Saturday, March 2, 2013

Dry Skin Care Tips to Avoid Looking Ugly

Your skin can get dry for several reasons. Skin dryness is very common and everyone can experience it every now and then. But then again, the drying of skin is easily prevented. All you have to do is to practice some dry skin care regimens and you should be good. See to it that moisture is kept inside your skin to make it look young and vibrant. Otherwise, your skin would wilt and look old.

Dry skin care options involve good hygiene and the use of effective home treatments. For example, switch to lukewarm baths or showers rather than preparing hot baths. Hot baths can dry out your skin. It is also isn't advisable that you stay soaked in the water for too long. Give yourself ten minutes worth of a relaxing lukewarm bath. Any second longer and your skin dries out.

After taking a bath, apply lotions or moisturizers on your arms, legs, and the rest of your body. Don't forget your hands, as they are the ones that dry out easily. Dry skin body lotion is the most preferable type. Use the lotions after washing your hands with a moisturizing soap.

Care for dry skin should everyone's priority. There are many reasons why the skin gets dry. But usually, it is because of dehydration. Dehydration occurs when the oil glands of the skin stops functioning correctly. Too much exposure to the sun or cold could get your skin dry as well. Genetics, certain diseases, and poor diet may cause skin dryness too.

If you're suffering from severe skin drying, consult with a dermatologist right away. What you're experiencing could be a symptom of a deeper health concern. If you think you have tried all the medications for dry skin and are still left with the problem, then an expert could help. Severe skin problems could be due to thyroid diseases or diabetes. Some of the medications you're using could trigger it as well.

Moisturize during the day and during the night to prevent dry skin. Use commercially prepared night creams and day lotions that can easily be bought at health stores. Natural remedies may also help, especially if you run out of your favorite lotion. You can use milk, aloe, or olive oil as alternatives.

Melissa has been writing articles on a variety of topics for almost 3 years. Come check out her latest website which helps you to select the best wall sconces for candles.

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