Treating the symptoms of Rosacea with lasers has become an effective treatment method. First starting in the 1980's, today there are two prominent laser treatments that are used very effectively to reduce the redness or the face and the prominence of blood vessels visible on the face. These treatments are known as PDL, which stands for Pulsed Dye Laser, and IPL, Intensed Pulsed Light. Let's take a look at these two treatment options.
Pulsed Dye Laser treatments have been used for many years now. Studies on PDF treatments have shown it as an effective aid to reduce a variety of rosacea symptoms, after just one or two treatments! Subjects in the study reported a decrease in facial flushing, itch sensations, dry skin, swelling, burning sensations, and the overall sensitivity of the skin on the face. PDL procedures can cause bruises on the face which last up to two weeks. Ironically, it is believed that to induce bruising will, in the long run, mean a more effective treatment of rosacea. Note that not all laser treatments induce bruising, and it is possible to receive PDL treatments not resulting in a bruised apperance.
Intensed Pulsed Light is the latest and greatest treatment to fall under the laser treatment umbrella. It's actually not technically correct though, as IPL uses a non-laser light source! First approved by the FDA in 1995, IPL has been shown to be very effective in treating a variety of rosacea symptoms. Subjects report that their treatments have resulted in a decrease in papule breakouts, facial flushing and redness, and the prominence of blood vessels on the face. Note that there are temporary side effects of IPL treatment, which ironically mimic a few the symptoms they will ultimately reduce, such as swelling and redness.
Treatments such as Pulsed Dye Laser and Intensed Pulsed Light are not typically covered under most individuals health insurance policies.
The costs are not extreme, but paying for such treatments is not cheap either. You can expect to pay $300-500 (more, sometimes) per treatment session. The amount of treatments needed varies person to person. Good results can be seen with a single or double treatment, but some patients will end up receiving half a dozen or more treatments to see the results desired.
Unfortunately, not all individuals with rosacea are a candidate for laser treatment. There are some conditions which cancel you out, such as having a suntan (which is easy enough to fix!), as well as certain types of diabetes, a tendency to develop blod clots, and also the presence of keloids, which is certain type of scarring on the skin where the skin was damaged and then later healed. Rosacea treatment options offer a variety of ways towards maintaining your regular life while keeping your rosacea flareups under control. Laser treatments, prescription drugs, and lifestyle choices are all tools in the treatment toolbox which should be explored. Learn more in the Rosacea Treatment Guide
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