Saturday, August 3, 2013

Is Acne Scar Laser Treatment For You?

When you think of acne most often you think of it as a disease that mainly is reserved for teens. This is true for the most part, but many adults also have some form of acne. Adult acne has been to date one of the hardest forms of acne for specialists to treat. There is now a powerful weapon that can cure your adult acne problems. It is the acne scar laser treatment. It is being used with great success all across America and Europe.

Acne is an ugly skin disease that can begin in the teenage years and stay with anyone until they are an adult. The way acne works is that the oil producing sebaceous glands will become overactive due to hormones or other causes and become blocked. After that occurs an infection of the skin may become present because of bacteria in the body. There are many treatments for acne, and while some of the treatments will work better for some people than others, acne laser treatment has given hope to many people. The more progressed the disease is the better that the laser treatment will work for most people.

Given that the acne scar laser treatment is new and effective is a plus for people who have been suffering with advanced acne for years, yet the treatment can be expensive. Usually the treatments will take place over four or more visits with a break of thirty days in between. As the technology becomes more widespread, it is expected that the price will come down substantially.

This new technology is based around the use of a cool laser light that used to emit a short burst of heat that permanently stops the sebaceous glands from producing any harmful bacteria sebum. It is not hot enough to hurt the patient or cause any discomfort. The results can be astounding for some people. The laser treatments can reverse years of ugly acne and the pain that comes with it.

Laser treatment for adult acne has given hope to many who are suffering from this devastating disease. It is a viable alternative for acne removal, but it is not for everyone. It is recommended that you consult with a professional who does this kind of operation to see if you would be a good candidate for the treatment. Usually people with advanced cases of adult acne will be given the go ahead for the laser treatment.

So if you have suffered for a long time and it seems that you have tried almost everything to get rid of your acne, this may be what you have been searching for. Have a talk with your dermatologist for more information and guidance.

For more information on acne scar laser treatment visit The Acne Skin Solutions blog. Related articles on acne scar laser treatment can be found here.

Laser Hair Removal - The Only Permanent Choice

Laser hair removal is the new black for hair removal consumers. In fact it's been that way since the mid-sixties, if you knew where to look. These days the market is swamped with competing technologies, with physicians, electrologists, beauticians and self-proclaimed 'laserologists' all vying for your attention - and your credit card details. But lasers aren't for everyone, and proper treatment requires some serious training and education. So if you're considering 'LHR' as a solution to your excess hair trouble, you need to know the facts.

First off, the science. Laser treatment works by delivering light into your skin. It comes from a hand-piece at a specified wavelength. It targets dark matter, such as the pigment in your hair. So while the tissue surrounding the follicle is ignored, the laser causes thermal and/or mechanical damage to the hair follicle and inhibits its ability to produce hair.

Sounds good, right? Well, it is. Done properly, laser hair removal is safe, it's very useful for large areas (unlike electrolysis), and many consumers report long lasting hair removal or permanent hair reduction. Those with light-skin and dark hair have the best results, and if there is re-growth, it's often much lighter and softer than the original hair.

It's worth bearing in mind though that there's nothing long-term about how safe or effective this method of hair removal is. In fact, recent research has raised concerns about the effect of laser irradiation on other skin structures. Low-skilled treatment can result in burns, lesions, temporary skin discoloration, as well as patchy re-growth. Beyond this, laser treatment can be expensive, painful, and sometimes ineffective, even for those who fit the bill completely.

The bottom line - it's a good idea for some, not so much for others. Just don't trust any claims that sound too good to be true. If a practitioner doesn't admit to all of the above, he's more interested in your wallet than in your satisfaction, and if he's using words like 'guaranteed' in his sales pitch, steer clear. Remember that while some users experience permanent hair removal, many don't. There are also inadequate controls governing the proper application of treatment from state to state.

The best thing you can do is shop around. Even the best doctors are salespeople, so there'll be plenty of hype to read through before you get to the nitty gritty. If you're really confused, probably the safest person to use is a dermatologist or plastic surgeon, with specific training and qualifications in laser treatment.

Don't be afraid to call first and get all of your awkward questions out of the way. A decent, considerate physician will be more than happy to help. Set up a consultation with the person who will be carrying out the treatment. Talk to some other clients if you can. You should even be able to get some test patches done, somewhere that won't show too much if something goes wrong. Keep tabs on your findings and take your time. This is an important - and sometimes expensive - procedure. You probably can't afford to get it wrong.

About the Author

Tamra Cantar is a freelance writer on topics of interest and has a website dedicated to providing the visitor with useful information and resources for hair removal. Visit HairRemovalSystems for more information on laser and other hair removal techniques. And visit EZ-HairRemoval for a great deal on a great shaver for sensitive areas.

Carbon Dioxide Laser Skin Resurfacing - Remove Wrinkles, Scars, Warts and Rejuvenate Skin

Carbon dioxide skin resurfacing methods are rapidly changing and improving. This new technology rejuvenates sun damaged and wrinkled skin. Carbon dioxide lasers have been in use for many years in treating benign and malignant skin conditions.

New carbon dioxide lasers use short-pulsed light energy and continuous light beams which are delivered in a scanning pattern to precisely remove thin layers of skin with very little damage to the surrounding structures. Wrinkles and scars, warts, birthmarks, enlarged oil glands on the nose and other similar skin conditions are successfully removed using the carbon dioxide laser skin resurfacing treatment. There are several other methods of laser skin resurfacing using different chemicals.

Laser treatments are common, easy and give good results. Laser skin resurfacing methods not only rejuvenate the skin but also remove warts and scars, lines and wrinkles. The patient should not have any skin problems. She can be of any age but usually it is the woman in her thirties or forties who undergoes laser skin resurfacing technique to clear her facial skin of wrinkles and lines.

The treatment consists of exactly and precisely aiming at the affected area, treating the skin and creating new skin. The treatment is done on an outpatient basis. Performed with local anesthesia and competed in half an hour to two hours depending upon the area to be treated. The patient's face is covered with sterile gauze, which is continuously kept moist with frequent face washing with mild vinegar, or saline. The area will also be covered with Vaseline or some other similar medication. She can use ice packs to prevent swelling and scab formation. The patient will need someone to take care of her in the first couple of days till the old skin peels off and the new one is formed.

The new skin will be blemish less. There will be no scars, no wrinkles or lines. It may be pink in color or reddish, depending upon the original skin color of the patient. Redheads and blondes take a longer time to come back to normal skin. The rejuvenated skin should not be exposed to the hot sun and adequate care has to be taken to keep the fresh skin from getting infected. The patient will be given painkillers in the initial stages to alleviate pain. After a couple of moths the rejuvenated skin will look good and the effect of the treatment will last for a couple of years at least.

Videos, chat room, pictures, shopping and much more. Visit the resources below right now! Laser skin resurfacing Does insurance cover laser skin resurfacing Laser skin resurfacing cost

Dr. Jim Greene would like to invite you to visit the resources above to learn more about the benefits of laser skin resurfacing and what it can do for you.

Non Invasive Laser Lipo Compared To Traditional Surgery

The UK has one of the highest obesity rates in all of Europe. Often being referred to as the sick man of Europe. Of course, obesity has a large number of knock on health issues and that is one reason why people are turning to "the knife" as a way of shedding excess fat. Recently published figures show that doctors are performing in excess of half a million procedures a year to combat this growing problem. Indeed, ever more people are turning to "Lipo" as it is known, as the silver bullet fix. A recent development in the form of Non invasive laser lipo, or "Lipolysis" promises instant and measurable results, without pain or downtime. Much has been reported in the press and so far, the results are remarkable.

Traditional Liposuction can be quite brutal, and there are many videos on YouTube showing just how invasive and physical this type of treatment is. It involves inserting a vacuum tube under the skin and literally sucking out the excess fat. The end results are less fat, but can also results is saggy skin, lots of bruising, infection, pain and a lot of rest. This type of treatment can only be given by medically qualified people, meaning it is often expensive and out of the realms of treatments that a beauty salon could offer.

Recently we have seen a newer treatment on offer, that being Laser Liposuction which is still invasive and involves a wand with a laser emitter being drawn under the skin and effectively, the laser dissolves the fat. This is not quite so brutal as traditional lipo, but it still has a number of evident drawbacks. Equipment is hugely expensive, and again you need to be medically qualified to give the treatment, so again, not something a beauty salon owner could normally offer.

Step into the breach Non invasive laser lipo, the next generation of fat reducing technologies that has significant advantages over the aforementioned methods. Before we look at how it works, here are some benefits.

1. Being Non invasive it is gentle, pain free and does not risk infection.

2. Anybody can safely ( with training) operate the equipment.

3. The treatment is 20-40 minutes per session, there is no down time and the client can resume their activities immediately.

4. Machines cost less, therefore treatments cost less and this opens up a whole new marketplace.

5. The results are instant and measurable, meaning salon owners can expect repeat and referral business.

Non invasive laser lipo is simple in terms of how it works. Basically laser diodes emit light at a certain frequency that stimulates the fat cells and they lose their cohesion. The fat leaks out and is passed out of the body via the lymphatic system. A course of 8 treatments can easily see a huge reduction in hard to shift fatty areas. The therapist simply attached special pads to the area to be treated and leaves the machine to do it's job.

Of course, the main things is that there has never been a fatality with the non invasive procedure, and whilst recorded deaths from the traditional methods have dropped recently, there is still a present risk that is simply not worth taking.

Non invasive laser lipo is far safer, costs less and offers results, so it is clear that this is a far superior treatment method. Talk to us about the best machine on the market, Lumislim and we will show you why.

Stephen Soos
Crystal Medical Ltd

Why Consumers Should Consider Laser Hair Removal at Home

Hair removal techniques have evolved over the years from the ancient way of looping thread across the skin in a pattern that would allow the swift tugging of hair from its follicles. Given this, it is hard to believe that consumers of removal products are still using pain inducing treatments to rid themselves of their unwanted hair. This all stems from the need to remove unwanted hair in the privacy and convenience of one's own home.

Shaving, tweezing, or plucking can all be painful and cause ingrown hairs.

Shaving leaves a skin rash on sensitive skin types and tweezing leaves ingrown hairs in certain sensitive places like the chin, the upper lips and the eye-brows. Waxing and sugaring can be painful, and may irritate or blister skin at the site where these treatments are applied to. These gooey removal techniques will leave the skin smoother than the other techniques mentioned, and for several weeks at a time.

An exfoliating cream and depilatory creams might cause allergic reactions in some users, and will also raise the risk of blistering of the skin. Many consumers avoid the dermatologist and the high-end spas, and opt for the usage of a laser hair removal at home kit. These laser hair removal kits used in the privacy of the consumer's home are a good cost effective alternative to the more expensive procedures duplicated in their dermatologist office.

As with any chemically induce of heat induced treatments on the skin, the consumer should make sure to note all warnings and side effects and any allergies that they may have, especially known skin allergies, before purchasing such kits. This will help the user avoid any future corrective cosmetic procedures that may have to be done in the aftermath of a user not heeding and reading all directions a laser hair removal at home kit provides.

This laser hair removal at home kits seem to be the better choice than the more costly electrolysis treatments one can pay thousands of dollars for.

The laser hair removal at home kits will save the consumer many needless appointment setting sessions at their dermatologist and the money and the time saved is well worth the use of one.

Just as with any laser treatment using heat, laser hair removal at home kits could end up burning the skin, scarring the skin and cause loss of pigmentation of the skin, especially darker skin tones. With several brands out on the market, the user should consult their dermatologist or the pharmacy before the purchase of a certain brand.

If you would like to know more about laser hair removal at home, or would like to know more about laser hair removal in general, visit our no nonsense laser hair removal guide:

Laser Skin Treatment to Include Fraxiel and IPL

A laser skin treatment is an anti-aging procedure to treat fine lines and wrinkles, and at times, even acne, scars, brown spots, and other types of discolorations. It is a controlled burning of the superficial layers of the skin and a very precise alternative to chemical peels. The surgeon uses carbon dioxide laser to vaporize the upper layers of the skin, thereby removing them so that the new skin can form on the surface of the skin. There are various types of laser treatments that are used, and the most popular ones are Fraxiel and IPL laser treatments.

Fraxiel laser treatment is a revolutionary laser treatment that helps you to remove years form your appearance. Fraxiel laser therapy has been gaining enormous popularity over the years, especially because there are a thousand miniscule microscopic laser columns involved in this treatment, which treat a fraction of the skin at a time without affecting the surrounding tissues of the skin. These laser columns stimulate the production of younger looking, smoother and healthier skin, which replaces the damaged tissues and damaged skin.

Another laser treatments which is equally popular if not less, is the Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatment. IPL treatment technically is not a laser treatment. Unlike laser, it uses white light composed of many frequencies or colors of light compared to a laser, which uses only one wavelength or color of light. IPL, due to its multiple lights, has the ability to effectively treat multiple problems within the skin. Your skin appears to be more youthful, radiant and bright post the procedure.

Frequently asked questions:

Who is it for?

People who are experiencing early aging can be benefitted by laser treatments, especially Fraxiel. Aesthetic issues such as fine lines, wrinkles around the eyes, freckles, and sunspots can be minimized or eliminated with the use of these laser treatments. It is recommended for people who's skin has deteriorated due to various lifestyle reasons like excessive smoking, stress, pollution, and also patients who are diagnosed of Rosacea which is a condition where in the skin on the face turns red. Various skin imperfections, brown marks, freckles that appear with age and small veins too can be treated with either of the laser treatments. However, a certified dermatologist will be the right person to decide and guide you about which of the laser treatments will be is most effective and beneficial for your skin problem.

What can I expect?

During the first twenty four hours of any skin treatment, your skin would feel as if it is sunburned, while the appearance would be red or pink skin. Your skin would look naturally bronze over a couple of weeks. The skin will exfoliate itself and this effect can be reduced with the use of regular moisturizing. Laser skin treatments help the skin to produce new tissues and collagen, and the effect on the skin is that it looks younger, more beautiful, radiant and livelier than ever before.

What does the procedure involve?

The laser treatments are a short procedure which generally last a few minutes to an hour. When opting for Fraxiel, the skin is cleansed and an anesthetic ointment is applied for sixty minutes before the actual procedure begins. The total procedure lasts for twenty to twenty five minutes for the entire face.

If you opt for IPL, the cells of the face (dermis) are penetrated with the IPL's light and these rays of light are then absorbed into the skin. The procedure is a short one and painless too, but sure has some stunning results to its credit.

What will the recovery look like?

The recovery can take any where between two to four weeks, during which there maybe chances of red or pink skin. This skin is similar to a sun burnt skin, leaving you with a bronze look for a few days. But eventually, this settles down and your skin regains its natural sheen that you once could boast of only when you were still in your early twenties! The skin, in both laser treatment cases, is rejuvenated, vibrant, supple, and you will be astounded to re-discover a younger looking you.

What are the possible risks or complications?

Usually laser skin treatments are very safe for people of all age groups. However, there could be a pigmentation risk for people with originally brown or olive skin types. Also, at times, there may be temporary rashes or allergies, but thankfully this is a temporary problem and phases out with time, which is usually within a month.

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Friday, August 2, 2013

Laser Surgery For Stretch Marks Removal Can Be Very Expensive

Laser surgery for stretch marks removal is the most radical approach that exists today. However at around $200 per treatment it is certainly not the cheapest option. Laser surgery is a relatively new technique compared to the older techniques of abdominoplasty (tummy tuck ) and stretch mark creams.

People develop stretch lines for various reasons, one being pregnancy. When the skin is stretched to the point of breaking down, similar to elastic losing its' elasticity, scar tissues form to repair the damage and reconnect the broken skin tissues. Losing collagen and elastin in the skin causes not only scars, but also loss of tone, fine lines and wrinkles. Over a very long period of time, usually years, stretch lines may fade in colour, but the scars remain. Anyone that has experienced rapid weight gain or pregnancy has most likely experienced similar effects.

Using lasers for stretch marks removal involves a controlled laser light applied to the affected area. Once they are broken down and removed, the damaged vessels are then repaired by promoting the production of collagen that will fill in the area previously occupied by the scars. It basically has no recovery period and the worst thing that can happen is that the marks are not healing at all.

The reasons why using lasers is so successful is because it treats more than the top layer of the skin and it actually penetrates into the skin layers where collagen is formed. Only scars that are still fresh, pink or purplish in colour can be treated by laser. The main disadvantage of using lasers is that it generally takes a number of regular treatment sessions and a good deal of money before you see the improvement in your skin.

To use laser surgery find a board certified plastic surgeon. Make an appointment and discuss the process. Lasers have been used to assist with cosmetic skin problems since the 1960's and is painless. Practitioners of laser surgery claim that this new method can rejuvenate damaged skin and make it feel more elastic and look much the same way it used to. Although it is still considered a type of cosmetic surgery, laser surgery does not involve cutting the skin and does not result in irregularities to the skin texture.

Please visit my blog for more articles on Stretch Marks Removal [] or here for more information on Stretch Mark Cream.

I Need an Alternative to a Painful Skin Peel - Please Help

Skin peels are commonly used to reverse aging signs such as wrinkles, fine lines, sagging skin, etc. The peel has to be applied on the skin and then removed after some time. You can feel the reaction of the peel's ingredients in your skin. After some time, you have to remove the peel using a soft wet cloth.

Another form of treating aging signs is skin resurfacing. In this process a laser is used to remove the outer layer of the skin. This removes the wrinkles and skin lies, and reveals the inner skin layer. This form of treatment requires that you get anesthetized for the treatment process. Many people resort to this form of treatment because they feel it will show good results.

However the problem with these two different skin treatments is that they can be painful and time consuming. While skin peels are not too expensive resurfacing through laser treatment definitely is.

What is the alternative? Try using natural skin care products with a high concentration of powerful natural ingredients.

A good natural skin care product is not painful to use and does not require that you go to a hospital for treatment. You can use them according to your convenience in the form of day creams or night creams and see the best results in skin care from them.

Since using a natural skin care product is a better option than using skin peels or resorting to resurfacing treatments, here is a look at the specific benefits you gain in using such products over these other forms of treatment:

* They do not have a painful treatment process. The process of treating aging signs and nourishing your skin takes place gradually, through a combination of highly effective natural ingredients. Even the most famous skin peels do not give this.

* The results brought out by such products are really long-lasting. You cannot say the same for even the most effective skin resurfacing treatment.

* They enrich your skin through antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. This protects your skin from damage due to external factors. On the other hand, skin peels have ingredients which can make your skin burn and you cannot expose your skin to the sun for some time.

* The cost of buying a natural skin care product, with a high concentration of natural ingredients is definitely less expensive than skin resurfacing treatment, and you also see better results.

If you regular use the right natural skin care products, you can rule out undergoing expensive resurfacing treatment or using peels, and still see the best results. There is no pain in the treatment process and you don't experience any side effects. Your skin is healthy, rejuvenated, refreshed and is always young-looking.

Susan Kessler is an expert in skincare and has helped hundreds of men and women improve the appearance of their skin. Visit Skin Cream Guide to learn more about how to find the very best skin care products on the market. You too can look and feel years younger!

Laser Hair Removal Cost - Is Laser Hair Removal Worth It?

The use of a laser to permanently remove unwanted hair has caught the attention of people who want to look beautiful. The laser works by providing light and energy that gets hot and burns off the hair. While it is a very effective procedure some people do end up with hair re-growing in the areas. There are some risks as well of the color of the skin being affected or the area being burned.

The equipment is quite expensive and the training is intensive for those who perform laser hair removal. As a result the cost of getting the procedure done is very expensive as well. There is no insurance company other there willing to cover the cost of such cosmetic procedures. Some people are able to get the results they want with only one laser hair removal treatment but most people need at least three or more.

The actual cost of the laser hair removal depends on the qualifications of the specialist performing the procedure, the state you live in, and the various types of hair removal package deals they offer. Sometimes the cost is affected by the area that needs to be treated and the amount of hair they will have to remove. You should expect to pay at least $300 per laser hair removal treatment.

It is important to know that laser hair removal is only effective in those with very fair skin. It works the best on blond, white, or gray colored hairs. This is because the energy surrounding the pigment of the skin has to be able to be absorbed. Those with dark skin, red hair, or dark hair should consider the lower costing electrolysis option for hair removal.

Laser hair removal has several advantages over electrolysis though. It is less painful, faster, and you will get better results. Even if you do experience so hair growing back it is going to take some time for it to happen. They will also be thinner and finer than they were before the laser hair removal treatments.

If you found this information on Laser Hair Removal Cost useful, you'll also want to read about Laser Hair Removal Risks.

3 Affordable Laser Hair Removal Systems

In this short review you can read of some of the home hair removal machines that are now sold at much lower prices which makes them affordable and worth buying.

The first home laser system is the DM 4000, this system which was once sold only for hair removal clinics, is now sold for lower prices as the company Biotechnique Avance has two newer models which are more powerful. The DM 4000 is sold online for as little as $349 which is $100 less than the list price for this product.

The second home removal system belongs to the same company, Biotechnique Avance. This company is a leading manufacturer for skin clinics and aesthetics centers. Most of the device they design for professional use and not for the small personal home use. The DM 5000 is a model which is more powerful than the DM 4000 mentioned before, but because the company launched an upgraded version - DM 6000, the DM5000 line is sold for less than its real value.

Both of these lasers are lasers that are used at small skin and hair clinics, and can be used also for home use. They are both electric powered, and need to be placed close to the home AC/DC socket. The laser level is rather powerful, and can be adjusted by the user to reach the most effective level for the session, and the pain level regarding the skin area (for sensitive skin like upper thighs less energy is needed as the pain in higher levels may be too much to suffer).

The last affordable home hair removal system is the new Tria laser. This machine was the first FDA system cleared for home use. It is designed better than the first two systems, and was made only for personal hair reduction and not for clinic or Med Spa use.

The laser device is a cordless rechargeable device, so it is best for home hair removal sessions. The cordless hand set can be taken anywhere and used in any room in the house.

The Tria laser is not approved for facial hair removal, though in some publication images it is seen used on the upper lip.

This system is in this list of affordable home laser systems because the new Tria is sold for $395, (the former model was sold for $100 more).

If you insist in buying a home laser hair removal system, these three are the leading brands and give the best value for money return for your budget.

Do you need help with DM 5000 laser review? Visit for help with the DM 5000 or Tria laser reviews.

Take action right NOW and link on the link above.

How Does Laser Acne Treatment Work?

During laser acne treatment, a doctor directs a laser at the skin. There are many different kinds of lasers available; each is designed to work on one or more of the main causes of acne. Although the lasers used may differ, your treatment experience should be about the same no matter which laser is used, because the treatment methods differ only in what wavelength of laser beam enters your skin.

Laser treatments work on any area you are prone to acne. Though they are usually used for facial blemishes, they can also be used on the chest or back, or anywhere else you have frequent breakouts.

Your laser treatment is virtually painless because an anesthetic gel will be applied to your skin before the laser device is turned on. Many people compare the feeling of laser acne treatment to the sensation of a rubber band being flicked against the skin.

During the procedure, pulses of the lasers light enter your skin. The laser used is of a specific wavelength, which varies according to the specific needs of the patient. These lasers produce heat under the surface of your skin, stopping your acne in its tracks.

Most laser acne treatments focus on disabling or shrinking the sebaceous glands, which produce the oil that makes your face shiny and clogs your pores and hair follicles. The intense heat of the lasers shuts down the sebaceous gland, reducing the amount of oil available to create acne. This laser method works in essentially the same manner as laser hair removal, only it targets the oil gland instead of the hair follicle.

Other types of lasers work against the p. acnis bacteria that cause acne. These bacteria live deep in the skin, where it will not be washed away when you clean your face. They occur naturally in the oil of the skin, so shrinking the sebaceous glands will also help to lower the bacteria level in your skin. Laser acne treatments use a blue light that is absorbed by the bacteria, killing them. This type of acne treatment is the one most often used for teenagers' spots. It is more effective at stopping existing breakouts than preventing future ones, so it is often used in conjunction with the first type of laser acne treatment for long-lasting results.

Although these two methods are by far the most common, the rising popularity of laser acne treatment means that every day, there are new lasers being developed. Some of them include Erbium lasers, which target water molecules under the skin's surface. Although typically used on facial wrinkles, it is also effective when used on pimples and other blemishes. Carbon Dioxide and diode lasers use high-intensity lasers, vaporizing the outer layer of skin, revealing smoother skin underneath. This process is most often used for scars, but it is effective on active acne as well. A few of the other types of lasers available include YAG, Pulsed Dye, and Nd:Yg.

Mark Bradford is the author of the Laser Acne Treatment Guide, an essential resource for those considering laser acne treatments. Visit for more information about what this amazing treatment can do for your acne.

Laser Lipo - What, How, and Why

Laser liposuction (also commonly called laser lipo or smart lipo) is becoming a very popular technique to permanently get rid of fat from specific areas of your body. Here is a brief overview of what you can expect with this procedure.

The 'What and How'

Basically, the laser lipo procedure is simple. Your doctor will make a very small incision in your skin, allowing a small tube called a canula to penetrate into the fatty tissue you would like removed. Then, the laser within the canula uses a very special laser to target the fatty areas. The laser essentially dissolves or liquifies the fat, which is then removed via the inserted canula.

The 'Why'

So why would someone choose laser lipo versus plastic surgery and traditional liposuction? There are several reasons. First, the cost of the procedure is typically much less than liposuction. Second, the procedure is a much more simple out-patient procedure. No general anesthetic is required, only local is given to the patient. Because of this you are able to go home much quicker. Furthermore, recovery times with laser lipo are much quicker. Because the laser targets only fat areas you will have much less bleeding and bruising and be able to recover faster. Finally, laser lipo is also approved by the FDA. While other lipo alternatives are not yet approved, this technique is, which helps you feel more safe when going into the procedure.

However, just because it is approved by the FDA does not mean it is the best option for you. Be sure to consult with your doctor before deciding to undergo any major treatment on your body.

Sandra is a health and body journalist who has written on laser liposuction and laser lipo for the last few years.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Basics of Laser Tattoo Removal

While only a small percentage of the population ever gets a tattoo, nearly half of all who do will want to have it removed at some point. This used to be a complex, painful process involving traditional surgical methods and skin grafts. The good news is that removal of these body designs has become much simpler and more successful today. The introduction of lasers into the world of cosmetic surgery has made all the difference in tattoo removal.

Laser tattoo removal involves targeting the design with intense, precise beams of laser light. When the pigment in the ink of the tattoo absorbs the light source, the pigment is broken down and the microscopic pieces are removed by the body's own immune system over a period of weeks. The type of laser that is used will depend on the color of the ink used in the tattoo. Each shade of pigment will require a different laser color for effective removal. This is where the precision of the laser becomes a huge benefit and makes this procedure so successful.

Laser tattoo removal can even be used on previously treated tattoos that were not completely removed. The process is much less painful than procedures in years past, and scarring is generally minimal. In most cases, no anesthesia is necessary and complications after the procedure are rare. A bandage will cover the area and the patient will be instructed to avoid direct sunlight. Laser tattoo removal has proven to be the most effective process for bidding that body art farewell.

More information on a laser tattoo removal [] and a Boston tattoo removal clinic in Massachusetts is just a click away.

Is Laser Treatment Or Surgery a Safe Way to Get Rid of My Acne?

Most cases of acne can be treated easily enough using simple hygiene and over the counter treatments.

These treatments can quickly resolve mild cases of acne. Some people, however, experience persistent, stubborn acne that does not respond to available treatment or which has the potential to result in scarring.

Most people with mild acne can treat the problem simply by practicing good hygiene and using topical acne treatments available over the counter which contain benzoyl peroxide. People with severe or persistent acne may wish to turn to alternative treatment methods.

A dermatologist is qualified to advice a patient about treating acne with laser therapy or even surgery.

You must evaluate any acne treatments, such as surgery or laser therapy, which you might be considering. For example, you will want to fully understand how many treatments will be required, the costs of treatments, as well as any possible side effects.

The right treatment for one person may not be the right treatment for the next person.

Laser treatments and surgery can be used to treat acne scarring but you also want to use treatments that will reduce the recurrence of acne as well. This can make the entire process of selecting the right acne treatments quite complex and confusing.

Laser Treatments for Acne

Laser technology has changed the way health care practitioners treat many health issues and acne falls into this category. Today, treatments that were unavailable for stubborn acne only a few years ago are not only available, but quite affordable.

Treatments using lasers involve using various wavelengths of light aimed directly on the effected area. The wavelengths pulse as they contact the skin and destroy over-sized sebaceous glands and even acne lesions.

Laser therapy can remove the outer skin layers to encourage new cell growth as a means of scar treatment.

The skin care professional will set the laser correctly to properly treat the acne-affected area. There are few side effects associated with these treatments, although they can be slightly uncomfortable. On the other hand, the treatments do not involve lots of messy creams or ingesting prescription medications.

There is much debate about how effective laser treatments are for acne. Even one treatment can make a difference in the skin appearance of some patients.

Some patients experience side effects such as redness, burned skin that may last for a week or more and uneven skin appearance if the laser is not applied consistently. People with dark skin may experience skin discoloration after having acne treatments using a laser.

Surgery for Acne

Surgery for the treatment of acne can involve opening and draining clogged matter from the acne lesions. Blackhead and whitehead treatments do not require actual surgery.

Instead, a nurse, dermatologist, or esthetician uses a small blade to open the lesion and remove the matter inside.

Severe cysts associated with acne may require excisional surgery. This is a more involved surgical process by which deep acne cysts can be removed. This surgery is avoided when possible because it tends to cause scarring.

If you have acne that does not respond well to treatments available over the counter, when paired with good skin care; do not despair. The laser treatments for acne can prevent your having to suffer annoying, painful acne blemishes or live with lifelong scars from these blemishes.

Next Step: If you suffer from acne there's no reason you have to any longer. People everywhere are curing their acne and doing it fast. Find out all the secrets at:

Benefits of Using the Affirm Laser Treatment

Much to their dismay, many people may live with unwanted scars, blemishes and other skin imperfections. Some people may feel embarrassed or even ashamed of their skin, and feel that there is nothing they can do about it. Treatment is available, however, that can leave skin looking younger and healthier.

Many patients may find success through the Affirm Laser, a laser treatment used to rejuvenate damaged or blemished skin. The laser treatment may be capable of treating various skin conditions including skin lines, wrinkles, scars, skin discoloration and skin imperfections. The Affirm Laser may also be capable of treating patients suffering from acne blemishes, sun damaged skin, irregular contours on the skin and stretch marks. These conditions, while usually harmless, may become a burden for many people. The embarrassment may even cause a strain on a person's social life. With such advanced technology, skincare professionals are able to do remarkable things to a person's skin. Anybody who wants to rid themselves of these skin conditions may speak with a skincare professional about the benefits of this laser treatment.

Patients may notice that after undergoing treatment with the Affirm Laser, their skin feels softer and healthier. One of the major benefits of the laser treatment is that many patients claim that their skin looks younger, which may lead to an increase in confidence and self-esteem. A safe and trustworthy procedure patients can believe in, this laser treatment technology works by tightening the skin, thus making it appear younger and healthier. The treatment is an outpatient procedure, performed in a doctor's office using a hand held laser. The treatment may have a mild to moderate sting, although a cooling tip may be present on modern lasers to lessen the pain for some patients. Still, a topical anesthetic may be applied in some cases, although the pain may be so mild that this may not be necessary.

Using a fractional approach, the Affirm Laser comes with added benefits that older laser treatments may not have. These may include less downtime, less side effects, less pain, faster results and a gentler treatment. To obtain optimal results, this laser, like others, requires a number of treatments. The fractional approach means that at each session, a small percentage of the skin will be treated with a high-energy beam, while the rest will be treated with a lower energy. This treatment offers patients the opportunity to obtain younger, softer looking skin faster and with a more comfortable treatment.

Visit the Florida Laser Skin Clinic for treatment, procedures, consultation and questions for an incredible Affirm laser skin rejuvenation in Palm Beach, FL.

Mole Laser Removal For Real-World Laser Tag

Anyone doing some poking around on the internet these days will realize that there are a lot of ways to get rid of troublesome moles. You can choose from things like excision, cryotherapy, natural methods, and even mole laser removal. Whichever option you select will be based on a lot of different facts and circumstances, such as the kind of mole you're dealing with, where the mole is located, and even your doctor's level of experience. What kind of mole you're dealing with is important since this can impact the prognosis and help you anticipate how well it will respond to various treatments, such as mole laser removal.

To help frame the discussion, you can put moles into 2 basic groups. On the one hand, there is the sort of mole that you are born with. Alternately, if not with you at the time of birth, this is the sort of mole that will pop up when you are out in the sun. You can recognize these because they are generally the flat moles that lend themselves to mole laser removal.

Now, on the other hand, you also have the kinds of moles that tend to change, grow, and may even change the way they look or the color they are. When the mole is a bit bigger and three-dimensional to where it stands above the surface of the skin, it is generally not ideal for mole laser removal. These are the moles that run deep into the skin, and the laser simply is not made to get that deep in the skin. To make it work, you would need a series of mole laser removal session before seeing some success. Moreover, a mole that reaches deep into the skin can even tend to come back after you thought it was successfully removed.

Mole laser removal is actually quite benign, though it can sound like it is a painful process. The thing is, right before your mole laser removal, the doctor will give you a local anesthetic. There are times that you may not need a local anesthetic, but you are usually having large enough moles removed that it's most conservative to get the anesthetic. See, the discomfort you feel when you are having mole laser removal could be slight with a small mole, but you should be the person who gets to decide what kind of treatment you want. Part of being informed means that you know the full story though, and often the pain is simply about the same as being snapped with a rubber band. Being educated about what to expect can help keep the pain expectation grounded in reality.

The mole laser removal will be done with a laser you just hold in the hand, using a laser beam to simply burn the mole from the skin. After the procedure, the place around the mole can look red or brown in color and you can scab over as the area heals. The good news is that the mole will turn to a scab and you'll never need stitches because there is no excision. As you can imagine, this leads a lot of people prefer the mole laser removal method. One tip is to try to keep the scab away from straight sun soon after the process. Beyond that, you could always opt for excision and freezing as an alternative to mole laser removal.

Want more useful information on mole laser removal?
Lydia Fairchild is a skin perfection enthusiast and wart and mole removal aficionado. Visit her website at today and get your $440 Unadvertised Bonus and mini-course free!

Laser Skin Care - The Low Cost Way to Preserve Your Beauty

Some people are vain enough to do everything to preserve the beauty of their face and their skin. And so they are willing to pay so much for the special techniques that could bring them the fountain of youth. Laser skin care can actually help them. The use of laser had evolved so much over time. After its use in engineering and industries, it had invaded health care and skin clinics as well.

A good example of laser skin care is skin resurfacing. This new method of bring forward one's lost beauty is widely used all over the world these days. In this procedure, outer layers of the skin will be abraded to reveal the almost perfect inner skin. With the use of the Fraxel Laser, this procedure is performed easily by the experts.

Laser is also used to treat hyperhidrosis. Simply defined, hyperhidrosis is excessive sweating. It is the condition wherein the body excretes too much sweat, with or without provocation. For this concern, the problem areas are usually the forehead, armpits, palms, and soles. With the use of laser, this health problem can now be addressed.

Laser skin care techniques are widely used in removing skin pigmentations, birthmarks, wrinkles, and age spots. These laser applications are usually performed inside the clinic of a licensed dermatologist. Talk to a skin care specialist and he or she should help you with your problem. You may need to undergo several treatments before the spot is totally removed.

Laser skin care can also be used to remove unwanted hair, tattoo, leg veins, and facial veins. While these procedures require different sets of knowledge and different areas of expertise, they are all performed using laser technology. And this is the reason why this device is very popular in skin care clinics these days.

Schedule an appointment with a qualified skin care expert near you. Learn all about the laser treatments straight from the practitioner himself. During the consultation period, you can also request for advices and suggestions to know which procedure is right for you, your time, and your budget.

Melissa has been writing articles on a variety of topics for almost 3 years. Come check out her latest website which helps you to select the best wall sconces for candles.

Learn More About Skin Care Treatments Skin care treatments are available in plenty. The various skin disorders that a person can be experiencing are acne, pimples, appearance of wrinkles, sagging of skin etc. People resort to using skin care products without thinking about the repercussions. If you do not know about a product perfectly there is no use in selecting it because you need to be very careful when selecting any skin care product. There are chemical based products that are available in the market. Make sure you do not use them. Though they might show a miraculous change in your skin, you can be sure of the fact that they can cause troubles at a later stage.

Make sure that you select natural skin care products for skin care treatments. Thought they are a little costly you can be sure of obtaining the best results. These natural skin care products contain essential vitamins and minerals apart from ingredients such as coenzyme Q10, Cynergy TK and Phytessence Wakame. Using such products which have natural origin is very important as they stimulate the production of collagen in your skin making your skin healthy and attractive.

There are other treatments that are available like laser skin care. This method uses high intensity beams and eliminate the presence of dead cells in your body providing fresh cells to emerge from underneath and hence eliminating the possibility of reduction in collagen content. Since fresh skin cells are produced you can be rest assured that the collagen content in the skin also gets replenished making you look and feel beautiful.

What ever be the skin care options that you use, you need to be very careful in exerting caution because you are dealing with a very sensitive part. You need to make sure that the products that you use are healthy for the skin by consulting a dermatologist. Following his advice will help you a great deal.

Discover the benefits of the best skin care line that are made from breakthrough natural ingredients. Learn about the dramatic results you can get and how to get rid of wrinkles, fine lines and damaged skin by checking out:

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Will the Cost of Laser Hair Removal Break the Bank?

The fastest growing cosmetic process being preformed by men is laser hair removal. Over the past couple of years is has become quicker, more effective, and less painful. But the biggest question on mens minds is "How much does laser hair removal cost?" As you might have figured, with modern technology, the price is only going up. Fact is that it is a very lucrative business. The FDA has a hard time even keeping up with all the new patent applications.

As an example: You'll find on average that just the upper lip or ears might run $100 per session. Shoulders and chest would average $250. The back area can be $500 or more per treatment. Once again, these are estimates. The cost of laser hair removal vary due to a number of factors like: Geography, hair density, laser used, professional fees, number of treatments needed, etc... The thing to realize here is that while your our getting estimates for your given area, this is not the time to go bargain hunting.

You will surely come across many different payment options. On top of the general office visit, different offices may offer discount packages. If they estimate 12 treatments at $500 a piece, they may knock off 2 payments if bought in bulk up front.

The next clinic you look into might charge by the minute. Let's say $125 per 15 minutes.

Clinic #3 says that they charge by the pulse. As an example, we'll go with $300 for the first 150 pulses and $1 per pulse after that. This one can vary widely because of different lasers using different diameter contact points.

**Point is that we are looking at about $500 per treatment from each location.

Places like New York and California are going to have many more places to shop around at. Competition is good for keeping price down. But remember not to go to low. Make sure that they have been around a couple of years and are reputable. Check with the Better Business Bureaus, ask for references. Each clinic will allow for an initial consultation to meet the technician and ask any questions you may have. Then again, no matter how many questions you have, you will have more later on.

As minute as they are, laser hair removal has its risks. In the wrong hands, a less skilled technician can damage the skin. A condition known as HYPERpigmentation is when the pigment in the skin gets darker and is typically reversible. On the other hand, HYPOpigmentation will turn the skin a lighter color and may not be repairable. That is why it's important to ask for the clinics medical director about his or her qualifications. Make sure that he or she is Board Certified in Dermatology and whether there's more than one Board Certified doctor on the staff. It might be good to know that the actual "Doctor" will be the one performing the procedure.

To sum it up, you need to look at the cost of laser hair removal as an investment. An investment both financially and in yourself. Once a person get over the sticker shock, they can begin to realize that the estimated $5000 they will spend pays off over the years of not having to purchase razors, creams and wax. Not to mention the time you will save not having to bother with it.

Even though there are rare cases of side effects, a person still needs to get all the facts before embarking on such a journey. Making the transition to becoming hairless takes lots of time and money. Visit the New Hair Removal For Men site to learn more. Because if you haven't considered it yet... you know some one who has.

Laser Hair Removal Side Effects - Are You Safe?

As the quest for the perfect hair removal solution commences, the laser continues to reign supreme. Nevertheless, as technologically advanced as this process is, there are side effects that you should know about. The most common side effects of laser hair removal include mild redness and swelling to the affected area, both of which should subside and disappear after the first few hours.

Serious laser hair removal side effects are very rare, and are usually caused by a few well known factors, and can generally be prevented. Individuals that have lighter hair or darker skin are more prone to these side effects, such as discoloration of skin (striping), blistering, and/or burning. However, those with darker hair and lighter skin need not worry because the contrast from dark hair to light skin makes it easy to spot treat these areas with the laser. For those who have recently tanned artificially or naturally it is generally recommended that they wait to get the procedure done, as the chances for unwanted side effects will diminish greatly once the skin tone has lightened.

Another major factor that can reduce the chances of experiencing laser hair removal side effects, is to do your "due diligence" on the clinic or person performing the actual procedure. Ask the clinic how long their technicians have been doing this particular procedure. Ask to see results or pictures. It is also important to find out the type of laser they will be using. In the world of hair removal, not all lasers are created equally. Sometimes clinics will try to skimp on costs and purchase lower quality equipment. The different types of lasers involved are beyond the scope of this article, however, consulting with a few clinics will generally give you a clear idea on what's best for you.

The truth is, if done correctly, laser hair removal is generally quick, easy, and painless. The normal side effects of laser hair removal are very minor. And serious side effects can be prevented if one does their homework correctly. So if you're still asking the question - "is laser hair removal safe for me?" The answer is a definite Yes!

Interested in learning more about the side effects of laser hair removal?

Do you know what the costs of laser hair removal are?

Answers to these questions and more are found at: Laser Hair Removal 101

Laser Acne Scar Removal Treatments: Removes Serious Scars

Acne leaves acne marks that make one look terrible. Scars from acne depressed you more than the days you have acne. People don't want to look bad that is why scar removal treatments are introduced to answer these problems. One way to reduce the occurrence of acne marks is the laser acne scar removal. The best types of acne removal treatment are the CO2 laser and the Er: YAG laser. The CO2 laser is more aggressive approach in resurfacing the skin while the Er: YAG laser creates a superficial resurfacing.CO2 laser vaporized the target skin and eventually minimize the appearance of the acne scar. However the recovery period takes a long period of time. The other type of laser acne removal treatment is the ER: YAG laser which has faster recovery period than that of CO2 laser treatment.

During the laser acne scar removal process, go to the deepest area of the skin to reduce the scar inside and out which is effective. Both of these treatments should be consulted first to your dermatologist to know that it would work for you and to get the best results and no one would want to get infections and allergies from these treatments.

Going through laser acne scar removal treatment can produce redness and swelling for the first few days after the treatment which is normal. These are only some of the temporary side effects which will fade away after some time. But rest assured, you will have healthy skin once again.

Want to know more about Laser Scar Removal? Visit Michael Harrah's site at

Laser Fat Removal - Accent Laser

For those of you that are looking for a safe way to effectively shape and contour your body while reducing that unwanted cellulite, now there's an answer. The "Accent laser" by Alma. You can find countless over the counter treatments here and there that promise to deliver younger looking skin but don't deliver. One of the questions that one might ask themselves is which kind of treatment is best for me? Well, this treatment is ideal for those who are looking to reduce cellulite, and visible signs of cellulite, and tighten up sagging skin.

As technology has developed, so has the accuracy of available aesthetic procedures like fat reductions and body contouring. Simply put, the latest and most up to date in cellulite removal technology is the Accent laser by Alma. It's a non-evasive FDA approved method of fighting and winning the battle against unwanted cellulite and sagging skin. Research has shown that it is the safest most effective approach to effectively getting rid of cellulite and sagging skin.

This method of fat aka cellulite removal is an ideal choice for people wanting a non-evasive way to contour there body or at least reduce visible sagging skin. This procedure basically works by using two types of technology. This technology along with a hand piece works by promoting circulation in and around your skin while tightening what are called "tissue bands" that hold onto fat cells. This treatment has brought amazing results to thousands who wanted a change but did not want to undergo other available evasive surgeries.

As a whole this type of fat reduction aims to reduce cellulite, make your skin smoother, tighter, remove inches, all while giving you a tighter appearance. It is a procedure that takes a few nearly painless treatments but it will be well worth your time if you are truly looking for a younger you.

If you would like to learn more about the safe and FDA approved Accent Laser by Alma, click Laser Fat Removal & see why so many people trust this Laser Fat Removal method.

A Look at Laser Hair Removal

Having an especially hairy face or body bothers many people. There is more than one way to get rid of it. One of the most popular and modern methods of doing so is known as laser hair removal. It is exactly as the name states; a laser is used to remove hairs. This type of procedure tends to work best on those who have dark hair that is coarse in texture. It does not work as well on fine hair. The perfect combination for this procedure is an individual who has light skin and dark hair. However, advances in laser technology are taking place all of the time and there are now new lasers that work well for those who have both dark hair and dark skin.

Laser hair removal gets rid of unwanted hair by way of the light energy that comes from a laser. This is a very brief description of how it is done. First the area in question is shaved and cleaned thoroughly and then a special anesthetic cream is applied. The laser produces or emits pulsed beams of light that is highly concentrated. This light is then absorbed into the skin where it enters the pigment that is found in follicles. This serves to damage the follicles in the surrounding area. The hair follicles become paralyzed while the skin is left unaffected.

This can be slightly uncomfortable for the person who undergoes it, although it is rarely described as painful. It is not uncommon for a patient to feel a slight stinging sensation. This lets you know that the laser has started working. The series of impulses that are then produced can lead to a light burning sensation and or a prickling feeling. However in most cases the sensations experienced are minimal. Some patients describe what they experience during a session as what it feels like when you take a rubber band and snap it against your skin.

The treatment can be used on either small areas of the body or large areas. The duration of the laser sessions and how many you require is dependent upon the size of the area that requires the treatment. You may have a treatment that lasts for a few minutes, 20 to 30 minutes, or up to an hour. Some people experience some swelling or redness at the site of the treatment.

In order to guarantee results that are successful and long-lasting, it is strongly recommended that patients schedule at least three to six sessions. The interval of time between each treatment can range anywhere from 4 to 12 weeks. This is dependent upon many factors, including your coloring, the area of your body that you wish to be treated, and the kind of laser that is used. Lasers for the purpose of getting rid of unwanted hairs have been approved by the FDA since the year 1997.

If you're interested in San Antonio laser hair removal, make sure to do your research. For more information, visit

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Laser Hair Removal: The SHR-Technology

The SHR technology is the latest technology of permanent laser hair removal. Since it is relatively new to the market, many potential customers ask questions about the innovative method. How is the process of a SHR treatment? Is it painless? What should I do? These questions and more will be answered below. However, it is recommended to take personal information from a dermatologist or esthetician in your environment.

What does the term "SHR" stands for? It stands for "Super Hair Removal". The developers took this name, because it's the most effective method for removing unwanted hair until now. Although it is comparable to the laser hair removal or the IPL method, but you will notice significant differences in the employment.

Super Hair Removal is considered as a painless hair removal method

This kind of pulsed light treatment is absolutely painless. Only at very hairy body parts, it can happen that you feel the pulses of light and some warmth. Have felt the slightly unpleasant tingling, the total retail after treatment with the IPL or laser treatments method is not usually given. Like other laser hair removal methods, also in this case a thin layer of contact gel is applied, which is to cool the treated area. Of course, this contributes also to the aforementioned pain.The SHR method ist compatible with every part of your body, except the immediate surroundings of the eyes.

Every hair and skin type is suitable with the SHR treatment

Other than the laser and IPL method, you will have here the advantage that the skin and hair color won't play a significant role. While previous methods were with a light complexion and dark hair, the condition for successful treatment, it means that must be fulfilled for the SHR method no specific skin type. Of course, light skin and dark hair still does best with the treatment, but in the SHR-technology is not only the melanin "attacks", but equally the protein of the stem cells. For this reason, it should pose no difficulty to treat people with dark skin and bright, fine hair.

Of course there are some points that they should do before and after treatment: First, do not expose your skin, for at least two days prior to treatment, to strong UV light. Solarium or aggressive sunlight should be taboo, so painless, successful hair removal can be guaranteed. After the treatment you should avoid the sun or the tanning bed as well, because the skin is after the SHR procedure (like after all other high-energy hair removal processes) very sensitive. Besides, your body is not affected, so you can pursue your usual tasks safely. If you still go in the sun, you should choose a sunscreen with a high sun block factor.

Unwanted side effects can be easily be avoided

As you can see, in the SHR method compared to other hair removal methods to be considered rather uncertain, because the process is so pleasant and uncomplicated. However, you should take the advice of your dermatologist in each case seriously, so that there wouldn't be any side effects and you can determine everything for the most effective results, for a long run smooth, beautiful skin.

Learn more about permanent Hair Removal at Laser Hair Removal

Laser Mole Removal Facts

Laser mole removal: is it right for you? There are many effective methods of mole removal available. The use of laser is just one of these methods. Before deciding on what method is right for you, you first need to know if the mole you have is suitable for mole removal.

Moles are very common growths on people skin, and is not unusual for people to have 40 or more moles by adulthood. Moles that appear at birth are known as congenital nevi, and are the type that are most likely to become cancerous. Throughout the early years of a person's life and into adulthood some moles may begin to change in shape and color. While other moles might not change at all, or even may disappear completely.

While most moles are not dangerous and do not become cancerous, moles that begin to change in color, height, size or shape should be examined by a dermatologist. You should examine your moles on a regular bases to check for any signs of these changes. Areas that on your skin that get more exposure to the sun, like your face, neck, ears, hands and arms are places you should pay more attention to.

Not all moles are suitable for laser mole removal. Large, old protruding moles are generally not good candidates to have removed by laser, because the laser light does not penetrate deep enough into the skin. Small flat moles, by comparison are usually considered suitable for laser removal.

Only after your dermatologist has determined that the mole you want removed his noncancerous will laser removal be considered as a removal option. The laser works by using an intense beam of light that will heat the tissue causing the pigment to burst and become broken up, after which the pigment is absorbed by your body throughout the healing process. During the process the laser light will cauterize the blood vessels eliminating the need for stitches.

The procedure begins by numbing the skin with local anesthetic. Then, the laser is used to remove the pigmentation of the mole. Typically the time it takes to completely remove the mole will very depending upon the size of the mole being removed. If the mole your having removed is quite small there may be no need for anesthetics, having only the sensation similar to that of a rubber band snapping against the skin.

After the treatment is complete area will generally darken or redden, and turn into a scab which will then heal and fall off within two weeks. The new sensitive skin should not be exposed to the sun, or be covered with sunscreen for a minimum of six weeks following the procedure. Typically infection after mole removal is the greatest risk, however the risk is much less compared to other surgical removal procedures.

The cost for laser mole removal berries depending upon the area you live in. With some doctors charging as low as $50 per session, and others charging as high as $400 per session. Usually for successful treatment three sessions are needed, with larger protruding moles requiring more than three. As a rule, removal of noncancerous moles is considered a cosmetic procedure, and is usually not covered by most insurance companies.

Ryan Davis is a mole and wart removal expert. To learn more about laser mole removal visit,

Acne Care - Laser Treatment Can Help Cure Acne

If a person is plagued by breakouts and pimples, they may want to try an acne laser treatment. These treatments have been quite successful in helping people clear up their complexions. This therapy has been shown to cut down on the problem oil production without damaging the upper layer of skin.

They have also been helpful in alleviating scarring as well as improving the texture of the skin. Laser treatments also target the bacteria which can cause flare-ups of Propionibacterium Acne (referred to as P. Acne, for obvious reasons).

Acne can be a difficult skin condition to treat. The skin malady occurs commonly in the teen years but can continue into adulthood, as well. Adolescence brings rapid physical changes which include hormonal fluctuations which can contribute to complexion problems. Over the years, many different methods have been tried to clear up this malady of the skin.

Three of the most popular of such treatments include Blue Light Therapy, Pulsed Light and Heat Energy Therapy, and Diode Treatment. Further details about each include:

- Blue Light Therapy: This therapy has been found to be quite successful in treating P. Acne. A low-intensity blue light beam eradicates the bacteria. Redness and dryness often occurs as a side effect. Red light can be combined with the blue, at times, for further effectiveness. This needs to be repeated several times in order for it to be the most successful.

- Diode Treatment: This targets the sebaceous glands which are in the middle portion of the skin. The destruction of these glands can make the face clear up. This laser is able to accomplish this without damaging the top layer. There is swelling and pain associated with the treatment but the results are reportedly worth it.

- Light and Heat Energy Therapy: Pulsed light and heat work together in order to shrink the sebaceous glands and put a halt to excess oil and bacteria which cause the skin break outs and flare-ups. The light is of the yellow and green variety. This treatment works well on mild to moderate cases of acne. Redness and swelling occur after light and heat treatments, as well.

Laser and light therapies continued to be developed and researched in order to find the best combinations and courses of treatments. Different types of breakouts respond differently to treatments. A reputable dermatologist will be able to advise his or her patients of the most appropriate laser treatment for their particular situation.

With acne laser treatment, New Jersey based surgeon can help you get rid of acne and have smooth, soft and radiant skin free of blemishes, red or brown spots. To know more about the treatment, visit

How is Laser Hair Removal Done?

Laser Hair Removal is a technique in taking out unwanted hairs from the skin. People with light-colored complexion and dark hair are the most beneficial prospects for hair removal. If you'll go by this procedure, you will never ever need to shave your skin again.

The initial task that you should be doing before going under treatment is to search for a licensed center and practitioner. Don't just pick the laser surgery center that has the most affordable rates. Instead, seek for an expert that has reasonable rates, yet good qualifications and a high track record of success. Paying extra money is more than worth it when your threat of complications considerably decreases.

The cost of laser hair removal varies between companies and physicians. Your best approach is to go to your physician to find out more. 80% of the hair is totally removed for best candidates; some say they have to go back once or twice a year to keep that satisfied look.

When surgery center and health professional are all set, then you are now ready for the procedure. They say that the first session is the most painful one. Of course, certain areas of the body will hurt more than others, the thickness and darkness of the hair will also play a part. While people with thin, light hair experience less discomfort, people with thicker and darker hair experience more discomfort. This is because the laser light is being absorbed in different ways. The discomfort level is also determined by the skin color, a person's ability to handle pain, and the equipment and laser being used.

After the treatment, here comes the side effect. The risk of scarring is very small. The risks are more determined by the type of laser being used, the pigment of your skin, how it heals and the trained operator. More than anything, people see a change in their skin pigment that will fix itself over time. The count of treatments may vary from person to person. All clients are advised to have at least three laser hair removal treatment. During those three sessions the hair is temporarily disposed, not all the hair follicles are removed. So to be safe, you should ask your physician.

Side effects cannot be avoided but if you go to the right treatment center employed with experts, these consequences will eventually wane after few days and weeks. This is not a health guide for you to follow but an information to always bear in mind. Minding to the measurement advices of your physician prior to the treatment is suggested.

The cost of laser hair removal in Australia varies. Check it out to catch the cheapest one now.

Home Laser Hair Removal

Home laser hair removal at home is the #1 easiest method to permanently remove your unwanted hair on your face, body, bikini line, and other body parts.

So how does it work? Is home hair removal by laser really as effective as the professional sessions you could previous do at the salons? Are the results permanent and long lasting? This free guide is going to answer all your questions.

How Does Home Laser Hair Removal Work?

You know how just a few years go, you had to go to a professional salon every month to have a stranger touch your body parts and remove the hair using the big laser machine? Well, the good news is, now you can achieve the same smooth and hair-free results at the comfort of your own home. How does it sound? Using easy to use home laser machines, now you can have permanent hair removal from your face or body. It is fast and you will save thousands of dollars that otherwise you had to spend at the salon. That is exactly the reason many men and women try the new home laser hair removal machines at home. This new trend first started from Europe (mostly UK and France) and now is spreading more and more throughout the world.

Best Laser IPL Machines for Home Use?

I have personally done a lot of research to find out which brand and model are truly the most effective and easiest to use. And here you are going to discover the results. After days of research and reading the reviews in various online forums, groups, and websites, here are the top models you can choose from... and also after buying two different models of these home laser IPL machines and testing them myself, here is the best models I'd recommend for you...

Remington i-Light
Philips Lumea
Epila Home Laser System

These 3 models are currently the top rated home laser machines for removing your facial or body hair permanently.

You can find out more reviews and tips about which of them offers the best hair removal results for you.

Looking for easy Home Laser Hair Removal methods to easily remove your face or body hair at the comfort of your home? Then check out this free easy guide.

Do you know the Laser Side Effects of hair removal? You can discover these 3 important things you want to be aware of.

New SmartXide Dot Laser Rejuvenates Aging Skin Changes

The new SmartXide Dot Laser therapy provides remarkable results with minimal downtime. It restores skin texture and color, changes that occur to the skin during the aging process, but that can also can occur due to pregnancy. These skin changes give us that "aged" look. They include the development of fine lines, wrinkles, creases, and abnormal pigmentations.

This new "Dot" therapy can reduce those fine lines and wrinkles, soften mild creases, and fade abnormal pigmentations that occur over time. It can also reduce scarring that has occurred from acne and other processes, and may even fade pigmentations from pregnancy, otherwise called melasma or the mask of pregnancy. The therapy can be performed over any skin surface, including the face, the chest and the hands.

SmartXide Dot laser therapy is based on using the skin resurfacing power of the CO2 laser, but in a more controlled and refined manner. The Old CO2 laser is considered the "Gold Standard" for over a decade for skin resurfacing, producing the best results over time. In other words, there was virtually no other technology that seemed to provide the same or equivalent results as that which this procedure could produce. However, this may change with this new Dot technology.

The SmartXide Dot laser is remarkably different from the prior CO2 laser treatments that had resulted in long downtimes. This exciting new procedure is performed in the office while the patient is awake. Only local anesthetics with mild sedation are needed, and the treatment is quick, lasting only 15 to 30 minutes. The downtime after the procedure is very short, with most people resuming normal activities within five to seven days.

Fractional technology has made this new SmartXide Dot laser the preferred resurfacing technology today. This new technology works by creating thousands of tiny holes in the skin to a specified depth. This destroys the abnormal skin surfaces in these tiny holes to eliminate the changes from the aging processes, but leaves good skin tissue on the holes' sides to allow the skin to rejuvenate and fill in from these sides. The healing process is thus very quick, yet the results are remarkably good. Plus the downtime and potential complications are reduced to a minimum.

Those physicians who offer this new technology are at the cutting edge of laser resurfacing technology. No longer must patients suffer from long downtimes after these procedures. They can resume normal activities rapidly, but receive wonderful results of skin rejuvenation for a more youthful appearance. This new technology may indeed become the new Gold standard for CO2 laser rejuvenation to reduce the signs of aging, such as fine lines of the skin, wrinkles, mild creases, and abnormal pigmentations. Thus, this Dot Laser may prove to be the best answer to help maintain a more youthful appearance of the skin.

About Dr. True:

Robert L True, MD, practices cosmetic surgery and gynecology in Colleyville, TX. Originally trained to perform Liposuction through programs sponsored by the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery, his experience and skill now enables him to train physicians through courses sponsored by the American Academy of Cosmetic Gynecologists. He is board certified in OB-GYN and is an associate of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery. He is an active member in a number of prestigious medical organizations, including the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. He is a Preceptor for SmartLipo and Tumescent Liposuction. He MD from the University of Nevada, Reno, and residency with Tulane University in New Orleans. Dr. True has also designed a weight loss and fitness program. His website is

Monday, July 29, 2013

Laser Hair Removal - What Should I Keep In Mind?

Deciding to go for laser hair removal can be an overwhelming task. In addition to the time and monetary commitment that it necessitates, there seems to be a ton of information to keep in mind. And yes, there is absolutely a fair amount of things that need to be remembered before, during and after laser hair removal treatments. But as long as these are kept in mind, good results are likely to follow.

Doing a good amount of online research is one of the best ways to get prepared for the journey that is laser hair removal. While having good judgment and common sense are essential, you should utilize the internet to read up on laser hair removal's costs and benefits. However, no matter how much information can be found online, a personalized consultation will be the best way to have questions answered and receive quality information. A consultation with a practitioner will determine what your exact skin tone is, what machine should be used and what results can be expected. And don't forget to ask about the test patch, which is a great opportunity to get a feel of what the treatment is like, whether you can tolerate the discomfort and see how your skin will react.

Many laser hair removal practitioners do not recommend tanning, either in the sun or by sunless products, before or after treatments. While it is true that tanned clients can also be treated by laser hair removal, they need a special laser and might need to be treated differently. The point here is to not alter the skin tone in any way. Many hair removal experts firmly believe that the combination of dark hair and light skin will lead to best results, so tanning should definitely be avoided.

Another thing that is good to read up on is about the clinic's shaving policy. Meaning you should find out if they want you to shave or not before the first session or even before the test patch. All practitioners have different preferences: some really want to see exactly how the hair grows and do not recommend shaving beforehand, while others will give the green light. It just depends on the individual opinion of the practitioner.

If you notice that your skin is mildly red and a little sensitive the day after the laser hair removal treatment, there is no need to call your doctor as this effect can be expected. But more importantly, once hairs start to grow back, which they will after a few weeks, there should be absolutely no plucking of the hairs because this will disturb the growth cycle. However, some practitioners allow shaving. If a second session hasn't already been scheduled, it should once new hairs have grown in. Patience is a must during this process. The entire treatment cycle, which will contain several sessions, must be completed as recommended where after an evaluation can be done.

Steve Dowell is a seasoned writer on topics concerning hair removal. You can find more of his articles located at

Removal of Mole Remedies - What's Involved For Clear Skin!

Any blemish, dark spot or irregularity of the skin can be referred to as a 'mole' which can be removed in a number of ways. Some of the moles can appear with the passage of time while, some are there on your skin since your birth. Sun exposure is known to be a vital cause of the development and the growth of a mole. Mole removal treatment that many dermatologists carry out in order to remove a mole which has deep roots is the surgical procedure. It is painful and expensive. Typically, in a surgery your mole will be cut off from your skin with the help of surgical instruments and the resultant hole in your skin will be stitched up until it heals. Another surgical method that is used by doctors to remove a mole is excision with cauterization. In this procedure your moles will be burnt off and the wound will be cauterized with the help of electricity. However, in both these surgeries a scar will be left on your skin as a result of mole removal.

Nevertheless, there are other common and cost-effective procedures and treatments for removing moles from your skin which are also less or not at all painful. An advanced and comparatively cost effective technology for the removal of moles from the skin is the laser mole removal. In this treatment the affected area is treated with heat and lightbeam of the laser. You will feel no pain but there is a feeling of irritation as the laser cuts the mole off of your skin. The number of times that you require laser treatment for removing a mole will depend on the size and nature of the mole. If your blemish is big and raised up then it is more likely to take three or more sessions while small moles with a flat surface can be eliminated in one setting. Once, you get your mole removed make sure you protect it from sun exposure. A laser treatment for removing a mole might not be the best option if the depth of the mole is more.

There are many home remedies for removing a mole but it is of high significance that you should always consult a doctor or a dermatologist before carrying out any procedure on your skin because only a doctor will know better what is the nature of the mole and whether it is harmful or not. Only after the biopsy of your blemish you can choose the right option.

For more great tips on skin and body care, visit Removal of Moles

Home Laser Hair Removal Simple Tips

The need and the wish to remove unwanted hair is something most people have. This could be from any part of the body. Most men will shave, at least sometime. Women will remove hair from their legs, under the arms, perhaps facial hair and even their bikini line or pubic hair.

For many women hair removal is a fact of life, that tends to be repeated regularly. How and what method is used is open to the many possibilities which include waxing, shaving (legs an under the arms, but not the face), plucking in its different forms, and the permanent solutions, electrolysis and laser.

Electrolysis is the oldest permanent hair solution around and is very effective. However on the down side it is a slow process as a very thin needle is applied to each and every hair. Laser hair removal on the other hand focuses on an area, not the individual hair.

Over the last few years laser hair removal has become increasingly popular, and in fact the number of people (both men and women) who have undergone lasering is in the millions. As it is a successful permanent hair reduction method, there is a large and growing demand and this also means more research and development that translates into newer alternatives - including home lasering machines.

The only option you used to have, and is still one of the main alternatives, was to go to a specialized beauty parlor or laser clinic where you are attended by an experienced professional. In fact these clinics are located in most of the US.

Today you also have the home lasering machines that allow you to permanently reduce hair growth in the comfort of your own privacy.

There are a few basic guides that you should take into account when looking for your own hair removal laser in the comfort of your home.

Lasers work best on light skin and darker hair. The reason for this is that darker areas (colors) absorb light - and this is the ingredient that makes the dissolution of the hair possible. If the hair is light or the skin darker, the signals will be confused.
For a do it yourself job, think of easy to reach areas. Those harder places can complicate things as you have to get into awkward positions.
It will save you money as the cost of a professional session, and you will need a few sessions, ends up bigger than the cost of your own device.
Keep a record of the times you apply the laser, and leave around six weeks between them. Hair grows in cycles, and the hairs on our bodies will be in different stages and this means some hairs will receive the benefit of the laser while others wont.Finally always follow the instructions - we tend to look them over very quickly, if at all. This is very basic but too many people ignore it.

For more information on home laser devices, visit: Home Hair Removal

DM 5000 Laser Hair Removal - 5 Facts You Must Know

Fact One - The DM 5000 is one of the home laser hair removal systems that is manufactured by the Biotechnique Avance. The Biotechnique Avance is a leading manufacturer for dermatologists' treatment clinics and Med Spa equipment for aesthetics. This company has dozens of machines and laser systems for professional use, the DM 5000 is a small unit intended for home use or small cosmetic centers treatments.

Fact Two - The DM 5000 is a system which is part of a long line of laser hair removal innovation systems. There were DM 2000, DM 4000, and also DM 6000. The system has a very strong and powerful energy source, which can produce a high power beam of diode laser. The DM5000 laser hair removal system has a 54 Joules per cm2/second! Just for comparison, the TRIA laser system has 24 J/cm2.

Fact Three - The DM5000 laser like the rest of the DM laser series is powered by electric AC/DC (and not battery operated), this means it can be used without any 'low power' or 'battery low' beeps. The laser session can be continuous until you have finished. For comparison the TRIA laser system needs to be recharged after 250 pulses, the Silk'n SensEpil lamp is good for 750 pulses only.

The DM5000 has no battery life or cartridge limit, as it can be used more than other systems.

Fact Four - The DM5000 has a high repetition rate, it can produce 7 light pulses per second! This is important for a fluent and faster hair removal session. For compression TRIA laser has only one pulse every 2.2 second! When it comes to large skin areas to be treated like the back or the legs; the TRIA session is very slow (and frustrating) compared to the DM 5000.

Fact Five - Most home laser system and IPL are not permitted for facial use (because they have the FDA clearance) The DM5000 laser can be used for facial use (claim by manufacturers). The reason the DM 5000 is said to be safe for facial treatments is because it has a very fine laser tip.

The fine tip can be used to perform precise treatments. You must be careful when treating close to the eyes, like hair removal treatments for the eyebrows, cheeks, sideburns and upper lip.

It is best that the facial treatments would be done by another person; self facial treatments can be dangerous. The DM5000 has an old fashion design, it is not designed to show off and looks more like a clinic device than a home system. For some, the professional design gives higher confidence when looking for a reliable laser system for personal use at home.

Do you need help with DM5000 laser hair removal system? Visit for help with DM 5000 laser hair removal system.

Take action right NOW and link on the link above.

Top 4 Reasons Why Fractional CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing Works Well

Over the past 30 years lasers have evolved significantly in order to improve the skin's appearance. The goal of laser facial skin rejuvenation is to improve the appearance of the skin by reducing wrinkles, improving the skin's color/tone/texture (reversing sun damage and sun spots), and tightening the skin. The fractional CO2 laser is the latest technology to help improve the appearance of your skin.

Here are 4 reasons why the fractional CO2 laser technology makes sense:

1) Time Tested Technology- The CO2 laser is the gold standard laser for skin resurfacing and rejuvenation. It has been around for over 20 years and is proven to work well. Fractional CO2 technology uses this same type laser that is time tested.

2) Decreased Downtime- The fractionated CO2 laser has significantly less down time then the traditional CO2 laser. Whereas the traditional CO2 laser resurfaced 100% of the skin to which it was applied, this created a long (2 week) healing time and produced significant and long-term redness (up to 3 months). On the other hand the "fractionated" in fractional laser means that only a fraction of the skin is treated. Since bridges of healthy skin are left in between the treated areas, the downtime is significantly less, with the peeling portion complete in around 5 days.

3) Less Side Effects- The most hated side effect of the traditional CO2 laser is a long-term lightening/whitening of the skin that it produced by damage to the pigment producing cells of the skin (melanocytes). This was an effect of treating 100% of the skin. Since fractional technology only treats a fraction of the skin surface, permanent lightening of the skin (hypopigmentation) is not a risk.

4) It can be used on most skin types- Many lasers cannot be used in darker skinned individuals. The fractional laser can be safely used, by an experienced physician, in most skin types.

There are several different types and manufacturers of fractional CO2 lasers. They include, but are not limited to:

1) Lumenis- Acitve Fx and Deep Fx

2) Lutronic- eCO2

3) Lasering- Mixto

4) SmartXide- DOT CO2

5) Fraxel- Repair

6) Candela- Quadralase

It is important to note that not all of these lasers are equal in technology. It is important to go to a physician who has experience with the fractional laser technology and can advise you appropriately.

For more information visit Fractional CO2 Laser. Dr. Steiger is an Ivy-League trained, award winning Facial Plastic Surgeon who practices in South Florida. Dr. Steiger is an expert in facial cosmetic surgery, specializing in plastic surgery of the face. Dr Steiger's office is located in beautiful South Florida where he provides state of the art care to his patients. He treats patients from Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Ft Lauderdale, Miami, around the USA, and from all over the world. By limiting his practice to plastic surgery of the face, he ensures that he provides the best and most comprehensive care to his patients. Visit for more information.