Saturday, October 19, 2013

Laser Hair Removal Side Effects - Know the Facts

Laser hair removal has been shown to be a very safe procedure on thousands of patients. However, like any other medical procedure, be sure to discuss the possible risks and side effect with your doctor so that you know what to expect following the procedure. Choosing a qualified and experienced doctor is one of the most important things you can do to lower any possible risk of complications. Luckily, the side effects associated with hair removal using lasers are very temporary, and not likely to have any long-term effects.

The side effects of laser hair removal you may experience include:

Pain during treatment. During the procedure, you will experience a slight stinging pain as the laser is being used. However, it should not be overly painful. Particularly if you are having the laser procedure done in a sensitive area of your body, ask about numbing creams or pain relief options. Once the laser procedure is over, the pain should subside. You'll be able to return to your normal activities immediately after you leave the doctor's office.
Redness and swelling. This is quite common after laser hair removal. Usually lasting a day or two, you can apply ice to the area, as well as aloe creams. The redness and swelling should start to subside as soon as the procedure is over, and be completely gone within a week.
Blistering, burns, or scabbing. These side effects are very rare. They can usually be attributed to an inexperienced doctor or using the wrong settings on the laser device. If you undergo laser hair removal while your skin is tanned, you also increase your risk. Patients with darker skin also have an elevated risk for these side effects, because the lasers used to treat their hair are stronger. Keep the area moist with petroleum jelly (Vaseline), and use a medicated ointment, particularly if open areas in the skin develop.
Pigment changes. The treated area of the skin may become darker or lighter after the laser hair removal procedure. Within a few months, it should return to your normal skin color. Loss of freckles or lightening of moles may also occur, and tattoos in the treated area could become lighter or darker.

To lower your risk of laser hair removal side effects, do not tan before your laser hair removal appointment. Select an experienced doctor to perform the procedure, and make sure the doctor is fully trained in the specific laser technology to be used in your situation. Any side effects you experience should be temporary, so be sure to tell your doctor if they persist or grow worse over time.

Louise Bently is the author of Home Laser Hair Removal Systems which has more advice about the many aspects of laser hair removal at home. Discover more about how to minimize laser hair removal side effects.

Laser Surgery for Cellulite

Cellulite is one of the most embarrassing conditions for many individuals. This is actually a lumpy deposit of fatty tissue under the surface of the skin. It may be referred to as looking like cottage cheese or an orange peel, and may lead to great deals of embarrassment for those suffering from it; some may even go to great lengths to try to conceal it. Unfortunately, unlike typical fatty deposits that may respond to diet and exercise, this is a condition that is quite difficult to get rid of with diet and exercise. Thankfully, however, many have found success through the various cosmetic approaches to treating this condition.

The exact cause of this condition is not fully understood. Some point to hormones and the tissue surrounding the fat cells that keep them in place. This is called septa. Septa are vertical in women and horizontal in men. As septa run vertically, fat cells are pushed up, leading to the dimples that we often think of when we think of this condition. This may also be a reason why women tend to experience this condition more than men.

One technology that has grown tremendously over the years and today is used in many facets of the medical and cosmetic industry is lasers. Through lasers, many have successfully found relief from a variety of cosmetic blemishes and skin conditions such as wrinkles and fine lines, pockets of body fat, sun damage and many others. Cellulite is another condition that may be treated using this technology.

This technology is quite popular because of the precision that it offers to professionals performing treatments, as well as the relative safety of the technology when used corrected and administered properly. Various treatments are available that utilize laser technology with many contouring and shaping the body while also helping to get rid of the dimply appearance of this condition.

There are other methods of treatment as well including Dermocell. Dermocell is a treatment that has helped many individuals find relief from cellulite. This procedure combines positive pressure (squashing) and negative pressure (suction) to achieve desired results. Dermocell is intended to redistribute fluids and to provide an increase and distension of the fibrous tracts. It is also used to increase located metabolism.

In some cases, treatment may involve a combination of laser technology and other methods of treating and getting rid of this often unsightly condition such as various energies or mechanical devices.

Justin recommends that you visit a Laser Skin Tightening clinic for procedures, a consultation and questions for removing cellulite via Mesotherapy. A fairly easy way. See for yourself.

Electrolysis Versus Laser Hair Removal

Which one is better electrolysis or laser hair removal?

Both work great if you are looking for a permanent hair removal. Well, electrolysis so far is the only one that has been proven to be permanent, but the laser delivers very long lasting results which sometimes are permanent.

Electrolysis - A needle is inserted into a hair follicle and electrical current is applied to the root of the hair. Though it may seem barbaric, electrolysis is very effective in stopping the hair from ever coming back. Multiple treatments are required to achieve permanent results.

Even though home devices are available, one must use extreme caution. Serious damage can occur to the skin. In order to avoid mishaps, it is strongly recommended to let the professional do the job.

Laser - Hair laser works by finding dark pigment in your hair. Once found the laser sends intense heat to the area thus killing the root of the hair.

Although multiple treatments are needed, the results are very long lasting and can be permanent for some. It is a lot less painful compare to electrolysis.

Electrolysis versus laser hair removal, the pros and cons?


Pros - the only permanent hair removal available.

can be used on anyone and any type of hair.

Cons - is painful

professional treatments are expensive.

only one hair at a time can be treated.


Pros - very long lasting results

more than one hair can be treated at the same time

less painful

professionals can use on almost anyone

leaves skin silky smooth

Cons - professional treatments are expensive

the hair might grow back after a certain period of time ( but usually wont for a long time)

does not work good on light hair

So in the battle of electrolysis versus laser hair removal, when it comes to consumers, many of them end up using both. Hair laser removal as the main treatment and electrolysis as the follow up to remove fine and or light hair.

To find out more about electrolysis versus laser visit

Cleavage and Neckline - How to Keep Your Decolletage and Neck Skin Looking Young

The cleavage and neckline skin, also called the décolletage has been the hallmark of youthful feminine beauty, sensuality and sexuality throughout history. Why then is the cleavage and neckline skin the most neglected when it comes to aging skin care?

Lack of awareness I believe. We are used to carefully studying our face when we look in the mirror, but we don't see our cleavage or neckline skin in the mirror. Yet, the cleavage and neck skin is the most common indicator of aging skin in my plastic surgery practice.

Why Does the Cleavage and Neckline Age so Quickly?

o Sun Exposure- because the chest area is slanted out away from our face, the sun's rays strike the chest directly. The chest skin burns often before the face when you are out in the sun. We are also more likely to spend more time applying sun block to our faces, arms and legs than to the chest area. Sun damage causes brown spots, red spots and blood vessels, and wrinkles on our skin. Since the cleavage and neckline get more sun, skin aging changes are accelerated.

o Thin Skin- Our skin on the neckline, chest and cleavage is much thinner than the skin on our back, arms and legs. Thin skin is more susceptible to sun damage and aging changes because the sun can penetrate deeper into the vulnerable dermis, the deep skin layer where aging changes are most striking.

How Can We Remove Brown Spots, Blood vessels and Wrinkles from the Cleavage and Neckline or Décolletage?

o Intense Pulsed Light-IPL-Photo Facial-Intense Pulsed Light (IPL), also called Photo Facial is a miracle treatment for aging changes of the cleavage and neckline. IPL is not a laser. IPL uses a flash of visible light which is of an appropriate color to specifically target brown pigment and blood vessels in the skin. When the IPL light hits the brown pigment or blood vessel, the heat from the light energy breaks up the pigment or closes the blood vessel. The full effect of the IPL on the brown spots or blood vessels takes about five weeks. Usually three IPL treatments scheduled 5 weeks apart are required for complete removal of the brown spots and blood vessels. Results are usually spectacular. An aged sun damaged cleavage and neckline can be restored to a blemish free younger look. I don't know why more people do not have these IPL treatments.

o Retin A Topical Skin Care- Retin A is the only topical skin care product that has been proven to prevent and reverse aging skin changes and sun damage. Why then is everyone not using Retin A? I assume because Retin A is expensive and requires a prescription. But most people spend huge amounts of over the counter aging skin creams that simply do not work and have no scientific proof of effectiveness. Dermatologists and Plastic Surgeons know the remarkable benefits of Retin A, that's why they prescribe it. Use Retin A on your face, neck, and chest. The chest area needs the Retin A as much or more than your face.

o Microdermabrasion-Microdermabrasion is the best, most effective form of deep exfoliation. Exfoliation removes dead and sun damaged skin cells from the surface of your skin. After the dead and damaged skin cells are removed the younger newer skin cells are revealed and your skin looks fresher and younger because the younger skin cells are visible. Microdermabrasion also stimulates the skin to grow new fresh cells. Microdermabrasion is also slightly irritating to the deeper skin dermis. This slight irritation stimulates the dermis to make new collagen to replace the collagen that has been lost from sun damage and skin aging. After microdermabrasion removes dead and damaged skin cells from the skin surface, Retin A, Vitamin C Serum and other topical skin care agents are absorbed more readily from the skin surface. Better absorption and penetration of these topical agents improves their performance. I strongly recommend that my patients have microdermabrasion of the neck and chest area when they have a facial microdermabrasion.

Lasers Are Too Strong for the Chest Area- Laser resurfacing goes too deep to be used on the chest area. As I mentioned earlier the skin of the chest and Décolletage is very thin. After laser resurfacing, healing occurs from cells in what are called skin appendages. Skin appendages are the hair follicles, sweat glands, and oil glands in the skin. The chest area in women has very few skin appendages and is quite thin, thus there is very little potential for healing of the chest area after laser resurfacing. The same is true with the hands and to a lesser degree the neck. New, more modern fractional laser resurfacing is more gentle, produces less skin damage and Erbium fractional laser resurfacing may be used cautiously on the neck. I am not comfortable yet using any laser on the chest. The IPL works beautifully on the chest, so in my opinion there is no need to take the risk of using the laser on the chest area.

How To Prevent Aging of the Chest and Neck

o Sun block-Be sure to put sun block on your chest and neck when you put it on your face. Re-apply every hour when in the hot sun.

o Sun Avoidance- From 11 o'clock to 4 o'clock wear a cover over your chest if in the sun. Better yet, go into a shady area during these hours when the sun is strongest. Wear a wide brimmed hat which shades your face and chest when in the sun. It protects you and is more of a fashion statement than your baseball hat.

o Never Use A Sun Reflector-the shiny aluminum foil on cardboard sun reflectors that people use to tan their face, can fry your chest. Never use them.

o Avoid tanning Booths-If you haven't gotten the message about tanning booths pay attention. I don't care what wavelength they use, UVB, UVA- both UV rays cause aging changes in the skin and I believe they can cause skin cancer. If you have to go to a tanning booth please wear a strong sun block. Sun block prevents a sunburn-you can still tan, it just takes 5-7 days to see the tan. All the color you see immediately after tanning is just a burn and your skin is damaged and aging changes will occur. You won't see brown spots, blood vessels, and wrinkles when you get out of the tanning booth, but I promise you they will come, certainly after a few years.

Your décolletage and neck are an important often neglected part of your appearance. Skin aging changes occur more rapidly here than anyplace else on your body. If you are not worried about appearance then worry about skin cancer which is very common on the chest area as we age. Learn more about how to protect and preserve your neck and chest skin. See pictures of cleavage and neckline rejuvenation. Learn more about skin rejuvenation and anti-aging skin care.

Important Information on Personal Laser Hair Removal Devices

Thrifty but fashion-conscious people, and those who have little time to visit professional hair removal experts or simply prefer the privacy of removing their own hair, now have access to several different personal laser hair removal devices to attempt their own at-home taming of their body hair. Most of these devices are small and easily portable, and are designed to resemble hair dryers or similar appliances. Although they are not as powerful as commercial hair removal lasers, they can still produce noticeable results, reducing the amount and heaviness of hair, or even removing it completely.

Personal laser hair removers work best - as does professional laser epilation treatment - on heavier, darker hairs. Although lasers used by professionals can sometimes be used to remove even fine, light hairs, personal lasers usually do not have enough adjustability or power to do more than thin these hairs. Complete removal is most likely on dark, coarse hairs growing on light skin, with results becoming more uncertain the further either hair or skin color diverges from this 'ideal.'

Nevertheless, the convenience, privacy, and low cost of these personal aesthetic lasers outweighs their potential drawbacks in the eyes of many. This is particularly true for easy-to-reach parts of the body such as the legs, or for small areas of undesirable hair, such as a few hairs between the eyebrows. For such jobs, the personal laser can be both effective and highly convenient.

The skin to be treated should be prepared by being washed, shaved, and dried thoroughly. Heating the hair above the surface does next to nothing - it is the hair inside the follicle that must be heated to the point where the follicle will die or atrophy. Once the area has been prepared, the skin sensor sold with the personal laser - if there is one - should be applied to the skin to measure the skin's color and other characteristics. This sensor is then used to set the laser to its best focus for the type of skin that is about to undergo epilation.

Many personal lasers have several different intensity settings, but the only way to learn which is the most tolerable to a specific individual is to try each. It is generally prudent to begin at the lowest setting and work up. The laser is then applied to the skin and 'fired;' the laser light is meant to be delivered as close to at right angles to the skin as possible. This process is then repeated across the whole area to be treated, overlapping slightly so that all follicles are heated.

Personal hair removal lasers are effective in many cases, but they do not work overnight, and the user should not be disappointed if hair does not vanish immediately, because it will not. The process is painstaking (and slightly physically painful) - the laser treatment must be repeated at two week intervals for at least three months, and then monthly for another quarter to half year. However, patience will eventually have its reward, and the home laser user will eventually find their skin either completely epilated, or the amount and thickness of hairs greatly reduced, sparing the need for shaving and providing a stylish smoothness to many parts of the body.

To learn much more about laser hair removal, visit where you'll find this and many more hair removal tips

What You Need to Know Before Shopping For Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Laser Hair Removal Treatment has steadily grown in popularity. People who laser their hair away comment that they feel confident and rejuvenated afterwards. They save time, stress, money, and pain from waxing and shaving. New advancements in technology have made this procedure easier and cost-effective. These individual treatments take roughly 10 minutes and are spaced several weeks apart.

But not all laser hair removal treatments are made equal. For every reputable and honest skincare clinic, there is a shady treatment center. These dubious establishments don't mind cutting corners and tend to focus on quantity over quality. When it comes to the health and care of your body, it is important to be a smart consumer.

Are you a good candidate for this procedure? Laser hair removal works by targeting the darker pigments in hair follicles. In the past, this has meant that the best candidates were those with lighter skin or darker body hair. However, recent developments in technology have made it possible to accommodate many combinations of skin tone and hair coloring. If you have darker skin or light hair, be sure to consult with your prospective technician about the results you can achieve. Keep in mind that skin care businesses with older pieces equipment may not be equipped for this. You do not want to risk skin discoloration. Ask about the equipment being used.
Get to know your technician. The training, experience, and education of your technician are important. While the machines and equipment used plays a large part in your procedure's success, it can produce less-than-ideal results without a qualified technician. A good skincare clinic is like a well-run orchestra. The machines are the instruments and the technician is the conductor. The conductor/technician is responsible for setting the pace and regulating the flow behind the laser. Many technicians within this field are medical aestheticians - a license that is typically given after a one-year program. Others are Registered Nurses, an official title received after 4 years of intense work. They have the added bonus of having a strong grasp on healthcare and anatomy, while having the necessary esthetic training. In either case, make sure to ask about their experience and training.
Beware Cheap Treatments and "Crazy" Discounts. Some skin care centers will try to push "packages" at you. They generally offer a series of treatments at "unbelievable" prices. It is a hefty investment - one that they want you to make in advance. Before you sign the dotted line, please consider what you are receiving closely. Even if your skin requires 4 treatments, they will try and hook you into a package with more, at an additional cost. A reputable skincare clinic would push honesty rather than the bottom line.
The skincare clinic also must maintain quality machinery. This is generally not conducive to offering "crazy" or deceptive prices. As with everything in life, you get what you pay for.
There is no such thing as guaranteed results. Every person is different. It is impossible to predict results. You may experience permanent hair removal or you may be experience continued minimal growth. Studies have shown that people experience an average reduction of hair loss at about 80%. Of course, some people experience less and some people experience more. If your skincare clinic is promising "guaranteed" or "permanent" hair loss, it may be best to look elsewhere for hair removal. Their goal is luring customers in with false promises rather than letting their work speak for itself.
It is not pain free. Anyone who tries to tell you otherwise is trying really hard to sell you this treatment. Most people who have had hair removal treatments have reported mild pain or discomfort. Considering the potential gain and no recovery-time, it is still a worthwhile procedure. It is a far better long-term solution than waxing, which can be even more painful.
Risks and Side Effects. As with all medical treatments, minor or otherwise, you may experience certain side effects. It is natural for there to be discomfort or swelling in the treatment area for days afterwards. You may experience temporary discoloration, bruising, freckles, or scab formations. In rare cases, discoloration is permanent. Please be sure to inform your technician if you have any skin infection or other bacterial infection. If the procedure is still right for you, they can employ additional safety precautions.
Obtain a Consultation. A qualified technician will be able to work with your unique needs and medical history to create a suitable treatment plan. Depending on the area you are targeting, this plan may consist of 4 to 6 treatment sessions. This is also the perfect time to ask questions and make sure this is the right skincare center for you. Ask about their equipment, possible follow-up sessions, and potential experience. A business with transparent procedures and a great track record is what you are looking for.
Pre-Treatment Preparation. Once you have decided on a reputable and experienced skincare clinic, it is time to countdown until your treatment date. In the four to five weeks before this date, be sure to avoid extended exposure to sunlight and tanning (spay tan or otherwise). Depending on the hair area you want laser removed, you make be asked to shave days in advance. Be sure to discuss this with your technician.

Take the time to ask questions and carefully research your skincare center. Don't be afraid to ask questions about your technician's experience and training. Keep in mind that the best hair removal clinics do not need to rely on gimmicks, half-truths, and pricing. This procedure is an investment of time and money on your part. Make an informed decision.

Renee Moschitto is the resident skincare technician and a registered nurse with certifications in aesthetics and laser treatment. She is the owner of DermaTouch RN, a Houston based skin care clinic.

DermaTouch RN specializes in skin care and laser hair removal. Their services include Botox injections, dermal fillers, laser hair removal, acne treatment, leg vein treatment, hormone replacement therapy, teeth whitening, permanent cosmetics, and more. For more information about DermaTouch RN or laser hair removal, visit:

Friday, October 18, 2013

Laser Hair Removal - A Boon For Women to Get Rid of Unwanted Hair

Every woman on this earth would love to have soft and silky legs and arms. The traditional methods of hair removal are painful. Hair removal irks and irritates women in general, especially women staying in cities. The very sight of unwanted hair on their body puts them off and hence they need to go in for regular hair removal treatments,

Women would get a permanent freedom if they are able to sort out the problem of permanent hair removal. This is the dream come true for many a woman. Is it really possible to achieve this? Yes, of course, this has been made possible by way of Laser Hair-removal. The introduction of Laser hair removal has indeed been a boon in disguise for the womenfolk.

Many amongst us have experienced the joys associated with laser hair-removal and there are more women joining the bandwagon. This is undoubtedly the ideal way to get rid of hair with minimum pain and side effects. It is important to note that the skin of no two women is similar. Some women have sensitive and soft skin and hence the pain of waxing is unbearable. Shaving is another option, but hair growth increases and the hair on the skin becomes thicker and tougher. So this is not a practical solution. Moreover, there are a lot of disadvantages associated with shaving. The skin becomes dark and the soft feel of the skin is lost.

The only alternative left is to go in for laser treatment wherein you do not have to worry about hair growth as the hair is removal permanently. The side effects associated with it are minimal. There is of course temporary redness to the skin, but you can be rest assured this would disappear after a few hours. Laser hair-removal erases hair from the roots and does not allow the hair to grow back again.

Women intending to have a permanent cure for hair removal should ideally visit your skin specialist and spend some time in understanding how the entire process works. Once you are clear on how this is done, just go the doctor and have this done. In a matter of minutes, you could walk out from the clinic soft and silky.

Women dreaming to have a hairless skin now know the secret and there is no point wasting further time. It has been researched and established that there are practically no side effects involved in laser hair removal. The process does not involve usage of chemicals and only natural light is used.

The problem is nipped in the bud and this means fewer problems. Laser treatment also prevents further growth of fresh hair. When the hair spots are deprived of melanin, hair does not grow at these places. Laser hair removal is also synonymous with heat. What we need to understand is that heat is applied only to melanin and not on the skin.

To know more about laser hair removal surrey, get in touch with cosmetic dentists surrey

Using Laser to Remove Your Tattoo

Statistics state that almost half of those over eighteen to forty have at least one tattoo on their body. Unfortunately many individuals who have chosen to receive a tattoo on their body decide after the fact that they do not want it anymore. Usually this is because the recipient is unsatisfied with the tattoo they were given. This has drastically increased the number of individuals that decide to have their tattoo or tattoos removed.

A lot of the time the ink used during application of an individual's tattoos can cause infection. This is because oftentimes tattoo parlors fail to use regulated ink, and they use this inferior ink to tattoo their customers. It is also very important to make sure the tattoo parlor you choose uses clean equipment. Many people fail to properly research the tattoo parlor and get their tattoos on the fly. Unclean equipment can lead to such diseases as hepatitis B, or hepatitis C, and a host of other infections and diseases caused from unclean needles.

When someone decides that the tattoo is not something they want to keep there are now ways to get it removed safely and efficiently. One option would be skin grafting. Another choice, and the most popular nowadays, is laser removal of your tattoo. Laser removal is the quickest option, and that is why it is no doubt the most used option. Laser removal works by targeting the pigment of the tattoo and separating the ink which will allow your body to dispose of the small ink pieces that remain.

Although laser removal is the most preferred option, there are also negative aspects to it. The laser removal process can end up being very painful dependent upon where you had the tattoo drawn on your skin. The process of laser tattoo removal for individuals whose tattoo has already become infected will be more advanced than the usual procedure. For starters the doctor will need to remove the infection from the skin around the tattoo. If your tattoo infection is very serious you may very well need to spend a few nights in the hospital to recover.

For those considering laser tattoo removal you should make sure to use the numbing agents that will be applied to the tattoo being removed to numb the area for surgery. Almost every laser tattoo removal surgeon will use numbing ointment or anesthetics prior to the removal process, so that you will experience the smallest amount of pain possible.

Choose a surgeon that has a good reputation to do your laser tattoo removal. Laser removal is a very delicate and intricate process, and unfortunately there can be serious side effects from getting laser tattoo removal. If you are currently planning to get a tattoo you should be certain it is what you really want to do. Laser tattoo removal is the best choice for removing an unwanted or infected tattoo, it is also important to weigh the risks. Laser tattoo removal can be dangerous, so it is extremely important to decide if you think you really need the tattoo you are getting. Thoroughly investigate the tattoo parlor you plan to get your tattoo from. This way you can hopefully get the tattoo you want, without infection, and you will not have to get painful and costly laser tattoo removal.

Brian has been writing articles and informational guides for over two years. To view some of his latest work visit p90x reviews which has the best places to buy P90x including exercise facts and information.

Laser Hair Removal for Tanned Skin

Laser hair removal is the trendiest solution for removing unwanted hair that grows in some parts of our body. However, hair removal is not guaranteed for everyone. There are some things to consider before undergoing such treatment.

The decision and determination of enhancing your physical appearance through the removal of the unnecessary hair on other areas of your body serves no assurance that you can already go through the treatment. Hence, you must first assess yourself if you qualify.

The absolute requirement is that one's hair must be darker than the surrounding skin. Since laser hair removal is an advance technological product and uses a highly laser equipment, this should be taken into consideration. People who have darkly pigmented skin are not that suitable to have the treatment because they have a tendency to absorb more light energy. Physicians typically need to make use of high laser treatments for them.

Tanned patients with light hair are not candidates. Tanned patients with dark hair cannot be treated with the usual hair removal lasers. They require treatment with a specialized laser, such as the kind used at the Institute of Laser Medicine in Los Angeles. Lastly, the treatment cost should be within reach of the patient. Laser hair removal, although much less expensive than electrolysis, requires multiple treatments, and generally costs over $1000 in total for most anatomic areas.

Various skin types needs different laser hair removal methodologies. Light skin makes laser hair removal easier to perform. Fewer treatments are required and better, faster results are obtained unlike to those who have darker skin. Although people with dark skin can still be treated, the expected outcomes are slower and more treatments are required.

Dark hair absorbs more laser energy and is easier to treat. Coarse dark hair responds the best to laser treatment. Light hair is more difficult to treat. Blonde or red hair is very difficult to treat. Numerous treatment sessions are required, and results are changeable. Blonde hair usually contains pheomelanin, which absorbs laser energy less fervently than the eumelanin pigment that is present in black or brown hair.

Laser or light source hair removal (photoepilation) is less effective for individuals with light blond, red or graysilver hair, though the results have been significantly improved with the use of Meladine before the treatment. Laser Hair Removal is very effective for problematic ingrown hairs.

Yet while laser treatments for darker skinned patients has improved, it must be considered that those patients with tanned skin are still not candidates and must wait until their tan fades before they can be treated. This is the reason why patients are instructed not to suntan or use sunless tanning products prior to laser treatment. This is very true since tanning alters skin pigment and can affect how the skin absorbs the laser energy.

If not followed properly this could lead to increased side effects such as blistering or discoloration following treatment. The laser hair removal for tanned skin seems to be more complex as compared to those types of skin that are well suited to undergo the treatment. However, people with that type of skin must remain to be optimistic because nobody can tell; maybe years from now newly improvised equipments for hair removal of tanned patients will be invented.

Do you have any questions you would like answered about laser hair removal []? [] has all the information you need to make an informed decision about the best hair removal procedure for you. There is also a hair removal blog []

Understand How Laser Hair Removal Works

Hair removal is something that many of us have been interested in for years now. Ever since the new description of beautiful included "smooth, hairless skin," a lot of people have been trying, sometimes desperately, to find ways to remove excess or unwanted hair. One of the most popular methods of hair removal is one that involves the use of laser.

Around 20 years ago, epilation or removing hair using laser technology was just an experiment. By the middle of the 1990s, it was commercialized and became quite a success. Nowadays, laser hair removal is being practiced practically all over the world, and it has become widely accepted in the dermatological community.

So, how does laser hair removal actually work?

This method of hair removal uses laser energy in achieving hair reduction on a long term basis. Heat is produced in the hair and then transferred into the follicle of the hair. This then results to inflammation and delivers a signal to the follicle indicating that it should move into the telogen or resting phase.

Laser, which is actually a device that produces a single color light, sets its sights on the hair shaft's melanin pigment. It is important for the laser to properly target or focus on the hair shaft without dealing any damage to the melanin pigment that is found on the skin's surface. It is also vital that the laser light is long enough to be able to heat up the air but not damage the skin. To ensure your safety during the whole process, it is imperative for you to seek for help only from highly skilled, highly experienced and licensed practitioners.

Like the process of electrolysis, laser hair removal cannot be completed in just one session. There has to be at least four or five treatment sessions with intervals of at least four to eight weeks. This is needed because follow-up treatments are needed. Ultimately, though, the intervals become longer. Results will be most visible after the first treatment, when the amount of hair and its thickness is significantly reduced, and this goes on for a long period of time. Maintenance treatments are needed in order for hair not to grow back. So the impact and efficiency of laser hair removal actually depends on the person being treated for it; because it is he who decides to go on with the maintenance treatments or not. Keep in mind, however, that these maintenance treatments normally have intervals of one year or more, so it won't really be too much of a hassle.

The whole process of removing hair by laser may be too costly for you, but the results will definitely be worth every dollar you spend. If you want to make sure that you will get the best out of your laser hair removal, consult a physician or doctor first before undergoing the procedure. It never hurts to ensure your safety and security.

I was very nervous at first, about trying laser hair removal but now glad I did. To find out more on removing excess hair by laser or by other methods such as waxing, visit

Things to Look Out For in Laser Hair Removal

The procedure of getting rid of unwanted hair, usually in the face, armpits, legs, bikini lines and other areas involves the use of a pulsating light which basically kills of the follicle of the strand. Laser hair removal actually needs several sessions with a qualified dermatologist or plastic surgeon before a satisfactory hair free area is achieved.

The number of sessions per person is dependent on the person's skin type and hair coloring. Density is also a factor that may affect the number of times a person may visit the doctor. Although it is a basic procedure that is not commonly viewed as dangerous, there may be complications which may arise from it.

Possible Complications

Hyper pigmentation is one of the possible side effects of this method of removal. There are many instances that skin may darken after several exposures to laser hair removal or even after the initial try. This may be a temporary occurrence that will resolve itself after a few weeks but there are rare instances when the hyper pigmentation lasts longer than a few months even up to a year and some cases may even be permanent.

On the other hand, hypo pigmentation may also occur to some individuals who wish to undergo the method. In this case, people with dark skin may experience patches of their dermis growing light along with the lessening of follicles. It should be noted that people with fairer dermis may reap more desirable results from laser hair removal while those with darker skin may not have the desired results.

The regrowth of what should have been removed may also happen in some cases. Instead of being removed, some hair may be resistant to the treatment. This means that patches may occur in the supposedly cleared area and may recur no matter how many sessions are done. Sometimes the new growth may be finer in texture or lighter in coloring compared to the original ones but growth may still occur.

Instances like these may need more laser hair removal sessions to completely get rid of unwanted growth. Since many individuals' dermis react differently to the exposure to the light, changes may also occur in the texture of the person's dermis. Rarely, scarring may be an added complication but it does not occur often. Dry skin and some scabbing may also appear but these are usually temporary and can be easily remedied.

Unwanted hair can be eliminated through laser hair removal Savannah based dermatologists and plastic surgeons can discuss the process with you. To know more, visit

The Advantages of Laser Treatments

Laser treatments are now one of the most popular treatments in a spa or medi-spa. What is it about them that make them so useful and popular?

Laser treatments are very popular in spas and in medi-spas. This is because unlike older styles of treatments, it is non-invasive, it doesn't hurt and the recovery time is nearly nil. They can also be used for a variety of things to help your skin and your body's appearance safely and effectively. And with so many medi-spas offering laser treatments, they are even becoming more affordable than before. There are several advantages to this treatment, so they are well worth looking into.

1. Laser treatments are non-invasive. These treatments work by using gentle, but powerful light to penetrate into deeper tissues and stimulate collagen production, get rid of lines and spots, and generally clean up your skin. There is almost no pain, if any, and it is easy to bounce back afterwards. No knives, no injections, no pain!

2. Laser treatments can be used for a variety of things. There are tons of things being done with the treatments as opposed to other things. For example, there is the standard collagen stimulation and skin smoothing and toning. But did you know they can now be used to get rid of tattoos, leaving behind no scars and letting your skin absorb whatever's left naturally? It's a far less traumatic and painful way to get rid of that old tattoo than the usual ways!

3. Laser treatments are often used in hair removal. Along with skin treatments, hair removal is the next most common things that lasers can treat. This is vastly preferable to shaving (it's more long term) or tweezing (it's far less painful). It can be sued on any skin, including facial, safely; most often it is used to get rid of facial hair on women because the alternatives are uncomfortable and irritating.

4. Laser treatments can get rid of spider veins. The lasers are attracted to the darker pigments in the skin where the unsightly veins are. The veins are collapsed and the body reabsorbs them, leaving clean skin in their wake. It's a great way to get of those veins in your legs and body that cause you emotional discomfort; especially once swimsuit season comes around.

5. Laser treatments are far less uncomfortable. One of the key things that people look at after effectiveness is comfort. They are far less uncomfortable than most other treatments; they are virtually painless, they have very little in the way of recovery time, and the best medi-spas will make you feel cozy and comfortable throughout the entire process.

Laser treatments are a great way to deal with a variety of skin problems. Whether you want skin resurfacing, hair removal, tattoo removal or spider vein removal, these treatments are a fantastic thing to try. They are also affordable as well; usually under $200.00 per two hour treatment and it generally only takes a few treatments to get perfect results, sometimes only one treatment! If you want to clean up your skin and get a good spa experience, you should try a laser treatment.

Roxanne A Jones offers the best services in laser hair removal and Botox in Austin TX.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Epila Hair Removal Laser - Is it a Good Solution For Permanent Hair Removal?

Named for the process of epilation, the Epila hair removal laser is another of the small, hand-held laser epilation devices now marketed for the home user. Like all such devices, it offers the promise of removing unwanted hair on the legs, body, or pubic region using the same laser technology that professional epilation experts use, but at a tiny fraction of the expense. Such lasers work by heating the hair inside the follicles, damaging or killing the follicles and making them unable to produce hairs any longer. Home models do not offer the versatility of commercial machines, but do provide considerable flexibility, privacy, and large savings to the home user.

The Epila hair removal laser is best used on hair which has already been shaved as close to the skin as possible.

This is true of all laser hair removal treatments, since if more of the hair remains, it will absorb the heat which should be concentrated in the follicle and make the treatment less effective - or possibly totally ineffective. The laser is meant to heat the hair which is inside the follicle.

The manufacturer recommends that cooling gel be applied to the skin two to three minutes prior to using the laser. The pain from the laser application is said to be similar to that of a rubber band snapping against the skin, so the user should be prepared for some pain during treatment.

The laser has three settings - low, medium, and high - and new users would be prudent to begin with the lowest setting and work upwards if more intense epilation proves necessary.

The Epila laser has a diode laser with a long wavelength, and the company claims that it is therefore more effective at epilation on dark-skinned users than comparable devices, since hair removal by laser is often difficult in darkly-complected people because the skin absorbs more of the laser energy than it should for maximum effectiveness. The Epila's "spot size" - the width of the laser beam on the skin - is extremely small, however, and many users report that only one or two hairs can be treated at a time, making the use of this laser a lengthy, painstaking process.

As with all hair removal lasers, the Epila tends to make the skin where it is used extremely sensitive for several days afterwards, and direct sunlight as well as any potentially harsh chemicals or makeup should be avoided.

The hair will continue to shed for several weeks after the treatment, and several monthly treatments may be needed to completely remove the hair from a region of the body. Some users report successful treatment with no painful side effects, while others report being injured by the laser and experiencing no decrease in hair growth, although it is unclear if the latter made use of the cooling gel which protects the skin and tends to concentrate the laser's heat in the follicles.

To get more hair removal tips and information, visit where you'll find great information on bikini line hair removal and much, much more.

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal can be a great advantage for some, and an unfortunate disadvantage for others. However, before throwing in the towel, why not find out if you are one of the lucky ones that can benefit from laser hair removal.

Firstly, let's take a look at how the laser hair removal treatment works, as well as what benefits this hair removal treatment offers if you are the right candidate.

Removing hair with a laser is actually a simple and painless routine. Quite simply put; a Laser is activated on the skin surface where the candidate wishes to have their hair removed. Each laser burst lasts for about a fraction of a second. It is in this time period that the energy of the laser passes through the hair follicle and damages it, thus preventing the hair from growing there again.

With some people, one treatment can stop the hair from growing again. For others, more than one treatment is needed. Imagine having never to shave or wax that area ever again or at least for much longer periods of time in between treatments.

So what makes you the right candidate in order to forego a successful laser hair removal treatment? Generally people with light colored hair and dark skin are not the right candidates for laser hair removal. However, to really find out if this type of hair removal treatment can work for you, your best bet would be to visit a fully qualified laser hair removal practitioner so that they can give you their professional opinion.

It is important to understand that not everyone experiences permanent hair removal through laser treatment. Some will and others won't. There is never a guarantee. If a practitioner ever tells you otherwise, you would be wise to think twice about using his or her service.

Interested in learning more about laser hair removal? Feel free to visit

Laser Acne Removal - Is Laser Acne Removal Right For You? Laser acne removal provides you with an effective treatment solution that will help you to remove the cause for some psychological problems you may be experiencing due to your acne skin condition. One such common problem is a feeling of being disfigured, leading to self esteem issues and being embarrassed when in social situations.

The acne skin disorder in its different forms can produce different levels of psychological issues and for those with acne scarring this can be a particularly troubling problem. Laser treatment for dealing with the issues of acne scarring is proving to be the most effective mode of treatment.

The carbon dioxide and Er:YAG lasers works by vaporizing the upper layers of affected skin. This has to be a very controlled process to penetrate to the levels required in order not to damage areas not affected.

How Photothermolysis Played Its Role

Skin resurfacing technology has come a long way due to the developments in selective photothermolysis (from the Greek root words - "photo" meaning light, "thermo" meaning heat, and "lysis" meaning destruction Selective - meaning targeted).

The process of laser acne removal works by emitting a series of intensive light beams at the affected acne skin thereby vaporizing the upper layers of affected skin and removing the scarred area.

By reducing the time frame of the laser light pulse results in minimal thermal damage thereby significantly reducing the risk of unintentionally causing further scarring of the skin. Dealing with your acne skin problem using laser acne removal is a choice worth considering.

What Are The Best Choices For Laser Acne Removal?

At the moment, carbon dioxide and Er:YAG lasers are considered the best treatment methods available for the removal of skin scarring caused by acne. A benefit that Er:YAG laser has in removing superficial and moderate scarring from your skin that other lasers do not have, is the ability to leave minimal residual thermal scaring.

Er:YAG lasers emit a very accurate and controlled series of light beams which allows the water retained in your tissues to absorb most of the energy produced by the light source leaving minimal thermal damage.

Do you want to start living a normal life again? Get rid of your embarrassment and start socializing again. Laser acne removal treatment can give you the opportunity to get your life back.

Have you considered laser acne removal [] as an acne alternative? Are you embarrassed to be in social situations? Do you want to get rid of your acne and start living your life again? Follow the link below for more FREE acne alternative information.

Laser Hair Removal: The Diode Laser Hair Removal

Diode laser hair removal is the one of newer forms of laser hair removal on the market but is currently among the most popular of all laser hair removal options which may make it more readily available in your home area.

As with other newer laser hair removal options, the Diode laser has limited research showing evidence of long term results.

As with other laser hair removal options, the Diode laser at best might offer a person long term hair reduction or possibly permanent hair reduction.

In other words, with repeated treatments you might find that the amount of unwanted hair is noticeably reduced over time.

The Diode laser can achieve deeper skin penetration than the Ruby or Alexandrite lasers which generally allows it to treat darker skinned patients than either of these two lasers can.

Having said that, Diode laser hair removal tends to work well on dark, coarse hair. With its ability to treat relatively large spot sizes, it is also an option for large body areas like the back.

As with other hair removal options, the skill of the practitioner who is performing the hair removal treatment will go a long way to determine your success or lack thereof.

Long term success and possible side effects of the hair removal will also vary by patient.

Temporary and permanent hair removal technology is evolving constantly and is relevant to both men and women who want to remove unwanted hair.

For more information on hair removal options, visit

Answers To Your Laser Tattoo Removal Questions

We all make mistakes in life. That does not mean we have to suffer forever. If you have body art you regret, clinics specializing in laser tattoo removal in California can help. The information about these specialized facilities, and the procedures they perform, is still fairly limited. As a result, you may have a few unanswered questions going through your mind. Hopefully, the following FAQs can clear them up.

1. How does laser tattoo removal work?

The energy produced by the laser's intense beam of light will break up the tattoo ink pigment in the skin into tiny fragments. These particles are then absorbed by the body and later flushed out naturally. The process takes several weeks and is the reason why there is so much time between the sessions. Today's laser techniques are so refined that the skin will not be harmed. The chance for scarring is less than 5 %.

2. How painful is the procedure?

There is no real pain associated with laser removing tattoo in California. It may feel as if someone occasionally snaps a rubber band against your skin, but that is about it. The sensation produced by the Q-switched lasers will be different for each patient. If you feel uncomfortable, your tattoo removal provider can apply a topical numbing or cooling agent.

3. How many treatment sessions do I need?

The amount of sessions will depend on your skin type, the age and size of the tattoo, as well as what kind of ink that was used. Generally, homemade tattoos can be removed in 1 to 6 sessions, while those created by a professional may need 5 to 10 sessions. Treatments are between 6 to 12 weeks apart. Each facility providing it in California operates differently. Give them a call if you have more questions. They will gladly answer them - no strings attached.

Tattoo Removal Laser Clinic is staffed with medical professionals and has performed thousands of laser removal procedures using state of the art FDA-approved lasers. Our tattoo removal California clinic is exclusively focused on our quality laser tattoo removal services. (

Laser Skin Tightening Equipment Review

Laser skin treatment technology was first introduced to the masses back in 1995 when it was approved by the FDA and is reaching huge developments since it became hugely popular in 1998 (when there were over 100k procedures performed in the US). The numbers differ by several thousand, but it's been reported that almost 1.4 million laser skin treatments were performed last year in the world wide.

It's a booming industry, projected to top $9 Billion USD by 2010, largely due to the large progress in technology in the actual laser that is used to treat unwanted hair, skin tightening, and  other laser skin treatments.

There are many laser skin tightening devices out there but the top devices on the market the two top two lasers on the market are the Titan and the Polaris skin tightening systems. They both use highly advanced laser technology but the latter, Polaris skin device, uses a blend of laser energy and radio frequency (RF) to remove wrinkles, crows feet, and overall improvement of the skin's tone.

The Titan Skin Tightening system is the most popular device on the market to day, using high energy laser to stimulate collagen under the skin's surface, toning, tightening and lifting the skin. The Titan is known to work best for the treatment of loose and wrinkled skin underneath the face and neck.

The Titan uses an infrared ray of light (laser) delivered by a sapphire tip at the end of the gun to tighten the skin, with little or no downtime or anesthesia for the patient. The procedure is very simple, the device is applied to the skin, and a 6-8 second cooling and heating cycle is used to treat small areas unto the treatment area. The actual procedure takes little less than an hour, noticeable results are usually reported within the next several months as collagen is stimulated. It is also suggested, when using the Titan skin tightening system, to get two treatments a month apart for the best results. Most patients who use the Titan report that tightening remains an average of two years after treatment, but long-term results can be expected if scheduled maintenance is conducted.

The Polaris skin tightening system's claim to fame is that it's less painful than Titan, or Thermage, though pain varies from patient to patient depending on their pain threshold, it could have something to do with the fact that it uses elos (electro-optical synergy) and combines it with radio-frequency (RF) to achieve optimal results.

The Polaris system is very similar to the Titan and operates at different levels of strength depending on the desired result. Polaris is more popular to effectively tighten area on the body such as the arms, thighs, and buttocks. To achieve optimal results, an average patient receives five treatments, two-to-three weeks apart. The Polaris system is also a popular combination with liposuction or mesotherapy. Laser hair removal Los Angeles practice SouthcoastMedSpa has been in business for several years, with 45,000 laser skin treatments performed they are a leader in their industry.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Facts on Using Hair Removal Laser Products

Should you be tired of having to continuously shave unsightly body hair, you may be in the market for a solution which is longer lasting. Perhaps you ought to think about a hair removal laser, available on today's market and a very technologically advanced method to achieve the removal of body hair. An esthetician will typically perform the laser hair removal procedure, but several products are available which you can use at home by yourself.

Products on today's market which are effective in permanently removing hair wherever desired are the Silk'n SensEpil, the Epila and the TRIA. The cost of these products will range from $200 to $500, a reasonable alternative when you consider that the professional procedures will run into the thousands of dollars. All of these devices are considered safe for public consumption and have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

When you use a hair removal laser device, you will be focusing a bright light onto the surface of the skin which is absorbed by the pigment. The treatment will take an hour or so, and there shouldn't be any pain associated with it. If you do have some discomfort, it's possible to adjust the settings to a lower intensity. It's a good idea to test it out on a small region of your body before tackling your entire leg.

You should note that hair removal lasers are effective only for those people who are of a light to medium skin color and who have medium to dark hair. The reason for this is that the laser affects the melanin of the skin and the hair follicle and there has to be enough pigmentation existing to have any noticeable results.

In order to obtain the desired results, you have to follow the instructions very carefully. Of the customers who registered complaints that the products were ineffective, most were found to have been negligent in following the procedure. Further, it is significant to understand that the process of hair removal by laser will not show immediate effects. For your hair to fully disappear, the device will need to be utilized on several occasions.

It is also important to understand that you can have scarring should the device be used incorrectly. In addition, redness and swelling are two of the side effects which have been noted as a result of the use of a hair removal laser. For some, the application of a pre-treatment product will lessen any discomfort and unpleasant reaction. Home laser hair removal is an exciting new way to permanently get rid of unwanted hair on your body. I've done a lot of research into the effectiveness of these products; drop by my site to read my reviews and other information on products such as the Epila laser.

Laser Treatment and Acne

Pimples, blackheads and whiteheads are the different types of acne which are the less severe forms. The severe types of acne include the cysts and nodules.

Medicines can lessen the severity of acne symptoms but cannot stop the breakout of acne on the skin. Laser treatment for acne is gaining in popularity now. This latest technology involves the use of pulsating laser light which completely removes acne. This technique is proved to be effective and a lot of patients are benefited from it. With laser treatment, the oil glands are made inactive stopping them from producing oil. More than being painless, this method does not create any side effects. Lasers also remove scars left behind by acne. The top skin layer peels off and new skin grows without the old scars.

Acne scars are seen at the places where the eruptions have calmed down. There are two types of scar formation. One type of scar appears as a depressed area such as ice-pick scar and the other is the raised hardened tissue such as keloids. The laser light impinged on the affected portion is received by the moisture in the skin cells at the injury site. The cells are then destroyed by vaporization process. Very few microns of the skin tissue are removed at a time as the laser light is focused on the affected portion. With these small variations, the doctor controls the operation to exactly where the treatment is required. Laser treatment is also used for removing wrinkles and change the overall skin appearance. New skin automatically grows in the cleared place.

Many patients have compared the pain during laser treatment to the discomfort that occurs due to sunburn. Some patients who are sensitive require topical anesthesia. The color of the laser treated skin becomes red or pink for several hours before the new skin forms. Mild pain relief medication is usually prescribed for individuals who have been laser treated. During the recovery period, it is recommended to use a good sunscreen to prevent direct exposure to Sun's rays.

Dermatologists guarantee a marked reduction in acne lesions during a couple of treatments and clearance for the period of six months.

Now listen carefully - Do you want to know the surefire way to cure your acne condition in no time ? Using natural remedies, I have saved myself from scarring and also stopped wasting money on expensive medication. Read about my story here [].

After you get rid of your pimples, zits and acne scars, you can get out there and live your life without the fear and low self-esteem problems acne creates. Listen - I was an acne sufferer just like you, and so I am speaking from experience!

So if you are ready to get rid of your acne problem once and for all, then click on this link to discover the ultimate secret to exquisite skin - []

TRIA Laser Hair Remover

Laser hair removal has become a leading cosmetic medical service purchased by American women.  Several sessions of a virtually painless procedure frees you from repetitive shaving or other hair removal methods. TRIA's introduction of a laser hair removal system for use at home is an exciting development.

What are Advantages of Having a TRIA System?

Many people can't afford professional treatments that cost from $2,000 to $5,000 for one body area such as armpits, bikini lines, or legs. When you purchase a TRIA laser hair remover for $795, you save money if you treat one body area and much more if you use it on more than one.

Being able to remove hair at home eliminates appointments and allows you the luxury of taking care of your skin in the private comfort of your own home.  You can time your treatments spontaneously and fit them in at any time you choose.

Though TRIA home laser hair removal units are powerful enough to bring long-term hair reduction, they are safe to use.  Three settings allow you to choose between high, medium, or low energy levels.  There is a customer service line which you call to unlock your product and confirm suitability.  TRIA laser hair removal systems have been rigorously tested with clinical trials and approved for consumer purchase by the FDA.

How Do These Systems Work?

The technology behind TRIA devices is simple to understand.  The basic principle is called "selective photothermolysis", which refers to the fact that dark hair pigments absorb light energy while lighter skin generally doesn't.  Dark pigments absorb the laser beam; hair follicles are heated; and growth slows down or stops.  As a result, hairs eventually fall out and don't grow back for a long time.

The process may feel like gentle snaps of a rubber band, but some people have almost no sensation.  Your skin may redden but only temporarily.  After 6 to 8 treatments - at first every two weeks, and then once per month - you will achieve smooth, virtually hairless skin.  Your results will last for up to a year and possibly much longer.

Laser Hair Removal At Home Suits Most Areas

A TRIA will help you with all of your hair removal needs except facial hair.  People commonly use laser removers for:

bikini lines,
chests, and

You are a candidate for home laser use if you have dark hair on light skin.  Light hair colors, such as white, blonde, and grey, do not absorb laser energy; and dark skin tones unfortunately absorb too much heat, risking skin damage.

Interested in purchasing a TRIA laser hair remover?

You can buy online or visit a retailer or physician who carries the product.  Certain aesthetic medical specialists not only sell the units, but will also provide a demonstration.

Louise Bently writes for Home Laser Hair Removal Systems, an essential resource if you are considering personal laser hair removal at home. Discover more in depth about the TRIA laser hair remover benefits, features, how it works and suitability.

How Safe Are Lasers For Use in Medicine?

As laser technology becomes a more common medical procedure, the question that passes many patients' minds is: How safe are lasers for use in medicine?

The easy answer is that they are extremely safe, but let me explain why. Most lasers used in medicine are low level lasers, not the metal melting science fiction laser stereotypes we've all grown up with. Low level lasers are a lot less exciting than Star Wars would lead you to believe, but they are also less dangerous and completely safe.

Lasers are basically light, very intense light, but light all the same. Lasers are becoming widely used for their monochromatic, collimated, and coherent properties. Low level lasers are used at such a low level that no cutting is actually done. The intense radiation does the work, melting away fat, scars, acne and other blemishes for which they are becoming increasingly used.

Safe and Free of Side Effects

The use of lasers is an extremely safe and non-invasive procedure that's free of side effects. Lasers work quickly to treat a variety of conditions, from non-surgical fat removal to pimple removal to chronic back and neck pain. Cold lasers used for medical procedures have a 500 mW or less, not producing enough thermal output to damage the skin being treated. These lasers are different than the heat lasers used for cutting in surgeries. The worse you'll feel is a brief tingle or a slight tickle, as if someone gently ran their fingers over the affected skin.

Safe for Metal Implants, Pacemakers and IUDs

As low level lasers are used instead of heat lasers, laser therapy is completely safe for those who have metal implants, pacemakers or IUDs. Because the lasers use light, not heat, the metal's temperature won't be affected. You should always tell a qualified practitioner if you have these additions, just to make sure.

Cancer Free With No Harm to Organs

Essentially, lasers don't cause or exacerbate cancer. They pose no harm to the body's vital organs. However, it is important that laser therapy always be implemented by a qualified practitioner, although some repeat procedures are simple enough that you can do them at home once you've been correctly shown how.

For more information on laser equipment use and laser equipment available, please visit

Laser Hair Removal: The Basics

For so many years, having unwanted hair in the body has been a problem of both men and women. There have been a lot of discussions about the ways to remove hair and how safe these procedures are. For first-timers, shaving and waxing has proven to be quite popular. But for busy people who have no time to spare, have considered having hair removed using laser technology.

The laser procedure was born after 20 years of experimenting. Back then, they didn't really use "laser" but instead used Xenon flash lamps that produced the same effects as lasers in the modern world. It was then available commercially around the mid 1970's. The procedure was widely accepted by doctors and patients alike. Up until now, there has been no serious debate or discussions as to its safety and risks are concerned. Laser hair removal is known to be a safe and harmless procedure. The only known problems of the laser procedure are developing mild allergies, redness, swelling or rashes. Not to worry though because most of the time, the side effects are not alarming and are controllable. If the patient experiences any redness or swelling or rashes for more than 3 days, the surgeon has to know right away. Sometimes, this is not even directly caused by the laser but by the medicines.

Laser hair removal is a series of treatments that will last for more than 3 or 4 months. This is because the treatment is not finished in a day. It requires the next treatment to be at least 8-12 weeks apart. This time allows the treated part of your body to adjust before moving on to the next phase of the treatment. This allotted time is also meant to observe if the patient has any developed allergies or abnormalities in the skin. Although rare, surgeons still keep track to prevent harmful side effects.

While it is considered a relatively safe treatment, there are some limitations to laser hair removal. It is not for people with dark skin tones or light colored hair. It is best for those with dark hair and light skin due to the natural properties of light and its reaction toward light and dark colored surfaces. Dark or tanned skin might get burned or irritated if treated with laser treatment. Anyone considering the treatment can go in to a skin clinic and receive consultation. Most doctors will offer free consultation.

There are a lot of laser hair removal austin based clinics. You can visit any of them if you're interested. Also, if you'd like to learn about the process, you could enroll in a laser hair removal school!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Affordable Hair Laser Reduction

Most people will only have a quick search around before selecting a clinic, but the most enthusiastic men and women will want to do their research as thoroughly as possible to make sure that they find the lowest cost of laser hair removal for their needs.

Is Reduction Of Hair With Laser Affordable?

Not withstanding the high expense of this procedure, it continues to grow in popularity. In the past it was regarded as that only the rich and famous could afford it; but as reduction of hair with laser is getting more common, it is considered a top beauty treatment by women and men from all walks of life.

In today's economic climate, the majority of people are highly motivated by expense; this is true of all industries and businesses, including reduction of hair with laser. Laser clinics compete fiercely in order to be perceived as providing therapies with the very best value for money. This can mean complicated advertisements as companies camouflage costs and create hidden charges. On the other hand, it also means that you as a consumer are in a position of power and you have a lot of clinics to pick from and can shop around or even avail yourself of discounts where this might not have been possible in the past.

Let us Help

Not surprisingly, therefore, confusion abounds about the cost of laser hair removal Many factors are in play with affect the pricing. To help you find affordable hair laser reduction, here are some useful tricks of the trade.

Affordable Hair Laser Reduction - Insider Tips

It's a good idea to look around and pick the clinics advertising special deals. Often the majority of the clinics have some package deal for the clientele to cut down the laser hair removal price per procedure. Do some "window shopping" and pick the package which is most appropriate for your budget. In addition, some clinics may be willing to customize the price structure according to your ability to pay, thus helping it to be realistic for your ability to pay.

If the clinic offers other skin therapies, like tattoo removal, wrinkle treatment, electrolysis, laser skin resurfacing or acne treatment, you can occasionally request special deals by signing up for these therapies.

See if the clinic offers a special deal for buying treatments for big areas of body. Some clinics offer special packages for certain areas of body thus further lowering your laser hair removal price.

In some laser clinics one can obtain additional special deals by paying your fee at the beginning of treatment. There is no harm in asking the clinic if they will give you a special deal in consideration of paying the procedure charges at the beginning of treatment.

Finally, there is one more little-known trick to use in order to get a special deal on the cost of laser hair reduction - try to find a friend to go along with you, as your clinic may well be willing to give you a significant discount if you give them a referral!

Ingrid Preube Laser Hair Removal

Cosmetic Laser Surgery - What Results Can You Expect?

If you have decided that a cosmetic procedure is necessary but you are not at all sure about going under the knife, don't despair, there is an alternative. Due to progress in modern medicine, cosmetic laser surgery is becoming more and more popular in the medical world.

Lasers were invented in the late 1950's and since that date they have been used in all manner of surgical procedures. When doctors first began to use lasers to treat the scarring from acne and other forms of skin blemishes it became apparent that the wrinkles in the area being treated were also significantly diminished as well.

Modern day laser surgery is used in many procedures and one popular one is the non surgical face lift. The doctor uses the laser to take away the outer skin layer, and this exposes the newer cells beneath. Using laser provides the doctor with many advantages he does not have the luxury of when using regular surgery techniques. He has an accurate control of the depth he works at and he can also use the laser to strengthen and firm up various parts of the skin.

Cosmetic laser surgery is also regularly used to remove body hair of an unsightly nature. The doctor has the option of using a cold gel or a laser devise with its own built in cold applicator. He will then use the beam to target the melanin which is contained in the hair. The heat emitted from the laser is intense and will destroy the follicle of the hair. However, hair can still grow from a ruined follicle and several treatments may be needed to totally eradicate hair growth in the future.

These are just two of several different types of cosmetic laser surgery available at the moment but if you have a dark complexion they may not be suitable for you as they are proven to be more successful when applied to people with fairer or lighter complexions.

Nick Hurd writes about aging and baby boomer generation and how to not only cope with the changes, but live a very healthy and active life. information for baby boomers and beyond. More information about skin care and wrinkles is available at Taking care of your skin in the sun.

You'll also find other senior related information like Motor homes and the traveling lifestyle for the over 50 crowd.

copyright 2008 Nicholas Hurd all rights reserved

Can I Get Quality Laser Hair Removal at Home?

If you're interested in getting laser hair treatments but don't want the hassle or expense of going to a treatment center every month or so, then you probably want home based laser hair removal solutions. These machines allow you to perform the procedure on yourself, thereby giving you privacy and comfort. However, many prospective users might be skeptical on how well laser hair removal at home could work. Do these personal lasers work well or are they just a gimmick that fails to actually reduce the amount of hair in a region? Also, how much are they usually, compared to a getting treatments at a proper facility? This article will focus on those two questions.

Laser hair removal is one of the most popular ways to remove unwanted hair. For the most part, performing this method of laser hair removal at home is reasonably comparable to having it performed professionally. Indeed, the general consensus seems to be that there will be less than 50% of the hair that you had to begin with in the region and more often than not, the hair that grows in is much thinner and lighter. Naturally, this means you'll have to shave less often and any "stubble" will be significantly less noticeable. One report on a popular home laser solution noted that she found that only 25% of the hair that was there previously existed and that she reduced her shaving from daily to a couple of times a week.

While it may be clear that these kits are useful, it's important to know that laser hair removal at home is not necessarily a cheap proposition. One of the more popular solutions is made by a company called "Silk'n". The Silk'n base unit retails for about $500 on and that doesn't take into account the disposable lamp cartridges. Each cartridge costs about $50 and is good for about three or so applications. Considering that each visit to a professional laser hair clinic will set you back $500 or so, this is certainly much more cost effective. However, as demonstrated above, the results are likely not to be as good as professional solutions.

In conclusion, laser hair removal at home is a tricky proposition. On the one hand, you can have decent hair removal in the privacy and comfort of your own home. This can be especially important for women who wish to remove hair from the bikini areas. On the other hand, it's almost certain that you can get similar, if not better, results from a professional laser treatment center, however, at a much higher cost. It's also worth mentioning that these home machines cannot be used for the face and are not recommended for other sensitive skin areas. As such, the best way to think of these home solutions are as "samplers". They are relatively cheap, quick ways to thin the hair in some regions and if the results are unsatisfactory to you, you can always opt for the more expensive laser treatments later on.

There is much discussion on the merits of laser hair removal at home versus having it done by a professional, and the general consensus is that it is much more cost effective with the at home system. Please visit our website at and get free information on the pros and cons of various methods and systems.

Laser Treatment - Get Rid of Acne by Laser

Many people think that the most effective method to get rid of acne is treating it by laser. A person who is doing laser surgery for treatment of acne will be cured through 3 months. The photo pneumatics Laser Treatment is a method which uses laser beams with air to kill the bacteria which cause acne. The laser treatment also cleanses the pores, remove dirt and clean the scars at the affected area.

Using laser methods in acne treatment has shown very good results. This method is successful when it comes to removing acne scars and acne. However, the results may depend on the type of your skin tissue. The main advantage of doing laser treatment is: there are no harmful side effects as it is painless.

This method takes only 10 - 50 minutes to complete the procedure, and it can be done in clinics. The first step of the laser surgery is applying a misty of a light coat to the face so that your skin tissue becomes hydrated. After that the doctor applies the laser tip to the acne infected area where the acne blackheads and pimples are. Finally, it will clean your face from the ugly scars. Acne laser treatment can be applied to back, neck and shoulders if you have acne pimples there. But, a lot of people treat the acne pimples, firstly, from their faces because everyone's attention is drawn towards the face as the face is the body visible part. Acne Laser treatments may cost about $400-500 . The main good thing about this method in treatment is killing bacteria and chemicals, which are responsible for acne development, and it refreshes your skin. Acne treatment is a medical site for Treatment for acne and best acne skin scar remedies.

Types Of Laser Surgery

A laser is a high-energy beam of light that can selectively transfer energy into tissue to treat the skin. Many surgical procedures are performed using lasers. General surgeons use a variety of laser wavelengths and laser delivery systems to cut, coagulate, vaporize or remove tissue. Some common surgical procedures use includes breast surgery, removal of the gallbladder, hernia repair, bowel resection, hemorrhoidectomy, solid organ surgery and treatment of pilonidal cyst. The advantages of using lasers are reduction of blood loss, decrease in postoperative discomfort, reduction of wound infection, decrease in spreading of certain cancers and better wound healing. Nowadays laser surgery is widely used in different areas of specialization such as dermatology, dentistry, head and neck surgery, neurosurgery, ophthalmology, podiatry, urology and in the treatment of certain cancers.

In the field of skin care, lasers have proven to be big blessing. Lasers can be used to reduce wrinkles around the lips or eyes and sometimes the entire face. The laser softens fine wrinkles and removes certain blemishes on the face. Certain types of birthmarks respond remarkably well to laser treatment. The laser effects a reduction in the size of abnormal blood vessels that cause these birthmarks. This in turn promotes a lightening in the color of the birthmark. Skin growths, facial 'spider veins,' warts, and some tattoos can also be removed by laser surgery. Another procedure that uses lasers is hair transplant. Lasers are used to prepare the area where the hair transplants will be placed.

The most common laser treatments used in dental surgery are carbon dioxides. This is used commonly for surgery of the gingival or gum tissues. Treatment of small cavities is done with the help of lasers that drill into the enamel without much noise or vibration.

Microsurgical lasers are used for precision cutting. They make incisions into the brain and spinal cord. Lasers are used frequently in vaporization and coagulation of tumors, especially those that are deep within the brain and underneath the brain. Lasers have made a huge difference in the field of medical science, especially in the branch of surgery. Laser Surgery provides detailed information on Laser Surgery, Laser Eye Surgery, Cosmetic Laser Surgery, Laser Surgery For Stretch Marks and more. Laser Surgery is affiliated with Corrective Laser Eye Surgeries.

Important Facts About Laser Body Hair Removal

Any type of procedure whether small or large can potentially go wrong. Therefore, it is important to understand how laser body hair removal works. In addition, it is essential to know the type of qualifications that the practitioner doing the procedure has. Always keep in mind that not all states have laws and regulations in place in order to prevent practitioners who are unqualified from doing this type of procedure. In consideration, you will find some important information below in regards to the procedure, in addition to other useful things to help protect you.


For the most part, the process involved with laser body hair removal offers people a safer alternative in comparison to some other types of alternate procedures out there. In most cases, it offers a high amount of ease in addition to having an increased amount of effectiveness.

Process and Procedure

The process, utilizes advanced technologies with the laser body hair removal process. This is achieved by employing a laser, which helps to give people effective and permanent results after having a few sessions. The ways this works, consists of killing the hair follicles responsible for the hair. When the lasers targets towards the hair, it helps to damage each of the hair strand roots.

Although it works to kill the hair follicles, this usually requires a few sessions in order to destroy them. Therefore, most experience the regrowth of hair within the area, which usually is lighter and less course. Following the complete removal of hair, yearly visits are generally required in order to maintain the results.

Side Effects

Although serious side effects are uncommon, most experience some type of mild symptom from having the process done. Often, people experience hyperpigmentation from the laser beam rays. Additionally, many have redness from the removal procedure as well. Usually, this is caused from the heat from the laser throughout the treatment process. For some, the redness lasts only for a few days, while for others it can last weeks.


As mentioned before, laser body hair removal works effectively for the removal of hair. However, in some cases the treatment may not work effectively. Usually, this tends to happen when people attempt to have grey or fuzzy types of hair removed. In addition, people who have darker skin risk having their skin blister or overheat without any types of results.

The Importance of Knowing Your State Laws and Practitioner's Qualifications

Considering how some people are not good candidates for laser body hair removal, it is important to consult with someone who is a specialist. Therefore, anytime someone decides to have a procedure such as this done, they should ensure the background of their attending physician is someone who is not a podiatrist or other past specialist within a fields that is not even related.

Overall, laser body hair removal works well with most people who have lighter skin with darker hair. Consulting with a specialist will ensure you are the right type of candidate, in addition to making sure that you have the best possible type of experience.

Want more information on laser body hair removal? Just visit our site,

Monday, October 14, 2013

How Laser Wrinkle Reduction Works to Improve Your Skin?

In today's fast moving and intelligent world, it is simply not easy for anyone to just go out without perfect hygiene look as the world is ready to watches your every step. This brings up the importance of looking young and healthy within society.

One of the major problems suffered by people is the wrinkling of the skin, and there are plenty of products available in the market to treat this particular issue. The laser wrinkle reduction treatment is the latest invention to remove wrinkles and can be done at most skin clinics such as, including Avanti Skin Clinics.

Due to the increased demand and the need for looking young and beautiful, the wrinkle removal industry has been considered to be growing tremendously. The major reason behind the wrinkle formation is the loss of elasticity and flexibility of the skin, making it sag, and become dry and scaly. Other treatments advised by experts are sun damage facial, facial therapy and other similar skin treatments protecting your skin in every way possible.

As age ads up, the collagen and elastin content keeping up the stability of the skin starts to reduce, thus worsening up the situation. Therefore, treatments can be conducted to help with wrinkle reduction. The laser wrinkle reduction treatment can do real wonders for the skin to make you look younger and the results may seriously surprise and ultimately impress you when looking in the mirror.

With a short recovery time, people opt for this particular skin care treatment due to the wonderful results you may see in the end. At the same time, it is highly recommended that you consult a dermatologist before performing or taking any such measures, to make sure that the treatment does not conflict with any skin condition you may presently have.

You can learn more about the effects of laser wrinkle reduction programs through different websites like Avanti Skin Clinics. They will surely have a lot of information, ideas, tips, tricks and reviews to pass onto those who are interested in these stuffs.

At Avanti Skin Clinics they believe that you should be true to yourself, and feel confident inside and out. Through expert consultation, the most advanced non-surgical techniques in laser hair removal, they can help you look and feel your best

How Lasers Are Used in Modern Medicine

As medicine and technology both continue to advance simultaneously, new surgical methods are being created on a regular basis. In the early 90s the pioneering technique of correcting visual impairments by operating on the eye using a laser was developed which, to this day, has had an impact on thousands if not millions of patients.

Laser eye surgery works by using computer-controlled pulses of cool laser light which are applied to re-shape the cornea. At present there are several types of laser which can be used by medical professionals to operate with, from the carbon dioxide laser and the YAG laser, to the pulsed dye laser, which is commonly used on skin legions or complaints.

Each laser has its own unique application depending on the surgery, from closing blood vessels to reduce blood loss and removing warts and tattoos, to hair removal and even for operating on tumours.

Because of the precision required to operate using lasers, most operations require the patient to receive anesthetic drops but, thankfully, laser surgery tends to have a very quick recovery rate thanks to the minimal amount of work required.

Currently, lasers are used in hospitals and clinics as alternatives to the traditional scalpel, where existing surgeries can be carried out far more quickly and accurately using lasers.

Another reason that doctors choose to use lasers over more traditional methods is the relatively reduced risk of infection that comes with them as not only is the equipment always going to be spotless, but a laser can often be used to cauterise wounds in order to stop bleeding immediately. Likewise, scarring is usually reduced using laser surgery too, as the accuracy of the beam lets surgeons target only the unhealthy tissue, leaving the healthy tissue intact.

Perhaps the most advertised use of lasers by medical professionals is in laser eye surgery. Though not available on the National Health Service in the UK, many clinics and private hospitals offer this vision correcting procedure which can entirely eliminate the need for glasses and contact lenses in patients.

Laser eye surgery works by carrying out refractive surgery on corneal tissue, which usually fixes either long or short sightedness by changing the shape of the cornea.

The most common method of eye laser surgery is LASIK surgery, which uses the approach of first folding over a small section of the cornea, before operating on the tissue underneath. The treatment will always begin with numbing of the eye, so there is no pain felt at all, and then light is pulsed into the eye through the laser. When the light hits the corneal tissue, it removes any unwanted tissue.

Surprisingly non-intrusive and quick, a session of laser eye surgery can be completed in as little as 10 minutes; sometimes with immediate results too.

Learn more about eye laser surgery. Adam Singleton writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.

Laser Acne Treatment - What You Want to Know

Laser is one of an emerging group of light-based acne treatments that show promise in treating various skin conditions. Since these treatments are relatively new, studies so far have been short-term; however, results have been good for people whose conditions do not respond to more traditional methods. If you've been suffering with unresponsive acne, acne scars, or rosacea, laser acne treatments may offer the relief you're searching for.

How it works. Laser acne treatments use an intense beam of concentrated light to reach the middle layer of the skin. The beams pass through the skin surface without affecting the outer skin layer, and penetrate just far enough to interact with the oil-producing sebaceous glands.

It is believed that the acne laser produces heat only at its deepest penetration, causing injury to the sebaceous glands, which reduces oil production. Since excess oil blocked in the pores is an instigating factor in acne, this therapy works to lessen acne breakouts. Laser also kills the P. acne bacteria that causes the redness and inflammation of pustules. Laser acne treatment can be mildly painful, somewhat like a warm stinging, so topical painkillers are applied to the skin before the treatment begins. A method of surface cooling may also be used to protect the outer skin from possible damage.

What it's good for. Lasers used for acne are used only on specific acne lesions, but other laser therapies have other benefits. The body reacts to the laser by producing collagen. This plumps up the skin, erasing fine lines and wrinkles. Acne scars are also less noticeable after a laser treatment. Yet another use of laser is cauterizing the tiny veins visible in cases of rosacea.

Considerations. Since laser acne treatment is relatively new, long-terms risks and benefits are not yet known. So far, side effects seem to be limited to temporary swelling and redness or mild drying and flaking of the treated area.

More studies are needed to determine who is likely to benefit most from this modality, although the best results have been seen on adults. Laser therapy may need to be combined with other therapies in order to address each contributing factor in a case of acne. Acne laser treatment is done in several sessions over a period of weeks or months. Each session can cost up to $200, and since laser is still such a new method of treating acne, many insurance plans will not cover it.

While there are still questions about long-term effectiveness of laser for acne, it may be just the treatment for those who have not found relief from traditional therapies. Another non-invasive technique is blue light acne treatment. Learn more about acne therapies at