Acne is a common skin problem among adolescents and adults. While it may not carry any threat on your health, it does affect your confidence and self-esteem. Fortunately, there are several options for treating this skin condition. Laser treatment for acne is one of the latest methods available today.
Laser treatments work in a unique way and are considered more effective than traditional ones. These treatments reach into the deeper layers of the skin while leaving the surface virtually untouched. This prevents scars from happening which make it a favorable solution to most patients. It has the added benefit of improving skin texture making it more attractive.
Lasers work different ways from each other. Some target the glands underneath the skin reducing their capability to produce oil. This in turn reduces the likelihood of acne appearing on your skin. Another laser treatment for acne involves killing the bacteria that causes it.
There are different kinds of laser treatment for acne with each having a difference in methodology. Blue light therapy destroys propionibacterium acnes (P. acne) which are believed to cause acne inflammation. Since these bacteria multiply rapidly, ongoing sessions are in order to get the best results. Keep in mind that there are side effects to this though.
Another method that destroys P. acnes is therapy using pulsed light and heat energy. Additionally, it shrinks the sebaceous glands as well which makes them produce less skin oil. Diode laser therapy on the other hand does the same thing without destroying the upper layers of the skin.
Light-based therapies may also be combined with treatments that use topical medication. Photodynamic therapy uses these methods quite cleverly. A photosensitizing agent is first applied on the area prior to light therapy. After this, a pulsed light follows which finishes the job.
Sometimes, removing the very things that causes acne is the better laser treatment for acne. In this case, a patient undergoes what is called photopneumatic therapy. This involves the use of a suction pump to remove skin oil and dead skin cells that irritate the skin. P. acnes are then destroyed using light therapy.
Depending on the severity of the condition, different patients may need different treatments. In any case though, laser treatments have been proven to be more effective than prescription and over-the-counter medication. It is just a matter of finding which one is best at treating skin acne.
For this reason, it is better to consult a dermatologist before starting anything. They have the proper training and experience to make the best suggestion to you. In the end though, the choice of which laser treatment for acne to go for is still your decision. Try to go for a treatment that you feel most comfortable with.
Minty Cavet has been writing articles and product reviews for many years. Her main focus has been to concentrate on topical subjects which are thrust into public debate. Acne has always been an area where more and more people are keen to uncover the facts and potential cures for this skin condition. Minty has decided to tackle this subject head on. Take a look at her latest articles on laser treatment for acne and vitamins for acne.