Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Laser Body Hair Removal: An Overview of the Treatment Process

Laser Body Hair Removal is growing rapidy in popularity as men

and women become more conscious of their body image. It is

estimated that about one million Americans used laser treatment

to remove body hair in 2003; this number has doubled since then.

Interestingly, women outnumber men in seeking this treatment.

Laser treatment can be used to get rid of the unwanted hair

on the face, lips, chin, legs, arms, back, underarm, shoulders,

chest, neck, and bikini line. It is carried out by a qualified

cosmetic surgeon in a hospital or medical facility on an out

patient basis, and doesn't normally require an anesthetic.

The process begins by shaving the treatment area. If the patient

has dark skin, the cosmetic professional applies a bleaching

cream to facilitate better body hair removal results. Once the

treatment area has been shaved and cleaned, a local anesthetic

may be administered to mitigate any discomfort to the patient

during the procedure. But this may not always be necessary.

The surgeon uses a special instrument to deliver pulses of light

into the hair follicle. The heat emitted from the laser damages

the follicles and arrests hair development. The treatment may

take an hour or so depending upon the area to be treated. The

treatment time and intensity of the laser beam depends on the

density and color of the body hair and the body surface from

which the hair is to be removed.

The skin may become red immediately after the treatment. Sometimes, skin discoloration or burning may occur. After the laser body hair removal

treatment, patients should avoid exposing the treated area to

the sun. If it is unavoidable, a sun cream should be applied.

The areas of unwanted hair on women differ from that of men.

Women are most keen to remove hair from lips, chin, bikini line

area and the legs. Men use laser to remove hair from eyebrows,

ears, neck, chest and back. The technique is especially

preferred to remove hair from the back. Most men find back hair

embarrassing, but have very few viable options to remove them.

They have to depend on someone else if they have to shave or

apply depilatory creams. The laser hair treatment is therefore

the most convenient. It is permanent also.

In the case of leg hair, use of depilatory creams, shaving or

waxing can be undertaken by both en and women but they can be

tedious. Moreover, it may become necessary for many people to

shave their legs daily to keep them smooth. Waxing legs isn't as

painful as waxing other areas such as bikini line, but it is

very expensive.

Ellen Daniels offers expert advice and articles on all aspects of Laser Hair Removal. You can read about the latest technology for Laser Hair Removal at

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