Saturday, January 18, 2014

A Quick Guide to Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal has come a long way in the last ten years and is now one of the most requested cosmetic procedures in the US, second only to botox injections.

The days are long gone when the procedure was mainly recommended for individuals with fair skin and dark hair, as major advances in laser technology have opened the door to successful treatments for all skin types.

Laser hair removal can be applied to just about any 'problem hair' area of the body and is equally appropriate for both men and women. So if you think you're a candidate for laser hair removal treatment, let's take a look at some of the common questions asked about the procedure before you decide to put you body on the line.

What Is A Laser?

A laser is nothing more than an intense beam of light energy. In laser hair removal, the laser beam is delivered to the skin via a handheld 'pen-like' device by your dermatologic surgeon. The method is quite ingenious as the laser is designed to focus on the dark pigment in the hair follicle and destroy it without damaging the surrounding (lighter) skin tissue.

Is Laser Hair Removal Permanent?

At the time of writing, 100% permanent hair removal remains an elusive goal. However, clinical results indicate you can expect the successful removal of unwanted hair for a period of up to ten years. Some individuals will see long term results while others may need some maintenance treatments over time.

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

Depending on the type of hair you have, it will take about 3-6 treatments to produce the desired results. This is because your hair grows in 3 phases (the growing phase, the dormant phase and the resting phase) and laser treatments can only target hair that is in the growing phase which is about 85% of all body hairs at any given time. You simply have to wait for the other 15% to enter the growing phase before they can be treated.

The good news is each successive treatment should be faster and less expensive because there is less to treat!

Is Laser Hair Removal Painful?

The actual feeling is not unlike being snapped with a rubber band and most people would not classify it as pain.

What About Side Effects?

For a few hours after the treatment there is usually a little redness and maybe some slight swelling; not unlike what you would experience after a waxing session. Within 24 hours, you are back to normal.

It is important to note that like any medical procedure, there is the potential for complications to arise which may include burning, changes in the skins pigmentation, persistent redness and swelling, scarring and possible minor skin indentations. As always, it is best to consult your dermatologic surgeon concerning the risks involved in the procedure.

What Should I Do Before A Treatment?

Your treatment clinic will have a list of do's and don'ts that you will need to be aware of prior to you appointment. However, as a general rule, the skin to be treated should be as natural as possible when you present for a laser hair removal treatment. That means no tans allowed! Not even fake tans.

What Should I Do After A Treatment?

Most clinics will tell you it is important not to apply any make-up or products to your skin for 24 hours after a treatment and to stay out of the sun for two weeks. Again consult the treatment clinic for details.

How Much Does It Cost?

The cost for laser hair removal treatments varies depending on the area to be treated.

It is common to find 'per session' prices from around $150 for an upper lip treatment to around $650 for a full back treatment. Of course our individual needs differ and some folk will require shorter treatments while others may need additional sessions to achieve the desired result.

Where Can I Find A Laser Hair Removal Clinic?

It is wise to thoroughly check the credentials of the physician or technician performing the procedure prior to making an appointment. Most countries have a professional dermatology society with a directory of local accredited dermatologic surgeons that you are able to consult (in the US it is the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery).

Thanks to laser hair removal, it is at last possible to be problem hair free! Just make sure you do your research before taking the plunge and you will be well on the way to a bright and shiny you!

Bo Collins is a writer and publisher of Hair Removal Virginia

Common Disadvantages Associated With Laser Hair Removal

When a newer technology is introduced, we try to utilize it to the maximum without even realizing the after effects of the same. The trend is occurring all throughout the generations. In this brief article, I will try to outline certain well-known disadvantages of laser hair removal procedures. Keeping in tune with the paradigm, the hair removal process with the aid of laser is a recent innovation. Research is still being conducted in the niche and researchers are now realizing the long-term side effects of laser hair removal. Whether to or not to opt for this procedure - this is purely dependent upon your judgment.

a) The procedure is easy. However, you will have to visit the skin specialist every week or so. In other words, the treatment is going to take some time. Multiple visits can be reduced by augmenting the nature of the laser beam that is induced on the surface of the skin. Nevertheless, this in turn might prove to be detrimental to the skin. Recent research is proving that certain wavelengths of laser beams are competent enough to induce various skin diseases like skin cancer.

b) Those who have a fair skin must resort to the procedure. The technology works as follows - when the laser beam is subjected to the skin, it will react with the melanin pigment present on the hair (the dark color of the hair is imparted by the melanin pigment). Similar dark coloring of the skin is also due to the presence of melanin. Instead of acting on the melanin that is present on the hair, the laser beam will act on the melanin pigments present on the surface of the skin. This will alter the chemical composition of the skin - the after effects of the same are worse.

c) The color of the hair must be black - this is one of the criteria for the laser hair removal treatment to be effective. In certain cultures, people are known to die their body hair with other colors. For them, the laser hair removal treatment will never work to be feasible. The skin specialist will state this when you express your desire for the treatment.

d) As I had mentioned earlier, the probabilities of the occurrence of various types of skin conditions are manifold when this treatment procedure is opted for. The conditions might not develop immediately after the procedure - the chemical breakdown of the skin will take some time to materialize. Since the skin happens to be the largest organ of the body, the effects of this breakdown are fatal.

e) We should also consider the cost of laser hair removal. A single session can cost $500 to $2000. Hence, only the rich could afford for the same process. The eyes are very sensitive to the laser rays - always ensure that ample protection is imparted to the eye when the treatment procedure is conducted. Many people suffer from premature blindness when they do not opt for laser skin treatment procedures.

To get more facts about laser hair removal and cosmetic dentistry you can visit our site.

Laser Hair Removal Facts You Should Know

Laser hair removal is the latest development, in recent years, to abolish unwanted hair. There are some facts you should know before venturing into this realm. The first word of advice is don't get your expectations too high. The idea of permanent removal of hair is certainly appealing, but a laser can only do so much.

Not everyone can use laser hair removal successfully. A competent clinic will evaluate your hair and skin type and let you know what they can and cannot do for you. Basically, the procedure works best on light skinned people with dark hair. If you are very tan or dark skinned, in most cases, a clinic will not recommend that you consider this method. The removal of hair can be accomplished, but the problem lies with your skin. A lighter patch of skin, at the removal site, may occur and be permanent. This may leave an unattractive marking that may be no better than the unwanted hair was.

Don't give up on the first try though, you can compare clinics and will find that some have capabilities that other clinics don't. While you may find a great clinic that does a procedure, with one type of laser machine, you may also find a competing clinic that has more advanced laser equipment. Their lasers may be designed to treat people with hair and skin factors; the other clinic would not treat. It is advisable, if you are found not to be right for laser hair removal at one clinic; you should seek a second opinion.

As far as permanency of the treatment, there is only a success rate of perhaps, 90%. It is only a success percentage rate, which means it is not infallible or guaranteed to be 100% foolproof. The resulting 10% failure rate manifests itself as, thinner, but still incomplete, removal of hair from the area and can show up as re-growth of hairs that were removed.

Laser hair removal treatments are done with lasers of course; these are dangerous pieces of equipment in the wrong hands. Your choice of clinic will also be critical to insure that the treatments are done by skilled and competent laser technicians. Follow up guidance, access to consultation, and general caring for your well being and comfort, will depend on a compassionate staff. The clinic's credentials are important, but nothing can replace the human factor.

Laser hair removal is expensive and the cost increases with the size of the area you want treated. The initial treatment may seem attainable, but keep in mind that this procedure almost always requires multiple treatments. Each treatment will add more to the overall expense of having hair removed by laser. The total cost may start in the hundreds of dollars but can easily climb into thousands. Removal of hair hardly warrants coverage on anyone's health insurance policy, so this will have to be paid for outright, or financed. As an add-on service, many clinics can either provide financing, or steer you to a partner financier.

After laser hair removal there, may be some normal and expected redness and swelling in the area. It is of the utmost importance that you follow the recovery instructions; you are given to the letter. Side effects should clear up in a few days. However, it is nearly akin to a genuine medical procedure and complications and additional side effects can occur. In this event, it is again critical that you choose your clinic wisely. Your professional after-care if unforeseen difficulties arise, can make or break whether your laser treatment causes any permanent damage or not.

Darlene Chisholme runs a website devoted to permanent hair removal. Find out everything you need to know about laser hair removal

Permanent Laser Hair Removal

Many people are burdened by what society has deemed "unsightly" hair. Shaving is only a brief solution to this problem and quickly leaves tell-tale stubble. Plucking or waxing are painful and the results do not last much longer than shaving. So what is the best way to permanently remove hair from areas such as the upper lip, chin, neck, armpits, forearms, back, chest, legs, or bikini line? Many people are now discovering the benefits of laser hair removal, a non-invasive procedure that removes unwanted hair.

However there are limitations on who should have laser hair removal done. For starters, the laser works by searching for hair follicles to destroy based upon melanin. Melanin is the pigmentation in hair and skin. Thus, it is harder to target hair that is red, white, gray or true blond, and will not be as effective. Furthermore, people with more melanin in their skin (those who have dark skin or are tanned) risk skin discoloration by undergoing laser hair removal treatment because the laser will target the melanin in the skin. Thus, the ideal candidate for laser hair removal is someone with pale skin and dark hair.

For people who decide to undergo laser hair removal, there are different settings that affect the outcome of the procedure. First, the laser technician can set the pulse length, and most will chose longer pulses as long pulsed lasers tend to be safer. Second, they can adjust the fluence according to your skin. Different types of skin require different energy levels. Third, the technician sets the delay between laser pulses. The difference this gives is the time that skin and hair follicles are allowed to cool between pulses. Fourth, different spot sizes can be chosen. Larger spot sizes will reach deeper to the follicle. Last, cooling methods are chosen. The procedure can be unpleasant because of the heat emitted so the skin can be cooled by gels, sprays or lasers that have cooling tips which are pressed to the skin.

Want more Information about Laser Hair Removal?Cosmetic Surgery?

Find a qualified Cosmetic Surgeon in Your Area at

What You Should Know About Laser Mole Removal

With the variety of techniques in removing moles such as cryotherapy, excision and home remedy treatments, laser removal of moles is just one of the most popular methods people use to eliminate unwanted skin growths. The normal course of action is for a doctor to diagnose which treatment to use to remove a mole.

Laser mole removal is used to treat pigmented nevi or flat moles which are not deeply penetrated on the skin. Some of these moles are inborn or are developed through time primarily due to sun exposure. This method does not seem to work on large and protruding moles because of their deep root system. If the treatment is used in larger moles, there is a great chance that they will grow back in the future. This is somewhat a lengthy procedure because the therapy may consist a series of sessions.

With the use of Erbium or CO2 laser, the mole is peeled off gradually and methodically. You won't see blood because the light emanating from the laser will control bleeding. This is a safer procedure because there is no stitching, suture or scarring and is proven to be highly effective in removing flat or small moles. The series of sessions or visits to the doctor makes this method more expensive than other mole removal treatments.

A doctor may or may not use local anesthetic during the treatment. When the mole is small and the patient's threshold to pain is high, an anesthesia is no longer necessary. If the mole is big, it may be administered to make the patient comfortable as possible. The pain is characterized by being hit by a rubber band and a device called a handheld intensity laser beam is used to burn the mole off the skin.

The treated area usually becomes red or brown and scabbing will happen. After several days the tissues will be healed. Because no surgical procedure is used, you won't have scarring with this treatment but only minor skin irritation. Laser mole removal is a good choice for those who want to maintain the condition of their skin.

Sun exposure of the affected part must be avoided after the treatment and a sun block needs to be used for skin protection. It is normal to have skin discoloration because of the skin's exposure to the laser beam, but this can be cured with the application of a topical solution.

The good thing with this kind of treatment is that makeup can be applied right after the procedure. The doctor will tell how many sessions will be the right one for you but for better results, three sessions is the usual recommendation for a successful treatment.

The process of undergoing a laser therapy mole removal may be a lengthy one but you will be satisfied with the results.

Vanesa does research on laser mole removal to help people have healthy skin. Their company has another ebook - "All About How to Remove Warts and Moles" Jack Liguori at Check out the site now and avail of their FREE mini course on Secrets to the Safe Removal of Warts, Moles and Skin Tags.

Determining the Type of Acne Laser Patients Can Rely Upon

Finding an acne laser citizens can trust may seem like a daunting task, but with advances in technology and trained physicians, patients should be pleasantly surprised. The field of laser technology has exploded over a relatively short period of time- about two decades- as lasers have been implemented into modern medicine and many treatments depend on lasers to deliver satisfying results.

Treatment for acne varies and patients should consult with a skin care professional to determine which course of action best fits their needs and their skin. In many cases, a topical treatment will be applied first. After determining the effectiveness of such a treatment, only the patient and doctor can decide if another treatment is necessary. If this is the case, doctors may recommend laser or light therapies as a possible treatment option.

Mild cases of acne may be treated using topical creams or antibiotics. Oral antibiotics may be prescribed for patients suffering from moderate to severe cases. A doctor may recommend that patients suffering from severe acne or acne scars use further methods of treatment as well.

Laser resurfacing is the process of burning away the top layer of skin and promoting new skin and collagen to grow in its place. This treatment is often used to treat acne scars, replacing several older methods such as chemical peels and dermabrasion.

There are several laser treatments available, but these treatments are new and should be discussed in full detail with a skin care professional. Only a select number of laser treatments have been proven to be effective. A pulse-dye laser was tested in a double blind controlled trial and proved to be effective in reducing acne after a single treatment.

The side effects of receiving treatment from this acne laser citizens are being introduced to may include redness and tenderness of the treated area. Studies are still being conducted on the effectiveness and uses of lasers in the treatment of acne, but patients should not hesitate to speak to their skin care professional to determine if these treatments are right for them.

Having an active lifestyle and being outdoors is part of living in Florida, so you want look your best at all times. People go fishing, spend a day in the parks, the beach and more to enjoy the sunshine. Several clinics exist in Florida that offer laser treatment as an available option for patients seeking acne treatment. Patients should speak to their doctor before choosing any one of the clinics around and should be sure to choose a clinic using safe, proven equipment and lasers.

Justin recommends visiting a Laser Skin Treatment clinic for Acne laser Florida procedures, a consultation and questions for on skin rejuvenation in Florida

Tips on Avoiding the Side-Effects of Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a permanent answer to getting rid of body hair but like anything there can be side effects. These tips will help you to avoid this, whether you are a first-timer or a veteran!

Understand what to expect. Getting over the procedure varies for everyone. Some people have no problems and recover quickly while others may be victim to a number of skin problems that they weren't expecting. Beware of the following possible side effects:

o    Redness in the area

o    blistering

o    infection

o    a tightening of the skin

o    a darkening of the skin

o    Moles and beauty spots changing in color

The above side effects can occur with people who have sensitive skin or other skin problems. But having a practitioner who is not very experienced can also give a greater risk of complications.

Research the subject. If you are educated about laser hair removal side you will likely avoid any skin problems so be sure that you get all the information you need about both the procedure and the clinic before agreeing to the procedurel. The clinic should have good referrals with zero to very few problems reported after the procedure. Always go to a clinic with has the proper licensing and accreditation to be able to do this particular procedure. Also ensure you find properly-trained laser hair removal technician, which may be more expensive but is certainly worth it if you can avoid painful side effects from the procedure.

Make sure they understand your skin type. A good practice will take your skin type into account in preparation for the procedure on you. You need to ask the beautician what modifications will be made due of your skin type. This is particularly important if you have sensitive skin; you must inform them so they can make allowances to the treatment. Make sure tests are done on your skin prior to going under the laser. It will absolutely be worth the extra time and effort prior to your procedure.

Take anti-viral medication. After your laser hair removal procedure, you can help avoid skin problems such as blisters by taking anti-bacterial or anti-viral medicine. It has been found the upper lip is most prone to infection.

Stay away from certain medications. For several months after your treatment, you should avoid certain medications that can be very harmful with their side effects. Accutane (acne medication) tetracycline tends to irritate the skin severely in the location that you had your procedure. Find out from your doctor or laser hair removal technician for a list of products and medications that you must avoid so that you don't suffer side effects after laser hair removal.

Tiffany Provost writes about laser hair removal and other fashion and personal care tips for

Friday, January 17, 2014

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work - Your Questions Answered

Laser hair removal has been around for more than a decade, and millions of Americans have received it at a growing number of laser hair removal centers across the country. However, very few people know how it actually works. Therefore, in this article, the question of, "How does laser hair removal work?" will be answered.

It is common in this day and age to have heard of the idea of "laser surgery," which would seem to imply that lasers can cause significant changes to bodily tissues. One might wonder then, how it can be used safely to remove unwanted facial and body hair.

What is so remarkable about laser technology is the precision with which it can be used. This is the main reason it has become so popular in many surgical procedures, in everything from eye surgery to declawing cats.

Because a laser is a kind of light, and because dark objects are the only ones which absorb light, a laser can be pointed at one's skin and only be absorbed by the hair and its follicle, since it is dark, whereas the skin is presumably lighter. Therefore, it is only dark hair which can be removed; blonde and red hair cannot be removed by simple laser hair removal procedures. However, new technologies are now able to allow individuals with darker skin to receive laser hair treatment as well.

The material being targeted by the laser beam is called melanin, which is a pigment found in the skin, and which gives skin and hair its color. Individuals with the type of melanin which creates brown or black hair can receive normal laser hair removal, while those with the type of melanin that creates red or blonde hair can also receive laser hair treatment, although the process involved is a bit more complicated in their case.

The material targeted by lasers, the dark matter which absorbs the light, can be artificially introduced. Therefore, it is possible for blonde and red hair to be removed.

Now that you know more about how laser hair removal works, you can feel better assured that it is a safe procedure. In fact, the FDA first approved laser hair removal in 1997, and as technological advances have contributed to making it even more safe since that time, now is the perfect time to start your laser hair removal treatment.

Although so few people can actually answer the question, "How does laser hair removal work?" you are now an informed party and can receive the treatment with confidence. Enjoy your softer, smoother skin!

To find more exclusive information on "How does laser hair removal work?", then visit, where you'll find an abundance of resources for your laser hair removal needs.

Laser Acne Treatments For Scarring and Blemish Control

Acne is a condition that can affect people of all ages and both sexes, and can develop as a result of a variety of factors, such as hormones, outside factors, or stress levels. The condition results from an excess production of oils in the skin and the combination of trapped oil and bacteria in the follicle of the skin, which causes inflammation. Acne can affect different areas of the body too, from the face to the back or the chest. There are different types of treatment available for acne sufferers, and the type that is most suitable will depend on a number of factors such as your age and circumstances and the severity of your acne.

One type of acne treatment that has seen a rise in popularity over recent years is laser acne surgery, which can help to reduce acne as well as scarring. Laser acne treatment can be used as an additional treatment to regular acne medications or as an alternative depending on your circumstances and the severity of the acne. Those that have successful laser acne treatment often find that there is no need or very little need to use other treatments afterwards, such as ointments, creams, etc.

With laser treatment it is possible to reduce both the acne itself and the scarring that stems from it. Treatment with lasers is a non-invasive type of surgery, and in some cases dramatic improvement can be seen after just a few sessions. For many, this is a fast, effective, and painless way to deal with acne and associated scarring, and can reduce both the discomfort and embarrassment that often accompanies this skin condition.

How laser acne treatment works

There are a couple of different lasers that can be used with this treatment, and in order to decide which laser is best suited to you it is necessary for experts at the clinic where you have the surgery to assess your skin - this will help to determine the laser which will most likely have the best effect. Depending on the method that is used, laser acne surgery can work by reducing and controlling bacterial growth, or by controlling oil secretions through the reduction of the size of the sebaceous glands. Laser acne treatment can be used alongside other acne treatments depending on the type of treatment you are using, and the advice of medical staff. It can also be used with other types of treatments such as microdermabrasion - again, based upon medical advice and need. You will find that the number of laser treatments that are required before any significant improvement is seen depends on the severity of the acne and how well it responds. How often you need to have these treatments will also depend on the frequency and severity of flare ups.

This is a very quick method of treatment, and typically a session of laser acne treatment takes as little as half an hour to complete.

As well as writing on acne, Rebecca Prescott presents information and products on teeth whitening [], and essential fatty acids.

Skin Type: Hair Removal And Your Skin Type

When it comes to some types of hair removal procedures, your skin type can help to determine the likelihood that the process will work on you specifically.

In 1975 a US dermatologist named Thomas B. Fitzpatrick devised a system to classify skin types based on a person's physical attributes and their response to sun exposure.

The result is a classification of 6 different skin types:

Type I: Very fair skin that always burns and never tans.

Type II: Fair skin that always burns and sometimes tans.

Type III: Medium skin that sometimes burns and always tans.

Type IV: Olive/light brown skin that rarely burns and always tans.

Type V: Brown skin that never burns and always tans.

Type VI: Dark brown or black skin that never burns and always tans.

The 6 Fitzpatrick skin types range from Type 1 (very fair skin) to Type 6 (very dark skin).

Your skin type is determined by completing a questionnaire that asks about the color of your eyes, the natural color of your hair, the color of your skin, propensity to tan/burn and other questions related to how your skin responds to the sun.

When it comes to hair removal, the specific area to be treated is important since some body parts (ie. face) often get more regular exposure to the sun than other body parts (ie. back) and therefore might be a slightly different shade.

Skin type is a very important determining factor for the success (or lack thereof) of laser and pulsed light hair removal treatment.

When I first received my pulsed light hair removal treatment, one of the first thing the practitioner did was to have me answer the skin type questionnaire to determine my skin type.

She then inputted my skin type into the machine's computer since its settings are customizable based on the skin type of each patient.

Temporary and permanent hair removal technology is evolving constantly and is relevant to both men and women who want to remove unwanted hair.

For more information on hair removal options, visit

Beauty and Enlightenment: Laser Light Treatment of Acne

Acne is not a particularly attractive trait of anyone, whether adult or adolescent. Acne, in fact, contributes to lowering one's sense of self, and self-esteem. As acne untreated can scar one's skin, the effects brought on by acne can scar one emotionally for life.

Acne, however, is curable. Called by its formal name Acne vulgaris, acne is characterized by inflammation of the skin in the form of pus-filled bumps. These bumps are actually hair follicles clogged with oil and dead skin cells.

Acne is caused by a variety of problems. It can be due to a genetic predisposition to acne, a theory supported by the prevalence of acne in Western societies. Acne is also caused by fluctuations in hormonal levels, especially of the male hormone testosterone. Acne, scientists surmise, is the body's reaction to these hormonal changes.

Another cause of acne is stress, which on its own results in hormonal fluctuations due to overworking of the adrenal glands. Other causes include medications containing halogens, androgens, barbiturates, and iodides; exposure to chlorinated compounds such as chlorinated dioxins; and abnormalities in follicle physiology, such as channels that are too narrow, pores that are too wide and deep, among others.

Adult acne is common as well, and may be due to conditions such as ovarian syndromes, pregnancy, or a rare syndrome such as Cushing's.

Although highly unsightly and inconvenient, acne is not without its cures. Several topical ointments, such as those containing retinoic acid and benzoyl peroxide, have been shown to cure acne. These medications, however, do not provide immediate results, and are thus often expensive.

Previous studies on acne have shown that sunlight can improve acne problems, but sunlight actually worsens acne in the long term due to UV damage to the skin. Nevertheless, treatment of acne by other wavelengths of light is now becoming common, as it is a painless, non-invasive, and has been shown to decrease the incidence of acne. One type, light wave therapy, passes a blue light beam of high intensity over the skin. Originally used for cancer therapies, this treatment has shown to be effective in acne removal.

The light of blue light therapy is generated by fluorescent bulbs, lasers, or dichroic bulbs. When applied daily, blue light can reduce acne considerably. This is due to the effect the light has on Propionibacterium acnes, the bacteria responsible for causing acne.

According to studies, the bacterium produces a set of molecules called porphyrins, which generate harmful molecules called free radicals when porphyrins are exposed to blue light. As these free radicals accumulate, bacteria are killed, and acne is reduced until it disappears.

Blue light treatment has been shown to be safe, and even more effective than benzoyl peroxide, but over a shorter period. Blue light treatment, however, is considered expensive, but is actually cheaper than using benzoyl peroxide over a period of years.

Laser surgery, on the other hand, makes use of a high intensity laser beam passed over the skin to treat acne. This kind of treatment has actually been used to treat acne scars, but is now commonly used to prevent acne.

Laser therapy works by one of the following methods:

Lasers degrade, or burn away the follicle sac, the opening in the follicle from which hair grows.
Laser light is strong enough to damage, or completely remove oil-producing sebaceous glands.
Like blue light treatment, lasers lead to the formation of free oxygen radicals in acne bacteria, which can kill them.

Laser surgery, however, is reputed to have disadvantages, such as damage to skin due to exposure to light. If used improperly, light and laser treatments can dry out skin, or induce the formation of spots.

If you are interested in laser surgery, consult with your dermatologist, and know the advantages and disadvantages of laser surgery. If used well, laser surgery can help you have cleaner, clearer skin free from acne.

About the Author: Elizabeth Radisson is a frequent author on the subjects of acne, and acne treatment products. For more information on ways to treat acne, head to

Laser Hair Removal Schools - Advanced Learning

As the industry of laser hair removal grows more and more and people become interested by all these new methods of having unsightly hair removed from their body, it is only natural that more experts are required: just imagine the ever growing industry, with more spas, more advanced machines and better trained staff. But some things cannot be caught up on the way, so laser hair removal schools have been started.

With Baby Steps

The most important thing the students learn is not the maneuvering of the tools but the suitability of the treatment for every potential client. Safety is the main concern and one should go to laser hair removal treatment centers to achieve a smooth hairless skin, and not an inflamed and smarting one, due to the lack of appropriateness. For example, a person with blonde fair hair and light complexion is not a good candidate for laser hair removal, because of the way laser works: it doesn't determine the location of the pigments since they are hardly visible and mainly hurts the skin, while a person with the same complexion but with dark contrasting hair is an ideal one.

Another thing they have to learn at laser hair removal schools is the usage of the tools, which is not that complicated since it involves skill and practice: nowadays, the lasers are used at a wide scale, and all the methods and devices have been proven to be safe and sound, whereas in the past, many experiments and improvements have been done to adapt the laser technology for a sector as mundane as hair removal: it actually started with an accident, when in 1972, a specialist that worked with laser had a portion of his skin cleared of hair; this lead to subsequent success and development of the idea, until today when laser hair removal schools have been initiated.

As the term might offend the men that use this type of treatment, laser hair removal procedure is a beautifying technique that uses fancy equipment: however, no matter how trained the assistant is at one of the laser hair removal schools, a doctor is still needed around to supervise the entire process and to assess the good flow . The doctor has to be a professional in the field himself in order to make sure of the quality of the service offered by the assistant.

What Does This Button Do?

Plain pure logic requires students at laser hair removal schools [] to learn how the laser machines work and all the tools needed: the technology is based on intense light, with specific wavelengths that penetrate the skin and damage the hair and the root. As people have follicles have hair that have rested inactive within the surface of the skin, more treatments are imposed. After ten to twenty days, the hair will fall on its own, and after three to six sessions, the hair will not grow at all, thus achieving the permanency of smooth skin. The worst could happen is a mildly reddened surface, but the result are contenting and worthy of the money invested, that is, if the client has been selected after the analysis of his skin and after the former student of laser hair removal schools ahs decided that he is a good candidate.

You can also find more info on hair removal costs [] and hair removal laser []. is a comprehensive resource to know more about Laser Removing.

Do Home Laser Hair Removers Really Work?

When people talk about the Laser Hair Removal, they are actually referring to two different types of hair removal technology that employs heat generated by light. There is the Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) epilators (technically not lasers but xenon flash lamps) and there are the actual diode type lasers. Both styles are often referred to as "Laser Hair removers" and work exactly alike by applying a high intensity flash of light to the treatment area that heats the hair follicle. This continued reapplication of heat to the follicle eventually leads to inhibition of the follicle resulting in permanent hair removal.

We've had laser type hair removal since the 1970's. Modern technology has decreased their size making them small enough for home use. The modern laser is referred to as the personal laser hair remover. Personal laser hair removers are considered safe by physicians and have the same rate of success as the large units when it comes to permanent hair removal.

Heating by light energy or photothermolysis is how laser hair removal works. The laser penetrates the skin by acting on the melanin contained in the hair follicle. The light travels through the skin acting only on the follicle. Reapplying the laser continually heats the hair follicle disabling it and resulting in permanent hair loss. Laser hair removers work best on users with light skin and dark hair. This allows for successful penetration of the skin by the laser. They can be used anywhere on your body for both men and women.

Repeated re-applications of the laser are required for permanent hair loss. As all users are different, the number of treatments will vary. Most users can see visible results within the first 2 or 3 treatments and permanent hair loss is seen with as few as 5 treatments with the laser style hair remover. You will have to wait 4 to 5 weeks between each treatment depending on your skin tone and hair color. Few users report discomfort with the usual side effect being redness, itching or swelling.

The cost of the device can range from $200 to $1000 and will vary with the type and number of accessories (replacement lamps etc.) included in the set. The size of the application area will also vary with the larger lamps costing more as they can treat a larger area decreasing the time required for each treatment.

Want to learn more about laser hair removal? Visit Tony Rodriguez's site on how to choose the best laser hair remover.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Top 8 Myths About Skin Care and Treatments - Busted

The reality, according to actual experts, is far different to what skin care companies would have you believe.

Here, we debunk a few skin treatment myths.

Myth # 1. Pimples and acne are caused by dirt and/or what you eat

How many times did you mother tell you not to eat something greasy because it will 'cause pimples'?

Diet is certainly related to skin health, however, hormones, and rapidly shedding skin cells that get trapped in pores, blocking it, mainly cause acne. Sebum builds up behind the blockage, causing an infection, which then spreads.

So while an occasional piece of chocolate will not cause severe acne, it is always advisable to eat a healthy diet, as the skin's second main function is to detox whatever our digestive systems can't.

Myth # 2. Skin care products can get rid of wrinkles

People spend millions each year on mass-produced anti aging products, which claim to be able to erase the signs of aging, like wrinkles.

This is the biggest myth of them all. To erase wrinkles you need to stimulate collagen and elastin in the deep, dermal layer of the skin. The reality is, most of the products that are available over the counter do not reach down that far in the skin. The most these over the counter treatments can do - by law - is to sit on the top layers of the skin and provide a temporary plumping effect. These mass produced products don't get anywhere near the depth it needs to, to combat wrinkles.

However, the good news is, some medical-grade skin care ranges, available in good skin care clinics, can now stimulate collagen and elastin in the dermis.

Myth # 3. Skin care products can get rid of scars/stretch marks

This is another complete myth. No skin care product can get rid of deep, pitted scars or stretch marks, because these injuries reach the dermis, which cannot be healed by any treatment. In fact, not even laser skin treatments can heal a damaged dermis. The best you can do for stretch marks is reduce their redness.

Myth # 4. Wrinkles are caused by dehydration or skin dryness

Skin dryness can make wrinkles look worse, but the vast majority of your wrinkles are actually caused by sun damage. Drinking more water or slathering on natural sunscreen won't make the foggiest bit of difference to prevent wrinkles, unless the skin care products contain an SPF. The best thing you will ever do to prevent wrinkles is to wear a natural mineral sun block every single day.

Myth # 5. You need to exfoliate daily

This old wives tale causes untold damage to skin across the world. Even some dermatologists would have you believe that some layer of fictitious 'dead' skin cells need to be exfoliated daily. The top layers of our skin, or the epidermal barrier, are crucial to the healthy functioning of our skin and don't need to be over-exfoliated. Latest research shows that a healthy epidermal barrier helps protect us from UV rays, restores normal oil production and protects us from pollutants. Therefore, we only need to exfoliate 1-3 times a week maximum, depending on skin type.

Myth # 6. Oily skin needs to be 'dried out'

Absolutely not. So called clear skin products, like cleansers and toners, dry out the skin, prompting it to produce more oil and to become irritated, making chronic conditions like acne worse. You do not have to 'dry out' oily skin to clear it.

Myth # 7. Men need different skin care to women

This is a misnomer deliberately used by skin care companies to sell more product. Skin is skin. You do not need separate men's skin care.

Myth # 8. We need to remove the top layers of skin with microdermabrasion and other abrasive treatments for anti aging

People around the world use harsh treatments, like microdermabrasion or chemical peels, thinking that by removing the top layers, they are helping their skin. This is not true. By damaging the epidermal barrier with a skin peel or harsh abrasive, you are damaging your skin, this forces your skin to divert nutrients from the dermis to the epidermis to fix the problem as fast as possible. By removing the epidermal barrier, you are accelerating the aging process. If you really want to help your skin, use skin care treatments or natural skin peels that stimulates collagen and elastin at a deeper level and removes loose skin cells only.

Article written by Lisa Dankin of Laser by Sia, a skin care treatment clinic, specialising in natural skin treatments, medical-grade skin care and skin care products, located in Sydney CBD and Bondi Junction. For more information visit our Sydney Skin Clinic website.

Achieve a More Youthful Look With Fraxel Laser Treatments

Laser photo rejuvenation is an accepted treatment for reducing the appearance of scars, age spots and wrinkles. Fraxel laser treatment is a technological improvement over previous laser resurfacing techniques because it allows the surgeon to pinpoint individual cells while leaving surrounding cells untouched. The Fraxel laser can deliver 1000 to 2000 pulses of light per second to a square centimeter of skin. The cells between the targeted cells remain healthy and this lessens recovery time for patients.

Laser resurfacing is offered by board certified dermatologists or cosmetic reconstructive surgeons in Manhattan. It is a non-invasive, outpatient procedure that can be performed using a topical anesthetic. Patients reported mild to moderate pain following the procedure and recovery time is typically one week. Cosmetics can be applied immediately following the treatment and patients can resume normal activities the same day.

The number of treatments necessary to treat a particular area varies. Most patients require 3 to 6 treatments for optimum results. Fraxel laser treatments cause increased cell production resulting in the firming and thickening of the skin. It is effective in the treatment of surface scarring. It can also reduce the appearance of wrinkles and eliminate age spots. It is not recommended for deep tissue scars which usually require more invasive surgery.

Fraxel laser treatment has advantages over other procedures such as dermabrasion. Dermabrasion requires a fair amount of care following the procedure and the recovery period is longer. Cosmetics cannot be used until the skin heals. Another treatment, known as microdermabrasion, has a faster recovery time than traditional dermabrasion but requires repeated treatments. Microdermabrasion is most often used to treat photo aging and is less effective in treating surface scars than laser resurfacing.

There are many dermatologists in Manhattan that offer Fraxel laser treatments. It is important to make sure that your doctor is certified by the American Board of Dermatology. While complications are rare and usually temporary, laser resurfacing should always be performed by board certified physicians specializing in dermatology or cosmetic reconstruction. Improperly performed laser treatments can result in scarring.

Some Fraxel laser treatments are more aggressive than others. More aggressive treatments can result in quicker results with fewer treatments but may require more recovery time than less aggressive treatments. The type of treatment may also depend on the condition being treated. Fine lines and age spots may respond well to a milder form of treatment. Deep acne scars may require a more aggressive approach.

The cost of Fraxel laser treatments varies depending on the area of the country where the procedure is performed, the experience and reputation of the dermatologist and the total area being treated. The cost of treatments in Manhattan will probably be greater than the cost of treatments in Milwaukee. A majority of the patients who were surveyed following treatment felt the results were worth the cost.

The Manhattan Dermatology and Laser Center offers a variety of cosmetic procedures, such as Fraxel laser treatment to provide patients with more radiant skin. To learn more about the Manhattan Dermatology and Laser Center or to schedule a consultation with a Manhattan dermatologist, visit

Fade Skin Spots - Top 3 Ways to Fade Skin Spots

Skin spots or age spots are unwanted spots on the skin. Whether they be on the cheeks, forehead, arms or shoulders, people, especially women, hate to see them. Naturally, people want to have flawless skin. For them, skin spots make them look less beautiful. And the name even has a bad implication. It makes you appear and, whether you like to admit it or not, feel old. Because of this, people try to find ways to fade skin spots fast and easy.

But before you even think of ways to remove them, you have to know first what they are. Age spots, contrary to its name, are not caused by ones age though their appearance becomes more prevalent as one ages. Age spots are also called liver spots. But this also does not mean that they are caused by liver problems. Other people call skin spots sun spots. This is a more appropriate term because age spots are caused by exposure to the sun.

The top three ways to fade skin spots are through clinical procedures, use of topical creams and bleaching soaps and home remedies.

Clinical Procedures

1. Cryosurgery. This procedure uses freezing techniques to remove the skin spots. A freezing agent is applied or sprayed on the skin. Freezing destroys the abnormal skin cells so they are easily removed. This procedure is a bit expensive.

2. Laser treatment. This procedure uses laser technology to remove the age spots. Usually two or more sessions are needed to fully remove the spots. But people who have tried this treatment vouch for its effectiveness. Like cryosurgery laser treatment is also expensive. You would need hundreds of dollars per laser treatment session.

Topical Applications

1. Microdermabrasion. In this method, creams are applied on the skin particularly on the spot where the spots are. These creams contain abrasive particulates that exfoliate the skin. This method rejuvenates the skin. This method can also be expensive.

2. Topical bleaching creams. These creams contain bleaching agents that aim to fade discoloration. However, most of the time, the surrounding areas also lighten so the spots remain visible.

3. Bleaching soaps. They work much in the same way as creams only they are in the form of soaps. You would need a few months for you to see the full results.

Home Remedies

1. Horseradish. To prepare this, do the following steps. Grate horseradish roots. Mix one teaspoon of this with half a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice, half a teaspoon of vinegar and three drops of rosemary essential oil. Dab this mixture on your skin using cotton swab. Apply this twice a day.

2. Castor oil. This oil is said to be effective in removing age spots. You just need to rub organic castor oil into the skin. Effects can be seen after about a month of continued use.

If you want to fade skin spots on your face or on any other parts of your body, you may choose from any of the ways mentioned here. You just have to be careful so that skin irritation will be prevented. It is always best to consult a dermatologist because they can suggest whatever will be best for you. Remember that not everything that is effective for one person is effective for others also.

Ready to learn the secrets to Fade Skin Spots?? Visit today to learn everything you need to know!

Skin Rejuvenation & Fat Removal Procedures - Practical Info

Nobody is exempted from growing old, no matter how famous or rich you are. You will grow old just like everybody else but looking old is a choice. The latest developments in cosmetology have come made it possible for men and women to feel and look younger, particularly through skin rejuvenation. Skin rejuvenation can be done in several methods, like laser skin rejuvenation, Sculptra, Macrolane, Smart Lipo and other procedures. Let's take a quick look at these techniques of rejuvenating the skin.

Sculptra is a cosmetic procedure to hide or correct scars and wrinkles. Used since the mid-90s, Sculptra can help restore the volume and improve your facial contours. Unlike other injectable products like collagen and botox, tiny particles of PLA will be diluted in sterile water and implanted on your skin, and then molded to get the desired results. You may require from three to five treatments in four to six week intervals, and the results are gradually noticeable within two to six months. Sculptra is an ideal way to have laser skin rejuvenation without being obvious to others.

Macrolane focuses on treating the soft tissues and contour the irregularities of your body following liposuction. Some people say they have used Macrolane as an alternative to implant breast augmentation but it may require frequent touch ups for the patient. Smart Lipo is the most popular fat removal treatment that people are resorting to. Although it would cost you from $150 up to even $2,000, the effects are long term. You don't even have to stay overnight at the hospital since you can go home immediately after the Smart Lipo treatment.

Laser skin resurfacing is another popular method of skin rejuvenation which helps to reduce the effects of the sun on your skin. It also reduces the effects of aging as well as facial disorders. Chemical peel is another solution which involves removing the outer layers of your skin to give way for a smoother, glowing layer of skin to appear. Chemical peels are painless although patients may experience a slight tingling during the application of the chemical on your skin.

These are some of the convenient, safe and affordable options that you may consider. Finding a skin expert or a cosmetic doctor who will help assess your needs whether you need to rejuvenate your skin is not that hard. Laser skin rejuvenation brings back smoother, healthier and younger-looking skin.

LMA Clinic is one of the leading centre and specialists in Laser Hair Removal, Smart Lipo London, Cosmetic Surgery etc.

7 Steps to Cleaning the Laser Toner From Your Laser Printer

Cleaning a laser printer, fax, or copier of laser toner can

be easy, provided you know what you're doing and use the

right tools. This article will share with you some simple

tips to help you clean your laser printers of laser toner

like a pro.

A word to the wise: Before I begin, I'd like to stress that

this article is intended only to assist you with basic

cleaning of the laser toner from your laser printer. If

you're unsure of your ability to perform any sort of printer

maintenance, or if performing such maintenance will void the

printer's warranty, you should contact a qualified service


Some safety issues: Though laser printers come in various

shapes and sizes, they all use laser toner (that messy black

powder). While cleaning your laser printer, the last thing

you want is to have laser toner in your lungs or on your

skin. The tips provided in this article should help reduce

the chance of you being bathed in laser toner while cleaning

your printer.

Laser toner particles are so fine that they

can take more than fifteen minutes to settle if they become

airborne make that hours if you have fans or air-

conditioners circulating them through an office. To avoid

inhaling laser toner particles, try to keep the air in the

cleaning area stable and leave the printer area for several

minutes after cleaning. When you return, move slowly, open

all windows, and begin vacuuming any laser toner from the

floor, tabletops, and so forth.

Another dangerous area common to all laser printers is the

fuser-roller compartment. The fuser roller gets extremely

hot during the printing process and is usually covered for

safety. Burns can occur, however, if you accidentally

uncover and touch the roller. I recommend that you leave

your printer off for at least one hour before cleaning it of

laser toner.

As with all electrical equipment, make sure that the power

cable is unplugged before you begin any work.

Here are the basic tools you need to clean the laser toner

from the laser printer:


-Compressed can of air

-Wash cloth


-Cotton Swabs

-Isopropyl Alcohol (99 percent pure)

-Paint Brush (soft bristle, about a half-inch wide)

-Latex gloves (optional)

Compressed air:

You can buy this in any department store or

office supply store. Ranges in price from $3.00 to $10.00

per 10 oz. bottle. Use adequate ventilation please.


You'll want to prevent laser toner particles from

entering your throat and lungs. While laser toner inhalation

has not been proven to cause serious health problems,

respiratory tract irritation can occur with exposure to

large amounts of laser toner dust. Laser toner can also

contain potentially hazardous compounds, such as styrene,

ethyl benzene, and xylene isomers. Use a mask that filters

both odors and fine particles, such as the ones used for

painting and sanding. You can usually find these at local

hardware stores.

Cotton swabs:

You can use the regular cotton swabs found in your local

drugstore or those made especially for cleaning printers.

The printer swabs come with six-inch-long sticks.

Isopropyl alcohol:

Do not use regular rubbing alcohol. Either use chemicals

that are specifically designed to clean the heads of VCRs,

cassette tapes, tape drives, and the like or use 99 percent

pure isopropyl alcohol, which evaporates without leaving any


Paint brush (soft bristle, about a half-inch wide):

This is used to brush out toner from tight crevices. Since

bristles may fall out during the cleaning process, pull out

any loose ones before you use the brush. I don't recommend

using toothbrushes.

Latex gloves (optional):

These must fit tightly on your hands since you want to

maintain skin sensitivity. Drugstores usually sell them in

boxes of 100. This is to keep your hands clean but if you

don't have them you can just wash up with soap and water


Okay, let's begin cleaning that laser printer of the laser

toner. Now that you have the tools, it's time to unplug the

laser printer, let it sit for one hour, and then follow the

steps below:

1. Put on your mask and latex gloves if you have them.

2. Open the printer and gently remove the laser toner

cartridge or laser toner bottle.

3. Use your wash cloth and wipe the laser toner cartridge.

Place the laser toner cartridge aside.

4. Use your vacuum to remove spilled laser toner from within

the printer's internal compartment. Try to prevent the

vacuum's nozzle from actually touching any of the printer's

internal surfaces.

5. Use your paintbrush to remove laser toner from any

crevices. Use gentle motions and vacuum as necessary.

6. Many laser printers use very fine wires (called 'corona

wires') that are often exposed. If your printer has such

wires, take care to avoid vacuuming or brushing them.

Breaking a corona wire can be a costly mistake. Dip a cotton

swab into isopropyl alcohol and gently run it along the

length of the wire. Also be sure to clean the underside of

the wires. Never apply pressure.

7.Reinsert the laser toner cartridge, close the printer,

reconnect the power cord, and you are done.

Avoid using the wash cloth inside the printer. Though you

can use the wash cloth to clean the inside, I do not

recommend it. There are many sharp points that can tear the

cloth's fiber and leave loose strands inside the printer.

OEM vs. Remanufactured Laser Toner Cartridges Although many

people buy OEM Name Brand laser toner cartridges, little do

they know, they really are remanufactured! Can you believe

it? Seriously folks, why spend many more dollars on OEM's

when you can get THE SAME quality laser toner cartridges for

half or less than half the price? When you buy an OEM laser

toner cartridge, just look at the box! It says "Made of new

and recycled materials". The OEM companies want you to send

your laser toner cartridge back to them , so they can

remanufacture it , and sell it back to you as new! Buying

remanufactured laser toner cartridges saves the environment.

Millions of laser toner cartridges get dumped in landfills

every year. So, please, save the environment,and save your


Happy Cleaning!

Rafael Nunez is responsible for all product quality at Alchemy Toners, Inc. Find out how to get money for your empty laser toner cartridges while saving money and the environment by visiting: laser toner cartridges

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Guide to Estimating Laser Back Hair Removal Cost

Laser technology is fast easing off traditional cosmetic surgery where it is applicable because it is minimally invasive, does not require the use of an anesthetic and can be administered while the patient is conscious. Stretch marks, lipo, varicose and spider vein removal are some of the popular procedures as well as acne treatment, eyesight correction, and hair removal for both men and women. Laser removal of hair on the back area is a rising trend among men, so understanding back hair removal cost implications is going to be helpful.

Probably the hardest back hair removal cost structure to interpret on the outset is per pulse but it is actually quite simple. Laser treatment makes use of pulsed light, and every time such a light is fired onto the area to be treated is counted as a pulse. An example application would be $100 minimum for a hundred pulses plus a dollar for every pulse thereafter. Another pricing scheme is contingent on time, commonly, each 15 minutes costing $100 to $150. The most common would be a flat charge, such as $400 to $500 per treatment or a packaged cost per certain number of treatments.

Lasers apply high heat to hair roots, targeting pigment, especially the dark pigment in hair (and also skin) known as melanin. For this reason, they work best on light skinned patients with dark hair, meaning those patients require less treatments. Presently, dark skin appears to react only to the Nd: YAG type of laser and need more treatments. In relation, flat charging regardless of patient profile is going to be most advantageous to either browner skinned or hairier males.

Pricing scheme aside, any standard back hair removal cost is going to be worth it as laser technology is the only method that can retard hair growth in treated areas without causing permanent baldness there, since it destroys hair roots but spares hair follicles. Along with electrolysis, it is also the only method that can thin hair out without removing it completely in the target area, which is important since most men just want to get rid of some but not all hair on their back.

Dimitrie Meran is an observer of Back Hair Removal Cost. Please visit her site at for more information.

How to Buy a Laser Hair Removal Device For Home Use

In 2008, FDA approved the first home laser hair removal device. Consumers now have a safe and effective way to remove unwanted hair in the comfort of their homes. This portable device is available and can be purchased online.

Studies have shown the device to be safe, cost-effective and convenient for use in the home. Salon treatments are expensive depending on the area, or numerous areas, where hair removal is needed. The cost of the portable device can be anywhere between $500 and $800; but with salon savings, will pay for itself in no time.

- Research online stores to obtain the best price for this item. Professional epilators should not be confused when searching for the portable laser since they are not meant for home use.

- Read the specifications and what is included with the device. Some may come with protective eye wear and dye. Be sure that everything that will be needed is included; especially the instruction booklet.

- Read posted reviews to give your self some type of idea of the item's performance when used by others. This should help in the process of making the best selection for your own use.

- When the selection is made, add the item to the shopping cart and check out. Enter your billing information and your preference of shipping method, if more than one type offered.

- Submit information and receive your confirmation. Print the confirmation so that you can call to check the status of your product.

- Some companies will send an email, if one is provide, of the tracking number regarding the shipment. If an email address was provided by you while ordering, check your email for a tracking number.

The laser can be used effectively for removal of hair on localized areas such as the lip, chin or sideburns. It can also be used for bikini line, back and leg hair removal. This device is FDA approved, but works best with light skin and dark hair. Home laser hair removal is not recommended for persons with blond hair; gray hair; or dark skin. The reduction of hair can be maintained with periodic home treatments.

If, like most of us, you are on a tight budget; then this device may be a workable solution to spending thousands in a doctor's office or a salon. The device is easy to use and reviews have been favorable.

Remove unwanted hair, find out more info with full deep review visit At Home Hair Removal.

Sagging Skin Therapies Under Fire

Do nothing about your appearance because critics claim "nothing works", or do something to reverse sagging skin, excess body fat build up and cellulite dimpling?

Are dimpled thighs, double chins or sagging loose skin around your stomach really going to miraculously "tighten up" due to treatment by any of the new high-tech and highly marketed skin rejuvenation therapies?

Scientists and skeptics will argue that cause-and-effect relationships between alleged skin tightening therapies like laser dermabrasion or the radio frequency based Thermage or Titan are simply too weak to demonstrate conclusively across a wide population.

Not surprisingly, the real story is complex with some wrinkle reduced "winners" and some sagging skin "losers" arguing strongly about these New Age saggy skin therapies.

What The Smoother Skin "Winners" Say - Voting With Their Pocketbooks. The current crop of baby boomers are individually putting out thousands of dollars for skin rejuvenation treatments, and combined are spending almost $4.3 billion dollars in 2006 for the full spectrum of body shaping procedures. Big trend setters are those non invasive non surgical body contouring "devices".

Clearly, lasers and their satisfied customers agree that this cold-light technology can stimulate collagen production, tighten loose saggy skin. Otherwise, the market wouldn't pay out these sort of monies, like $2,500 for a Thermage face lift and neck sagging skin treatment.

The "Winners" also point out that these non surgical therapies benefit customers through lower costs, no surgical health risks, no down time and loss of salary or vacation time.

What The Sagging Skin "Losers" Think. Here's the straight talk from industry skeptics. Insufficient clinical evidence exists to show the sort of predicted result claimed by the medical device promoters. "Results" in terms of reducing sagging skin are variable and random, rather than straight-line and predictable.

Worse, these critics tout that the alleged skin tightening "results" reflect swelling or inflammatory response rather than actual collage stimulation, or repairing skin laxity.

Their further argument is that the laser and other light-energy device makers rely on selective before-and-after photos, "cherry picking results" from the "success" end of the therapy spectrum rather than showing the miniscule "typical" candidate.

And patients, who are trying to reduce sagging skin? What's their beef? Any number of personal variables may contribute to poor or negligible, weight, family heredity, amount of excess loose skin. Also, realistic expectations are the big "bargaining chip" when dealing with an emotional issue like "how do I look?" People expect a lot, get a little, then complain.

The Conflicted "Money" Interests Of Some Cosmetic Surgeons. The "jury is out" as to the full results potential of these non surgical therapies for loose skin. Perhaps the "ideal" candidate, showing modest lines and saggy skin, will become the poster boy encouraging future candidates to try it. "Improvements" of 5%, 10%, 20% or more can seem small, yet become significant when applied to your face or body contour.

Meanwhile, surgeons trained in "invasive" surgery can get paid significantly higher fees, plus know that results will be physically dramatic when a patient rolls into the operating theater. Medical devices, on the other hand, do not attract the same high fees, and results tend to be incremental, experienced over time.

So, is money the real factor? Reducing a surgeon's income by removing surgery is unlikely to attract votes from either surgeons or their spouses.

Where's The Government's Role In The Sagging Skin Controversy? In general, most of the body contouring device makers have plenty of market "running room" since the FDA does not directly comment on or regulate these "off label" uses of prior-approved technologies. Most devices get a 510K clearance by demonstrating similarity to an existing approved device, independent of issues of effectiveness. Basically, the FDA doesn't get into the business of risk-assessing low risk devices.

Here's the catch-22. The device manufacturers can't promote "off label uses"...however medical professionals and clinics can, and do, promote the benefits. "Revolutionary collagen stimulant and skin tightening" claims rapidly gain traction with or without the government's review, and certainly without the direct support of device manufacturers.

In order to exploit a FDA approval, device manufacturers must submit their claim to rigorous research, where reliable measurements and repeatable results are necessary. To date, measuring tools are not sufficiently accurate and no company can create a research study that generates "repeatable results".

Get additional technical info about sagging skin therapies, both non surgical and surgical and decide for yourself what?s best for your body image.

Loose Skin Strategies:

Non Surgical Low Impact:

Author Robin Derry is publisher for, a specialty information site that gives solutions to body image and body shaping needs.

Acne Laser Treatment Cost - Is it Worth it?

Being an acne sufferer myself for many years, I know how frustrating trying to control it can be. In my younger years I tried everything; stridex, clearasil, and every soap I could get my hands on. While my acne did lessen after I reached adulthood, it did not vanish, and still to this day I have to maintain a good diet, cleansing of my face and keeping stress low. With technology, there is now laser acne treatment as well as numerous other methods to fade acne scars and control it.

So first let"s take a look at acne laser treatment cost and if this is the best method to control your acne. Most treatments that I ever looked at doing were upwards of $500 per session, and usually it takes 3 or more of these trips to the doctor to get results, depending on the severity of your acne scars.

The second area to look at is the side effects. Of course it is painful, and since some folks have sensitive skin, the acne laser treatment could cause other complications. For my personal preference, the cost and pain do not make this a worthwhile therapy, but that is my opinion.

The latest studies have proven that a main cause of acne is improper diet as well as stress levels. Due to this a new way of dealing with acne scars has arrived on the market. It is the holistic and natural treatment process. At a fraction of the cost, and not near the pain and zero side effects, I gave this a shot. While you will never get rid of acne 100% (anyone that claims you can is lying to you), I have seen sizable improvements in my complexion as well as feeling better due to a more balanced diet.

In summary, some people prefer surgical methods for a solution which is fine, but before you plunk down your hard earned money weigh the acne laser treatment cost versus the benefit. The only side effect you will have with a holistic acne treatment method is being healthier.

Looking for some help with your acne scars? Subscribe to our FREE natural acne treatments [] e-course to learn about treatments the doctor will not tell you, and and start feeling better about your complexion today! This has helped thousands improve their skin already.

Four Reasons Why Laser Treatment for Stretch Marks May Be Effective

Stretch marks are often a dire cosmetic concern for some individuals. The cause of the cosmetic problem may vary from rapid weight gain to pregnancy to body building. When the skin is stretched rapidly in a short period of time, these may occur.

In some cases, individuals may be unlucky enough to experience the cosmetic concern during a growth spurt while in puberty. Heredity and hormonal changes, such as during pregnancy and puberty, are thought to play significant roles as well. Whatever their cause, seeking treatment is a common initiative of those suffering from them.

Laser treatments have been helpful in the treatment of stretch marks and many individuals suffering from these unsightly cosmetic flaws have found relief through these procedures. While lasers are unable to completely remove these blemishes (they are a permanent change in the dermis-the deeper layer of skin), they may be able to lessen the depth of the blemishes in some individuals. The following are four possible reasons for the success of these treatments:

1. One reason for the success of laser treatments is thought to be the increase in collagen and elastin production in the deeper layer of the skin with these treatments. The laser energy stimulates this increased production, helping to lessen the depth of these blemishes so that they may become less noticeable.

2. They are thought to be most effective on immature stretch marks that are still red in color as opposed to those of the white variety, which tend to be older and more mature. Also keep in mind that individuals with darker skin may be encouraged to avoid these treatments, as they may cause hyperpigmentation in the treatment area.

3. These treatments work to help remove the redness in the immature variety, making them less noticeable. They may help to improve some inflammation caused by the condition.

4. Fractional resurfacing may be effective in the treatment of the mature variety that are white in color, or for patients who are most concerned with the texture of the condition.

Other laser treatments such as Dermocell may be an effective way to treat other cosmetic conditions such as cellulite. Wrinkles, fine line and sun damage may be treatable using these procedures as well. Lasers have been a valuable tool in the cosmetic industry and while they like other treatments may not be able to completely remove stretch marks, they may be very effective in reducing their appearance.

Justin recommends visiting a Laser Skin Treatment clinic for stretch mark removal procedures, a consultation and questions for Dr. Navarro on laser skin rejuvenation in Florida.

Laser Acne Treatment Benefits Laser acne treatment is known for providing drastic reductions in acne. You're not alone if you're tired of your blemishes; millions of people suffer from acne. If your severe spots do not seem to respond to topical creams or medications, try laser acne treatment. Laser treatments are able to go to the source of the problem, stopping not only current breakouts but future ones, as well. If your acne is the stubborn kind that just won't go away no matter what you do, consider laser treatments; they are often successful where traditional remedies are not. Acne can be a constant source of stress, but you can do something about it.

After undergoing laser acne treatment, your appearance will be improved. Your skin will be smoother and your complexion will be clearer. You may even start to see effects after your very first session. After your treatment is complete, you can stop hiding behind layers of makeup. Once your spots are gone, the real you will be able to shine. You won't have to worry about your blemishes, and you'll have a boost of self-confidence. Laser treatments are effective not only on the face, but also anywhere else you are prone to breakouts, such as your chest or back.

Many people turn to laser acne treatments because they are easier than other treatments, like messy creams or other topical medications. In fact, using lasers on acne are often successful in cases where these alternatives don't seem to have an effect on pimples. Laser treatment is a painless procedure that takes just a few minutes, compared to the daily hassle of applying creams or remembering to take medications. Afterwards, most patients experience reduced flare-ups for up to two years. Although it's still important to care for your skin properly after the treatment, it won't be a constant hassle to manage your stubborn pimples.

If you usually have an oily face, you'll see additional benefits from laser acne treatment. Because laser treatments work by shutting down oil production in the sebaceous glands, it will reduce the oil on your face, making it less shiny while alleviating your breakouts.

Another major benefit of laser acne treatment is that some of the lasers used can help not only with active acne, but also with acne scarring. Other treatments work only on existing blemishes or future breakouts, but laser treatments can help you achieve smoother skin by reducing the appearance of your scars.

Many people prefer lasers to traditional treatments because it is quick and essentially painless. It can be used to treat existing spots, prevent future breakouts, and even reduce scarring from previous blemishes, all in the same procedure. If your stubborn spots won't go away even after you try topical creams or other medications, consider laser treatments as a way to manage your acne.

Mark Bradford is the author of the Laser Acne Treatment Guide where you will get much more information and advice about this amazing acne treatment; including how the procedure works, how to choose the best laser acne treatment clinic, and the many laser acne treatment benefits.

Laser Light Therapy

If you're like many people, you'll be surprised to learn the full range of laser therapy treatments available that actually work.

Since the days of the Snake Oil Medicine Man, miracle all-in-one treatments have been viewed with skepticism. Laser skin treatment has been touted as 'the miracle cure' with some disillusionment when results are not always as promised. So why the wide difference in results?

Lasers are outstanding across an incredibly broad range of applications - BUT - they must be 'genuine' lasers used by highly qualified laser treatment clinics, and that is the critical difference between lack lustre results and stunning, life-changing results.

First Things First - Which Are the Best Lasers?

The IPL laser treatment (Intense Pulse Light) is a commonly used laser treatment. Due to the broad, multi light frequencies, which affect multiple tissue types, this method is not as accurate or effective and comes with high risk for burning and scarring.

FDA approved, medical grade Alexandrite lasers are the only authentic, safe and effective laser treatment for face and body, honing in on specific biological tissue and consistently achieving exceptional, pin-point, pain-free, results.

In this article, we only refer to the results possible from professionally applied, authentic, lasers.

Laser Treatment for Hair Removal

There is simply no point comparing a smooth, virtually complication and pain free laser hair removal treatment with waxing. A laser hair treatment is the closest you will get to permanent hair removal, and provides superior results in all areas including face, back and Brazilian. Depending on skin type you will need around 6 to 8 treatments for optimum results.

Laser Beauty Treatment

Ultrasonic Visage facial laser treatment is a superior, completely safe, anti aging skin treatment suited to all skin types, smoothing away impurities and dead skin cells to hydrate, nourish and restore aged and damaged skin, regenerate collagen and elastin and maintain a healthy complexion.

Suitable for both ladies and men, Ultrasonic Visage is an ideal laser treatment for scars, wrinkles, photo-aging and a laser treatment for pigmentation, and is not equalled by any other procedure on the market.

Acne Scar Laser Treatment

Ultrasonic Visage also achieves the seemingly impossible in laser scar treatment, offering unsurpassed results treating acne vulgaris, rosacea, facial and back acne and blackheads.

Our rosacea laser treatment is specialised as rosacea, though often confused, is a unique, unrelated, problem. Laser therapy treatments totally rejuvenate the dermis and epidermis, revealing glowing, healthy skin.

Operating from Bondi Beach, Sydney

Laser By Sia are recognised leaders for laser treatment in Sydney, and also offer laser vein treatment and laser treatment for stretch marks. Laser therapy treatments are priced realistically and performed to the highest quality and ethical cosmetic laser treatment and laser therapy treatment standards.

Michelle Dankin is Marketing Manager at Laser By Sia Clinic. Laser By Sia offer professional light therapy & phototherapy skin treatments suitable for acne, pigmentation removal, rosacea and wrinkle reduction at their Sydney Light Therapy Skin Treatment clinic.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Necessary Care After IPL - Laser Hair Removal Treatment

IPL / Laser hair removal, although it is a simple process, does require proper care of the skin in the area that was treated. Generally there is little recovery time needed regarding IPL / Laser hair removal procedures. People can usually return to normal activities immediately after treatment. However, it is important to take the time to follow the recommended guidelines for aftercare in order to protect against any chance of a complication and to reduce any discomfort that may be experienced.

1. Immediately after the IPL / Laser hair removal treatments, there should be redness and bumps at the treatment area, which may last up to 2 hours or longer. It is normal for the treated area to feel like a sunburn for a few hours. Some physicians recommend aloe vera gel or some other after-sunburn treatment such as Desitin. Darker pigmented people may have more discomfort than lighter skin people and may require the aloe vera gel or an antibiotic ointment longer.

2. Makeup may be used after the IPL / Laser hair removal treatment, unless there is epidermal blistering. It is recommended to use new makeup to reduce the possibility of infection. Just make sure that you have moisturizer on under your makeup. In fact, moisturizer frequently and freely on the treated area. Any moisturizer without alphahydroxy acids will work.

3. Avoid sun exposure to reduce the chance of dark or light spots for 1 month. Use sunscreen SPF 30 or higher at all times throughout the treatment.

4. Avoid picking or scratching the treated skin. DO NOT USE any other hair removal methods or products on the treated area during the course of your IPL / Laser hair removal treatments, as it will prevent you from achieving your best results.

5. You may shower after the IPL / Laser hair removal treatments, and use soap, deodorant, etc. The treated area may be washed gently with a mild soap. Skin should be patted dry and NOT rubbed. Underarm areas, that have been treated, should be wiped with alcohol for 24 hours. You may apply deodorant after 24 hours. Wait two (2) days before shaving treated areas.

6. Anywhere from 5-30 days after the treatment, shedding of the hair may occur and this may appear as new hair growth. This is not new hair growth, but dead hair pushing its way out of the follicle. You can help the hair exfoliate by washing or wiping with a washcloth.

7. Hair re-growth occurs at different rates on different areas of the body. New hair growth will not occur for at least three weeks after treatment.

8. Call your physician's office with any questions or concerns you may have after the treatment.

Please note: Stubble, representing dead hair being shed from the hair follicle, will appear 5-30 days after the treatment date. This is normal and will fall out quickly.

For more information click on Laser Hair Removal Houston

Laser Liposuction Surgery - The Answer To Fast Weight Loss?

For those who are dreaming of a fast weight loss solution a surgery could be the right answer. The latest in surgical fat removal or lipoplasty is laser liposuction. The use of a laser has several advantages over the traditional method which uses a needle to suck out the fat cells under your skin.

Before the surgery starts a local anesthesia is applied to the targeted area. Thereafter the cosmetic surgeon puts a cannula under your skin in order to be able to suck out the melted fat.

A short laser liposuction can be finished within a half hour. However, if you want to remove a larger amount of fat or if you want a laser liposuction on larger areas or different areas, then it can take up to two hours until finished.

Laser liposuction cost are just a few hundred Dollars when you just want a quick fat removal for a small area of your body. However, if you want or need more then the costs can quickly raise to thousands of Dollars. A comprehensive liposuction surgery could cost you $10,000 and more.

The laser can remove fat quickly in your arms, neck, back, thighs, abdomen area and wherever else you want to have fat removed. The laser works faster and less invasive than the needle.

The traditional method uses a needle to suck the fat cells out of your body. You may have seen this procedure in the TV already. It looks quite brutal and in some way it is. That's why the laser gains popularity. It works gentler and doesn't cause that much damage.

For this reason the laser has become more popular. Today laser lipo is the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure and performed a thousand times every month. Demand for surgical fat removal, which is also known as lipoplasty or liposculpture, is steadily increasing.

With more than 100,000 liposuction surgery performed each and every year, liposuction and especially laser liposuction has become a very safe and successful way of fat removal. Many people confuse it with a weight loss strategy but liposuction is not an effective weight loss method long term.

Best success is achieved if less than 10 pounds of fat are removed. The risks of a skin or issue damage and a large blood loss increase with the amount of fat removed. Another problem is the elasticity of the skin.

For best success you should be in good shape and in good health condition and only remove fat in limited amounts.

Get all details about laser liposuction and liposuction surgery at

Spring Time Spa Therapies For Your Skin

As Spring is about to be spring on us, this is the time of year when one starts looking in the mirror and seeing dull, dry winter-time skin. What will rejuvenate your skin at this change of season? While the answers aren't the same for everyone, I can tell you there are three truly effective things that you can do to improve your skin's condition - and doing these things with the start of each new season can really establish a routine easily.

First and foremost, start with Microdermabrasion. This is very easy and effective treatment - and is affordable to do on a regular basis. Honestly, this is the most consistent method to maintain skin that is in good condition - without muss or fuss.It is painless, even relaxing, and really has no downtime at all. You could do a microdermabrasion every month if you wanted to.

Second, consider SkinTyte" Laser Treatments. I am seeing very good results with these treatments, and they have proven to be even more effective when combined with an exfoliative treatment (such as Microdermabrasion). SkinTyte" is non-invascive, and is easy to work in between your work and home schedule without any down time.There is no redness, pain, or skin peeling afterwards.

Lastly, embark on MicroLaser Peels" These are far and away the fastest way to better skin. MicroLaser Peels" (most commonly called the Weekend Peel) are the treatments I most often have done myself every 3 to 4 months. Laser peeling has changed drastically since the days when carbon-dioxide lasers were all that were available to us, and we're now able to do light to medium to deeper peels in the office that produce only a few days of redness and flaking skin - and can be repeated on a monthly basis- rather than requiring weeks of recovery and the expense of surgery. Each peel can be very superficial or deep, dependent upon what the patient needs given their lifestyle.

The change of season is a great time to recharge your skin care program. These three treatment methods can bring a glow to your skin as much as warmer temperatures! While any of these can be done at any time of the year, the changing of the season (like the start of the new year), is always a time of considering change form, when it comes to your skin, getting it kick-started for the summer.

Dr Barry Eppley runs a private plastic surgery practice through his hospital-based medspa locations at Clarian Health in Indianapolis. To learn more about the latest trends in plastic surgery, spa therapies, or skin care, go to his daily blog,

Preparing For Laser Removal Laser removal is a process by which individuals will remove hair from their legs, arms, face, and bikini region. During this operation the person will go through numerous sessions and remove the hair for long periods of time or in some cases forever. It is a costly operation - but one in which individuals are more than willing to pay for.

In order to make each session the more efficient you need to understand how to prepare yourself for them. Before the first sitting the technician will explain to you all of the risks of what can come about. If you go through a spa with a good reputation you will most likely never have any problems.

A day or two before the sitting you must keeps out of the sun and the tanning bed. People who have dark skin are not able to have this operation done to them. It is too challenging for the high intensity laser to cut through the dark skin so that it can to pass to the hair follicle. In the majority of cases your physician will turn you away till the skin has lightened. This will keep any discoloration, blisters, and skin aggravation.

You should not wax or pluck your hair a couple of days to a week before the day of the session. These methods may be effective - but for many individuals it might cause moderate to severe skin irritation. Shaving is often permitted because it will aid to shorten the hair slightly and it keeps the follicle intact.

You will find that some dermatologists will require you to shave a couple of days when preparing for laser sittings. This will aid to make it better for the hair to detach from the follicle. Remember that you will call for several sessions for one area and you need to follow these rules before each one.

It is important to know what to do when doing Laser Removal Preparation. If this is interesting to you than you should learn how to become a Laser Removal Technician.

Acne Treatment With Laser Resurfacing

The use of laser treatment for acne has been in use for many years. This type of treatment is increasingly becoming the method of choice for acne removal and reduction. As people are having less success with the different creams and topical treatments, they are moving towards this procedure.

This laser treatment entails a small laser which is directed on the acne area and scar tissue right above your skin. This laser will get rid of areas of the skin with acne and help to bring out new skin growth. This type of procedure is referred to as laser resurfacing.

Treatment with laser resurfacing can bring about formation of new collagen. This protein is what gives your skin that certain feel and texture. Even though this technique is very effective and safe some may experience post procedure complications. The majority of these will be very mild and will last only a few days. You should try not to apply any sort of cosmetics before the area is fully healed.

Your doctor has the option of using several different types of lasers depending on what needs to be done. You will need to consult with your doctor on what is suitable and right for you. Make sure to see some references before proceeding with the laser treatment. It's always a good idea to see some images of before and after the treatment.

Some physicians insist that this type of laser treatment may not work for those with somewhat of dark skin. Treating it will laser can actually change the color of their skin.

Laser treatment also is not very cheap. Some procedures can run into the thousands of dollars. You should sit down with your skin specialist and determine what option is right for you.

Cory has been writing articles on a variety of topics for almost 5 years. Come check out his latest website at which helps you to select the best garage floor covering products.

Acne Treatment With Laser Resurfacing

The use of laser treatment for acne has been in use for many years. This type of treatment is increasingly becoming the method of choice for acne removal and reduction. As people are having less success with the different creams and topical treatments, they are moving towards this procedure.

This laser treatment entails a small laser which is directed on the acne area and scar tissue right above your skin. This laser will get rid of areas of the skin with acne and help to bring out new skin growth. This type of procedure is referred to as laser resurfacing.

Treatment with laser resurfacing can bring about formation of new collagen. This protein is what gives your skin that certain feel and texture. Even though this technique is very effective and safe some may experience post procedure complications. The majority of these will be very mild and will last only a few days. You should try not to apply any sort of cosmetics before the area is fully healed.

Your doctor has the option of using several different types of lasers depending on what needs to be done. You will need to consult with your doctor on what is suitable and right for you. Make sure to see some references before proceeding with the laser treatment. It's always a good idea to see some images of before and after the treatment.

Some physicians insist that this type of laser treatment may not work for those with somewhat of dark skin. Treating it will laser can actually change the color of their skin.

Laser treatment also is not very cheap. Some procedures can run into the thousands of dollars. You should sit down with your skin specialist and determine what option is right for you.

Cory has been writing articles on a variety of topics for almost 5 years. Come check out his latest website at which helps you to select the best garage floor covering products.