Should you be tired of having to continuously shave unsightly body hair, you may be in the market for a solution which is longer lasting. Perhaps you ought to think about a hair removal laser, available on today's market and a very technologically advanced method to achieve the removal of body hair. An esthetician will typically perform the laser hair removal procedure, but several products are available which you can use at home by yourself.
Products on today's market which are effective in permanently removing hair wherever desired are the Silk'n SensEpil, the Epila and the TRIA. The cost of these products will range from $200 to $500, a reasonable alternative when you consider that the professional procedures will run into the thousands of dollars. All of these devices are considered safe for public consumption and have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration.
When you use a hair removal laser device, you will be focusing a bright light onto the surface of the skin which is absorbed by the pigment. The treatment will take an hour or so, and there shouldn't be any pain associated with it. If you do have some discomfort, it's possible to adjust the settings to a lower intensity. It's a good idea to test it out on a small region of your body before tackling your entire leg.
You should note that hair removal lasers are effective only for those people who are of a light to medium skin color and who have medium to dark hair. The reason for this is that the laser affects the melanin of the skin and the hair follicle and there has to be enough pigmentation existing to have any noticeable results.
In order to obtain the desired results, you have to follow the instructions very carefully. Of the customers who registered complaints that the products were ineffective, most were found to have been negligent in following the procedure. Further, it is significant to understand that the process of hair removal by laser will not show immediate effects. For your hair to fully disappear, the device will need to be utilized on several occasions.
It is also important to understand that you can have scarring should the device be used incorrectly. In addition, redness and swelling are two of the side effects which have been noted as a result of the use of a hair removal laser. For some, the application of a pre-treatment product will lessen any discomfort and unpleasant reaction. Home laser hair removal is an exciting new way to permanently get rid of unwanted hair on your body. I've done a lot of research into the effectiveness of these products; drop by my site to read my reviews and other information on products such as the Epila laser.
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