Thursday, October 10, 2013

Laser Hair Removal Secrets

Do you have unwanted hair?

Well, welcome to the club. Millions of people around the globe are facing the same problem.

So, are there any solutions?

Well the answer to this question is yes, there are various solutions to the removal of unwanted hair and each of them has its own benefit. Different solutions using different technologies, and each claiming to be the best solution for you, creates a great deal of confusion. One of the most popular of these techniques is Laser Hair Removal.

So does that mean Laser Hair Removal is the best technique?

This technique like all other techniques has its own benefits and limitations. Recently there was a case of women whose skin quite dark and she had undergone laser treatment to remove some unwanted facial hair. But she was unaware of the fact that skin which is dark in nature has the tendency to absorb a lot more laser energy and can cause some damage to the skin.

So the first rule is to know that if your skin is dark then you probably want use only specialized lasers and not the general laser treatments. In fact, you may want to consider talking to your doctor before the laser treatment begins, just to make sure.

How cost effective is the Technique?

The next and most general question that people ask is about the expense involved in having laser treatment. Generally, this depends on the area where the treatment is required. The cost is directly proportional to the surface area of the skin to be treated. This means that treatment for your legs will be more costly than your face.

Approximately, an average sitting should cost you anywhere from $200- $700 and you would probably require 3-4 sittings to get the removal completed. Yes, your hair removal generally is not complete in one session. To produce best results you require more than one sitting.

Laser treatment is definitely a very effective means of treatment for hair removal and you can always give it a try but be sure to take some medical advice before going for it.

Read our two part series on Laser Hair Removal [] at []

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