Monday, May 27, 2013

Laser Hair Removal Side Effects - Call it Laser Skin Baring

Maybe when you think of side effects in general you think of nausea or dizziness. There are side effects of laser hair removal that you may not think of as typical side effects. First of all a laser hair removal treatment probably won't make you sick or dizzy. Laser hair removal is, however, a skin treatment and should be considered as such, more so than a hair treatment. Perhaps it should be called "Laser skin baring" or something. Just so people don't get the wrong idea; the word "skin" should be in there somewhere.

Can you get burned?

It was observed long ago that when people got burned severely enough, the hair in the burned area never grew back. When the wonders of controlled lasers were invented all kinds of possibilities for the use of their focused burning beam were imagined. As lasers evolved, their beams and intensities were adjusted for various uses of their burning properties. Laser hair removal is now one of those uses.

Burning is probably a word that is avoided in the laser hair removal industry. It sounds painful and does not conjure up a vision of smooth hairless skin. The truth is that the only side effects that laser hair removal causes are all associated with burns. Of course the nature of a painful burn is understood, but the potential medical complications with a serious burn are also risks that must be mentioned.

The difference between a Specialist and a Hack

It should be noted, so as not scare anyone, that in the hands of a competent laser technician lasers are fairly safe. They cause little harm other than the expected initial irritation. This might be something like slight sunburn that stings a little at first but is better by the next day. The problems really begin when untrained or unskilled technicians use lasers. Potentially dangerous laser equipment can be legitimately operated by the unqualified because laser hair removal clinics are not required to be licensed and are not overseen by any regulatory organizations. It seems like they should be, but they aren't.

It is your own skin at risk, and the possibility of damaging your skin is not a pleasant thought. The best advice is to select your laser hair removal clinic carefully and wisely. While there is no requirement to be licensed, they can have and possess credentials. This may be training certifications from their laser equipment manufacturers or memberships in associations in the laser hair removal industry. Some trade associations also conduct self-regulation. When considering the clinic consider the human being that will ultimately burn the hair of your skin.

Since burning is the singular dangerous side effect after you are sold on the clinic and having the work done, it is time to ask questions. A good clinic and a good technician will be glad to answer them without hesitation. If they don't it might be time to walk away. Don't give any clinic your money until you have satisfied all your questions about the possible side effects of laser burns.

If you have issues with your skin, instead of first taking the advice of a laser hair removal technician, it might be a good idea to talk to a dermatologist about having the procedure done. The absolute point when wondering about laser hair removal side effects is that it is not the hair that is the issue; it is your skin that you must look out for. Get the most expert advice that you can to avoid any problems of a permanent nature, like discoloration or scarring of the treated area. Go to a competent reliable clinic.

Darlene Chisholme runs a website devoted to permanent hair removal. Find out everything you need to know about laser hair removal

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