Anyone doing some poking around on the internet these days will realize that there are a lot of ways to get rid of troublesome moles. You can choose from things like excision, cryotherapy, natural methods, and even mole laser removal. Whichever option you select will be based on a lot of different facts and circumstances, such as the kind of mole you're dealing with, where the mole is located, and even your doctor's level of experience. What kind of mole you're dealing with is important since this can impact the prognosis and help you anticipate how well it will respond to various treatments, such as mole laser removal.
To help frame the discussion, you can put moles into 2 basic groups. On the one hand, there is the sort of mole that you are born with. Alternately, if not with you at the time of birth, this is the sort of mole that will pop up when you are out in the sun. You can recognize these because they are generally the flat moles that lend themselves to mole laser removal.
Now, on the other hand, you also have the kinds of moles that tend to change, grow, and may even change the way they look or the color they are. When the mole is a bit bigger and three-dimensional to where it stands above the surface of the skin, it is generally not ideal for mole laser removal. These are the moles that run deep into the skin, and the laser simply is not made to get that deep in the skin. To make it work, you would need a series of mole laser removal session before seeing some success. Moreover, a mole that reaches deep into the skin can even tend to come back after you thought it was successfully removed.
Mole laser removal is actually quite benign, though it can sound like it is a painful process. The thing is, right before your mole laser removal, the doctor will give you a local anesthetic. There are times that you may not need a local anesthetic, but you are usually having large enough moles removed that it's most conservative to get the anesthetic. See, the discomfort you feel when you are having mole laser removal could be slight with a small mole, but you should be the person who gets to decide what kind of treatment you want. Part of being informed means that you know the full story though, and often the pain is simply about the same as being snapped with a rubber band. Being educated about what to expect can help keep the pain expectation grounded in reality.
The mole laser removal will be done with a laser you just hold in the hand, using a laser beam to simply burn the mole from the skin. After the procedure, the place around the mole can look red or brown in color and you can scab over as the area heals. The good news is that the mole will turn to a scab and you'll never need stitches because there is no excision. As you can imagine, this leads a lot of people prefer the mole laser removal method. One tip is to try to keep the scab away from straight sun soon after the process. Beyond that, you could always opt for excision and freezing as an alternative to mole laser removal.
Want more useful information on mole laser removal?
Lydia Fairchild is a skin perfection enthusiast and wart and mole removal aficionado. Visit her website at today and get your $440 Unadvertised Bonus and mini-course free!
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