Saturday, October 5, 2013

Laser Hair Removal - How Does It Work And What Are The Risks?

What might be more embarrassing, being a man who looks like he has his own fur coat or being a lady with a mustache? It's a relative question. If you're the man it's more embarrassing for you if you're the lady you would argue that you are in the worse position. You're both right because it's all relative. But you don't have to continue with the embarrassment, laser hair removal is the easy way to rid yourself of this problem.

Laser hair removal is just like it sounds, the offending area is made clean. Unlike electrolysis this isn't a permanent solution and will have to be redone on a predetermined basis. Your doctor will be able to give you more information on how long you will need to go between treatments. The good thing is that most times the length between treatments gets further and further apart. In other words, once the area is hair free and has gotten to where the hair doesn't grow back as fast you will only need to return for maintenance to ensure the area stays hair free.

Laser hair removal can be performed on any part of the body. This is great for guys who have unwanted fuzz on their shoulders or backs. But most commonly it is used by women who want to rid themselves of having to shave. No one likes the daily grind of dealing with the under arms or legs and let's face it it's never a joy to shave the bikini area. This procedure can make razor bumps a thing of the past.

Before you run out and sign yourself up for a bunch of laser hair removal treatments you should be aware of some things. This type of treatment works best on lighter colored skinned people. It has been known to affect the melanin on darker skin and doesn't always remove the hair properly. It also doesn't work well on lighter colored hair but works great on dark hair.

There are also a few risks involved. There is a risk of skin irritation, scabbing or crusting after a treatment. Also it can affect the skin pigmentation on even lighter colored people. For these people you might see a temporary darkening of the skin around the treated area. For the darker colored skin you might see lightening of the skin. Occasionally, albeit rarely, you might see blistering, changes in skin texture or scarring occur.

Laser hair removal is a relatively safe procedure. You should only pick a board certified physician to perform the procedure to ensure that you will be getting the best care.

Lots of people get rid of unwanted hair with laser hair removal, Savannah residents can get more info at

Acne Laser Skin Treatment

Skin resurfacing can either assist in two things, one the removal of signs of aging such as sun spots, or wrinkles, it can also assit in the removal of acne, blackheads or other skin blemishes. The two leading skin treatment procedures are laser body resurfacing, and micro-dermabrasion or dermabrasion. In laser treatment the epithelial surface is brought down to an even depth. Dermabrasion, on the other hand uses a wire brush or rough wheel to grind down the surface of the skin until the surgeon shapes the desired result.

Laser Peel The most common type of lasers used in dermatology are the carbon dioxide, or Co2, and the erbium YAG laser. There are some obvious similarities, and the differences are very slight. Most experts performing this procedure agree that the Co2 laser is more effective in the removal of wrinkles but leaves temporary, residual damage, such as redness and peeling, and in the long run may increase the risk of permanent of pigment loss.

Skin is a unique map of contours, complexions and colors, so everybody's reaction to these type of skin treatments are different, but most agree that the erbium YAG laser seems to leave the long-lasting redness or risk the loss of permanent pigment loss, but the again it's not as effective in removing wrinkles. Each individual must be consulted, and weight the options themselves and find out which procedure makes sense to them.

Laser Acne Skin Treatment

The laser body treatment is a booming business, the amount of laser body treatments has more than doubled in the past 8 years and it is projected to more than double in the next five. The reason for all these procedures is largely due to the advances in technology in the laser skin treatments mentioned above, but also with increased supply of laser body treatment centers, the cost has also become more affordable, access to laser hair or skin treatments. When one weighs the pros-and-cons , one becomes aware that this virtually painless procedure, can cut down on one's bottom line significantly.

Moe Smiley advises the top cosmetic centers in the nation, including the top Laser Hair Removal Los Angeles center around.

Want to know more about laser hair removal? Visit our laser hair removal web site and find out more.

Laser Acne Treatment - Good News For Acne Scar Sufferers

I used to cringe when I thought of laser therapy for acne scars. Why? Because my daughter Sandi subjected herself to it years ago. The damage left behind on her face is just as disfiguring as the scars were. In a way, worse. Really - The skin on her face is mottled. Unnaturally white where laser ran over her skin, then pink where the skin has been untouched. It looks very unnatural and is eye catching. She has to no way to correct it, and has to wear heavy foundation to cover it.

Back then, when she had it done, the only laser therapy available was 1st generation Carbon Dioxide laser. This laser destroys the surface of the skin. It leaves the skin open and there is a prolonged healing time. Unfortunately, there is a risk of side-effects such as additional scarring, and permanent whitening of the skin. That is what happened to Sandi.

But laser treatment has come a long long way. Lasers now do not remove the top layers of skin. These laser have a lot less risk and are more effective at treating acne scarring than Carbon Dioxide lasers. There are more that a few types of lasers available for acne scars. The most popular are pulsed-dye laser and fractionated laser.

In Sandi's case, her scarring was not that severe. She just had a bad case of redness. Had she left it until now, she could of been a candidate for pulsed-dye laser. One of the benefits of the pulsed-dye laser is takes the redness out of the acne scars. Since often acne scars often take the form of discoloration, such as in my daughters case, pulse-dye laser can very quickly improve the appearance of acne scar redness tremendously.

She could of also use another type of popular laser acne treatment called fractionated laser. It is called such because it only does a fraction of the skin at a time. The best way to understand how fractional resurfacing works is to think of a lawn being aerated. Fractional laser is the same, but on a microscopic scale. The fractional laser creates tiny "microthermal" zones deep into the skin which the skin repairs by pushing out the scar tissue replacing it with new skin. For each square centimeter, about 1000-2000 holes are created. This prompts the body's healing mechanism to produce collagen and new skin cells. The disadvantage to this is that the treatments are numerous, but the results are highly satisfactory with minimal down time and less side effects.

It is too late for my daughter, but the advancement today give hope to those who are looking for a solution to acne scarring. Not only is it effective, but all of types of laser therapy today means people have options and choice for choosing what kind of laser therapy is best suited for their type of scarring. Talk to your doctor, and discuss your options. Eradicating acne scars with today's laser therapy is safe and effective.

Find out how you can get rid of your acne through my easy to follow course. Learn how to get rid of acne. MaryAnn Martin runs a site on laser acne treatment

Laser Hair Removal Side Effects - Know Before the Zapping Starts

What do you do with your unwanted growth? You can pluck it out, peel it off, and try to wax it, or try any number of things. But nothing quite works like laser hair removal. Why is this method so fantastic?

Just a little tingling sensation and the growth comes right off. It's safe, with fewer side effects and reports of problems afterward. It works and the hair stays gone. Results have shown that laser removal slows down re-growth.

There's no reason to use the old methods of plucking and peeling when you've got the laser removal option. Lots of happy and hairless customers will tell you it works wonders.

Like all treatments, there are possible side effects to this type of hair removal. It's not 100% safe, but knowing about the possible side effects can help reduce risk and ensure that your treatment is safe and successful.

Too Much Tingle: Although people report that all you feel is a little tingling sensation, some people with sensitive skin have experienced pain during the procedure. Tingling is okay, but if it actually hurts, tell the doctor to stop and explain how you feel. There shouldn't be any pain, but if there is, they can give you a little local anesthetic and then proceed with the treatment.

Swelling and Redness: People with sensitive skin may also experience some swelling and redness. This can be easily treated with creams the surgeon can apply before and after the operation. If you've had sensitive skin trouble in the past, let them know and they will know what to do. You may experience redness and swelling for a couple of days after treatment as well. If so, they will prescribe something for you.

Laser Scarring: Some folks have reported scars after their procedure. This is very rare and happens most often to those who have a deep tan. Modern technology has improved the procedure so that scarring has become even rarer, but if you're concerned about it, talk to your doctor beforehand.

Rare Side Effects: There are a few more serious complications that occur, but they are rare. Hairs can become ingrown and cause scabbing. There can be burns or some temporary pigment changes. In any of these cases, contact your doctor immediately for treatment. These conditions are much easier to treat if dealt with right away.

Talk to your doctor beforehand about laser hair removal side effects. Complications are very rare with this treatment, but make sure you're informed before you get your unwanted hairs zapped off.

In Savannah laser hair removal experts remove hair with a specially designed laser that allows for safe and comfortable hair removal of both finer and coarser hair as well as lighter hair, on all skin types. To know more, visit

Is Acne Laser Treatment Safe?

Acne is bad enough, but acne scarring is, for many, a great deal worse. What is the best thing to do about it? How can you easily remove or treat acne scarring? More importantly, how safe are the methods?

The scar tissue that arises from acne treatment does so for a variety of reasons, but it is clear that the removal of the scar tissue should be done so early that it reduces problems and unsightly scarring that could otherwise remain with you for the rest of your life.

Over the years cosmetic surgeons and dermatologists have used a variety of different methods, including laser treatment to deal with acne scarring. A rather painful but popular method was the 'sanding' of the scar tissue, a method called dermabrasion. It could lead to considerable discomfit after the operation and could take a considerable period for the skin to repair itself.

In addition to these treatments of acne scarring there have also been chemical peels, grafting and soft tissue filling.

Laser treatment of acne has become very popular as new laser technology has come about and this treatment is widely used for a very wide variety of skin problems - everything from crows feet around the eyes to serious scarring. It is relatively simple, unobtrusive and safe.

Apart from being non-invasive, laser treatment is also highly precise and permits the surgeon to operate with great precision on specific areas affected by acne so as to better deal with the scars.

Because it is a non-ablative procedure where the laser operates beneath the surface of the skin and through stimulating production of collagen it tightens the skin tissue, but this is not always particularly good for removing scarring itself.

There are two main forms of acne scar removal, one being the Erbium laser, which emits a precise wavelength that leaves the non-acne scarred skin completely unaffected, but removes the scar tissue.

There are a variety of lasers being used, including the Matrix, Affirm Laser Pixel Laser, Sciton laser and others. These are mainly used for fractional laser resurfacing, which regenerates the skin around the scar tissue while impacting the actual scar tissue through the emission of light pulses.

The laser itself emits short, high-energy bursts of carbon dioxide or erbium energy focused on the affected skin. It eliminates the deep-seated damaged cells and promotes the growth of collagen, a process that continues for some months and thus helps produce "new" skin to cover the old scar tissue. This is therefore highly effective and the treatment may be required up to three times in order to take full effect.

Fractionated laser treatment handles small parts of the skin and involves tiny laser treatment that zeros in upon areas beneath the skin surface through the creation of hundreds of tiny 'holes'. This will also help to stimulate the production of collagen and the growth of new skin tissue.

Whatever form of laser acne treatment you prefer you need to ensure you have the best advice given your own particular circumstances including the number of treatments you will require given your particular skin type, scarring severity and other issues.

Susie Oprey published the highly popular acne skincare reviews site at which carries updated reviews and articles on the very latest acne treatment methods, including natural acne remedies. She also provides her free 'Acne Away' course at the site.

Laser Hair Removal Training - The People Behind It

There is no such thing as Jack of all Trades today: we all specialize in a certain domain, depending on our talents, on the money we need and sometimes, we conform our choices to our parents' wishes. However, the domain of laser hair removal training is so profitable, that it has become required by more and more students that wish to learn the undergrounds of laser technology in the industry of beautification and to attend specific courses that enable them to practice at the clinics and spas all over the country.

How It Started and How It Goes On

Laser hair removal training is a somewhat distinct sector of learning, in the knowledge of the beauticians, since a plain old aesthetician couldn't manage the machines properly and different states have different rules to impose on the clinics: thresholds of pain, amount of time invested in a single section, types of equipment, all these may vary from place to place and the necessities of the client. But rest assured, laser technology is free from risks, provided that the trained personnel and the good machines perform the treatment, because it's been thriving these recent years.

Of course, in the beginning, laser weren't used for mundane purposes such as hair removal nor have they been initially successful: FDA gave its approval in 1995, but because the laser hair removal treatment worked on a trial basis and the intensity of the pulsating light was too high it caused skin inflammations and they were pulled off the market. Later in 1997, laser hair removal training has developed, and clinics started to appear, with better trained staff and equipment. Even today, the question still remains whether a medical doctor should be entitled to operate at all times, or the students that finish laser hair removal training should be let to practice and work as they have been thought in the special courses, without the costly supervising of a doctor. Clients seem somewhat calmer at the sight of a professional so it still remains a debatable subject.

The Best Choice

It is not exactly like any diploma student that barely finishes laser hair removal training [] can start a clinic of his own and get the necessary accreditation, not at all. Generally, Courses of Biology are integrated in the study plan, so that the future technician should know exactly what to do, in a prompt manner, in case of emergency. Just to be on the safe side, you could write down a number of questions to ask the one who will operate his skills on your skin: how many years has he been in the business, if the equipment is a new one and corresponds to the latest FDA standards and if the location is squeaky clean and the devices are immaculate, than you could rest assured, with the Medical Doctor that supervises the whole thing by your side. To make the best choice, you can analyze all these facts, and ask someone that has already gone to this particular clinic and practitioner. The debate whether the students that finish laser hair removal training should be accompanied or not by doctors should not affect you at all: your main goal is to achieve that smooth skin, once you are assured of the professionalism of the staff.

You can also find more info on removal reviews laser [] and hair removal treatments []. is a comprehensive resource to know more about Laser Removing.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Laser Hair Removal - Is it Safe?

Laser hair removal has progressively grown in reputation because of its instant and long-lasting effects. It offers one of the most effective solutions for reducing unwanted body hair, permanently. It is a helpful and verified method that is the preferred choice of most women because; it reduces unnecessary body hair without hurting, for good. Generally after the treatment, there are no or very rare chances of hair re-growth. This hair removal method provides for a tension-free solution from the old fashioned techniques like shaving, waxing, plucking and all others. Also it is a long-term method for hair removal that is also safe and convenient.

Skin Experts Suggest Laser Hair Removal System

Laser hair removal is an easy & safe treatment that can produce durable effects in prevention of hair growth. Skin experts strongly suggest that laser hair reduction system results in getting rid of hair once and for all. This is especially useful for the most visible areas of the body like the face, where it is slightly more difficult to remove hair because of high sensitivity. And the plus point is that it doesn't produce any pain.

Enduring & Long-term Results

During laser treatment the surface of the skin is protected and cooled while the phenomenon of destruction of hair follicles takes place. This process takes place while the hairs are still in their growth phase. After a series of treatments, over a few months, desired results become visible.

Effective & Safe Treatment

Elimination of unwanted hair growth via laser is a safe and effective procedure. Side effects of this treatment are almost rare, depending upon the skin type and the performed method. It is the most ideal procedure for those who have body hair on large areas like legs, chest or back. These people can easily use this permanent hair removal technique.

Suitable for Every Skin Type

Laser hair reduction is effective for every skin type, even dark skinned people can also avail this long-lasting treatment. People who have fair complexion but have darker body hair usually get the best possible results with this method. The main thing about this treatment is that it should be performed carefully, correctly and only by professionals.

Laser hair removal plays an effective part in hair reduction. Obviously, the initiative of long-term laser hair removal is conceivably sounds too good to be true. But before deciding to go through with it, you should be aware of all the facts about this treatment. Center For Smart Skin

Laser Skin Resurfacing - Get it Done at a Medical Spa

Going to a medical spa can be a great way to get certain procedures done. If you are interested in laser skin resurfacing, then why not go to a licensed one to get the procedure done. Many people are choosing to go to a medical spa to get certain treatments. It is a bit different than a day spa, where people go with the idea of relaxation.

Many people get massages or possibly a manicure or pedicure. Others want to get relaxing facials. However, under the supervision of a medical practitioner, medical spas were designed to get certain medical procedures done, such as laser skin resurfacing.

The place usually has a doctor who watches over it and several medical professions who can do the procedures. Even though they are not designed to be as relaxing as a day spas, many people still find it soothing.

Many people choose to get laser skin resurfacing done. If you have many blemishes or acne on your face, you may want to go for it. The doctor will begin by analyzing your face and seeing if it needs the treatment. Normally he or she will have an open discussion with you about the method of treating it and any risks and side effects.

If the doctor cannot set the procedure that day, then he or she will pick a day in the future. Once you are on the examination table, he or she will use a laser, to take a layer of cells off the face, to make it regain a more youthful glow. Your face will be much smoother because the dead layer is eliminated.

Normally the treatment will last just under an hour and you can usually return back to work within the day. You may feel some minor discomfort; however it should be normal fairly quickly. If you get laser skin resurfacing, make sure you get it done by a licensed doctor who has the needed experience.

If you are interested, you can also get other procedures done. For example, many individuals choose to get Botox injections. Botox is designed to eliminate wrinkles and other fine lines associated with getting older.

The doctor will find the wrinkles and then will inject them with the substance, which will deaden the muscle. Wrinkles can no longer occur in that region. Usually Botox is injected every three or four months and the procedure can cost in the hundreds.

Normally, the recovery time is very short and you can usually return back to work hours later. There are many other procedures that you can get that can help you retain your youthful appearance.

If you are considering laser skin resurfacing, then you will want to go to a medical spa to get the procedure done. The procedure can help you maintain a youthful glow.

If you want to treat the blemishes on your skin and acne by opting for laser skin resurfacing New Jersey based spa will give you the best service. Wake up with clear, radiant skin. Get high-quality results. To learn more, visit

Laser Surgery For Acne Scars

It is not the easiest problem to suffer from acne now days. A severe dent can be knocked in your self-worth and would make you think unappealing. But there is no need to feel like this when you have scars on your face. Many other ways are there to treat with scars acne from creams and surgeries. Many people try to deal them in a one way through laser resurfacing or laser surgery for acne scars. While its is a risk taking treatment, so it is very important for you to know many things before going for this laser surgery for acne scars.

There are two types of treatment of acne laser surgery for scars that is ablative and non-ablative. When we talk about the first one, ablative, it removes the top layers of the skin. This can be done by flaming the tissue of the scar and injured skin with laser. The result would be that the collagen would be stimulated that smooths the scarred area. In this procedure the skin would get physical injured that would result in a new tissue of scar if care is not taken properly.

Another type of treatment of laser surgery for acne scars is non abulative which simply changes the skin without damaging the outer layer. Smooth beam is a very ordinary type of laser which is used for this process. Putting a stop to new acne, it would heat up the sebaceous glands. It also makes the skin smoother, fuller and tighter because collagen is stimulated as well. Other option is laser which is called yellow pulse dye which is to be used on keloidal scars which makes them flatter and less well-defined. A cream which is called anesthetic that is applied on the face in both of the cases which ensures the skin which doesn't overheat and the good part is that this process is not at all hurting.

Although acne scar treatment which is laser resurfacing is comparatively mild, and it comes with risks and it is in a figure of surgery. For example, new scarring could be figured, the pigment of skin can be everlastingly changed, you may undergo from the dry skin, look red or an infection could build up and in most of the cases the process goes very smooth, and no other effects are reported by chance.

Author is a writer for acne laser surgery, a site devoted to providing information about acne removal and scar removal.

Some Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

Is there a modern woman on this planet who does not want to have smooth legs and arms? Is there a woman who does not hate the pains attached to the usual procedures of hair removal? There is probably no such woman on this planet. May be on Venus or some other star system but definitely not this planet. So when it comes to removing hair, it is really the major pet peeve amongst urban women. They just hate having unsightly hair on their body but they also hate having to remove it on a regular basis.

So what would it be like if these women could be liberated from the cycle of having to go through hair removal procedures every so often? What if hair could be removed without any trace and it could be done permanently? This is really the dream situation for most women, but here's the thing that most of them do not know - it is really possible to all that and more! Yes, it is possible to get rid of unwanted hair from the various parts of your body one and for all. This is made possible by the wonders of laser hair removal procedures.

Every day, hundreds of women across the country are discovering the joys of undergoing laser hair removal procedures. And thousands more are getting inspired by these women and are planning to get laser hair removals themselves. This is really the best way to do it because the side effects and the pain are minimal and one time only. Many women are unable to use the hundreds of hair removal concoctions for a variety of reasons. Some have sensitive skin and hence cannot tolerate the chemicals. Some other women are unable to go through the pains of waxing, no matter hot or cold. Sometimes it is simply because their skin is just too soft and sensitive. And everyone knows the ill effects of shaving off hair regularly.

If you take to the razor, you will be encouraging the hair to grow back thicker and wilder. The skin also becomes irritated and darkened over time. The area also hardens quickly and loses the soft and supple feeling of your natural skin. So trading off so much to remove hair is just not worth it. However, with laser hair removal, you can have hair free skin for as long as you live!

The laser hair removal procedure is the best hair removal procedure because it is non-invasive; it is permanent and has the lowest number of side effects. You may experience temporary skin redness, but that will be gone within a few hours, leaving you with smooth, healthy and glowing skin. Laser hair removal works by destroying the hair roots completely, so there is no scope for hair to grow back in the area that has been worked on. The downtime is also minimal. You can just make an appointment, walk out of your office during lunch hours, have it done and walk away. It is really as simple as that!

Visit Laser Hair Removal Louisville Ky or Laser Hair Removal Louisville to find out more.

Safety Glass and Safety Enclosure For Laser Engraving Machine

The safety glass and enclosure is the most important safety protective device for a laser engraving machine; it protects the laser emission from the beam which could affect the human skin and eye. Without these safety devices, the laser engraving system can't be categorized as a class 1 laser system.

Safety glass

The laser safety glasses of the machine must be of a type according to European and international safety standard. These standards are EN207 and EN208 (personal eye protection and eye protectors) or the guidelines in ANSI Z 136.1.

Normally, EN standards apply in Europe and ANSI standards apply in the United State. Sometimes, the regulations in force depend on the location of the laser engraving machine installation.

If the structure or optical quality of the safety glasses changes during use, the root cause must be identified immediately and it have to be dismantled and replaced.

Safety enclosure

Laser safety enclosure is designed to protect the machine operator from direct, reflected and scattered laser beam radiation.

For industrial production processes, a laser safety enclosure according to Class 1 laser safety standard must be used around the point of application of the laser beam. This enclosure can be supplied by the laser engraving machine supplier or distributor itself or it can be supplied from an accredited appointed manufacturer from the OEM. But such an enclosure must meets class 1 laser safety standards and is approved to be safely used in a production environment without the use of personal eye protection or any other PPE.

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Acne Laser Treatment

Despite so much of efforts acne scars turned out to be extremely difficult to treat. In the past dermatologists have used several methods such as excision, punch grafts, and chemical peels as treatments. But we all know that the results of these therapies have not turned out to be fruitful and theses therapies have always given room to additional scarring to occur. Over the past several years, dermatologists have been working with acne laser treatment which the results now show is turning to be extremely beneficial and giving excellent results.

A variety of ways have been used to do acne laser treatment but the two major methods that have been proposed are:

Direct absorption of visible light energy by porphyrins. In this acne laser treatment light energy is absorbed by bacterium triggering production of toxic singlet oxygen which damages or destroys the bacteria. Almost any visible light source can be used, including narrow-band light sources such as the ClearLight and Blu-U, assorted IPL devices (broadband light) copper vapor lasers, pulse dye lasers and various orange/red light lasers or light sources. One very important factor is that these lights have absorption peak of porphyrins so the laser waves have the advantage of penetrating deeper in to the skin, but do not activate porphyrin as well.

Many researches have proven that to get good results of acne laser treatment combining the use of the pulsed dye technology with carbon dioxide laser vaporization can turn out to be an efficient way in treating scars. Atrophic acne scars where there is a breakdown of the skin have been found to respond most favorably to carbon dioxide laser resurfacing. The number of treatments necessary depends on the type of lesion and each individual's collagen and wound healing response. Usually two or more treatments are needed for cystic acne scars. But one think that one needs to be clear about in this acne laser treatment is that the pulsed dye laser procedure is typically performed without general anesthesia. Local anesthesia is usually administered with a topical anesthetic cream, intralesional injections or nerve blocks. The immediate result may produce a purplish coloring. The treated scars are then evaluated 6-8 weeks later, where another treatment, at the same or slightly higher strength may be necessary.

The main reason for the increasing demand of acne laser treatment is its safety factor because acne laser treatment eliminates the risks of prolonged antibiotic use and retinoid therapy can be avoided, as well as the expense and inconvenience of prolonged topical treatments, acne medications, creams, gels, etc. Whether or not acne laser treatments should be used as first-line treatment for acne, or even for prevention of acne, remains unclear at this time.

Find out more about Acne Laser Treatment [] as well as other Health issues by visiting and []

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Understanding the Process of Professional Skin Whitening Sessions

Skin whitening is a procedure that borders the fence between being a "vanity" procedure or an actual dermatological one, which is why those seeking whitening treatments can find them in a cosmetician's salon and a dermatologist's office. Of course, the best specialist for you directly depends upon the hyperpigmentation treatment you want or need. For instance, if there are only a few small, brown spots requiring treatment, a salon or day spa is perfectly acceptable. However, if the hyperpigmentation prominently appears on your body, a consulting with an actual physician about the procedure itself and subsequent follow-up visits is the ideal choice.

Chemical Exfoliation for Hyperpigmentation

There are several professional skin treatments available to anyone who wants to rid themselves of stains and white patches visible on the skin as a result of hyperpigmentation. Among the most widely-used medical procedures is chemical exfoliation. When this treatment is used for hyperpigmentation side effects, the top layer of the affected skin is carefully removed through the use of a chemical substance. To undergo this procedure, you will need to meet with your dermatologist in order to determine what chemical is best suited for your skin; Retinoid, BHA and AHA are three popular choices. After the chemical has been selected, your skin will be completely cleansed to ensure no dirt and impurities are left behind. Next, the substance of choice is put onto the place requiring treatment and will sit there between 10-30 minutes. The total time the chemical must sit is dependent on the its concentration, your skin type and the extent of your dermatological problem.

After the Chemical Exfoliation

After the substance has sat for the allotted time, the doctor will slowly remove it and repeat the skin-cleaning process again to make sure no chemicals are in contact with your skin. The last step is to apply a skin moisturize, which will provide much-needed relief and help combat dryness. Several days after the chemical exfoliation, you will probably notice peeling and flaking on the treated areas; while this is perfectly normal, you should refrain from peeling the skin yourself as doing so may cause scarring. And if you wish to spend time outdoors, you will need to wear sunscreen. Other special instructions specific to the chemical used will be explained by the dermatologist.

Other Types of Skin Whitening Sessions

Bleaching treatments, microdermabrasion and laser sessions are also treatment options. The bleaching treatment process is much like chemical exfoliation except bleaching will allow the discoloration to gradually fade. With a laser treatment, gel will be applied to the patient's skin and a laser is pointed at the gel site; it is a multiple visit process. Treatments given by a medical or beauty professional are considered safe but of course, the costs are substantial, which prices this option out of the average consumer's budget.

Do you need help with whitening or clearing your skin naturally? I can help you fix it. I have written an ebook filled with the information you need to whiten your skin naturally. It's 100% free and you can download it instantly - Take a look at Natural Skin Whitening today.

You need to take the steps required today in order to have clearer, whiter skin for the future. I can guide you along the way, step by step. Say to yourself "I want to naturally get rid of dark spots!" and take the first step. Download this free ebook now.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Laser Hair Removal Side Effects - What They Don't Want You to Find Out!

The treatment of laser hair removal has gained a lot of popularity in recent years. It seems that everybody wants to have it done these days. And that's no surprise. Who wants to spend a lifetime of plucking their own, unwanted body hair? It's cumbersome, it takes a lot of time and it hurts plenty.

The laser hair removal treatment can help you get rid of your unwanted body hair permanently. Depending on how dense and thick the hair that you want removed is, you will either need a single or multiple sessions. It also depends on which body part you want to have treated.

I wanted to get rid of some body hair myself, because I was tired of having to do it manually. I had three treatments and I am now free of body hair. Unfortunately, I developed some side effects after the treatment. It wasn't anything serious. But still... I wanted to know what else I could've developed. So I did some research and found the following.

1. Skin Blistering. Because the laser used in this treatment heats up the follicles that need to be removed, there is the risk of your skin developing an unwanted reaction to the heat. You can get blisters from this.

2. Darkening Of The Skin. When your skin goes dark in and around the area that has been treated by the laser, then this means your skin is producing too much pigment. This side effect is usually temporary and goes away after a week or so.

3. Hypo Pigmentation. This is the exact opposite of producing too much pigment. One side effect of laser hair removal is that your skin might react by stopping pigment production completely. Your skin then turns light. Luckily, this is usually only temporary.

4. Wounds And Scars. If the laser device is wielded in an incorrect manner, it can cause you and your skin serious harm. When the skin is wounded, it's going to hurt a lot. If the wounds also become infected, the risk of them leaving lots of scar tissue after healing is pretty big.

This list of laser hair removal side effects is by no means complete, but I think it clearly illustrates the sort of stuff you might expect if you're out of luck. You can minimize the chances of developing any of these side effects however, by preparing for the surgery and taking good care of the treated area after the procedure!

If you have enjoyed this editorial, I advise you also check out Body Hair Removal For Men. For a whole lot more articles, click Laser Hair Removal Side Effect!

Laser Technology Solves the Skin Issues

When it comes to skin I always think that with the invention of the laser, all the issues are resolved completely. I find nothing that can't be sorted out, whether it's aging signs or sun-damaged skin, acne or tattoos, mole or loose skin, you name the issue and a laser has a solution.

And when this technology is used by the experts the results are just unbelievable. I learned this fact during my treatment at Emerald Coast Dermatology and Skin Surgery Center. Not only their treatment is the best I have ever experienced regarding my skin issues but the environment is also excellent with proper hygiene and friendly staff.

I have taken the services of Emerald Coast Laser Center for my wrinkles and loose skin, although I am aged but I don't like loose skin and wanted to have a rejuvenated feeling by having youthful skin. The center by using their Restylane treatment has given me a fuller face which with which I can look at the mirror with more confidence and assurance.

With the wrinkles I have started feeling dull. Looking at my face daily gives me a feeling that I am old and with this feeling I don't find enough charm in life. I don't want this feeling to overcome my desire to live, thus I have decided to undergo a skin treatment. After my first visit to Emerald Coast Laser Center I have made my mind to take this treatment and after the treatment I really felt proud of my decision.

Other treatments are also available at the center and I have seen the patients taking the treatments like botox and chemical peels with excellent results. During the period I was treated in the center, the patients who visit the center to treat a certain skin issue always returns with full satisfaction.

Ingrid Preube
Read more about Emerald Coast Laser or get more info on Florida hair removal.

Fraxel Laser Treatment - What Type is Right For You?

The popularity of Fraxel treatment continues to grow as more and more people discover how this laser technology enables skin rejuvenation and effectively treats wrinkles, frown lines, skin pigmentation, acne and surgical scars.

In this first of a series of articles, we look at two types of Fraxel treatment currently available, Fraxel Restore and Fraxel Repair and how they differ. We'll then go on to give a short overview the types of skin conditions they deal with. In future articles we will go into greater detail about how particular skin problems can be treated by Fraxel.

First of all, let me give you a potted history of Fraxel. Developed by Reliant Technologies Inc., Fraxel uses fractionated technology to treat microscopic areas of skin with a laser that uses an Intelligent Optical Tracking® system to leave the surrounding skin untouched. These untouched areas stimulate a natural healing process, helping the treated areas to heal more quickly after treatment than if a large area of skin had been treated with the laser.

Laser skin treatment is either ablative or non-ablative. Ablative uses high temperatures to vaporize unwanted tissue and take away the top layers of the skin. Although effective, it has significant side effects and patients need several weeks to recover from the treatment. Non-ablative treatment is gentler, does not take away the surface of the skin and patients therefore have few side effects and need a shorter recovery time. However numerous treatments are required even for modest improvements to the skin.

Fraxel Restore is a non-ablative laser treatment that can penetrate up to 1.5mm into the skin, stimulating collagen synthesis and the removal of lines, wrinkles, age spots, sunspots and acne scars. It also evens skin pigmentation and improves tone and texture. You will require several treatments to achieve optimal results.

Fraxel Restore takes less than 30-minutes for a facial treatment. The skin may be slightly red and swollen for a couple of days but you can usually return to routine activities the next day. Fraxel Restore can be used on any part of the body.

Fraxel Repair is a fractional ablative laser that removes small fractions of the skin and has been clinically proven to be very effective in the treatment of acne and surgical scars, lines, wrinkles and irregular pigmentation.

Fraxel Repair can be an alternative to a surgical facelift and undertaken correctly will show excellent results. Usually a single 30-minute treatment will produce significant results. You will be able to return to routine activities in seven days and although some patients may be pink for a few weeks afterwards this can be covered with make up.

This summary of the differences in Fraxel laser treatment should only be used as a guide and you should consult a doctor before undertaking any treatment.

Dr Anne Farrell, a Consultant Dermatologist, runs Dermatology Consulting in the UK and has undertaken a graduate fellowship in cosmetic dermatology at the University of Miami. Anne was the second dermatologist in the UK to have the Fraxel Repair laser installed and has trained with some of the earliest expert users of this laser in the USA.

Laser Treatments to Help Cure Acne

There are as many different ways to treat acne as there are different types of acne. Adolescent acne is different than adult acne and should be treated with different methods. Certain types of mild acne can be treated with over-the-counter products, natural remedies, and diet changed, while more severe forms of acne require professional dermatological assistance.

In recent years laser treatments have really become very popular and proven to be a faster, and sometimes more efficient means for treating many conditions. Acne is one of them. There are a few different types of laser treatments that you can speak with your dermatologist about, such at laser skin resurfacing and Fraxel laser treatments.

Acne sufferers know that acne can leave lasting scars and damage the skin tremendously. In more prevalent forms of severe acne these scars can last forever without treatment. Fortunately with such new advancements in treatments using laser these scars can almost vanish in less than week.

Laser treatments can reduce or eliminate acne scars, wrinkles, sun spots, brown spots, reduce the risk of cancer, improve skin tone, tightens skin, and is usually just an easy one time procedure with very little pain and downtime. Though the side effects of such lasting treatments are few, and may not occur, there are still possible. Discuss this treatment and its possible side effects with your doctor before deciding whether or not it will be the best treatment for you. Remember, there may be other options available that might be more highly recommended.

An alternative to laser treatment would be to treat active acne with microdermabrasion using aluminum hydroxide crystals or diamond crystals. These crystals smooth the skin and remove the top layers. This serves to remove excess debris and buildup that can be a cause of acne. This type of treatment is not necessary or recommended for someone with milder forms of acne as it can be hard on the skin. However, this treatment has proven to be very effective in clearing up active acne.

This type of treatment is also used to clear acne on the back and chest. This can be helpful since back and chest acne is often more difficult to treat than facial acne.

The downfall of microdermabrasion treatment is that it is operator dependent. Over pealing the skin can lead to such side effects as hypo pigmentation or scarring. So, in effect, if not done properly, the treatment you are using to clear up acne scarring could actually cause additional scarring.

Because of this, it is recommended it be done by a physician or qualified therapist who knows how to make it be effective without causing more damage to your skin.

For more information please visit:


-Bobi Mackenzi

Photofacial - Anti-Aging Skin Care Treatments For Removal of Age Spots and Blood Vessels

Photofacial skin care treatments, also called IPL, short for Intense Pulsed Light, are very effective, no down time, safe methods for removing pigment, or brown spots, and excess or broken blood vessels from the facial skin. Browns spots, broken blood vessels around the nose, chin and cheeks are classic signs of sun damage and aging of the facial skin. Brown spots, often called age spots are caused by pigment that is produced by the skin to protect the skin from the harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun. New blood vessels grow into the skin in response to skin injury, first to wash out damaged skin debris and later to bring in healing factors. 

As our skin ages, the brown spots and broken blood vessels are left behind on the skin after the inflammation or skin injury has passed. These pigmented and red vascular spots create an aged variegated appearance to the facial skin which is called dyschromia, and is a sign of facial aging. Photofacial skin care treatments are the treatment of choice for benign facial skin pigmentation, age spots, brown spots and broken blood vessels and small red spots called telangiectasia on the face. Photofacial treatments are now preferred over laser treatments for these specific pigment and vascular lesions.

What Causes Age Spots, Sun Spots, Red Blotches and Broken Blood Vessels on the Face Neck and Décolletage?

Browns spots and broken blood vessels around the nose, chin, cheeks, neck, hands and Décolletage are classic signs of sun damage and aging of the skin. Brown spots, often called age spots are caused by pigment that is produced by the skin to protect the skin from the harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun. New blood vessels grow into the skin in response to skin injury by the sun. This process of new blood vessel growth is called inflammation.

The new blood vessels bring blood into the facial skin first to wash out damaged skin cell debris and later to bring in skin healing factors.

As our skin ages, the brown spots and broken blood vessels are left behind on the skin after the inflammation or skin injury has passed. These pigmented and red vascular spots create an aged variegated appearance to the facial skin which is called dyschromia, which is a sign of facial aging.

Photofacial skin care treatments or IPL treatments are the non-surgical aging skin care treatment of choice for benign facial skin pigmentation, age spots, brown spots and broken blood vessels, the small red spots called telangiectasia, on the face, hands, neck and Décolletage. Photofacial treatments are now preferred over laser treatments for these specific pigment and vascular lesions.

How Do Photofacial or Intense Pulsed Light Non-surgical aging Skin Care Treatments Work?

Photofacial or IPL aging skin care treatments use a bright flash of visible light, like the light of a camera flash to remove pigment and blood vessels non-surgically from the skin. This pulsed or flashed light is very different from a laser and in most instances, less powerful and less dangerous that laser light.

I use a Photofacial IPL machine called the LuxGreen IPL made by Palomar Medical Laser Company in Burlington, Massachusetts. Palomar Medical is the premier manufacturer of Aesthetic Laser and Light therapy machines in the world. The LuxGreen Photofacial is the best Photofacial technology I have ever used. The LuxGreen Photofacial IPL machine is very effective and is the most comfortable for you the patient of any IPL device available.

Photofacial skin rejuvenation works by passing a flash of bright light through a filter that only allows a specific color of light in the flash to pass through the filter and hit the skin. In the case of the LuxGreen Photofacial, only light with a wavelength of 550nm (nm=nanometers or one millionth of a meter and is the measure of the green light wavelength in the visible light spectrum) to pass through the IPL filter and hit the skin.

The LuxGreen IPL 550nm light is selectively absorbed or taken up by the brown pigment in an age spot or the dark reddish brown color of blood in a blood vessel. When the Photofacial light energy is absorbed by the pigment or blood vessel, the heat from the Photofacial or IPL light destroys the pigment or blood vessel by heating it.

This process is called Target Specific Photothermolysis. A specific target, that is a color, is heated (thermo) with a light (photo) beam and dissolved or destroyed (lysis).

Using color filters placed in front of the Intense Pulsed Light beam, a wide variety of colors can be allowed through to treat many different skin conditions including hair removal (LuxRed), acne (LuxViolet), and others.

What Will My Skin Look Like Immediately After a Photofacial Skin Care Treatment?

Unlike lasers, which can cause the skin to peel and possibly leave scars, the Lux Green IPL treatments are very gentle on the skin. The pigment in the brown spot or age spot will darken very slightly, and the treated blood vessel will also darken a bit. However the skin will be intact. The treated areas may also be slightly pink for a few hours.

We place ice or a cool pack on the treated area immediately and this also may make the skin pink. However, the pinkness may be covered with makeup immediately. You may return to work. And your skin will be nearly normal the next day.

Does An Intense Pulsed Light Skin Care Treatment Hurt?

There is minimal discomfort during an IPL care treatment. Anesthesia or numbing medicine is not required. When the IPL flash hits the skin you will feel a small snap or sting, but this is easily tolerated by all of my patients.

How Many IPL Skin Care Treatments will I Need?

Usually 3 IPL skin care treatments are required spaced 4-5 weeks apart for the best results. Multiple treatments are the price for gentle treatments that are not painful and do not injure the skin.

Technically enough power can be used to remove the brown spot or blood vessel in one treatment, but this energy level would be painful, blister the skin and possibly leave a scar. This is what happened with old time laser treatments, and the new IPL is designed to remove pigment and blood vessels painlessly and with no trace or scar left behind. To accomplish this we need to stage the removal in 2-3 treatments 4-5 weeks apart. The results are well worth the wait.

How Soon after My Intense Pulsed Light Skin Care Treatment Will I See a Result?

Generally you will see the results of your IPL skin care treatment at 4-5 weeks. The brown spot will be lighter or gone and the red spot or blood vessel will be much smaller. Some patients with thin skin and very light pigment or small broken blood vessels will see complete removal after one treatment.

However most people see definite improvement 5 weeks after the IPL treatment and require 2 more treatments for complete removal.

How Many Intense Pulsed Light Skin Care Treatments Will I Need?

If you have very fair thin skin with minimal sun damage and very light pigment or very tiny blood vessels you may only need one IPL treatment. However most people need 3 treatments scheduled 4-5 weeks apart for a complete result.

Who Should I Consult For My Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Skin Care Treatment?

The best IPL machines are found in a physician's office. Less powerful IPL machines are allowed to be used in Spas, but results are not as effective with these downgraded machines. In my experience patients do not get the results that they want in a spa, and often come to my practice for repeat treatments with the LuxGreen IPL after having already spent money for IPL in a spa.

The other benefit of having your IPL treatment in a physician's office is that you will be examined by a doctor who can properly diagnose your skin condition. Some brown lesions are dangerous and require medical evaluation and should not be treated with Intense Pulsed Light. If you have Rosacea or larger blood vessels on your face, a different therapy is required. These are medical treatments and should be done in a doctor's office. Your skin will be evaluated for more serious skin conditions, and you will receive more effective Intense Pulsed Light skin care treatments.

How Do I Find a Good Doctor to Do My Intense Pulsed Light Skin Care Treatment?

Light based and laser non-surgical skin rejuvenation treatments are best done by a doctor who is well trained and specializes in aging skin treatments. Your safest bet is to seek consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon or dermatologist who has experience in laser and light based therapies such as Intense Pulsed Light.

I am of course prejudiced because I am a board certified plastic surgeon. However, a plastic surgeon is trained and capable of providing the full range of non-surgical and surgical skin anti-aging procedures and can customize your skin treatments to your unique face. Doctors who cannot provide all treatments are tempted to "fit your unique face" into the particular skin treatment they offer, and that is not the best situation for you.

Good sources of honest objective information about choosing a physician are available at the following links: American Society of Plastic surgeons American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons

See before and after pictures of Photofacial skin rejuvenation results. Read Save Your Face to learn how to prevent facial and skin aging.

Acne Laser Skin Treatment

Skin resurfacing can either assist in two things, one the removal of signs of aging such as sun spots, or wrinkles, it can also assit in the removal of acne, blackheads or other skin blemishes. The two leading skin treatment procedures are laser body resurfacing, and micro-dermabrasion or dermabrasion. In laser treatment the epithelial surface is brought down to an even depth. Dermabrasion, on the other hand uses a wire brush or rough wheel to grind down the surface of the skin until the surgeon shapes the desired result.

Laser Peel The most common type of lasers used in dermatology are the carbon dioxide, or Co2, and the erbium YAG laser. There are some obvious similarities, and the differences are very slight. Most experts performing this procedure agree that the Co2 laser is more effective in the removal of wrinkles but leaves temporary, residual damage, such as redness and peeling, and in the long run may increase the risk of permanent of pigment loss.

Skin is a unique map of contours, complexions and colors, so everybody's reaction to these type of skin treatments are different, but most agree that the erbium YAG laser seems to leave the long-lasting redness or risk the loss of permanent pigment loss, but the again it's not as effective in removing wrinkles. Each individual must be consulted, and weight the options themselves and find out which procedure makes sense to them.

Laser Acne Skin Treatment

The laser body treatment is a booming business, the amount of laser body treatments has more than doubled in the past 8 years and it is projected to more than double in the next five. The reason for all these procedures is largely due to the advances in technology in the laser skin treatments mentioned above, but also with increased supply of laser body treatment centers, the cost has also become more affordable, access to laser hair or skin treatments. When one weighs the pros-and-cons , one becomes aware that this virtually painless procedure, can cut down on one's bottom line significantly.

Moe Smiley advises the top cosmetic centers in the nation, including the top Laser Hair Removal Los Angeles center around.

Want to know more about laser hair removal? Visit our laser hair removal web site and find out more.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

How Laser Acne Treatment Works

When you have an acne problem, the first thing that you should do is to try out simple lifestyle changes like washing your face on a daily basis, drinking lots of water. Consider a diet of fiber rich foods instead of fatty and sweet foods, and sleep at least eight hours every night. However, if lifestyle changes do not work, you can consider topical and oral medications like acne capsules, pills, creams, lotions, and gels.

These medications often contain benzoyl peroxide which works by opening the pores of the skin and clearing the clogs and blockages in the skin pores and hair follicles. Usually, topical medications work perfectly in eliminating acne. However, if these medications worsen the skin infection, you can consider cosmetic and surgical procedures.

Should you opt for the laser acne treatment?

Severe acne cases are often characterized by excessive sebum blocked by dead skin cells. In these cases, the acne producing bacteria is already very prominent and skin inflammation has spread all throughout the face of the patient. The skin cell regeneration process also slows down and the hormonal levels are quite high. If you have severe acne, common acne medications will not work for you. Thus, you should probably get a laser acne treatment. Laser acne treatment can be the answer for people who already have too many scars and blemishes, not to mention swelling skin that can cause too much embarrassment. This modern procedure can be used to eliminate not just the acne-producing bacteria, but also the blemishes left behind by a severe acne breakout. It can also restore the skin's original color. Laser acne treatment is also recommended for patients who have persistent acne breakouts. Sometimes, acne breakouts happen even before the previous acne manifestations start to heal. Laser treatments can target the root cause of the problem and not just the existing pimples and lesions on the skin's exterior.

Targeting the root cause of acne problems Laser acne treatment generally works by stopping the bacterial growth which causes acne break-outs. During the procedure, the dermatologists use light and heat to kill the bacteria and reduce the scarring effects of acne.

Laser treatment procedure can also be used to shrink the sebaceous glands that produce the oils. Once the sebaceous glands contract, they will no longer be able to produce excessive amounts of oily sebum. If the body's oil levels are diminished, the hair follicles and the pores of the skin will not be blocked. As a result, the chances for acne recurrence are greatly reduced as there is no more breeding ground for bacteria.

Having second thoughts...

Just like any other treatment procedure, laser acne treatment may have some side effects to the patient. For example, pregnant women are not allowed to undergo the procedure because laser radiation can potentially cause birth defects. For other people, the treatment may also cause burns and other skin irritations. It may cause inflammation, swelling, and redness. Because of the risks involved, many doctors recommend the use of other acne treatment medications before opting for a laser acne treatment.


Darren is an online medical researcher and webmaster of:
1. Acne Treatment
2. Acne Treatment Reviews 2009

Reviewed Acne Treatments:
1. Clearpores Reviews
2. Exposed Reviews
3. Acnezine Reviews
4. Zenmed Reviews
5. Proactiv Reviews
6. Vilantae Reviews

Also, don't forget to download your 70-page Acne Ebook for FREE!

Tattoo Removal Cost - Laser Treatments

The use of lasers to target, aggravate, and remove tattoo ink from the skin is an established method for effectively removing a tattoo. This article will present an overview of laser treatments, how it works, what factors effect the price when it comes to laser removal.

This method is done by targeting lasers directly at the tattoo ink. The laser is able to pass effortlessly through the upper layers of the skin in order to hit, or aggravate, the ink below the skin surface. The high energy contained within the laser works to break up the ink. The immune system of the body then kicks in and natural deals with the broken up tattoo ink, absorbing it and then disposing of it as if it were something that did not belong in the body.

During these treatments, the client will experience a level of discomfort that is different for everybody, but is generally agreed upon to be unpleasant. It is possible for pain relief medicine to be used to lessen this discomfort. Additionally, many clinics provide instant relief by targeting the same area being treated with lasers with concentrated, cold air.

Tattoo removal cost is an expense to consider when wanting to have a tattoo removed. Laser treatments are not cheap; however, they are very effective and leave little risk of scarring or damage to the skin, which cannot be said for many other methods that cost less.

There are many factors effecting the overall price of these treatments. Factors effecting the laser removal cost are the size of the tattoo, the colors of tattooing ink, the quality and type of tattoo ink used, and the tattoos age. Another factor is how deep the tattoo ink was placed into the skin. This is usually only a problem if the tattoo was performed by a novice who accidentally placed the tattooing ink deeper than he or she should have.

How much does it cost then to use laser treatments? Taking all these factors together, it means that without a proper consultation with a laser clinic, it is impossible to quote a cost for tattoo removal. However, a "ball park" estimate usually goes anywhere from $300 to $2,000, with most medium size tattoos falling somewhere down the middle of that price range. Individuals seeking to have a tattoo removed can save a lot of unnecessary research - and perhaps avoid getting ripped off using low quality, over the counter removal methods - by directly meeting with a laser tattoo removal specialist and having them quote a price for their specific tattoo.

Do you have a tattoo you no longer want? Looking for more information on how to remove it permanently without scarring your skin or spending more money than necessary?

I think you might find what you're for at the Tattoo Removal Cost Guide.

Here you will find information on ALL tattoo removal techniques as well as an overview of their prices, including everything from laser tattoo removal cost on down to cheap over the counter TCA peels. We also offer our opinions on which methods to avoid that can cause damage to your skin!

Easy Tips To Find Your Ideal Laser Hair Remove Solution

By using the free easy resources on line you can find a private clinic of laser hair removing near your house.

Resource #1 to search:

Local Google

Input " laser hair removing" in the first field of search, and your city, and the state at the next field of search. Google produces results that enumerate with the commercial name, the address, the telephone, the Website, and a geographic map at a look. Watch out the "Directions" link.Input your start address and Google give out the ways to the place of the clinic of laser hair removal which you chose.

Resource #2 of search:

Local Yahoo

Input " laser hair removing"in the first field of search, and your city, state, postal code in the next field of search. Towards the top-right of the results is a reading "results of view on a map"which produces a standard Yahoo map with all the companies enumerated in the search shown in their places of street. Another information lets the researcher indicate the size of the radius of search by a drop-down menu calculating as 1, 3, 5, 10,20, 25, and 50 miles of the heart of the search sector.

Resource #3 of search:

(switchboard dot com)Standard

Button to choose "Find a Business",input "laser hair removal in the place marked by category, or key words, then your city and state OR your postal code. If you wish to widen your research, select the box "Include surrounding areas" . The next screen clicking on the hyperlink "laser hair removal" start to call or visit the of results list for the laser hair removing in the next page.

Suggestions for choosing a clinic:

You should ensure the doctor is a Board Certified Dermatologist and withhold the experience with using the specific system or equipment fit for you. You should require to have a look of before and after pictures of the results. To be certain to the questions about possible side effects of your particular state of skin.

To make sure that the doctor treating you is able to deal with all the questions or difficulties which can arise afterwards. To make sure that it will be available during a certain time even after the treatments are accomplished.

Recommendation resources: []

Tons of articles,videos information about laser hair removal.

laserhairremoval dot com

Laser hair removal and hair removal information. Listings of offices, and products as well as information and photos. Locations throughout the USA and Canada.

hairremovaljournal dot org

Hair Removal Journal provides research and information on laser hair removal providers, pre ... Ask the doctor: The best Dermatologists in the country give you the low-down on Laser Hair Removal:

laserhairinstitute dot com

Laser Hair Institute - Training and Education

The Laser Hair Institute provides training for all interested in learning laser hair removal.

Berkowits School 107-25 Metropolitan Avenue Forest Hills, New York 11375 (718) 544-4234

Find more useful information by using featured new search engine [].

Skin Scars and Lasers

Laser is commonly used now days to resurface the facial problems. Problems such as- wrinkles, blotches, age spots, fine lines and scar marks are very easily treated with lasers. Other surgical procedures such as chemical peeling and dermabrasion are also used to remove the blemishes from the skin, but laser is becoming more popular because of reasons such as-

1. Laser resurfacing is a bloodless process

2. Doctors can control the resurfacing more accurately with lasers.

3. The risk of infection is also low with this procedure.

New types of lasers are being developed regularly and are revolutionizing the procedure of facial resurfacing. Laser treatment is not always performed alone. Sometimes this procedure is combined with other procedures such as face lifting etc to give a total shape to the facial skin and make it look new. The main effort is to remove blemishes with as little discomfort as possible and get the best results in short time. To know more about how laser surfacing is done, let us first know more about lasers.

What are lasers?

Laser is focused high energy light. The scientific name of laser is Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Ordinary light emits photons in all the directions and consists many wavelengths. Unlike that laser emits photons in a single direction and consists of a single wavelength. Laser therefore has very high energy and can be focused on any object or in any direction.

Effects Of laser resurfacing- in laser skin resurfacing; the laser burns away the unwanted skin tissues bloodlessly and gives a new shape with precise control. Laser removes the skin layer by layer and is used to improve- scars including acne scars, uneven pigmentation, blotchy spots, wrinkles and fine lines, smoker's lines, crows' feet and other skin blemishes.


Laser resurfacing does not hurt as it is performed under local or general anesthesia. Healing takes place over about two weeks depending upon the area treated and the depth of treatment. Your doctor will give you ointment to occlude the treated part and skin may remain red for long time. Sun protection is a must after treatment. After laser resurfacing, you will find your skin has more even tone and looks brighter.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

For more information about how to have good skin that looks young and blemish free, please visit- This site is dedicated to make you look good. For keeping yourself looking good find out more about the acne that causes damage to our skin. To treat acne scars please visit

Is Laser Hair Removal at Home For Me?

Besides shaving and waxing, which can be time-consuming and painful, there are several exciting new options for personal hair removal.  If you are one of the many millions of people who have had professional laser hair removal, then you know first-hand how well this system works.  Now that the treatment is available for home use, it is easier and more convenient to integrate into your routine.  If you are searching for a hair-removal solution, then a home laser hair removal system is highly recommended.

What is laser hair removal at home?  While a lot of complicated science goes into the process, the system is very simple for the user.  All you need to go is grab the light, ergonomic device and move it across the targeted area for a short period of time.  Hair that is actively growing (which is around half of your hair at any given time) will fall out and not grow back for a substantial period of time.  A full treatment regimen, that includes bi-monthly treatments of the target area over an eight-month period, can reduce hair growth by well over fifty percent.

The device causes very little pain or discomfort.  Some people do report a minor stinging sensation, but this is very mild and goes away quickly.  There are many safety and convenience features as well, such as an alarm that indicates the device has been in use for too long or skin-cooling creams that counteract the heating sensation.  Also, many devices are equipped with a sensor that can tell you whether or not your skin is too dark and is at risk of being burned through use of the system.

These treatments have been available to the public from doctor's offices as an outpatient therapy for well over a decade.  They are the hair-removal method of choice for many individuals because the results last for an extended period of time.  Laser hair removal is often preferred over electrolysis because it avoids the discomfort of repeated needle insertion and is much more pleasant.

While this home laser hair removal technology is a great invention, it is important to note that not everyone is eligible to use this technology.  This device can be used:

For removing unsightly hair from all over your body, except from your face, neck, and head
When your skin tone is white, ivory, beige or light brown. Laser hair removal at home is not approved for people with darker skin tones because of the risk of damage.
The target hairs must have dark pigments - black, medium brown, or dark brown. Laser hair removal for home does not work on lighter-colored hair.

Home laser hair removal systems have many perks:

Saves Money:  Think this as a long-term investment to save money.  A single professional treatment on a specific body area can cost anywhere from one to three thousand dollars per area.  The home laser hair removal device costs a few hundred to one thousand dollars, and can be used over and over again.

Privacy:  You won't need to have the professional invade private areas of your body with the home device.

Convenience:  You won't need to clear time out of your day to get to an appointment. 

No Commute:  Use of the home system means you don't need to waste gas and time driving to and from the clinic, which can be quite far.

Effective:  You can expect to reduce hair growth in the target region by fifty to eighty percent, and the hairs will not grow back for well over a year.

Safe:  The Food and Drug Administration has approved these devices for use without a prescription, so the use of these units is very low-risk.

All you need to do to get started is ask an aesthetic physician or doctor about your eligibility.  These devices are available online, or at doctor's offices.

Learn more about your suitability for laser hair removal at home and discover more about the benefits of this amazing hair removal technology and find out if home laser hair removal is right for you.

Cosmetic Laser Treatments For Sagging Skin in Sagging Economy

One of the hardest hit businesses in this failing economy is plastic surgery. Fewer and fewer people are getting plastic surgery. Jay Leno recently came up with: "How ironic is that? The one time you really need a smile on your face, you can't even afford to get it."

These days, more than ever, good looks may give you a leg up whether you are out of job, in between jobs or lucky enough to still have one. Some of us in our 50s are in the workplace with people in their 20s and 30s, and we need to be competitive at a job interview. We need to look fresh and rested if we intend to survive the next lay-off.

The sagging economy has changed the customer landscape for aesthetic professionals too. Fewer patients opt for pricey overhauls like facelifts and similar makeovers, but there are more patients, who want temporary, less expensive spruce-ups. Both groups of patients increasingly view aesthetic procedures as a business investment move, rather than a fashionable frill. People just have to look younger for reasons related to their jobs and they are hunting for value. And the value they find.

The surge in plastic cosmetic surgery of the past decade is over. Many medical societies and associations have just released their data about the number of treatments performed and provider fees collected. A quick review of the numbers proves what seems obvious - people are more concerned about what they can put on the table than about blowing a couple of grand on a face job. Predictions for 2009 look much grimmer as there is no doubt that big ticket face-lifts are going further down, injectables (dermal fillers) and laser rejuvenation treatments are up since they offer the best value for the consumer. Financing offered by many plastic surgeons is unlikely to halt the trend. Dramatic discounts may, but to a very limited extent.

Consumers with disposable cash allocated for aesthetic treatments will rule the market in 2009. They will spend their cash on Botox, dermal fillers and aesthetic laser procedures that offer fast results at an affordable price.

Consumer expectations

People will come to a medical professional who specializes in aesthetic and cosmetic procedures and:

has experience in this fine art and appreciates the fine nuances of balance and proportion
understands that changes in millimeters can create profound changes in facial beauty and harmony
recognizes that the face of today is youthful and defined, never overdone or stylized
works with each patient individually to achieve a result that enhances each person, creating a revitalized and rejuvenated self
delivers the best results that do not look "surgical" and with minimal down time
specializes in the most advanced and innovative techniques available today

Recent advances in cosmetic laser technologies are taking the business of cosmetic anti-aging beauty from the hands of high-end plastic surgeons and making it available to many other physicians. Laser skin rejuvenation and hair reduction treatments will soon become a regular routine for many and consumers will frequent laser and combination aesthetic clinics just like they go to hair stylists and massage therapists.

This article opens a series of articles dedicated to current applications of laser technologies in the field of aesthetics and minimally invasive cosmetic surgery. You can find a lot of related posts on our blog at

More on aesthetic market trends in 2009

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Laser Hair Removal: The Best And The Worst

When it comes to getting rid of unwanted body hair, the laser hair removal system is a great way to achieve it. L.A.S.E.R. is actually an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. It gained popularity as an actual word back in the sixties after being coined by a scientist.

Lasers were invented decades ago and have been used for a variety of functions including military weaponry, as surgical cutting utensils in lieu of scalpels, to resurface facial surfaces and to remove body hair. Before this methodology came along, alternative techniques included shaving, plucking, waxing, bleaching and electrolysis. Here are some of the best and worst parts of this procedure:

Best parts:

It is considered to be a nearly permanent solution. While other methods are only temporary and must be performed again and again, laser hair removal can eliminate up to 80% of future growth after completion of a round of treatments.

It is highly effective. It works by damaging the follicles where growth originates. A damaged follicle will eventually stop sprouting re-growth.

Extremely smooth and silky skin will result after this procedure has been completed. No stubble or roughness as in shaving.

No anesthesia is required. A topical numbing agent will suffice in keeping the patient comfortable during the process. Sometimes a sedative is given as well, depending on the patient's need and physician's discretion.

This procedure is performed by experts such as plastic surgeons or dermatologists. Having an expert perform it will lead to safety and good results.

Modern laser technology has developed devices that work well on any complexion. Earlier tools were only successful on individuals with light hair and fair skin tone. The newer lasers work well on darker complexions, too.

After effects of redness and swelling are usually gone within twenty-four hours. Sometimes it is gone in only a couple of hours.

This procedure may be performed on both men and women in problematic regions such as female facial areas, legs and bikini regions and male back, uni-brow and chest hair.

Worst parts:

Like all medical procedures, there are always risks of complications.

Lightening of the skin or darkening of the area is possible. The medical names for this are hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation.

Blistering and scarring may occur although it is a rare occurrence.

Growth that does return may be of a different consistency and look than that in the surrounding region. For example, it may be lighter and finer.

Laser hair removal that is performed at by less qualified technicians often end up with less satisfactory results and higher incidences of problems. Many spas employ the services of highly trained personnel; however, wise consumers will inquire into the techs' training.

These treatments cost more than the temporary solutions such as shaving, bleaching, plucking and tweezing.

There are good and not-so-good components of laser hair removal as an option for creating a smooth and silky appearance. It is a choice for every individual to make for themselves.

If you are considering San Antonio laser hair removal look no further. For more information please visit:

Acne Scar Laser Surgery and Benefits

The conventional methods of skin repair suggested around the world are more like hit-and-miss: you try one method and then try the second when that one fails. Contrarily, acne scar laser treatment has several benefits. The most important benefit is that your skin condition is improved right away: the surgery removes the damaged skin layers and allows your skin to grow fresh ones. The laser treatment not only removes the scars but also removes the roots of the scar so that almost none of them grow back.

Another benefit of acne scar laser treatment is the fact that you are not required to stay in the hospital for recovery. Though the main course of the process requires precision and you are given anesthesia for it, the follow-up procedures can be done in the home. Another benefit of this surgery is that you can target the exact locations on your skin and not harm the surrounding skin in any way.

Patients with light or red hair as well as fair complexions can take longer to recover from the treatments. Patients with darker hair and skin tones take comparatively less time. The skin might seem red and damaged even after the main recovery period of 10 days to three weeks, but that is normal. The later apparent changes are because of the growth of fresh skin.

Even with such a precise method and new technology being used for the process, perfect results cannot be guaranteed because skin structures differ from person to person. However, this treatment still can provide you with the best possible results: it can give you fresh, new skin compared to the scarred skin you had before the treatment. The red color that may last for a maximum of around six months ought not to be interpreted as failure of this treatment. Instead, it is the proper growth of skin cells that were completely scalped off your body surface during the treatment.

The article is written by Pattana Pata.
If you want to find out more about acne scar treatment, please visit

What Does Skin Rejuvenation Involve?

The signs of aging may be troubling for many patients bothered by wrinkles, sun damage or fine lines. These may be some of the first things to make us feel older. Through skin rejuvenation procedures and treatments, however, many have found effective relief from these skin conditions and cosmetic blemishes, giving them a more youthful appearance in many cases. A rejuvenation program may involve various procedures and treatments, or may utilize just one treatment or procedure depending on the patient's needs or desires.

Laser resurfacing may be involve in a skin rejuvenation program. This procedure utilizes laser energy to produce a controlled damage to the structures beneath the skin's surface. This treatment may provide patients relief from wrinkles, fine lines and age spots. Different types of lasers may be used, as different lasers may be preferred to treat different conditions or blemishes or to provide the patient with a different outcome.

Dermal fillers are also fairly common treatments for patients searching for skin rejuvenation. These are injectable treatments that provide relief from fine lines and wrinkles in the skin, while others may help add plumpness to the skin. Folds, scars and other depressions may be treated using dermal fillers as well. There is a wide selection of dermal fillers on the market, so patients should explore all of their options and discuss their options to ensure they choose one that is right for them.

Chemical peels may also be used in a skin rejuvenation program. These also produce a controlled damage to the skin to remove wrinkles, fine lines or other signs of aging such as sun damage or age spots. Chemical peels also encourage the growth of new collagen during the healing process for a tighter appearance. Different degrees of chemical peels are available from the most superficial peel from which patients may not require any downtime, to the deepest peel that may require the patient's vital signs be monitored throughout the procedure and may require a lengthy recovery period.

Dermabrasion may also be included in skin rejuvenation. This procedure utilizes a mechanical tool to remove the upper layers of the patient's skin to reveal new skin underneath as the skin heals. Depending on the patient's goals, microdermabrasion may also be recommended. This is a lighter form of dermabrasion that is very superficial and may help the skin feel smoother. Deeper dermabrasion treatment may be recommended for patients looking to treat acne scars or other wrinkles and sun damage or age spots.

Justin suggests that you visit Dr. Navarro Laser Skin Care clinic for various dermal fillers such as juvederm, restylane, botox to see which is best for your skin. Inquire now on preserving your skin or getting the youthful looking skin back again.
Go to now see how beautiful her skin appears.

Stretch Marks Removal: Laser Therapy and Creams

Stretch marks, otherwise known as striae are scars that formed on the skin because of tension and overstretching of the dermal layer. They can be seen and felt as irregular stripes on the skin which may differ in color depending on what current stage the stretch mark is. They commonly form because of pregnancy, rapid weight changes, body building, puberty and etc... These can occur in different areas of the body yet are commonly seen in the abdomen especially during pregnancy, breast, buttocks, arms, and on the lower portions of the body.

Since it is very common, there were a lot of treatments for these kinds of marks that were discovered and developed by different cosmetic companies. Hence, one must be cautious in choosing and purchasing the efficient and safe removal creams. This is obviously because all the companies claim that they are very effective in getting rid of these marks. If you ever feel that it's quite difficult to choose among the different creams on the market today, you may read reviews or talk with a dermatologist.

Another removal option is through using the laser therapy. We basically notice that marks can be color red or white. Laser therapy works effectively in lessening the redness and the stops the inflammation in case you have these color red stretch marks. This therapy can also help in promoting the production of collagen and elastin which will help in skin regeneration and overall appearance of the skin.

For those white marks, Fractional laser therapy can render evident results yet needs series of laser treatment. Laser therapy has been known as a painless method of getting rid of these marks. Recovery time likewise is not that long compared with other surgeries. Swelling may be experienced by the client but may subside after a few days and adverse effects hardly occur.

Those treatments mentioned above are just two of the different stretch mark removal techniques. However, one important fact that you must keep in mind is that our skin needs a long time before it can go back to its original shape once it has been overly stretched. But, through rigorous treatment, improvement may be noticed at a gradual pace. Total elimination of those marks can't be obtained immediately. Furthermore, these treatments will also help in improving the texture of your skin.

If you're interested in more information about stretch mark creams, then make sure to visit our web site. We provide honest ratings, reviews, and comparisons on the top stretch mark treatments including laser stretch mark removal and much more.

Back Hair Laser Removal

Back hair laser removal has become a popular choice for removing all those unwanted hairs. Excess body hair on your back can be removed effectively by laser removal treatment.

Back hair laser removal has a number of advantages over other traditional methods like waxing, shaving, electrolysis and use of depilatory creams. Of course, I must agree that these methods are inexpensive over laser hair removal in the short run. However, it is nearly impossible to remove back hair by yourself and it is also difficult to get someone do it for you every few days. The same is true if you choose to apply depilatory creams. Again, waxing can be a painful process.

Laser hair removal is a more or less permanent way of getting rid of unwanted back hair. The whole back hair removal process takes an hour or so. The laser beam directed to the group of hair follicles destroys the root. It, however, does not harm the adjoining skin in any way. You may have to repeat this treatment to get that desired result. The cost of each treatment amounts to approximately $750. Of course the price varies from one individual to the other depending on the amount of hair that needs to be removed.

Many men specially athletes opt for this safe and relatively pain free method. Generally you will not develop any complications after the treatment. Check out the centers available for back hair laser removal in your city. Thanks to improved technology the laser treatment has become a very reliable procedure and most of these centers offer the best of services. Still you can talk to those who have been through this treatment to make sure you are making a wise decision. You can also rely on the internet for vast and accurate information in this subject.

I can tell you for sure that back hair laser removal is one of the time saving, comfortable and cost effective way of getting rid of unwanted hair.

Laser Treatment For Spider Veins in Bryn Mawr

Finding the right treatment option for spider veins and varicose veins is one of the easier medical treatments to seek out within the growing vein treatment field. Laser technology is one of the more popular treatment options and is becoming increasingly easy to find at local vein clinics.

Laser treatment spider veins is a growing trend in spider vein therapy that does not appear to be leaving. The treatment involves the use of laser technology and Bryn Mawr vein clinics offer patients the options to remove unwanted and painful veins which cause insecurities and pain. Laser treatment usually involves localized anesthesia which is then following by a small incision so that a Bryn Mawr vein doctor can access the vein beneath the skin. New ultrasound technologies and lighting technologies help vein doctors to locate the vein beneath the skin and to follow its entire path. This aids in deciding which vein is the "feeder" vein, or the vein which is feeding blood into the undesired veins. Once this is established, vein doctors are able to insert the laser which is used to close the vein.

After laser treatment spider veins is performed, the patient can usually leave and return to everyday activities. The area may be red, swollen, and bruised, and bruising may worsen over the next few days. Over time these side effects subside and a repeat visit may be necessary to remove any unwanted blood which is causing bruising beneath the skin after the vein was closed. The entire procedure usually takes under an hour and is considered an out patient procedure which allows patients the freedom to leave after. No hospital stays are necessary and the treatment is minimally invasive. This makes laser treatment spider veins a viable option for those seeking a Bryn Mawr vein clinic or Pennsylvania vein doctor.

Another important thing to remember is that any medical treatment has benefits and risks that must be considered and understood prior to treatment starts. It is a good idea to find a vein doctor you can trust and that you feel comfortable with. Asking plenty of questions is key and understanding the treatment's side effects is also important. Furthermore, most health insurance providers do not cover the cost of laser treatment spider veins no matter how painful they may be. It is important then to discuss the financial commitment that goes hand in hand with treatment.

Though laser vein treatment eliminates unwanted veins, it is important to remember that Bryn Mawr vein doctors cannot guarantee the prevention of unsightly veins recurring in different areas. There are certain preventative measures that can be considered to help keep unsightly veins from your skin. One involves maintaining a healthy weight and staying committed to a regular fitness routine which involves daily or weekly exercise. This is key to keep the heart healthy and it thus promotes venous health and good circulation. Also, eating healthy and preventing undue pressure on the legs is a good start to maintaining strong veins.

More information on laser treatment spider veins in Bryn Mawr [], Pennsylvania and a Bryn Mawr vein clinic [] in your area is just a click away.