There aren't any secrets to treating aging skin. You have various options open to you, and the route you take will generally be decided by your finances or how desperate you are to look younger. Often it ends up being a combination of the two.
In this article we'll look at the extreme measures you can take in the form of dermatological procedures. We'll also discuss the best way to treat your aging skin with simple topical creams or lotions.
Now, to begin with, you have the option to actually have a procedure done by a doctor to remove signs of aging like blemishes or age spots. Some examples of these include:
1. Dermabrasion - the top layer of the skin is literally sanded off to encourage the growth of new skin
2. Chemical Peels - the skin is peeled off by using a chemical agent
3. Laser Treatment - this is the softer of the dermatological procedures, although there is a more painful version called ablative laser treatment used in extreme cases
Now, these procedures tend to be expensive, and with the exception of non-ablative laser treatment they all require some recovery time and come with risks of severe skin irritation, infection and scarring.
You probably want to keep these as a last resort. Yes, they work fast, but they're not necessarily a permanent or a long term solution. They remove the problem, but they don't make you immune to the blemishes reappearing.
The most popular way to remove wrinkles is with Botox injections, but that doesn't mean it's something you should do. It can often lead to an unnatural, doll-like look. Once you've put Botox in, you can't take it out again without considerable surgery, so be very careful about this course of action.
A better long term route to take might well be through simple topical creams. We now have completely natural treatments with safe, advanced organic ingredients that can do wonders for your skin, both in fading wrinkles and in lightening the skin.
The drawback is that these aren't instant solutions. It can take 4-6 weeks to begin seeing results. On the plus side, there is no discomfort, no "down time" and no risk of permanent damage. Your skin will progressively and naturally improve.
The key to treating aging skin with a topical cream is to find the right product that is formulated to support and enhance the natural biological processes in the skin. Many products, for example, simply coat wrinkles with an oily film, but don't actually actively work to remove them. This is a road to nowhere.
To conclude, use dermatological procedures only in extreme cases where your skin is so bad that you can't stomach it anymore. Also, listen to your doctor's advice as these procedures may not be for everyone.
For a softer, long term solution, find a potent organic skin cream formulated to actively help the skin renew itself and combat the signs of aging. With the right product you really can see outstanding results.
What to do next: Grab our special free skin care report that will tell you exactly how you can have beautiful natural skin without the long term risk and side effects of harmful chemicals or cosmetic surgery. Click on through to right now to beat aging skin naturally.
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