Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Rejuvi VS Laser Tattoo Removal

Rejuvi tattoo Removal is as much an art form as tattooing itself and not all technicians will have the same results. The Rejuvi works only as well as the technician that administers the treatment and the tools she or he uses as well as the technique that is used. For this reason, finding the right technician is crucial to the final result. Rejuvi can be a better alternative to laser for various reasons.

- Less treatments are needed

- Takes out all colours

- Far less expensive than laser

- Will not leave you susceptible to skin cancer

Lets start with the tools. Rejuvi is often administered by tattoo artist with tattooing machines. Conventional tattoo machines should be avoided as these can be too rough on the skin. Cheap micro pigmentation machines should also be avoided. Just about the only suitable machine on the market for this procedure is the Precision Plus Micro Pigmentation machine. The problem is that this piece of equipment costs as much as a car and the components (needles) are also expensive so most technicians will not even consider it. However, if you don't want to be left with a scar, you want to make sure that the best tools are used on your skin. It's worth paying a bit more for your treatment knowing that the equipment being used on you is the best on the market.

The way the treatment is administered is also key to success, but remember that success means two things, the tattoo coming off and no scar being left. On this note, lets get one thing straight....what ever method you use, your skin will never return to pre tattoo condition. But Rejuvi, if done correctly, will leave you with little more than a very unnoticeable shadow. Please understand that this procedure does leave an open wound, and if the scab that is left after the treatment is prematurely pulled off, you have a high chance of scaring. Therefore after care is key to not being left with a scar. There are also genetic reason for scaring, African, Afro Caribbean or Asian backgrounds are highly likely to keloid. For this reason, most technicians will not work on anyone from this background. I do only in exceptional circumstances where people would prefer to have a scar than a tattoo and sign forms to that effect. Scar can be minimized using MCA or Skin Needling but that requires and entirely different post tattoo removal treatment.

For those that have tried the treatment and complain they have seen no results.....well....this is quite common with the first session. The first treatment is done very gently....the reason is that you do not know how that particular person is going to react to the Rejuvi and more importantly how that person is going to heal. If results are not achieved the first time around but healing was quick, a more aggressive the second treatment should be done which generally gets very good results. It's best to do this than have the tattoo come off in one treatment and leave a horrible scar behind.

Rejuvi does require anywhere from 5 to 9 treatments, so it is a slow process although some results can usually be seen from the first treatment unless the tattoo has been lasered....if this is the case, you will need on average a further 3 treatments.

Rejuvi does work and it's and can be a far better alternative to laser. But do your research, not all technicians are equal and your treatment will only be as good as the person that administers it!

This article was written by Loli Higgins at the Non Laser Tattoo Removal Clinic

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