does tighten skin and revive youthful contours, it is not actually a substitute for the surgery. However, Thermage is an impressive technique that delays the need for a surgical face lift for several years. It decreases the appearance of wrinkles and loose skin we all have as we get older.

Other treatments include Titan which uses infrared lasers and Aluma which uses radio frequency. Titan and Aluma are newer technologies than Thermage, therefore there are no long-term studies to prove their effectiveness and safety.

Titan, Aluma and Lux-IR are similar laser treatments that heat the dermis. Heating with targeted lasers has proven effective in the treatment of fine lines and wrinkles.

Tighten the Skin

A Thermage treatment will reduce the appearance of crow's feet, scowl lines and creases around the nose and mouth. It is also successful in reducing active acne and the appearance of acne scars. Many people, women especially, appreciate a high-arching eyebrow. Thermage can reduce forehead lines and lift eyebrows to more easily achieve that wide-eyed sultry look.

Facial skin and that of the neck are not the only parts of the body that could benefit from the Thermage procedure. Pregnancy and weight fluctuation cause skin to lose its elasticity and gain unsightly stretch marks. Reduce the appearance of stretch marks and loose skin anywhere on your body with this revolutionary procedure.

Renew Youthful Contours

Thermage stimulates the collagen in your skin with the application of heat delivered through radio waves. As a result, your skin strengthens, tightens and regains its youthful appearance. The reorganization of collagen causes your skin to renew the lovely contours of your youth.

Renew Self-Confidence

Outward appearance may not be everything, but nearly everyone feels better when they know they look better. Looking better restores our self-confidence and further increases a youthful glow. Sometimes it is the small things in life that bring happiness.

The Thermage Procedure

The first step of the Thermage facial tightening procedure is to remove all makeup. You will receive an oral pain reliever to reduce discomfort from any part of the procedure. Local anesthesia will be used in strategic locations on your face to numb your entire face. A grid is used to guide the treatment and is the last thing applied before the treatment begins.

The technician will hold the treatment wand over your skin while the machine performs a calculated delivery of radio and cooling. Cooling is required to minimize burning and maximize heat intake. Each 1/2 inch to 3/4 inch square of your face requires 2 to 7 seconds of energy pulses from the Thermage machine.

The amount of discomfort or heat you feel depends entirely on the amount of anesthesia your doctor uses. Discuss pain relief options with your doctor before beginning the procedure. More pain reliever or local anesthesia may be required to prevent burning or pain.

Recovery Time

Because of the heat involved, you may experience some redness or swelling after a Thermage treatment. Redness usually lasts a couple of hours, but occasionally lasts a few days. Mild to moderate swelling is typical and may last up to 7 days. Usually, the more swelling and redness you experience after treatment, the better the end result will be.

Thermage and other non-surgical skin tightening treatments like Titan, Aluma and Lux-IR have evolved to greater effect and efficiency in recent years. Thousands of patients have achieved a younger look without the expense and downtime of surgery. It is quite possible in many cases for people to look ten or more years younger than their actual age with Thermage and other energy-based safe and non-invasive therapies.

Author Joe Phelan recommends The Advanced Laser Center at Sunset. Home of a nationally recognized board-certified cosmetic dermatologist specialized in skin rejuvenation and cosmetic age reversal treatments. To find out more visit laserbeauty.com/Thermage-Los-Angeles.php Thermage Los Angeles.

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