Friday, November 8, 2013

Surgical and Nonsurgical Skin Tightening Options

Skin aging is an inevitable fact of life. It can be worse or less severe depending on factors such as sun damage, genetics, alcohol intake, and smoking, but it does happen to everyone. The degree that skin aging is bothersome depends on the individual, but for many people it can be a very serious issue in their lives. These people may find solace in the array of procedures created for tightening the skin that now exist.

Skin tightening procedures exist in two categories--surgical and nonsurgical. It used to be that the only option that individuals wanting tighter skin had was to go to a plastic surgeon and elect to have an invasive surgery such as a facelift or mini facelift. The only more benign option for skin tightening prior to recent advances in technology would have been liposuction.

Today there is an array of nonsurgical options which, for the most part, can be performed at a medical spa instead of a surgical room in a doctor's office or hospital. These procedures include:

Dermal fillers--these are injectable fillers which fill up spaces that are sagging. They can soften fold and facial creases and make the appearance of jowls and cheek folds substantially less prominent.
Skin tightening devices--these are machines that are used in medical offices or medical spas which were created to help tighten the skin. The most popular ones use infrared light, unipolar radiofrequency energy or bipolar radiofrequency to help with tightening. Laser skin resurfacing--this is when a CO2 laser or an erbium laser is swept over the face or area of concern a number of times during a number of treatments.

Because of the inherent dangers with any type of surgery, many patients choose to explore the various nonsurgical options for tightening their skin before even considering surgery.

To find out more about the surgical and nonsurgical skin tightening options, visit the website of the Houston medical spa Dermagenix today.

James Witherspoon

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