Thursday, June 27, 2013

Laser Bikini Hair Removal

Laser bikini hair removal is a fast growing area in the health and beauty market. The permanent reduction in hair growth is seen by many women and indeed men as a very desirable end result.

How does a laser device work? It is a fairly painless operation in that a high intensity light, the laser, travels down the shaft of the hair and literally burns out the follicle.

Laser bikini hair removal was once the preserve of professional beauticians but home laser kits are now appearing in many stores which allow women and men the opportunity to do it themselves.

Whilst this article gives you some information on the ways to use a home laser bikini hair removal device you must obviously refer to the manufacturers instructions and follow them to the letter.

When preparing for laser treatment it is preferable to trim the bikini hair down to a very short length, in fact some makers prefer you to shave the area bare.

This allows the light pulses to easily get to the hair follicle and do their job without being diffused by longer hair lengths.

Laser treatment is not suitable for everyone. The machine uses the differential tones between hair and skin in order to determine where the laser pulse is delivered.This means that there needs to be a good colour difference between the hair and the surrounding skin.

For this reason a home laser hair removal machine should not be used on white, grey or very blonde hair and nor should it be employed on dark skin, whether very tanned, Afro-American or Asian.

Many machines are advertised promising a permanent reduction in hair growth, the word to take note of is reduction, as hair will normally grow back to some extent.

Visit Bikini for more information on laser bikini hair removal and other methods of bikini hair removal.

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