Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Science Behind Fraxel Laser Treatment

Digital Airbrushing

If you've ever watched a digital image editing program, you've most likely seen the amazing effects that can be accomplished with digitally "airbrushing" a model's skin. With a few simple clicks of the mouse, acne scars, blotches, uneven skin tone, and even freckles and sun damage can be easily removed from a photograph, leaving the appearance of perfectly smooth and evenly toned skin. Magazine editors have been using it for decades to make models more aesthetically appealing, but where does that leave us, the audience, when our skin is far less than perfect? Is there a way to achieve "airbrushed" skin in real life?

It Isn't Always Good Genes! 

In fact, there is. You've most likely seen a person passing by you on the street or in the mall with an absolutely perfect complexion. If you've seen and envied that kind of flawless skin, then you've probably seen the amazing results of Fraxel laser skin therapy. Fraxel Laser is a relatively new form of laser skin treatment that is used to remodel the dermal collagen, which is the second layer of your skin. The Fraxel laser's technology makes it so that the healthy skin cells are not damaged in the laser process; only the unhealthy and damaged cells are targeted. 

So How Does it Work?

Since the healthy cells of your skin remain untouched in the process, the Fraxel laser is kinder and gentler to your top layer of skin. What this means is that there is little visual damage done to the skin. While your skin might be slightly reddened after Fraxel laser treatment, there is no scabbing, crusting, or downtime associated with the procedure. You could have the treatment done in your plastic surgeon's office and then return to work the same day. Your skin might have a slight sunburned appearance, but no one has to know that you've had this amazing skin treatment done. 

The Fraxel laser can be used for multiple purposes: tightening the skin, removing unhealthy or dead skin cells, decreasing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, decreasing the appearance of acne scars, or removing sun spots and freckles. It is effective for all skin types, regardless of color, size of pores, or tone. This treatment will be relatively painless, and most patients report only slight discomfort during the Fraxel laser procedure. 

Dr. Moore is Board Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and is a member of numerous organizations, including the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the Utah Society of Plastic Surgeons, and the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society. Dr. Moore's passion has been to perfect the Fraxel Laser procedure to make it simpler, safer and pain free, while achieving astonishing results.

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