Saturday, June 1, 2013

Tips for Acne Scar Skin Care

Like it or not, there are only a few fortunate people on the planet who have gone without acne their whole lives. For the rest of us mere mortals, acne has been a problem at one time or another; and for some of us, that same problematic acne left us with scars. Thanks to technology and research, however, there are now many different acne scar skin care techniques that can help us cover up and totally lose the scars.

Make no mistake: most acne scar skin care remedies and techniques are expensive, and they need to be undertaken for a long period of time before any results can emerge. Before you can understand how acne scar skin care works, however, you need to know about acne first and what can cause scarring.

Acne vulgaris

Acne vulgaris is caused by the clogging of skin pores by dirt, debris, or dried skin cells. This clogging causes pimples to form, creating the well-known cystic acne that is common in teenagers or persons with hormonal imbalances. The underlying cause of acne vulgaris has yet to be determined, however: some doctors and scientists propose that fluctuating hormonal levels contribute to acne, while others surmise that acne vulgaris is genetic in nature and can be inherited from one's parents.

Whatever the cause of acne, dermatologists will always caution you to refrain from touching your face, removing the pimples yourself, and, more crudely, "popping your zits". This is because any manual force not exerted by medically-approved means can cause acne scars to form.

Types of acne scars

In general, there are two types of acne scars, the pigmented scars and the pitted ones. Pigmented scars can be red or brown in color, and appear after the pimple has disappeared. Although they can be unseemly to look at, they can disappear after treatment, or they can vanish on their own after a few weeks or months.

On the other hand, pitted scars occur when damage is done to the skin tissue beneath the acne. Such scars look like indentations on the skin, and are often referred to as pockmarks. Both kinds of acne scars have their own methods for removal or concealment.

Acne scar skin care for pigmented scars involves using lotions or creams that have whitening compounds. Such compounds can remove the pigment from the scar and even out one's pigmentation. For instance, exfoliating agents such as glycolic acid or alpha-hydroxy acids can remove dead skin cells from the area so that new skin can immediately be regenerated.

Acne scar skin care is a little more complicated for pitted scars, as these scars are difficult to erase. Some dermatologists can inject protein stimulators that can induce skin cells to form the important proteins elastin and collagen. Once the cells surrounding the scars start producing these proteins, the skin can be plumper, and the depth of the scars can be made shallower, further reducing their pockmarked appearance.

Laser therapy

Laser treatments can also be used to combat acne scarring. Ablative laser treatment, for instance, burns scar tissue off from the surface of the skin, which stimulates the underlying skin to tighten. Such a technique injures the skin and exposes underlying tissue, so that people undergoing ablative laser treatment have to likewise be protected from infection. Moreover, because laser therapy can be painful, doctors apply anesthetics to the skin before undertaking any laser procedure.

On the other hand, non-ablative laser treatment can induce changes in the underlying skin tissue without doing injury to the epidermis, or the surface of the skin. Such laser therapy is relatively fast: this time, it heats up the oil glands in the skin, preventing acne from forming; it also tightens the underlying skin, so that scarring will be less visible. Another type of laser therapy makes use of the yellow pulse dye laser, a machine that operates using yellow light. Yellow light treats keloids, and can flatten or reduce inflammation of raised scars.

Fat transplant

There are other options for acne scar skin care. A dermatologist may offer to inject the scar, or plump it up, with filler substances such as bovine collagen. Fat can also be transplanted from other parts of the patient's body and into the acne scar. Some dermatologists may also recommend creams or lotions that can plump the skin temporarily and remove any sign of wrinkles, acne scar depressions, or age lines. There are also excision and incision techniques that can be carried out on irregularly-shaped acne scars.

There are still many methods of acne scar skin care. If you have acne scars, always consult with a dermatologist first and talk about what options are available for your case. With the right acne scar skin care, you can have smoother, fairer skin in no time at all.

Flor Serquina is a writer and also a wife and a mother who has a great interest in maintaining the healthy skin of the members of her large family. For more information visit her website, where she discusses various subjects such as acne scar skin care, how to remove acne scars and laser surgery for acne.

Essential Facts On Laser Hair Removal

Unwanted hairs on the body can be rid of through different ways. There are chemical methods like applying depilatories. There are also mechanical ones like using razors or tweezers. However, the result you can get from them is no match to that provided by laser hair removal treatment. Continue reading to learn more about this.

It's not surprising if you may feel intimidated by it. That's because many of us have associated this technology with scientific gizmos or even sophisticated weapons. However, the kind of laser used for this procedure is weaker and safer in terms of wavelength. But the way it's produced remains the same. The device which emits it is even hand-held, so there's no need to be intimidated by it.

It's not unlikely for you to have encountered some misconceptions about it. To set things straight, you should understand how it works. The tiny device produces a beam of light which targets anything with dark pigmentation, then it's caused to heat up. Hair is dark because of melanin, a kind of pigment. So the more melanin an object has, the more heat is absorbed.

When the entire strand heats up, so does the follicle at its end. The follicle is located right under your skin's surface - a tiny sac where hair roots from. When the follicle is heated up, it can get damaged. Initial sessions may fail to completely render the follicle useless. However, re-growths take longer to appear compared to other methods. Likewise, many have reported that the strands are then finer and lighter in color.

But there's one catch you also need to know: the skin around your hairs also has melanin. It only means that part of the heat coming from the beam also is absorbed by the skin. However, since it has a larger surface area, the heat is dispelled right away. This treatment is ideal for people with dark hairs and fair complexion, so the beam can zoom in on hairs.

Sadly, this procedure isn't advisable for you if you have light hairs and tanned skin. For someone with dark skin but the hairs are darker, a cooling agent may have to be applied to keep the skin from heating up. The good thing about this treatment is it can be done on almost any part of the body - legs, arms, underarms, back, bikini line, face, etc. Plus it may also be applied to large areas of the body at a time.

Topical anesthetics may be applied for individuals who got low tolerance for pain. However, many have received the treatment without any of it. To give you an idea, it feels like a rubber band is snapping on your skin whenever the beam is emitted. Slight warming sensation may be felt, and the skin which undergone the procedure may appear reddish.

Make sure that you opt for a reliable laser hair removal or Smartxide CO2 specialist in case you wish to try it. The cost may vary depending on the establishment. Although costlier compared to other methods, this one undeniably delivers better results. Re-growth takes a long time to surface, and may even permanently cease.

Are you looking for CO2 Laser Ottawa clinic? Then make sure to visit Dermaworks clinic for the treatment provided by the professions with affordable pricing plan.

Laser Stretch Mark Removal Price - High Price For A High Risk, Is It Worth It?

Many people are wondering about the laser stretch mark removal price, since this simple cosmetic treatment is becoming more and more popular, promoted and easily accessible in every corner of the world. Almost every beauty salon is starting to offer laser scar therapy at popular prices.

But is money the only price you will pay? Laser scar removal for sure has some benefits, but there are also risks involved in the procedures, and patients are in most cases not aware of them. In this article I will try to point out the risks of laser surgery to help you decide if you are really ready to go for it.

You will find many different opinions about this procedure on the internet today. The health care and skin industry describe the laser surgery differently, depending on what services or products they are offering. Do not be surprised to find completely different opinions - ranging from the procedure being completely painless and highly effective, to being very painful and doing more damage to the skin then your marks do. The truth is, there are high risks involved in laser removal procedures, coming mostly from inexperienced operators and cheap, non professional equipment.

The thing they probably will not tell you is that laser surgery does not heal your scars, it will just burn and remove the outer skin layers, stimulating new skin cells to grow faster and diminish the appearance of stretch marks. However, they will never go away completely. In most cases you will be asked to sign a statement that you take the surgery at your own risk and that you are aware that there is no guarantee of success.

Another negative aspect to consider is the laser stretch mark removal price. While it is still cheaper than other types of cosmetic surgical treatments, it is pricey. One single treatment will cost you around $400-$500 sometimes even more, depending on the severity of your scars, and you will probably have to do repeated sessions.

These are the main reasons why not many stretch mark sufferers choose laser removal treatments. In most cases a better choice is to try out some collagen boosting creams that are proven to reduce stretch marks, use them consistently, be patient, do some light exercises and watch your diet to achieve the same results and save money and time.

To find out more about a collagen boosting cream and other methods for simple and efficient stretch mark removal, visit our site: How to get rid of stretch marks?

Skin Care - The 10 Most Important Routines For Healthy Skin Care

As you age, so does your skin. There is nothing we can do about time marching on. However, there are things that you can do whatever your age to protect your skin. Take the time to include these routines in your daily life and you can improve your skin and prevent further damage. The outdoor lifestyle and year-round sunny days of mild climate areas such as Santa Barbara make these routines especially important. Exposure to the sun is a major factor in skin aging. A dermatologist in Santa Barbara provided this list of important routines for healthy skin care.

1. Protect your skin from the sun. This is the most important thing that you can do for your skin. The majority of negative aging affects to your skin including dryness, wrinkles, sunspots, agespots, and roughness are cause by exposure to the UV rays of the sun. This can lead to even more serious problems such as skin cancer.

Try to stay out of the sun during the middle of the day when the sun's rays are the most intense. When you are exposed to the sun wear sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 15 and preferably higher. Use a product that has broad spectrum coverage including both UVA and UVB. Make sure that you cover your skin completely and reapply after being in the water or sweating. Wide brimmed hats and protective clothing will also shield your skin from the sun.

2. Moisturize your skin on a regular basis. Try to wash your skin and moisturize in the morning when you get up and again at night before you go to bed. During the day use a moisturizer with at least SPF 15. If you have dry skin use an oil-based moisturizer after washing when you skin is still moist to help retain the water in your skin. If you have sensitive skin, don't use a moisturizer with dyes or perfumes.

3. Wash regularly and gently. Avoid using hot water, it can remove the necessary skin oils. Avoid abrasive scrubs that can irritate sensitive skin. Make sure you remove your makeup carefully, especially around the eyes, and if you are using a water-proof makeup, use oil based product to remove it. Make sure that you moisturize immediately after washing while your skin is still moist.

4. Eat a healthy and balanced diet. This will insure that your skin receives the necessary nutrients to maintain its health and help repair any damage.

5. Get plenty of sleep and try to keep your stress level in check. Obviously lack of sleep will make you look tired with that bags under the eyes and saggy skin look. If you are stressed and frowning, the contraction of the muscles in your face can create lines and wrinkles.

6. Don't Smoke. This is obvious for a lot of reasons, but smoking narrows the blood vessels in the skin which reduces the supply of oxygen to the skin. Over time this will cause damage to the elastin and collagen which give skin its elasticity and strength.

7. Watch your alcohol intake. Alcohol expands the small blood vessels in the skin. This leads to higher blood flow and creates that flushed look.

8. Follow a healthy shaving routine. Wash your face (or legs) before shaving and/or use a warm wash cloth to soften the hairs. Make sure you use a shaving cream or gel to lubricate the skin as you shave and shave in the direction of hair growth. Rinse off the excess shaving cream or gel after shaving and moisturize.

9. Check your skin regularly. Be aware of any changes to your skin such as new patches or moles. If these persist or grow be sure to consult a dermatologist to make sure they are not the precursor to skin cancer.

For serious or persistent skin problems consult professional help. It may not be anything serious and may a condition that can be treated at home. Consulting a dermatologist can help you understand your condition, the cause of any problem, and outline the proper treatment.

Tom Hills writes articles about skin care, laser skin care treatments, cosmetic skin care procedures, acne, and other dermatology issues. To receive a free guide on Skin Care and how to find the best dermatologist in Santa Barbara visit

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Acne Laser Treatments

Several acne laser treatments are available nowadays. This therapy is an alternative for you since your acne has not responded to traditional therapies. Patients considering laser treatment should consult a dermatologist experienced in providing the therapy. Do not be afraid to ask questions about your dermatologist experience and qualifications. A dermatologist can determine if this treatment is appropriate for you or not.

Even over the last several years laser technology has assumed as an increasingly important in the treatment of acne scars,this therapy has advantages and disadvantages. This information is about advantages and disadvantages of acne laser treatment. Check this article before you consider this treatment.

1. Laser can effectively treat depressed acne scars. For patients with ice pick scars or shallow boxcar scars, the results were good to excellent.

2. Laser has the ability to treat hard-to-reach areas, such as the back. The 1450 nm diode laser effectively treats inflammatory acne on the back. This treatment offers a noninvasive alternative.

3. Advantages of this acne treatment include not have to remember to apply or take any medication such in traditional treatments.

4. The one of disadvantages of laser treatment is it can be quite expensive, and long-term effectiveness has not been proven.

5. Some of these treatments target only one factor that causes acne, that is bacteria called P. acnes, but for many patients, this is not a comprehensive treatment for resolving their acne. To deliver the best results, dermatologists often combine treatments for acne scars.

6. Every treatment has side effects, so does this treatment. But side effects in this therapy were limited to temporary redness and swelling at the treatment sites. The pain that may appear associated with laser treatment is well tolerated with a topical anesthetic.

Retno Kuswantoro is a pharmacist. As a pharmacist she often gives some advises to the patients about acne and their skin problems. She loves to share information about acne free treatment and acne laser treatments.

Laser Hair Removal - Important Points to Consider

Among all of the beauty treatments available today, hair elimination with the use of laser technology is considered as the most preferred method. In fact, the evident testimonials of such treatment shows escalating figures existing for laser hair removal in NYC salons today. Therefore, if you are searching for such treatment, then below are some important factors that you need to consider.

Initially, you need to assess the type of your body in terms of your hair and its density that you wished to eliminate. There are many laser hair removal clinics in New York City today that charge rates for such treatment that vary from case to case basis.

Secondly, you need to think about the kind of laser treatment you plan to have such as temporary or permanent hair elimination. There are various kinds of hair removal treatment accessible in laser hair removal in NYC. Of all the many treatments, the permanent hair elimination costs more since it involves the laser beam that targets the hair follicles and completely stop future hair growth.

Also, if it is your first time to undergo such treatment, the cost will be greater for you than those who have been through it before. This is because of the difference in laser beam intensity that will be required to apply in your hair. But don't worry since there are available deals offered by laser hair clinics in NYC like complete treatment packages that include other treatment such as BOTOX, fillers, laser skin treatments, tattoo removal, etc. which you can enjoy at affordable prices.

Forget those days that made you feel bad because people are teasing you. Enjoy the laser treatment and take pleasure wearing a beautiful, glowing and healthy hair in the absence of unwanted hairs. Remember to keep these tips to avoid hassles. Never miss to seek advice from the expert so as not to put your health at risk.

By taking the complete treatment package, you will certainly have a good deal. Also, you are offered with a complete medical attention thus, making sure that you are protected and safe. So, these are the easy means that you can utilize in order to obtain great deals from laser hair removal NYC clinics.

===>>Learn more about Laser Hair Removal [], prices, safety and more at the Best Hair Removal in Manhattan site: []

Friday, May 31, 2013

Effective Acne Treatments For Clear Skin

The best acne treatments for clear skin include a number of different techniques - Alpha Hydroxy Cream, Acne Face Washes, and pore minimizing products.

The choice of the correct treatment depends on the primary cause of the acne. Acne and rosacea basically occurs when the sebaceous glands in your pores excessively secrete oil known as sebum, which normally lubricates skin and hair. Excessive secretions, coupled with dead skin cells, tend to block the follicle pores and form a plug. This plug can get inflamed and infected due to bacteria and fungus, causing acne. These days acne treatments for clear skin have evolved and some pretty high-tech solutions are possible.

Therapeutic laser and light solutions

Therapies using lasers and light are said to reach deep within the skin without damaging the surface of the skin. Blue light therapy is supposed to destroy the bacteria that cause the inflammation. The procedure is painless but needs to be continued for a while. Another alternative is the use of pulsed light and heat energy to destroy the bacteria and shrink the oil glands. A third option is diode laser treatment which can destroy the oil glands without affecting the surface of the skin. However, the efficacy of these treatments have still not been confirmed a 100%.

Cosmetic solutions

There are a number of cosmetic solutions used for clearer skin and complexion. These procedures include microdermabrasion which help in the removal of dead skin cells, remove blackheads and whiteheads, and generate new skin growth while unblocking pores. Peels are normally used in combination with alpha hydroxy-based toners or creams. Microdermabrasion is applied in a circular motion with the finger tips. Microdermabrasion polishes the surface of the skin, helps fight fungal infections, and provides soothing relief to bacteria-laden facial skin.

Combining therapies

Combined therapies utilize oral antibiotics and prescription creams. These include combinations of Retinoids and oral antibiotics. Retinoids promote cell turnover and prevent plugs forming in the hair follicles. Another option is to use is to use topical antibiotics which are applied to the skin, killing bacteria on the surface of the skin while fighting inflammation. Combination therapies in acne treatments for clear skin are more effective in destroying bacteria which develop resistance to some antibiotics.

Practical advice

If you want to try out innovative the best acne treatments for clear skin consult a physician. And do be realistic about your goals - acne is easier to control than cure. But, consistent use of microdermabrasion creams, pore minimizers, along with toners and washes, can help reduce blemishes and improve skin tone for a healthy, clear complexion

Clear acne, rosacea, and blemishes with an advanced-formula Pore Minimizer Kit.

Shop SkinEnergizer for the most effective products to deep-clean oil, dirt, and reduce inflammation. Get the clearest skin possible with Acne Face Washes, Toners, and Alpha Hydroxy Cream.

Acne Removal Tips to Help You Get Clearer Skin

Acne is a frustrating problem. Though not life threatening, it can cause psychological issues. People suffering from acne are ready to spend more time and money to find the best acne removal method. There is a plethora of acne fighting products available in the market.

Stick with natural methods:

Natural products are safe and effective in removing acne. Aloe Vera, Vitamin A and Tea tree oil are some of the natural products that provide successful results in curing acne. Acne is caused by bacteria. Hence, natural products that have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties can help clear the skin.

A lot of other acne removal treatments are also available in the market today. ProActiv is a system that claims to treat acne completely. ProActiv system claim to prevent pimples before they even erupt and the same time treats existing blemishes. It cleanses your skin, exfoliates with smooth grain and removes dead skin cells. It has an active ingredient, benzoyl peroxide, which fights acne. This helps stop the growth of bacteria, which causes skin problems. ProActiv also has a revitalizing toner that clears pores. The repairing lotion present in this system helps heal the existing acne.

Consider the internet to help you find great products:

You can find many acne removal products online. If you want to use any of the products to treat acne, first consider your skin type. If you have oily skin, then select a product with alcohol base. If irritation occurs, stop using it and seek the advice of your physician. Acne gels containing glycerin and dimethicone can provide soothing effects and they do not cause any irritation.

Some medications are available on prescription to remove acne. Accutane is a powerful medication, which helps cure severe conditions. It is prescribed in the form of tablets. However, there are certain side effects associated with this medication. Birth defects, liver dysfunction and dry lips are some of the most common side effects. It is therefore advisable to take this only after consulting your doctor.

Laser treatment is used in acne removal. The laser treatment spans usually for 15 minutes to 1 hour. Though expensive, this method can provide promising results. Since there is no pain involved in this procedure, it is popular with a lot of people. Lasers are used to kill p.acne bacteria that cause lesions. Then the sebaceous glands are treated with laser. This helps induce the glands to produce less oil, which in turn can prevent acne outbreaks in future. Laser can also be used to remove acne scars.

Some vitamins are helpful in acne removal process. Vitamin A also known as Retin-A is highly beneficial for acne skin care. It has the ability to remove some of the surface comedones. It is recommended to undergo Retin-A treatment with the help of your physician. Vitamin A can also strengthen protective tissues of skin and prevent acne.

Vitamin B3 has anti-inflammatory properties and it is proved to be effective in curing acne. Vitamin B6 can control acne caused due to hormonal imbalances. Vitamin C is renowned for its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties, which prevents the re-occurrence of acne.

Alexis is a researcher and author. She is a regular contributor to a site on acne skin treatment products. Be sure to also visit and learn about the best natural acne treatment options so you can get clear skin faster.

Top 10 Ways to Repair Sun Damaged Skin

1. Vitamin A - If you have sun damaged skin one of the best treatments is Vitamin A. This vitamin helps to soothe and moisturize skin, promoting good health and allowing damaged cells to be either replenished or eliminated. Vitamin A is a component found naturally in young and undamaged skin, and can help repair any damage caused by the sun. Rupture a gel cap containing this vitamin, and then spread the liquid inside all over the skin which was damaged.

2. Aloe Vera - Aloe Vera has been used for healing purposes for many centuries, and this plant can also help treat and cure skin which has suffered from damage due to the sun. Break off a leaf from a live Aloe Vera plant, and rub the sticky sap which oozes from the cut or broken area over your skin in the damaged areas. Leave this on until it is absorbed.

3. Use Raw Milk Instead of Soap On Damaged Skin - Raw milk can be very beneficial to your skin, and may help reverse or eliminate damage that the sun causes by providing needed nutrients and moisture. Warm the raw milk to room temperature, and then sponge it directly on your skin for ten to fifteen minutes. Let it soak in for half an hour, then rinse off with warm water.

4. Kaolin Clay - This specialty clay can be very effective at treating sun damaged skin. Soak the clay in water for a few hours, and then mix into a thick paste. Apply this paste to your skin and leave it on for thirty minutes. Rinse off with warm water and gently pat dry.

5. Drink Plenty of Water - Water is essential for healthy skin, and if you do not include enough of this substance in your diet each day your skin will become damaged and your cells can not be repaired as fast or effectively.

6. Exercise Regularly - When you exercise you improve your circulation and blood flow. Both of these are essential for healthy skin and damage repair.

7. Creams Containing Retinoids - Creams which include retinoids help to repair sun damaged skin by increasing the collagen produced. Collagen is a component of skin cells which are healthy, and as you age your skin decreases the production of this substance and these creams can restore it.

8. Laser Therapy - Laser therapy can help repair and renew skin which shows signs of damage from the sun. This treatment removes the top layers of skin, leaving fresh new skin on top and giving your skin a younger and healthier look.

9. Microdermabrasion - This treatment uses exfoliation with small micro crystals to remove the layers of damaged and dead skin. This encourages the appearance and growth of healthy skin cells instead, and eliminates cells which are damaged.

10. Chemical Peels - Chemical peels are a popular treatment for sun damaged skin, and this method uses chemicals which burn and then peel off the skin which is damaged. This should only be done by a qualified professional, because of the strong chemicals and the risk for complications or scarring that can occur if the treatment is not done correctly.

Emily Greene is one of the active contributors of new health and wellness information resource portal at Health Articles 101.

Information on Laser Hair Removal

The thought of never having to pluck, shave, or wax again is mighty tempting. If you can consider the possibility of never having to suffer razor bumps or cuts than you have entered the realm of laser hair removal. There are many options to removing hair, smelly, messy cream or electrolysis, but it's been agreed that best treatment to stop long-term hair growth is laser hair removal.

32 percent of us are spending over half a day every year on hair removal (shaving, waxing, or plucking), and many women agree that this is the biggest, personal beauty chore around.

With the technological developments in laser skin treatments the actual procedure has proven to be more effective and even more long-term than when first introduced in 1995. The laser is passes a highly targeted light into the problem area, and safely through the surface of the skin into the base of the hair follicle destroying the actual hair and the hair bulb.

The treatment works best on darker, coarse hair which contains plenty of melanin or color pigmentation, and has proven not to be effective on light, blonde or grey colored hair. The treatment is also virtually painless, at worse it feels like a rubber band being snapped on your skin, but the pain out weighs the results which not only will leave the problem area without hair it will also leave it more smooth and with a silky feel.

Laser skin treatments are not without risk so it's very important that you due your diligence and make sure that you get a proper consultation before taking the dive into the getting a laser hair removal treatment.

Moe Smiley advises the top cosmetic centers in the nation, including he top Laser Hair Removal Los Angeles center around.

Want to know more about laser hair removal? Visit our laser hair removal web site and find out more.

How Laser Tattoo Removal Works

Tattoos and tattoo removal have existed for ages. Since the time that tattoos were first used as a form of punishment or branding, people have sought ways to remove them. Fortunately these days, the decision to remove a tattoo is usually personal and related to one's changing tastes and outlook on life.

Before lasers, tattoos were able to be removed in a number of ways, including salt-abrasion (salabrasion), dermabrasion, acid removal, or frank surgical excision. These methods were quite effective, but were painful and left scars. Laser tattoo removal originally started as a way to burn off a tattoo. Lasers such as the CO2 and argon lasers were used but were not much better than destructive surgical methods, leaving behind open wounds that had to heal over time. The advent of Q-switched lasers was a watershed moment in laser tattoo removal. These lasers work by a completely different mechanism than ablative lasers (the kind that destroy the skin). A q-switch is a super-fast shutter that allows the emission of a very short burst of laser light, in the nanosecond range. The light is also sent out at a very high energy, all packed into that short burst. The effect on the tattoo ink is similar to throwing an ice cube in a glass of warm water - it cracks. The heat of the laser is absorbed preferentially by the tattoo pigment, but it occurs faster than the ink particle can thermally expand, causing it to fracture into tiny pieces. These smaller pieces become small enough to be digestible by the immune white cells of the body and are taken away to distant areas. As this process is repeated, the tattoo becomes lighter and lighter, until it is virtually invisible.

Different ink colors respond differently to laser treatment. There are 3 q-switched lasers commonly used on the market today: Ruby, Alexandrite, and Nd:YAG. The ruby was the first q-switched laser and operates at a short wavelength of 690 nm. This makes it effective for blue and green tattoos more than for others, such as black or red. Alexandrite operates at 755 nm and is best for green tattoos. The YAG can be used at both 532 and 1064 nanometers, making it effective against both black and red tattoos, more than the other lasers. There are certain colors that seem more resistant to laser treatment than others, with any laser. These include yellow, pink, and purple.

Each laser tattoo removal treatment is fast. It may take half an hour or more to create a 3 inch tattoo, but a single laser session may last only 30 seconds! Typically, topical anesthetic is placed prior to the treatment or a small area may be injected with local anesthetic. After the treatment, there is occasionally blistering and bruising, but this is not necessary for the treatment to work. Treatments are usually done every 4-6 weeks. A single tattoo might be nearly gone after 3 treatments, but this is rare. More commonly, tattoos take 6-12 treatments. Some inks are resistant to laser tattoo removal, due to their chemical nature. This is the case with metal-oxide tattoo pigments, such as iron and titanium oxides. Although they are still removable, it takes many more treatments.

These days, laser tattoo removal is effective and safer than ever with the use of q-switched lasers. It does require time and patience for it to work.

What to Do When a Skin Acne Breakouts Product Does Not Function

If you have acne breakouts and you have already been looking for a pores and skin acne creation that is going to provide you with the results you are searching for, you certainly know how difficult it can be. To begin with there are many different items out there to select from, acne totally free product yet others, so it can be challenging just trying to puzzle out which ones you should attempt and that you should depart alone.

After that there is also the issue of whenever you purchase a pores and skin acne item to use this and are just about all excited as well as hopeful and then realize that this didn't work for you and you've got noticed absolutely no improvement. Whenever a skin acne breakouts product doesn't work for you and you've got tried a number of to no avail, you need to still keep the head upward and realize that there are other choices out there.

For those who have tried an epidermis acne item selection but still haven't gotten the outcomes that you are searching for, one of the subsequent steps you might want to take would be to have the laser beam acne process.

Laser with regard to Acne

The actual laser acne breakouts procedure is a that has shown to be quite profitable. In this process, tiny laser treatment are used that will reshape the top of skin. It'll remove the dead skin cells and leave the new, radiant pores and skin underneath displaying, so you won't get rid of much of your acne but additionally look younger and much more beautiful.

Acne breakouts Surgery

An alternative choice that you may would like to try if you are unable to find a pores and skin acne creation that works would be to have acne breakouts surgery. This particular surgery won't help cope with your present acne breakouts condition however as well get rid of any marks that you may remain with due to your skin issue. You will have to end up being recommended because of your doctor to possess this surgical treatment, so ensure that you make a scheduled appointment to get directly into see all of them as soon as possible if you're interested in utilizing this surgical treatment.

These are the acne remedy options which have proven to be best, but remember that we now have many other choices out there too. For most people it requires quite a bit of some time and some learning from mistakes before they really find a good acne treatment that actually works for them. Bissell carpet shampoo Motorcycle ear plugs

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Use a Laser - Acne Stands No Chance

With the help of modern technology, laser acne is fast becoming a trusted treatment that helps patients overcome embarrassing acne and acne scarring. The use of lasers in the medical field, specifically for dermatological sciences, has done wonders for consumers across the country.

There are many products that are available that promise to help get rid of acne. Television ads, advertisements in magazines and newspapers and pamphlets at the doctor's office all advertise these medications, both oral and topical. People should go over all of their options with a skin care professional to ensure that the treatment they choose is right for them. Laser acne remedy is a growing technology in the dermatological repertoire, that helps patients alleviate acne and acne scars. There are several different types of lasers and a few have proven effective in helping to reduce the appearance of acne. For example, the pulse-dyed laser has been successful in a randomized, double blinded controlled trial, while the 1450 nm infrared laser tested positively in an uncontrolled study. Patients considering laser acne should speak to a skin care professional for more information about the various lasers available and what results they may expect.

Possible side effects of laser treatment include redness, temporary pain and swelling. Patients with darker skin complexions have reported hyperpigmentation, darkening of the skin, following treatment. For a more detailed description of possible side effects, patients should speak to a medical professional.

Patients interested in laser treatment may also explore the possibilities of light therapies in treating acne. Blue and red light therapies may be helpful in destroying the bacteria that causes acne and decreasing inflammation, leading to favorable results for many patients. Patients with severe acne may not find blue and red light therapies to be successful, while patients suffering from moderate or mild acne may find that these light therapies may help.

Laser and light treatments are not as thoroughly tested as other treatments such as oral and topical medications. This is due to the relative youth of these treatments. Patients can always find more information at a skin care clinic or through a skin care professional.

Laser treatments have also been used to treat acne scars. Laser resurfacing removes the top layer of skin, which may be helpful in getting rid of unwanted acne scars. A variety of lasers are used and interested patients should consult a skin care professional.

Justin recommends that people visit Dr.Navarro's Laser Acne Treatment clinic for procedures, a free consultation and questions. This is top-notch laser skin rejuvenation clinic in Florida.

Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

Now that summer's here, many people are asking, "Does laser hair removal work?" First, let's briefly explore exactly how laser hair removal works. The procedure is usually performed by a medical doctor, often a plastic surgeon, who applies the laser to the area to be treated. The laser, which is a brief pulsating light beam, releases controlled energy pulses, each lasting less than a second. These pulses are aimed at the hair follicles beneath the skin, specifically the melanin, or dark pigment, of the hair.

The energy from the pulse heats the entire hair follicle, down to the root, and destroys the hair follicle. The surrounding skin is not damaged. All hairs have certain dormant periods are not growing all the time; the laser only affects hairs that are in their active growth phase. Subsequent treatments will target hair follicles that were not destroyed in the previous session or sessions. Usually between three and six treatments are needed to complete an area, depending on the heaviness of the hair growth.

The easiest areas to treat are those where hair growth is fairly light, like the upper lip. Persons with fairly light hair growth in the underarm areas, legs and bikini areas can also expect fairly quick results after only a few treatments. Persons with heavier hair growth or large areas like the back usually require more treatments. With only a few treatments, most growth is inhibited for at least several months. Repeated treatments can prevent hair regrowth for several years, or in some cases, forever.

If you would like to know more about laser hair removal at home, or would like to know more about laser hair removal in general, visit our no nonsense laser hair removal guide:

Turn Back the Wrinkles of Time With Skin Rejuvenation

Highly educated, intensely motivated and clothed only in the finest of threads, 52 year old Cliff Rackham thought he understood what it took to stay relevant in the ever-changing business world. For Rackham, the contemporary appearance is critically important to staying employed, as his cutting-edge, advertising firm prides itself on the creative and innovative labels of business. His Bibles of life are the hippest of the fashion rags and the trendiest of parties; he has yet to miss a major fashion drift.

But Rackham has recently started to notice that he wasn't getting the right type of looks any longer. Sure, he still gets noticed, but he feels that it's starting to be for the wrong reasons.

Creeping slowly across his brow over the past decade or two, the wrinkles have started to become more and more pronounced. Dark circles have sprouted below his eyes; a fact Rackham long ago stopped writing off as a lack of quality sleep. Even worse, Rackham continued his regiment of working out daily, yet his skin just seemed less firm.

The reality of the situation sunk in: Rackham was starting to take on the look of his age and his body was beginning to show the stresses of his life.

The real problem was rooted much deeper than a simple ego-wound; this was a matter of economics for Rackham. He had observed the revolving door of the executive suite long enough to know, if you don't look the part of the trends, you are no benefit to the firm.

Moving swiftly to confront the issues at stride, Rackham made an appointment with a local plastic surgeon who had done wonders for many of the city's most recognizable residents.

Their initial consultation went remarkably well, until the doctor dropped the bomb. This amount of work would require at least a week of downtime and his face would likely show bruising for weeks after. Regardless of how far society had come with its acceptance of plastic surgery, Rackham simply couldn't fathom the thought of his co-workers, friends and family knowing he had gone under the knife. He had even chastised his wife a few years prior when she had wanted to get her eyes done. He knew the truth immediately, plastic surgery just wasn't a viable option for him.

Rackham went back to his daily life, experimenting with over-the-counter treatments that were high on promises and low on results. Weeks of self-consciousness and pity turned into months before his wife decided to do something about the situation.

Sitting him down for the conversation, together they explored the available noninvasive options that he had never considered. After additional research, Rackham decided to go with the largest provider of laser hair removal and other noninvasive aesthetic services in the U.S. Specifically he identified the skin tightening and skin rejuvenation treatments as the best to help cure his problem.

What drew him most towards these specific treatments was fact that they would produce noticeable results without the worry of harmful side effects. Additionally, Rackham was going to be able to get the treatments done during his lunch period, without worry of his friends or coworkers knowing his plans. This was to be his silver bullet against the effects of aging.

The skin tightening treatment works by combining gentle pulses of infrared light simultaneously with bi-polar radio frequency to heat the connective tissue within the selected treatment area. This stimulates collagen production, which firms the loose skin as it diminishes fine wrinkles. He felt no side effects after the treatment, and was able to return to work that same day, as he felt his skin become tighter, smoother and more elastic.

To help diminish the dark lines below his eyes, Rackham tried the fotofacial treatment. This procedure works by combining microdermabrasion with the FotoFacial treatments.

Microdermabrasion is a noninvasive procedure that speeds the process of skin renewal by removing the superficial dead layer of skin from the top layer. Basically, tiny crystals are sprayed across the face, and a small suction is used to pick up the crystals and dead skin. Collagen is stimulated below the skin to plump the skin, resulting in a more even texture and a reduction of fine lines and undesired pigmentation. The fotofacial treatment works by delivering a precise dosage of light energy to also stimulate the production of collagen, which softens the skin's appearance.

After a series of treatments, Rackham was able to see the differences on a remarkable scale. His skin felt significantly smooth and firm, with the wrinkles and dark lines effectively removed. Best of all, he was able to mask his procedures by telling his friends and co-workers that he was just eating better and starting to take better care of himself. Other than his wife and the staff at the clinic, no one is wiser to the fact that he underwent these procedures.

The anti-aging treatments didn't make Cliff Rackham anything more than he already was, but they allowed him to continue to present the image that he so desperately needed to in his competitive business environment. For once, thanks to his treatments, the revolving door to the executive suite stood still for time and Cliff. is the largest and most successful laser hair removal, skin rejuvenation and cellulite reduction therapy company, with more than 220 locations in the United States. For more information, please visit

Austin Hair Laser Removal Centers use Star Wars Technology

Before you submit to having the hair on your body removed by an Austin hair laser center, you need to know exactly what will happen to you. The many Star Wars movies and television series have created a scary and awesome reputation for lasers, but the facts don't justify those fears. Austin hair laser centers became very popular, making laser hair removal Austin, Texas the capital for this treatment in Texas.

Here are the facts behind this phenomenon:

Laser: what is it?

This device, used so commonly today in Austin hair laser centers to permanently remove hair, uses electronics optically to give off light!! It's as simple as that. The term is an acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. So how is laser so different from a flashlight? Can't I just remove my hair with a light bulb? Of course not! But, Austin laser hair removal centers can do the trick.

Austin hair centers use this light in a narrow beam with the wave length carefully controlled; the force of the laser becomes greatly magnified and focused whereas an incandescent bulb gives the rays off in a wide area and over many wave lengths. Austin laser hair removal centers offer this service to a variety of clients; safe for almost anyone to try.

The extreme focus of the modern laser beam makes it ideal for long term hair removal. It can kill hair follicles without damaging the surrounding skin. The proliferation of Austin hair laser removal centers reflects the usefulness and popularity of this new electronic device. You will be sure to find a great facility for laser hair removal in Austin, Texas.

What happens when I decide to have a procedure in an Austin hair laser removal center?

First of all, you need to choose an Austin hair laser removal center. You will find many to choose from, from day spas to medical spas and simple hair removal centers to centers for the care of the skin. Go to Call the Austin laser removal centers that seem most attractive and arrange for a consultation with one of them. Medical spas in Austin and individual laser centers will offer this treatment option.

Go to your Austin hair laser removal center prepared. Take your medical history and all the medications you are taking. Before the Austin hair laser center will perform the procedure, they will take photos of the area. These will provide before and after views of your hair removal.

Your center will want to know what you expect from your laser hair removal procedure. If your expectations are out of line with reality, the Austin hair laser center will discuss this with you. Also, the Austin hair laser removal center will discuss possible side-effects, which can include darkening of the skin, lightening of the skin, blistering and scarring (rare), skin texture changes, scabbing, and lightening of the hair that grows back.

The procedure

Your Austin hair laser practitioner will pass a hand-held laser over your skin. He (or she) may have a cooling tool to safeguard the skin. The laser beams pass through the skin to the follicles; killing the follicles which ensures long-term hair removal. A stinging sensation will probably occur during the procedure.

Your Austin hair laser practitioner can give you a ball-part guess on how long each hair-removal procedure will take. There are a variety of Austin laser removal centers; choose the best practitioner possible.

Rarely will you get by with only one laser hair removal treatment in an Austin hair laser center. Typically, your center will bring you back for several before you achieve your hair-removal goal. However, if you live in the Austin area, you are fortunate because you can find an Austin laser removal center near you, and you can know that you will have the best possible chance of getting your desired hair-removal results.

Cheryl Piquard is a licensed Austin Texas electrolysis, who has over 25 years of Austin Texas hair laser removal and Austin Texas laser hair removal experience in central Texas. She started one of the first electrolysis centers ever in Austin, TX. For a free hair removal consultation please call or visit

Rosacea Laser Treatment Options

Treating the symptoms of Rosacea with lasers has become an effective treatment method. First starting in the 1980's, today there are two prominent laser treatments that are used very effectively to reduce the redness or the face and the prominence of blood vessels visible on the face. These treatments are known as PDL, which stands for Pulsed Dye Laser, and IPL, Intensed Pulsed Light. Let's take a look at these two treatment options.

Pulsed Dye Laser treatments have been used for many years now. Studies on PDF treatments have shown it as an effective aid to reduce a variety of rosacea symptoms, after just one or two treatments! Subjects in the study reported a decrease in facial flushing, itch sensations, dry skin, swelling, burning sensations, and the overall sensitivity of the skin on the face. PDL procedures can cause bruises on the face which last up to two weeks. Ironically, it is believed that to induce bruising will, in the long run, mean a more effective treatment of rosacea. Note that not all laser treatments induce bruising, and it is possible to receive PDL treatments not resulting in a bruised apperance.

Intensed Pulsed Light is the latest and greatest treatment to fall under the laser treatment umbrella. It's actually not technically correct though, as IPL uses a non-laser light source! First approved by the FDA in 1995, IPL has been shown to be very effective in treating a variety of rosacea symptoms. Subjects report that their treatments have resulted in a decrease in papule breakouts, facial flushing and redness, and the prominence of blood vessels on the face. Note that there are temporary side effects of IPL treatment, which ironically mimic a few the symptoms they will ultimately reduce, such as swelling and redness.

Treatments such as Pulsed Dye Laser and Intensed Pulsed Light are not typically covered under most individuals health insurance policies.

The costs are not extreme, but paying for such treatments is not cheap either. You can expect to pay $300-500 (more, sometimes) per treatment session. The amount of treatments needed varies person to person. Good results can be seen with a single or double treatment, but some patients will end up receiving half a dozen or more treatments to see the results desired.

Unfortunately, not all individuals with rosacea are a candidate for laser treatment. There are some conditions which cancel you out, such as having a suntan (which is easy enough to fix!), as well as certain types of diabetes, a tendency to develop blod clots, and also the presence of keloids, which is certain type of scarring on the skin where the skin was damaged and then later healed. Rosacea treatment options offer a variety of ways towards maintaining your regular life while keeping your rosacea flareups under control. Laser treatments, prescription drugs, and lifestyle choices are all tools in the treatment toolbox which should be explored. Learn more in the Rosacea Treatment Guide

How Does Laser Surgery For Stretch Marks Work?

Laser surgery for stretch marks has been widely used by a lot of specialists. They say that laser can improve a varying degrees of this skin problem.

Generally, stretch mark that is still reddish (early stage) is the most responsive to this kind of therapy. But there have been a lot of instances where the marks have turned silvery- white (late stage) and still improved with the use of laser.

Laser is a concentrated beam of light. It can selectively transmit its energy to the skin tissue. It works by reducing the redness of the scarring and improve some of the inflammation. Laser can also induce collagen and elastin growth and regeneration. Collagen and elastin are proteins that are found in the skin that contributes to its elasticity and strength.

During a laser surgery for stretch marks, a beam of light removes thin layers of skin around the affected area. A unique and latest form of laser is effective for this procedure. Instead of burning the area targeted with laser, it makes use of high-energy ultraviolet laser light to disrupt the normal bonds in the skin tissue and causes it to disintegrate. Once the procedure is complete, the targeted area will heal completely and a new, healthy skin layer is formed replacing the scarred and damaged part.

Immediately after the laser therapy, the area will be red and tender. This is due to the scarred skin being replaced and a new skin is grown.

Patients who undergone report a 30 to 40 percent improvement rate from laser surgery for stretch marks.

Because of the cost and the risks it poses, laser surgery for stretch marks may not be the best solution for everyone. Discover the best affordable alternative stretch mark treatment and get rid of your stretch mark today!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Erbium Laser Resurfacing Shows Promise In The Field Of Skin Rejuvenation

The Erbium laser is another proven technique used to resurface the skin. Time and the sun cause aging and photo-aging of the skin. The skin looses its vibrant appearance and becomes dull. Brown spots, both age spots and sunspots appear. Fine lines develop, and eventually progress into deeper lines. Smoking decreases the oxygen flow to the skin and facilitates this process. For years, people have looked to rejuvenate their skin and bring back its youthful appearance.

In the past this has successfully been done with chemical peels, dermabrasion, and then with the carbon dioxide (CO2) laser. Now, the erbium laser offers a significant advantage in treatment. Lasers have been used in the treatment of various skin conditions for the past several decades. This intense beam of light vaporizes thin controlled layers of skin to create a smoother and more youthful appearance. The surgeon can fine tune and individualize treatment for each patient to address each area of the face separately to create the optimal outcome. Recent innovations have allowed doctors to be able to vaporize thinner and thinner layers of tissue. The Erbium removes the thinnest layer of tissue possible. Also, minimal heat is generated, so the skin stays pink only for a short period of time. The Erbium laser removes a thinner layer of tissue than the carbon dioxide laser and also causes less heat, or thermal damage. This allows for a much speedier recovery. The patient can return to wearing make-up in less than one week and the skin will remain pink only for one to three weeks. Thus, the overall recovery period is much shorter.

This laser can also be used to treat the skin on the chest and hands to remove the brown spots and sun damage there. Due to the decrease in the heat produced, darker skin types can also be treated more safely. Lastly, the Erbium can be done under purely local anesthesia. The skin is treated with a cream called EMLA to numb the area. No intravenous sedation or injections are needed. However if the patient prefers this, it can be done with some mild anesthesia. Treatment with the Erbium laser focuses on removing lines on the face, superficial acne scars and irregular pigmentation. Lines around the mouth, eyes and forehead can be treated. Depending on the type and severity of the lines, botox and/or collagen or fat injections in addition to your laser surgery may give you the optimal result. Acne and surgical scars can also achieve significant improvement with erbium laser resurfacing. Deep lines and severe scarring may be better treated with the carbon dioxide laser. We will discuss your individual face and determine which treatment is best for you and your lifestyle. Pre-treatment with both topical and oral medications is necessary. Strict avoidance of the sun is essential to help prevent hyper pigmentation. A test site may be performed to assess an individual's reaction prior to treating an entire area.

After treatment there will be redness, oozing and swelling for 2-5 days. Pain medication will be provided if necessary. Meticulous wound care will need to be followed. Make-up can usually be applied 3-6 days after treatment. Healing is approximately 1 week, but persistent redness may be seen for a few weeks after the treatment. When treating the chest and hands, the skin tends to stay pink for a longer period, occasionally up to several months. Detailed instructions on pre-operative and post-operative care are attached. As with any procedure, risks are associated with this procedure. They are however, very infrequent. These include, but are not limited to, infection, pigmentation changes, prolonged redness and scarring. Although the skin condition will improve with treatment, a subsequent touch-up may be necessary, particularly with deeper lesions. is your online resource for plastic surgery. Find plastic surgeons throughout the United States that offer liposuction. Find a doctor in your area like Santa Monica Surgeon Karyn Grossman.

Top 4 Lasers for Removing Acne Scars

The Food and Drug Administration has approved several lasers for treating acne scars. While these lasers come from various manufacturers, the lasers generally receive FDA approval because the functions and safety levels of one laser are almost identical to previously approved lasers.

For example, enhanced lasers such as the CoolTouch CO2 (carbon dioxide) laser and recently approved Fraxel IV laser earned FDA approval because the devices have the same or similar wavelength and operating principles as previously approved devices.

Since a substantial portion of laser devices attain FDA approval based on the effectiveness of previously approved devices, how is the consumer to discern which laser is best for removing acne scarring?

Before we tackle that issue, another item makes reviewing medial studies of laser treatments for acne scars even more puzzling.

Thomas Rohrer, a dermatologic surgeon in private practice in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, elucidated this point in a Skin and Allergy News editorial. Dr. Rohrer gave an example of how evaluators of patient improvement levels after laser treatments could not independently or unbiasedly concur on the level of improvement in the patient's skin.

For instance, in four separate studies, the same physician performed laser procedures on different groups of patients using the same type of laser. Yet, when study evaluators examined before and after images of the study participants, their opinions on the cosmetic improvements in the patient's skin varied enormously.

The laser treatment conundrum Dr. Rohrer's exposes is, "How could such varying results come from using the same device with the same technique, especially considering that the four studies were all performed by the same investigator?"

Dr. Rohrer proposes this inconsistency arises from the three categories of laser study evaluators. The the laser "enthusiasts" give the procedure the best scores. The "ambivalent" evaluators give scores in the middle range. And finally, the laser doubters give the lowest scores.

Regardless of the grave variables tainting laser studies, the number of treatments needed and the overall acne scarring improvement level do allow a means to rank cosmetic lasers. Here's how four competing lasers to treat acne scars compare.

#4 1,064-nm Nd:YAG pulsed light system

Treatments: 8

Improvement rating: 29.36%

Marketed names include PhotoSilk Laser

Last year, a study in Dermatologic Surgery tested the efficacy of the 1,064-nm Nd:YAG laser at removing acne scars. Nine patients received eight treatments for moderate to severe acne scarring. Three independent physicians assessed the overall improvement level of acne scarring severity for the group at 29.36%.

# 3 1,320-nm Nd:YAG

Treatments: 5

Improvement rating: 40-60%

Marketed names include CoolTouch Laser

An investigation from the same journal featured eight patients with facial acne scars. The group received eight treatments with the 1,320-nm Nd:YAG laser. After five treatments, independent observes assessed the overall acne scarring improvement rate between 40-60 %.

# 2 1,450-nm diode laser

Marketed names include Smoothbeam Laser

In a split test comparison between the 1,450-nm laser and 1,320-nm laser at treating mild to moderate atrophic (indented, or lost skin tissue) acne scarring, the 1,450-nm laser demonstrated greater improvement in acne scarring.

#1 1,550-nm erbium-doped fiber laser

Treatments: 3

Improvement rating: 51-75%

Marketed names include Fraxel Laser

This past March, a study in Dermatologic Surgery tested the 1,550-nm erbium-doped fiber laser on fifty-three patients with mild to moderate atrophic facial acne scars. After three treatments, two independent reviewers judged a 51-75% improvement in the scarring of 90% of the study participants.

Again, these ratings are based on the improvement levels patients coping with mild to severe acne scarring experienced after various laser treatments. As Dr. Rohrer explained, it is difficult to predict what your skin will look like after a laser treatment for acne scarring because many of the patient assessments during the studies were based on opinions of before and after photos.

To reduce the unpredictability surrounding laser correction of acne scars, ask your laser surgeon for before and after images of laser cosmetic procedures she has performed in the past months. Then judge the overall acne scarring improvement level for yourself.


Alster, Tina; Elizabeth L Tanzi & Melissa Lazarus. The Use of Fractional Laser Photothermolysis for the Treatment of Atrophic Scars. Dermatologic Surgery; March 2007, vol 33, no 3, pp 295-299.

Lipper, Graeme M & Maritza Perez. Nonablative Acne Scar Reduction after a Series of Treatments with a Short-Pulsed 1,064-nm Neodymium:YAG Laser. Dermatologic Surgery; August 2006, vol 32, no 8, pp 998-1006.

Rohrer, Thomas E. Ethics in Cosmetic Laser Treatments. Skin and Allergy News; May 2007, vol 38, no 5, pp 14-15.

Sadick NS & AK Schecter. A Preliminary Study of Utilization of the 1320-nm Nd:YAG Laser for the Treatment of Acne Scarring. Dermatologic Surgery; July 2004, vol 30, no 7, pp 995-1000.

Tanzi, Elizabeth L & Tina S Alster. Comparison of a 1450-nm Diode Laser and a 1320-nm Nd:YAG Laser in the Treatment of Atrophic Facial Scars: A Prospective Clinical and Histologic Study. Dermatologic Surgery; February 2004, vol 30, no 2, pp 152-157.

Naweko Nicole Dial San-Joyz founded Noixia, a San Diego based research firm dedicated to helping people intelligently, safely and affordably enhance their image by offering custom skin solutions to people with acne scars [] on the face and body. San-Joyz She has appeared on radio stations, in newspapers and on TV shows across the United States promoting beauty through health consciousness. Anyone seeking to enhance their image and remove acne scarring [] can find custom, clinically proven solutions at

Laser Body Hair Removal: An Overview of the Treatment Process

Laser Body Hair Removal is growing rapidy in popularity as men

and women become more conscious of their body image. It is

estimated that about one million Americans used laser treatment

to remove body hair in 2003; this number has doubled since then.

Interestingly, women outnumber men in seeking this treatment.

Laser treatment can be used to get rid of the unwanted hair

on the face, lips, chin, legs, arms, back, underarm, shoulders,

chest, neck, and bikini line. It is carried out by a qualified

cosmetic surgeon in a hospital or medical facility on an out

patient basis, and doesn't normally require an anesthetic.

The process begins by shaving the treatment area. If the patient

has dark skin, the cosmetic professional applies a bleaching

cream to facilitate better body hair removal results. Once the

treatment area has been shaved and cleaned, a local anesthetic

may be administered to mitigate any discomfort to the patient

during the procedure. But this may not always be necessary.

The surgeon uses a special instrument to deliver pulses of light

into the hair follicle. The heat emitted from the laser damages

the follicles and arrests hair development. The treatment may

take an hour or so depending upon the area to be treated. The

treatment time and intensity of the laser beam depends on the

density and color of the body hair and the body surface from

which the hair is to be removed.

The skin may become red immediately after the treatment. Sometimes, skin discoloration or burning may occur. After the laser body hair removal

treatment, patients should avoid exposing the treated area to

the sun. If it is unavoidable, a sun cream should be applied.

The areas of unwanted hair on women differ from that of men.

Women are most keen to remove hair from lips, chin, bikini line

area and the legs. Men use laser to remove hair from eyebrows,

ears, neck, chest and back. The technique is especially

preferred to remove hair from the back. Most men find back hair

embarrassing, but have very few viable options to remove them.

They have to depend on someone else if they have to shave or

apply depilatory creams. The laser hair treatment is therefore

the most convenient. It is permanent also.

In the case of leg hair, use of depilatory creams, shaving or

waxing can be undertaken by both en and women but they can be

tedious. Moreover, it may become necessary for many people to

shave their legs daily to keep them smooth. Waxing legs isn't as

painful as waxing other areas such as bikini line, but it is

very expensive.

Ellen Daniels offers expert advice and articles on all aspects of Laser Hair Removal. You can read about the latest technology for Laser Hair Removal at

FAQ - Shinepil a New Laser Hair Removal Treatment How Does It Work

The solution to leg hair removal has now troubled women for nearly 100 years. The earliest methods were brutal and painful. Over the years the processes involved have been refined but still there is room for improvement.

The shinepil is one of those new treatments and will soon enter the market. It's aim is to replace outdated forms of hair removal. The old methods include the use of wax.

Every woman has at some potint heated up wax and then applied it to the parts of the body that they want to remove hair from and been filled with dread. The thought of ripping off the attached cloth with the wax attached and ripping out the hair from the roots still makes the eyes water. It is still a very painful method.

The newer methods include shaving the legs but even with triple blades and protection guards the overall effect cans till be itchy and leave the skin dry. The isn't really an ideal solution to this old age problem.

The shinepil will use laser hair removal. The laser works by a principle called selective photothermolysis. The laser is pulsed (turned on) for a millisecond emitting a beam of light on to the skin. The laser system is intended for everlasting hair reduction emits wavelengths of light calculated to be absorbed by the pigment in the hair (melanin). If the surrounding skin is relatively light compared to the color of the hair, then the entire energy of the laser will be concentrated in the hair shaft, effectively destroying it without affecting the skin or follicle. Hair removal lasers target the dark pigment in the hair.

It can work on any type of skin still but is recommended for lighter skin for the best results. The shinepil is a use at home system that uses laser treatment to remove hair that doesn't harm the skin or cause any discomfort before or during use when it has been tested under clinical conditions. It is a new idea to solve an age old problem.

The shinepil is a new product that hasn't yet been released to the market. It will be a modern solution to the female leg hair removal problem for women with little time and busy lives. The Shinepil Review is a independant website that will bring the latest news about he shinepil.

When Should You Opt For Laser Hair Removal

Today, laser is the latest "in thing" in hair removal. Electrolysis is passe and painful, while the other methods are non-permanent, therefore annoyingly repetitive. But is everyone suitable for such treatment? This is one very important criterion to weigh before investing your money in such an expensive, permanent treatment.

Laser hair removal works by targeting the melanin in hair follicles. When the laser beam hits the skin, the melanin-rich hair follicles turn the laser's energy into heat. This heat "burns up" the follicle quickly and painlessly, changing its cellular structure so that the hair gets thinner or stops growing altogether.

In order to do this effectively, two things are required -

1. The color difference between hair and skin must be above a certain minimum. While lasers have advanced enough to treat people of most skin and hair tones - say light-skinned blondes or dark-skinned brunettes - there are still some additional precautions to be taken before opting for this.

2. The hair follicle must be in its "growth" stage, as opposed to "dormant" or "resting". This is necessary to cause the desired changes in the follicle's structure.

Laser hair removal is quite suitable for most people, especially those who have rapidly growing, coarse hair they want to get rid of. The pubes and underarms, for example, always respond well to laser. The chest, back and arms, especially, can require a higher number of sessions, though the exact number varies from case to case.

People with sensitive skin or any skin disorders should let their practitioner know before scheduling an appointment. If necessary, some treatment may be taken before the hair removal process to decrease side-effects. In any case, side-effects are quite mild - limited only to pain, swelling and blistering.

Most people prefer going for laser before a beach holiday rather than after, and this is definitely the way to go. Tanned skin is not suitable for laser treatment, so wait till you have your normal coloring back before your laser sessions. This may take several weeks, so be prepared to wait.

Some medications tend to irritate the skin, so check with your laser practitioner and ask if the topical medications you use will clash with treatment. You may have to discontinue these for months.

Also, postpone your laser hair removal immediately if you have cuts, blisters, inflammation or irritation on the skin to be treated. Remember to stay healthy before your appointment, as any infection will cause your treatment to be postponed yet again.

Moles, birthmarks, beauty spots or other dark marks on the skin are also contraindications for laser treatment, as they have attract the laser's energy toward them. You can opt to remove these marks before going for hair removal, though.

Finally, lupus, epilepsy or diabetes will immediately put you off the list for laser hair removal candidates.

Your medical doctor should always be consulted before you do something as drastic as permanent hair removal to your body, and should take all precautions generally taken before any form of surgery. Though laser hair removal is extremely common today, do not forget that in the end, it resembles a surgical procedure. Take the same precautions, and you will definitely emerge with great results.

Visit Laser Clinic and learn more about IPL Laser Hair Removal

IPL Laser Hair Removal - The Ultimate Hair Removal Machine?

Using the latest technology and highly trained professionals, Intense Pulse Light (IPL) hair removal is able to treat every region of the body and face to remove unwanted hair in a relatively pain-free manner. Regardless of how sensitive an area on the body, IPL laser hair removal uses versatile equipment to quickly treat hair located on the chest, back, bikini line, and beyond.

The IPL Hair Laser Hair Removal Process

Before an IPL hair removal treatment is administered, the intended area is cleanly shaven. The appropriate size selected for intended hair removal regions are passed over. In order for the permanent destruction of a hair follicle, just the right amount of heat (thermal) energy is required. This action is made possible through holding light flashes long enough over selected parts of the body. Additionally, it is necessary to possess a certain amount of melanin in a hair bulb for the absorption of heat energy. IPL hair removal treatments also pinpoint and eliminate feeder blood vessels to targeted hair follicles. This is why treatment areas are shaven before the procedure so the heat that makes contact with the hair bulb does not cause the skin to burn.

The difference between IPL hair removal and other options is that there are plenty of machines on the market that burn the contents of a hair shaft, but produces a temporary outcome. As a result, the hair is still present within the hair bulb that will grow back if the hair follicle is not completely destroyed.

Sometimes, using another process other than IPL will result in hair damage that becomes much harder to treat in the future. In the end, many people find that using inexpensive and less advanced equipment and procedures are not always the best choice. Improper hair removal and failed treatments are just a waste of time. It is also important to keep in mind that the best results are seen in people with a lighter skin color and darker hair color (more melanin), as they experience more permanent hair follicle destruction.

Treatment Details

Usually, the typical amount of IPL treatments needed to see desirable results is between four and six visits. During an initial consultation, the number of suggested treatments is explained based upon the type of skin and hair you possess. For the first four treatments, intervals are weekly to achieve the best results. A fifth and sixth treatment is usually recommended at one to three monthly intervals in case hair growth is still present. IPL is quick and efficient, taking 15 minutes to treat the legs or back, and 5 minutes for the bikini, underarms, chin, or upper lip.

IPL works to loosen hair and put an end to the cells associated with new hair growth by using intense light that is converted into heat as it makes contact with the follicles. Most of the hair will not grow back at all, while residual pieces will reappear lighter and thinner than before. Overall, IPL hair removal is considered far more advanced in destroying hair follicles because of its increased power and intense light beams. During the process, some fear pain, but the procedure hurts less than waxing with the help of effective cooling. Results are also seen within the first treatment, as the 30% of hair in the growth stage is effectively eliminated.

More about laser hair removal machines, or laser hair removal information: Laser-Hair-Removal-101.Info Laser-Hair-Removal-101.Info

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Laser Lipo Can Help Achieve the Result You Want

Who would choose to use laser lipo? Well, if you've been working hard to lose weight and tone up, it can be frustrating to find that you have stubborn pockets of fat that just won't shift. Whether it is a double chin, love handles, a beer belly or bingo wings, sometimes it doesn't matter how strictly you diet, or how much exercise you do, nothing seems to get rid of them. We all want a toned, shapely body, and advanced laser lipo with suction is a tool which can help us make the finishing touches to our bodies.

What's wrong with liposuction?

Until recently, liposuction was the only real solution to eliminate these fat pockets, but with a general anaesthetic and lots of time off work, it isn't ideal. Laser lipo offers a safer alternative to help you achieve the shape you want. Unlike old-fashioned liposuction, you don't need a general anaesthetic and unless you have a physically demanding job, you should be able to return to work within a couple of days. During the procedure, aside from some sensations of pushing and pulling, you shouldn't feel any discomfort at all.

Will it Work?

Many of us worry about cosmetic procedures and whether or not they will actually work as we want them to. In particular, the biggest concern most people have with fat removal methods, is whether or not their skin will bounce back or not. Laser lipo combats this effectively as the laser stimulates collagen and elastin, tightening the surrounding skin to help avoid any bagginess.

What do they do?

First a local anaesthetic is administered to the treatment area and once the area is numb, the doctor makes a 3mm nick in the skin. Laser light is delivered through a fibre and is converted to heat, disrupting and breaking down fat cells. The melted fat is then gently sucked out, and any fat left will naturally be cleared out through the lymphatic system within a matter of weeks. Afterwards you don't even need to stay overnight, although a day or two of rest is recommended!

Where can I have it done?

Laser Lipolysis fat reduction has recently been reclassified by the Care Quality Commission as a cosmetic surgery procedure. This means that clinics wishing to perform laser lipo must be registered as an Acute Hospital.

Written by Allie Wright for Dr A P Townshend who offers laser lipo from the Townshend Skin Clinic.

Dr A P Townshend is the owner and Medical Director of Townshend Skin Clinic in Northampton and provides a wide range of aesthetic treatments. He is also a lead injector for a major national aesthetics company including a Harley Street clinic.

Why Men Should Consider Laser Hair Removal?

The majority of women usually know at least the basics of laser hair removal and see it as an easy solution for removing unwanted hair. A lot of men may not be familiar with laser hair removal or may think of it as a beauty treatment solely for women but in fact it can also be a great way for men to rid themselves of excessive or unwanted hair. It's certainly preferable to time consuming shaving or the pain of waxing.

The most common areas that men wish to have hair removed are the chest, back, jaw and legs. Laser hair removal can removed hair from these areas quickly, easily and with the minimum of fuss. Some men may have been put off by horror stories from women they know of slow, painful treatments and nasty side effects such as burning, blisters and skin damage but with the new advanced Soprano XL pain free laser these worries are a thing of the past. This new technology means that treatments are virtually painless with very little chance of adverse side effects.


Most women accept that treatments like these come at a cost but being fully aware of the benefits are happy to pay what they see as fair. Men on the other hand are more practical and will most likely want to justify the expense of such a treatment and may have been put off by some of the prices they have heard mentioned but the fact is that the cost of this treatment can be seen as an investment. An investment that will not only help you feel better about yourself after getting rid of that unwanted hair but will also save you precious time and money in the future. You will no longer need to buy razors and foams or creams and waxes, time normally spent shaving in the morning or waxing your chest and back hair in the evening can be put to better use. Maybe spending more time with your partner and children, getting on with that DIY project that never seems to be getting finished or simply spending time with friends. However you use that extra time it will undoubtedly be more enjoyable and productive than standing in front of the mirror with a razor or enduring the torture that is waxing. If you are still not convinced that laser hair removal can be an investment, sit down and add up the amount that you spend on razors, foams, creams and wax each year. Think how much this will cost over the course of you life and now compare it to the cost of laser hair removal. Add to that all the time you will have saved and how much easier your daily routine will be and the answer is really a no brainer.

Looking after your skin

If you are reading this and are interested in laser hair removal it is fair to say that you care about your appearance and would like to look and feel your best. Laser hair removal can help you achieve this. Not only does it include all the benefits already mentioned above but it will also make looking after your skin so much easier. Shaving, waxing and chemical creams can all be harsh on your skin causing rashes, dryness and general discomfort, not to mention those nasty annoying cuts from your razor. If you want your skin to look its best all this constant abuse will need constant care and attention meaning that you can add the cost of lotions, creams and moisturisers to the expense of shaving and waxing. With laser hair removal you will be your skin will not only be free from unwanted hair but also soft and smooth and healthy, helping you to always look and feel your best.

For more information on the pain free laser hair removal for men or to find you nearest laser hair removal clinic please visit The Laser Hair Removal Group website.

How Much Do You Know About Laser Hair Removal?

The common problem both men and women face is unwanted hair on their bodies. Shaving, waxing and tweezing are the traditional ways used by both men and women to remove their unwanted hair. However, the traditional methods are not able to produce permanent results and it can only be carried out on relatively small areas.

Here comes the useful innovation which is beneficial for men and women who are facing the same problem. Laser hair removal is specially designed to remove unwanted body hair permanently using the high intensity beam of light. The particular light energy gives off a lot of heat which is directed at hair follicles to damage and stop the growing process of the hair.

During the removing procedure, the area is firstly shaved and cleaned. The doctors will then apply an anesthetic cream on the particular area. The laser which is used by the doctors produces pulsed beams of highly concentrated light ray. The light will be absorbed by the pigment located in the hair follicles and slowly damages the surrounding follicle. The affected areas will normally become red and swollen for a very short period of time right after the treatment. The sign will disappear soon. In the case of facial hair removal, wearing goggles is compulsory as eyes are very sensitive organs. Different parts of the body experience different kinds of sensation depending on the sensitivity of the skin.

The investment cost of such procedure varies, depending on the parts of body, the number of sessions required, the services given by the doctors and so on. The minimum charge is USD 100 and above. Many people opt for laser removal because they find that it is not only time saving but also cost saving in the long run as they don't need to spend much time on shaving and they also can save money on purchasing hair removal cream from time to time.

Although this hair removal procedure can be uncomfortable, it is a fairly painless process which is able to remove small and large areas of unwanted hair from the body. The duration of the process can be few minutes to an hour, depending on the size of the treatment area. The hair removal method works best to those with fair skin and dark hair. The effects are extremely obvious on coarse hair rather than fine hair. In normal circumstances, most treatments require two to three sessions for removing the unwanted hair in a particular area permanently. However, in some cases, multiple sessions are required as follow-up. This is because the hair in the treatment area will re-grow thinner with each session until virtually all the hair follicles are damaged completely. The duration of the follow up treatments is within one year.

In conclusion, this type of removal is indeed an ideal way of getting a fine and smooth skin. It is definitely safe if it is carried out by experienced doctors.

For more information about laser facial hair removal and laser hair removal equipment, visit

Laser Hair Removal For Men - A Guide to Treatments and Cost

Traditionally the removal of body hair has been a female concern. However, in recent years many men have also become more interested in the subject of laser hair removal.

Male hair removal was initially considered mainly for sporting reasons, but in the last few years many men have started to consider removing their body hair for health or cosmetic reasons. Many men who would once have been willing to live with excessive amounts of body hair are now able to consider permanent hair reduction methods.

Currently in the US laser hair removal is licensed only as a method of permanent hair reduction (as opposed to permanent hair removal.) For women this can often be a great disadvantage where completely smooth skin is the desired outcome. However this is not true for men. Typically men are seeking a permanent reduction in the amount of their body hair rather than a full complete removal. This is particularly true for men attempting to treat their back, chests, stomachs and arms.

Laser hair removal works best on patients with pale skin and dark hair. This is the same for both men and women. People with skin types I and II and with dark hair usually get the best results. Only the most modern of machines are able to treat very blond or gray hair.

Women most frequently seek treatment on the armpits, bikini line and lower legs. Men typically request treatment on the back, chest and stomach. Because of the fact that these areas are larger than those treated for women more time per session may be required which can make treatment more expensive for men than for women.

Men also have higher levels of testosterone which can stimulate additional hair growth. This can mean that they often require more treatment sessions than women, again meaning that treatment may be more expensive and time consuming than for females.

Men do however gain additional benefits over those experienced by women. Shaving or waxing large parts of the body can result in a large number of infected hair follicles as well as extensive shaving rashes. Not only this, but it is a time consuming and costly procedure to endlessly repeat shaving or waxing. Laser hair removal completely eliminates the problem of infected and inflamed hair follicles which can be both painful and unsightly. It can also reduce the number of times a man needs to visit the hairdressers as lasering the hair on the neck reduces the frequency of haircuts.

When considering laser hair removal costs it is important that the long term costs of waxing are taken into consideration. Although it may be the case that laser treatment is more expensive initially, the ongoing costs of waxing should be considered. It may well be the case that laser hair removal is actually cheaper in the longer term.

For men that are interested in laser hair removal it is important to seek the advice of a licensed clinic or doctor. They will be able to offer you guidance as to what kind of laser treatment will be the most appropriate for you and how many sessions are likely to be needed. With this information they will be able to offer you an estimate as to the likely overall cost of treatment.

Leticia David is an expert beauty writer who specialises in writing about the latest cosmetic procedures. Please click on the following links for more information on the laser hair removal for men and a comprehensive guide to laser hair removal cost.

Is Vascular Laser Treatment the Right Option For You?

Vascular laser treatment can be a very effective option for those who are suffering from wrinkles, stretch marks, haemangiomas, spider veins, rosacea, port wine stains, acne lesions, and other types of scars that are red in color. In this treatment method, intense light is used to treat these conditions. When the light hits the skin, it actually destroys the blood vessels of the affected area, but it is done is such a precise way that the surrounding tissues remain intact. Following is a brief description on how it can benefit you.

Know Your Options

Depending upon the specific condition you are suffering from, the dermatologist may suggest a specific type of vascular laser treatment. Different methods are used for different conditions. In general, you have several options to choose from, such as invasive surgery, laser therapy, legation and stripping, and Sclerotherapy. Not all options are good for you. Only an expert dermatologist can tell you what is right for you. Just because a particular therapy has been successful for your friend, it does not mean that it will prove to be that much effective for you as well. Your condition might be different from your friend's. So, it is always wise to get your condition checked thoroughly before you decide about the right treatment option

Consult With Your Doctor

If you are not sure whether you should go for vascular laser treatment or not, you are strongly recommended to contact your doctor. Your doctor will examine your condition and will then suggest whether this is the right option for you. The reason why doctors prefer this option is that unlike other procedures, laser treatment does not damage veins or other unaffected vascular areas - it only pinpoints the injured area and treats the same.

How Much Time Does It Take?

Depending upon the severity of the condition, the vascular laser treatment may take one day to a week. Therefore, it is always wise to schedule your time accordingly. In general, the procedure is done as an outpatient. There is relatively very little risk associated with this therapy and even the recovery time is very short.

What About Bruising?

Yes, in some cases, bruising may occur after the treatment is performed, especially on legs. But, there is nothing to worry about it. You do not need any farther treatment to resolve this issue. The bruising will auto9matically disappear within 7-15 days.

Size Of The Area That Needs Treatment

In order to ensure best results from vascular laser treatment, you are strongly recommended to enquire about the actual size of area on your skin that needs treatment. It has been found that larger areas when treated through laser cause very little discomfort as compared to other therapies, such as sclerotherapy or other surgical options.

There are several other things as well that you need to keep in mind while you are considering this type of treatment. For example, when the vascular laser treatment is performed it may result in decreased or increased pigmentation near the treated area.

Mr Albertina has been a hobbyist writer writes his free time and specializes in many sectors. He contributes through these informative articles various topics on health like laser treatment, laser spine treatments and eye laser treatment. For more information on vascular laser treatment and the questions that people considering surgery frequently ask visit today.

Dental Laser Diode Terminology

Introducing laser dentistry to your practice can be very exciting and somewhat fearful. The procedures performed will now be a little different because of the more advanced and precise tool. New certifications will also be necessary to use a laser because of the dangerous laser beam the tool emits. An orthodontist must be certified to operate with a dental laser diode. There will also be new terminology to remember along with their abbreviations and meanings. Here is a look at some of the new terminology you will need to know when using a dental laser.

There are four main terms that the orthodontist or dentist should be familiar with when having laser dentistry as a part of their practice. The terminology to be familiar with is: optical density, nominal ocular hazard distance, nominal hazard zone, and maximum permissible exposure. The laser safety officer or LSO should inform all staff who works around the laser of all the terminology as well. To create a safe working space everyone should know what the LSO is referring to during a procedure such as optical density for example.

Optical density, or OD, is the opacity of the protective material for the laser. Essentially it is the measurement of the wavelength from the optical medium's transmittance. There is an inverse relationship of the OD because when the wavelength is higher, the transmittance will be lower.

Nominal ocular hazard distance, or NOHD, refers to the distance where the radiant exposure from the laser exceeds the maximum permissible exposure. This terminology is specific to the distance of the dental laser diode and the eye. If the laser safety operator thinks the laser will pass the distance of the NOHD, proper eyewear should be given to protect the eyes. The strength of the laser can cause permanent damage to the eyes if the beam crosses over the eyes.

The nominal hazard zone, or NHZ, can sometimes be confused with the NOHD. However, it refers to the any space in which the maximum permissible exposure is exceeded. Anyone within the NHZ should wear protective clothing and safety gear including protective eyewear. The NOHD refers specifically to the eyes. The strength of the laser will determine the NHZ.

Maximum permissible exposure, or MPE, is the level of laser exposure in which there will be no damage to the skin or eyes. There is a level of laser radiation where a person can be unprotected and have no damaging effects. Essentially, it is the highest power of the laser that is deemed safe.

Bob Cobley is the President of Spectrum Lasers Inc. Spectrum manufactures and has marketed dental laser diode internationally since 1998. Approx 2000 GPs and 1200 orthodontists have purchased laser periodontal from him. For more information visit