Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Skin Health


Are They Just a Normal Part of Aging?

How ironic that, by the age of 30, the skin on you butt is better looking and with fewer wrinkles than the skin on your face! Why is it that your face skin becomes all blotchy with brown spots and freckles? Why do you develop enlarged pores, spider veins, sagging skin, fine lines and wrinkles? Your butt doesn't. One could say the same about the arms, ears, and back of the neck.

The good and bad of it is that 90% of wrinkles have nothing to do with aging but with sun damage. This means that you can do something about it. Using a sunscreen with the protection of 30 or greater will stop progressing wrinkles.

There are many medical procedures that can help correct sun wrinkled skin, but they are expensive and do not last forever. The best approach to healthier, wrinkle-free skin is prevention; however, there are changes that can help keep you looking and feeling younger.

* Laser Skin Rejuvenation

* Laser Skin Resurfacing

* Plasma Skin Regeneration

* Fractional Laser Resurfacing

* Radiofrequency Rejuvenation

* Intense Pulsed Light

* Injectable and Dermal Fillers

Drinking plenty of water keep the skin looking vibrant. Water can also be a wrinkle and saggy-skin preventer. As we age, we lose some of the fat that lies just under our skin. This loss of fat causes the skin to sag and leaves the face looking concaved. Drinking water prevents dehydration, which heightens the concave appearance.

Retinoid is a chemical compound that relates Vitamin A, a fat based vitamin. You will see this as part of ingredients found in many anti-aging, anti-wrinkle and beauty crèmes. It is an antioxidant.

Multivitamins, which provide antioxidants, can help slow the damage and creation of wrinkles from free radicals, the diet, stress and sunlight.

There are other products that can indirectly help preserve normal hormonal levels and preserve internal and external youthfulness.

DHEA is a steroidal hormone that mainly secretes from the adrenal gland and is a precursor to the sex hormones testosterone and estrogen. DHEA provides energy, lessens mental fatigue, better sleep, lean mass, astronger immune system, and better moods. These benefits help to maintain youthful attitude, energy, sex drive and appearance.

DHEA body levels drop with age & lower levels correlate with disease states; it is critical to optimal body function. Of all the body's hormones, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is found in the greatest amounts. Studies show that DHEA levels drop significantly in most men and women after age 35. Lower levels of DHEA correlate with increased incidence of diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, senility, breast cancer and other diseases. It is a metabolic precursor to other hormones and is critical to the optimal function of almost every component of the body. We recommend that DHEA be taken once daily in the AM to mimic the body's normal rhythm. Recommended dosage: 10 to 25 mg for women, 25 to 100 mg for men. Caution: All users should have serum levels checked. Men with prostate cancer or elevated PSAs should use DHEA under physician's supervision. Taking 100 mg or more may produce facial hair growth in women.

HGH is the human growth hormone that is quickly becoming known as the "fountain of youth." Human growth hormone, which releases from the pituitary gland, goes to help heal areas of the body by stimulating other hormones. HGH reduces an unhealthy increase in body fat, increases energy, helps with mood, increases sex drive, and aids sleep patterns. Both HGH and DHEA decrease aging and many unwanted conditions like skin wrinkles.

Both of these hormones keep youthful internal environments, causing a youthful gradient that moves form the inside to the outside. This healthy migration decreases the damage to the skin and slows wrinkles caused by an unhealthy internal environment. These hormones may affect other medication you take, so always talk with your doctor before adding anything to your daily regimen.

As mentioned earlier, antioxidants can have a healthy benefit to preventing wrinkles. One of the most potent antioxidant is Resveratrol, present in dark fruits like grape juice and some dark wines. This offset the damage of stress and, with a healthy diet, can slow aging.

After looking at all the evidence, it is clear to see that aging skin is 90% related to sun damage. So even though there are temporary solutions, the best solution is prevention. Using a beauty cream or a sunscreen that can block the harmful UV rays is the simplest way to keep your face skin looking wrinkle free - and as good as the skin on your butt. Bet you didn't think you would ever hear that comparison!

So go ahead, and get older with pride, but do not age!

Scott M. Farmer, MS, CSCS, CES, EFT-CC

Exercise Physiologist

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Scott Farmer MS, CSCS, CES

Clinical Exercise Physiologist

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